Installing a motion sensor: general recommendations and connection diagram. Principle and diagrams for connecting a motion sensor for lighting and alarms How to connect an infrared motion sensor to a lamp

Connecting lighting through a motion sensor allows you not only to save energy, but also to add comfort and convenience to our homes. Selection of installation location, connection diagrams and verification are not required high level qualifications, so almost every home master can do this.

Ceiling sensors with all-round visibility are usually mounted in the center of the room, or at its highest point. There are many more installation options for wall-mounted units.

For staircase lighting

In an apartment building, it is best to come to an agreement with all residents of the entrance and install a common lighting system for all its spans. If such agreement could not be achieved, you can make personal lighting of the entrance door to the apartment by installing a sensor above it and setting it to minimum sensitivity, only when directly approaching.

IN country house or in a cottage, you can install a staircase lighting system that turns on the lamps sequentially as you move along it. In the minimum version, only two devices are required: below and above.

In the utility room

In the technical room of the house, in the garage, storage room or other similar places, it is most advisable to install a light switch combined with a motion sensor, which is best mounted opposite the front door so that it is triggered when it opens.
When entering the room, the lighting will turn on for a time sufficient to switch it to constant mode. It is possible to organize separate systems: a low-power duty lamp is turned on from the sensor, and the main lighting is turned on independently with its own switch.

For street lighting

Outside, sensors and lighting devices can be installed above the entrance gate, entrance to the house, garage, bathhouse, gazebo or other premises. You can install separate sensors for each street lamp in the garden or on the path near the house. For street lighting purposes, sensors with an external brightness analyzer should be used, operating only at dusk.

Now on the lighting market you can find options LED lamps for outdoor lighting combined with solar panels and motion sensors. They do not require external power supply lines. There are also cordless models that run on batteries or rechargeable batteries. For the same purpose, rational use of electricity at home is installed.

The sensors have plastic housings that must be protected from shock or other damage. Particular care should be taken when handling the plastic Fresnel lens, which is an important component of the optical system of the device.

At outdoor installation It is necessary to ensure that the devices are not exposed to direct sunlight and precipitation. In such cases, it is better to provide for the installation of protective visors for them. It should also be taken into account that in windy weather the sensors can be triggered by the movement of branches located near trees.

Indoors, these devices are not recommended to be placed near heating devices. It is advisable that hot radiators or stoves also do not fall into their field of vision. To do this, you can adjust the height and vertical angle of the device accordingly.

When performing any work with mains voltage, safety regulations must be strictly observed. When connecting the power wires to the devices, it is necessary to de-energize them using the switch on the power panel or by unscrewing the fuse plugs. If not full confidence in the correct, accurate and safe implementation of all procedures for installing devices, it is better to entrust this to professional craftsmen.

How to connect an infrared motion sensor - detailed instructions

To mount the device, it is necessary to choose a location that provides the best viewing angles both horizontally and vertically with a maximum coverage area. Most infrared motion sensors have a dead zone, the location of which should be taken into account when choosing their height and angle of inclination. If the sensor is made in a fixed housing and does not have positioning adjustment, then it is necessary to check the technical data sheet for correct placement of the device. Mounting the device on the wall must be reliable, allowing for its subsequent orientation in space.
Before connecting the motion sensor to the light, you should unscrew the back cover and carefully study the attached connection diagram. Unlike a conventional light bulb, this device usually requires not only a phase, but also a neutral wire.

Did you know that the answer to the question is not so clear-cut.
And the seemingly very simple process of connecting a switch to a regular light bulb requires taking into account a lot various nuances- from installing electrical wiring to installing a light bulb in the wall. All details can be studied.

What if there is a connection terminal inside? protective grounding, then it is necessary to ensure its availability at the installation site. Therefore, conventional wiring is not suitable for connecting the device. lighting network. It is necessary to reconnect the wires in the distribution box or connect an additional wire from the box or outlet.

Deciding on a suitable motion sensor installation scheme

Inside the device there is usually a terminal block with standard colored and labeled contacts:

    • L, brown or black - phase wire.
    • N, blue - neutral wire.
    • A, Ls or L’, red - phase return to the lighting lamps.
    • ⊥, yellow-green - protective grounding.

Lighting connections should be made between pins A and N. Power supply electrical network apply to L and N, strictly observing the phase connection.

One sensor

Classical standard scheme inclusions.

With switch

Allows you to bypass the sensor by applying voltage directly to the lighting fixture.

Multiple sensors

Typically used for rooms with complex configurations, long corridors and passages, staircases.

In addition to connection contacts, many models of infrared sensors have adjustment controls:

  • DAY LIGHT or LUX - sensitivity threshold for illumination.
  • TIME - trigger timer.
  • SENSE - sensitivity.

How to check whether devices are connected correctly

It is best to check the functionality of these devices before installing them by connecting them according to a temporary circuit. Especially it concerns simple models, which do not have any regulatory bodies. If after installation they do not work as expected, it is most likely due to incorrect installation.

