Water heating in the floor: pros and cons. Pros and cons of heated floors. Selecting a heating system

Warm electric floor - unique engineering design, which allows you to heat the entire room, perfectly complementing other heating systems. In some cases, the heated floor even becomes the only one heating element. This design can be used not only in houses, but also in other premises being renovated.

Most often, heated floors are used in rooms where the floor is paved with porcelain stoneware or tiles. In addition, it is extremely rare that an electric floor is used without central system heating. As a rule, these designs complement each other. The electrical system helps warm up cold flooring. Most often, tiles or porcelain stoneware are laid in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway, which is why heated floors are often used in these areas.

It is worth noting the absolute advantage of a heated floor - heating the air to a height of up to 2.5 meters from the floor. Warm air indoors makes living conditions even more favorable and comfortable.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation process of the electric floor. It is highly not recommended to save on materials, even if it seems that the difference will be insignificant. It is best to entrust installation to professionals.

Advantages of installing heated floors

Electric heated floors are very popular today for a number of reasons:

  1. The electric floor design can eliminate the lack of central heating in apartments. As a rule, the main heating in modern home heats the floor the least, leaving it quite cold. This is due to the fact that the batteries are located at some distance from the floor, as a result of which cold air. Warm floors help solve this problem. As a result of installing an additional structure, the heating of the room becomes uniform.
  2. Installation of heated floors does not require the use of additional equipment, what is he doing possible installation such a design in any room.
  3. The degree of floor heating can be easily controlled by choosing the most optimal option for yourself.
  4. The warm electric floor is complemented by a special thermostat, which allows you to set the required temperature in each room. In some zones you can also easily turn off the heating altogether.
  5. Warm air from the floor rises, thereby eliminating the formation of drafts in the apartment or house.
  6. An electric floor allows you to rid any room of excess moisture, which, in turn, eliminates the possibility of mold formation.
  7. A warm floor covering can easily be made the main source of heating in the house, thus getting rid of radiators, which take up additional space and collect a lot of dust.
  8. Electric floor is pretty reliable design, which extremely rarely fails. If the installation process went correctly - in accordance with the instructions, then breakdowns are unlikely to occur. Most often, problems with heated floors appear only in cases where breakdown or damage occurs due to the fault of the owner. For example, if a nail was driven into one of the elements of the system. If some kind of malfunction does occur, do not worry or panic, since any electric floor can be easily repaired. If you can’t do this yourself, you can contact a service center.
  9. The heated floor system is absolutely safe and resistant to moisture. Thanks to this design, you can create warmth and comfort in your home.
  10. The design of a warm electric floor is compact and convenient, so it does not reduce the height of the ceiling in the room.
  11. All elements of the heated floor design are well hidden from view, which makes the system invisible and neat.
  12. Installation of the structure is quite simple; even a person without much experience can install all the equipment and the system as a whole.
  13. With the help of a warm floor, the surface in the house warms up evenly and equally everywhere.

Disadvantages of an electric floor

Despite a large number of advantages of heated floor design, this system still has some disadvantages:

  1. The first and most obvious disadvantage of an electric floor is the increase in energy costs in the house. In this case, in order to reduce costs as much as possible, it is best to use a thermostat that will lower the temperature or turn off the heating in some areas.
  2. The second disadvantage is also associated with significant costs. The fact is that heated floors are an expensive structure, which also requires certain costs for its installation.
  3. Before installing an electric floor structure, it is necessary to change the wiring in the house. Such a system significantly increases the load on the electrical system, so old wiring I just might not be able to stand it.
  4. The design of a heated floor is very demanding on the floor covering. It must, first of all, have good thermal conductivity in order for the efficiency of the system to be felt. If there is a carpet or carpet on the floor, which transmit heat rather poorly, the efficiency of the heated floor will not be great.
  5. Some types of flooring may be affected by the use of heated electric floors. The greatest impact is on a wooden floor, since the wood shrinks when heated and then begins to change shape.
  6. If the floor covering is also varnished on top, the heating temperature cannot exceed more than 21 degrees.
  7. In order to save energy and energy costs as much as possible, heated floors, as a rule, are not installed in places where furniture is located. In this regard, rearranging the furniture in the house will also entail reinstalling the heated floor structure.
  8. The use of heated floors in the house provokes the appearance of electromagnetic radiation. Of course, today everyone uses electrical devices, despite the spread electromagnetic waves However, with the installation of an additional electrical system, the radiation increases, so this factor must be taken into account.
  9. The use of any electric heater, including an electric floor, entails an increased risk of electric shock. This factor should be taken into account, especially in rooms with high humidity.

