Stretch ceilings: matte or glossy. What's better? Glossy stretch ceilings: types and colors Glossy ceiling is not stretched

Until recently, ceiling decoration was not particularly diverse. Wallpapering, ceiling tiles or just painting - that's all the market has provided us with in the past. Modern technologies have led to the emergence of a new type of ceiling lining: PVC stretch fabrics. The most popular texture today is glossy (varnish) film. By purchasing such a stretch ceiling you will not have to regret it in the future.

Features of glossy ceilings

home distinguishing feature glossy canvases - this is their reflective surface. This feature distinguishes them from other textures: matte and satin canvases. The degree of reflection in glossy stretch ceilings directly depends on the quality of the film. The best paintings have a reflection of up to 95%.

Unlike other types of film, glossy films are easy to clean. Like all other textures, varnish perfectly withstands water when flooded by neighbors above.

Such canvases are ideal for rooms with no great height. A glossy stretch ceiling visually enlarges the space, filling it with volume. The mirror surface of the film makes the room lighter and brighter. Thanks to all this, the room becomes more spacious.

With the help of spotlights in combination with glossy stretch ceilings, you can turn your home into a real luxury apartment!

Colors of glossy stretch ceilings

The color range of glossy stretch ceilings includes more than 100 shades. Absolutely all colors are available in a width of 130 cm. These are narrow suture fabrics that have been produced since the emergence of technology.

But progress does not stand still. And today, thanks to the growing popularity in the market widespread received films with a width of 320 cm. Such films allow you to install glossy stretch ceiling into a room up to 3.5 m wide. The color range of the film includes more than 80 shades.

Film 5 meters wide has a slightly smaller number of colors. The palette of such paintings includes just over 10 shades. And they are installed in a room up to 5.5 m wide. These are the widest canvases that can be stretched without seams.

Often combined at one level different colors glossy films. This perfect solution to add personality to your ceiling.

Black and white gloss - a classic of the genre

A classic solution that suits any style and interior would be a white glossy ceiling. Absolutely all tones can easily be combined with white. White color is universal; it does not distract attention from other interior items. Absolutely any type of ceiling can be mounted on such a ceiling. Spotlights, it doesn’t matter what kind of base they have: chrome or gold - they will all fit perfectly. And the rays from colored lamps will look simply gorgeous!

Black glossy ceiling is not as popular as white. It requires a deliberate approach to use. Black color is for thin people stylistic decisions. This film has maximum reflection compared to other films. But at the same time, a black suspended ceiling absorbs more light. A room with such a ceiling will require more lamps.

In order not to overload the room with a heavy black shade, a combination of both colors is often used. This combination can be realized both through combinations at one level and through two-level designs.

If you are in doubt about choosing a color, then take a closer look at the white glossy ceilings. Such ceilings are universal.

Scope of application of varnish sheets

The scope of application of varnish (glossy) stretch ceilings is different:

  • Office and business premises
  • All living rooms
  • Swimming pools and saunas
  • Cafes, restaurants, banquet halls
  • Private medical clinics
  • Sport halls
  • Hotel rooms

This list can be continued endlessly. Such ceilings will fit perfectly into any room. They will not only add luxury, but also emphasize the individuality of the interior. Glossy canvas is suitable for both business office, and for home interiors.

PVC film is easy to clean and does not require special conditions operation, and this is a definite plus in favor of using it in in public places and in rooms with high humidity. Glossy ceiling - best option For

The trend to decorate the ceiling tension fabric is gaining great popularity. These designs are in demand due to a number of advantages and high performance characteristics.

Since the shiny texture of the material is the focus today, let’s look at glossy stretch ceilings in more detail, studying their varieties, current colors, subtleties of choice and visual perception.


A glossy stretch ceiling, in essence, is a panel stretched over a metal frame. The fixation of the material is uniform, quite rigid and sufficient for the panel to be even, without sagging or folds. As a material for decorating the ceiling area, PVC film is used, developed according to special technology, which eliminates deformation for a long time.

This material is made of synthetic components, which makes it resistant to microorganisms.

