How can polystyrene foam façade decor help create a unique home decor? House facade decor: materials and technologies Foam facade decor

Foam facade decor has recently found widespread use, facilitated by its relatively low cost and originality. appearance. The interior with foam decorations changes beyond recognition. You can purchase and install ready-made decorative parts, which significantly reduces the time for arranging the facade. However, when doing the work with your own hands, you create the opportunity to realize your wildest fantasies and long-standing ideas. If this activity is carried out well, it will be almost impossible to distinguish the imitation from stone or marble sculptures.

Foam facade decor is widely used today

Polystyrene foam is a universal polymer material that is widely used for various purposes. Most often, this term refers to slabs made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Polystyrene foam has a number of positive qualities: light weight, ease of cutting, thermal insulation properties, whiteness, fairly low cost.

Polystyrene foam - light, warm, inexpensive - excellent material for decoration

This material has different densities and grain sizes. Dense structures can easily be confused with gypsum and natural stone, even marble. This effect serves as the basis for using foam plastic as decorative elements. The ease of processing the material makes it possible to produce any shapes, patterned carvings and other products. Foam stucco molding is practically indistinguishable in appearance from gypsum creations, while it is light and easy to manufacture.

Along with positive qualities The material also has one important drawback. This polymer (especially expanded polystyrene) has a low melting and ignition point, and when burning, it simply high temperatures capable of releasing substances harmful to humans. This condition is important to consider when using it. In addition, foam plastic breaks easily, and therefore no mechanical loads should be applied to it.

When a façade is being installed, polystyrene foam can be used in several grades: PSB-S-15, PSB-S-25 and PSB-S-35. The last type of material (which is the most expensive) is considered the most durable, so it is used in harsh climatic conditions. Most widespread has PSB-S-25 foam, having a density of 20–25 kg/m³, and the permissible bending load is no more than 0.26 MPa. It is also important that the water absorption of the material is practically equal to 0.

Material capabilities

Firstly, the possibility of using finishing materials for decorating a private home. Numerous elements are shown on the façade of the large two-story structure. However, this does not mean that foam facade decor can only be used on mansions. In any building you can install individual elements or other details, including those of an exclusive nature.

Foam plastic will help realize any ideas for interior and exterior decoration

The following are the most common decorative elements from foam plastic on the facade:

  • moldings;
  • cornices;
  • rustics;
  • columns;
  • pilasters.

When performing them, different techniques can be used:

  • stucco;
  • bas-reliefs;
  • thread;
  • ornaments;
  • patterns;
  • vases;
  • flowerpots, etc.

Secondly, the cladding can be made from standard parts, exclusive elements, purchased ready-made or made by hand.

Finishing the facade of a house with foam plastic may include the following solutions:

  • foam cornice with thread;
  • porticos;
  • architectural modillions;
  • rustication of the basement or the entire corner of the building;
  • foam carved window frames;
  • console elements;
  • portals and flutes.

Third, decorative foam for the facade has the following advantages:

  • fairly fast and simple production of parts;
  • low cost;
  • high service life;
  • no size restrictions;
  • the ability to carry out work independently;
  • absence of significant additional mechanical loads on the wall and foundation, taking into account the low specific weight of plastic;
  • fairly high compressive strength;
  • no risk of rotting and mold;
  • high resistance to any climatic conditions in all regions of the country;
  • long-term color retention.

What you need for decoration

To decorate with polystyrene foam you will need a set of tools and additional materials.

In order to equip a polystyrene foam façade, you should take care in advance of the following consumables and components:

  • polyurethane-based mounting foam;
  • foam glue;
  • dowels 12–20 cm long, umbrella type;
  • reinforced fiberglass mesh;
  • acrylic type putty;
  • façade primer composition;
  • paint for facade work;
  • mineral plaster.

The following tool will help you carry out all the work efficiently:

  • glue gun;
  • “string” for cutting foam plastic;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brush;
  • construction mixer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • metal ruler;
  • protractor;
  • building level.

Technological stages

Finishing the facade with foam plastic, although it is considered a fairly simple undertaking accessible to anyone, is carried out in several stages, taking into account certain principles.

Decorating with polystyrene foam is a simple task, the main thing is to follow the steps

The following main stages are distinguished:

  • preparatory work;
  • production or purchase of decorative elements;
  • surface leveling;
  • installation of foam plastic with its reliable fastening in the right place;
  • application of protective and finishing coatings.

The preparatory stage begins with the development of a general facade design project. At this stage, the design style and the number, type and size of decorating elements are determined; a diagram of their placement is drawn. Next, the surface is thoroughly prepared for the application of polystyrene foam:

  • surface leveling;
  • cleaning the installation site from dirt and grease stains.

Installation of foam decor includes the following processes:

  1. Alignment of the facade structure on which the decor is planned to be installed. As a rule, such areas include cornices, window sills, certain areas on the wall, and jambs of window and door openings. Leveling is carried out by applying plaster.
  2. Installation of decor. Facade foam is attached special glue, intended specifically for this material. In particular, we can note the Merolith S95 glue. The adhesive composition is applied to the entire back side of the part, and then it is pressed to the installation site and held until it is stuck with glue. When installing large parts or in cases where they protrude more than 10–12 cm above the wall surface, the fastening is reinforced with dowels or anchors. To install them, holes are carefully pre-drilled in the foam. If such a need arises after installation, then drilling is done after the glue has completely cured (2–3 days). Filling elements are installed in appropriate places on the wall. When installing parts in a vertical position on the wall, it is recommended to ensure that they are pressed for 30–40 hours.
  3. Sealing joints and seams. This operation is carried out using special facade sealants, which are applied with a facade brush. After the composition has dried, the joints are grouted. Merolith S1 can be recommended as such a sealant.
  4. When is it envisaged facade decor made of coated foam, a number of additional work. A thin layer of primer is applied to the surface of the plastic. After it has hardened and sanded, the façade elements are coated with acrylic paint in 2 layers.

Decorating with foam plastic

The production of shaped elements from foam plastic, first of all, involves its careful cutting. When carrying out such a procedure, crumbling of the material should not be allowed. That is why its cutting is ensured by a heated “string”. If the composition is made up of several parts, then the accuracy of their alignment should not exceed 1 mm.