It is worth noting that, despite all these disadvantages, most people still use heated floors in the house, since for them such systems are a necessary condition comfortable stay. Moreover, most of these shortcomings are completely insignificant and can be easily eliminated. As for additional expenses, as a rule, everyone understands perfectly well that comfort costs extra money.

Electric heated floors are used much more often than water ones. This is easily explained, since such a design has a number of advantages:

  1. An electric heated floor is much simpler and more convenient to regulate in terms of temperature supply than a water one. It is enough to simply use a thermostat, with which you can set the desired temperature and do it much more accurately than in a water system.
  2. Installing cables in electrical design warm floor is much easier and faster than water pipes in a water heating system.
  3. The use of a water heated floor system entails the installation gas boiler for heating water. This measure requires additional space, as well as increased installation costs.

Thus, we can determine that electric heated floors are very convenient to use. It is especially suitable for heating small spaces, such as an apartment or small country house. Also, the design of a warm electric floor is excellent for an office, since in such a room it is not always possible to install a gas boiler.

Disadvantages of electric heated floors compared to water ones

Unfortunately, the electric floor heating system also has some disadvantages compared to the water design:

  1. Often a water heated floor becomes more economical option than electric. Such savings are especially noticeable in large areas.
  2. Usage hot water for floor heating and room heating is a safer option than using electricity. Hot water can harm a person to a lesser extent than electric current.
  3. A water heating design can last much longer than an electrical system. According to the most popular manufacturers of such systems, a water floor can last in a house for up to 50 years.

Using a water floor the best way Suitable for heating large rooms. For example, it is better to use it in large country houses or in work areas.

Electric floor - unique modern design allowing you to create maximum comfort in your home. With such a system, your floor will always be warm, which will allow you not only to walk barefoot, but also to allow children to play on the floor without fear of being exposed to a draft. At the same time, the design is absolutely safe; the system perfectly protects all elements from the ingress of water and other objects.

Video: which electric heated floor is better?

The use of smooth and cool materials in flooring looks aesthetically very attractive. However, in the cold season it is impossible to walk on such a floor without slippers. A water heated floor will help eliminate discomfort while simultaneously solving the problem of heating the room. The versatility of the design allows it to be used in any single room, be it a bedroom, bathroom, living room or kitchen.

Technologically, such a heating system is laid inside the genital building structures a piping system through which coolant water passes. In this case, an existing centralized heating system or an individual heating source can be used to heat the floor.

Advantages of water-heated floors

Using a water heating system through flooring based on the principle of conversion. In this regard, its main advantages include:

  • A high level of efficiency of the heating system, which ensures uniform heating of the room without incurring unproductive costs for heating the ceiling and walls.
  • The possibility of damage from hot surfaces of radiators is excluded;
  • Lack of dust and pollution, which are inevitable during convective air movement.
  • Protection from harmful organisms.
  • Designed adjustment capability temperature regime in a separate room.
  • Using a heated water floor under different types coverings (laminate, parquet, tiles)
  • Due to the absence of radiators on the walls, interesting solutions in interior design.
  • Creating a comfortable environment not only in winter, but also in summer, cooling the room with cold water.
  • A guarantee of health for the whole family, when you can walk barefoot in winter, and the air is clean and healthy.

The undoubted advantage of a warm water floor is its long term services. In this case, the service life depends only on the quality of the pipes used in this system. The low temperature of the coolant, which does not exceed 50°C, and in some cases 40°C is sufficient, reduces costs by an average of a third compared to using traditional system heating.

Disadvantages of floor heating with water coolant

If we talk about the disadvantages of such a heating system, then first of all, it is installation difficulties. The system itself consists of several layers, including waterproofing, cement-concrete screed, and floor covering made of decorative material.

Before laying pipelines, it is necessary to carry out careful preparation subfloor surfaces with leveling. High initial costs, which compared to installing radiators or electric heating, approximately five times higher.

Effectively use underfloor heating technology water coolant it is impossible in a room where there are many stairs, because landing it cannot be applied. In an apartment building, it is prohibited to install a water-based floor heating system on high floors due to the fact that this significantly increases the hydraulic resistance.

Another disadvantage of using a water floor is significant impact on air humidity levels, requiring the installation of a humidifier. Installation work it is recommended to carry out during the construction of a house or when carrying out overhaul. A water heated floor leads to a significant increase in the floor level, which also needs to be taken into account with such a heating system.

