The spathiphyllum is sick and the leaves are turning yellow. How to help spathiphyllum if the leaves begin to turn yellow? Flower of female happiness leaves turn pale what to do

Spathiphyllum can be called, without exaggeration, one of the most popular plants.

It is almost always easy to find in flower shops, and the plant sells out with extraordinary speed. What is the reason for the real fashion for this amazing flower?

Of course, the first and most important reason for buying spathiphyllum is its wonderful appearance. Glossy dark green leaves and snow-white sails of inflorescences towering above them are unlikely to leave exotic lovers indifferent.

The second reason that arouses the constant interest of gardeners in spathiphyllum is its ability to purify the air. The inscription on the label attached to the flower in the store will definitely tell you about this. And finally, spathiphyllum is quite unpretentious; it can be recommended for cultivation even by novice gardeners. Moreover, this is perhaps the only beautiful flowering plant, which can be called relatively shade-tolerant (relatively!)

Spathiphyllum flowers are small, located on the spadix - a column in the center of the inflorescence. The main attention is drawn to the white sail - the cover of the inflorescence

An interesting opinion about spathiphyllum is from flower growers who adore various signs according to which plants mysteriously decide for us life problems or, on the contrary, create them. Thus, on some websites, women quite seriously claim that spathiphyllum brings failures in their personal lives and “drives” men out of the house. On the pages of other resources it is said with the same thoroughness that spathiphyllum is “ woman's happiness", it helps in finding a life partner, so growing a flower is very useful in a house where there are girls. Thanks to the plant, they will certainly find themselves ideal partner. Who to believe? Sometimes signs are so diverse and contradictory that you can easily get confused in them. It's probably better to believe in what suits us personally. Or maybe it’s better not to rely on the help of plants in such important areas of life?

The homeland of most species of spathiphyllum is South America (the most famous species S. wallis and S. cannofolia are from there. S. cannofolia, for example, is found mostly in Colombia, in the Amazon basin). Most species live in tropical forests, along streams and rivers. However, some species of spathiphyllum (for example, S.commutatum) originate from Malaysia and the Solomon Islands. In general, about 40 species of plants are known.

Spathiphyllum appeared in Europe quite a long time ago, around the 19th century, when collectors went to South America to search for new exotic plants, suitable for indoor growing.

The name of the flower is translated extremely simply. In Greek, “spata” means blanket, and “phyllum” means “leaf”. That is, speaking in Russian, spathiphyllum is “bedspread”. Naturally, this name is an allusion to the structure of the spathiphyllum inflorescence - a spadix with a veil that resembles an ordinary leaf of a plant. In general, if we consider that exactly this inflorescence structure is characteristic of many aroids, they probably could also be called spathiphyllum, but only one flower received this name.

Spathiphyllum blooms for a long time, is relatively shade-tolerant, requires abundant watering, and grows quickly.

I must say that those spathiphyllums that we will meet in the store are hybrid varieties. They are obtained by crossing various types plants. IN Lately the number of these varieties is increasing; currently, hundreds of plant cultivars are known, among which are the most popular. For example, the giant spathiphyllums Sensation, Pablo and Figaro, which reach a height of 1 m or more, are highly valued. It should be noted that, according to many plant growers, it is these large varieties that are more hardy, bloom easier and more readily. However, not everyone can afford to have such a giant in their home. Compact plants are suitable for most: Mozart, Chopin, Sweet Chico, etc. Recently, variegated cultivars, for example, Domino, Picasso, have become increasingly popular. However, in most cases, such varieties are obtained by introducing a special virus into plant tissue cultures, which causes spots to appear on the leaves. It is quite possible that subsequently this property will gradually be lost and the leaves will again become monochromatic.

My story of spathiphyllum

Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly the name of the variety of my plant, I believe that it is some kind of hybrid of S. Wallis. It was purchased in a store when I was looking for the most shade-tolerant flowers. And again an error occurred. Spathiphyllum, of course, requires significantly less light than, say, pelargonium or others flowering plants. However, it is definitely not suitable for a north window: if there is very little light, the spathiphyllum will stop blooming.