To obtain neatly cut parts, use a heated string

In general, the production of decorative foam elements is carried out in the following order:

  1. Drawing up a decor sketch or selection ready-made idea with drawing of all the details, methods of their articulation, attachment points, choice of colors.
  2. Drawing the element on foam plastic in full size, and so that the material can be cut.
  3. Cutting out the intended shape from foam plastic.
  4. Strengthening the decorative element. For this purpose, a fiberglass mesh is fixed using adhesive composition, applied by spraying to form a layer with a thickness of about 2–2.5 mm.

Foam stucco

Facade stucco is usually made of gypsum and is considered a very common decorative element. Recently, stucco foam has become a worthy competitor to such parts. It is light in weight, so it can be easily mounted on the wall. The facade of a house with similar decor looks no worse than with a classic design.

Foam stucco perfectly replaces gypsum, both in terms of time and financial costs

Certainly, facade stucco it is more difficult to manufacture, because it is a three-dimensional figure. It is best to use finished products that are made by pressing in the factory. However, you can do it yourself, but for this you should use the densest foam plastic - PSB-S-35. Such figures as curls, three-dimensional flowers, bas-reliefs, etc. are cut out of it.

Decorating the facade of a house with polystyrene foam has gained wide popularity. The simplicity of manufacturing and installation allows you to do everything yourself, while the decor is difficult to distinguish from classic options- gypsum, natural stone.

Foam facade decor has an attractive price. In addition, such products have an original appearance.

Decorative elements, despite their low cost, are not inferior in their reliability, durability, and service life to decor made from other building materials.

Distinctive features of foam decoration

Foam decorations for facades are produced by pouring into special molds.

Attention! When installing foam plastic products on the facade of a house, it is necessary to use a special protective coating.

It is necessary to increase the resistance of foam plastic products to external negative influences, increase its strength, and extend its service life.

There are many reasons why ordinary buyers should purchase decorative elements made of foam plastic.

Manufacturers offer facade decorative elements in a different color range, and at very affordable prices.

Polystyrene foam does not have high reliability, mechanical resistance, or durability, but with the help of modern technologies all these minor shortcomings can be easily eliminated.

Advice! Facade decor made of expanded polystyrene (foam) without additional processing Suitable only in places that are reliably protected from the environment.

For example, you can use façade elements made of foam plastic to decorate the cornice, which is located under the roof slope. This area is reliably protected from moisture, and the material is not at risk of mechanical damage.

The facade decor made of polystyrene foam, made in the form of arches, must be treated so that weather conditions do not spoil its appearance. Sometimes decorative elements made of polystyrene foam are used in conjunction with other materials that will allow the decoration to be used for much longer.

Among fashion trends Recently, we note the option of non-standard decoration of the external walls of a private house.

Foam plastic decor for facades is lightweight and easy to process, which is why the material is in demand among architects. It is the decor made of foam plastic that allows the owners of country cottages to turn original design ideas into reality.

Original ideas for decor

Foam plastic decor for the facade is a way to give the building some romantic warmth.

Advice! If completed with a foam decorative entablature top part residential building, add decorative columns to it, the house will become a real castle.

Such a house, decorated with figured decor made of polymer material, will become a source of pride in front of your guests. Decorative chips applied to the façade decor made of polystyrene foam can make your home more original.

Among those architectural elements that can be made from foam plastic, we highlight:

  • moldings;
  • carved cornices;
  • console fragments;
  • modillions;
  • design of the basement of the house

Distinctive characteristics of foam decorative elements

The decor of the facade of a polystyrene foam house has some distinctive characteristics:

  • affordable price of products;
  • ease and speed of installation of finished products;
  • the possibility of decoration without the involvement of specialists;
  • minimum weight that does not lead to additional load on the foundation of the building;
  • long operational service life;
  • excellent water-repellent characteristics;
  • increased strength;
  • environmental friendliness and resistance to decay processes

Installation work associated with the use of polymer makes it possible to carry out installation in any climatic conditions, regardless of temperature indicators.

Installation of decor on the facade of the house

When carrying out such work, you must follow the algorithm of actions. First you need to carry out preparatory work with the surface on which the decor will be attached. To do this, remove the remains of the old plaster from the surface, remove dust and dirt. Armed with facade plaster, it is important to eliminate all internal irregularities.

Advice! If voids are identified, you can use a cement solution to level them.

Then they mark the places where the decorative façade elements will be attached. If some elements of the product protrude by 10-15 centimeters, you will have to strengthen the structure with dowels driven into the walls of the house in advance. Before starting work related to the design of the foam plastic facade, professionals recommend checking the evenness of the surface.

The next stage of installation work will be diluting the glue and applying it to the back side of the decorative fragments

When attaching them to the wall, a little force will be required to improve the quality of adhesion of the glue to the surface being designed.

Attention! Be careful when working with decorative fragments, as the product is fragile.

The installation process is completed by sealing the fastener gaps with foam or sealant. After it is completely dry, you can remove their remains with a spatula.

Next, a high-quality primer of all decorative elements is carried out using a special solution. At the final stage, the manufactured polymer decor is painted with acrylic dyes according to the design project. To increase the service life of products, professionals recommend painting 2-3 times.

Applying additional protection to the façade decor is a mandatory step. finishing works. This will protect the finished product from sudden temperature changes, high humidity.

Features of manufacturing foam decor

To the polymer that is made for facade finishing houses, there are strict requirements. The material for production is PSB 25f. He has everything the most important characteristics and quality in order to use it in exterior wall decoration. Thanks to modern automatic equipment, you can burn and cut contours and create products different sizes and forms. In order to achieve reliable protection of the created element from high humidity and sudden temperature changes, sheets of polymer material are coated with a reinforcing compound. For example, you can process sheet blank made of polymer material with mineral mixtures created on the basis of acrylic paint.

Next, the sheet is sent for drying. In order for the polymer not to lose its technical and performance characteristics, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime. As soon as the protective layer dries, the workpiece is sent to final stage production: cleaning and polishing.


In the twentieth century, people practically did not pay special attention to the appearance of their dachas, the appearance country houses. Among the few decorative elements that were used at that time, only carved frames can be noted.

Currently, the situation has changed radically, and now more and more owners of luxury real estate are investing huge amounts of money in changing the appearance of their properties. Modern technologies used in the manufacture of polymer foam decor have made it a popular material among ordinary consumers.

Buyers appreciated the low weight of foam products, the ease of installation of decor on facades, the excellent performance characteristics of foam, and its beautiful appearance. Polystyrene foam fully complies with all environmental and safety requirements, so this decor does not pose a threat to the environment.

Acrylic paints used to coat polypropylene facade products have different shades, so the home owner can choose a specific shade that will look harmonious against the background of the wall decoration.

