How to properly make a fence from twigs. Wicker wooden fence: we analyze the intricacies of the “wattle fence” device. Types of wicker fencing

If you are tired of the usual chain-link mesh that acts as a fence for your land plot, apply a little imagination, diligence and... make an original wicker fence. To master the basic principles of its creation, it will not take much time, because the main “problem” that usually confuses those who are thinking about how to make a wicker fence is finding the material for its manufacture.

What is a wicker fence made of?

A wicker fence should be created from flexible branches (for example, hazel or willow). They should be cut in late autumn, when the trees have already dropped their leaves, but the movement of sap in them has not yet stopped. You should go out “hunting” with a pre-prepared “measure” (it can be a branch that has the length you need), and cut only those branches that suit you in size.

In addition to flexible branches for a wicker fence, you will also need thicker branches, but also necessarily straight ones, which will serve as supports in the fence. The thickness of the support branches should not be less than 4 centimeters, and the length should be equal to the height of the fence plus 50-55 centimeters (this is exactly the depth to which you will drive them into the ground).

Types of weaving

Since there are several ways to make a wicker fence, it’s worth talking about them in more detail:

  1. Vertical weaving - for such a fence, the supports should be secured both vertically (pillars) and horizontally (the basis for weaving the fence). With this type of weaving, the length of the bent branches should be only 15-20 centimeters greater than the final height of the fence.
  2. Horizontal weaving is a more familiar weaving method, in which long flexible branches (at least 2 meters long) are laid horizontally between vertical supports. In this case, the step of the supports should not be less than 30 centimeters (otherwise it will be difficult for you to bend the branches).
  3. Oblique weaving is another option for creating a wicker fence, in which some branches are braided diagonally between frequently located supports:

Creating a fence

Creating a wicker fence, regardless of the type of weaving used, should begin with the installation of supports. It is customary not to bury branches serving this purpose in the ground, but to drive them to a depth of at least 50 centimeters (otherwise the fence may topple under gusts of wind). When hammering in support branches, do not forget to check their verticality, otherwise the fence will turn out crooked and ugly.

The next stage is the weaving of the fence itself. Since the branches with the supports are not connected in any way, if you don’t get a beautiful result on the first try, you can disassemble it and try again. Fences in which the branches are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, not one at a time, but two or three at a time, look original.

You can join branches along their length in one of two ways:

  1. By breaking the entire fence into “sections,” that is, you will create a clear boundary separating all the branches (from the bottom to the top of the fence) on the left and right. Such a border should fall between the branches that support the fence.
  2. Complementing each ended branch with another, without focusing on this point. With this method of weaving, it is better to fasten the branches at the junction with thin wire to create the illusion of an “endless” line.

All joints should not be located in one place, but should be evenly distributed along the entire length of the fence.

Pros and cons of a wicker fence

When choosing an option with a wicker fence, the following are noted as its undoubted advantages:

  • environmental friendliness - only natural materials are used,
  • originality and unusualness,
  • the ability to give the fence a curved shape,
  • ease of assembly,
  • no need to concrete the supports or pour them strip foundation under the fence,
  • its height depends only on the desire of its creator.

But a wicker fence made of branches also has disadvantages:

  • it's not very durable
  • flammable,
  • the support branches will rot in the ground in 3-4 years,
  • only suitable for land plots, issued in rustic style.

As an option, instead of a wicker fence made of branches, you can install a plastic imitation of it on your site.

Such a PVC fence, having the appearance of an ordinary wicker fence made of branches:

  • firstly, it will last much longer than its natural counterpart;
  • secondly, it can be disassembled and moved to another place;
  • thirdly, it has a smooth top and side frame, which gives it a more presentable appearance than a simple wicker fence.


And here you will see how to make a fence using the vertical weaving technique:


Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Of course, a 2-meter concrete fence will reliably hide you from curious people. But is your garter technology a state secret and does it lovingly lay out tiles swimming pool at your dacha are you a participant in rigged check auctions? The eye of an ordinary Russian will certainly be pleased with the wicker fence he built with his own hands in one summer.

First you need to decide on the materials. Willow, hazel, alder, and birch are perfect for making your own wicker fence in the garden.

Fence weaving patterns

Instructions for installing a wicker fence yourself

At the first stage, columns are dug into the ground, which will serve as the basis. It can be natural wood or metal pipes suitable diameter. The thicker the rods collected for the fence, the thicker and stronger the stakes must be, otherwise they will simply break. The depth to which the pillars are immersed in the ground also depends on this. The distance between the supports should be 50-60 cm. The depth is sufficient at 30-40 cm, with particularly thick rods up to half a meter.

