We grow marigolds in the country for beauty and benefit. The main rules for planting and caring for marigolds When to plant marigolds in the ground

Ecology of farming: Is it worth “suffering” with seedlings or planting seeds directly into the ground? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods? Are there any special care requirements?

Marigolds, Chornobrivtsy, Tagetes are the most famous names of a flower brought to us from overseas in the 16th century and which became perhaps the most beloved and unpretentious inhabitant of the garden and vegetable garden. His homeland is Central and South America. Today, according to various sources, there are from 30 to 50 species of marigolds. They belong to the Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, family. In addition to decorative bright colors(simple and double) and pinnately dissected leaves, Chornobrivtsy also have a specific smell, indicating a high content of phytoncides - substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are able to repel pests both from the flower itself and the plants surrounding it. Tagetes is widely used as a spice in Caucasian cuisine, where they are called Imeretian saffron, and also has a number healing properties.

But how to grow this unique flower? So, marigolds: growing from seeds.

The timing of sowing marigold seedlings is determined based on two main factors:

climatic conditions of the region, namely the time when it is established temperature regime, favorable for growing these heat-loving flowers, and there is no threat of return frosts;

the desired time for the start of flowering, it should be taken into account that from sowing to the appearance of the first flowers, depending on the characteristics of the variety and growing conditions, 1.5-2.5 months pass.

The best time to sow marigolds for seedlings is the second half of March - the first ten days of April. If there is additional lighting and favorable temperatures, you can plant marigolds with seeds in January-February, but then flowering will begin in April-May, when it is too early to plant seedlings in open ground. This option is more suitable for those who are going to grow flowers in a container on glassed balcony or loggias.

Since Tagetes does not require specific conditions for growing seedlings, it can also be successfully sown in open ground. This is often done in May, when the earth warms up sufficiently and a stable air temperature is established, which at night does not fall below +5 degrees. In the southern regions, it is possible to sow marigolds in the ground at an earlier date.

In addition, when planning when to plant marigold seedlings, you should also take into account the characteristics of the species. So, in order to get a friendly flowering already in June, upright marigolds are sown in mid-March, and small-leaved and low-growing ones - a little later, in early April.

Selection and preparation of seed material

Often, marigold seeds are purchased only once, choosing the variety that appeals to you the most. In subsequent years, gardeners prefer to collect seeds from the plant themselves.

If you are interested in how to collect marigold seeds, then it must be said that it is not difficult. They ripen in about 40 days. To collect the seeds, just let a few inflorescences dry on the bush. The main thing is that there is no rain during this period, so that the seeds do not succumb to excessive moisture and rot. After the flower dries, the ripened seeds are easily removed from the calyx. They need to be dried a little more in a dark and warm place, and then stored in paper bags until spring.

Both when choosing seeds in a store and when using ones collected with your own hands, it is important to remember that fresh seeds, which are no more than 2 years old, have a high degree of germination. Although there is an opinion that seeding material no older than 4 years can be used. Today, most varieties grown in cultivation are hybrids, therefore, when using seeds collected with one’s own hands, there is a possibility that each subsequent generation will retain the properties of the maternal one to a lesser extent.

For more widespread germination, marigold seeds are sometimes germinated before sowing. In this case, they are placed on a damp natural fabric laid out on a saucer. The saucer itself is placed in a bag and sent to a dark and warm place. After three days, the seeds will hatch and you can choose the most successful ones for planting.

Features of soil for growing marigolds

Despite the fact that marigolds are considered an undemanding plant, in order to get strong seedlings it is important to choose the right planting optimal composition soil. The soil should be nutritious and loose, consisting of equal parts peat, humus or compost, turf soil and half of the sand. Also suitable for sowing are ordinary garden soil mixed with sand and peat, or a ready-made soil mixture for indoor and outdoor use. garden plants with a neutral acidity level. You should definitely lay a 3-centimeter drainage layer of expanded clay, sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the container. To prevent “black leg” when growing marigolds from seeds, the soil is first spilled with a fungicide solution or steamed.

When sowing Chernobrivtsev directly into a flowerbed, you should choose places with fertile, neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil.

Technology of sowing marigolds

When the time has come to sow marigold seedlings, all that remains is to fill plastic containers, cassettes or cups with the prepared soil and proceed directly to planting. So, how to plant marigolds with seeds.

The soil needs to be slightly compacted and moistened. At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, grooves are made with a depth of 1-2 cm. Distribute the seeds evenly in them at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other. The furrows are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil consisting of equal parts of garden soil and sand. It is important that the seeds are deep enough so that they are not washed out when watering. Moreover, when shallow landing sprouts are less able to shed their seed coat, which remains on the cotyledon leaves and interferes with the active development of the plant. At the same time, if the seeds are buried too deeply, they take longer to germinate or may not germinate at all.

