White light from LED lamps. Which light is best for the eyes: yellow or white? Color characteristics of auto lamps

LED lamps, unlike incandescent lamps, can glow with more than one yellow... Various shades of color are available here, from red-yellow, white to bright blue and even purple. They agreed to designate the shade of the lamp glow numerical value- color temperature, to make it easier to determine the color of the glow LED lamps.

Before choosing your light: what function should it have?

Light has various functions. Your bathroom lighting can be divided into three categories.

General lighting: orientation in space

The main lighting serves general orientation so we can end up in the room. How the light should be shared depends on the individual feeling. Some people prefer to be brighter than others.

For general lighting in the bathroom, it is best to use ceiling lamp that distributes light evenly in the room. Depending on the model and size of the bathroom, luminous mirrors and light mirrors can be used as the only light source.

In this article, we will look at what color temperature is, where this term comes from and how to choose a lamp of the desired color temperature.

What is color temperature?

When a piece of metal heats up, it begins to emit a glow, first red, then, as the temperature rises, yellow, white, and finally bright blue and violet. The temperature of the metal at a certain glow color is physical quantity and it is measured in degrees Kelvin (absolute temperature). Thus, the color temperature is not just a randomly taken value, but the temperature to which the metal must be heated in order for it to start emitting a glow of a certain color.

Functional lighting: activity-related

To better appreciate the brightness of our bathroom mirrors, we provide this little graphic on our product pages. We will gladly advise you individually. Functional lighting is aimed at specific activities such as table lamp or a reading lamp.

Mood lighting: for a pleasant atmosphere

Typically, we use a bathroom mirror for applying makeup, makeup and shaving thoroughly. For this, it is important that we recognize ourselves well in the mirror. Light position: the lighting on the wall mirror should not dazzle or cast shadows in the face. Light color: For makeup and shaving in the sun, we recommend a neutral white color. We recommend side lighting for mirrors or bathroom mirror with light. ... Light creates atmosphere and mood. For a relaxing bath, pleasant, dim lighting is more pleasant than bright functional light.

The glow color of LED lamps cannot fully simulate the glow of metal, because the principle of obtaining light is slightly different here. But in order to roughly determine the hue, the same color temperature is used. Never assume that color temperature is indicative of how much heat your lamp generates. This is a very big misconception.

Indirect lighting provides a harmonious mood. An illuminated mirror on the wall enhances the comfort in the bathroom. Your bathroom will become a wellness oasis where you can relax. A wall mirror with indirect lighting also creates a great ambiance in a living room or bedroom.

Light mirror or mirror: which do you like best?

Both versions are suitable for optimal lighting and are distinguished by their style. You choose a matter of taste. Backlit mirrors are also available without light stripes on the mirror glass. Indirect lighting is then created to create a great atmosphere. Both lighting options are also suitable for wall mirrors in other rooms.

By convention, redder and yellower colors, like the flame of a campfire, are considered warm, and blue-green, purple, as the color of an overcast sky, is considered cold. This is a little illogical, but we consider higher color temperatures on the Kelvin scale (3600-5500 degrees) to be cold, and lower (2700-3000) - warm. But this has already gone on due to other associations, we associate yellow with fire, warmth, and white, blue - with cold and snow.

What is this value?

Depending on the model, we offer different levels brightness and various light sources. The lamps we use are energy efficient and are available in every well-organized lighting store or at construction market... This trend also influences the development of our lighting mirrors.

We use only high quality lamps when processing our mirrors. Depending on the model, our bathroom mirrors can be selected with different light sources. The lamps we use. The differences between the lamps we use are minor. Thus, our halogen bulbs provide better color rendering, consume a little more power and are not as durable as the other two bulbs. Fluorescent lamps have very good light output and are very durable.

Let's take a look at what color temperature our familiar light sources have:

  • Candle flame light - 1500-2000 K.
  • Sodium lamp - 2000 K.
  • Incandescent lamp 40 watts - 2200 K.
  • Incandescent lamp 100 watts - 2800 K.
  • Incandescent lamp 200 Watt - 3000 K.
  • Cinema lamps - 3200-3300 K.
  • The sun is at the horizon - 3400 K.
  • Fluorescent lamp (warm White light) - 4200 K.
  • Xenon arc lamp - 4500-5000 K.
  • Sun at noon - 5000 K.
  • Clouds at noon - 5500 K.
  • Fluorescent lamp - 5500 - 7000 K.
  • Daylight white light - 6500 K.
  • Daylight with a clear sky - 7500 K.
  • Blue clear sky in the north - 9500 K.
  • Blue sky, in frosty weather - 15,000 K.