Before starting work on installing a wicker willow fence with your own hands, the twigs must be softened in the steam room. A salt bath for about twenty minutes is possible. So you don't have to spend extra effort for weaving, and the chance of breaking your building material will be significantly reduced. After the work is completed, the wood will dry naturally and return to its original shape.

Having secured the twigs to the first peg with wire, you can begin painstaking work on making a wicker fence, the design of which is very simple and resembles a snake. The rods go around the posts in a checkerboard pattern. To prevent the structure from falling apart, it is better to wrap the twigs to the support with wire or other available material. You should also make sure that the fence does not reach the ground by 5-10 cm. This will extend the life of the fence and eliminate putrefactive processes. More complex species DIY wicker fences (see photo) require serious skills and are beyond the capabilities of beginners.

Wicker fence made of boards

Making a wicker fence from boards, as in the photo, deserves a separate discussion. This grandiose structure can decorate not only the classic 6 acres. It can serve as an original and worthy fence for a solid country house. The material used is ordinary planed boards. The supports (wooden or metal, it doesn’t matter) are placed at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other and must be concreted due to the very large load exerted on them by the boards. The structure is fastened with self-tapping screws and treated with compounds that protect against rotting. The unusual appearance of such a fence will remind you of the historical past of the country and will make your home stand out from many others.

After completing the work, you need to cover your creation with stain or other composition that will help preserve natural wood, used to make a wicker fence, has a pristine appearance for many years. Can be painted in any color to match the exterior country house and outbuildings. In any case, the structure of the intricate pattern of the fence will remind you of its man-made nature and natural origin.

I would like to hope that our review with photos and videos clarified all the nuances of how to make a wicker fence with your own hands.

Video of making a wicker fence with your own hands

Even in the recent past, wicker fences were the main method of fencing private territory. Availability consumables and its lightweight structure made it possible to build such a structure without major financial investments. The wicker fence has not lost its relevance today. Emphasized archaism and natural material fit organically into the suburban landscape. Another advantage is the ability to make a fence with your own hands.

Features of a wicker fence

A traditional fence is a lightweight fence made from flexible branches or shoots. Characteristic feature Such a fence has a chaotic, makeshift structure, that is, the material is used in its “natural” form and is practically not processed. Wicker fences belong to decorative designs, since they rarely exceed 1.5 in height. High fences are still found today, but this solution does not justify its existence, since the dimensions do not compensate for the fragility of the material, and the cracks will not allow the area to be hidden from prying eyes.

It is customary to use fences to enclose relatively small private properties, or to use them as additional fences inside and outside the site, for example, to enclose flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. It is also ideal for delimiting an area between neighboring areas, since a low structure will not greatly shade the adjacent territory.

Preparatory work

For getting positive result It is very important to properly prepare everything for further work. Making wattle fence is no exception.

Selection and calculation of material

Traditionally, willow (talnik), hazel and willow are used to form wicker fences. These long, straight and naturally flexible branches with a minimum number of transverse processes are ideal for such fences. This material is also symmetrical, which is a definite advantage. In some cases, weaving from wild reeds is practiced. Smooth and long stems bend beautifully, but such a fence will be very fragile. Bamboo wicker will be more durable, but in this case the material will have to be purchased.

Calculation of the required amount of vines is carried out “by eye”. On average, one armful of rods is enough to form a fence 0.5 m high and long. The value may deviate up or down, depending on the diameter of the rods and the density of the weaving.

Note! You can weave tyn from young shoots of any trees and shrubs, but provided that the branches are at least 1 m long. However, it should be borne in mind that when choosing this material, weaving will be chaotic, and the process itself will be more troublesome.

As support pillars use large, even branches with a diameter of 4 cm or more. The use of round beams, boards or metal rods is also appropriate, since this will extend the life of the structure, however, they will stand out strongly against the general background, and the wattle fence will lose its naturalness.

On average, the step between the load-bearing crossbars is from 0.5 to 0.3 m, based on which it is calculated required amount material. The more often the supports are located, the denser the weaving will be, and accordingly, the stronger the structure will be. When weaving vertically, you will also need longitudinal crossbars, at least five for the entire height of the fence.

Photo gallery: patterns for weaving a decorative fence

Horizontal weaving is traditional There are other options for horizontal weaving Decorative weaving patterns can be used if you want to decorate your area Appearance fence depends on the weaving method

Procurement of material

Preparation of rods for wattle fence is carried out in early spring or autumn. During this period, the movement of sap is minimal, and the tree is not burdened with excess foliage. The straightest and longest shoots are selected. If the fence will not be made immediately after harvesting, the branches must be thoroughly dried. For standard weaving, rods with a diameter of about 1 cm are selected. Branches of larger diameter strengthen the structure, but at the same time make the structure less dense.