Crops of marigold seedlings are carefully watered and germinated in a bright place at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Additional cover is not required to maintain humidity in the container, although it is sometimes used to shorten germination time. After 3-7 days, shoots appear. Next, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

When planting marigolds in open ground, the seeds are sown in grooves about 5 cm deep, which are pre-watered. The crops are covered with a layer of soil, and shoots appear after two weeks. If the seedlings turn out to be too dense, they will need to be replanted. The distance between rows and individual plants is determined based on the characteristics of the plant species.

Caring for marigold seedlings

When the seedlings have sprouted, the question arises of how to grow marigold seedlings. The main aspect of caring for it is timely watering, which is done as the soil dries. It is important to ensure that the water in the container and tray does not stagnate, as this can lead to the appearance of a “black leg”. At the slightest appearance of the disease, it is necessary to remove damaged sprouts and treat the seedlings with a fungicide.

Despite the undemanding nature of marigolds, at the seedling stage, additional fertilizing with seedling fertilizers once every two weeks will not harm them. In addition, it should be remembered that fertilizers can be applied only two weeks after sowing, picking or transplanting plants, when the supply useful substances will be exhausted in the soil.

When planning when to plant marigold seedlings, you should not forget about picking. It is produced when 2-3 true carved leaves appear on the seedlings. Individual plants are transplanted into cups, cassettes or planted in trays according to a 7x7 pattern. Seedlings can be buried down to the cotyledons, but so that the latter do not touch the soil. This contributes to the formation of a more powerful root system, since additional roots develop on the deeper stem. Picking activates the growth of seedlings, due to an increase in the volume of soil occupied by an individual plant, and after 2-3 weeks it has a developed fibrous root system and is ready for planting permanent place. Marigolds tolerate transplantation well even during the flowering period. The strongest seedlings are obtained when growing seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Marigolds, the cultivation of which from seeds is a simple procedure even for beginners, will be an excellent decoration for the garden. Their flowers will not only delight the eye with bright colors all summer long, but will also be an excellent addition to a home medicine cabinet.

Marigolds are bright sunny flowers that adorn many gardens in abundance. Unpretentious and diverse, with a whole arsenal of useful and even healing properties, they are traditionally perhaps the most popular garden flowers throughout our country. And at the same time, many novice gardeners are wondering: how to grow marigolds in order to get lush bushes with a lot of elegant inflorescences.

Planting marigolds in open ground

1. Planting dates.
As you know, marigolds can be grown by seedlings and from seeds in open ground. At the same time, the timing of planting marigolds in a permanent place is approximately the same in both cases. When is the best time to plant marigolds?

Planting of Chornobrivts seedlings, as well as sowing their seeds in open ground, is carried out in late May - early June, when a stable air temperature has established and there are no longer night frosts. In the southern regions, and also if it is possible to create a protective cover from film or agrofibre, marigolds can be planted in April.

2. Site selection and soil preparation.
Before planting marigolds, it is important to choose a suitable place for them and prepare it for planting. It is worth noting that despite their unpretentiousness, they grow best on loamy soils with a neutral acidity level. The main thing is that the soil is loose and breathable. Most abundant flowering obtained in areas with good lighting, although in partial shade the Chernobrivts also feel quite good, they just bloom less.

A week or two before the time comes to plant marigolds in a permanent place in the garden, they need to be gradually accustomed to fresh air, daily increasing the period of stay of containers with seedlings on the street or open balcony.

The area for planting should be dug up using a spade. For better development of marigolds, you can enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers (nitroammofoska, for example), evenly distributing them throughout the flower bed at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. and embedded in the ground by repeated digging. But organic and nitrogen fertilizers It is undesirable to introduce them, since they stimulate the growth of green mass at the expense of flowering.

3. How to plant marigolds.
Perennial marigolds, the planting and care of which, despite the characteristics of individual varieties, are not very difficult, are planted in prepared holes. The seedling planting scheme depends on the characteristics of the variety and is usually indicated on the seed packaging. For low-growing marigolds, the optimal pattern is 20x20 cm, for medium-sized ones (for example, some varieties of thin-leaved marigolds) - 30x30 cm, for tall ones - 40x40 cm. The depth of planting marigolds in the ground is 1-2 cm more than they were buried before replanting. The space around the roots is carefully filled with soil. The soil is lightly compacted and watered. It is worth recalling that marigolds are not afraid of watering from above over the leaves and rain.

Features of caring for Chernobrivtsy

Having figured out how to plant marigolds, you should not forget about further care behind them throughout the season. Although marigolds do not require special growing conditions, basic care for them will be more than rewarded in the form of bright and large flowers.

The main components of caring for Chernobrivts are watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, fertilizing and pest control.