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Each of us always wants to purchase any product at the lowest price and maximum quality. Sometimes we consider the possibility self-made one or another product we need.

When the owner of a private house begins to insulate the facade, which is very important today, the question often arises about decorating the external walls of the house - using elements of facade decor. Beautiful facade your private home will always please the eye of both the owner and those around him.

How to make decor from foam plastic by hand

Returning to the issue of making facade decor with your own hands, let's look at the technical and practical aspects of the foam products themselves and the most frequently asked questions on this topic:

  • how to make decor from foam plastic
  • DIY foam trims
  • DIY foam crafts
  • do-it-yourself curved cutting of polystyrene foam

The main criterion for making a decision to buy ready-made facade products or assign a task to the façade specialists who carry out the insulation of your house is the geometric shape of the elements that you want to apply on the facade of the house. You've probably very often seen the facades of houses with simple frames around the windows and two or three-step eaves under the roof overhang. Simple rectangular rusticated stones are also often found at the corners of the house. This kind of facade decor is made manually by facade workers when performing facade insulation.

The simple rectangular shape of the decorative elements allows you to make them yourself right on the spot. The elements, like the wall of the house, are reinforced using the usual technology for reinforcing insulation on the facade - glue, mesh. The corners of the parts are additionally reinforced with special corners. It's another matter if you want to apply complex architectural decorative details geometric shape. Roundings, waves, many steps, convexities - such details distinguish the imitation of architectural elements from their real application on the facade of the house.

The complexity of the product geometry does not allow for foam reinforcement protective layer manually. Therefore, in this case there is one correct solution- is to buy ready-made facade decorative elements from the manufacturer.

Houses of the same type are a thing of the past: moreover, this applies not only to private buildings, but also multi-storey buildings. People want their homes to be unique and special. To create a unique exterior of the building, facade decor made of foam plastic is used: you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

The positive properties of the material made it popular:

  • affordable price,
  • a light weight,
  • resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation,
  • moisture resistance.

This decor will last a long time without losing its original attractiveness.

Until recently, façade finishing elements were made exclusively from concrete and plaster. Such decorations were heavy and quickly deteriorated due to high humidity. In addition, concrete and plaster parts increased the load on the load-bearing elements of the structure, so sometimes it was necessary to abandon such heavy decorations.

Modern designers use lighter materials for finishing facades. Facade decor made of polystyrene foam is easy to install and durable. Unlike wooden and plaster structures, the material is not afraid of moisture. Compared to stone products, polystyrene foam is lightweight. Choosing from a wide range color scheme the desired shade, you can highlight the main color of the building or choose a contrasting finish.

  • An undeniable advantage of expanded polystyrene is its resistance to alkalis, water, acids, and mineral oil.
  • The material is easy to cut and glued using mastic, gypsum or cement mortar. Even a novice master can decorate the facade on his own.
  • The material does not contain hazardous chemical compounds and does not burn, and also has good compressive strength.
  • All decorative elements that will be made of polystyrene foam are odorless and are not subject to rotting or molding.
  • Due to its light weight, stucco molding is quite easy to install.

Taking into account a number of the listed advantages, our company offers the production of decor from foam plastic. Decorative elements are used not only for exterior decoration, but also for interior design. Expanded polystyrene is also useful when restoring old buildings. Facade decoration elements are used to improve the appearance and style of a building. Also, finishing elements will protect areas of the structure from climate impacts. Facade elements increase the thermal insulation of a building, improve sound insulation and increase the service life of the building.

How to make decor from foam plastic with your own hands

Foam molding can be used for self-installation. Many architectural elements will help make your home beautiful: windows, window sills, pediments, cornices, pilasters, balustrades. Each element of the facade is treated with a special coating, so we can confidently say that the material is resistant to external influences. Small decorative elements can change the exterior of a building beyond recognition.

Manufacturing and installation stages:

  1. The parts are cut out by contour thermal cutting using a hot wire. In industrial conditions, you can pre-program the shape of the product and cut it on a computer machine with maximum accuracy.
  2. After applying the reinforcing layer, the contact of the foam with the external environment stops. The part for facade decoration is covered with fiberglass mesh, which protects against alkalis.
  3. Next, apply the cement-adhesive mixture deep penetration, which forms a film about one and a half millimeters thick. After this treatment, the parts become resistant to ultraviolet radiation and no longer attract dust. Film is a good base for painting.

Since façade decor can imitate natural materials, it can be used to decorate various areas of the building. Manifold finishing coating allows owners to choose imitation stone, wood, plaster, marble. Foam facing stones are used in corner areas. Externally, they are no different from granite or marble. Due to the protrusions relative to the walls, a beautiful relief is formed.

Since installation of decor is not particularly difficult, it is often done independently.

In order for the material to last a long time, you should know the important rules and regulations when installing foam decor with your own hands:

  1. At the place where the decor is installed, clean the surface from dirt, mortar, mold. To do this, you can use mechanical means or chemicals. Ideally, the base for installation should be level, clean, and completely dry.
  2. If the surface has deviations from the plane, it should be leveled.
  3. Check the old plaster for voids: they are eliminated before installation.
  4. After preparing the base and marking, the material is fixed with an adhesive mixture; glue must be used, since it gives a tight fit of the foam to the load-bearing structure. Excess uncured glue is removed with a spatula. The joints of the decor and the base are glued with joint compound.
  5. Then they are additionally secured with dowels with the caps recessed by three to four millimeters. Depending on the weight, size and type of products, you can use embedded parts and anchor devices.

The use of various installation techniques allows you to create optical effects of masonry: horizontal and vertical directions, offset, diagonal. The vertical arrangement of the material gives solidity to the building, and by laying out the elements across the column, you can give it grace.

Recently it has become fashionable to use non-standard solutions when decorating external walls own home. Foam facade decor is no exception and is widely used in modern construction.

Due to its light weight and ease of processing, foam plastic is especially popular among architects and helps cottage owners in their quest to make their home attractive and at the same time unique in terms of architecture.

Different ideas for decor

Buildings whose facades have decorative elements made of polystyrene foam in their design look unique, with a certain romantic warmth. Finishing the top of your home's wall with a decorative foam entablature will give it a unique, mysterious look. And in combination with decorative foam columns, your house will look like a rich classical structure.

Decorate the columns with figured capitals, and the appearance of your home will excite the imagination of all its guests or just passers-by.

If the building has an arched opening, then by framing it with a decorative archivolt, you will enhance the vivid impressions of it.