Immediately before weaving, the shoots are soaked in a container of water to make them more flexible and remove the bark. On average, this stage lasts about a week; for freshly cut branches, the period can be reduced to several days. Once the material becomes flexible and the bark begins to be easily removed, you can begin processing. Ideally, a pinch is used to remove the bark - a split branch of medium thickness with a limiter. Under normal conditions, you can use wire cutters or pliers. The tip of the rod is inserted between the clamps of the wire cutters or pliers and pulled towards itself. If the branch is well soaked, the bark should be removed with almost no effort.

Completely cleaned rods can be coated with an antiseptic and stain to increase service life or change color. This operation is only appropriate if a small fence is being erected, since each branch must be processed separately. The lower part of the support stakes is impregnated with antiseptics and moisture protective compounds to protect them from rotting.

Video: how to properly process willow vines


In addition to preparing the material, you need to make sure you have all the necessary tools:

  • pruning shears;
  • hacksaws for metal;
  • roulette;
  • wooden hammer;
  • large hammer or sledgehammer;
  • wires;
  • construction thread or fishing line;
  • screwdriver.

How to make a wicker wooden fence from branches with your own hands

Horizontal weaving is traditional, as it helps to form a dense and durable fence. The vertical arrangement of branches will not provide the required density. Installation of the fence is carried out in the following order:

  1. Marking is being carried out. A thread or fishing line is stretched along the line of the future fence. Marks for supports are placed according to the established landmark. The distance between the supporting stakes with horizontal weaving can be from 0.3 to 0.5 m. The posts with vertical branches can be driven in every meter.
  2. Load-bearing supports for the fence are driven in to a depth of at least 0.5. When the vine is positioned horizontally, two posts are placed at the beginning and end of the fence so that the rod can be wrapped between them, thereby fixing it.
  3. If a horizontal fence is being assembled, the tops of the supporting pillars are fixed with a batten so that they do not “lead” during the creation process. When the branches are arranged vertically, transverse crossbars are installed. You can use nails or self-tapping screws to secure them.
  4. Rods are woven between the pillars. Work begins with the thicker end. Weaving is carried out according to the figure eight principle - the first post goes around the front, the second from behind, the third from the front again, etc. The lower rods are attached to the supporting stakes using wire. This will keep the fence from sliding to the ground.
  5. The excess is cut off. If the rod ends, for example, on the fifth pillar, then weaving continues from the fourth. This is necessary to ensure that the fence is uniform. You also need to periodically direct the rods in the other direction, changing the course of weaving. The protruding ends of the branches can be fixed with wire.
  6. Before installing the last row of rods, the fixing strip is removed. The top row is also tied with wire to the supporting stakes.

The recessed part of the supports is the weakest point of the fence, since it quickly rots and collapses due to the influence of ground moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to install stakes that have been previously driven into the ground. plastic pipes suitable diameter. This will increase the service life of the fence several times.

Vertical weaving is carried out according to a similar principle, with the difference that each rod is recommended to be fixed both at the top and at the bottom so that the structure does not wobble.

Video: how to make a wattle fence from hazel twigs in the country

Caring for finished tyn

On average, the service life of a fence does not exceed 5–7 years. After this period, the fence begins to deteriorate. The main "enemy" wicker fence is dampness, which causes the supports and lower part of the structure to rot. To extend the life of this product, it is necessary to prevent water from accumulating underneath it. It is also undesirable for thick and high grass, since high humidity is created in the thickets.

For protection, you can use antiseptics or matte varnishes. They will protect aboveground part from exposure to moisture. If you prefer a varnish coating, then it is advisable to use matte compositions, since gloss will look unnatural. Annual treatment with protective compounds will help maximize the service life of a wicker fence.

It’s easy to make a wicker fence with your own hands, even outside the city. In this case, financial costs will be minimal.

A wicker fence is rather a beautiful designation of the boundaries of the site and an element landscape design than a reliable fence to protect the territory. Wattle attracts rustic charm and a feeling of comfort, which is why quite often this type of fence is used in the country as a fence inside a plot or as a border for a flower bed.

