Interesting ideas for balconies with French windows. French balcony: photos of design options from classic to modern interpretation. French wrought iron balcony – photo ideas

Many people do not have the slightest idea what a French balcony is. However, almost everyone has seen such a structure at least once in their life. The French type balcony is called portfnetr, which in the original language means door and window. This is exactly what this design looks like. Only from regular door or windows is it different forged design gratings - fencing.

Previously, French balconies were narrow protruding platforms with wrought iron fencing, on which only one person could stand. Also, such structures served as a kind of ventilation for the room.

What is a French balcony and what is it for?

Today, a French balcony is usually called panoramic windows from ceiling to floor, which have access to a small area with lattice fencing. From the side, a French balcony looks like a voluminous basket due to its curved shape.

This design does not perform any significant functions. Due to the small size of the area, the balcony cannot be fully used for storing things or relaxing. In addition, room ventilation today is carried out in a completely different way. However, the balcony is a rather original decorative decoration of the building. And for lovers indoor plants- this is just a find. After all, on such a balcony you can place a considerable number of flowerpots with flowers and other plants that can be an excellent decoration for the facade.

Buildings equipped with French balconies look very elegant, elegant and attractive. From such a balcony it is much more pleasant to admire the beautiful landscape outside the window.

Advantages and disadvantages of a French balcony

Like any design, a French balcony has its advantages and a number of disadvantages. Main advantages are:

  • Absence additional expenses for the installation of the parapet, its subsequent finishing and strengthening.
  • There is no need to cover the outer part of the balcony with siding or corrugated sheeting.
  • French balcony does not require internal insulation and sheathing.
  • The design visually expands the space and fills the room with an additional stream of light.
  • Creation exclusive panoramic window.
  • No welding work during installation.
  • Saving money on the purchase of materials for interior decoration.
  • Lots of options for decoration.

TO shortcomings designs include:

  • No window sill. Although this disadvantage is compensated by the absence of excess dust.
  • The frame of a French balcony must be equipped intensifying elements.
  • A room with a French balcony is required additionally ventilate in the hot summer, since the direct sunlight entering the huge panoramic windows is quite strong. And, conversely, in the cold season the room must be additionally heated.
  • The cost of installing such a design is relatively high.
  • Needs to be washed large area glass surface.

Technical characteristics of the French balcony

TO technical specifications include the parameters of the depth and width of the balcony, the presence mosquito nets, drainage and others additional elements designs. The material of manufacture, its color and quality are also taken into account. If there is a need for lightening the design, then you should definitely use an aluminum profile.

However, this option is more expensive and much worse in terms of heat and soundproofing properties than the metal-plastic option. The main characteristic counted quantity window sashes, which depends on the area of ​​the balcony and its intended appearance.

The doors can be swing and open outwards, blind or partially open. It all depends on the wishes of the customer and the chosen design of the double-glazed window. It is equally important to take into account the material of the facade to which the balcony is attached and the installation height.

Types of French balcony

There are several types of French balconies. The most uncomplicated is the balcony in the form of an ordinary glass door, which can have a fence both outside and inside the opening. More complex design is a balcony having a small concrete ledge. As a rule, such a balcony is supported from below by a decorative cornice. This option is considered classic.

The type of balcony may differ depending on the method of its attachment to the facade of the building. Fastening can be point-based, which requires minimal use metal elements. The balcony can also be secured with a profile - a pipe. You can find glass enclosed in metallic profile, which is attached directly to the building.

The type of French balcony depends entirely on the wishes of the customer. It may have additional handrails and a forged fencing, or it may simply be in the form of huge panoramic windows on the entire wall. Big influence color affects the appearance of the structure window profile and double glazed windows. The profile can be plastic or wood. And the glass is transparent, tinted or made to match the color of the building's facade.

French balcony installation technology

Installing a French balcony is not an easy task. Therefore, it is better to entrust this work to professionals. The installation of the structure is carried out in several stages. If the balcony is being installed for the first time, then first you need to do necessary measurements and inspect the finishing elements. This design installs much faster than traditional balcony, since no welding or work on internal and exterior decoration. When installing a French balcony, the metal-plastic structure is reinforced with a profile and reinforcing elements. The balcony is reliably strengthened on all sides due to a certain installation technology.

There is an option to transform an ordinary balcony into a French one. To do this, you first need dismantle all fences are made of concrete and cut down metal railings, if any. Then you need to strengthen concrete slab, on which they will subsequently be installed double glazed windows made of metal-plastic or aluminum. Aluminum profile has some advantages due to sliding system opening.