During the growth period, marigolds require regular watering. But with the beginning of flowering, the number of waterings is reduced to two per week in order to avoid stagnation of water and the appearance of rot. In hot, dry weather, evening watering will significantly prolong the flowering and growing season of marigolds. Although flowers are considered drought-resistant, under the influence high temperatures and lack of moisture, they are more susceptible to spider mites, and they simply fade and wither faster. In the case of growing Chernobrivtsev in containers, watering in hot weather is carried out twice a day.

The question is “how to grow marigolds and do they need mandatory regular feeding?” often worries novice gardeners. In fact, Tagetes develop and bloom well even without additional stimulation with fertilizers, especially if you fill the soil with minerals before planting. But the shortage nutrients in poor soils it reduces the duration of flowering and the size of inflorescences.

Feeding marigolds is usually carried out 2-3 times per season: when the plants reach a height of 10 cm, during the appearance of the first buds and at the very beginning of flowering. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are used for feeding. It is important to avoid excess nitrogen in the soil as this will encourage vigorous leaf and stem development but will reduce flowering. Marigolds, which are grown in conditions of limited soil, need to be fertilized once every 10-14 days.

In addition to watering and fertilizing, marigold flowers after planting require regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, since oxygen access to the roots is necessary for the full development of the plant. It also doesn’t hurt to remove faded inflorescences. This will stimulate the plant to continue flowering.

Growing marigolds and, in particular, caring for them is usually not difficult, also because the plant practically does not suffer from pests and diseases. The reason for this is phytoncides contained in plants and manifested due to a specific odor. It is this smell, as well as substances released from the roots, that often repel pests not only from marigolds, but also protect neighboring plants.

However, under unfavorable conditions, Chernobrivtsy can be affected by gray rot, black leg and bacterial diseases. Often the factors accompanying the disease are excessive thickening and high soil moisture. If rot occurs, the affected parts of the plant, or even the entire bush, should be removed.

The most common pests for marigolds are snails and slugs, which live in damp places, and spider mite. It is recommended to fight slugs with bleach, placing jars of it between the bushes. The best prevention spider mites are considered to maintain optimal level humidity, but if such a problem has arisen, then you can eliminate it with the help of an infusion of yarrow, onion and red hot pepper. When growing marigolds, it is worth remembering that they do not like to be treated with chemicals.

At the end of flowering, when the seeds have already been collected and the bushes are dry, the plants are removed from the site. They are often sent to a compost pit to prevent pests from breeding there.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety in the agricultural technology of marigolds. So, for example, Antigua marigolds are grown on nutritious soils for forming borders and in containers, but they are not suitable for decorating ponds. At the same time, the Taishan marigold variety is less whimsical; it is used to fill gaps between other plants.

So, marigolds are perennial: planting and care is a question that worries many gardeners who are fans of these sunny flowers. Today's most popular decorative varieties marigolds are grown from seeds in an annual crop, but there are also perennial species plants used in medicine and cooking. Marigolds in the garden are not only decoration and protection of less resistant plants from fungi and pests, but also a real find from the point of view of traditional medicine, since they have a wide range of healing properties. That is why many people strive to collect and dry bright inflorescences, and after flowering they collect marigold seeds in order to fill the garden with them again next year. published

If you wanted to add bright colors into your garden, feel free to choose flowers (scientific name “tagetes”). After the marigolds bloom, yours will instantly be filled with juicy yellow, orange and brown spots. In this article we will describe in detail perennial marigolds, Let's look at planting and caring for them.

Description and photo

Marigolds grow up to 120 cm in height. The stems are branched and erect. The leaves are openwork, pinnately divided. Located on the stem opposite each other or alternately. The inflorescences can be double or simple, in the shape of a medium-sized basket. Along the edge of the head, the petals are located in one row, fused at the base.

When is the best time to sow: terms and conditions

Marigolds are grown in two ways - directly in and with the help of seedlings. Let's consider both options and find out which optimal timing and the conditions necessary for flowers to good growth and abundant flowering.

For direct sowing

When deciding to sow seeds directly into the ground, remember that best time- end of May - mid-June. During this period, the weather becomes consistently warm, and there are no night frosts.

For growing seedlings

If you want your marigolds to be grown from then it’s time to find out when to plant the seeds for seedlings. The best period for growing seedlings lasts from mid-March to mid-April. By sowing the seeds at this time, you will get a flowering plant in June. Early planting in still cold soil can lead to the death of seedlings.

How to sow seeds (seedling method)

Growing sprouted marigold seeds will help adjust the density of the bushes. In this case, the seeds are wrapped in a well-moistened cloth and left in a warm place. Three days are enough for the first shoots to appear.

