Cabbage for pancreatic disease. What varieties of cabbage can be included in the menu of patients with inflammation of the gland? How to cook stewed cabbage when sick

Vegetables are included in many therapeutic diets due to the fact that they are rich in a variety of beneficial substances. But not all vegetables are equally beneficial for all diseases. If you are diagnosed with pancreatitis, many products, even those of plant origin, are prohibited. Such a useful product as cabbage is introduced into the diet for pancreatitis only during remission, if it is properly prepared.

What kind of cabbage can you eat if you are sick?

There are many varieties of this vegetable. Types of cabbage differ from each other in appearance and composition. For inflammation of the pancreas, it is recommended to consume the following varieties:

  • white cabbage, red cabbage;
  • kohlrabi;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • colored;
  • Beijing;
  • or kelp.

Most of these vegetables should not be eaten fresh for pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and other pathologies digestive tract, and heat-treated ones are added to the diet exclusively during remission of the disease.

Cabbage in the acute period of illness

During this period, you should not eat any cabbage: fresh or thermally processed (boiled, stewed, etc.). Why is this healthy vegetable prohibited for diseases of the pancreas:

  1. It contains many essential oils, plant acids, which irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which provokes increased pain and heartburn.
  2. These substances stimulate an increase in the secretion of digestive juices by the glands of the gastrointestinal tract. With excessive production of pancreatic juice, which consists of many enzymes, even greater damage to the pancreas can occur (self-digestion of its tissue with its own enzymes).
  3. The large amount of plant fiber contained in the vegetable provokes increased intestinal motility. When accompanied by dyspeptic syndrome, eating cabbage can provoke increased flatulence, abdominal cramps, etc.

Use during remission

After the inflammation subsides—about a month from the onset of the exacerbation—doctors allow cabbage to be added to the diet. But when choosing this or that type of vegetable, you should know how best to prepare it (boil, stew) so as not to harm the pancreas.

White cabbage

This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, a minimum of starch, and simple carbohydrates (sugars), so it is allowed for diabetes.

Fresh white cabbage You should not eat to avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis. During cooking, it is allowed to boil, stew, bake, steam, add to soup, stew, casseroles, cabbage rolls.


It is rich in vitamins C, A, PP, group B, microelements (iron, magnesium, zinc), fiber, and vegetable protein. This composition has a beneficial effect on metabolism, immunity, and the state of the cardiovascular system.

But with pancreatitis, at any stage of the disease, it is not recommended to eat this vegetable.

Sea kale

Laminaria, or seaweed, contains a large amount of trace elements, especially iodine. It does not contain essential oils, organic acids that irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, or pancreatic ducts. In addition, kelp contains soft fiber and mucous substances that envelop the epithelial membranes and help calm inflammation.

Such properties make it possible to use this product with pancreatitis, but only with remission of acute inflammatory process, since the pectin in its composition can provoke the development of diarrhea and aggravate the symptoms of acute inflammation.

Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, broccoli

These vegetables are the safest for pancreatic pathologies among all types of cabbage. They contain fiber that is softer in structure, which enhances the motility of the digestive tract less than other varieties of vegetables. Thus, they do not aggravate the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis, especially if they are prepared correctly.

You can eat them boiled or stewed with the addition of other vegetables by preparing vegetable puree. Heat treatment eliminates the negative effects of fiber and other components on the digestive organs in case of diseases.

What harm can sauerkraut do?

One of the most common and beloved dishes by many is sauerkraut. It contains many vitamins, minerals, as well as bacteria and organic acids that accumulate during fermentation during sauerkraut, providing its specific sour taste.

For pancreatitis, sauerkraut is completely prohibited (for any pathology - both acute and chronic), because it has a Negative influence on the condition of the pancreas due to its following effects:

  1. Irritant effect of acids on the mucous epithelium of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Increased gastrointestinal motility, spasms of the stomach and intestines, which causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, excessive gas formation, and intestinal upset.
  3. Fluid retention due to the large amount of salt in sauerkraut. Excess water causes swelling throughout the body. Swelling of the pancreatic tissue enhances and prevents the subsidence of the inflammatory process.