With the help of decorative chips applied to the facade decor made of polystyrene foam, you will give your home an even more impressive look.

Quite a few basic elements of an architectural structure can be made from foam plastic:

  • architectural modillions;
  • moldings;
  • console elements;
  • carved cornice;
  • framing the base of the building.

And this is not the entire list, because human imagination has no boundaries.

Advantages of decorating facades with foam elements

Coated polystyrene foam facade decor for decorating the external walls of houses has the following advantageous features:

  • affordable cost of products - this is one of the cheapest options today;
  • the process of installing decorative elements is so easy and fast that it allows you to do the work yourself;
  • light weight, giving minimal load that does not lead to destructive changes in the elements of the house;
  • strength and durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • has moisture-repellent characteristics;
  • fire safety;
  • not subject to rotting processes;
  • the ability to perform installation work at any temperature and climatic conditions.

How to install facade decor

The most important thing is to follow a clear sequence in the installation of façade decor made of polyurethane foam.

The first step is to prepare the surface where the foam decorative elements will be mounted.

It should be smooth and absolutely clean:

  • remove old plaster, remove all dust, as well as other types of contaminants;
  • level the surface using facade plaster and, what is very important, avoiding the presence of internal voids. If voids are found, level them with cement mortar;
  • prime the surface and let it dry.

Next, you need to designate the attachment points of the decorative elements of the facade and the installation sequence. If part of the part extends ten to fifteen centimeters beyond the overlap, reinforcement will be needed with dowels, which must be driven into the walls in advance.

Proceed with the preparation of façade decorative elements made of polystyrene foam:

  • check the cleanliness of their surface;
  • drill holes for dowels.

Please note that under no circumstances should they be end-to-end!

Dilute the glue and then apply it to reverse side mounted decorative fragments. Attach them to the wall with slight pressure, giving the glue the opportunity to reliably adhere to the surface of the walls. However, be careful not to damage the parts.

The installation process ends with sealing the fastener gaps. To do this, use special sealants or polyurethane foam. Remove any remaining excess with a spatula and wait until it dries completely.

Then the facade decorative elements are primed with a special solution for subsequent painting.

The final stage is painting the decor using water-based acrylic dyes in accordance with the design project, in at least two layers.

It is important to take into account this point - the obligatory need to apply additional protection to the surface of the facade decor to extend its service life and withstand the constant influence of temperature conditions and natural phenomena.

List of materials and tools:

  • cement;
  • facade plaster;
  • sealant for sealing seams and gaps;
  • water-based acrylic paints in the required shades;
  • primer mixture;
  • assembly adhesive for foam elements;
  • putty knife;
  • drill;
  • dowels (two to five pieces for each part, depending on the size of the element).

Final conclusions

As you can already see, installation work Designing the facade of buildings does not take much time, does not require large financial investments and can be done by anyone who has at least some basic construction skills. At the same time, the use of facade decor made of foam plastic will certainly significantly transform the appearance of your home, giving it special sophistication, as well as the ability to evoke admiring glances from neighbors and passers-by.

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Today it has become very fashionable to decorate the interior in unusual styles. To realize the most ambitious ideas, expensive materials are used. But you can do without large financial expenses if you make foam plastic products with your own hands to decorate your home.

Interior decoration ideas

To give the room a zest and make it individual, beautiful elements made of foam plastic are used for interior decoration. These can be decorative items, wall applications and other designer items. They can be safely called unique because they are not repeated. Specific items are suitable for each room and selected individually.

Decorative lamp made of foam plastic

A decorative lamp will serve as a beautiful decorative element in the room. It is made quite simply and quickly, but has a unique and very beautiful appearance. They can be decorated as living room, and put it in some restaurant, where it will immediately give you a feeling of calm, tranquility and comfort. Making such a beautiful decorative lamp is quite simple.

To work you will need:

  • 4 sheets of foam;
  • Pencil;
  • Ruler;
  • Silicone glue;
  • Nichrome foam cutter;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Christmas tree garland.
  • To begin with, determine the size of the future decorative lamp. Apply the dimensions to the foam sheets and cut out four equal parts.
  • Curly openwork elements are drawn on each sheet of foam plastic. They need to be made smooth and preferably with the same thickness of each turn. The more turns, the better.
  • When the sketches are ready, start cutting. For this they use special device, which is called a nichrome cutter. If you don’t have such a device at home, don’t be upset, because real masters self made They can always get out of any current situation. You can do it yourself. As cutting blade use nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm. It differs from ordinary wire in its high resistance. It is used in various heating devices.
  • When all the openwork elements are cut out, begin assembling the decorative lamp. It is glued on four sides, and a Christmas tree garland is threaded inside. They plug it into the network and enjoy the beauty of the wonderful lamp.

Foam Wall Decorations

To do decorative decoration made of polystyrene foam for the home, you can use beautiful wall applications. They can decorate any room. Beautiful elements of nature are suitable for a hall or dining room. You can cut out a beautiful decorative tree with many falling leaves and distribute the same leaves over the entire wall, as if they were blown away by the wind. Between the leaves you can place several birds, which are also cut out of foam. To ensure that the composition is not boring and has a finished look, it is painted with the desired colors using acrylic paints.

Openwork carved elements are suitable for the bedroom. They can be painted in pastel colors, or they can remain white. In the children's room you can make an imitation of a summer meadow with butterflies and make a personalized wall. To do this, cut out each letter of the baby’s name from polystyrene foam and decorate them, having previously painted them in the desired colors. You can also make several crafts from this material for your children's room. It could be Dollhouse furnished and detached decorative house with windows and backyard.

beautiful and interesting idea is an ikebana made from a plastic bottle and foam. To do this, take the usual plastic bottle green, cut off the bottom, cut it into straws along the entire length towards the neck and string pieces of foam plastic onto each straw. The result is a beautiful green ikebana with white flowers on green stems.

On New Year You can please your loved ones with new Christmas tree decorations. To do this, take polystyrene foam, place a pre-prepared template on it, trace it with a pencil and cut out the desired shape. The number of such figures is equal to the number of Christmas tree decorations needed to be made. For example, this is a Christmas tree shape. Each figurine is painted green color and decorated with sparkles. At the base of each toy, a hole is made through which a thin golden ribbon is threaded, on which the toy will be hung.

As a decoration, you can make a small artificial pond with water lilies. To do this, take a beautiful vase with a wide hole or another similar decorative vessel, pour water into it, and place water lilies made of polystyrene plastic into the water.