I placed the plant at work in a northwest window. It grew quite successfully, although it bloomed, although regularly, but not very profusely. Sometimes the tips of the leaves turned brown, so I had to trim them and increase the spraying. Several times after the weekend the plant dropped its leaves, but they quickly restored turgor immediately after watering. Soon they asked me for a cutting from the plant. To be honest, I didn’t really want to share, because I know that the plant does not always successfully tolerate this procedure. However, I overcame my own greed and divided the bush into several parts. Oddly enough, nothing bad happened. All the shoots took root well, and my division also bloomed soon, which is generally incomprehensible (though there was only one flower).

The problems started when I returned from vacation. During my absence, the leaves of the plant turned pale green, almost yellow. The most annoying thing is that I don’t know what happened to the flower. Most likely, he was kept in very bright light, because... on my almost north-facing window it could not turn yellow from excess light. In general, I cut off all the pale leaves. Subsequently, the plant grew and took on its normal appearance.

Long flowering for 6-10 weeks is one of the main advantages of spathiphyllum. What we take for a flower is an inflorescence, a spadix with a spathe. Small flowers, female and male, are located along the column (cob) in the center of the inflorescence. The plant is pollinated by insects, special kind bees

The size of the flowers may vary depending on the plant variety. In some the inflorescences are huge, in other species they are quite small. The color is always white, but it changes to light green as it fades. The number of flowers depends mainly on how well the plant is cared for. However, there are varieties that bloom more actively and for a longer period of time, and there are those that are quite difficult to “make” bloom.

Trimming old spathiphyllum leaves can encourage new side shoots to appear.

It is worth accepting that spathiphyllum will not bloom all year round. Typically the flowering period is limited from March to September. If you bought blooming spathiphyllum in winter, this is the result of treating the flower with a special hormonal substance - gibberellic acid. It is these treatments that allow producers to obtain any flowering plants, regardless of the season. The duration of the drug's influence is about 2-4 months, after which flowering will end. Amateurs are not recommended to use such hormones, because It is quite difficult to choose the right dose, and it is unlikely that the effect of artificial stimulants is frequent various kinds will benefit the plant.

However, there are some ways to activate spathiphyllum flowering. For example, many gardeners notice that rearranging the plant often stimulates the onset of flowering. Very often, spathiphyllum does not bloom due to unfavorable growing conditions, for example, lack of light. Of course, it does not tolerate excess sunlight well. However, if the plant does not bloom in the back of the room, try moving it closer to the window. Sometimes this immediately causes buds to appear. It happens that spraying the plant or other methods of increasing humidity has a beneficial effect. If spathiphyllum was grown at too low or very high temperature, often moving it to optimal conditions also causes flowering. Perhaps the very fact of rearranging and changing growth conditions has a positive effect. Sometimes feeding the plant has a positive effect.

However, if spathiphyllum is grown in ideal conditions, and rearranging it from place to place does not lead to flowering, you can try to act in the opposite way. For 2-3 weeks, you should reduce watering the plant, then do not water it at all for a week. However, the leaves should not be allowed to wilt. After this, you should place the plant closer to the window, start watering it and feeding it with minerals and organic fertilizers. Flowering usually occurs within a month.

There is an opinion that spathiphyllum does not bloom after division, as well as after transplantation, until the pot is large and the roots have completely entwined the earthen ball. However, most likely, flowering is inhibited after these procedures simply because the plant has experienced stress, or the flower is still too young. Otherwise, why in nature, where spathiphyllum roots grow freely in the soil and there is no pot limiting them, do plants bloom without problems? Many home gardening enthusiasts note that their spathiphyllums bloomed almost immediately after being transplanted into a larger pot. So it is unlikely that it is the one that slows down the onset of flowering.

When caring for spathiphyllum, it is important to promptly trim off faded inflorescences when they just begin to turn black.

Lighting is another controversial issue when growing spathiphyllum. The main argument of supporters of the plant's shade tolerance is that in nature it grows in the lower tier of the tropical forest, under the canopy of trees. However, the flower forms powerful thickets there, its rhizome grows, and the plant quickly spreads in space in search of clearings where lighting conditions are better.