Sauerkraut juice

During pancreatitis, it is possible, even recommended, to drink juice sauerkraut. For getting useful remedy it needs to be fermented in a certain way according to a special recipe: salt should be taken much less than with regular fermentation, about 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of shredded cabbage (1 kg is about half a head of cabbage). The product is prepared without the use of other vegetables (carrots, onions, spices, other seasonings).

Cabbage juice contains many vitamins (C, PP, E, group B), microelements (iodine, sulfur, zinc and others), as well as pancreatin - a substance similar to a pancreatic enzyme. This composition of cabbage brine benefits the body, providing the following effects:

  • removes toxins from the body;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder and pancreatic ducts;
  • improves digestion processes and the production of digestive enzymes.

How to cook stewed cabbage when sick

For chronic pancreatitis stewed cabbage(cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli) are allowed. You can stew it with the addition of other vegetables, such as carrots, and a small amount of salt. It is undesirable to add garlic, pepper, or any spices that enhance the secretory activity of the digestive glands.

Any cabbage dish for chronic pancreatitis should be introduced into the menu in small portions. After consuming the product, especially for the first time after an exacerbation of the disease, you need to monitor your condition. If abdominal pain, increased gas formation, or diarrhea appear, then you need to resume compliance, stop eating cabbage and consult with a gastroenterologist whether a particular patient can even consume it and how best to prepare it.


  1. Gogulan M. Laws of adequate nutrition. Encyclopedia of health. publishing house AST Moscow 2009 pp. 127–141.
  2. Guba N.I., Smolyansky B.L. Dietary nutrition and cooking at home. Dnepropetrovsk Sich 1992
  3. Kazmin V.D. Medicinal properties vegetables, fruits and berries with the application original recipes recovery. Phoenix Publishing, 2007, pp. 32–53.
  4. Martynov S.M. “Vegetables + fruits + berries = health.” publishing house Enlightenment, 1993, pp. 98–116.
  5. Card file of dietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition dishes with optimized composition, edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V. A. Tutelyan. M. 2008

Many varieties of cabbage have a huge number of beneficial properties, however, when it comes to pancreatitis, you need to select recipes for your diet very carefully, always consulting your doctor.

If irrationally distributed on the menu, this vegetable can serve not for good, but for harm, damaging an organ such as the pancreas.

What kind of cabbage can you eat?

Particularly suitable for inclusion in the menu are types of cabbage such as sea cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. In some cases, you can also cook stewed cabbage.

Many patients cannot figure out whether it is healthy to use seaweed with pancreatitis or not, and as a result, patients refuse it altogether. This is a grave mistake, because, according to nutritionists, seaweed for pancreatitis is almost the most useful among others.

It contains many minerals and vitamins, which are excellent in regulating the digestive process. In addition, it contains a certain amount of substances such as cobalt and nickel, which have a special effect on a particularly important organ - the pancreas. A lack of such microelements, in addition to exacerbation of pancreatitis, can lead to diabetes.

Chinese cabbage

Like seaweed for pancreatitis, Peking kale has a positive effect on the patient’s body, as it contains ascorbic acid and vitamins A, E, PP. Although Chinese cabbage with pancreatitis does not lose microelements useful for the digestive system over time, it should still be eaten in a fresh state.

Having many useful substances in itself, this variety is still not particularly useful during exacerbations of the disease pancreatitis, so you should refrain from using it during such periods.

Braised cabbage

But there is a way out - it can be cooked together with vegetables such as carrots, zucchini or greens. This combination helps to save everything valuable properties cabbage and do not affect the pancreatic mucosa.

Cauliflower for pancreatitis is not capable of causing any irritation to the mucous membrane, due to the content of softer fiber. You can eat it stewed or boiled, then it is completely harmless.

