How to clean a white countertop. How to remove grease from kitchen furniture using folk remedies. Kitchen furniture cleaning products

Cleaning the kitchen is serious business. Prepare your rubber gloves and enthusiasm - in this article we will tell you how to clean the kitchen at home easily and safely for finishing facades, countertops and aprons (including wooden ones!).

But, before you start choosing a recipe, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following universal rules and recommendations, which are relevant for both painted/unpainted wooden kitchens, as well as laminated, varnished, plastic facades from MDF and chipboard.

  • For those in a hurry, we advise you to go straight to the recipes using the quick navigation (at the beginning of the article).
  • The most important rule is: ALWAYS test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area before cleaning your kitchen. Treat it, then wipe clean and dry, wait 1-2 minutes and evaluate whether the color of the coating has changed, whether the shine has disappeared, etc.
  • Fatty coating on kitchen furniture is a mixture of dust with fumes and a tiny suspension of fat that are formed during cooking. The older the plaque, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, the optimal schedule for “general” cleaning of the kitchen from grease is 1-2 times a year, “major” cleaning – every 2 months using soft remedies and, of course, when the need arises.
  • To clear hard to reach places, cracks or decorative finishing use toothbrush, soaked in the cleaning product from our article. You can also clean narrow crevices with a knife wrapped in cloth.
  • Do not use harsh abrasives; only baking soda, a soft toothbrush, or the hard side of a regular foam sponge are acceptable. This is especially true for wooden kitchens, as well as any painted furniture without a top protective coating.
  • When cleaning the kitchen, it is better to use a new sponge with a clean abrasive side. An old, greasy sponge can do even more damage.
  • At the end of cleaning, it is advisable to wipe the kitchen: clean with a damp microfiber cloth and dry with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. This way you will avoid streaks and residues of the cleaning product itself.
  • When cleaning the kitchen, pay special attention to the cabinets above the stove.
For a wooden kitchen (painted with stain, enamel or other types of paint, unpainted but treated with oil/wax/polish/special impregnations/matte varnish, etc. For all other kitchens: glossy, varnished, plastic, laminated and painted MDF and chipboard sets
A wooden kitchen requires the most delicate care. Most “folk” remedies like peroxide, ammonia, alcohol or citric acid are contraindicated for it, as well as ordinary alkali-based household chemicals. Whether you use expensive or cheap household chemicals, the main thing is that it contains alkali.
It is the one that most effectively copes with fat and dirt.
Manufacturers of wooden kitchens recommend washing facades only with special products containing neutral Ph or a solution warm water and soap (dishwashing detergent), diluted in a ratio of 5:95. But what if the Fairy solution does not remove old fat and stubborn stains? Ideally, thorough cleaning of the kitchen should be entrusted to special cleaning services, especially if the kitchen is relatively new, with expensive finishes. Our recipes are in most cases safe for wood, but there is still some risk in them. It is convenient to use a spray bottle to clean the kitchen.
When wiping the kitchen, try to move along the grain of the wood, and not against or across. This will allow you to better clean the pores of the material and act more delicately on the fibers. Before applying cleaning agent to the contaminated area, moisten it, for example, using a spray bottle. Moisture will speed up the chemical process somewhat. reaction and will make cleaning easier.
The rag should not be too wet. Excess moisture is harmful to wooden surfaces.
After washing and cleaning wooden furniture, do not forget to treat it with protective wax, oil or polish.

Method 1. Express cleaning and polishing for advanced cases (soda + vegetable oil)

PURPOSE: wooden UNpainted kitchens and countertops (coated with matte varnish, oil, wax, polish, any impregnations), varnished and laminated kitchens made of MDF and chipboard, aprons made of any materials.

This recipe is especially helpful if you need to bring it back to life. old kitchen or countertop for minimal time and money.

  • With its help, you can, firstly, easily remove tightly adhered drops of fat, plaque and stains. Secondly, to “seal” the pores of the wood, protecting it from moisture and dirt. And thirdly, to give the facades a natural shine and brightness. Basically this old one home recipe Replaces both cleaning agent and furniture polish.

CAREFULLY: painted wooden kitchens and light wooden kitchens (oil may yellow slightly).

CLEANING FREQUENCY: It is important that cleaning with soda-oil is carried out regularly - at least every 2 months. The fact is that oil tends to oxidize and lose protective properties, may vary in color.