It does not crack, does not tear, is moisture resistant, and can withstand a significant amount of water if the neighbors above have a leak. Due to special impregnations, the material is frost-resistant. This design eliminates the formation of condensation, which is important for houses and rooms with high humidity, and allows the use of these structures in any room of the home, including the bathroom and combined toilet.

An additional bonus is the transparency of glossy textures, which allows you to decorate the ceiling with built-in lighting with a realistic effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Glossy stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages, among them there are several main ones:

  • The film can be painted in any shade color palette, which allows you not to be limited in the choice of design ideas, choosing any tone for the design of the ceiling.
  • The presence of reflectivity ensures the creation visual effect increasing space: due to gloss and light color the ceiling seems higher and the walls of the room wider.
  • These fabrics are durable. Subject to installation technology, careful handling and proper care, they will last for many years without compromising their external characteristics.
  • This material is resistant to ultraviolet rays, thanks to which glossy stretch ceilings can be installed in sunny rooms.
  • This material uses photo printing technology, which allows you to decorate the ceiling composition with a pattern of any theme, up to own photo at the client's choice.
  • The glossy texture of the material is associated with luxury. It does elegant any The interior fits especially well into modern and classic styles.

  • When installing structures with glossy tension fabric, you can vary the height of the frame, making it possible to mask a noticeable difference in the height of opposite walls.
  • This texture goes well with other options: for greater design expressiveness, you can combine glossy fabrics with matte and even satin ones.
  • Ability to combine with plasterboard structures allows you to radically change the design of the ceiling using stretch fabrics. Often together they form the main highlight of the room’s interior.
  • Glossy texture is a real design find in styles for which it is important to demonstrate achievements modern technologies through the coating, emphasizing the synthetic base of the material.
  • Such materials have an acceptable cost, which is suitable for every buyer, regardless of budget and taste preferences.
  • These fabrics go well with in different forms central and auxiliary lighting, which opens limitless possibilities for the design of any room.

Having whole line advantages, glossy tension structures are not without disadvantages.

Let's note the main ones:

  • Reflectivity creates emotional stress. For this reason, options with large glossy inserts are not advisable for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • Material with a glossy texture in most cases has a small width (3.5 m), which explains the presence of seams that are visible when looking at the coating.
  • The film used is not able to withstand punctures and significant mechanical damage. Violation of integrity and deterioration of appearance will lead to the need to dismantle the canvas.
  • The glossy texture competes with the applied pattern. Visually, it hides the clarity of lines and contours, so more often it has to be made in color and monochrome.
  • Despite being compatible with all types modern lamps, the use of chandeliers should be subject to the characteristics of the decor. If the material is decorated with photo printing, the chandelier can interrupt the beauty of the design.
  • The gloss reflects glare from lighting fixtures and sunlight, which causes some eye discomfort when looking at the ceiling.

When using a material with high reflectivity, a so-called mirror effect is obtained, which, increasing the parameters of the room, creates disorientation and doubles the number of furnishings. Outwardly, this is associated with disorder and forces the number of furnishing details to be reduced. and accessories to a minimum.

Mirror varieties are especially difficult to perceive.

Types and designs

Glossy stretch ceilings are available in a wide range today.

Let us briefly consider the main design options, which can be roughly divided into:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • three-level;
  • multi-level.

Single-level varieties are classic panels in the shape of the ceiling. They have virtually no complex decor; for greater expressiveness and relief, they are decorated with ceiling plinths, moldings, cornices, and small inserts imitating gypsum stucco.

To add versatility and relief, complicate the shape of the metal frame and add drywall(a sheet of lightweight gypsum material covered on both sides with construction paper or special cardboard). This approach allows you to add variety to the design of tensile structures, make the design special, and often even creative.

The difference between two-, three- and multi-level structures is the number of plasterboard inserts located on different heights relative to gender.

Small inserts of tension PVC material with a glossy texture allow the use of seamless technology. Thus You can decorate the ceilings with the same color material at different levels without losing the integrity of the film's appearance.