More complex samples of devices can also be checked for their serviceability by assembling a temporary connection diagram and setting the light threshold control to the maximum position and the timer to the minimum.
If the device has an indicator LED, then there is no need to even connect the load; turning it on when motion is detected by the sensor will indicate that the device is working. If the switch in the device is an electromagnetic relay, then its clicking will also indicate the serviceability of the device. After completing the installation work, it is imperative to carry out the procedure for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting.

Setting up and adjusting motion sensors for lighting

All customizable parameters are set strictly individually in each specific room. As a rule, after the initial installation, more precise adjustments of the parameters are required during operation until the most suitable values ​​are determined.

The usual limits for adjusting the timer response time are set in most devices from a few seconds to ten minutes. The photosensitivity threshold can only be set in devices that have an appropriate light sensor. It determines the brightness daylight, in which the device stops supplying voltage to the lighting fixtures.

Setting the sensor sensitivity is the most subtle and capricious setting. In any case, the sensor should respond to the appearance of a person in the room, and not pets. When changing the viewing angle of a device, it is often necessary to also adjust its sensitivity.

Video on how to properly connect a motion sensor


Intelligent electronics home use characterized by devices called “motion sensors”. The new kind switching devices designed for light sources are able to show greater functionality compared to traditional designs.

For example, connecting a motion sensor for lighting with or without a switch increases the comfort of using the lighting device and helps save energy resources. What kind of devices are these – motion sensors? We suggest you sort things out in order.

In the article, we examined the operating principle of different motion sensors, outlined the features of their application, and also provided practical advice on choosing wiring diagram, installation and commissioning of the device.

Automation is steadily and consistently covering the household sphere. Manual control of almost any type household appliances is surely reduced to a minimum. The appearance of motion sensors is another confirmation of this.

These devices (usually miniature) are designed and manufactured by different companies in different designs. However, the principle of operation of all existing modifications has a common basis - the effect of radiation of waves of different types.

Electronics endowed with intellectual abilities. These devices have the ability to recognize heat rays emitted by the human body. Reacting to heat flows, devices perform certain actions

Currently, the following technologies are widely used:

  • acoustic;
  • optical;
  • radio wave.

Based on the practice of using a particular technology for production specific type systems, the result of production are structures of various types.

In particular, extensive use in various fields activities are found by motion controllers:

  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave;
  • photovoltaic;
  • infrared;
  • tomographic.

In addition, one more remarkable structural detail should be noted.

Dividing motion sensors into groups

All existing traffic control devices are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • active devices;
  • passive devices;
  • combined devices.

Some differ from others in their technological features.

Active devices– designs are usually made according to the scheme of transceiver devices, through which the operating signal is emitted and perceived as reflected from objects.

Another design of a device for monitoring and turning on/off peripheral equipment. This design operates on the principle of radiation and perception of radio waves. This is a so-called motion sensor with a radio channel

Passive type structures usually work by receiving signal waves from the outside world. That is, only the reception technique works here.

Combined sensors, respectively, are made taking into account the two marked options.

The lion's share of the entire available range falls on infrared sensors, which, from the point of view of design features, belong to the category of passive devices. This is the most affordable and cost-effective equipment for household use.

Operating principle of infrared devices

Analysis of thermal radiation is the basis of the operation of this type of devices designed to control the movement of people. For this purpose, a highly sensitive sensor is integrated into the design of the device.

Widespread infrared design: 1 – housing cover; 2 – multi-element lens system; 3 – coverage area limiter; 4 – electronics with touch control; 5 – power supply and base (+)

The element reacts to thermal background radiation (from a person), sends a signal electronic circuit comparison, where the moment of operation is determined. The sensitivity of the sensor is enhanced by a special lens installed in the path of thermal waves.

The designs of modern motion sensors are equipped with multi-element lens systems. This solution makes it possible to cover large areas controlled by sensors. For example, installed at a height of 4 m from the floor level, one infrared sensor capable of controlling movement over an area of ​​20-25 m2.

The simplest design infrared systems. Inexpensive to purchase, easy to install, easy to configure device. Three variable resistors are used for tuning

Each individual device is equipped with a tuning electronic module. Using special regulators ( variable resistors or similar elements) the sensitivity level and duration of action are set. By adjusting the sensitivity level, the performance of the device in certain lighting conditions is determined.

And the time setting system sets the time limits for resetting the active action (returning the device to tracking mode). This limit can range from 1 second to 60 minutes.

An infrared sensor adjustment module that allows flexible adjustments: 1 – setting sensitivity to the movement of objects; 2 – setting the on time; 3 – adjusting the brightness of the lamps of the lighting device

There are also motion sensors with design, where the lamp brightness control function is supported. These devices can be configured to smoothly change brightness immediately after closing the circuit, and turn on the lighting with a certain delay.

How to connect a device to a lighting circuit

For motion sensors with automatic control function lighting fixtures typical ceiling installation. The devices are designed for surface mounting. However, motion control devices are no less often mounted on walls.

Motion sensors wall mounting. This type of device does not provide the coverage of area control that is provided ceiling structures, but are used wall devices also quite active

Traditional installation locations are indoors small area: residential apartments, offices, auxiliary premises.

It should be emphasized that connecting motion sensors is possible not only for the purpose of switching light devices. These same devices are convenient for switching ventilation, heating and other systems from one mode to another.