Step 1. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil(can be used in larger quantities in a ratio of 1.5:1).

Step 2. Apply the resulting “scrub” to contaminated surfaces, focusing Special attention cabinets in the stove area. The soda will crumble a little, and the oil will be absorbed like polish. You will see that the tree will become cleaner and a little brighter before your eyes.

Step 3: Wipe treated areas with a clean, damp microfiber or soft cloth.

Step 4. Wipe the remaining cabinets from dust and light dirt with a damp cloth. If necessary, you can treat the entire kitchen with an oil-soda solution.

Method 2. How to remove local stains, grease and dirt (6% vinegar + warm water)

INTENDED USE: For all types of surfaces, but with caution for wooden surfaces.



Add 6% vinegar to warm water in a 1:1 ratio, then remove dirt with a sponge or spray the product from a spray bottle, wipe the treated area clean with a damp cloth. Finally, dry the surface dry soft cloth or a microfiber cloth.

Method 3. Universal recipe for deep and thorough cleaning (6% vinegar + isopropyl alcohol)

PURPOSE: For spring cleaning old grease and other complex contaminants of painted and unpainted wooden kitchens, laminated, varnished, plastic glossy facades made of MDF and chipboard, all types of countertops and aprons.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: 1-2 times a year.


Step 1. Mix 6% vinegar with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) alcohol in a 7:1 ratio and add a few drops of liquid soap to the solution.

Rubbing isopropyl alcohol can be purchased at outlets that sell printer supplies, companies that sell fiber optics, and specialty online stores. You should not experiment with other types of alcohol.

Step 2: Wipe the cabinets with the mixture using a microfiber cloth.

Step 3: Now wipe the kitchen clean with a cloth soaked in warm water.

Step 4. Finally, rub all surfaces with a special oil for wooden furniture, which contains beeswax. This action will “seal” the pores and protect your kitchen from stains, dirt, moisture and grease for a long time.

Method 4. Ammonia + warm water

INTENDED USE: For all types of surfaces, but with great care for wooden surfaces.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: if necessary, but not more often than once every two to three months.


Add to warm water ammonia in a 1:1 ratio, then remove dirt with a sponge or spray the product from a spray bottle, wipe the treated area clean with a damp cloth. Finally, dry the surface with a dry soft cloth or microfiber cloth.

Method 6. How to remove burnt dark stains from cigarettes (linseed oil)

PURPOSE: To remove burns on unpainted wooden facades, countertops or aprons.



Rub into the stain linseed oil using a soft, clean cloth until it disappears.

Method 7. Removing stains and scratches (6% vinegar + vegetable oil)

PURPOSE: For mashing minor scratches, removing grease and stains from wooden kitchen furniture, countertops and splashbacks.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: If necessary and with caution.


Rub a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil (diluted 1:1) into the scratches using a soft, clean cloth until the scratches disappear.

Method 8. Removing difficult stains (6% vinegar + salt)


Make a creamy paste from vinegar and salt. Dip a toothbrush into the toothpaste and lightly scrub the stained area. Rinse off the paste clean water and dry with a clean towel.

Method 9. Removing difficult stains (soda + damp sponge)

PURPOSE: To remove difficult and stubborn stains such as berry juice, ketchup or chocolate from wooden kitchen furniture, countertops and aprons.


Simply sprinkle some baking soda on a damp sponge and rub the stain. You can also use a soft toothbrush.

If there is a clean kitchen in the house, it means that the housewife is very neat and clean. Untimely cleaning leads to very serious pollution and health problems. If the kitchen is in terrible condition, then unsanitary conditions develop in which it is impossible to properly prepare tasty food. In order to restore order even in such a situation, you need to know how to clean the kitchen countertop from grease and stains. You should purchase good cleaning products or make homemade ones. We'll look at which ones in more detail below. The main thing is to take into account the material (chipboard, MDF, stone, etc.) from which the kitchen set is made.

Cleaning and maintaining the countertop

Remember the following basics of proper care:

  • The tabletop is not intended for cutting food, as this can have a detrimental effect on its surface - leaving scratches.
  • Laminated kitchen tables are not resistant to high temperatures and water. It is not recommended to place hot dishes on them without a stand. If you notice a watery spot, try to remove it as quickly as possible with a dry cloth, otherwise removing the hot spot will cause difficulties in the future.