Colors and prints

To date the best shades for tensile structures with a glossy texture are the following:

  • beige;
  • cream;
  • pink;
  • Ivory;
  • lilac;
  • blue;

  • yellow;
  • coffee with milk;
  • turquoise;
  • chocolate;
  • champagne

Favorite color range is White color : it fills the space with light and harmony, softens any design. For this reason, today in ceiling decor with stretched fabric designers recommend using two-color combinations.

So, it is allowed to use rich and sometimes dark tones. It can be a contrast of white with purple, brown, blue, green and even black.

Two-color ceilings are used more often in two-level structures. You can solder two colors or use photo printing.

If the design is more complex, it is recommended to use white with contrasts of related tones. If you want to use a design with a pattern, try to choose it in a neutral theme, so that when you change the wallpaper or other decor, the atmosphere in the room will not cease to be cozy.

At the same time, the ceiling itself should set the desired mood for the interior.

Large flowers, doves and angels, photos of a person in perspective are excluded, military equipment and airplanes. Large drawings and incomprehensible colors have a oppressive effect, creating a feeling of one’s own insignificance.

The theme of the sky is in the spotlight: a daytime version in blue tones with clouds will fill the space with air and lightness, erasing the boundaries of the upper ceiling.

The night sky filled with stars or individual constellations and nebulae with the right lighting will give you an incredible feeling of unity with something unknown. If the theme of nature and space is alien, you can choose an abstract sketch without overloading the canvas with bright tones.

Simple ornaments, stylized images, and intertwining plant branches are appropriate.


To make glossy material look better in the design of the ceiling, you should choose small-sized lighting. This can be done using LEDs - modern light sources, which, due to their low energy consumption and high conversion rate into light, do not require a substrate during installation. They do not melt the film and shine quite brightly.

The best light inserts in a structure are soffits(built-in spotlights), panels, cord and flexible LED Strip Light. However, to eliminate the negative effect of creating glare, it is better to integrate lighting into plasterboard structures, leaving the main canvas untouched.

Fiber optic threads are used for the effect of twinkling stars different thicknesses. Combining spotlights with fiber optics allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional stretched fabric.

Which ones are better to choose?

Having chosen a canvas with a glossy texture as the basis for your design, note a few important nuances: this will help make the interior more harmonious. Start from the purpose of the room. Even though this material is environmentally friendly and harmless to everyone, in order for it to fit successfully into a specific room, you will have to take into account the complex reflection effect so that it does not cause discomfort for household members.

  • Do not combine glossy film with complex pattern. If you want to create a special design with a realistic image, use the play of shades in the form of star nebulae and built-in composite lighting.
  • If comfort is important to you, give up the mirror texture: you will not be able to relax in any room with such decor.
  • If you want to decorate your bedroom with this material, allow a small insert above the bed or an accent with a transition to the wall at the head of the bed.

  • For the kitchen, you can choose a white canvas (its reflectivity is lower), adding a dynamic insert, for example, a solid green color.
  • Rich colors are allowed for the living room: this room occupies the central part of the house, its design should be special. Large inserts with a glossy texture are appropriate here. However, to soften the look, combine gloss with matte contrasts.
  • For a small room, hallway or corridor, it is preferable to buy a white covering. If there is a catastrophic lack of light in the room, order a photo print with an image of a blue sky and sun rays. Choose a translucent texture: this will allow you to use internal lighting to make the print realistic.
  • Consider the combination of shades of the color palette: do not try to mix the cold tones of a glossy coating with warm ones. They will begin to compete with each other, which will disrupt the harmony of perception.

Please note: the smaller and darker the room, the lighter the shade of the glossy material should be. The darker it is, the higher the mirror effect, but the height and width of the walls are visually lower.

Glossy coatings used in tensile structures, require special care. The reason for this is the texture of the film.

  • It can be wiped when dirty using a damp cloth or semi-dry sponge. This will not cause any harm to the material since water will not be absorbed. The use of chemicals and aggressive abrasive substances is excluded. Glass cleaning liquid can be used.
  • If you need to remove dust, just walk over the surface with a regular vacuum cleaner.
  • For wet cleaning you need to use a perfectly clean rag or sponge. Otherwise, after drying, streaks may remain on the surface, showing residual contaminants. Sometimes after wet cleaning you have to use a dry cloth to eliminate this cleaning defect. There is no pressure on the coating or contact of the film with the base.