We can say that the optimal light for spathiphyllum is bright, diffused light, for example, an eastern window, slightly shaded by other colors. Most likely, in the back of the room the plant will also look tolerable, but flowering will either be reduced or completely absent. However, spathiphyllum can also be grown under artificial light.

Spathiphyllum needs constantly moist, but not waterlogged soil. You will easily notice that as soon as you forget to water the plant, it immediately drops its leaves. True, watering usually returns them to normal condition. However, you should not abuse the flower’s stamina. With each drying out, part of the root system dies off, and very often the leaves that seem to have restored turgor later still turn yellow. It is better to water the plant 2-3 times a week in the summer (and sometimes every day in the heat) and about 1 time a week in the winter. It is good to soften hard water for irrigation with a few drops of citric acid.

You should also not wait for the top layer of soil to dry out, because... The resulting layer makes it difficult for the plant roots to breathe. When watering, it is advisable to drain excess water from the pan. The only condition for guaranteed well-being of spathiphyllum with abundant watering is a properly selected substrate, which must be very loose and breathable. In this case, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of overflow. Let us remember that in natural conditions the flower grows near rivers and streams, and very often it experiences periods of prolonged flooding. Some gardeners grow certain types of spathiphyllum even in an aquarium. (True, flower growth is not always very active in such conditions). Excessive watering is very harmful only if the plant is grown in a heavy, dense substrate, especially at low temperatures.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum is fed approximately once every 2-3 weeks. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) is 15:15:15. It should be noted that spathiphyllum benefits from fertilizer containing microelements and magnesium, the need for which is slightly higher compared to other plants. In winter, if growth has not stopped, the plant is fed no more than once a month.

Unfortunately, dust is very clearly visible on the dark shiny leaves of spathiphyllum, so you will have to wipe them often and bathe the plant at least once a week. It is necessary, however, to note that when using hard water, the leaves appear limescale, which does not at all decorate them. It is also important to promptly remove dry leaves and faded inflorescences. It is not advisable to use it for polishing leaves. chemicals, however, the leaves can be wiped with milk.

Spathiphyllum prefers high levels of humidity, frequent spraying or keeping it in a tray with wet expanded clay. However, it can adapt to drier air; in any case, a humidity level of 40-50% is quite acceptable for the plant.

Spathiphyllum is thermophilic, and the correct temperature is very important for normal height flower. In winter and summer it should be +18-25 0 C (extreme limits +15-32 0 C). The plant is afraid of drafts. In winter, if spathiphyllum grows on a cold windowsill, it is better to place it on a foam tray or on a board.

The substrate for spathiphyllum should be very loose. Because flower growing in a tropical forest in a pretty fertile soil near streams, at home it is advisable to recreate the composition from fallen leaves, rotting wood, compost, coal. For example, you can use a mixture of 2 parts garden soil, 3 parts peat moss, 2 parts perlite and 3 orchid growing mixture, which includes bark, charcoal and gravel. It is useful to add sphagnum and vermiculite to any substrate. You can prepare a mixture from equal parts sand or perlite, peat, leaf, coniferous and humus soil. The composition can be anything, the main thing is that the soil should not be heavy, because... It is in such a substrate that moisture stagnation and root rotting begin. Good drainage is necessary.

  • Brown leaf tips most often indicate dry air and the need for spraying. However, sometimes they appear when the plant is over-hydrated and at the beginning of rotting of the root system.
    • Pale leaves indicate excess light. If the sun is too bright, burns also appear on the leaves. Damaged leaves must be removed because... they will not return to normal color.
    • Drooping leaves most often indicate insufficient watering. However, this same sign serves as a symptom of waterlogging of the plant if its soil is constantly damp. When leaves rot, they may curl and dark spots appear on them. Sometimes the process is accompanied by rotting of leaf petioles. Typically, rotting occurs when overwatered in low temperature conditions, for example, on a cold windowsill.
    • Reduced growth rate and chlorosis of leaves (yellowing, in which the veins, as a rule, remain green) are a sign of a lack of iron and manganese. Sometimes the reason is insufficient absorption of these elements due to cold storage or poor soil aeration. In any case, these factors must be eliminated.
    • Leaves may curl if the temperature is too low.
    • The edges of the leaves may turn yellow from watering with hard water.
    • The lack of flowering may be due to lack of lighting or the fact that the plant is still too young.
    • Droplets of water on the leaves are completely harmless and non-toxic. This is a common phenomenon of guttation for aroids, associated with the release of excess fluid in too humid air.