To do this, place a template of a water lily leaf on a sheet of foam plastic and trace it with a pencil. Cut out each water lily leaf and paint it green using waterproof paint. On the surface of each leaf, make a white water lily from disposable spoons. They are glued to a hot glue gun in the shape of a flower. Each oval of the spoon will act as a petal.

You can make countless crafts and useful things from polystyrene foam, you just need to use your imagination and a little effort.

DIY foam plastic products for home and interior decoration, photos and videos

What you can make from polystyrene foam with your own hands. Master class on making a lamp from foam plastic.

Installing polystyrene foam façade decor with your own hands is easy and simple

Every owner of a house, small or large, wants to give it an original and attractive appearance. But often heavy elements require additional strengthening of the supporting structure.

Also, stucco is quite expensive and not everyone can afford such a pleasure. You can try to solve these problems by installing polystyrene foam façade decor with your own hands.

Why is foam plastic popular?

Indeed, decorative elements made from this polymer material solve two very important problems at once. important problems. The weight of each part is very small and even in total they will not load the wall as much as, for example, plaster stucco. And the price for such products is attractive.

But these are not all the positive aspects of using foam plastic elements for facade decoration. You can also add:

  • The elements are very easy to install. The process is easy and does not require special skills.
  • The service life of the decor is quite long. The surface is treated in a special way, which improves external strength.
  • Not affected wide range temperatures (from +80 to -55 degrees Celsius).
  • Poorly supports the combustion process.
  • Does not fade in the sun.
  • Repels moisture.
  • Microorganisms such as fungi and mold are unable to grow on polystyrene foam.
  • Easy to transport.
  • Variety of forms offered. In assortment construction stores you can see foam cornices and moldings, brackets and pilasters, balusters and columns.

We do everything ourselves

If you can’t or don’t want to spend extra money on work construction crew, then you can install foam plastic decor for the facade of the house with your own hands. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and not rush.

The base on which the decorative elements will be attached must be perfectly prepared. So we start with this:

  1. The wall is cleaned of mold and mildew. You can use special compounds, or you can do it mechanically.
  2. Remove dust and dirt.
  3. You should check how smooth the surface is. If there is a difference of 1 cm per square meter, the wall needs to be leveled.
  4. In the case where the facade has been painted, the paint is scraped off a little in the places where the decor is planned to be glued. This will ensure a strong grip.
  5. After all manipulations, the surface should be smooth, clean and dry.

Installation of foam decor

After the preparatory work is completed, you should begin attaching the elements. Glue is used for installation. But if the decor is long or a little weighty, as additional fastening use dowels.

You can only use glue, but fasteners alone will not work. He will not be able to fix tightly specific area, and the whole structure will not look neat. And during operation, problems will appear (rainwater flowing under the decor, wind damage, etc.).

So let's start installation:

  • Glue is applied to the entire surface of the decorative element.
  • The decor is pressed against the wall and held for several seconds. This will allow the glue to adhere well to both the wall and the foam decor.
  • You need to monitor the pressing force. If you press too hard, you may damage the element.
  • When an element needs to be fixed with a dowel, this is done only after the glue has dried.
  • After all the decor is installed, you need to seal the joints and places where the dowels are installed with sealant.


In the process of decorating the facade with foam elements, you need to remember that everything does not end with the installation stage.

The elements still need to be protected with acrylic paint. And here too there are some nuances:

  1. First, the decor must be treated with a primer. Be sure to ensure that the composition is suitable for working on foam plastic. Otherwise, the elements will be hopelessly damaged.
  2. After the primer has dried, apply the first coat of paint.
  3. When the paint is completely dry, it is worth applying a second layer.

Polystyrene foam, painted in two layers, will be completely protected from external negative conditions and will last a very long time. If desired, the color of the decor can be changed. Acrylic paint is also used for this.

Do-it-yourself polystyrene foam facade decor: decorative elements

Foam elements can also be used as decoration for the facade. They give the building bold style and originality. And you can attach them yourself, without the help of specialists.

DIY polystyrene foam decor

Houses of the same type are a thing of the past: moreover, this applies not only to private buildings, but also to multi-storey buildings. People want their homes to be unique and special. To create a unique exterior of the building, facade decor made of foam plastic is used: you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

  • affordable price,
  • a light weight,
  • resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation,
  • moisture resistance.

This decor will last a long time without losing its original attractiveness.

Until recently, façade finishing elements were made exclusively from concrete and plaster. Such decorations were heavy and quickly deteriorated due to high humidity. In addition, concrete and plaster parts increased the load on the load-bearing elements of the structure, so sometimes it was necessary to abandon such heavy decorations.

Modern designers use lighter materials for finishing facades. Facade decor made of polystyrene foam is easy to install and durable. Unlike wooden and plaster structures, the material is not afraid of moisture. Compared to stone products, polystyrene foam is lightweight. By choosing the desired shade from a wide range of colors, you can highlight the main color of the building or choose a contrasting finish.

  • An undeniable advantage of expanded polystyrene is its resistance to alkalis, water, acids, and mineral oil.
  • The material is easy to cut and glued using mastic, gypsum or cement mortar. Even a novice master can decorate the facade on his own.
  • The material does not contain hazardous chemical compounds and does not burn, and also has good compressive strength.
  • All decorative elements that will be made of polystyrene foam are odorless and are not subject to rotting or molding.
  • Due to its light weight, stucco molding is quite easy to install.

Taking into account a number of the listed advantages, our company offers the production of decor from foam plastic. Decorative elements are used not only for exterior decoration, but also for interior design. Expanded polystyrene is also useful when restoring old buildings. Facade decoration elements are used to improve the appearance and style of a building. Also, finishing elements will protect areas of the structure from climatic influences. Facade elements increase the thermal insulation of a building, improve sound insulation and increase the service life of the building.

How to make decor from foam plastic with your own hands

Foam molding can be used for self-installation. Many architectural elements will help make your home beautiful: windows, window sills, pediments, cornices, pilasters, balustrades. Each element of the facade is treated with a special coating, so we can confidently say that the material is resistant to external influences. Small decorative elements can change the exterior of a building beyond recognition.

Manufacturing and installation stages:

  1. The parts are cut out by contour thermal cutting using a hot wire. In industrial conditions, you can pre-program the shape of the product and cut it on a computer machine with maximum accuracy.
  2. After applying the reinforcing layer, the contact of the foam with the external environment stops. The part for facade decoration is covered with fiberglass mesh, which protects against alkalis.
  3. Next, a deep penetration cement-adhesive mixture is applied, which forms a film about one and a half millimeters thick. After this treatment, the parts become resistant to ultraviolet radiation and no longer attract dust. Film is a good base for painting.