Connection of devices is allowed under normal conditions environment. The devices can only be used inside closed rooms. Meanwhile, the protection class of these devices complies with the EN 60669-2-1 standard.

The optimal height for installing traffic control devices is considered to be 2.5 m. If this condition is met, the radius of the sensitivity zone will be at least 3.5 m. Most urban and private residential buildings have rooms with exactly this height.

Standard control parameters that infrared devices have. Obtained experimentally with the participation of devices of different designs in experiments (+)

Installation work must be performed by persons who have professional skills in working with electrical (electronic) equipment. All installation operations are permissible only when the power line is de-energized at the installation site.

Circuit solutions for installation may vary depending on user needs. A scheme for connecting lighting devices through a motion sensor paired with a conventional switch is often used.

Let's look at this option with a step-by-step installation.

Installing a motion sensor with a switch

The first step The user usually has to choose the method of connecting the motion sensor to the body. The sensor housing must first be opened. It is easy to disassemble the case. Use a slotted screwdriver to lightly pry the edge of the base at the latch location.

Two cable connection options are allowed:

  • rear entry– as a rule, it is used for hidden wiring, the end of which is brought out through a hole in the ceiling;
  • lateral brought in from the side- is used for .

In any case, it is necessary to remove the temporary plug from the existing inlet.

Second step– connecting cable conductors to their destination. The destination is the terminal points marked on the device body with the corresponding symbols (L, N, L1). Depending on the device manufacturer and device configuration, symbols may differ.

Step three involves installing a motion sensor - directly attaching the device to the ceiling. There are holes for fastening on the base body of the device. Fastening is made through these holes.

If the ceiling is concrete, the fastening points should first be marked, drilled, and provided with dowels. Having completed the attachment to the ceiling, fasten the lid to the base of the device and wipe the entire structure with a soft rag.

Step four– setting up the device, the essence of which is to set the required values ​​on the service potentiometers.

The classic design of the devices is usually accompanied by three service potentiometers:

  • delay time (Time);
  • brightness (Lux);
  • sensitivity (Meter).

The first potentiometer can be used to set the required shutdown delay parameters (that is, after the lamp lights up, it will go out only after the specified time has elapsed).

Options for the presence of adjusting elements depending on the modification of the devices. Upper half - used on simple devices with switching of one group of external devices. The lower half is complicated designs with switching of two groups of external devices (+)

Fifth step installations - testing the motion sensor. To perform this action, you should use the corresponding function (Test), which is activated by setting the potentiometer (Time) to the position being tested (Test). By setting the potentiometer at this mark, the system is connected to the mains voltage.

After applying current to the line, wait at least 1 minute. This time is necessary for the device to initialize and enter operating mode. Device testing can be performed without connecting lighting devices. Control of switching on or off is indicated by an LED located on the front panel.

In the test mode of the sensor, you need to activate movement within the sensitivity zone. If motion is detected by the sensor, the control LED on the front panel should light up for a short time (2-3 seconds). Rotate the sensitivity potentiometer (Meter) to adjust the desired level.

Installation and configuration of any other devices of a similar class (infrared) are carried out in a similar way or with minor corrections. Some differences can usually be observed in devices designed to connect several load channels.

As part of such structures, additional regulators can be installed and the number of terminals per connection can be increased.

On our website there is a selection of articles devoted to the selection, installation and use of motion sensors for lighting. We advise you to read:

  1. To complete the review, you should add information about technical requirements to devices such as motion sensors.

    Thus, the load capacity of devices usually does not exceed 1 kW, and the maximum switching current is no more than 10A. The devices are designed to work in networks alternating current with a frequency of 50-60 Hz at a nominal voltage of 230 V.

    These basic parameters must be kept in mind before connecting sensors to solve specific problems.

    Share with readers your experience of connecting and using motion sensors. Please leave comments, ask questions about the topic of the article and participate in discussions - the feedback form is located below.

A motion sensor is an electronic infrared device that detects the movement of living beings and turns on power to lights and other electronic devices. Most often, such sensors are mounted for lighting, but can be used for other purposes, for example, turning on sound alarm.

The motion sensor operates on the principle of an electrical switch. Ordinary electric switch we turn it on and off mechanically by hand, and the motion sensor turns on automatically in response to movement, and turns off automatically when the movement stops.

The motion sensor is used in conjunction with lighting, as well as for turning on a sound alarm, opening doors, such as supermarket doors, etc.

Types of motion sensors
By location:
  • Perimetric, used outdoors.
  • Peripheral.
  • Internal.
Based on the operating principle:
  • Ultrasonic – a reaction to high-frequency sound waves.
  • Microwaves – respond to high frequency radio waves.
  • Infrared - uses heat radiation.
  • Active - equipped with a receiver and transmitter.
  • Passive - without a transmitter.
By type of operation:
  • Thermal - triggered when the temperature changes.
  • Sound - act on air vibrations.
  • Oscillatory - triggered by a magnetic field.
By design:
  • 1-position – equipped with a transmitter and receiver in one housing.
  • 2-position – receiver and transmitter in different housings.
  • Multi-position - equipped with several blocks.
By type of installation:
  • Multifunctional.
  • Indoor.
  • External.
  • Overhead (wall-mounted).
  • Ceiling (for suspended ceiling).
  • Mortise (for offices).
Operating principle

The operating principle is not difficult to understand and is simple. The detector detects an object, sends a signal to a relay, which closes the circuit, and the light bulb lights up.