Brussels sprouts

This type of cabbage, such as Brussels sprouts, has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the pancreas, soothing irritated tissues of the organ, so it cannot be classified as a type of vegetable that is harmful to health.


Broccoli has a good effect on the pancreas, but broccoli should be consumed stewed or boiled.

What can't you eat and why?

There is a huge amount various types of this vegetable, about 30, however, in addition to appearance and taste, all varieties also have varied chemical content. That is why, with pancreatitis, the pancreas reacts to different types cabbage in different ways.

White cabbage

White cabbage for pancreatitis is not particularly useful during exacerbations, but, as experts say, with the right approach, the degree of its harmfulness to the body can be reduced to a minimum. Recommendations for preparation are quite simple:

  1. White cabbage cannot be consumed as an independent dish, but the vegetable is perfect as an ingredient in another dish, be it a soup, casserole or roll.
  2. The introduction of white cabbage into the general menu for pancreatitis should not take place immediately, but in a gradual manner. Worth paying Special attention the patient's condition: if health worsens, it is necessary to urgently remove it from the diet.
  3. It is worth remembering that you can consume no more than 100 g of this vegetable per day.


Many patients with pancreatitis ask actual question: Is it possible to eat sauerkraut if you have pancreatitis? The answer, alas, will disappoint many, because it can cause exacerbations of this disease, and people with pancreatitis should absolutely not use it.

In case of pancreatitis, sauerkraut has a destructive effect on the pancreatic mucosa, which leads to nausea, discomfort in the intestines, and stool disturbances. In addition, acid, which is so abundant in sauerkraut, also has a very bad effect on the pancreas.

Boiled cabbage

Boiled cabbage has both positive and negative components. With the right approach, the vegetable will still turn out to be more useful than harmful. Exactly what measures should be taken to properly consume boiled cabbage are described below:

  1. Boiled vegetables should be introduced into the diet carefully and gradually. You can’t suddenly introduce boiled cabbage into the menu.
  2. Mostly, this type food processing of cabbage is well absorbed if it is included as an ingredient in another dish. However, if there are no negative reactions, then cabbage can be consumed as an independent dish.
  3. It is worth remembering that you can eat no more than 70 g of boiled cabbage in one day.
  4. Boiled Chinese cabbage and cauliflower are considered the least dangerous for the body. But, if the patient is overtaken by an exacerbation, then this dish will have to be abandoned.

Cauliflower Recipes

Cauliflower is considered one of the most harmless vegetables in terms of composition for pancreatitis. All this is due to the minimal content of such an element as fiber. Despite the beneficial properties, cauliflower However, it should not be consumed as an independent dish, but as a component.

Perhaps the most simple recipe Cooking cauliflower is a vegetable puree according to the recipe described below:

  • Divide the fruit into inflorescences.
  • Fill them completely with water.
  • Cook them for about 20 minutes.
  • Grind in a blender, and the product will be ready for use.

As noted above, there are several types of cabbage that can be eaten for pancreatitis. The only condition is to adhere to the measure, gradually introduce this product into the diet and, if the condition worsens, immediately abandon it. Take care of your health, spare your pancreas and be healthy!

Useful video about traditional medicine recipes

Cabbage is most often prohibited for pancreatitis due to the fact that many types of this common vegetable have a coarse fiber structure. But in some cases, patients do not have to refuse tasty and healthy dishes.

Is it possible

Cabbage is a vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamins and has high nutritional properties. However, not every type is suitable for disorders of the digestive system, especially for pancreatitis and cholecystopancreatitis.


In its fresh form, Chinese cabbage can stimulate the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, therefore, during an exacerbation, it is not recommended to eat it either fresh or thermally processed. Despite the fact that the leaves of this vegetable are tender and contain large quantities ascorbic, citric acid and vitamin A; in case of acute pancreatitis, they should not be eaten.

You can include Chinese cabbage in your diet only 2 weeks after the attack. At this stage of the disease, the succulent leaves will no longer injure or irritate diseased organs and will saturate the body with vitamins.