Important! You can wash a kitchen countertop made of any material using ordinary soapy water and a sponge. This method is suitable as a preventive measure and for removing minor contaminants.

How and with what to clean the countertop in the kitchen?

The product for cleaning the countertop in the kitchen should be chosen depending on the material from which it is made, since for each design one or another detergent will be useful, or, on the contrary, harmful.

Now in stores household chemicals You can find a wide variety of cleaning products that can easily cope with difficult cleaning tasks. Some people use improvised products that are practically no different from store-bought ones. Use soda, vinegar and other universal substances. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of the drug used.

Effective care for stone countertops

Clean kitchen table made of natural stone is necessary daily, since small pores can become clogged with dirt, then it will be more difficult to wash it. Caring for such kitchen furniture is not difficult if all manipulations are carried out in a timely manner.

Choosing a detergent for stone table, give preference to non-potent formulations. It is recommended to use natural cleaning products such as:

  • ordinary warm water;
  • vinegar;
  • aroma oils.

Important! If the contamination is minor (dust, crumbs), wipe the countertop with a soft microfiber cloth. It absorbs dust and small debris well.

In more complex cases, it is necessary to take more serious measures. There is one very effective way, which makes it easy to remove stains from a stone countertop. You will need:

  • Apple vinegar.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Geranium oils.

When all the components are available, we proceed as follows:

  • Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a few drops of each aromatic oil.
  • Afterwards, apply the resulting product to a sponge and treat the table.
  • Then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! Using this method, you can eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Caring for an artificial stone kitchen countertop

It is much easier to clean a table made of artificial composite stone than one made of natural material. You can use abrasive preparations and hard brushes when washing it. This will have virtually no effect on the stone surface. They use both chemical cleaning compositions and improvised ones:

  • If you don't want to attach special effort If you don’t trust natural preparations, you can use the special product “Sif”. The substance has a very soft, liquid consistency and will easily remove dirt without leaving scratches.
  • You can also use available tools: citric acid and baking soda. Dilute a tablespoon of soda and a teaspoon of acid in 500 ml of warm water. Soak a sponge in this solution and treat the table surface with it. Then wipe it again with a cloth soaked in clean water.

How to care for and how to wash a plastic countertop?

Kitchen furniture with a plastic surface is quite resistant to many types of dirt and water.

Important! The only drawback in its operation is instability to high temperatures. Under no circumstances should you place hot dishes on such a table, as there is a risk that the surface will melt.

You can clean a white or colored plastic kitchen countertop using powder and liquid cleaning compounds, as well as folk remedies. Let's look at a few proven substances:

  • Regular washing powder. Sprinkle it on the surface and wipe with a damp sponge until the stains disappear.
  • Soda and table salt. They work on the same principle as washing powder.
  • Vinegar. Perfectly disinfects the table surface and removes dirt.

Important! If you use these products by combining them with each other or with aromatic oils, the effect will be better and the cleaning process will speed up significantly.

How to clean a light-colored countertop?

You can wipe off dirt from light-colored kitchen furniture using household chemicals and universal available substances. Let's look at a few effective methods for removing stains from light-colored tables:

  1. Liquid dishwashing gel “Fairy”. It is necessary to apply a small amount of emulsion to a damp sponge and treat the surface of the table with it. Then remove the remaining foam with a clean damp cloth, preferably several times.
  2. Toothpaste. Works great with yellow spots from tea. Apply a little paste to the surface and rub it in a circular motion with a soft toothbrush or sponge. Remove residues with a damp cloth.
  3. Salt. Removes old and greasy stains. Sprinkle it on the surface of the countertop and rub it with a sponge soaked in water. Then wipe the table dry with a towel.

Important! When using liquid detergents, add a little baking soda - this will enhance the effect of the cleaning agent.

How to clean grease from a wooden kitchen: simple recipes

Wash wooden table top in the kitchen you can remove fat using several simple means. Let's look at the most commonly used ones:

  • Paste of vegetable oil and baking soda. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of soda with 2 tablespoons of oil. You will get a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. Spread the mixture over the surface of the table with a sponge and work it in a circular motion. Next, wipe the table with a clean damp cloth.
  • Vinegar solution. Mix a glass of clean water with a glass of table water or apple cider vinegar. Pour the resulting solution into a bottle with a spray bottle and spray the furniture. Leave for half an hour. During this time they will disappear bad smell and microbes. It is much easier to remove stubborn stains after this treatment.
  • Medical alcohol. Removes stains from fruits and vegetables well. Soak a cotton swab or pad in it and wipe the stain with it.