However, the cost of such a design significantly exceeds metal-plastic option. It is best to use double-glazed windows. For better thermal insulation In the room in which a French balcony is installed, it is better to use energy-saving glass. Since the structure consists almost entirely of glass, additional insulation is extremely necessary, otherwise in winter it will be cold in such a room.

Partial glazing can be done. To do this on top part balcony, a double-glazed window is installed, and the lower part is mounted sandwich panels. This design does not require additional insulation and sheathing. To glaze a French balcony, you must choose double-glazed windows of maximum strength. Of course, it is more practical and reliable to combine glass with sandwich plates. The design will eliminate the fear of open space. This option is quite practical if there are children in the house.

It is very popular today to use glass with one-way transparency. They will help eliminate concerns about people from the street being able to see anything indoors. Therefore, you can safely walk around even in your underwear, without fear of being noticed.

French balconies are only gaining momentum in popularity. This perfect solution for those who want to enjoy the beauty of nature without leaving home, or who do not have enough space in a small, cramped apartment. The French balcony undoubtedly indicates impeccable taste the owner, his desire for grace and aesthetics. Owners of private houses can fully appreciate this design. Best decoration the facade of the building is hard to come up with, especially if the balcony is equipped with elegant metal bars and filled with all kinds of flowers and plants. Such decoration is available to almost everyone and does not incur particularly high costs!

Photos of French balconies

French balconies are one of the most beautiful design ideas. On a balcony decorated in this direction, you can place a variety of flowers.

The overall composition will evoke admiring glances from passersby and fascinate. There are many varieties of such beauty and the choice is only yours.

What it is?

Few people know that French balcony in the native language it sounds like “portfnetr”, which translated means window and door. Initial view This addition was based on a small platform where only one person could be present. Many people wonder: what is a French balcony, without understanding this construction term.

Nowadays, this terminology is used to characterize a panoramic window, the height of which is measured from floor to ceiling. In this case, the balcony is fenced with a forged lattice. Many compare it to a basket because of its round shape. Artistic forging gives it unique beauty and elegance.

Nowadays, French balconies are called balconies or loggias that have panoramic glazing from floor to ceiling

The functionality of such a balcony is very small, because the size does not allow you to store anything on it or simply relax. Previously, this design was used for ventilation, but nowadays it acts as an addition to the exterior.

The only useful functionality it has is for gardeners who grow flowers at home. You can display your entire collection on the French balcony, which will look very nice from the outside.

Many people have long acquired such an exclusive item and delight the eyes of passers-by. This balcony will allow you to make the facade of your house original and charming.


Balcony with a small ledge

The French are very aesthetic, but the types of their products of this type only two. Traditionally they are divided into the following types:

  1. With a platform. There is a small ledge made of concrete. The balcony is very narrow. The width usually does not exceed 40 cm.
  2. No platform. Standard design of a glass door, which is fenced with a metal fence. Quite beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This scheme will allow you not to worry about your child, even with the door open.

Modifications of balconies

French balcony is great for flowers

French balconies have gone through many changes, but the design has remained the same. Over time, small decorative elements were added to it, for example, a cornice with curtains made in the Roman style.

Many people depart from tradition, as a result of which they glaze the entire balcony and attach it to the main room, thereby creating a unique view not only of the room, but also providing a stunning landscape from the window. Also from this combination free space can be done small library or a small greenhouse.

Connoisseurs of such architectural innovations know little secret that a French balcony is a structure that presents the owner in the best light.

Each product is made unique through artistic forging, and a flight of fantasy in decorating rooms makes it possible to highlight your individuality among many other analogues.


A lot depends on the first impression, and it, in turn, depends on the appearance of the French balcony. Everything is based on the following nuances:

In general, everything depends on the person himself, on his desires and preferences. Shape, size, appearance, color - all this will be displayed inner world person and will enable observers to appreciate his efforts. And where else to realize your fantasies, if not in artistic forging? To learn how to make a French balcony with flowers, watch this video:

Don't forget that originality is always in fashion. In order to make a unique French balcony, you should first draw up a sketch of the room and consult with specialists about the application of your ideas.

French balcony, what is it? This is exactly the element that can complement the exterior and create harmony of the entire facade.

If you have the opportunity and desire, be sure to acquire such beauty, because by equipping a balcony or loggia in this style, you will not only give completeness to the entire room with outside, but also rationally plan its use for personal purposes.