Connecting motion sensors using an example
To better understand how a motion sensor works, let’s conduct an experiment connecting it to a light bulb. For this we need:
  • Motion Sensor.
  • Electrical plug.
  • Indicator screwdriver for phase search.
  • Electric cartridge.
  • Bulb.
  • Screw clamp.
  • The wire.
  • Cleaning tool.

First, we will connect the light bulb directly to the socket, and then we will connect the motion sensor to the open circuit in order to understand the operation of the sensor.

We take the electrical wire and connect the ends to the plug. To strip the wire, we use a special stripping tool that is convenient to use. We install the cartridge on the opposite side. Screw in the light bulb.

Using an indicator screwdriver, we determine where the phase is in the socket. We insert the plug into the socket and make sure that the light is on. Now you need to install a motion sensor in the wire gap. Turn off the power supply and cut both wires. We clean the ends of the wires.

Now our task is to install the sensor into the gap in the supply wire. You need to connect a zero to the sensor according to the instructions to power it, and pass the phase through the sensor to the light bulb. The phase will enter the brown wire, come out of the red wire and go to the light bulb. We connect according to this diagram. Take the screw clamp and connect it.

There are two rheostats on the sensor itself. One rheostat is responsible for the time of day. It can be used not only for lighting, but also for turning on other devices. On the left knob, the sun is drawn to the left of it, and the moon is drawn to the right. That is, in order to use the sensor during daylight hours, we set the switch to the mode where the sun is indicated. If we use the sensor at night for lighting, then we switch the sensor to dark mode.

For our experience, we will turn on the checks in daylight mode, since we are doing the check in the light. The second sensor is responsible for the shutdown time. We can set it to minimum, and it will turn off after 5 seconds, or set it to maximum, that is, increase the time from the moment the movement stops. Now we plug the plug into the socket, according to the previously established polarity. We move our hand, the sensor turns on the lamp. Now we don’t make any movements, a few seconds pass, the sensor turns off. Motion sensors are connected in a similar way.

Connection diagrams

The motion sensors are connected according to the usual circuit of closing and opening the light bulb circuit. If constant lighting is needed, but nothing moves, then a regular switch is included in the circuit parallel to the motion sensor. When the switch is turned on, the light will turn on due to the bypass circuit. When the switch is turned off, lighting control will transfer to the motion sensor.

Connecting motion sensors (several)

Most often, it happens that the shape of the room does not allow one sensor to cover its entire space, for example, around a bend in a corridor. In this case, several sensors are placed and connected according to parallel circuit. As a result of the activation of any sensor, the circuit is closed and voltage is supplied to the lighting devices. With this connection method, we must not forget that lighting lamps and sensors must be connected from the same phase. Otherwise it will happen short circuit.

Motion sensors are positioned in such a way that the viewing angle is greatest in the direction of the expected area of ​​object movement. In this case, windows, doors and the interior of the room should not shield or interfere with the operation of the sensor.

Motion sensors have a permissible continuous power value of 500 to 1000 watts. Therefore, they are limited to high load use.

If it is necessary to turn on many powerful lighting devices, the motion sensors are connected through a magnetic starter.

When purchasing a sensor, see the installation and configuration instructions included with it. Usually the device diagram is indicated on the case. Under the sensor cover there is a connection block, and three contacts are visible by color. The wires are connected using clamps. If the cable is multi-core, then sleeve lugs are used.

Connection features

Electric current is supplied to the sensor through two conductors: brown - phase, and blue - zero. From the sensor, the phase goes to one contact of the light bulb. The other end of the lamp is connected to the zero terminal.

When movement occurs in the control location, the sensor is triggered and closes the relay contacts, which supplies a phase to the lamp.

The terminal block has screw terminals, so the wires are connected with lugs. It is recommended to connect the phase wire according to the diagram specified in the instructions.

Connecting motion sensors comes with some special features:
  • After connecting the wiring, close the lid and proceed to connecting the wires in the junction box.
  • 9 wires are supplied to the box: 2 - from the lamp, 3 - from the sensor, 2 - from the switch, 2 - zero and phase.
  • Wires on the sensor: brown (white) - phase, blue (green) - zero, red - connection to the network.
  • The wires are connected as follows: the phase wire (brown) is connected to the brown (white) phase wire of the sensor and the wire from the switch. The zero wire of the power cable is connected to the zero of the sensor and the zero of the lighting lamp.
  • There are three wires left - red from the sensor, brown from the lamp and the second wire from the switch. They are connected.

The sensor is connected to the lighting. After power is applied, the sensor shows its reaction to movement, thereby closing the lighting circuit.

Installation instructions

We figured out the connection diagram and operating principle. Now there remains an important and final stage work - deal with the installation of the motion sensor.