Features of choosing flooring and installation

When choosing the type of flooring under which you are going to install a heating pipeline system, you need to decide what goal you are pursuing. In rooms with high level loads, it is preferable to cover from parquet ceramic tiles. Practical coverage tiles last a long time, but require large initial costs when heating due to the low thermal conductivity of the tiles.

Laminate and parquet do not have the high wear resistance characteristic of tiles. However, the simple installation process and excellent thermal conductivity speak in favor of choosing a wooden floor. Linoleum is also often used for covering different rooms, but it should be taken into account that the thickness of the heated floor is not more than 10 cm.

Depending on the choice of execution form, the technology for laying water mains may differ radically. The most important condition efficient work underfloor heating systems are correct installation, correct engineering work on power and heat loss. In addition, it is necessary to take into account local climatic conditions, features of housing that may be in apartment building or a private house with cold walls.

Previously, the main procedure for installing a heated floor was laying a pipe system with concrete screed. Such installation requires a long time, since it will not go away until complete drying(28 days), the system cannot be used. Currently, instead of screeds, wooden or polystyrene linings are used, with niches for pipes. Lightweight systems make it possible to reduce the thickness by four times (from 80 to 20 mm), providing quick regulation of room temperature. In addition, they are ideal in conditions where, due to heavy weight concrete screed You cannot make a standard heated floor. Doesn't fit water design, if the floor is covered with a rug or carpet.

Modern technologies for warm water floor systems completely eliminate the possibility of damage to pipes, leaks and water hammer. Warm water floors offered by well-known brands are distinguished by quick installation, efficiency, and the ability to be used in different schemes heating systems, no matter how complex they may be. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the underfloor heating collector.

A worthy alternative radiator heating, water heated floors are not a bad option for owners of private households and those living on the first floors of high-rise buildings.

In the last few years, people are increasingly equipping their homes with underfloor heating systems, preferring electric or water installations. Surely, every potential user of such a heating element will be interested in knowing what the pros and cons of a heated floor are. This is what we will discuss in our publication.

Installation of internal heating systems

Before talking about the pros and cons of heated floors, you need to understand what we are talking about in general. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to familiarize yourself with general characteristics this device, its implementation and capabilities. Once you figure out what a heated floor is, reviews of which are quite different, you can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of such an installation yourself.

So, among the variety of such heating units, only two categories can be distinguished - electric and water. And if everything is more or less clear with the latter, they work by circulating hot water through a pipeline laid on the floor surface, then electrical units are divided into several more subtypes, characterized by the type of thermal element:

  • heating cable;
  • infrared film heat source.

It is these models of eclectic floor heating that people usually share reviews about. So let's take a little closer look at each of these options.

Cable heating source

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the coolant used is not a simple cable, which we are accustomed to using for laying electricity in the house. It's about about a specific material where, due to the circulation of currents, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy.

Hidden heating blocks with a similar thermal element are simple. On a layer of heat and vapor barrier, poured concrete mixture, the cable is laid according to a special scheme, which is additionally fixed using cement mortar. During operation, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy, as a result of which, as current passes through the cable, it begins to release heat, which warms up first cement base, and then a decorative covering, which can be tiles, laminate, parquet, etc.

As for the shortcomings of this type of heaters, then, according to experts, there is only one - the need for a rather bulky screed, the thickness of which should be less than 30-40 mm. This, in turn, causes the floor to rise, which is unacceptable in apartments with standard ceilings of 260 cm.


Reviews of such warm floors are mostly positive. This option is also based on cable coolant, but unlike the previous option, it has a slightly smaller diameter and is not mounted as a separate element. Thin heating fibers are already sealed with several layers of special fabric, for the installation of which there is no need to pour a thick concrete base. As a rule, thermomats are placed on floor surface, on top of which there will be a decorative coating. Therefore, in this case, an adhesive composite is used as a fixing screed, the thickness of which does not exceed 10 mm.

In this case, a special film base, inside of which conductive elements are located, acts as a coolant. So, when flowing electric current, the film begins to emit infrared radiation. This option is good because first of all the floor and all objects in the room are heated - wall coverings, furniture, etc. The latter become additional heat sources, releasing secondary heat from themselves. This system is the most advanced and progressive; it is installed directly under the floor covering.