The popularity of glossy stretch ceilings is not without reason. Thanks to their reflective ability, they are particularly impressive.

With the right lighting, they impress with the luxurious play of light and shadow. But to create all this beauty, you need to know what glossy stretch ceilings are and be able to choose them.

Glossy stretch ceiling has one feature that sets it apart from all other types of surfaces - varnish gloss with reflective effect. All these materials have this property, regardless of brand or brand. The appearance of films rarely indicates their quality, and yet there are different types of them. Parameters of glossy films presented on the Russian market:

  • thickness 0.15-0.35 mm;
  • canvas width 2.5-5 m;

If you make a stretch ceiling from a thick and durable film, the gloss will certainly indicate the places where the panels are welded together. For this reason, craftsmen often recommend choosing a material of such a width that it is sufficient to decorate a particular room.

Reference. Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are most relevant for new buildings. Vinyl-based materials do not deform when the building shrinks, but will take the required form when it changes geometric parameters premises.

You should not be afraid of installing thin films, as they are highly durable and can withstand not only the “shot” of a champagne cork, but also flooding from above, and accidental impacts when moving furniture. PVC film are made on the basis of vinyl, which is characterized by elasticity. Therefore, 1 m2 of such surface can easily withstand more than 100 liters of water.

Types of glossy ceilings

It is impossible not to notice how impressive film stretch ceilings are. The gloss emphasizes all the features of the room and reflects the interior elements, like in a mirror. Considering the demand for these materials, manufacturers provided wide choose their color scheme.

Features of white glossy ceilings

White glossy stretch ceiling – standard choice for residential and public premises. It enhances the intensity of natural and artificial light, creating a calm and confident environment. White color is universal. It is suitable for any interior design and style. For this reason, it is often used when decorating living rooms, kitchens, and offices.

Another feature of white color is that it is able to hide and minimize the imperfections of a room. A light ceiling will refresh and visually enlarge the space. There is no need to worry about white PVC films getting dirty: they are easy to clean with ordinary detergents.

Designers' opinion: suspended ceiling " white gloss» – practical solution for kitchens and dining rooms.

Features of black glossy ceilings

A modern solution is a glossy stretch ceiling in the bathroom. Moreover, the choice of color is determined by the design tiles. If black is included in the bathroom design, a glossy black stretch ceiling will give the most impressive look. In this case best choice There will not be spot lighting around the perimeter of the room, but the installation of a beautiful single lamp in its central part. A dark ceiling with a reflective effect will emphasize the severity of the style and indicate its modernity.

Designers' opinion:“Black gloss” stretch ceiling is perfect for rooms decorated in “modern” and “high-tech” styles.

Features of colored glossy ceilings

Color films are chosen to highlight the interior design. If it contains, for example, combinations of blue and white, a blue glossy ceiling will only enhance the brightness of such a room. As a rule, the optimal color of the film is one that is similar to the shade of the brightest and most significant interior details.

Popular design technique decorating rooms with bright glossy ceilings is as follows:

  • white walls and light furniture;
  • colored ceiling and several elements of a color corresponding to the ceiling: lamps, floor lamp, sofa cushions.

Designers' opinion: a colored ceiling helps to unite the details of the room’s design and harmonizes the space.

Features of lighting glossy ceilings

When choosing lighting fixtures for film ceilings, you need to take into account that they are less resistant to heat than fabric ones. For this reason, the following types of lamps are recommended for the installation of a lighting system:

  • energy saving;
  • LED;
  • halogen

Attention! The maximum power of lighting fixtures for film ceilings is no more than 60 W.

The most demanding on the power of devices are white films, which can turn yellow with systematic excessive heating. Slight deformation of thin canvases is also possible, which will be emphasized by the reflective ability of glossy materials.

Glossy ceilings with images

Drawings are applied to suspended ceilings using photo printing. There is a wide selection of images in the catalogs of installers and film suppliers. The most common choice for decorating residential premises in apartment buildings- “sunny sky with clouds.” This ceiling gives the room a feeling of freshness, spaciousness and harmony.