Choosing planting material

Proper propagation of marigolds begins with the choice of seed. Seeds no older than 2 years have good germination and dense greenery. The seeds should be completely dry and crumbly. If you soak them in the solution for a couple of hours, then in the future this disinfection will help avoid many

Container and substrate

In order for the seeds to take root, you need to provide them with fertile and loose soil. The following mixture is suitable for this: turf soil is mixed with sand. The proportions are respectively 1:1:1:0.5. Temperature - from 18°C ​​to 21°C. There are no special requirements for capacity - they grow equally well both in pots and in seedling boxes. The main thing is not to forget to put it at the bottom of the container.

Important! Marigolds prefer to grow in sunny places. Heavy shade causes stem growth and lack of flowering.

Planting and care

Selected seeds are planted in a furrow to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. If you plan to plant several rows, then leave a distance of at least 2 cm between them. Care comes down to regular watering and maintaining temperature conditions.

Planting in the garden

It is not difficult to determine when you can plant marigolds in open ground. It is best to do this from the end of May to mid-June. By this point, the marigolds should have 2-3 leaves, and root system must be sufficiently developed for open ground. In a prepared place they are pulled out required quantity holes, and the grown seedlings are lowered into them. The depth of the holes should be no more than 3 cm.

Important! When planting plants in a garden bed, you need to take them into account. Low varieties are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm. Medium-sized varieties are planted at a distance of 25-30 cm. High grades planted at a distance of 35-40 cm.

Growing from seeds (in open ground)

Growing tagetes from seeds directly in the open ground will also not cause any problems.

Seed preparation and selection

As with the seedling method, the seeds should be no older than two years. You can increase the germination percentage by first soaking the seeds in water at room temperature. You can even cover the top with polyethylene - this will help create optimal conditions for seed germination. Planting seeds can be used directly from spent tagetes in your garden. It will be enough to leave the flower to dry in the garden, and then easily get the seeds for the next planting.

Soil for planting

Tagetes have no special soil requirements. Neutral acidity, a mixture with peat and sand - this will be quite enough for the seeds to germinate.

Tagetes (or simply marigolds) are completely unpretentious flowers. These joyful “suns” of warm yellow-orange and reddish-variegated shades are an indispensable attribute of any flowerbed. Marigolds grow well in soil, in balcony boxes. They are easy to decorate the area with. They are easy to care for.

You can also grow tagetes without seedlings by sowing the seeds directly into the soil in the flowerbed. But they will bloom much earlier (almost a month) if you sow the seeds for seedlings. And for landscape design the area is more convenient. If you sow seeds in the ground of a flower bed, not only will beauty have to wait, but it is also unknown how the seeds will sprout. The flowerbed may turn out uneven with “bald spots”. Therefore, the vast majority of gardeners grow marigolds with seedlings, and they prefer to produce seedlings with their own hands.

What you need to grow marigold seedlings

In an apartment, growing marigold seedlings is not difficult. You will need:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Soil and drainage.
  3. Boxes or containers.
  4. Lamps for additional lighting.
  5. Glass or film for covering.
  6. Complex fertilizers for flower seedlings.

How to prepare seeds

When growing marigold seedlings, it is advisable to take seeds no older than two years (this is the germination period for this crop). You can sow dry seeds - it is more convenient to work with dry seed material. But to increase germination, it is preferable to soak the seeds in water at room temperature or even germinate them in a humid environment. Seeds, especially those collected from your own plot, must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. If you don't want to work with wet seeds, you can dust them with fungicide powder by placing them in a bag and adding a pinch of powder.

When to sow

  1. Weather in your region. Possibility of return frosts. Timing of onset of stable heat.
  2. Timing for receiving flowering plants - in what month do you want to have blooming flower bed marigolds.
  3. From sowing to flowering, marigolds, depending on growth conditions and variety, will need 1.5-2.5 months.

February– the optimal month for sowing marigolds. If you haven’t had time to get your bearings or prepare for sowing, it can be done in March, but then flowering tagetes will appear in your flowerbed only in June.

Soil and seedling containers for tagetes

Tagetes really need light earth, average fertility. For sowing seeds, the medium must be neutral, or preferably slightly acidic. Hybrid varieties are more demanding on soil composition.

Seedling boxes or containers are prepared for sowing. Fill them 3/4 with moistened soil. The seeds are laid out in shallow grooves (about a centimeter) in increments of three centimeters. Sprinkling of crops is carried out with a mixture of peat or leaf soil with sand. From above, the soil is generously sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Be sure to cover the box with glass or film. The cover must be periodically removed and the crops ventilated.

How to care for marigold seedlings

Tagetes is very thermophilic and does not tolerate even light frosts, so there is another advantage in propagating seedlings - a guarantee against freezing of seeds and seedlings when sowing early in open ground.