Doctors believe that the vegetable, as an independent dish, can cause bloating and increased gas production. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it in complex dishes with other vegetables. At the same time, you should not fry or stew cauliflower, but it is better to steam it - this way more nutrients are retained.

The total amount of product should not exceed 100 g per day.


This type of cabbage contains sufficient quantity phosphorus, potassium and calcium, copper, iron and iodine, which have a beneficial effect on health in pancreatitis.

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

What does cabbage treat - prevention and treatment of various diseases

The vegetable has a low fiber content, so it does not irritate the digestive organs.

100 g of broccoli contains daily norm vitamins C and K. Due to its properties, it is indicated for dietary nutrition in boiled or stewed form.


Seaweed (kelp) is rich in iodine, helps reduce cholesterol, remove waste and toxins from the body, and improves immunity. In the chronic stage, when the patient has no obvious complaints about the pancreas, this type of cabbage can be eaten in salads, added to soups, and cooked as boiled and stewed side dishes. It is important to use frozen or dried kelp for food, not factory canned food.


This type of cabbage is little known in our country, but healthy people should definitely include it in their diet. Another thing is with pancreatitis. Despite the benefits of this vegetable - low calorie content, the ability to protect the body from carcinogens and stabilize the condition nervous system, it is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

White cabbage

The most popular vegetable, but practically unsuitable for feeding patients with pancreatitis.

Sour white cabbage is completely prohibited in the diet, as it contributes not only to the exacerbation of the disease, but also to irritation and destruction of the mucous membrane.

High acidity and high salt content are factors that prevent you from eating sauerkraut with this disease.

Fresh cabbage is rich in coarse fiber, which is poorly digested and causes nausea, bloating, and persistent diarrhea. It is recommended to combine it with other boiled vegetables in a volume of no more than 70 g.

Red cabbage

Doctors believe that this type of cabbage is undesirable in the diet of patients with pancreatitis, because coarse fibers strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the affected organs, causing bloating, discomfort and indigestion.

Therefore, it is better not to consume this vegetable either fresh or processed.


Kohlrabi is not the most popular type of cabbage, despite its benefits: it is rich in vegetable protein, mineral salts, and fiber. But with pancreatitis, it is not recommended to eat it, especially during an exacerbation.

During the remission stage, you can eat a limited amount of vegetables, boiled and pureed. At the first sign of dyspepsia, such food should be abandoned.


This type of cabbage can lower cholesterol levels, normalize intestinal motility, and stabilize blood sugar levels. The leaves contain a large amount of protein, which makes Brussels sprouts a valuable food product.

However, in the acute stage, it is not recommended to eat it. You can include mashed boiled leaves in your diet 1 month after the onset of the disease. Starting with 1-2 tbsp. l., you can gradually increase to the daily norm of 100-150 g.

If abdominal pain and bloating appear after consumption, Brussels sprouts should be excluded.

Cooking methods and recipes

Since almost no type of fresh cabbage is suitable for eating during pancreatitis, vegetables must be thermally processed. Doctors recommend boiling or stewing the leaves together with other vegetables, straining finished dishes through a sieve or grinding in a blender. You can't fry vegetables. Spices are used to a minimum.


Boiled broccoli can be prepared in a matter of minutes using this recipe:

  1. Fresh or frozen vegetables are poured into boiling water and brought to a boil again.
  2. Cook for 3 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and immediately transfer to cold water- this way the product will retain its color and shape.

Boiled broccoli can be used as a side dish for meat; it is easy to prepare pureed soups, casseroles, and salads from it.


You need to stew the cabbage in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Delicious dietary recipe— stewed Chinese cabbage with zucchini:

  1. Cut a small head of cabbage into strips, avoiding rough parts.
  2. Peel the zucchini and zucchini from the skin and cut into small cubes or strips.
  3. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, and lightly fry.
  4. Add zucchini, pour in a little water or vegetable broth, and simmer.
  5. Add Chinese cabbage, salt (1-2 pinches), a little tomato paste(or peeled fresh tomato), stir.
  6. Cover with a lid and simmer until done.