How to choose the glow of LED lamps?

A cool color is more preferable for visual tasks, for work, offices. It gives a greater contrast than warm, adjusts to work, helps to wake up. There have been studies that have shown that people perform better in colder light temperatures. If we take the productivity of work as 100%, then with yellow lighting we get only 97-96%. The ideal light temperature for offices and work is 3500-4500, with a shift to the warmer side up to 3000 Kelvin, employees become sleepy, and a further shift in temperature to 2500 simply lulls them and loses up to 25% of productivity. A shift towards colder colors is also undesirable. First, there is a dramatic increase in productivity, and then a decline due to fatigue.

Correct color temperature: warm white, neutral white, or daylight?

Colour temperature and light color show how we perceive an illuminated object. The light from your bathroom mirror affects how naturally your face appears in the mirror. This means that it looks like it is under sunlight or has a slight coloration. A light with many red details has a very flattering effect, but it is less suitable for makeup because the colors are not shown reliably.

The bulbs are roughly divided into three colors. It feels comfortable and works best as a discoloration for a moody atmosphere. Daylight White: Often referred to as cool white because it is light with most of the blue parts.

  • Neutral White: White light that is very neutral and factual.
  • It is relatively unobtrusive, but it can also have an artificial effect.
Color temperature is measured in Kelvin.

Warm color temperatures are better for living spaces. It enhances clothing and skin tones better. Color temperature 2700-3600 Kelvin is recommended for most closed spaces... If you like the color temperature of incandescent bulbs, there are already 1500-2000 Kelvin LED bulbs. These lamps have less brightness, but they allow you to create the desired atmosphere from soft light.

The more Kelvin, the more blue parts of the light and the less, the more red parts. In fact, light color is on a scale with many shades. This figure shows how stocks behave.

Makeup artist Katherine Archelder tested various light colors for us.

In the morning, the warm white light in the bathroom can be very pleasant; many people like it when they do not immediately see all the wrinkles and pores. It also means that our reflection is different from the outside during the day. Therefore, warm white light is recommended as a mood light for a pleasant atmosphere.


In this article, you learned what the color temperature of LED lamps is and how to find the right color temperature for of a certain type premises and tasks.

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Colour temperature - essential characteristic LED electrical products. It is he who depends on how comfortable you will feel in the interior, illuminated by LED lamps, ribbons or lamps.

Brighter lighter colors come closest to daylight and work best for makeup and makeup. Your mirror image looks most natural in this light. Neutral white and daylight best suited as a functional light for a bathroom mirror.

When buying lamps, the light color, more precisely the color temperature in Kelvin, is the decisive selection criterion. Its purpose is primarily to determine whether white light is perceived as reddish yellow or bluish white. White light consists of many different frequency bands in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Light with a high red component is warmer and darker, while light with a blue component is cooler and lighter. A commonly used term to describe a light color is light mood.

Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin (K). According to European standards, all light sources are divided into three groups in terms of color:

  • warm white (TC = below 3500 K)
  • neutral white or daylight (TC = 3500-5300 K)
  • cold white (TC = above 5300 K)

The color temperature of the usual incandescent lamp is about 2 800 K, therefore warm white light the glow of LED lamps is most familiar to the eye (from 2700 to 3500K).

What color temperature is pleasant?

How comfortable and comfortable we feel the warm white light; whose color temperature is up to 300 Kelvin. The neutral white light is activated and therefore suitable for work, whether in a hobby or in the office. The upper limit for neutral white light is 300 Kelvin. Above this lies the area of ​​light-shielding daylight, which promotes concentration, which is suitable, for example, for bright lighting of a shop and factory halls. Areas from 000 to 000 Kelvin are ideal for bright outdoor lighting.

For most types of work and premises, "neutral" light sources are recommended (Ttsv = 4000 - 4500 K). If we talk about the effect of color temperature on a person, then warm light relaxes and creates an atmosphere of comfort, while colder tones help the body to concentrate and tune in to a working mood.