Parameters and stages of careDescription
WarmThe temperature of keeping containers with crops before germination is not lower than +22°C, and optimally – +24...+25°C. The first sprouts, if the seeds have undergone pre-sowing treatment, will appear already on the 5-6th day. Dry, untreated seeds can take up to 10-12 days to germinate. Further temperature for good development of seedlings should be reduced to +18…+20°C
LightMarigolds need large quantities sunlight. Therefore, they are planted in flower beds in open places, avoiding the shadows. Tagetes seedlings at all stages, starting from the emergence of seedlings, need additional lighting. Marigolds need to be illuminated 12-13 hours a day. This is done in daytime– plants should rest at night. Illumination should be carried out fluorescent lamps, phytolights, LEDs or any lighting fixtures, intended for supplementary illumination of plants
Watering and fertilizingMarigolds do not like water. As adults, they are surprisingly resistant to drought, but during the growth period from seeds to seedlings they need constant, abundant moisture.

You can start feeding the plant 14 days after germination and do this every two weeks. Last feeding - 14 days before planting

PicksWhen two true leaves appear, the first picking is carried out. Tagetes do not need individual pots at this stage - you can plant them in large boxes, increasing the step to 7 cm.

The next picking can be done in a month in pots with a diameter of 12 cm. This will make it easier to plant plants in the flowerbed


Marigolds easily tolerate all procedures associated with their movement. They can not only be picked, but also replanted in the state of budding and even the appearance of flowers.

Planting seedlings in a flowerbed can (depending on the climate) begin at the end of April. Most often, May is chosen as the landing time. In particularly cold regions it is June.

Advice! It is always better to wait with marigold seedlings and not plant them until the last moment.

Plants are planted in shallow holes at a distance from each other of at least 15 cm (for low varieties) and maximum 40 cm (for tall varieties).
Tagetes can be planted not only in flower beds. This plant is a real garden “doctor”. Planted around the perimeter of the bed, marigolds will protect garden plants from most diseases and numerous pests. Plants also heal the soil.

Flower garden care

Caring for flowers in a flower bed is simple. It includes standard floriculture activities:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • removing dried flowers.

To reduce the number of weeds and reduce watering, Tagetes plantings can be mulched.

These beautiful, long-lasting, lush flowers in bright, optimistic colors are sure to please. They will create positive mood and summer flower bed design. Tagetes will look great both in the greenery of the garden and on vegetable garden or on the lawn. They go well with other colors and have no antagonists. Marigolds are excellent predecessors for all garden and garden crops.

Video - How to sow marigold seeds for seedlings

Bright, sunny marigolds They also have other names - Tagetes, Chernobrovtsy. They are grown in gardens and vegetable gardens to decorate the landscape and protect neighboring crops from diseases and pests. Planting in open ground and caring for marigolds is not difficult, since the plant is unpretentious. There are many varieties of crops that differ from each other in external characteristics, but they all need to be cared for in the same way.

Flower propagation methods

Marigolds in the country can be planted for preventive purposes among garden crops or used to create flower beds, alpine coaster, flower beds, borders. Planting tagetes in open ground is carried out using:

  • ready-made purchased seedlings;
  • sowing in containers for forcing seedlings and transferring mature plants to beds;
  • direct sowing to a permanent place of growth;
  • self-sowing of seed material, when it is planned to grow annual Chernobrovets in one place for several years (the method is suitable for regions with a mild climate).

Agrotechnical requirements

Planting marigolds is common everywhere because they are unpretentious to conditions. environment, with the exception of only one parameter - temperature.

The plant is heat-loving; it should not be allowed to suffer frosts on the ground. The correct choice of date for planting seedlings or sowing in the ground allows you to avoid unfavorable factors.

For growing, it is advisable to choose an open, sunny place. They also grow in shade or partial shade, but the stems become elongated and the flowers become smaller. With constant waterlogging and shading, plant death is possible. Crowding during planting can be corrected by transferring excess marigolds to another location. They are not afraid of picking and transplanting even during flowering.

Soil requirements

The culture is unpretentious to the composition of the soil; it grows on sandy soils depleted of nutrients. Preliminary application of fertilizers to the soil before planting marigolds will allow you to grow strong, healthy plants with large flowers. To do this, you can use universal flower mixtures or complex mineral supplements. Organic matter can be represented by rotted compost or fermented infusion of plants. It is prohibited to apply fresh manure to the beds.

Predecessors and neighbors in the garden

You can plant marigolds in the garden after almost all crops, since they are little susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. Sowing tagetes in rows with vegetables, next to fruit trees and shrubs will protect the latter from many diseases and insects, because the flowers emit a strong aroma that repels pests. Such a neighborhood is favorable for tomatoes, pumpkins, grapes, apple trees, pears, and raspberries. But there are cultures whose growth and development are hampered next to Chernobrovsk:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • radish.