Important! Since wood is a very delicate material, it is necessary to dry the surface of the tabletop after each treatment.

Gentle cleaner for wooden surfaces

Wood is a very delicate material, so you need to be very responsible when cleaning it and choose the safest cleaning compounds. The most harmless are:

  1. Cosmetic clay. Penetrates wood fibers and eliminates dirt of any complexity. The best result will be obtained if you add a little soda to the clay.
  2. Starch. Make a paste of starch and water and remove the stain with gentle movements. The remaining mixture is removed with a napkin.
  3. Soda with added aromatic oils. This emulsion eliminates unpleasant odors and disinfects wood. You can use tea tree, eucalyptus or lavender oil.

Important! The main thing is to try to remove the stain as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to be absorbed into the material. Sometimes you can impregnate the surface with wax to preserve the natural color of the furniture for a long time.

Unusual cleaning products

In order to remove the most unpleasant stains from the table, you can use various cleaning sprays, gels and powders. But despite the wide range of detergent compositions, there are several unusual options to remove contaminants:

  • Powdered mustard. It should be rubbed into the surface wooden table. This way the color will be refreshed and stubborn dirt will be washed away. Remains of mustard powder are removed with a dry sponge.
  • Lemon. Has good disinfection properties. The surface of the table is treated with a circle of fruit. All stains will immediately lighten after use.
  • Vodka. It works on the same principle as medical alcohol. Removes “colorful” stains and kills germs.

Important! When purchasing a chemical cleaning composition, pay attention to the instructions. It is not recommended to purchase abrasive substances, as they can adversely affect the structure of the furniture.

In this article we told you how to clean a kitchen countertop made of natural and artificial stone, plastic, wood. We hope these tips help you deal with stains faster and easier, and your kitchen always looks neat.

To quickly and easily deal with stubborn stains, use laundry soap, vegetable oil, soda, mustard, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. With these handy ingredients you can get rid of stains of any age. Combine the products and prepare a solution, apply it to the surface to be treated, let it absorb and rinse off after 15-30 minutes with a soapy sponge.

The most popular is cleaning with household chemicals. Specially designed cleaners safely help remove grease from many kitchen surfaces and remove stubborn dirt, requiring a minimum of effort.

The only drawback of these products is their high cost, since to clean the entire kitchen you need several different cleaners and ones designed for washing furniture and kitchen utensils.

Popular and highly effective household products, are:

  • Amway;
  • "Shumanite";
  • "Silit Beng";
  • "Mister Muscle".

Note ! Products containing abrasives and chlorine are strictly contraindicated for use on plastic or MDF surfaces, as they can scratch or discolor the coating.

Having selected a cleaner based on the type of contamination and type of surface, start cleaning, following these recommendations:

  • read the instructions for use;
  • follow the dosage so as not to damage the color and coating of the headset;
  • Wear protective gloves when cleaning to avoid burns and allergic reactions;
  • ensure optimal flow fresh air, since some products can be toxic and cause dizziness.

When treating grease from cabinets, use special kitchen wipes that have a soft structure and absorb a minimal amount of product. Simply apply the cleaner to a cloth and wipe down your wood door or countertop. To remove heavy dirt, leave the surface treated for 20 minutes, then thoroughly rub and polish.

Types of MDF facades and cleaning methods

Before cleaning your kitchen from accumulated grease and dirt, it is important to understand what material it is made of. This will allow you to choose the right cleaning product.

The most popular cuisines are from:

  • wood;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • plastic;
  • glass

Each material has its own cleaning methods. It is convenient to wash plastic and glass facades with alkaline, salt and soda agents; with oil and soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide – wooden, MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard.

Cleaning using traditional methods

With the advent of household chemicals, faith in folk remedies began to disappear, but, despite everything, they are a worthy and economical substitute for expensive products.

They can clean almost all surfaces; the main thing is to combine the components correctly and assess the degree of contamination.

Mustard powder

Our grandmothers cleaned grease from kitchen furniture with ordinary powdered mustard. The principle of processing with this ingredient is simple:

  • Wet the contaminated area with water.
  • Sprinkle mustard powder onto the damp surface of furniture, stoves or household appliances.
  • Rub with a dry kitchen cloth.
  • Wash the napkin with water, soap it with laundry soap and remove the remaining mustard from the panel being treated.

