Lunar sowing calendar for August. Calendar for August. The best literature from professionals

When is the best time to harvest in August according to the lunar calendar?

The most the main task owners personal plots in the last summer month - August - do not miss the moment when many crops ripen and harvest on time. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 tells us that it is better to harvest on August 1, 2, 5, 13, 15–18, 27–30. In addition, attention should be paid to preparing planting material for next year.

When to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendar. Lucky days are the numbers from 8th to 10th. During the same period, it is recommended to harvest onions, sow parsley, plant ornamental plants- peonies, lilies. For those who prefer greenhouse conditions, it’s time to sow cucumbers in the greenhouse.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to dig up root crops on the 14th and 15th. On these days it is worth starting sowing winter variety radishes. During this period, take time to feed the plants with organic matter. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 recommends planting perennials in flower beds and cultivating them garden plants from pests and diseases.

It is better to devote three days - from August 16 to 19 - to such a task as harvesting garden trees. At this time, sowing decorative deciduous plants is successful.

The 20th, 21st and 22nd of August are unlucky days for working in the garden. August 21 – New Moon. This day and the two neighboring ones are unlucky for gardening - the Moon in this phase has a negative effect on plants.

It is recommended to devote the last ten days of August, starting from the 23rd, to vigorous activity in your personal plot. An excellent time to harvest beets according to the lunar calendar, carrots and other root vegetables.

Gardener's calendar for August 2017 landing days in outskirts of Moscow

Moon phases in August 2017

August 21, 22, 23, 24, 2017 - Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Days). Favorable time for late cleaning white cabbage, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage. Not a bad day for canning vegetables and fruits.

August 24 (from 04:06), 25, 26 (to 11:54) - Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Days). It is favorable to plant trees and shrubs, any flowers. Start preparing medicinal herbs.

August 26 (from 11:54), 27, 28 (to 22:49) - Waxing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). It is recommended to plant plants that have thorns and thorns. Mushrooms. The use of fertilizers is unfavorable.

28 (from 22:49), 29, 30, 31 (until 11:20) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius (Days of Fruit). Weed and cultivate the soil. Harvest your garlic. Collected these days, it will remain dry throughout the winter.

31 (from 11:20) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). In northern latitudes, trees and low-growing shrubs can be planted.

Tips for gardeners for August 2017

In August, the days become shorter, the nights are fresher and cooler, and the garden and vegetable garden delight with abundant fruiting. It is already becoming clear which bed will have a large harvest and which will have a smaller harvest. But you can’t let the garden take its course, because proper care The quality of the vegetables depends on the plants.

In the morning, once every two days, it is necessary to harvest cucumbers without turning over or moving the vines. Each cucumber not removed in right time, slows down the growth of fresh greens. It is advisable to process cucumbers on the day of collection.

To prolong the fruiting of cucumbers, it is necessary to feed the plants, spray the leaves with urea, and hill up the fourth or fifth internodes. In rainy weather and when there is a sharp cold snap, they are covered with film.

In August, cabbage is watered abundantly, fed, the soil is loosened between the rows, the leaves are treated for pests, and caterpillars and slugs are manually removed.

Drying of potato tops indicates the maturity of the tubers. If the weather is dry, the tops are cut 5 days before harvesting, and in rainy weather they must be removed as early as possible to avoid late blight infection.

At the very beginning of August you can start harvesting carrots. If the root crops are thinner than 1.5 cm, you can wait a little longer to harvest and feed the beds.

To improve the taste of beets in August, water them with lightly salted water. At the end of the month, its last thinning is carried out.

During this period, tomatoes produce bountiful harvest. To speed up the ripening of fruits, it is necessary to regularly pinch the growth points of new shoots, branches without inflorescences, unopened buds and underdeveloped ovaries. Excess leaves, especially those touching the ground and neighboring plants, must be removed. Bordeaux mixture is used to combat late blight. Ripe, cracked, or fallen tomatoes should be removed as soon as possible.

They stop watering the onions at the beginning of August in order to collect the formed bulbs in the second half of the month. At the same time, the garlic is removed.