    The only method of propagation is by dividing the plant during transplantation. Sometimes, as a result of damage to the root systems, divisions take root with difficulty, and their leaves lose turgor. In this case, the wilted leaves should be cut off and the remaining ones should be sprayed generously. If, when dividing a plant, a division is obtained without any roots, it should first be rooted in water (about 2-3 weeks), preferably under polyethylene. When roots 2-3 cm long are formed, the plant is planted in the soil.

    Spathiphyllum is moderately poisonous, like all aroids. Its leaves contain calcium oxalate crystals and can cause dermatitis in some people. Probably, if a cat eats spathiphyllum, it will not die, but it is better not to allow it to regularly consume the plant, because. this can lead to mouth ulcers, vomiting and diarrhea.

    At the same time, spathiphyllum very well purifies the air in the room from harmful impurities. However, to clean a room, for example, with an area of ​​about 35 m2, you will need at least 12 plants.

    If on vacation

    Spathiphyllum requires constantly moist soil, so when leaving, it is better to entrust its care to neighbors. If you will be away for no more than a week, water the plant generously, place it in a tray with wet expanded clay, and the surface of the soil should also be sprinkled with wet expanded clay.

    » refers to perennial evergreens from the Araceae family. The birthplace of this popular in our country tropical plant America is considered to be, as well as the Philippine Islands. Under natural conditions, some species are found in the tropical rainforests of Venezuela, Colombia, Guiana and Brazil.

    The plant is unpretentious in indoor floriculture, but problems still occur. Most often, beginning amateur gardeners are faced with the fact that spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow or the appearance of the aerial part changes. To understand why very young leaves of an ornamental plant turn yellow, and also what to do if, under conditions of seemingly proper care, the flower turns completely yellow, it is very important to promptly determine the cause of the external problem.

    Botanical characteristics

    In indoor gardening, flowering of spathiphyllum, depending on compliance with care technology, can be observed once a year, in the spring, or twice a year, in the spring and in the autumn-winter period. With the right quality care The growth and development of indoor culture is quite rapid.

    A perennial herbaceous, stemless plant, it has long, oblong, dark green leaves located on petioles that widen at the top. Flowering is very spectacular and long lasting. The flowers are collected in a spadix of white color and are surrounded by a white or light green blanket.

    Domestic amateur flower growers know several. Most widespread received spathiphyllum profusely blooming or Spatiphyllum floribundum, which has an underground creeping stem and leaves 20-22 cm long. The length of the peduncle is about 20-25 cm. Flowering is almost all year round. It has also become quite widespread spathiphyllum pleasant or Spatiphyllum blandum, which is characterized by larger leaves and a light green flower spathe. Flowering is also almost all year round.

    Of particular interest to indoor floriculture presents miniature Spathiphyllum Wallis or Spatiphyllum Wallisii. In the process of development and growth, a medium-sized blanket changes its white color to green. Flowering occurs during the period from early spring until the last decade of autumn. The most common reason for the lack of flowering of Spatiphyllum, regardless of the species, is the combination low level lighting and low humidity levels. In addition, old indoor plants have difficulty entering the flowering stage.

    Spathiphyllum: cultivation and care (video)

    Determining the cause of yellow leaves

    If indoor ornamental plant has lost its external attractiveness, while the tips of the leaves have turned yellow or their turgor has sharply decreased, then you should carefully examine the yellowed above-ground parts of the plant and correctly determine the cause, which will allow you to correctly treat Spathiphyllum. The homeland of this popular and widely demanded plant in indoor floriculture is the tropics, so for full development it is necessary to provide the culture with the appropriate, most comfortable conditions.