VIDEO: Features of installing an IR system

Advantages of underfloor heating systems

First of all, it is worth noting the clear advantages of this heating option over traditional ones. wall radiators. And the most important thing that I wanted to say right away is ensuring comfortable temperature conditions for the floor surface. So, during battery operation, the air masses in contact with it are heated, after which the hot air rushes upward. When it cools down, it sinks down and as soon as it reaches the level of the radiators, it warms up again and rushes upward. As you can see, the peculiar circulation does not provide heating of the floor surface. Whereas in the case of a hidden source, heated air currents begin their movement directly from the surface itself, which ensures maximum comfortable conditions for our feet.

One more undeniable dignity of such units is the heating area, because the batteries heat only the space closest to them, and hidden heat elements guarantee uniform heating of the entire area of ​​the room.

Now let's talk about the hidden advantages and disadvantages heating systems. A small flaw would be that optimal temperature for humans it is 25-28°C. By means of a thermal surface block, the lower part of the room is heated to a height of up to one meter. Then the heated air masses begin to gradually cool, which is characterized by somewhat cool conditions in the upper part of the room. However, it is worth noting that such separation does not cause discomfort to people living in such premises. In addition, if such equipment is used as additional source, then such a flaw will not be noticeable at all.

The huge advantage of nodes hidden heating is the ability to adjust the temperature conditions in the room. If necessary, you can either lower or increase the temperature at any time.

The material will have an important role in the speed of heating and maintaining comfortable temperature conditions in the room. decorative covering, as well as pieces of furniture located in it. Thus, such blocks will not be effective if fabrics with poor thermal conductivity are placed on top of them: linoleum, carpet, etc. Therefore, when designing a unit, consider these pros and cons and decide which material is best to use to avoid heat loss.

One of the main advantages of hidden heaters is their safety. Such installations are not dangerous and will not cause harm, as is the case with classic radiators, which can get burned.

Comparison of different indoor heating blocks

It is worth noting right away that comparing heaters of different systems is simple and at the same time extremely difficult. The bottom line is that the use of such heating units is very diverse and in some cases the disadvantages inherent in the heating unit can become an undeniable advantage when putting the unit into operation.

Thus, the disadvantage of cable electrical systems is the need to install an additional wide tie. At the same time, in Lately this structural element you can play with it from a design point of view, for example, by lighting it along its contour, imagining the screed in the form of a podium. In general, there are many options to make this minus a plus of a heated floor.

The next thing I wanted to note is that cable source Compared to thermomats, it consumes much less power under equal operating conditions. This becomes especially noticeable when such heaters are used in conditions high humidity or for heating balconies. In the case of thermal mats, the power consumption can differ by almost two times.


  1. Some users doubt the advisability of installing underfloor heating, being in captivity of myths. So, the first of them is high electromagnetic radiation, which leads to the development of cancer.

Electromagnetic radiation from heated floors, as well as from any other household electrical appliance, including Electric kettle, there is, but it is so insignificant that it is simply pointless to declare its effect on health. If you still want to protect yourself, choose a two-core cable for heating.

  1. The second myth relates to indoor air quality, which, due to the constant circulation of warm masses, is constantly dehumidified, there is excess dust in the room, and all this together also causes a crushing blow to health.

To control the temperature in the room, a thermostat is installed, with which you can decrease or increase degrees. As for dehumidified air, this problem equally applies to radiators, so you need to pay special attention to humidification.

VIDEO: Warm floors - pros and cons

One of the types of heating systems often used in homes is heated floors powered by electricity. For example, having a high degree of reliability cable systems. Modern electrical underfloor heating systems are designed to be easy and quick to install.

  • Principle and features of work
  • Pros and cons of warm electric floors
  • Types of electric heated floors
  • Cable heated floor
  • Infrared heated floor
    • Film heated floor
    • Rod heated floor
  • How to choose a heated floor model?
    • Electric heated floor under tiles
    • Electric underfloor heating for laminate and parquet
    • Electric heated floor under carpet or linoleum

Principle and features of work

An electric heated floor is heated by electricity, i.e. it heats up first electrical cable, and it gives off heat to the floor surface.

A typical heating system kit includes:

  • underfloor heating element (cable, mat, etc.);
  • power wires that supply voltage to the heating elements and are connected to them by couplings;
  • monitoring device (sensor);
  • control device (thermostat).

Additional materials may also be required during installation:

  • thermal insulation;
  • damper tape;
  • reinforcement mounting mesh;
  • tape and other consumables.