To independently install and connect motion sensors to the power supply, you must follow a certain procedure:
  • Select the connection diagram (one sensor or several, with or without a switch, etc.).
  • Determine the most suitable location and direction for mounting the motion sensor. Typically the sensor is mounted on the ceiling or in the corner of the room. At street installation you need to look at the situation. The main parameter is the viewing angle of the sensor. It is necessary to select the most suitable location for the location of the sensor housing so that there is no dead zones(places that the sensor does not cover with its action). To do this, it is recommended to use lamp supports or load-bearing wall building.
  • IN switchboard turn off the electricity in order to ensure safety when connecting wires.
  • According to the selected circuit option, connect three wires to the contacts of the sensor housing and in the housing of the lighting device. At the same time, do not forget about observing the markings according to the colors of the wires and the designations of the connectors, in order to avoid confusion. If you connect the zero and phase incorrectly, you expose yourself to danger and also damage the electrical wiring, so when connecting you need to work carefully and carefully.
  • You need to adjust the regulators on the sensor body and select their optimal settings. There may be several common regulators on the sensor body: Lux - light level for activation, Time - time delay for turning off the light, Sens - sensitivity of the sensor sensor, Mic - noise level for sensor activation. These settings are individual in each case.

  • Apply power to the distribution board and test the operation of the motion sensor. If necessary, change the location of the sensor, or reconfigure the sensitivity and other settings.

When connecting the sensor to garden plot, it is better to place it further from bushes, trees and other objects that create interference.

There are many types of motion sensors

A light sensor is a device that can detect the movement of a person within its coverage area. Typically these are devices related to infrared electronics. They are essentially circuit breakers that trip on a specific trigger. The devices switch the activities of lighting devices and their power sources. In today's article we will figure out how to connect a motion sensor for lighting, decide on the circuit, select the optimal position, and so on.

Find out, as well as read its varieties and descriptions, in a special article on our portal.

A sudden beam of light can scare away intruders

So, this type of electronics is used for different purposes and under different conditions. But the most common one in everyday life is the sensor for turning on/off the light. They have also found their application in smart home systems, but they perform other functions.

There are several types of light sensors that function differently, but perform the same functions. To explain it simply, the system works like this: a moving person enters the coverage area of ​​the device, it detects this fact and sends a signal to the controller, which issues commands to the relay that turns on the light.

Based on the principle of determining motor activity and the structure of the device, the following types are distinguished:

Infrared motion sensor

  • Infrared sensors - detect changes in the intensity of infrared radiation within their coverage area. The sensor has concave mirrors (segmented) or lenses. A person is a source of thermal energy, which a sensitive device can capture. The radiation is focused by different lenses when the object moves, which, in fact, serves as a signal to the equipment to perform its main function. The more lenses in the device, the more sensitive it is. The area of ​​these lenses affects the width of the view.

The advantages of infrared sensors include following points: harmless to humans and animals; safety; viewing angle and distance can be easily adjusted; adjusting temperatures allows you to eliminate false alarms on animals and other objects that emit heat; IR sensors can work in wide range ambient temperatures.

Such sensors also have disadvantages:

  • the accuracy of the device may be reduced by precipitation, sunlight and some other factors;
  • even adjusting temperatures does not always help get rid of false alarms, since energy from the sun, heating devices, and so on can interfere with operation;
  • If the object is covered with material that prevents the passage of heat, the sensor may not work.

Prices for different types of infrared motion sensor

Infrared motion sensor

Video – Infrared motion sensor

Ultrasonic sensor

  • Ultrasonic sensors generate sound waves of a certain frequency that spread from it around. These waves are reflected from surrounding objects and then return to the receiver. If the current indicators change to new ones, the device is activated, turning on the lights. Similar system borrowed from living nature - the bats They can also navigate in the dark.

As always, the system has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the first one:

  • the sensor measurements cannot be affected by environmental conditions;
  • it is impervious to dust, so it can be used outdoors without any problems;
  • high humidity also does not interfere with the device;
  • reacts to the movements of objects of any type, regardless of what material they are made of.

The disadvantages include: small area device coverage; animal reaction to ultrasound; false alarms and, conversely, failures if the object moves very smoothly.

Interesting to know! Such sensors are very good for use in parking lots and stairs apartment buildings and in the courtyards.

Microwave motion sensor

  • Microwave or microwave sensors are similar in principle to ultrasonic sensors, only they work with electromagnetic radiation - the waves that the device emits are reflected from objects and returned back to the receiver. Any changes in the background, even the smallest ones, are sensitively recorded by equipment that activates the light switching mechanism.

The advantages of such a solution will be: high stability, which is not affected by either air temperature or environmental conditions; very high sensitivity; the ability to detect movement behind obstacles that allow electromagnetic waves(doors, glass, walls, etc.); several independent detection sites; small dimensions of the device.

The main disadvantages will be: false alarms on the movements of objects located outside the observed area, for example, behind a fence separating the yard from the neighbors’ property; Electromagnetic radiation may cause Negative influence on human and animal health.

Interesting to know! Due to the harm caused to the health of living organisms, microwave sensors are not installed in places large cluster of people. Usually these are large corridors, basements, storage rooms, and so on. In this case, devices with strictly regulated power are used.