In the first half of August, it is necessary to take care of where the crop is stored. If necessary, the basement needs to be repaired, dried and ventilated in hot weather, disinfected, and whitewashed. A box of lime or salt will help maintain the microclimate in the basement.

The significant influence of the earth's natural satellite has been discussed for many centuries. People have long been monitoring the movement of stars in the sky, and have established many patterns about how the Moon, in different phases of its life, influences all living things in different ways. Its most tangible influence is clearly demonstrated by the ebb and flow of the tides. Of course, this was not in vain for plants, of which there are a great many on our planet.

Every experienced gardener and gardener navigates the periods when it is best to produce any excavation. But there is a great help that makes it easier labor activity anyone who has decided to start growing plants, and it is called a lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, summer residents and gardeners. Each month has its own calendar, including August 2017.

What is the lunar sowing calendar for August 2017

Depending on the phase of the moon's movement, favorable or Not favorable days for planting work. It should be noted right away that our article refers to any work related to plants and land, including those related to indoor plants, crops, trees, etc.

First of all, favorable days in the lunar sowing calendar determine what actions are best performed on this day in order to get the most productive result. Unfavorable days imply, if possible, a refusal of this kind of activity or its limitation in some aspects.

Sowing calendar for August 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

The nuances of working with the lunar sowing calendar

The first thing you should know about sowing calendars is that, depending on the phase of the moon, you can determine the level of work that should be performed on a certain day. For example, it should be understood that the approach of the moon promotes an influx of strength and energy, and its distance promotes an outflow.
During periods when the growing phase of the natural satellite of our planet begins, it is best to plant plants that stretch upward. Into the fading lunar phase It is customary to plant plants that grow downwards into the ground (see).

Before starting work, become thoroughly familiar with the phase in which the moon is currently located. Remember a few rules, and your harvest will live up to your expectations and the effort you put into it.

Impact of the Moon on Plants

You should not plant or replant plants at a time when the moon is under the rule of the sign of Leo or Aquarius - these are the most destructive signs for the viability of the plant.

At moments when the moon is at its climax, as well as on days of eclipses, beware of the impact on plants - you can damage the flow of their vital juices, which will provoke disease and wilting.

On days when zodiac signs replace each other, you should not resort to work in the garden. Otherwise, you risk getting an underdeveloped plant.

Also see: detailed (for each month of 2017), in table form.

It is well known that the hottest time for sowing and planting all kinds of plants is spring. But experienced gardeners and gardeners will say that throughout the summer you can plant vegetables and fruits, and improve your garden and plot in every possible way. So that your labors are rewarded with a good harvest and strong plants, a lunar landing calendar for the summer of 2017. Astrologers, carefully monitoring the movements of the planets and the position of the Moon, have drawn up a complete and detailed schedule, indicating when and what work is best done.

How is the lunar planting calendar for the summer of 2017 useful?

The influence of the Earth’s only natural satellite has been known for quite some time. And the simplest observations of ebb and flow in large and small bodies of water confirm that liquids on our planet are subject to the movement of the Moon and its phases. As for plants, the same rule applies to them that regulates the tides, because plants also contain liquids. Thanks to observations and constant research, we found out that in different phases of the moon a variety of gardening work can be done, and basic rules for planting were also developed. Based on this knowledge, astrologers create a calendar every year. It is known that:

  • When the Moon is young, it is not recommended to do any planting work, since the plant will take a long time to develop and will either die or produce a harvest too late. But it’s good to exercise during this period preparatory work: cultivate the land, remove weeds, fertilize, water, do pest prevention.
  • In the first quarter, I plant those plants whose fruits are above the ground and whose stem growth is primarily important. Juices along the stem rush upward from the root at a higher speed and therefore the delivery of nutrients from the soil is faster, the plant develops better and gives good harvest. At this time, it is good to water and fertilize the plants, take care of trees and shrubs. But you should not prune the branches or pick off excess shoots - juice will ooze from the “wounds” and the plant will hurt for quite a long time and may die.
  • When the Moon is full, it is recommended to postpone any planting work and start improving the area: weeding, hilling, eliminating weeds and fighting harmful insects will be a great success. But any damage caused to the plant can lead to its death, be careful.
  • In the last quarter, it is recommended to plant potatoes and root vegetables, thin out the rows of sown carrots and beets, since at this time the juice rushes down to strengthen the root system. Therefore, any plants where the root is important will grow better, faster and their harvest will be rich if they are planted during this period.