French balcony is a beautiful name that pleases the ear and gives the imagination a lot of elegant and sophisticated images. In the European tradition, there is an even more romantic definition of this element: “Juliet balconies” - Juliet’s balcony.

Today there is some confusion with the definition of the concept of a French balcony. Essentially the same term refers to different designs. Namely: the classic French balcony is a fully glazed balcony door, fenced off from the street by a forged lattice or other fencing - without balcony slab; And French loggia balcony– fully glazed regular balcony. What they all have in common is ceiling-to-floor glazing. Both options have obvious differences and, accordingly, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Emphatically sophisticated, indicating the good taste of the owner and his sense of style. Such a balcony does not protrude forward of the façade, and with modesty and dignity preserves the comfort of the room he has decorated. At the same time, the high glazing of the balcony door seems to flirt with the street onto which the balcony faces, teasing passers-by or observers from neighboring houses with the opportunity to look deep into the room.

One of the options for a classic French balcony is a wide panoramic window with opening sashes, fenced off from the street. This solution looks both stylish and luxurious. A large glazed opening in the wall visually enlarges the room and, as it were, unites it with the street, and the ability to open the doors gives a fabulous feeling of the limitlessness of space. In combination with good view from the window the interior becomes richer and richer. And such a balcony can give the facade a special metric, or an exquisite accent to the room being decorated.

The fencing of the classic French balcony has several variations. It can be placed either inside the opening, or outside - with a slight indentation from the facade. In the second case, there may be a small projection of the cornice, on which you can go out and lean on the railing. The fence itself can be forged with a complex openwork pattern or have the appearance of a simple metal lattice, and in modern interpretation it can be replaced by wide, durable glass.

Forged fencing is often made according to designer sketches and can give the balcony and facade in general an unlimited number of compositional options.

Glass fencing is a laconic, modern, stylish way to decorate a French balcony.

A protruding cornice along a balcony can become an interesting decorative element to match the fence. It can be decorated with plastic stucco or given an interesting shape in plan.

The French balcony in the form of a fully glazed loggia is also very interesting and popular today architectural element. The structure is made from aluminum profile or metal-plastic. IN apartment buildings such balconies are often the compositional basis of facades. Combined into large blocks, they make the facade visually light, and the ability to reflect the surrounding view harmoniously fits the building into the urban space. Such houses look most impressive against the background of the sky, partially merging with it with their reflection.

Such a balcony can give a private house unique space free view with the ability to glaze the ceiling and even the floor.

Design implementations French loggia varied. Forged grilles can be added to the glazing, bringing the loggia closer to the look of a classic French balcony. Or make some of the glass reflective, creating so-called comfort zones on the balcony, inaccessible to view from the street. Can be issued inner space curtains and drapes. The technique of stained glass is very interesting - the graphics of the bindings and the play of light in colored glass can create a fabulous atmosphere inside the loggia and enliven the facade of the building.

Pros and cons of the classic French balcony

  1. High aesthetic appeal due to the possibility individual design fencing.
  2. Visual expansion of the room due to the inclusion of street space in the interior.
  3. Increased insolation of the room from larger area penetration of sunlight.
  4. Simplicity and cost-effectiveness of installation due to the absence of a balcony slab.
  1. Lack of additional balcony space.
  2. No window sill.
  3. Significant increase in room temperature in summer time in sunny weather due to the large glass area.
  4. Additional room heating in winter period due to the large opening in the outer wall.

Pros and cons of a French loggia

  • Panoramic view.
  • Modern look.
  • Simplicity and cost-effectiveness of finishing: no additional insulation and cladding, unlike a regular loggia.
  • A large number of design interpretations in the design.
  • A more powerful and, accordingly, more expensive structural frame.
  • A large amount of work when washing glass.
  • Discomfort for people afraid of heights.

The French balcony, in the full breadth of understanding of this term, is a very interesting and relevant architectural element. The main feature is the blurring of the boundary between the room and the street space due to the increased glazing of its structures. Features of the implementation can make the French balcony a very economical element, as well as an example of wealth and luxury. In both cases, a French balcony will easily emphasize the refined taste of the owner and help solve functional problems.

What is a French balcony? If you start to understand this issue, it becomes clear that this concept means several different types designs that differ in both appearance, and in terms of performance characteristics.