Climatic conditions

Marigolds are perennial and grow in mild climates. In the northern regions they will die due to low temperatures in winter, so annual varieties of tagetes can be grown there. Plants do not tolerate cold well, the stems and leaves turn black and are no longer restored, therefore, in areas with the possibility of a sharp cold snap, it is recommended seedling method reproduction.

Undesirable strong winds and drafts, flooded areas. The crop tolerates heat well provided regular and sufficient watering is provided.

When to plant marigolds

Planting time depends on the method of propagation, climatic conditions and variety. Sowing for preliminary cultivation of seedlings is carried out in March or April; they can be transferred to a permanent place of cultivation immediately after the temperature has been established without the threat of return frosts. Typically, seedlings are planted in open ground at the beginning or end of May.

If direct sowing on beds is used, it is carried out at the end of April, beginning of May in the south, in the middle or end of May - in middle lane, in early June - in the northern regions. At the same time, seedlings in these areas are transferred to a permanent location.

The earth should warm up well. The variety of marigold should also be taken into account. Upright ones require a couple of weeks longer before flowering than medium and low growing ones. This is important to consider if you are creating flower composition from different types culture. Correctly selected planting dates will allow plants to bloom simultaneously.

How to plant marigolds

With the seedling method of planting, you can use individual or general containers with holes for removal excess water. A window sill with sunny side so that the sprouts have enough light. If necessary, you will have to lengthen the daylight hours with fluorescent or phytolamps. The soil for marigolds can consist of humus, turf soil, river sand and peat. The optimal temperature for seedlings is +18-22°C.

Planting marigolds with seeds in open ground is done with dry or prepared seed material. It is advisable to fertilize the soil in advance with compost and complex mineral supplements in order to grow flowers without the use of fertilizers. It is important to follow the same rule when transferring seedlings to a permanent growing location.

Planting scheme

Marigolds can be 15-120 cm in height with straight or spreading stems. Depending on this, an option for placing plants when planting is selected so that they do not shade each other and look harmonious. When planting tall varieties, the distance between plants and rows is 40 cm (40x40 pattern). For tagetes of medium height - 30x30 cm, for short ones - 20x20 cm.

Landing technology

Marigold seedlings must be transferred to open ground, taking into account agrotechnical rules, in order to protect them from possible diseases in the future. Although the plants are considered disease resistant, there is a risk of infection.

The sequence of planting seedlings in open ground:

  • prepare the soil by digging and fertilizing, if this was not done in the fall;
  • Water well the day before;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or hot water;
  • form furrows or holes;
  • you can add a little wood ash to each hole for seedlings;
  • plant the seedlings, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • moisten the soil a little.

Subtleties of care

The culture is unpretentious, but additional agrotechnical measures will significantly improve appearance plants will prolong the flowering period. Under unfavorable conditions, the lower branches begin to turn yellow and dry out, and flowers may not form for a long time.

Caring for marigolds consists of:

  • glaze;
  • loosening;
  • weed removal;
  • fertilizing;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

When marigolds bloom, you need to remove faded flowers so that the rest can get more nutrients. When growing in a flower bed, it is advisable to prune weak, diseased branches without buds. This will also allow for the formation of larger inflorescences.


Marigolds are drought-resistant, but if there is a lack of moisture, the plants grow poorly and turn yellow. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out regular watering, especially after planting seedlings in open ground. It is necessary to reduce the amount of incoming moisture during the flowering period, since at this time the likelihood of rot developing and the death of the entire plant increases. After watering, loosen and remove weeds.


Additional fertilization is not necessary, but will have a beneficial effect on the development of marigolds. The first feeding can be carried out some time after planting the seedlings in a permanent growing place, when the plants are 10-12 cm high. The following procedure is desirable at the stage of bud formation, and then after the start of flowering. Fertilizers can be used complex mineral or infusions from plant materials.

Diseases and pests

Phytoncides in marigolds destroy most infections, protecting them and surrounding crops from diseases. But if agricultural planting practices are violated or in rainy summers, gray rot may appear. Infected specimens should be immediately removed and burned off-site.

The peculiar smell of flowers repels insects, but plantings can be threatened by slugs, snails and spider mites. Chemicals (for example, Thunderstorm) and traditional methods. Spraying with onion or yarrow solution is used against ticks.

Basic mistakes in growing

Lack of moisture - main reason, why marigolds grow poorly. After planting, it is necessary to ensure regular watering. If you place plants in the shade, they will aboveground part will begin to stretch, the flowers will be small or absent. Other reasons why there is no flowering:

  • marigolds love light, but in hot weather they need to be covered with agrofibre to create artificial shade;
  • excessive watering at the stage of bud formation;
  • early feeding(seedlings below 10 cm), excess fertilizer or use fresh manure;
  • lack of air in the root system.