Since façade decor can imitate natural materials, it can be used to decorate various areas of the building. The variety of finishing coatings allows owners to choose imitation stone, wood, plaster, and marble. Foam facing stones are used in corner areas. Externally, they are no different from granite or marble. Due to the protrusions relative to the walls, a beautiful relief is formed.

Since installation of decor is not particularly difficult, it is often done independently.

In order for the material to last a long time, you should know the important rules and regulations when installing foam decor with your own hands:

  1. At the place where the decor is installed, clean the surface from dirt, mortar, and mold. To do this, you can use mechanical means or chemicals. Ideally, the base for installation should be level, clean, and completely dry.
  2. If the surface has deviations from the plane, it should be leveled.
  3. Check the old plaster for voids: they are eliminated before installation.
  4. After preparing the base and marking, the material is fixed with an adhesive mixture; glue must be used, since it gives the foam a tight fit to the supporting structure. Excess uncured glue is removed with a spatula. The joints of the decor and the base are glued with joint compound.
  5. Then they are additionally secured with dowels with the caps recessed by three to four millimeters. Depending on the weight, size and type of products, you can use embedded parts and anchor devices.

The use of various installation techniques allows you to create optical effects of masonry: horizontal and vertical directions, offset, diagonal. The vertical arrangement of the material gives solidity to the building, and by laying out the elements across the column, you can give it grace.

How to make decor from foam plastic with your own hands

How to make and install façade decorative elements from foam plastic yourself: basic operating rules and useful tips

Choosing facade decor from foam plastic

The times when dachas were very similar to one another are long gone. Today, the idea of ​​summer residents is limited only to his financial condition. And, of course, it is not possible to overestimate the role of such a decorative element as facade decor made of foam plastic in creating the unique appearance of any structure.

The photo shows the result of decorating the facade of a building with decorative elements.

Thanks to modern technologies, decorative elements can be made various types and appointments. In addition, the most important material used by builders today is polystyrene foam with high density. Foam plastic is one of the lightest materials, which means that the load on the building is reduced and the installation process itself is simplified. Interior decor elements made from this universal material, like polystyrene foam, you can even make it yourself.

Advantages of polystyrene foam

The main advantages of polystyrene foam include:

  • ease of processing;
  • unlimited variety of colors and textures of coatings;
  • the ability to simply cut off difficult figures;
  • long service life of the decorative element, despite natural conditions;
  • moisture resistance;
  • does not deform during the entire service life;
  • low cost;

Shown in the photo decorated ceiling with walls made of foam elements

  • the ability to produce many elements in a minimum amount of time and reduce assembly time.

Various decorative elements made of foam plastic for the facade

Let's consider popular elements for decorating facade walls:

For decoration corner areas structures, use facing stones made of polystyrene foam. In appearance they cannot be distinguished from marble or granite. The relief is created using a protrusion relative to the walls; a very beautiful appearance can be obtained with different textures.

Optical effects will appear when various techniques installation of interior foam for facades. If you install materials vertically along any corner, the building will become more solid and durable. Elements that are laid out across the column make it more elegant.

In earlier times, the production of molded scrolls for the ceiling, as well as ornaments that gave the structure a complete appearance, was carried out from such popular materials as plaster or concrete by casting. And the patterns could be selected according to the customer’s sketches or using a template. However, making stucco from such materials is a labor-intensive process that requires advanced skills.

The photo shows the façade stucco molding

Figured foam materials for the ceiling of a building, which imitate similar decorative elements, are today cut out with your own hands from such dense material, like PSB-S-35. The simplicity and elasticity of gluing decorative parts for the ceiling - the advantages of stucco do not end there. It has a protective coating that is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation and does not change color over time. The final coating makes it possible to hide the stucco under marble or wood.

This element logically completes the upper area of ​​the wall and gives the apartment a classic appearance, even if there are no columns.

Framing door and window openings is an excellent design approach that makes it possible to hide the hole between door frame and the wall area. An excellent assistant is the ceiling trim. Of course, the production of this façade material is not limited to constructive purposes. The use of platbands for the ceiling and walls when decorating will give the structure integrity and make it possible to stand out from the entire background. The list of advantages is huge. The ceiling trim protects the building from gusts of wind, visually highlights the opening, emphasizes the completeness of the entire interior and shows the excellent taste of the apartment owner.

Rustic stones are used to decorate the interior, in particular the corners of walls or ceilings. Rusticism is considered art decorative cladding, method, formation of imitation masonry. It should be added that the production of rusticated stones from polystyrene foam is a simple process, and the result is a material with an appearance similar to marble or natural stone.

The photo shows beautiful decorative foam elements

Thanks to such stones, you can get a beautiful ceiling relief that protrudes in relation to other areas of the facade. The entire surface is subjected to this method of treatment, but the contrast of several textures looks most attractive.

Facade decor made of polystyrene foam using rusticated stone is an opportunity to create immediately different effects. It all depends on the installation method. Thus, if you arrange the corners of a structure in a vertical position with rusticated stones, you get a feeling of unusual strength. If you place them across the column, it will look like it is disappearing into the haze, as if ghostly.

The ceiling bracket is actively used when decorating the facade. They have the appearance of a protrusion that is fixed to the columns. Initially they were used to support cornices, balconies, and decorate door and window openings.

The photo shows popular façade elements

Today, the functions of this architectural detail have changed slightly - the ceiling bracket has lost its power purpose, but has retained its decorative purpose.

Using a foam plastic bracket, you can effectively complement the façade of a building without overloading it. If we talk about design characteristics, then a polystyrene bracket has a couple of variations of application in the interior of an apartment. They can be made as an independent component, consist of a couple of areas with braces, or take on the appearance of thickenings in the base elements.

If you want to see how such elements are made with your own hands, they are cut with a hot string without using the casting process. This greatly simplifies the technology and increases the possibilities for variety of shapes and design of decorative elements.

Do-it-yourself facade decor made of foam plastic for the interior, decorative elements for walls and ceilings, their production: photo

Let us consider in this article what are the obvious advantages of facade elements made of foam plastic, what types of facade elements are available for wall decoration

The facade is rightfully considered the “face” of the house. Therefore, it should look very beautiful and presentable. Its decor is made from different materials, but recently expanded polystyrene has been gaining more and more popularity. The article will talk about the nuances, advantages and installation of foam parts.