During normal operation electrical wires, which are connected to sockets and lamps, calculate the cross-section of the conductor and set the appropriate rating of automatic shutdown devices. This is done to ensure that the wires do not overheat during operation, because otherwise their insulation will dry out, crack and crumble, which will ultimately inevitably cause short circuit online.

The wires in the heating elements of underfloor heating work completely differently. In them, electricity must be converted into heat as efficiently as possible. Here the wires are special, they are not destroyed by heat and can work in this mode for many years. The best manufacturers of such systems guarantee 20-year operation of their products.

Pros and cons of warm electric floors

When choosing a heated floor design, you need to compare the pros and cons of the available options.

Advantages of electric heated floors

  • Allows you not to be afraid of water leaks.
  • It works completely silently.
  • It does not require space and remains invisible because it does not require a boiler and pumps, like a water-heated floor.
  • An electric heated floor heats the surface evenly, which is impossible to achieve with water systems.
  • Easy temperature control using an ergonomic remote control and thermostat.
  • Long service life, which can reach 50 years.

But there are also disadvantages to electrical systems heating:

  • Very expensive operation does not allow heating large areas premises, in this case they are cheaper hydraulic systems heating
  • The generation of electromagnetic radiation is true, it is very weak and does not harm a person, but it still exists.
  • Serious burden on electrical network, which not every household network can withstand.

Types of electric heated floors

Electric heating in similar systems can be carried out in two ways heating elements:

  • in the form of a cable;
  • in the form of films with infrared radiation.

They can also be classified according to their design method:

  • Heating cable (single or double core). It can be self-regulating.
  • Warm floor “electric mats” - when the same cable is already attached to the mounting grid.
  • Film heated floor - uses an infrared heating element.
  • Rod heated floors also use the infrared heating principle.

There is no clear answer to the question of which floors with electric heating are best to choose, since each system is not without its advantages, but also disadvantages.

Cable heated floor

The heating element here is a special cable that converts the electricity passing through it into heat. Moreover, in cable heating elements there can be different cables: single-core, double-core or self-regulating:

  • A single-core cable includes a single heating filament, its ends are brought together during installation and one of them is connected to the phase current-carrying wire, and the second to the neutral wire.
  • A two-core cable contains two threads, so its installation should not be reduced to a loop, but use a “dead-end” installation method.

  • A type of two-core cable is a self-regulating cable, which is able to regulate the degree of heat generation in its different sections. It is often used to protect pipes from freezing and in snow melting systems.
  • A heating mat is a single-core or two-core cable that is fixed to a mounting grid with a certain pitch. Its advantage is that it can be embedded not only in a concrete screed, but also in a layer of tile adhesive in the bathroom, if this is what is used there finishing coat. Thanks to this, you can reduce the thickness of the floor in the bathhouse and speed up the installation process.

Electric floor heating systems based on cable heating elements are good because they can conveniently create any configuration of the heating zone (heating mats, alas, cannot boast of this).

Any cable structures They heat up quickly enough (in 10-15 minutes) and are capable of continuously giving off heat for 4-6 hours.

Best for any stone covering(ceramic granite, ceramic tiles, etc.) install cable systems.

Infrared heated floor

This system is divided into film and rod heated floors.

Film heated floor

It is made from a multilayer polymer film, the thickness of which ranges from fractions of a millimeter to several millimeters. At the edges of the canvases there are thin copper electrodes, to which thin graphite strips located between the polymer layers are connected, which are heating elements.

Advantages of film heated floors:

  • The film for heated floors with infrared radiation is universal - it goes well with different floor coverings: laminate, parquet, tiles, etc.
  • You can create such a floor with your own hands if you have minimal skills.
  • Relative efficiency - per unit area it spends no more than 30-70 W of electricity.

But film floors, especially those made of too thin film, are quite easy to damage, however, they will continue to work even after that, except at the point of damage.

Repairing such a floor, including dismantling the floor covering, replacing the damaged area and reinstalling it, will be very expensive. Therefore, the installation of such floors must be treated very scrupulously and carefully.

Rod heated floor

He also uses infrared system heating, but here the heater is flexible rods made of a composite material containing carbon and silver.

The advantage of this heating system is the possibility of its use on any flat surface, even on the ceiling.

Other benefits:

  • Even if several rods are damaged, the system will continue to work.
  • Installation rod systems so simple that any man who knows how to hold tools in his hands can handle it.
  • It can be placed under any floor covering, including in a bathtub under a layer of tile adhesive or under thin layer screeds.