Failure to comply with the recommended planting scheme, thickening of plants, and the presence of weeds among flowers contributes to the development of diseases and poor flowering. Marigolds weaken and grow poorly when grown on sandy soils without additional fertilization.

The seedling method of cultivation is necessary in regions with an unfavorable climate. Planting flowering seedlings is used to decorate flower beds and flower beds. The culture's unpretentiousness in care and benefits in protecting neighboring plants from diseases and pests are widely used by gardeners.

How to grow marigolds from seeds? This question is often asked by beginning gardeners. Because the experienced ones don’t bother at all. They throw the seeds into the ground, water them, and everything grows, blooms and heads on its own. Of course they are being cunning.

Any plant, even the most unpretentious one, requires at least some kind of care. And if you want a really good return, then you’ll have to jump around the flower.

Marigolds are not very capricious, but they also require your own approach. In principle, they are grown from seeds using the classical method, which includes:

  • soil preparation
  • preparation and placement of seeds
  • picking and growing seedlings
  • landing at a permanent place

There are a lot of points, but in fact everything is very simple and almost carefree. Follow the instructions exactly and you will have the most beautiful marigolds around.

Soil preparation

As with any seedlings, marigold seeds need a separate soil mixture. It should be loose, non-greasy and at the same time nutritious. This substrate is perfect: 1 part each of well-ripened humus, peat and clean sand. Mix all this thoroughly until uniform, medium-sized lumps are obtained.

The next step is disinfection. What to do if the black leg doesn’t care at all about the phytoncides of marigolds. She perfectly mows down small sprouts. Therefore, we don’t give her the slightest chance. First, leave the soil in the cold for 2 days. Then we bring it into the house and let it thaw. Then thoroughly moisten the entire soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, preferably hot. After 4 hours, place in the oven until completely dry at a temperature of 110-115°C.

All these manipulations will not only destroy pathogens and fungi, but will also kill the larvae of insect pests. Therefore, this point cannot be neglected.

Advice. It is necessary to disinfect not only self-prepared soil, but also store-bought soil. There may also be larvae, pathogenic bacteria and spores.

Preparing and placing seeds

Since marigold seeds are thin and fragile, they cannot be soaked for a long time, rinsed vigorously, or generally actively fermented. But you can’t do without pre-planting treatment. What to do? There is an exit.

They take a saucer and put a piece of paper on it cotton fabric, cotton pad or piece of cotton wool. Then carefully lay out the seeds. Then carefully add warm strong solution potassium permanganate so that it saturates the substrate from below. This way the seeds will remain on it and will not clump together.

After 5 minutes, they are transferred to another saucer with the same substrate. Only now instead of potassium permanganate they add clean warm water. You can add a drop of any biostimulant to it. Leave for 2.5-3 hours. That's it, the marigold seeds are ready for planting.

Our mothers and grandmothers also incorrectly solved the question of how to grow marigolds from seeds. Remember, they sowed them very thickly, almost completely covering the bottom of the bed with seeds. Flowers, of course, sprouted, grew and even bloomed. But why such an overspending? planting material? After all, from each tiny strip an independent plant will grow.

For example, now there are very beautiful varieties. There are usually no more than 10 pieces in a bag. Agree, it’s not very easy to throw around the beds. That's why this work with soaking was needed. Now let's start with the layout.

Prepare a shallow, wide container, about 10 cm high. Place a little expanded clay or large pieces of eggshell on the bottom. This will be drainage. Then the prepared soil mixture is spread on top, in a layer of about 6-7 cm. Then the soaked marigold seeds are carefully laid out and sprinkled thin layer land. About 1.5-2 cm. No more needed.

Now the plantings need to be watered. You can’t use a watering can; the water will wash away the seeds. It takes a long time and is awkward to scoop with a spoon. Most best option- spray with a spray bottle. Just don't overdo it. The soil should be slightly moist, but not wet.

Now you need to cover the container with glass, a piece of transparent plastic or thick film. And put it in a warm, dark place for germination. For example, on a kitchen cabinet. The temperature should be approximately 20-22°C.

In 5 days the first shoots will appear. After this, the cover must be removed and the container moved to a bright place with a temperature no higher than 18°C. The remaining seeds will gradually sprout. And if you leave the vessel in a warm place until all the shoots appear, then the latter will still hatch, and the first will already die from overheating.

Where to find a place in the house with low temperature, if the heating gets very hot? On the windowsill. Only containers with seedlings should be protected from heat with a thick film, and the batteries themselves should be covered with a thick towel or blanket.

Advice. Be careful with the fence, do not overcool the tender roots of the seedlings!

Picking and growing seedlings

You don’t have to dive the marigolds, but then by the time of landing they will most likely stretch out. Even if each seed is planted separately in advance, the sprout will still reach for the light. Therefore, we definitely dive. In addition, additional roots will appear on the buried stem.