In this case, mustard is a mild abrasive fat solvent. It delicately scrapes off fat deposits from the surface without damaging the headset's coating. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning fresh stains or minor old ones.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen with soap and soda

Soda-soap solution works on the principle of mustard, but is more effective means. Easily cleans home cutlery and kitchen appliances, ceilings and.

To clean the kitchen this way, follow the sequence:

  1. Grind the laundry soap (1/2 bar) using a food grade grater.
  2. Fill with water until you obtain a cloudy, slightly viscous, homogeneous solution.
  3. Spray the dirty panel with soapy water.
  4. Immediately sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge.
  5. Rub onto the soaped area.
  6. Leave the stain to sit for about 20 minutes.
  7. Wet a clean rag and wash off the baking soda and soapy water.

Note ! If you have treated wooden surfaces or laminate, do not forget to reduce panel contamination and increase the service life of the headset.

Soap and soda can clean and disinfect almost the entire kitchen, including. But if the furniture is glossy or varnished, choose a different cleaning method. Such surfaces should not come into contact even with soft abrasives to avoid scratches.

Cleaning natural wood furniture with oil and soda

The combination of soda and vegetable oil is good for cleaning grease in the kitchen, since it is one of the folk remedies that allows you not only to remove dirt, but also to care for wood.

  1. Prepare a creamy mixture of baking soda and sunflower oil, mixing the ingredients 1:2.
  2. Treat congealed grease to a wooden dresser.
  3. Use a soft brush to scrub away any excess fat using gentle movements.

If stains from furniture items are difficult to wipe off, let the mixture penetrate into the structure of the stain for about 15 minutes, rub again and wash off the residue with a damp sponge and detergent.

Watch the video to see how effective this recipe is:

We clean glass, plastic, furniture with vinegar

Vinegar is used to clean various surfaces and other types of dirt. The ingredient has this effect due to the acid, which effectively dissolves splashes of fat. The product is simple to use: pour a little vinegar onto the stain, let the stain soak for 15–20 minutes and wash off with a sponge treated with detergent.

It is impossible to pour the product onto vertical cabinets and doors, so apply vinegar to a sponge (amply), wipe the surface and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. In this way you can also.

Note ! To enhance the effect, you can combine detergent with vinegar, pouring the acid onto a sponge, along with a drop of dish soap.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

The ventilation system prevents odors from spreading throughout the house and absorbs most of the grease splashes, accumulating them on the grille.

We wash the most difficult parts - handles and other fittings with steam cleaners

Hardworking housewives acquire special ones. This technique removes all types of contaminants from various surfaces and disinfects them. The device is suitable for processing any type of wood, plastic, small fittings, cutlery, etc.

The device acts on contamination with steam, which affects the structure of the fat deposit, making it soft and liquid. As a result of operation, you will be able to clean:

  1. kitchen facade, electrical appliances, tables and walls from grease splashes;
  2. restore shine to glass or stainless steel utensils;
  3. remove scale;
  4. , bacteria and fungi.

The device does not require the use of oilcloth, but allows you to wipe off stains of varying complexity and age from the table, walls, cabinet handles, gas boiler, chipboard, MDF and chipboard.

Clear the kitchen of greasy stains possible household and folk ways. Before processing, be sure to determine what material it is made of. If the furniture is varnished, avoid using abrasives such as soda and mustard. For other kitchens, as well as walls, tiles, ceiling will do any cleaning method.

Larisa, June 10, 2018.

Today from acrylic stone produce various decorative and interior items, but are in greatest consumer demand table tops. They are practical, beautiful, durable.

How to care for an artificial stone countertop? It is enough to follow a few basic rules so that it retains its aesthetic and strength qualities for a long time.

Proper care of an artificial stone countertop will help maintain its impeccable appearance for many years.

Like any interior items, acrylic products require proper care. This is especially true for the kitchen countertop, which is exposed to steam and hot objects every day while preparing a family dinner, as well as water and detergents while cleaning and washing dishes.

General Tips for artificial stone care:

  • When cleaning the surface, do not use aggressive chemicals and metal scourers
  • Wipe off food and drink stains regularly
  • Protect the countertop from hot dishes

Routine care

Acrylic stone belongs to the category of hygienic materials. The complete absence of pores does not allow bacteria, mold and dirt to penetrate inside the countertop. This reduces regular care of acrylic artificial stone to cleaning with a regular soft sponge.