By observing the Moon, scientists also found that the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located also affects productivity. Conventionally, the zodiac pantheon can be divided into three groups of signs: fertile, average fertility and infertile. It would be logical to think that the element of the sign has big influence on the fertility of the sign. For example, the most prolific signs are traditionally the signs of Water:

  • Cancer is considered the most productive and fertile sign of all. It is believed that during this period you can safely plant any plants and as a result you will get a rich harvest of juicy, plump and delicious vegetables and fruits. Plants will not be susceptible to disease and will easily withstand bad weather and pest attacks. But you should take care good watering. But on the contrary, harvesting during this period is not recommended, since its shelf life will be short.
  • Pisces is another sign that promotes the rapid growth of plants, their strengthening in the ground and subsequent large harvests. But you should take care in advance to ensure that the plants receive timely replenishment in the form of fertilizers, and also weed the beds well. It is also better to postpone harvesting until more favorable times.
  • Scorpio, although a Water sign, is not very suitable for planting work. But you can replant bushes or trees during this period - they will bear fruit a lot and for a long time. Prepare the soil, give the plants a little more attention and you will end up with a good harvest. By the way, you can pick vegetables and fruits on this day, but only for preservation; they will not be stored in a cellar or barn for long.

Moderately fertile signs include signs of various elements and you can plant during these periods various plants and culture, taking into account all reservations and calendar recommendations. By the way, full information for a year you will find in .

  • Taurus days are suitable for planting root crops. But you should protect your harvest from pests and the harmful effects of weather. Try to fertilize the soil as much as possible beforehand and ensure that the seedlings are not exposed to insect attacks.
  • The days of Libra refer to the period when you can plant any plants, but astrologers recommend doing sowing on this day, or thinning out the rows of already planted plants (if required).
  • Although Sagittarius is classified as a sign of average fertility, experienced gardeners recommend weeding and hilling plants at this time, and if you need to plant something, try to focus on the lunar phase.
  • In the days of Capricorn, plant root crops and cultivate grains, harvest crops, fertilize the soil, treat bushes and trees against pests, but do not water. Only if there is an extreme need for it.

The remaining signs - Leo, Virgo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius - are not recommended for planting anything. But astrologers say that during this period you can successfully improve your plot: trim trees and shrubs, weed and water the beds, hill up plants, harvest and fight pests. Any action aimed at obtaining a larger harvest, other than planting, will benefit your garden.

Lunar landing calendar for June 2017

June is perfect for filling your plot with all kinds of crops. Already in the first days of the month, you can safely plant peas and other legumes, beets and carrots, and corn. It’s also time to plant seedlings of sweet peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes. The lunar planting calendar for June 2017 recommends planting zucchini, pumpkin, watermelons and melons only if there are no forecasts of frost. If at night they are still expected low temperatures, plant them in a greenhouse, and then remove the film.

As a rule, in June the first harvests of radishes, turnips, and onions are already harvested. After collecting, you can replant them, but you need to plant them in other places so that the earth can rest.

As written in the lunar planting calendar for June 2017, you can plant again cauliflower and kohlrabi, and also in the middle of the month, plant cucumbers in the beds and continue planting eggplants and tomatoes.

At the end of the month, plant your green beans. It is advisable to choose early ripening varieties that produce a harvest in fifty days. This way you will have time to collect it before the cold weather.

The most successful landing days in June 2017 are identified according to the lunar calendar:

  • from 8th to 9th
  • from June 18th to 20th.

For root vegetables:

  • from 23rd to 26th
  • from June 29th to 30th.

Also, the gardener's lunar planting calendar June 2017 warns that planting this month should be carried out in compliance with the rules of planting: pollination can play a cruel joke on you, and instead of sweet peppers you will pick bitter ones. Remember that cucumber loves being around, but parsley prefers solitude.