Combined type sensor

The most accurate are sensors that combine the operating principles of the previous versions. Such devices are called combined. There is no need to talk about the pros and cons here, since there are several options for different combinations, which means they will have operating parameters be fundamentally different.

Motion sensors for lighting may also differ in other parameters. First of all, this is internal options. When purchasing, you need to clarify this point, since violation of the terms of use can lead to incorrect operation of the device or its breakdown.

Wireless motion sensor

Sensors can be connected either using wires or without them. The second option will cost you much more - but if you install it in a room where the renovation has already been completely completed and unnecessary parts can spoil the interior, their purchase is justified. These devices receive power from built-in elements (batteries, accumulators), so they will have to be replaced or recharged at some intervals.

Based on their location, sensors are divided into:

  • corner;
  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • universal.

If you don’t yet know exactly where you will install the device, then when purchasing you should give preference to the latter option.

Prices for different types of microwave sensors

Microwave sensors

Scheme for connecting the sensor to the lamp

So, we have figured out the types of this equipment, now let's see how it is properly switched with lighting devices and the electrical network. As an example we will take IR sensor, since these devices, even despite their imperfections, are the most popular on the market.

In fact, connecting a sensor is a simple process that does not take much time. You can also find all the necessary information in the instructions supplied with the device. In many ways, this device resembles a regular switch, since its main task is to close/open the power circuit for the lighting device.

Advice! Before starting work, always read the instructions from the manufacturer, as they may contain important information about the marking of contacts, the purpose of elements, etc. The connection diagram is always duplicated on the device body.

Steps, photo:Description:

Step 1 – remove the back cover

So, here is a new IR type sensor that you have just removed from the factory packaging. Where to begin? We unfold it and see the back cover, which hides the contacts through which the device will be powered. We remove it and put it aside for now.

Step 2 – look at the instructions

Open the instructions for the sensor and look at the pin assignments. Under the cover you will see three wires that can be labeled different colors. In our case, their purpose is as follows:
Brown (L) is the phase connected from the electrical network;
Blue (N) – zero, which is also taken from the network;
Red is the phase wire that is connected to the load, that is, to the lamp.
To connect the device we will use a three-wire wire that will fit to it from distribution box.

Advice! If your wire is stranded, then to connect to the sensor terminal block, crimp the stripped ends with NShVI type lugs. Let's say right away that in the example everything is assembled in the form of a stand.

Step 3 - Connecting Wires

In our example, the master immediately connected the phase from the supply wire to the brown terminal, and connected the zero to the zero coming from the lamp by twisting, and connected it to the blue terminal of the terminal block. The positive from the lamp is connected to the remaining red wire.

Actually, now when voltage is applied, the device will already work, but in reality we will have to connect it a little differently if the lamp is not located directly next to the sensor.
We take a three-core wire and run it from the junction box to the installation location of the device;
We connect all three wires with conclusions and remember which wire we connected where - imagine that our wires have the same color coding;
We return to the box in which we need to connect the group supply wire (phase and neutral) to the corresponding wires (brown and blue);
Next, we look for the wires coming from the lamp. There can be 2 or 3 of them, depending on whether grounding is provided.
We are interested in the supply pins, one of which is connected to the red wire from the sensor, and the second to the common zero.
Advice! It is best to make all connections in the box using terminal blocks, avoiding twists, since the latter can cause problems later when dismantling the equipment. Keep up with the times!

Step 4 - Attaching the Sensor

After all connections have been made, you will need to return the cover and secure the device to the wall or ceiling. The mounting method may vary from model to model, so again, read the instructions. But you will still need: a hammer drill, a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

Motion sensor that does not require connection

The sensor connection is related to electrical installation work, so if you don’t understand this at all, you’ll have to invite an electrician. Or not? Today many manufacturers offer this elegant solution in the form of an adapter for a lamp. The sensor has a base through which it is powered. At the bottom it has a socket for a lamp that it will turn on. The only drawback of such a solution will be its bulkiness - it will not look at all in any lamp, and in some it will not fit at all.

Interesting to know! The accuracy of this combined instrument leaves much to be desired, despite the large coverage area according to the passport data. The reason lies in the fact that the parts of the case are connected to each other by several jumpers, which limit the “view” of the device.

Connecting a light sensor via a switch

So, our sensor is working and functions perfectly, however, there are models that cannot distinguish between day and night in the yard and they will work constantly, since they are directly connected to the power wires. Is it possible to make the circuit more universal so as not to waste extra energy during the day and save the resource of turning the lamp on and off?

Of course you can! To do this, you need to add a switch, time relay or light sensor to the circuit. Modern devices for the most part have built-in adjustment to the ambient light - we’ll talk about this a little later.

Connecting the sensor in this way is not difficult. We already have ready-made diagram, and for it to stop functioning, it is enough to break the phase wire running from the box, or rather, not just break it, but separate it with a switch. This allows the device to be de-energized for as long as it is not needed.

Try to get to the switch without incident

In principle, it’s convenient, but what to do if you come home late at night, it’s dark around, and you still need to get to the switch? It would be nice to automate the entire lighting system. To do this, you can use either a time relay that will work exactly at the right hour, or install a light sensor, which at dusk will give a command to the automation that triggers the motion sensor.