Since sauerkraut cannot be consumed as an independent dish if the pancreas is inflamed, it can be added in small quantities to soups.

You can prepare borscht using vegetable broth:

  1. Sliced ​​potatoes, a small amount of cabbage, chopped Bell pepper and beets.
  2. Fry in a small amount of oil onion and carrots are added to the main ingredients.
  3. You can add a spoonful of low-fat sour cream and some herbs to the finished dish.

This dish should not be eaten during the acute stage of pancreatitis.


Fresh seaweed can be eaten for pancreatitis. For the salad you will need the following ingredients: frozen kelp, chicken eggs, onions, vegetable oil.

Boil the seaweed in lightly salted water until soft, rinse running water, cool.

Cut the onion into thin slices and scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness. Grind the eggs. Mix all ingredients and add a small amount of oil.

It is advisable to consume this dish in a state of remission.


It is better to prepare pureed first courses. A simple and affordable recipe for cauliflower soup:

  1. Rinse the head of cabbage thoroughly and divide it into inflorescences.
  2. Fill cold water, bring to a boil and cook until tender (at least 20 minutes).
  3. Cool slightly, grind in a blender.
  4. Add a small amount of quality butter.

It is better to prepare pureed first courses. A simple and affordable recipe - pureed cauliflower soup.

If cabbage of any kind leads to indigestion, colic and dyspeptic symptoms, it is better to avoid using this vegetable for food forever.

Due to its beneficial properties, Chinese cabbage is very popular today. In addition, she gives this unique taste many dishes and can become a real decoration for the holiday table.

But, unfortunately, there are diseases in which one should be very careful when including a vegetable with a rich and pleasant taste in the diet. In particular, many are interested in the question of whether Chinese cabbage can be eaten with pancreatitis. In this disease, in order to stabilize the condition, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition During a long time.


You can eat Chinese cabbage only during the period of remission. In this case, the vegetable in moderation cannot harm. This is due to the fact that the fiber of Chinese cabbage is much more tender and softer in comparison with white cabbage varieties. It is absorbed faster and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, thereby causing inflammation and flatulence. Dishes with the addition of this tasty and healthy vegetable gently stimulate gastric peristalsis and help normalize digestion in general.

Chinese cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins and beneficial macro- and microelements. This allows you to cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency and stress. This is very important for those suffering from pancreatitis, since by regularly including Chinese cabbage in the diet, you can increase the overall resistance of the body. This vegetable contains large quantities of potassium, which is necessary for proper functioning cardiovascular system and maintaining a healthy state of other organs.

The natural product, approved for inclusion in the diet for pancreatitis, benefits the entire body, namely:

  • Improves the condition of tooth enamel and bones;
  • Cleanses the body of bad cholesterol, preventing excess fats from being absorbed into the blood;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system as a whole;
  • Allows you to get rid of headaches;
  • Removes from the body harmful substances and toxins;
  • Helps prevent cancer;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Prolongs skin youth.


In acute pancreatitis, Chinese cabbage should not be included in the diet. This is due to the fact that it contains many organic acids. In particular, ascorbic acid and lemon acid. They irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, which is very dangerous and can aggravate the clinical manifestations of pancreatitis. In addition, during exacerbation of the disease, the property of fiber associated with the stimulation of pancreatic and gastric secretion turns out to be undesirable.

In the acute form of the disease, fresh cabbage leaves can provoke increased pain, that is, lead to a significant deterioration in well-being. It is allowed to start introducing stewed vegetables into the diet no earlier than three weeks after the signs of exacerbation of the disease disappear.

You should also remember that Chinese cabbage is not compatible with any dairy products. Even the use of such neutral products as cottage cheese or feta cheese in combination with vegetables can cause diarrhea. Combination with hot sauces and seasonings is also dangerous for pancreatitis. Such a mixture can cause inflammation of the digestive system, which will lead to serious consequences.