Video about the types of electric heated floors:

How to choose a heated floor model?

When deciding how to choose a particular heated floor model, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • will the warm floor serve as the main source of heat in the house or only as an additional one;
  • what kind of flooring is planned to be used indoors;
  • what is the total height of the room and the condition of its ceilings.

Various floor coverings require the installation of different heating elements. Not all systems are suitable for carpet or tile, and others cannot be placed under parquet or laminate, so you need to choose which electric heated floor is best for a specific finish.

Electric heated floor under tiles

Under porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles you can put:

  • self-regulating and resistive cables;
  • rod systems;
  • cable mats.

If you really need to combine them, then you need to put a reinforcing mesh on the heating film, and only then fill in everything tile adhesive. But at the same time, a significant part of the thermal radiation gets stuck in these layers. Therefore, this option will be ineffective, besides, rod mats and infrared films are the most expensive materials of all used in electrical warm floors. It is worth using a cheaper and more effective solution.

Electric underfloor heating for laminate and parquet

Laminate and parquet can be heated with the following systems:

  • heating cable;
  • infrared film;
  • rod mats;
  • cable mats.

Although you can use any design, the film one still turns out to be the most convenient, since its installation will be the easiest. If you take heating cables, you should prefer self-regulating ones.

Electric heated floor under carpet or linoleum

You can also place any heating electrical elements under the linoleum.

Therefore, if the elements mentioned above are used, they must be supplemented with a properly installed high-quality temperature sensor.

It is much better to combine self-regulating wires and rod mats with linoleum, since they do not overheat.

Film heating performed quite well in combination with these coatings. Although the film is afraid of overheating (blocking), its melting point is very high, which gives an additional margin of safety if temperature sensor the system will fail.

Are you considering electric underfloor heating as a heating system for your home? Which type would you install and why? Tell us about your plans or experience in the comments - they will be of interest to other builders!

For most modern people the presence of a heated floor in the room is a necessary condition to guarantee a comfortable stay in the room. Most widespread on this moment received warm water and electric floors. Their use allows you to evenly heat the floor surface to desired temperature combined with the visual absence of heating appliances. In addition, laminate or parquet can be safely laid on top of these systems.

Operating principle of heated floors

Cable electric version heats the floor surface by converting electrical energy into thermal energy. This happens as follows: a special high-resistance alloy, which is the basis of the heating core, is capable of heating up strongly in a short period of time under the influence of electrical voltage, passing through it.

It is based thermal energy, obtained from hot water from central heating, which, thanks to a special pump, is supplied to pipes laid under the floor surface.

Selecting a heating system

The choice of a heated floor of one type or another depends on the conditions of its further operation. Electric types have proven themselves in small rooms city ​​apartments and country houses with central heating.

If you intend to heat the floor of a large area in a suburban building in which there is no central heating, then it is most advisable to give preference to water heating, because in this case, its purchase and installation will cost less than the purchase and installation of an electrical system.

Disadvantages of a water heating system

  • The disadvantage of water floors is that if it is necessary to obtain a relatively low heating temperature, it is necessary to provide mixing unit, which works exclusively in tandem with a water pump that creates forced circulation hot water through pipes.
  • In addition, quite often the use of water heating systems leads to a decrease in the overall pressure in central heating Houses.
  • You should also know that water, after passing through the pipe circuits, the following premises arrives sufficiently cooled, resulting in insufficient heating.

Today, the installation of floors of this type is permissible only with the consent of the responsible authorities. Unauthorized heating connection is prohibited.

Disadvantages of heated electric floors

Choosing a heated floor is also not complete without a clear understanding of all the pros and cons of the system. The disadvantages of warm electric floors include:

  • costs associated with paying for used electricity. The average consumption of 1 m 2 of such a floor ranges from 110 to 150 W, but the more precise value depends on many factors in the operation of these systems. This indicator is taken into account with a reserve, because modern temperature regulators are able to save up to 40% of energy consumption, so actual consumption figures can range from 70 to 100 W.
  • The second negative factor is the presence of electromagnetic radiation, which invariably occurs during operation.

One should take into account the fact that a single-core electric floor emits more radiation than a two-core electric floor. However, in any case, the radiation is significantly lower than the established permissible norm, which completely excludes the possibility negative influence on the human body.

When choosing a heated floor system, price is not of paramount importance. The main thing is a full-fledged coverage service with minimal costs for service.