    The main reasons that can cause changes in leaf color indoor plant, may be as follows:

    • as a result of infection by root rot, if the irrigation regime is not followed and the soil in the flower pot is excessively waterlogged, the leaves droop down and sag helplessly, the plant may even die;
    • if internal reserves nutrients, minerals and vitamins are consumed, then the plants become severely weakened, which is expressed in a sudden yellowing of the above-ground parts;

    • a characteristic change in the color of leaves of indoor crops may be associated with a lack of nutrition, namely a lack of essential elements such as nitrogen, iron and magnesium;
    • one of common reasons The appearance of yellow leaves in spathiphyllum is caused by incorrectly selected lighting: even short-term exposure to direct rays of the sun can cause the appearance of large yellow spots and dark brown burnt areas on the above-ground parts;
    • excessive dryness of indoor air can also cause yellowing of leaves, which is especially common during the heating winter period;
    • in the warm season, the plant is capable of evaporating a significant amount of moisture, so the soil substrate must be maintained in a sufficiently moist state;
    • One of the most common diseases that causes yellowing of spathiphyllum foliage is fusarium, the defeat of which involves the destruction of the indoor plant.

    Among other things, it is very important to replant the plant in a timely manner. If massive yellowing of the leaves is observed on the spathiphyllum without the appearance of extensive shriveled areas, as a result of rotting, then this may indicate the need to transplant into a larger pot or divide the bush.

    Growing problems

    Although such indoor flower, like Spathiphyllum, belongs to the category of unpretentious and can easily tolerate some errors in care; the decorativeness of the plant largely depends on compliance with the basic rules of growing technology. Even minor failures in agricultural technology can cause external changes: leaves turn white or black, or acquire another uncharacteristic color.

    Fading inflorescences are of natural origin brown spots. They need to be pruned, which will stimulate the faster appearance of new flowers. If the leaves on the plant are too pale, then it is recommended to pay attention to lighting, humidity and fertilizing regime. If over-watered or under-irrigated, spathiphyllum may look wilted. The same problems can be caused by low temperature regime indoors, as well as damage to indoor culture by aphids, spider mite or scale insect.

    Care requirements

    Spathiphyllum is one of the very popular plants that are highly valued for the beauty of their leaves and flowers, and are also not too demanding to care for. ornamental crops. However, the plant needs constant spraying, abundant watering and compliance with the microclimate. It is these main factors that are important to consider when wanting to grow spathiphyllum in indoor floriculture:

    • lighting should be diffused, without exposure to direct sunlight;
    • in spring and summer periods it is preferable to maintain the temperature within 22-24°C;
    • in autumn and winter periods temperature indicators must be at least 16°C;
    • in spring and summer, as well as at the stage of active flowering of spathiphyllum, irrigation measures should be plentiful;
    • In autumn and winter, watering should be moderate, but the soil substrate should not be overdried or waterlogged;
    • high humidity levels are welcome, as well as systematic spraying of the above-ground parts of the plant;
    • from early spring to the end of summer and in the flowering phase, fertilizing is carried out comprehensively, mineral fertilizers in low concentration.

    How to make spathiphyllum bloom (video)

    Thus, at the plant's dormant stage, the temperature regime cannot be lower than 16°C under conditions moderate watering, and in spring period In order to preserve the health of spathiphyllum, it is necessary to replant the flower with a complete replacement of the soil. Proper care will prevent spathiphyllum from appearing yellow leaves.

    If Spathiphyllum gets sick, the leaves turn yellow or become stained, then mistakes were made in caring for the plant. In the article we will look at some features of plant care to prevent its disease. Why is this unpretentious plant may face the problem of yellowed leaves?

    If the foliage of spathiphyllum turns pale to yellow, you may have overdried the soil. Remember the tropical origin of spathiphyllum - provide it with a “warm environment” and the necessary watering with filtered warm water. Yellowing of the leaf blade and stems is associated with excessive dryness.