It happens that irresponsible producers grow Chinese cabbage without following the rules and regulations. healthy eating. If a vegetable contains nitrates, then it, of course, can cause serious harm to the human body. When choosing Chinese cabbage, you should consider the following:

  • The leaves should be firm and fresh and have a light green tint.
  • There should be no damage to the leaves.
  • There should be no condensation between the layers of leaves.

Features of use

After an exacerbation at the initial stage of remission, it is allowed to include in the diet dishes with the addition of stewed or boiled leaves. Undoubtedly, the best option The best use of Chinese cabbage is to include it in vegetable soups.

This fresh vegetable can only be used during a period of stable remission. Moreover, it should be introduced into the diet gradually and very carefully. Before the first meal, it is important to pour boiling water over a leaf of Chinese cabbage, and then eat only a small part of it. After this, you need to monitor the body’s reaction. If tolerance is normal, then gradually the portions of the healthy vegetable can be increased. It can be used as an ingredient in salads with other vegetables, but no more than twice a week.

If you have pancreatitis, you should definitely avoid eating hot and spicy snacks made from Chinese cabbage and korean recipes. But if it is well tolerated, it is allowed to occasionally consume pickled Chinese cabbage, prepared according to a traditional recipe, in small quantities.

Most safe way preparation that will not aggravate a person’s condition during a period of stable remission is stewed Chinese cabbage. The basic rules for preparing dishes are as follows:

  • Cabbage leaves should be cut as small as possible to reduce the load on the digestive organ.
  • In order not to burden a weakened body, you should avoid spices and use a minimal amount of salt.
  • It is allowed to stew other vegetables together with cabbage leaves, for example, carrots or zucchini.

Stewed Chinese cabbage with rice turns out very tasty. Carrots and apples are considered appropriate additional ingredients in this dish. To preserve vitamins, the cooking time should be minimal, therefore, the rice must first be boiled until half cooked. A few minutes before the end of cooking, it is recommended to add greens to the stew.

Steamed Chinese cabbage is considered a safe dish for pancreatitis. When cooking, you can use a little butter or low-fat sour cream. You can also steam vegetable cutlets. If the vegetable is well tolerated, a little meat can be added to the minced meat.

It is very important to properly store Chinese cabbage. To do this, you need to use a closed container, which should be placed in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

The use of white cabbage for inflammation of certain organs of the gastrointestinal tract is prohibited; this applies to the dry, uncooked form. Experienced housewives They say that fermenting agents significantly change the composition of the product, making it more useful. Is it allowed to eat sauerkraut if you have pancreatitis?

Let's take a look at how specific beneficial properties The dish has:

  • enriched with vitamin C during the cooking process;
  • ripening does not remove the nutrients contained before cooking;
  • microorganisms involved in fermentation create microflora that have a beneficial effect on the intestines;
  • microorganisms eliminate the growth of harmful bacteria, leaving an abundance of beneficial ones.

The benefits are undeniable, but whether it is allowed to eat sauerkraut with pancreatitis is of interest to gourmets and lovers of crunchy dishes. For eating - possible variant developments, otherwise the answer is negative.

Before introducing sauerkraut into the menu, it is better to add the vegetable to the diet in cooking - stewed or added to cabbage soup. If the body accepts the food normally, the doctor’s advice to continue the experiment will not hurt. You should add the dish to your diet once a week, no more than a tablespoon.

It is important to pay attention to the body's reaction. If unsatisfactory, it is better to forget about the dish, or take it little by little, occasionally adding it to the menu.

How can cabbage harm you?

Even from tasty and healthy products harmful consequences occur. Pancreatitis is a capricious disease. Reasons why you need to eat sauerkraut carefully:

  • Plant fiber is abundant.
  • Use of salt in cooking. The accumulation of salt in the body predictably causes discomfort.
  • Increased acidity. The acid contained in sauerkraut causes the pancreas to more actively produce digestive enzymes. If the ducts are blocked or obstacles are created for the produced enzymes to reach their destination, the substances begin to work directly in the gland, digesting the organ.