No less popular are glossy ceilings with abstract patterns that match any interior style. But in this case, it is important to choose the right color scheme for the image. Films with photo printing are often used in complex multi-tiered structures to create an accent in a certain area of ​​the room, surrounding the insert with a pattern with plain canvases.

Pros and cons of glossy ceilings in the bathroom

Since the appearance of stretch film ceilings on the market, they have been used in the design of bathrooms. This is justified for several reasons:

  • moisture resistance of PVC films;
  • the presence of reflectivity, thanks to which the room becomes brighter;
  • strength and ability to withstand water loads in case of possible flooding.

Thanks to the latest technologies It became possible to transform any room into a masterpiece. Great importance it also has a ceiling. Installation of a stretch ceiling is reliable option qualitative transformation and visual enlargement of any room. Mirror ceiling with a glossy shine it can give a truly magnificent look to any room or kitchen. In the past, this technology was an expensive luxury.

Glossy stretch ceiling: what is it?

Glossy stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages due to the material they are made of. The stretch ceiling consists of polyvinyl chloride film, the surface of which looks like varnished. The density of the PVC ceiling fabric gives the structure reliability. When flooded from above, this canvas can withstand up to 100 kg of water. Glossy stretch ceilings come in a variety of colors. The reflection effect inherent in such designs makes the canvas mirror-like, visually increasing the area of ​​the room.

Specifics of glossy canvas

Glossy stretch ceiling has the following features:

  • Water resistance achieved using special solutions that prevent the canvas from absorbing moisture.
  • Absolute, absence of allergic reactions.
  • High level of heat and sound insulation.
  • After installing the ceiling, the smell disappears within a few days.

During PVC production The weld seam is very important. It must have high elasticity and strength. Modern production technology makes it possible to create invisible seams.

Installation of such a ceiling may seem complex process, but in reality everything is quite simple. The structure includes a canvas and fastening parts.

There are three known methods of fastening:

  • harpoon;
  • wedge;
  • clip-on

For a glossy ceiling, a harpoon mount is most often used.

During installation the following are used:

  • profiles (baguettes) made of plastic or aluminum, mounted on the wall, having a groove for a harpoon;
  • polyvinyl chloride sheet equipped with harpoons.

First, measure the area of ​​the room to determine required dimensions canvases. Then prepare yourself ceiling surface. Then along the perimeter of the room or kitchen at the required level baguettes are attached to the walls. After this, harpoons are inserted into the grooves.

The canvas is heated with a heat gun, its edges are fixed into baguettes. The ceiling is installed towards the corners from the center. After final fixation, skirting boards are attached to hide the edges of the fastenings.

similar to mirror care. If certain principles are followed, it can even be enjoyable. To remove dust, wipe the surface with a short-nap cloth or a dry cloth.

To restore the ceiling's shine, it should be washed using a special composition. There are 3 known variants of such compositions:

  • window cleaner;
  • polish;
  • self-prepared solution ammonia in water.

At the end of wet wiping, the gloss should be wiped with a dry cloth. Rubbing is done in a circular motion, otherwise there is a risk of leaving streaks.

It should be taken into account that they are characterized by increased mechanical vulnerability, therefore you should not use too hard sponges or brushes to wash them.

Following the rules of care will significantly extend the service life and preserve the original appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glossy ceiling

Similar to other finishing materials, these ceilings have strong and weak sides. Their important advantage is a much wider variety of colors compared to matte ceilings. Besides, glossy surface visually expands the space and reflects everything in the room. Installation is carried out quickly, without particularly high costs.

This design can also be translucent. Can be placed behind the ceiling fluorescent lamps, creating a magical effect. Moreover, this type ceiling covering allows you to use more powerful lighting fixtures, than . The next important advantage is the low price. The disadvantage is the need to use special means care Dust on a glossy surface is clearly visible; cleaning must be done quite often. Failure to follow cleaning rules leads to the appearance of water stains.