Several options for installing wicker fences and fences in the country

You can make it yourself from almost any flexible materials:

Advantages and disadvantages of a wicker fence

Having decided to install a fence on your site, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a fence. has the following advantages:

Wicker fence also has disadvantages:

  • Short service life and instability to natural factors. Wattle made from vine, hazel or willow will last no more than 10 years;
  • Wattle is considered insufficient solid construction, unable to protect the site from uninvited guests. Although a two-meter fence made of tightly woven branches with a diameter of more than 2 cm is quite difficult to overcome;
  • Complex restoration work. If one fragment of the fence is damaged, it can only be removed and replaced with full analysis sections;
  • Fire hazard. A wattle fence is flammable;
  • Such a fence looks organic only in the country house and near cottages in a rustic style.

Types of wicker fencing

Types of fence depending on height

Wicker fences according to weaving method

By installation method

  • Mounting on . When the rod runs out, a new one is taken and weaving continues; the ends of the branches are secured with wire. If used, the strength and durability of a wicker fence increases significantly;
  • Installation of fence in sections. Pre-woven fabrics are located between the support pillars. Such sections are easier to restore or completely replace if damaged.

Preparation and processing of material for a wicker fence

You can make a wicker fence from any pliable rods. Traditional material for weaving is willow. This is the most strong material with excellent flexibility, which is also quite common. For weaving you need rods at least one and a half meters long.

It is best to harvest willow branches in the spring before the sap begins to flow, in late summer or autumn. The rods are selected as even as possible and of the same thickness.

These can be young one-year-old shoots, which are used for weaving in bunches, or branches 2-3 cm thick for high fence. For medium and small hedges, shoots with a diameter of 1-2 cm are cut. The branches for the fence are cut with an oblique cut; they can be used freshly cut or prepared for future use and dried. Dry branches are steamed before installation.

Preparation of material

Living and non-living method of weaving a willow fence

There are a lot of weaving methods, and the first thing you need to decide is which type of fence is preferable for a particular area: its height and weaving technology. There are two types of willow wattle: living and non-living.

Living wattle fence

The peculiarity of a living wicker fence is that the hedge gradually begins to grow and forms a fairly strong fabric. Caring for the fence is simple: growing branches are trimmed or given a new direction. Although such a fence will protect the territory no more than a picket fence, over the years the living fence does not deteriorate and only becomes stronger.

An example of constructing and growing a living wicker fence

Making such a fence is not difficult. Let's consider a master class on how to create a vertical wicker fence with your own hands:

The resulting mesh of rods will soon turn into an unusual one hedge. Such a fence does not require protective painting or impregnation, unlike non-living fence.

Making willow fences with your own hands is not so difficult if you properly prepare the material and study the technology. Wicker fences come in two types: living and non-living. The first ones are used as protection from prying eyes, as well as in decorative purposes, the second - for decorating a flower garden or garden bed in a rustic style, for fencing a vegetable garden or summer cottage.

A wicker fence made of willow fits perfectly into any facade.

Preparing willow twigs

Before you start work, you need to prepare willow twigs. It is best to cut the vine at a time when sap flow is stopped (from autumn to early spring). Such material is much better stored and can be processed. If you are planning to make a wicker fence in summer time, then it is not necessary to prepare the material in advance; you can use freshly cut vines that have been properly processed. For hedges, willow is harvested during the period when sap flow is suspended. The rods are cut at an angle and placed in buckets of water. The room temperature should not be too high, otherwise the willow will germinate prematurely.

Options for simple weaving of a willow fence: a – weaving pattern, b – through one post, c – through one post with four rods, d – through two posts, e, f – options for combining techniques.

When preparing material, choose a bush with good upright shoots, the age of which does not exceed 2 years. Such rods have the proper thickness and good flexibility. The vine is cut using pruning shears or a special sickle-shaped knife at an angle. After cutting the rod, make sure that its core is not loose, and its diameter is at least 1.5 and no more than 4 cm. The cut should not have a brownish tint. The rods need to be cleared of leaves. Immediately prepare branches for the base of the fence; their thickness should exceed 4 cm in diameter.

Vine harvested in the spring-summer period must be immediately cleared of bark. For this purpose they use special device called “squeezer”, which allows you to process a large number of rods in a short period. If desired, you can make the pinch yourself. Take a thick branch, split it in the middle, and wrap tape or twine around the split area. The vine is cleaned by pulling it through a squeezer. The willow is laid out in a sunny area to dry, but it is important that the rods do not touch each other, otherwise they may rot.

Vine harvested from late autumn to early spring must be boiled in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, then dried in a warm place where there is no dampness. Rods treated in this way can be stored for quite a long time, but it is important that the temperature in the room does not drop below 0ºC, otherwise the material may rot. Before starting work, you need to steam the vine in a water bath or soak it in a container of water. This procedure will help give the material the proper flexibility and ductility.

How to make a wattle fence from willow twigs?