Lunar landing calendar for July 2017

In July, you can continue planting, but gardeners recommend paying attention to those crops that are already growing on your site. But if the weather cooperates, plant a variety of turnip varieties at the beginning of the month. It is at this time that the fruit will fill with juices and become saturated useful substances from the ground. You can also grow greens: watercress, lettuce and arugula. The harvest is harvested every week, and the beds can immediately be replanted.

The lunar planting calendar for July 2017 recommends planting Chinese cabbage and kohlrabi in the middle of the month. However, these plants do not like moisture too much. high temperature. If the weather conditions are not very suitable, try to ensure sufficient watering yourself so that your crop does not dry out. Fans of daikon and radish can also plant these crops in the middle of the month, but you should choose special varieties that can withstand the heat of this month.

According to the recommendation of the lunar planting calendar for July 2017, at the end of the month you can land in open ground seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers, as well as lettuce, Chinese cabbage and zucchini. For planting at this time, it is recommended to use varieties with a short ripening period.

Successful landing days in July 2017 according to the lunar calendar:

  • 6, from the 15th to the 17th

For root vegetables:

  • 1, 2, 21
  • from the 24th to the 28th.

As the gardener's lunar planting calendar for July 2017 suggests, the plants that you plant in open ground during this period will give you a good harvest with sufficient watering and good care. It is important to check the ripeness of the crop in time and not allow some vegetables to overripe, unless you leave them for seeds. However, you will still have time for this.

Lunar landing calendar for August 2017

August is no longer so good for planting in open soil, so more often this month they plant a variety of flowers. But you can still fill your beds with radishes - different varieties- and cucumbers. But carefully monitor the weather and choose a variety that will have time to ripen before early autumn.

Also, the lunar planting calendar for August 2017 recommends growing greens at this time: basil, dill, lettuce, spinach, coriander and onions will still have time to please the eye with lush vegetation.

At the end of August, any planting work on open ground, since the earth no longer has sufficient heat for the fruits to fully ripen. Take time to harvest. Suitable dates for these gardening work is in the lunar landing calendar for August 2017. In the same month, you can leave the vegetables to ripen for seeds. But they also need to be looked after, remember this.

Astrologers name the following most successful landing days in August 2017 according to the lunar calendar:

  • from the 11th to the 13th,
  • from the 15th to the 17th.

Root crops this month are planted only in greenhouses or greenhouses. This can be done at the end of the month: from the 20th to the 28th. But the harvest will be quite late.

One of the main recommendations of the gardener’s planting lunar calendar for August 2017 is to harvest the crop in a timely manner. This applies especially to potatoes. Since with a late harvest, potatoes can begin to deteriorate just two weeks after digging. Also, if there is a rainy summer, potatoes should be dug up right on time, without delay.

The lunar planting calendar for the summer of 2017 gives basic recommendations on what vegetable crops should be planted during this period. It also contains information about when to harvest a variety of vegetables. Using these tips, you can easily grow a crop of good and tasty fruits and vegetables, even if you are new to gardening.

23.07.2017 10 794

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

Summer is ending, but for summer residents, the lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 gardener and gardener is still relevant, because you need to know when to remove onions, garlic from the garden, pumpkin, pick apples, raspberries, dig in potatoes, and also make preparations for the winter, so that they are well stored and do not spoil. Many will be interested in when it is possible to re-sow greens and other crops for autumn and winter growing In order not to make mistakes and complete the work on time, read the article carefully...

When is the best time to harvest in August according to the lunar calendar?

The most important task of owners of personal plots in the last summer month - August - is not to miss the moment when many crops ripen, and to harvest on time. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 tells us that it is better to harvest on August 1, 2, 5, 13, 15–18, 27–30. In addition, attention should be paid to preparing planting material for next year.

At the very beginning of the month, attention should be paid to such a procedure as sowing greenery for autumn harvest. In this case we are talking about planting lettuce, dill, etc. The first days are the ideal time to plant tomatoes and form cucumber vines.

In the garden it is the right time for planting cuttings of perennials. Days from the 4th to the 6th can be devoted to pinching apple trees, pears and other garden trees and shrubs. This is a good time to plant garden strawberry bushes.