Therefore, it is important to develop the correct cleaning regime. In this case, the ceiling will serve for more than 50 years, maintaining a special shine and gloss. The modern market offers glossy ceilings that have antistatic effect, due to which less dust is attracted.

A glossy ceiling allows you to unleash truly unlimited imagination in terms of design. However, when creating its design, it is important to consider that any ceiling should be harmoniously combined with the interior and continue it. Therefore, you should not highlight the ceiling covering in the overall interior ensemble. Glossy ceilings are characterized by a wide variety of colors. For example, for a corridor it is advisable to choose a sky-colored canvas. Interesting option- ceiling covering blue color with the image of clouds.

Spot lighting allows you to create the effect of a starry sky. A canvas with thematic images on it is suitable for a kitchen or children's room. Thanks to the colorful design, this ceiling delights children. Coffee or coffee is suitable for the corridor. In addition, the color scheme includes very original tones.

Structurally, stretch ceilings are distinguished between single-level and multi-level. The latter have very aesthetic appearance in large areas. Multi-level structures may include combinations of several matte and glossy canvases. Single-level ones are optimal for small spaces.

Many people don’t bother themselves too much with choosing a color scheme, opting for a regular white finish.

This ceiling has certain advantages:

  • Thanks to its whiteness, it reflects the rays of the sun and thus prevents overheating.
  • White color is suitable for any interior due to its neutrality.
  • The space is noticeably increased thanks to the gloss.
  • Suitable where there is a lack of sunlight.
  • Cheap with high quality.

In addition, such a ceiling is a good alternative to an ordinary plastered ceiling. Standard lighting gives the glossy ceiling the appearance of a smooth, white wall. To add variety to the appearance of a white glossy ceiling, you should install spotlights along the edges and mount a chandelier in the center.

Glossy stretch ceiling with backlight video

When you have a choice between a glossy and matte stretch ceiling, it is useless to talk about the advantages of a stretch ceiling in general. Obviously, the person has already made a decision in favor of such a design. However, asking the question “is a matte or glossy stretch ceiling better?” not entirely correct. If one of the varieties had obvious advantages, then, most likely, the other one would have left the market long ago. Therefore, we can only talk about the advantages of this or that type of ceiling covering in specific conditions.

Matte or glossy stretch ceiling: selection criteria

As we know, it is useless to argue about tastes, so personal preferences for someone may be a decisive factor. However, there are also objective criteria that you should rely on when choosing the type of stretch ceiling.

In particular, these include:

  • operating conditions (temperature and its possible changes, humidity, risk of leaks from above, contamination - dust, soot);
  • technical characteristics (strength, durability, transparency, safety, etc.)
  • features of the size and shape of the room;
  • general design style, purpose of the room;
  • aesthetic characteristics (seams, the possibility of obtaining different colors and textures);
  • need for fastening additional elements(lamps, fire alarm sensors).

Only by comparing all the conditions and characteristics can you choose the best suspended ceiling option for a room or apartment. Sometimes even within the same apartment in different rooms use different suspended ceilings. When choosing, it won’t hurt to get advice from a designer, as well as recommendations from a specialist in suspended ceilings. There may be some factors that you haven't taken into account.

PVC stretch ceiling - glossy and matte

PVC film ceilings can be either matte or glossy. It is also possible to imitate any texture - leather, velvet, fabric, marble. Absolutely any colors - more than a hundred different shades - will satisfy the most sophisticated taste. It is from PVC that the “Starry Sky” shelves, so beloved by many, are made.

The technical characteristics of a PVC stretch ceiling, knowledge of which is required to make an informed decision, are, first of all, the width of the canvas. It is 2 m. If you need to close the b O larger area, then the sheets are welded with a special device. At the junction, a seam with a thickness of about 0.2 mm is formed - very thin, but can be noticeable to a close eye, especially on a glossy surface.

Otherwise, vinyl film is an almost ideal material: durable, non-flammable (thanks to special impregnations). Another advantage is that it does not absorb water or water vapor at all. This property makes it possible to install ceilings in bathrooms, where high humidity can adversely affect other materials. Moreover, PVC film is completely waterproof, so leakage from neighbors above or from the roof will not spoil the appearance of the room.