In terms of installation complexity, such a circuit is installed in almost the same way as the motion sensor itself, only instead of a load in the form of a lamp, a phase wire goes from it to a secondary device. The only drawback that you will get is that the cost of the entire system as a whole will at least double.

A switch may allow the sensor to be bypassed

Switches are installed in motion sensors not only in the above cases, but also to directly turn on the light bulb when such a need arises. Imagine the situation. You heard some rustling in the yard and went to check what was wrong. You open the door, and there is darkness, since the sensor has not yet detected movement. To activate it, need to walk or wave hand in front of him.

But what if it is installed far from the door and you still need to get to it? Or, for example, you decide to have an evening gathering in the yard, and you need the light to be on constantly, and the sensor turns off after some time. This is what requires direct connection of the device - the diagram above shows how it is assembled.

Connect the wires well through the terminals

  1. So, we install the switch in a place convenient for us, and run a wire from it to the junction box.
  2. We find the terminal from the lighting lamp, which is connected to the wire from the sensor, and the phase common wire.
  3. We tie them to them with two wires from the switch, without disassembling the connections, and isolate the contacts.
  4. Now, if the switch is turned on, the lamp will light regardless of whether the sensor is triggered.

Ideally, it is recommended to combine both schemes so that the lighting control is complete and you can turn the equipment off and on when needed. To implement this, you will need to install the equipment sequentially - first a switch, relay or light sensor, then a switch for direct activation together with a light sensor. As a result, the light will not be able to turn on until the first link is activated. In principle, the scheme can be complicated even more, but this is clearly unnecessary.

Video - Two diagrams for connecting a motion sensor

Find out how to install, as well as familiarize yourself with their types and installation rules, in a special article on our portal.

Setting up a motion sensor

There are several controls on the sensor

Any complex equipment needs to be configured for normal operation, or more precisely, to set the values ​​that will be convenient for its user. Let's give the simplest example - the sensor is triggered by movement and turns on the light for 3-40 seconds, which is enough for a young healthy person to walk through the yard. Let’s imagine another person who, due to age or physical capabilities, is able to overcome the same path will spend 1-2 minutes. As a result, the lighting will constantly blink, periodically plunging the walker into darkness, which is inconvenient and annoying.

This sensor has only two types of settings

The motion sensor settings are changed using several potentiometers built into its body, as shown in the photo above. Usually there are 3 such regulators, each of which is responsible for certain parameters works:

  • Time– the potentiometer signed with this word will regulate the delay time for turning off the light, that is, how long the lamp will burn before turning off. Depending on the device model, this parameter can be set in the range from 1 to 600 seconds. Here we focus exclusively on the average time for people to travel through the illuminated area.
  • LUX– allows you to configure the response threshold for proper operation sensor in daytime. The system works like this - the sensor compares the parameters of ambient lighting or a moving object with a threshold value, that is, if the light level is above this very threshold, the device should not operate. If your sensor has such a regulator, then there is no need to install additional devices to determine day/night. In fact, an additional light sensor is built into the device.

Setting potentiometers is easy

Advice! The more light there is in the room, the lower the value must be set on the LUX scale. Additional adjustment may be required if the initial adjustment was made in winter, when there is not much sunlight outside.

Motion sensor connection diagrams

  • SENS– this is the sensitivity setting of the device. Changing the regulator affects the volume and distance of the object that should trigger the equipment. Everything is simple here - the setup is done experimentally. If the sensor triggers too often, we reduce the scale; if, on the contrary, there are cases of switching failure, then we increase the sensitivity.

Lenses need to be aimed at a specific location

The last point to consider when setting up is device head angle. Adjustments are made until it responds correctly to moving objects within the desired coverage area. This concludes our article. We hope everyone found it interesting and the information is useful to you in practice.

The connection diagram for a motion sensor for lighting does not have any special differences from an ordinary switch. For human comfort, science has provided many new devices to help move indoors and outdoors. At first, motion sensors for lighting systems were concentrated in security institutions.

IN Lately devices are increasingly being used for adjacent areas and your own home. This unique device allows you to significantly reduce energy costs. It is precisely for the purpose of saving that sensors are installed today.

A lamp with a motion sensor is no longer a rarity, but before installing it, it is important to learn some rules that will help you avoid common mistakes:

Important! If it is necessary to connect several high-power lamps to one motion device, it is recommended to install a magnetic starter in the circuit.

How to connect sensors to lighting according to the diagram?

The motion sensor device is equipped with three terminals. From one terminal the conductor is connected to the phase, the next terminal is used for the neutral, and the last one provides for connecting the lamp directly. Thus, the installation diagram of the mechanism does not have any special difficulties; besides, for clarity, almost every manufacturer indicates the connection diagram on back side device body.

In some cases, it is necessary to include several sensors simultaneously in one electrical circuit. Often such manipulations are practiced if each of the purchased sensors has a small range of operation and does not cover the required area. IN similar situation It is important to fix all motion sensors on the same phase, and make sure that their activation is parallel.

Attention! Connecting multiple motion sensors in any other way often causes a short circuit.

Selecting a lamp with a motion sensor for your home

In some cases, you can purchase a lamp with a built-in motion sensor. Such lamps are more suitable for home use than for outdoor use. Let's consider options for choosing lighting fixtures with an automatic operation mechanism.