Classic French balcony

This term usually refers to a wrought-iron French balcony. He has several characteristic features. Firstly, the size of such a structure is small - a maximum of two people can fit on the site, and this is still a good option. Most often, the ledge is equal to the width of the foot, so you won’t be able to step out onto it. Such French balconies are intended for something completely different - it is assumed that a person will simply open the window wider and stand in the opening, enjoying fresh air And beautiful view. Second distinguishing feature such a structure is a floor-to-ceiling window, namely a window, not a door. Of course, in modern versions provided
doorway, because customers insist on this. But the classic French balcony is still big window, fenced with an elegant forged lattice,
sometimes with a slight protrusion. Similar structures can be found on old buildings built in 1950-1960, when they were extremely fashionable. However, they were included in the architecture of many houses built in the style of Soviet classics.

Modern style

However, today, when a customer talks about a French balcony, he most often means French balcony glazing. This term usually means finishing with transparent panels over the entire height of the structure and decorating the entire structure with a beautiful forged lattice. Availability of elegant iron or brass
curlicues distinguish this style from conventional panoramic glazing. It should be noted that this design is much closer to us than classic French balconies.
It turns out both beautiful and practical, because there is much more space on a regular loggia. Of course, today many people are no longer storing old items on their balconies.
things, skis and bicycles, but this space will not be superfluous. Here you can set up a small tea room, beautiful flower garden or smoking room.
The main disadvantage of such glazing is that the entire space will be clearly visible to passers-by. However, the most shy ones can order tinted windows.

French balcony as a decorative decoration

The third and final option is decorative decoration in french style. It represents a beautiful wrought iron fence installed on one or all windows of the building. This design does not carry any functional load, and is used as part of the exterior. Such decoration, especially if it
quite large, often difficult to distinguish from a classic French balcony. The main feature by which they are distinguished is the size of the window. If it starts
from the floor, then we are dealing with a balcony; if it is a standard size, then the iron grille is just decoration. Such decorations are often hung or
they install vases with flowers, the main thing here is not to overdo it and not to hide all the elegant curls behind the greenery.

Where can I install a French balcony?

The main misconception of ordinary people is that they believe that a forged grille can only be installed on certain type building made
in a classic style, with graceful curved shapes. In fact, a French balcony in a Khrushchev building will look as harmonious as on any house
with simple rectangular shapes. Of course, it will stand out against the background of standard buildings, but only in better side. Classic French
balconies will look out of place only on high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete, but no one tries to hang them there, since such an architectural
Few people will like the mess.

But in construction country houses and large mansions there is an increased interest in French architecture, more precisely to the design of building facades. And in
Lately It is customary to decorate balconies and loggias in a special style - they turn out large and functional in Russian and light and light in French

Design Features

French balconies have a row design features. Firstly, the door or window must clear the entire opening from the floor, which makes it possible
increase the room by the amount of the ledge. That is why they are most often used for doors. sliding structures, as well as “books” or “accordions”. The last two options do not provide thermal insulation, which is simply a crime in the Russian climate, so I use them quite rarely. well and swing doors They don’t fit into the idea of ​​a French balcony at all, so they are used only where styles are mixed.

Secondly, in some cases it is necessary to take care of additional heating, for example, install a wall heating system.

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is that French balconies are designed to let in as much light as possible into the room, and sometimes it
turns out to be too much. On a hot summer day, the room behind the panoramic glazing can heat up to incredible temperatures, so you need
think over a system of protection from the bright sun.

French balcony: price issue

The cost can vary very widely, everything will depend on the size of the structure, the price of decorative elements and customer requirements. For example, French glazing of a balcony is essentially the usual finishing with transparent panels and the installation of a wrought-iron grille. If you add it up, you get at least 15 thousand rubles. for glazing (for a standard balcony in an ordinary nine-story building) plus from 8 thousand rubles per linear meter iron structure. In addition, you need to add the cost of work to the final amount, so the price will be quite impressive. On the other hand, small forged decorative elements will cost only 1.5-2 thousand rubles per window, and you can install them yourself.

It is worth noting that French balconies of all types are worth the money spent on their installation: they add light and space to the room, making a home
much more luxurious than it was before.

By using French glazing, you can feel the real spirit of the city Among various types glazing French windows on the balcony are becoming increasingly popular. A design, the peculiarity of which is the installation of a translucent material - glass, transparent PVC– from ceiling to floor, becomes an expressive accent of both the interior and the facade of the building. This glazing creates the feeling of a large free space filled with light.

French glazing of the balcony

Surely many city residents have noticed the unusual glazing of the balconies of high-rise buildings, which seem to serve as a huge window for one of the rooms. They seem to be its continuation or the original veranda adjacent to the apartment. Behind the high glass you can see flowing curtains from the ceiling to the floor, and the side of the balcony is decorated with a beautiful lattice. This design is called a French balcony.