Prices for suspended ceilings

stretch ceiling

On a note! The density of the film is such that it can easily withstand the weight of water up to 100 liters per 10 square meters. Even a real flood from the top floor will not affect your apartment in any way!

But there are also limitations. Vinyl films do not tolerate both increased temperatures and decreased temperatures.. Therefore, when designing suspended ceilings, even the power of the installed lighting fixtures should be taken into account. Some of the luminaires may become hot when long-term operation, and high temperatures can deform the stretch ceiling film. PVC ceilings are not installed in unheated premises: balconies, loggias, garages, terraces. At temperatures below zero, the film can change its physical properties, become less elastic.

Another serious problem that threatens owners of PVC ceilings is mechanical damage. Despite its strength, the film is easily pierced by sharp objects. Any scratch during repairs, even during cleaning, will leave an unsightly gap on the surface of the ceiling. In this case, it is impossible to restore the canvas. It will have to be completely replaced.

If you are concerned about the price issue, then PVC film will cost slightly more than a fabric stretch ceiling. Therefore, for a matte ceiling, in order to save money, they often choose cheaper polyester.

Polyester stretch ceiling - only matte

Another common material option for stretch ceilings is polyester. It has a matte surface. From point of view technical characteristics it is no less durable fabric than PVC. Polyester is not as moisture resistant, so it should not be used in bathrooms, for example. And it won’t protect against leaks on the ceiling. It may even become deformed.

But polyester is not very susceptible to temperature changes. Easily withstands short-term frosts. Therefore, it can be used to decorate the ceiling on an unheated terrace, in summer house(unless, of course, there is a threat of frost below 30 degrees).

Prices for glossy stretch ceilings

glossy stretch ceiling

Dust-repellent impregnation helps to maintain cleanliness for a long time, and the color options are much wider than those of PVC film. You can use any photo compositions, landscapes, paintings. Want a ceiling painted like the Sistine Chapel? No problem! A width source material allows you to avoid making joints and seams even in wide rooms. Finally, a stretch ceiling made of polyester is not so expensive, so you can save money on a matte ceiling.

Video - Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

How does a matte or glossy ceiling affect the aesthetics of the room?

The first thing we pay attention to when choosing the decoration of a room is, of course, the appearance. Which ceiling is more beautiful: matte or glossy?

Matte ceiling has a more traditional appearance. If you make it white or choose light pastel shade, then it is practically no different from plaster. Suitable for those who want to get a familiar effect and are not ready for design experiments. Older people will like it. It is believed that it creates a coziness effect, promotes mental comfort, and a calm family atmosphere. As for stylistics, then matte ceiling applicable in almost all styles close to classical. Goes well with stucco and its imitation, columns and half-columns, arches, etc. Can be used both in huge halls and in small rooms.

Glossy ceiling reflects what is below, so it seems to add volume, increasing the space, adding “air”. Particularly good in large, low rooms. Gloss also creates interesting lighting effects. Reflections from windows and lighting fixtures add light to the room and make the color spots of the interior play out. Sometimes a glossy ceiling is made translucent by placing lighting fixtures behind it - and then the light turns out soft, diffused.

Prices for matte stretch ceilings

matte stretch ceiling

On a note! You can often hear the opinion that a glossy ceiling should not be used in the bedroom. However, for those who love the “zest” in a relationship, a glossy ceiling can replace a mirror above the bed, reflecting everything that happens and greatly enlivening married (and not only) life.

When using glossy ceilings in your design, keep in mind that their perceived color may change depending on the lighting. Therefore, the shade you choose may not exactly match the color of the walls. Do you have any doubts? It’s better to build your interior using contrasting solutions. Then small inaccuracies and light reflections will not be so critical.

By the way, about glare. Reflected light from sconces, TV, monitor can interfere and irritate your eyesight. Knowing this effect, it is better not to plan a glossy ceiling where several light sources will be used. Or calculate all possible lighting effects as accurately as possible (here you may need the help of a specialist).