On August 7, the Full Moon, according to the lunar calendar, working in the garden is not recommended.
We will also tell you when to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendar. Lucky days are the numbers from 8th to 10th. During the same period, it is recommended to harvest onions, sow parsley, and plant ornamental plants - peonies, lilies. For those who prefer greenhouse conditions, it’s time to sow cucumbers in the greenhouse.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to dig up root crops on the 14th and 15th. On these same days, it is worth sowing winter varieties of radish. During this period, take time to feed the plants with organic matter. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 recommends planting perennials in flower beds and treating garden plants against pests and diseases during these dates.

It is better to devote three days - from August 16 to 19 - to such a task as harvesting garden trees. At this time, sowing decorative deciduous plants is successful.

The 20th, 21st and 22nd of August are unlucky days for working in the garden. August 21 – New Moon. This day and the two neighboring ones are unlucky for gardening - the Moon in this phase has a negative effect on plants.

harvesting according to the lunar calendar - in the photo

It is recommended to devote the last ten days of August, starting from the 23rd, to vigorous activity in your personal plot. An excellent time to harvest beets according to the lunar calendar, carrots and other root vegetables. A good period for replanting perennials, preparing the soil for berry bushes, for example, raspberries. The end of the month is suitable for processing cultivated plants from insects and infections, feeding them for a successful winter.

Don't forget that the last month of summer is the ideal time to prepare for the winter. At this time, good housewives make, place, and prepare fruits for future use. It’s not in vain that you have been working on your plot since the first days of spring.

Favorable landing days and calendar for August 2017

Every month has favorable and unfavorable days for exercise. gardening work. Thus, unfavorable days in August 2017 for work on the site are August 6–8 (Full Moon day) and the period from August 20 to 22 (New Moon day 21). During these days, any activity in the garden should be stopped, since the night light in these phases has a very negative effect on plants, shrubs and trees.

As for successful days for harvesting and other manipulations with it, study favorable days in August 2017 using the following table:

table of favorable days in August - in the photo

Fruit and berry crops also have their own favorable days in August:

favorable gardening days in August - pictured

The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 will tell inexperienced plot owners when it is best to feed plants and what fertilizers should be used, when to properly prune bushes, lay compost and perform other agricultural work:

  • organic fertilizers are best applied in the following numbers: 9–10, 13–14, 17–18;
  • For mineral fertilizers favorable days: 4–5, 26–27, 31;
  • digging, loosening the soil and performing other actions with it is optimal on August 8, 11–12, 15–16, 19–20;
  • Favorable days for spreading compost: 17–18;
  • It is better to prune branches from August 11 to August 19;
  • Assign pest control to the numbers: 16, 19–20;
  • It is optimal to water the plants on days such as: 9–10, 17–18, 26–27;
  • It will be correct to graft cuttings on August 4–5, 26–27, 31;
  • For thinning plants, it is better to choose the 16th, 19th and 20th days of August.

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2017

Lunar sowing calendar for August - pictured

When to collect medicinal herbs according to the calendar?

August is an intermediate month in such a matter as the preparation of medicinal herbs. It is in this summer month that the collection of herbs, stems and inflorescences ends (which is typical summer period), and the supply of roots, fruits and seeds begins, where useful substances have accumulated closer to autumn.

As a rule, it is not too late to devote time to collecting herbs such as lingonberry, capitol, oregano, incredibly useful St. John's wort, sweet clover, wormwood, medicinal chamomile, indispensable for colds, celandine and others.

August is an intermediate month for medicinal herbs such as immortelle, valerian, elecampane, cinquefoil erecta, dandelion, etc.

The collection of such medicinal herbs as horse chestnut, hops, rowan and hawthorn fruits, viburnum, etc. is just beginning this month. These same plants continue to be collected with the onset of autumn.

The list of plants that should be collected exclusively in August is not at all rich. In this case we are talking about common anise, caraway seeds, meadow greenweed and eryngium.