Workplace lighting

Halogen lamps and chromaticity

For the various dwellings, the following guidelines provide guidance. As the temperature rises, the solids begin to glow. This is how gray iron turns into a bright red material. The basis of the color temperature is the ideal black body that absorbs all incident light. If it heats up, it starts to emit red light, which becomes whiter and finally light blue, with another rising temperature above yellow flowers... The color temperature of a lamp indicates how hot a black body must be in order to emit light of the same color.

In the workplace, the color temperature should be as close to the color as possible natural light... If, with white light (daylight) and long-term work of a person, we take its output as 100%, then with yellow light it will be only 93%, with green 92%, with blue 78%, with red and orange 76%. Those. in the workplace, daylight will be more useful (about 4000 - 4500 K).

The physics of all light phenomena and how we perceive them is very complex, so only a general overview can be presented here. The Kelvin unit around the world also usually describes thermodynamic temperature. Note. The color temperature of light is not a measure of the temperature of light, but refers to a sketched blackbody thought experiment. Color temperature describes the light color or color impression that characterizes light.

What is the color temperature?

Scientific definition: The color temperature of a light source corresponds to the temperature of the Planck radiation, in which this light emits the same color. Incandescent light, on the other hand, consists of almost all visible wavelengths with a predominance of yellow and red components.

For reading, a colder white light is useful (but only up to 6500 K):

Color temperature in different rooms of the house

While our eyes have become accustomed to the soft white color temperature of an incandescent lamp over the years, this does not mean that they are necessarily the most the best option to illuminate the whole house. For example, due to their warm color temperature, these soft white lights often pull warm colors from the room (items of red, orange), change contrasts throughout the space. V from a few tips on how to most effectively illuminate different rooms in your house:

Cozy light depends on the brightness and color temperature of the lamps. With more low temperatures the red areas of the light grow, the light gets warmer. At higher color temperatures, the lamp emits a more energetic blue light. This gives a colder impression. Like the blue daytime sky, it does not feel comfortable and reassuring. Instead, blue light activates people.

When using dim light bulbs, less current flows through the wire and its temperature decreases. Various for energy saving lamps: fluorescent material on inside a discharge lamp always emits the same spectrum. When dimming, only the brightness decreases. Subjectively, many people even experience a colder, more unpleasant color impression.

Soft White / Warm White (2700-3500K):

Best suited for bedrooms and living rooms, creating a traditionally warm and cozy feel in these rooms. Also soft light is good for dining table lighting

Compared to incandescent bulbs

The tool provides energy-saving lamps for especially warm light... The latter already contains ballast at the base of the lamp. This saves an external transformer. They light up as well as incandescent bulbs dim slightly, but consume significantly less electricity. However, in terms of color rendering, both energy saving lamps show known disadvantages. First of all, the red ones distort them.

Incandescent lamp and halogen lamp incandescence has dropped significantly at this stage. However, the energy efficiency of incandescent lamps is very low: they only produce a luminous flux of 6 to 7 lumens per watt. Energy saving lamps, on the other hand, are 5 times more efficient. They bring it up to 37 lumens per watt. Electronics manufacturing uses significantly more primary energy than all other materials.

Bright white / cold white (5300 - 6500 K):

Best in kitchens, bathrooms or garages, cheering you up by creating a more energetic mood.

A halogen bulb can hardly catch up due to its higher power consumption and shorter lifespan. For comparison: energy saving lamps do this with very low energy consumption in operation more than. Nice: all three packages have correct values for power consumption and color coding. This makes it easier to compare with other lamps. However, in the energy class, some providers are exaggerating. In a megamant lamp, the measured luminous flux is less than indicated.

Features of LED lamps

The quick test was, of course, too short to test the service life and switching resistance. However, if the packaging information is correct, the energy saving lamps will last a long time. Switching impedance also promises long term lamp service. Finally, cozy living room lamps don't turn on and off as often.

Daylight (4000 - 5000 K):

Best suited for bathrooms, kitchens and basements; ideal for reading, for working with complex projects, or for applying makeup - provides the greatest contrast between colors.

There is another point: the color temperature of your light source affects perception. different colors in your interior.