Important! Motion sensor lighting devices should be installed in well-ventilated areas.

Detailed instructions on how to connect a motion sensor to a lamp

A device that allows you to automatically turn on the light when someone approaches can be installed in only two ways, which depend on how many sensors you plan to connect. Let's look at the instructions, which describe in detail the connection of conductors for effective switching on:

  • we talked above about how a lamp with an automatic mechanism turns on;
  • Now we connect the wires to each other in the junction box. The box receives three wires from the sensor, two from the lamp and two supply wires: phase, zero;
  • Please note that the supply conductors have brown (phase) and blue (zero) insulation. The cable coming out of the motion sensor has a white phase and a green neutral. The red wire is used to connect to the load;
  • connect the supply phase with the motion sensor phase (brown and white vein). Next, we switch the neutral conductors of the sensor, the power cable (blue and green) and the lamp;
  • we have two free wires left (red and brown) we connect them together;
  • Apply voltage and monitor the operation of the device.

Important! We remind you that you can choose any of the options for connecting the wires to each other. However, we strongly recommend using the spring clamp method. See more details here.

Purpose of a motion sensor for lighting

A motion sensor is equipment with infrared radiation that responds to movement within a certain distance range. Wide Application automatic devices concentrated in organizations requiring a high degree of security. Such a device can be used as burglar alarm. For such cases, a motion and light sensor with a 360° angle is used.

In everyday life, such equipment is found somewhat less frequently, and mainly for the purpose of economy.

Motion sensor and switch: working together

It would seem that an ordinary switch and a motion sensor are devices that perform the same tasks, but nevertheless it is possible for them to work together. What is it for?

The main purpose of such a connection is to be able to control the lamps at any time, regardless of motion sensors. That is, you can turn on the light without leaving the sensor’s coverage area.

Attention! The switch to the motion sensor is connected in parallel, not otherwise!

How to adjust smart lighting?

To set up the device for effective operation, some skills will be required, since this procedure is considered important. The connection steps include: turning on the light-off delay, adjusting the light threshold and setting the sensitivity parameter of the device.

We work with a shutdown delay (TIME)

Thanks to this function, it becomes possible to adjust the time during which the switched-on lighting will work from the moment the signal is sent to the sensor. Each model provides different parameters. The general range of possible settings is from 1 to 500 seconds.

You can also set the lighting activation time from the moment the device reacts to movement.

Influence of lighting level (LUX): setting

You need to install optimal values for the device to operate at a time when the level of illumination in the area is high, that is, it is necessary to adjust the motion sensor to operate in the daytime.

Place the regulator so that at the moment of twilight, the slightest movement triggers the device.

Setting the sensitivity of the device (SENS)

It is recommended to set different sensitivity limits for summer and winter time. If the device triggers too often and falsely, try reducing the “SENS” level. Of course, if the device does not respond to your presence, you will have to increase the sensitivity.

Be sure to fully configure the monitored area. For this purpose, you need to set the correct tilt of the motion sensor for lighting.

Automatic light switch with motion sensor: its types

Due to the widespread use of motion sensors with lighting devices, they are usually divided into several types:

Important! The most affordable sensor is a passive type sensor with an infrared operating principle. Such devices are capable of detecting the presence of any warm-blooded organism.

How does an automatic light switch work?

Any type of sensor has the same operating principle. But, before putting the device into operation, it must be configured correctly. This device specializes in obtaining information about the presence of an object in the territory served by this device.

From the moment the signal arrives at the motion sensor, the lighting switches on a moment later (this configuration can be reconfigured). This happens thanks to the built-in time relay and the relay that operates the lamp.

If no more movement is detected for a certain period of time, the lighting turns off. If the object remains in the sensor control zone, the lighting will remain on continuously.

Attention! By correctly setting the device to trigger, you can prevent unnecessary light switching on, for example, outdoors during the daytime and indoors when other light sources are sufficiently bright.

Common motion sensor malfunctions and how to identify them

The main reasons that cause the breakdown of motion sensors are considered to be a violation of integrity electrical circuit, short circuit, overvoltage or stuck contacts. Therefore, it is important to prevent all unfavorable factors during installation of the device. Several signs of how to determine that the motion sensor is failing:

  • The device repeatedly triggers falsely, and reconfiguring the regulators does not help;
  • the motion sensor does not work or turns on every once in a while;
  • the device does not receive a signal;
  • the integrity of the body is compromised;
  • There is damage to the wiring.

Even a number of other factors lead to breakdowns, which sometimes cannot be eliminated, and you have to purchase a new device.

When connecting the device, be sure to take into account that the presence of objects emitting light or heat in the sensor operating area is unacceptable; they will lead to false triggering of the sensor.

Try to keep the lighting sensor away from trees and bushes. The slightest wind can interfere with the stable operation of the device. Direct the device at the time of installation to the area that needs to be monitored; it can be changed at any time. There should also be no electromagnetic radiation.

The device must work in optimal conditions, which ones - read in the instructions for it. It is important to keep it clean, since contamination is often the cause of poor signal reception and rapid failure of devices.