Advantages of polystyrene foam decor

Expanded polystyrene is now held in special esteem by builders and designers. Decorating a residential building with this lightweight and practical material allows you to solve two problems at once: insulate the room and decorate it. In addition, the material ensures ease of installation and durability.

Elements for the facade made of expanded polystyrene are gradually replacing decorations made of plaster and concrete, which are bulky and heavy. After all, the presence of the latter on the construction site greatly increases the load on the foundation and load-bearing walls, which requires their additional strengthening.

If we compare decor made of polystyrene foam with similar parts made of plaster and wood, then there is also an obvious advantage of the first - it is not afraid of high humidity. In addition, the material is not afraid of the effects of alkali, acid and mineral oils.

Expanded polystyrene is easily attached to walls using gypsum or cement mortar and mastic. If desired, it is easy to design the façade yourself.

Attention! By painting the stucco molding in the right shade, you can advantageously highlight the color and texture of the walls of the house or play on the contrast.

The material is completely odorless; mold fungi and putrefactive bacteria do not settle on it. Expanded polystyrene does not burn well and does not contain harmful compounds. The decor can be mounted both outside the building and from inside. This is a great option for restoring old houses.

As a facade decoration, polystyrene foam is suitable for use in regions with different climates. He does not respond to either high or low temperatures. If desired, you can order non-repeating shapes that will give the house originality.

How decor is made from polystyrene foam

The material that will be used as stucco on the facade of the building must have special qualities. Therefore, special technology is used for its production.

Manufacturers use polystyrene foam to make a semblance of any facing material, for example, stone, wood, plaster. This imitation is visually difficult to distinguish from natural decor.

Advice. You can use polystyrene foam stones in the corners of the house. The result is a very beautiful relief due to the protrusions of the decorative elements relative to the walls.

Types of decorating elements and rules for their installation

As can be seen in the photo, there are quite a lot of elements that serve as decoration for the facade. The common names are:

To install polystyrene foam decor with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Walls, window sills, jambs and cornices, that is, all surfaces on which polystyrene foam will be attached will need to be carefully leveled. For this purpose, facade plaster is used.
  • Next, you should wait until all treated surfaces are completely dry. This usually takes about 2 days.
  • Perform markings using a level and plumb line.
  • Fix the polystyrene foam to the base. Mounting adhesive or foam is applied to the back side. The prepared element is pressed forcefully to the intended location. In this case, you need to leave a 2-3 mm gap between adjacent parts.

Advice. To prevent the decor from slipping on the glue, wooden strips can be temporarily attached to the bottom side.

  • After 3 days, when the polystyrene foam sticks well, the parts are additionally secured with dowels.
  • The joints are filled with a compound designed to seal the seams. Leave it to dry for several days.
  • At the end of installation, the decorative elements are primed and painted.

Polystyrene foam decor – perfect option for beautification of the facade. From a financial point of view, this is not at all expensive, and the work of attaching the decor can easily be done by yourself.

Making decor for the facade: video

You notice the decor of the facade immediately when you first look at the house. The eye instantly fixes unusual elements, style, architectural aesthetics. Who said that this is the prerogative of only official buildings? A private house it is quite possible to turn it into a small palace, an oriental castle or a Gothic fortress. This requires knowledge, imagination and the necessary façade decor.

No one needs to be convinced that decorating the walls of a house is good. Everyone understands that a beautiful, well-kept home is pleasing to the eye, and with individual decoration it takes on its own personality. In ancient times in Rus', every owner tried to highlight his home with carved platbands, wooden lace on shutters, unusual skates and weather vanes. Today there are many ways to make your home not only beautiful, but also unique. This is precisely the main advantage of façade decor - to make a building stand out from hundreds of others. Facade decor will replace architectural delights, and a house built according to a standard design will make it one of a kind.

Private house project

Tile decor

Before you start thinking about finishing elements, you need to provide a general background, or, more simply, the design of the walls. This is an important part of the future picture, and in order for the image to take shape, it is necessary to make a project. Finishing projects are freely available in large quantities, or you can create it yourself or order it from a designer. First, think about what style you want the future facade to be. For example, if you are attracted by the old Western European architectural style, then you should not cover the walls with bright flock chips, and in the case of Venetian chic, do not paint the house in bright colors.

Decorating walls with tiles will be a solution for any design. Facade slabs and tiles are available to suit all tastes. In this case, not a single wallet will be harmed! You can decorate the walls with a stone look, while the texture of the slab will convey coolness natural material and its strength, or you can decorate your home in a rustic style and use tiles that are no different from wood.

Unique types of facades that combine two or more types of tiles. For example, brick-like tiles can be combined with stone, as in the photo.

Combination of brick-like tiles and stone-like panels in wall decoration

The classic Middle Ages will be conveyed by tiles with imitation stone and forged gratings.

Classical medieval style registration

Clinker tiles are a classic that goes with most styles. It looks reliable and respectable and is very popular all over the world for its durability. Look how in this photo the general background of the walls harmonizes with the façade elements.

Clinker wall and façade elements

Finishing a house with tiles can be done independently using frame and frameless methods. Read how to tile your house with your own hands on our website.

Plaster decor

Wall decoration using decorative plaster has been used for several centuries and has not lost its relevance. It is not only beautiful, but also easy to do yourself. Such houses look presentable, and the color and future decorative elements can be chosen according to your own taste. The application of plaster is carried out in several stages. The first few steps are overlay and grout. IN last resort a mixture of marble chips is added, which creates the pattern. Exist ready-made mixtures Venetian plasters for facades. You can choose the color separately. In the photo you can see several ways to create a “drawing” on the wall.

Creating a drawing Venetian plaster: Master Class

The combination of plastered walls with tiles, stucco and other decorative elements is striking in its diversity. Using the “Venetian” in several steps you can create any architectural style from baroque to high-tech. The photo shows how the plastered surface harmonizes with the “stone” base.

Plastered walls and stone plinth

With the help of plaster, you can inexpensively and effectively make your house bright and make it stand out among others with vibrant sunlight.

Bright plastered facade

Decorating the facade of the house with decorative elements

What are the decorative components of the facade and why use them in architecture and decoration. This question does not arise when you see ancient buildings in Moscow, Venice or St. Petersburg. The beauty and uniqueness of the decoration attracts, you want to touch it. Such buildings are remembered for a long time. All this happens thanks to decorative elements.