    Drooping, as if withered, leaves that have lost their shine can indicate dryness. You can bring a dry plant back to life. To do this, do not immediately flood the soil abundantly - this can cause rotting. Increase the amount of water gradually and monitor the condition of the leaves.

    Black spots on the foliage mean the opposite problem: too much moisture when watering. In winter, reduce watering. Water containing bleach can also affect the flower's painful condition.

    If a problem arises - the spathiphyllum is sick, the leaves turn yellow - your actions

    1. Spray the plant twice a day - humidify the air.
    2. Move the spathiphyllum away from the radiator/heater. The proximity of the radiator seriously harms it.
    3. Place wet pebbles in the tray of the pot - it will help maintain a constant required level of moisture.
    4. In a critical situation, give the plant a warm shower (adjust the gentle water pressure so as not to damage the leaves).
    5. Place the spathiphyllum in a more humid place. Can be placed flower pot in the bathroom, giving him a warm shower.

    Another reason for the yellowness of plant leaves is cold. If the apartment is not warm enough, indoor spathiphyllum quickly withers. The temperature in the apartment should not fall below fifteen degrees. Protect the plant from drafts - do not place it on a through window sill.

    If dark green leaves lose color, this is a sign that the plant is not getting enough light. Spathiphyllum needs diffused lighting: partial shade is better in summer, and partial shade in winter. additional light special lamp.

    Do not place Spathiphyllum in direct sunlight.

    If your plant is provided with optimal watering and lighting, then next reason yellowing - insects. Inspect the stems and leaves of the flower for pests.

    If you don’t find any insects, then this is the most extreme case - rotting of the roots. You will have to remove the plant from the pot, wash the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, steam the pot and plant the flower in fresh soil.

    Perhaps the yellowing of spathiphyllum is due to the fact that you have not replanted the flower in fresh soil for a long time. This must be done at least once every 3 years.

    Diseased spathiphyllum needs to be treated. Medicines for it include fresh soil, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

    Flowers in a shady flowerbed

    It is believed that if there is such a plant in the house, then a woman will never be lonely, but will definitely meet the one with whom she will be happy. The flower is not very picky, but sometimes it happens that spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different.

    Botanical characteristics of the plant

    Spathiphyllum - perennial herbaceous plant, which does not have a stem. Its leaves are dark green in color, oblong in shape and located on petioles. It blooms effectively and for quite a long time. The flowers are white.

    There are several varieties of this plant. Domestic gardeners grow the following varieties of spathiphyllum:

    If the plant does not bloom, then the reason for this may be bad light or irregular watering. Old plants also bloom poorly.

    This home plant not picky, but, nevertheless, like everyone else, it can get sick. But the cause of spathiphyllum is not always illness. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

    Plant depletion

    If a plant blooms for a long time, it may become exhausted, since it requires a lot of strength and energy for this process. good food. Therefore, during flowering the plant requires special care.

    Signs of exhaustion. The leaves begin to turn yellow from below, then the process rises, and if you do nothing, then all the leaves will turn yellow color and wither. Then it will no longer be possible to save it; the plant will die.

    Signs. The leaves begin to turn yellow from the tips and throughout the plant at once. The process develops very quickly, which leads to their death. Then the rest of the surface is damaged and the flower dies.

    Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow and what to do? The first thing to do in this case is to find out who was the culprit - very dry air or the sun. But it’s still better not to let the plant begin to turn yellow. You need to think in advance where it is better to place the flower so that it does not receive direct sunlight, especially in summer. Spathiphyllum can be shielded from the sun with a thin light curtain or simple office paper can be used for this purpose.

    But you shouldn’t move the flowerpot deeper into the room. If the flower lacks light, its leaves will become pale and very elongated.

    Spathiphyllum leaves have turned yellow, what should you do if the cause is dry air? There are several ways to get rid of this problem:

    There are many different ways not to allow favorite plant died from scorching sun or dry air. You can choose any one that is most suitable.

    The tips of the leaves that have dried out should be cut off, taking in some healthy tissue, severely yellowed leaves should be completely removed, and those that have changed pigmentation should not be touched; they will recover over time.