It is recommended to treat acrylic products with a degreasing detergent or liquid soap. Cleaning is done in a circular motion, and at the end of the procedure, the surface is wiped dry with a towel. To add extra shine and smoothness, you can use a non-abrasive polishing paste.

When answering the question “How can I clean a countertop?” It is necessary to clarify which means should not be used for this. In particular, do not use powders, paint thinners and metal cleaning agents, as well as products containing acetone, methylene chloride, aggressive acids and abrasives.

Removing “difficult” stains

Unfortunately, “soft” cleaning does not help in all cases. For example, how to wash an artificial stone countertop if there are old stains of grease and dirt on it? To remove them, use ammonia-based compounds - artificial stone is immune to this substance.

In addition, today on sale there is special means designed for cleaning acrylic stone countertops. First of all, these are non-abrasive chlorine cleaning pastes.

How to get rid of scratches?

Despite the practicality of the material, it is not immune to minor damage. They can be left by a knife or any sharp object, a metal or too hard sponge. To remove scratches, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer of the product - specialists will re-grind and polish the surface and return it to its original appearance.

Artificial stone is very practical material, so scratches on the countertop can be easily repaired.

In special cases, it is necessary to replace the damaged area, but this is not a reason for disappointment - acrylic stone can be easily repaired.

What not to do with artificial stone

  • Do not place hot pots, pans or other utensils on the countertop, or heating electrical appliances
  • Do not drop heavy or sharp objects on the countertop
  • Do not cut foods on the surface without using a cutting board.

Thus, caring for an artificial stone countertop is not particularly difficult, and with proper attention, this piece of furniture will delight you for many years.

Caring for your countertop various materials not the same - for some you can use potent drugs, for others this is strictly prohibited. Below are suggested effective ways how to clean stone and plastic countertops without using.

Effective care for stone countertops

The beauty and durability of a kitchen is determined by work surface. How you care for your countertop will determine how long it will last. The surface of the workplace needs to be thoroughly cleaned daily, but without damaging the top layer. Therefore, when choosing what to wash your countertop with, give preference only to non-abrasive natural products.

Although a natural stone attractive enough, it requires regular care to maintain its shine longer appearance no stains or scratches. Effective care stone countertop includes daily wiping of the surface with a microfiber cloth.

In other cases, when visible dirt appears, it is necessary to use natural detergents.

Recipe No. 1.

You will need: 1.5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 7 drops tea tree essential oil, 5 drops lavender essential oil, 2 drops geranium essential oil.

Cooking method. Before cleaning your kitchen countertops, mix essential oils tea tree, lavender and geranium with apple cider vinegar.

Application. You need to apply the resulting emulsion onto a soft sponge and wipe the surface of the countertop. Then use a cloth soaked in clean water to wipe it again. This composition has disinfectant properties and is able to neutralize unpleasant odors.

Caring for an artificial stone kitchen countertop

Working surfaces made of artificial stone are more unpretentious in relation to external influences. To care for countertops made of artificial stone, you can use abrasive detergents and hard sponges.

Recipe No. 2.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Cooking method. Add baking soda to 400 ml of water and lemon juice, mix.

Application. Dampen the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the surface of the countertop. Then use a sponge soaked in clean water to wipe it again.

How to care for and how to wash a plastic countertop

Plastic work surfaces are resistant to moisture, grease and odors. However, they can melt when high temperatures and be stained by products. How to clean a kitchen countertop made of plastic? Suitable for cleaning such surfaces different kinds products, including powdered ones, for example, baking soda, table salt. They do not have to be dissolved in water; these substances can be applied directly to a damp sponge or rag and rubbed problem areas. In addition, liquid natural detergents are also effective.

Recipe No. 3.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 7 drops of tea tree essential oil, 5 drops of pine essential oil, 3 drops of lavender essential oil.

Cooking method. Mix essential oils of tea tree, lavender and geranium with table vinegar.

Application. Apply the resulting emulsion to a soft sponge and wipe the surface of the countertop. Then use a cloth soaked in clean water to wipe it again.

Recipe No. 4

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, 1 tsp. baking soda.

Cooking method. Add wine vinegar and baking soda to 100 ml of water and mix.

Application. Moisten a soft sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the surface of the countertop. Then use a cloth soaked in clean water to wipe it again.