Glossy or matte – psychology of perception

If we're talking about about the design of a living space, it is important not only to create beautiful interior, but also think about the well-being of the person who will live in this room. From the point of view of a feeling of security and comfort, of course, the traditional matte ceiling wins. It is perceived as more reliable. That is why this option is recommended in children's rooms and personal rooms of family members.

A glossy ceiling is perceived as a challenge. It gives the impression of pomp, sophistication, and solemnity. More suitable for the hall, living room. In a formal setting, glossy ceilings should also be approached with caution. For example, during negotiations, a reflection on the ceiling can reveal something that the interlocutors would like to hide. And the matte ceiling looks more solid. On the other hand, if the company's image requires emphasizing modernity, creativity - a glossy ceiling can cope with this.

When choosing a glossy or matte suspended ceiling with extreme images, be it a starry sky, the face of the Madonna or exotic patterns, take into account the high cost and service life of several decades. Are you sure that you want to admire such beauty every day for ten, twenty, thirty years? That your tastes will not change during this time?

Prices for fabric stretch ceilings

fabric stretch ceiling

How to wash it? Cleaning difficulties

Issues of cleaning and maintaining cleanliness occupy, first of all, women. Indeed, we can only brush an ordinary whitewashed ceiling to remove cobwebs with a dry brush. But the whitewash is renewed at least once every few years. Stretch ceilings are usually sculpted to last for decades. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to clean it somehow? If we are talking about living rooms and normal operation, the ceiling will rarely need to be cleaned. You can wipe it with a slightly damp cloth once every six months.

Any chemical detergents should be avoided to avoid damaging the fabric or film. Moreover, you should not use sharp objects.

Matte or glossy? From this point of view, of course, matte is simpler. There will be no streaks left on it. Glossy ones are more difficult to care for. The rag can leave streaks, which can be time-consuming and difficult to remove. Especially if access to the ceiling is limited standing furniture or the ceiling is too high - you can’t even reach it from a stepladder. In such a situation, it is better to turn to professional cleaners.

On a note! When using a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, make sure you have a good, powerful hood above the stove. Removing soot, grease stains, and adhered greasy dust will be very problematic, regardless of whether the ceiling is glossy or matte.

Why glossy or matte? Compatible?

Enough large rooms, where installation is possible multi-level ceiling, allow a harmonious combination of matte and glossy parts. The effect is unexpected and interesting. For example, you can make a three-tier ceiling. In the center is the highest matte part, possibly with exquisite painting. Further, a little lower, there is a glossy insert with lighting fixtures that reflect beautifully, enhancing the illumination. And around there is a matte ceiling with stucco. Original solution for the main hall.

Prices for stretch ceilings “Starry Sky”

stretch ceiling “Starry sky”

A small glossy insert in the center, where the chandelier is located, is acceptable in the room.. Glare, shine, and the play of crystal are significantly enhanced by reflection. At the same time, the rest of the ceiling is traditionally matte, so there will be no feeling of an aquarium and the comfort of a small living room will not be disturbed.

Glossy or matte: the final choice

Now, for convenience, let’s summarize all the above facts in a table.

Table. Comparative characteristics glossy and matte stretch ceilings.

IndexGlossy PVCMatte PVCMatte polyester
DurabilityWarranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Moisture resistanceDoes not allow water to pass through.Does not allow water to pass through.Absent.
Temperature resistanceLow.Low.Can be used in cold rooms.
Ability to create different texturesYes. Imitation leather, velvet, stone, etc.No.
Creation of drawings, paintingsPlain fabric.Plain fabric.Any.
TransparencyCan be made translucent.No.No.
Glare, reflectionYes.No.No.
Visual expansion of spaceYes.No.No.
Feeling of comfort, tranquilityProbably not.Yes.Yes.
Easy to clean with home remediesDivorces are possible.No problem, wipe with a damp cloth.Does not absorb dust, can be wiped once every six months.

From the table it is clear that the choice will relate not only to appearance stretch ceiling, but also to the material of manufacture. Moreover, having chosen a matte ceiling, you can then determine which material is better suited for your conditions - PVC or polyester. If, from a design point of view, you settled on a glossy ceiling, you will have to use vinyl film in any case.

Video - Advantages of vinyl stretch ceilings