You will need:

  • pruner;
  • mallet;
  • vine;
  • branches for the base;
  • hammer and nails;
  • pegs and rope;
  • wire.

Making a wicker fence is not that difficult. The first step is to mark the future fence using pegs and rope. Then you need to drive thick, even branches into the ground, which will serve as the basis of the structure. To ensure that the fence does not warp, it is strengthened with the help of transverse slats, which are driven horizontally at a distance of 30 cm. As the weaving progresses, the auxiliary slats are removed, but if the fence of branches is long enough, then it is better to leave the crossbars. To make it easier to drive the support into the ground, it is necessary to sharpen it in the form of a wedge at the end of each stake. Important: the bottom of the supporting branches must be treated with liquid roofing material or burned, which will prevent rotting. Drive stakes to a depth of 35 to 50 cm (depending on the height of the fence).

The distance between the supporting stakes should be at least 30 and no more than 50 cm. The thicker the vine for weaving, the wider the step between the main stakes.

When weaving, it is necessary to allow the willow to bend freely; it should not spring, which can happen if the warps are too close. The tip of the first rod is nailed to the base, then the vine passes behind the second stake, leads out, goes around the 3rd stake in front, the 4th base in the back, etc. When weaving, it is very important to connect the rods inconspicuously. This can be done in several ways, for example, connecting the vine in the cut area using wire or tape. If the willow is thin and flexible, then the twigs are intertwined with each other, and the ends are brought inside out, then carefully trimmed.

Each subsequent row is performed in a mirror image: those stakes that were skipped in the previous row are rounded. Craftsmen use almost the same techniques as when making ordinary baskets. During weaving, the vine is compacted using a mallet, otherwise the fence will look sloppy. Weaving from 2-3 rods at the same time looks very impressive. In this case, the technology is the same: the base is woven in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, you need to ensure that the rods do not intertwine, but run parallel to each other throughout the entire weaving.

You will need:

  • branches for the base;
  • vine;
  • tape (wire, rope);
  • pruner;
  • nails, hammer.

Using a willow hedge, you can zone a site or protect flower beds from garden plantings.

A hedge made of vines looks very impressive. In addition, this design is an excellent protective structure, which is important. To make a living fence, you need to make markings, then drive in base stakes at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. The diameter of the branches for the base should be 4-5 cm. The stakes are driven to a depth of 35-50 cm (the higher the fence, the deeper the base should go into the ground).

The structure is fastened with horizontal planks at the bottom and top. Intermediate cross bars are nailed depending on what type of weaving will be chosen. So, with a vertical arrangement of the rods, transverse strips are nailed to a height of 25-35 cm from each other. If you want to make a hedge in the form of a grid, then horizontal supports placed at a distance equal to the height of the cells of the future fence (from 35 to 50 cm). Many craftsmen make do with only the upper and lower crossbars, but if you do not have experience, then it is better to use additional fastening, and after the fence is ready, you can remove the horizontal slats.

Willow rods are stuck into the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm, the distance between them should be 20-30 cm. For a vertical fence, the vine is stuck straight, for mesh weaving - at an angle. In those places where the willow rods come into contact with the crossbar or intersect with each other, they are fastened with rope, tape or wire. When using mesh weaving, it is necessary to trim the bark at the junction of the rods and carefully wrap the vine with tape - then the willow will grow together in this place, forming beautiful shape in the form of a lattice.

It is important to remember that the vine will thicken as it grows, so the wire tie should not be made too tight. As the vine grows, it is freed from its fastening and adjusted using pruning shears. If a rod does not take root, it is replaced with a new one. In order for the willow to take root well, it is necessary to add to the soil river sand or another baking powder, water the planted twigs in a timely manner, not allowing the soil to dry out for a long time. Best time for planting hedges - this early spring when there are no leaves on the willow yet and sap flow is just beginning.

Decorating and protecting a wicker fence

In order for a wicker fence to last as long as possible, it is necessary to treat the wood with a special antiseptic agent against rotting and damage by insects. Willow itself contains tannins that protect the tree from pests, but high humidity Wood can become moldy, so it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic. Modern industry offers varnishes with various additives that not only improve the wood, but also increase its service life.

To give the fence the desired shade, use stain, acrylic facade paint, colored varnishes. You can bleach wattle using hydrogen peroxide. It is equally important to supplement the decorative elements, for example, hang clay jars on stakes, plant sunflowers along the fence, let climbing morning glory, hops or maiden grapes grow along the fence. The fences placed along the fence will add a special charm. garden sculptures. Anyone can make a willow fence with their own hands; all you need is desire and pliable natural material.