Various arches, rustications, capitals, columns, platbands, balusters, rosettes and much more make the image of the building complete. The house takes on its own personality. Looking at ancient buildings, we often don’t think about what it’s all made of, and we are absolutely sure that it is impossible to do this on the walls of our own home, but this is not so.

Facade decor

Stucco molding

The word stucco causes a grimace of rejection among many. For most of us, it means something ancient, necessarily white and definitely not suitable for a modern home. What is it really? Only façade stucco can create elegant details and subtle reliefs on the façade. Previously, it was made of plaster. It's environmentally friendly pure material, which allows you to make facade decor directly on site or cast it in ready-made molds. But it also has disadvantages. First of all, it's weight. Plaster parts are very heavy and put a noticeable load on the building. Installation of such decorations is difficult, which is why in the old days many large decorative elements were made directly on the facade. In addition, gypsum is destroyed over time under the influence of atmospheric changes.

Restoration of gypsum stucco

Yes, gypsum stucco molding can give a building a chic look, but today gypsum has been replaced with stronger and lighter materials that are not inferior in beauty to plaster. Polymer concrete combines the strength of concrete, but is ten times lighter. Installation of these products is simple even with your own hands, and in terms of aesthetics they are not inferior to plaster. The peculiarity of the composition is that it can imitate various structures, for example, granite and marble. The photo shows how polymer concrete imitates old stucco.

Window decoration with polymer concrete

An interesting and very popular building composition for home decoration is glass fiber reinforced concrete or fiber reinforced concrete. It is made from dry building mixtures with glass fiber additives. Its strength and lightness allows it to be used to make columns and other supporting structures. architectural elements. Many multi-storey buildings in Moscow are finished with glass fiber reinforced concrete.

Stucco molding made of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Decor with polyurethane

A new structural element that has found its niche in decorating private homes is polyurethane. Lightweight, durable, wear-resistant material that is easy to install with your own hands; all you need is special glue. Polyurethane belongs to the facade decor of the middle price category, but its qualities are worth the expense. After all, polyurethane is not only durable, but also elastic, so façade elements made from it do not deform or delaminate.

Polyurethane stucco molding

Decor with polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

One of the most popular textures for making decorative facades is polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene. Lightweight, unaffected by precipitation, frost-resistant and indifferent to all types of fungus, it has several more qualities, due to which the façade parts are much cheaper than the previous ones.

Facade decor made of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene is made using non-molding technology, and therefore does not require expensive molds for its production. For production, a string cutting mechanism with digital computer control is used. The dimensions of the finishing components are unlimited, since it weighs almost nothing. The surface of the foam elements is reinforced with an acrylic fiberglass mesh, onto which a coating of cement-adhesive composition is applied. After all the manipulations, the product resembles a plastered surface.

Sectional view of façade decor made of expanded polystyrene

Fiberglass decor

Fiberglass or fiberglass composite is becoming a durable and effective replacement for concrete, polyurethane and polystyrene. Not only decorative elements are made from it, but also facade panels. Fiberglass composite does not deform, does not corrode, is resistant to any temperatures, but at the same time is very light.

Fiberglass facade

Window and door decoration

Decorated windows and doorways immediately attracts attention. Previously, all home decor was aimed at decorating them. When drawing up a project for the design of windows and doors, you need to be moderate, because their design should not be out of line general style Houses. For example, a building lined with metal siding will look funny with stucco on the windows and plaster angels above the door. To select details for finishing these parts of the building, you need to imagine their types. We list the main decorative elements with a short description of each.


Sandrik is a decorative component above the door and window opening. Previously, this part served as protection from rain. It protruded more strongly and was made of wood, concrete, brick or plaster. Today, sandriks can be purchased separately or as a set with other window decor.



Molding is used everywhere for finishing buildings. They decorate the perimeter of windows and doors. Molding can be used to decorate the base or base of the roof. On windows, facade molding can serve as a platband. Moldings are among the accessories for facade slabs, or you can purchase them separately from polyurethane or foam.

Decoration with moldings

Arched frames

The name itself says that they are used for round and semicircular windows, and sometimes doors, if the style of the house implies just such doorways. Today you can purchase or order a solid arched opening or one consisting of segments.

House with arches

False shutters

These decorative parts of the facade are hung on windows for beauty. These include false panels for window decoration. The panel is usually mounted under the window opening. It can be made from any decorative material or wood.

These are just some of the details that can be used to decorate your home. There are still many of them; it is quite difficult to cover everything in one article.

Window decorated with false shutters and false panels

Features of installing facade decor with your own hands

We have already touched a little on the description of the installation of facade slabs and the application of decorative plaster. All that remains is to learn how to attach façade elements from the most popular materials.

The easiest way to install foam products and parts made of polystyrene foam. Polyurethane parts of the facade are installed in the same way. This DIY facade decoration is so simple that even a person far from construction can handle it.

First of all, you need to remember that attaching foam parts is possible only in the warm season. The outside temperature should be between +15 and +25.

  • Surface preparation is one of the most important steps. If the wall is not prepared appropriately, the elements will fall off over time. First you need to clean the surface of everything unnecessary - old paint, plaster, protruding parts. To do this, use sandpaper, a spatula, and in some cases a sander. Tap the wall with a rubber or wooden hammer. Where the wall is damaged, repair the surface and allow to dry. Another important point in preparation for installation is checking the surface with a level. When gluing slabs, unevenness of 10 mm per 1 square meter is allowed. When sticking small parts It’s good if the wall is perfectly flat.
  • The next stage will be disassembling and fitting the parts. Lay out all the parts on the floor, check the labels on them. Remember that both the sandals and the moldings have extra length. Cut them to size using a special knife or small hacksaw.

Attention! When cutting a part, do not forget about the joints! Do not rush to throw away the cut parts.

Trying on parts

  • Attach multi-spikes to the wall along the entire plane of the part. They are necessary to keep the element from moving while the glue dries. Try the pieces on the wall.
  • Now you need to apply glue and attach the decor to the facade. Press harder, try not to let the glue protrude from the edges. Now coat the joints with acrylic sealant. After installation, it is advisable to paint everything.

Installation decorative bricks made of polystyrene foam on the corner of a building

Large façade structures mounted on anchors or other fastening systems. You can learn how to install large polystyrene foam curtain rods using video instructions.

Video: Fastening large decorative elements

Decorating the appearance of a building is a creative matter, and you need to approach it with soul. At the same time, this is serious work, since the facade decor will be the first thing your family and friends see. If you want to make a uniquely beautiful home, then apply the information from this article, a little financial investment, artistic taste and time. Anyone can do this with their own hands.