    Low temperature and improper watering

    Spathiphyllum loves moist soil. Moist, but not raw! For some gardeners, it almost floats in the water. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. It is good if the pot has drainage holes, but if they are overgrown with roots and do not cope with their task, then everything can end badly.

    If there are already a large number of, then you shouldn’t bother; it’s better to immediately use some systemic insecticide to kill insects. But given that it is still a poison, strict adherence to the dosage indicated on the drug packaging is necessary. If the pests are not completely destroyed the first time, you can treat the flowerpot again after 5-7 days. It is recommended to treat not only the leaves, but also the soil in the pot.

    How to prevent disease

    Fighting diseases is more difficult. Especially when bacteria or fungal spores reach the growth point. In this case, it is no longer possible to save the spathiphyllum. Therefore, treatment should be started in the early stages.

    To prevent the disease from spreading further, it is necessary to cut off all diseased areas: leaves, stems, roots. This should be done very carefully, since even the smallest focus of the disease, which is missed, will then spread to healthy areas. All cut areas must be treated with a light solution of potassium permanganate, and then sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

    But sometimes this is not enough. Often, disease infection occurs at the cellular level and the bacteria remain in healthy areas. The only way out in this case will be treatment with chemicals.

    Treatment has several stages:

    Before replanting a flower, in order to prevent re-infection, it is recommended to treat the soil with phytosporin.

    To prevent the leaves on the spathiphyllum from starting to lighten or turn yellow, you need to properly care for it: water it properly, monitor the lighting and temperature in the room, and fight pests and diseases. And then the plant will delight its owner with green leaves and beautiful flowers.

    After the end of the flowering period, the inflorescences acquire a greenish color, and then may even turn green - this is normal for spathiphyllum physiological process.

    Greening of the flower cover can be caused by excess or lack of fertilizer, but not by disease.

    Attention! Depending on the variety, spathiphyllums can have flower colors ranging from pale green to cream. After flowering, the green peduncle can be cut off so that the plant produces new ones faster.

    The reasons why the spathiphyllum flower, or Women's Happiness, initially blooms with green buds:

    • This species has its own characteristic flower color.
    • “Too much” or lack of nutrients, before flowering begins (how often and?).
    • Lack of light.

    Reasons why spathiphyllum flowers turn green afterwards:

    Step-by-step instructions on what to do if the flowers turn green

    1. If the flowers are not white, you first need to try changing the light conditions: choose a well-ventilated, lighted place, without drafts.
    2. Feed the substrate (this needs to be done throughout the year: in winter - once a month, and from spring to autumn - 2-4 times a month). A slightly acidic environment is preferable.
    3. Review the watering regime (the substrate should not be allowed to dry out).


    Do not panic when greenish-colored flowers appear, because this is most often a natural process of aging of the peduncle. To avoid re-greening of flowers, it is important:

    • cutting down green flower which has faded. This is done in order to preserve nutrition for the plant;
    • Spray the bush regularly, water quite generously, but do not flood;
    • protect from direct sunlight;
    • maintain temperature conditions (in winter – not lower than 16ºС, optimal 20 – 25ºС);
    • act very carefully when replanting, without damaging the roots.

    Important! It can also be noted that spathiphyllum has beneficial properties: cleans the air of harmful impurities (benzene, acetone, formaldehyde). Some see in him good energy drink– protects against stress and emotional exhaustion.

    You watch your pet with great concern and wonder - why mine? For it to be magnificent, certain conditions must be created. We want to tell you about this in separate articles. Our experts will share with you all the secrets of caring for it beautiful plant. And it will give you many unforgettable moments of joy and pride for such a beautiful and healthy looking flower.


    Some time after flowering, we notice that the originally snow-white cover of the flower has turned green. This characteristic feature spathiphyllum, and does not require any adjustment. They all behave this way, because this is nothing more than the result of the aging of the flower. And to the question: “Why does spathiphyllum have green flowers?” The answer is quite simple: “This is completely normal!” At proper care at home, spathiphyllum will grow healthy and delight with its snow-white flowers.

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