Some modern variations of the French balcony do not have railings: this will make it look more industrial and fashionable.

The French balcony has a long history. Previously, it consisted of doors surrounded by metal forged railings in the opening of the outer wall.

To a greater extent they:

  1. Performed the function of windows;
  2. Served for ventilation and lighting of rooms.

This type of architectural solutions was mostly common in France, Italy, and Spain. Having opened the door, only one person could go out onto such a balcony, not to mention placing furniture or arranging shelves there. The maximum that could fit on them was a few flower pots and containers.

IN modern construction the decorative function of the French balcony has given way to practice, and it already has its own platform protruding from the facade of the building, usually glazed panoramic windows. Its main feature is that French glazing of the balcony instead of standard reinforced concrete or metal fencing uses double-glazed windows in PVC, aluminum or wooden structures.

Such glazing is suitable for balconies located on the highest floors

As a rule, this type of glazing is performed on separately located balconies. The loggia is an unsuitable place for this, since the blank walls on the sides do not allow achieving the desired effect of a full panoramic view.

French windows in the interior of a balcony (video)

Pros and cons of a French balcony

When deciding whether it is really rational to install French windows on your balcony in your case, you need to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons.

Among the advantages:

  • Created visual effect expansion of space;
  • Due to panoramic glazing there is good lighting;
  • The use of energy-saving materials allows you to save on insulation and cladding;
  • During the installation process, you do not have to resort to expensive welding work;
  • Provides good sound insulation;
  • Guaranteed durability of the structure;
  • Provides ample opportunities for exclusive elegant design interior

Panoramic balconies are made of the highest quality and modern materials: in addition, due to good lighting, the balcony becomes visually larger

Some features of French glazing are considered disadvantages:

  • Sometimes it's not easy to get used to completely transparent balcony, especially in an apartment on a high floor - then it is recommended to cover the lower part with matte sandwich panels;
  • In summer, in regions with a hot climate, on sunny days such rooms can create a greenhouse effect - in this case, shading with thick curtains and frequent ventilation will help;
  • On frosty winter days, additional heating will be needed to avoid hypothermia;
  • The design features the absence of a window sill;
  • The frame must be further strengthened with reinforcing elements;
  • Glass surface requires special means care to maintain crystal cleanliness;
  • Glass is a relatively fragile material, and it is not advisable to allow small children to play near it.

The interior of your balcony will always be visible even from the street

Protect privacy You can protect yourself from curious prying eyes by installing blinds on the balcony. An alternative is to order tinted glass, which will open up a wide panorama of the street, but the apartment’s residents will not be visible from the yard.

Features of a French door on a balcony

Doors are an important part of the design of not only the balcony, but also the interior of the room to which it adjoins. Therefore, it is important that this detail fits into the styles of both rooms. It is immediately necessary to take into account that a standard narrow balcony door will distort the entire effect of the panoramic expanse of French glazing. And this will not brighten up even a completely glass door.

You should pay attention not only to form, but also to functionality:

  1. Double swing option– an excellent solution only if the doors open into the room, so as not to take away the already small area of ​​the balcony;
  2. Sliding doors– chosen when the width of the room and the furniture allow the use of part of the wall on both sides for the movement of the product;
  3. Accordion door– convenient in that it is easy to mount to any opening width, but small areas It is recommended to choose narrow sections.

Sliding doors are designed for small rooms: they are great for saving space

During installation french door As a rule, a part of the wall with a window opening in the room is demolished. This is only allowed if you balcony design allows this due to its technical characteristics. This partition is not only load-bearing, but also supports the balcony slab.

Installation procedure for a French balcony

The process of installing a French balcony consists of several stages, but is much faster than installing a traditional one, since there is no need to welding work, insulation and finishing.

To ensure a high-quality result, the structure is installed using a level

The work order is as follows:

  • The required measurements are taken.
  • If necessary and with permission, the window opening and partition of the balcony block are dismantled.
  • Concrete and metal fences are being dismantled.
  • The concrete slab is being strengthened.
  • Double-glazed windows made of aluminum and plastic are installed, which can also be combined with sandwich panels if desired.
  • IN doorway install the frame and sashes.
  • The cracks and voids are filled polyurethane foam. The excess is cut off before it hardens. The joints are treated with plaster.

Which curtains to choose for French windows (video)

French glazing can transform not only the balcony, but also the interior design of the adjacent room. To remain satisfied with the installation work performed, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the right one suitable door. Trust the specialists, and the process will not take much time.