This should be done when at least two true leaves are clearly visible. Carefully dig up the sprout with soil and plant it in a prepared cup with soil. We try to deepen the plant down to the very cotyledon leaves. But it is advisable that these leaves do not touch the soil. It is not recommended to compact the soil even with your fingers so that the plant can breathe.

We moisten again with a spray bottle so that the water penetrates to the roots. Then we wait for the seedlings to grow up so that they can be planted in a permanent place.

During this time, carefully monitor the soil moisture. Spray if necessary. Feed once with a solution of any mineral fertilizer. There are approximately 4-5 true leaves in the phase.

Advice. Marigold seedlings are planted in open ground only if they are firmly convinced that the return frosts have already passed. These unpretentious flowers are absolutely not frost-resistant. The plant dies already at 0°C.

Landing at a permanent place

Marigolds prefer light, fertile soil and love a lot of light. Although they grow quite well in partial shade. Depending on the variety and type, the distance between plants should be from 15 to 50 cm. Try to plant seedlings without damaging the root system. The transshipment method is optimal. So the flowers quickly adapt and begin to grow actively.


Marigolds are very unpretentious flowers. They tolerate short-term drought well, but respond gratefully to timely watering. By the way, the plants are not afraid of sprinkling; you can safely water them from above, directly over the leaves.

But it is not recommended to overdo it with fertilizing. With an abundance of fertilizers, these flowers begin to become impudent and openly grow green mass. At the same time, it is in no hurry to release buds. Therefore, you need to wait for several buds to appear and pamper the plant with any mineral fertilizer and that is all. It is not advisable to add organic matter, otherwise you may not wait for flowering at all.

The exception is poor, meager soils. In this case, you will have to feed the plants a little.

Weeding and loosening are absolutely standard - as needed. They remove weeds and at the same time loosen the soil around them. At correct landing no hilling required. No need for a garter either.

The only thing that can be done is to slightly shape the plant. For a spherical shape, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots, and for a columnar shape, remove the lower stepsons. But most often the marigolds are left untouched, allowing them to grow wherever they please. This only adds to their charm.

Pests. Due to the specific and strong aroma, almost all pests avoid marigolds. But sometimes, when the weather is dry and hot for a long time, spider mites can settle on the flowers. Get rid of it with any suitable insecticide. Folk remedies using strong-smelling herbs will not save you, because marigolds themselves belong to this category. Humidifying the air around the bushes during hot periods helps avoid this scourge.

Waterlogging the soil attracts slugs and snails. A few jars or bowls of bleach or bleach solve this problem. Pests quickly retreat from marigold plantings.

Diseases. Marigolds themselves almost never get sick, and with their aroma they save nearby plants from fungal and viral diseases. The only disease that odorous bushes can handle is gray rot. But it rarely appears, most often when the weather is cool and rainy for a long time.

This disease cannot be cured. You will have to pull out the affected plants by the roots, take them outside the site and burn them. And this must be done as quickly as possible, before the infection spreads to neighboring bushes.

  1. Instead of germinating marigold seeds in a container with soil, you can try germinating them on paper. To do this, place 10-12 layers of the simplest material in a low, wide container. toilet paper. Moisten it and spread the seeds. Cover and put in a warm place. Further actions are identical to “earth” plantings. Naturally, such marigolds will have to be picked 100%. Paper contains no nutrients for sprouts.
  2. When planted directly into the ground without seedlings, seedlings appear in about 10-12 days. If you are not interested in very early flowering, then you don’t have to bother with seedlings.
  3. Some gardeners grow marigolds like weeds. And they reproduce by self-sowing. Smart people They try not to weed them out. Phytoncides secreted by flowers perfectly repel most pests, and the root system disinfects the soil.
  4. To activate the appearance of new buds, you need to pick off old flowers in a timely manner. Then the marigolds will delight you with flowering until the frosts.
  5. It is not at all necessary to grow marigolds only in open ground. At good care they grow well in pots or flowerpots on windowsills, and can become worthy decoration balcony or winter garden.
  6. By the way, in order to prolong the flowering of your favorite plant, you can transplant it directly with a lump of earth into a suitable container. Then all that remains is to bring it into the house and find a suitable well-lit place. This must be done before the onset of frost, otherwise the flower will no longer be saved.
  7. In order not to buy marigold seeds for each season, you can collect them yourself. All you need to do is collect the inflorescences that have faded after flowering and dry them. After this, the seeds are very easily separated from the box. They remain viable for up to 4 years. From one such box you can grow a whole flower bed!

How to grow marigolds from seeds? Not that difficult. All you need to do is grow strong seedlings and then plant them in the ground. Now you can wait for flowering to admire your handiwork.

Video: a new tricky way to grow marigolds