While preparing medicinal plants in August, experts recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

➤ It’s better to do the collection two days after the full moon. People who know a lot about plants claim that it is during this period that they have a special healing power;

➤ Plants should only be collected on a sunny, not rainy day, otherwise they will not be stored for a long time. This must be done after the morning dew has disappeared;

➤ for collection, you should select only healthy fruits or other parts without mechanical or pathogenic damage;

➤ Do not harvest herbs growing near an industrial area.

Grow wonderful harvest possible with the help of lunar energy. Use the recommendations of the lunar calendar so that your plants are pleasing to the eye, and your fruits and berries have excellent taste.

Moon phases and zodiac constellations affect not only human energy, but also plants. To get an excellent harvest, choose favorable days. The gardener's lunar calendar will help provide plants with effective care.

Favorable and unfavorable days for replanting and caring for plants

August 1: the growth of the Moon in the Sign of Scorpio is favorable for sowing and planting plants. Newly planted shrubs and flowers will have a strong stem and will become less susceptible to disease. On the first day of August, it is worth feeding fruit crops for their active development, thoroughly loosening the soil to supply oxygen to the root system.

August 2-3: zodiac Sagittarius and the rise of the Moon these days will contribute to good growth and development cultural plantings. The period is good for sowing mustard, planting greens, and harvesting. Infertile Sagittarius is not suitable for planting perennial plants. During this period, it is better to pay attention to annuals and start pruning bushes.

August 4-6: The Moon in Capricorn is a great time for harvesting. The favorable influence of the stars will ensure their long-term preservation and excellent taste. These days you can start collecting seeds for next year- they will have high germination rate.

August 7-8: The full moon on August 7 will be in the constellation Aquarius. This time is unfavorable for active gardening. It should be used for necessary pruning of bushes, removal of dry branches and watering fruit trees.

August 11-13: The waning moon these days is in the constellation Aries. The Infertile Sign negatively affects newly planted plants, so it is better not to touch the plants during the period from August 11 to 13. Arrange the garden, paint the benches, prepare equipment for future use.

August 14-15: The waning Moon moves to the constellation Taurus. This fertile Sign has a beneficial effect on plants, so during the period from August 14 to 15, you can safely take on any work: replanting, watering, loosening, weeding, sowing new plants. Good choice there will be sowing of free beds with plants that help saturate the soil with microelements (mustard, oats).

August 16-17: The zodiac Gemini is not conducive to good growth these days. This time is good for active control of weeds and pests, including moles and mole crickets, for which bait traps are made.

August 18-19: The Moon in Cancer is a favorable time for both harvesting and planting new crops. A fertile constellation is good for plants, allowing them to grow with strong stems and resist pests and insects. A good choice would be to collect seeds for storage and soak the seed for further planting.

August 20-21: Moon in Leo - good combination for collecting garlic and onions. Plants collected on this day are stored for a long time and are less susceptible to rotting. This period is also intended for pruning bushes and trees. The newly formed crown will provide the plants with excellent appearance. During the New Moon, August 21, plants should be left alone so as not to harm their growth.

August 22-23: the growth of the Moon in the constellation Virgo is favorable for sowing annuals in flower beds. This Sign has a good effect on the development of the root system, but the plants are infertile and have almost no seed materials suitable for further use.

August 24-25: The moon in the constellation Libra has a beneficial effect on plants. This period is most successful for harvesting tubers, legumes and fruit crops. Under the influence of the Moon, newly planted tuberous perennials are taking root well these days.

August 26-28: The growth of the Moon in the constellation Scorpio is favorable for the development of plants. During this period, it is worth paying attention to weeding, loosening and watering the soil. Fertilizing will help shrubs and trees regain their strength and prepare for the dormant period.

August 29-30: the positive influence of Sagittarius on August 29 is favorable for active gardening and field work. However, on August 30, the plants should be left alone and work in the garden, trimming lawn grass, repairing equipment.

August 31: The Moon will spend the last day of summer in the constellation Capricorn. This day is intended for harvesting and preparing the harvest for storage. The positive influence of the constellation is favorable for planting new fruit trees and berry bushes, which quickly develop powerful root system and less susceptible negative influence environment.

Effective planning using the recommendations of the lunar calendar will help you always stay on your toes and avoid obstacles in the future. life path.We wish you an excellent harvest, and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2017 02:15

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