Let's take fiber. Some patients believe that products containing coarse plant walls are beneficial and not prohibited in the chronic form of the disease. On the contrary, fiber is the main enemy of health in pancreatitis, when remission becomes an exacerbation. The substance is irritating to mucous membranes internal organs The gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis (the arrangement of organs in the body) is disrupted, and the person feels unpleasant cramping pain. Sauerkraut is quite capable of provoking a similar condition even during a period of remission.

The acidity indicator does not apply to patients who naturally have low acidity in the stomach. In the case of cabbage, solely observing the state of the body when eating the product will tell you whether to leave the vegetable in the diet or remove it.

Sauerkraut is not a dietary dish. Sauerkraut is prepared solely for table variety, nothing more.

How to make sauerkraut suitable for a patient

There are several ways to easily use sauerkraut for pancreatitis. There are few methods, they help to prepare the vegetable in a way that is not harmful to the body. Tips for a person suffering from pancreatitis:

  • Before preparing the product, the heads of cabbage are instructed to be placed in cold water and rinsed, separating the excess salt.
  • Do not use on an empty stomach. If the organ is already busy digesting other substances, it will not be difficult to include more pieces of new food in the digestion; a large amount of digestive enzymes has already been released in the stomach.
  • Follow the rules for taking it - once a week, 1 tablespoon.

According to doctors, you need to adhere to these measures regardless of the type of cabbage you eat. For sauerkraut, the listed rules are considered mandatory. Let's find out how doctors feel about other types of cabbage.


Sea kale for pancreatitis (otherwise known as kelp) is not recommended during exacerbation of the disease. The recommendation is related to the content of pectin and dietary fiber, which have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. When taken, bloating, vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

When smoothly transitioning into a chronic form or into a remission stage, kelp is allowed for use. The product can be added to salads, soups, and used as a side dish. In small quantities, kelp provides the body with minerals and useful material, which seafood is full of, improves condition and increases tone. It is wrong to talk about a categorical ban on kelp for inflammation of the pancreas.


Cauliflower for pancreatitis is allowed in the chronic and acute stages. The vegetable is low in calories, does not contain fiber, and has a delicate structure. It can be consumed in the form of boiled inflorescences, pureed for puree, or as part of vegetable soup (in pureed form).

Cauliflower should not be overused. The vegetable increases the secretion of digestive elements and causes unpleasant self-digestion of the pancreas. However, doctors are confident that patients with pancreatitis benefit from this safe type of cabbage.


Eating broccoli for pancreatitis depends on the patient's response. For example, in some patients the variety causes colic, bloating, etc. during the acute phase. Try grating or boiling broccoli, making soup, salad, stew, pudding or puree. If the body accepts the dish normally, you can leave the product in the diet. If you fail, it is better to wait for the remission stage, when broccoli is “officially” allowed. When remission occurs, it is permissible to stew broccoli and eat it raw.

Red cabbage

The red cabbage variety is not so popular, but the disease forces people to look for new ones. taste sensations, positively perceived by the body. Red cabbage - is it allowed to eat a vegetable if you have inflammation of the pancreas? Definitely, the variety is safe, including broccoli, kohlrabi and others Chinese varieties vegetable. It is allowed to add red leaves to food carefully.

Heads of cabbage should be consumed after heat treatment - especially on days of exacerbation. It is recommended to boil, steam, or bake the dish.


Peking cabbage with pancreatitis affects the gastrointestinal tract similarly to red cabbage. Allowed for the chronic form; during the acute phase, it is better to avoid the vegetable. If consumed little by little and follow the recommendations above, Chinese cabbage will have a relaxing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage for pancreatitis can be included in the menu under several conditions. Consulting a doctor won't hurt.