Industrial sawdust boiler. Boiler for sawdust and wood waste. Choosing the right boiler

In conditions of fierce competition, furniture companies and sawmills are forced to constantly optimize their costs. One way to minimize them is to use your own wood waste for heating. production premises. For this purpose, enterprises install boiler houses that run on wood waste. Let's look at the operating principle of such a boiler house using the example of the most common boilers of the KTU series today from the Teploresurs company.

General diagram and principle of operation

It should be immediately noted that fuel for heating is loaded mechanically using a screw system or a hydraulic pusher. This gets rid of self made for loading fuel into the boiler. In charge service personnel includes:

1. Control of boiler operation

2. Regularly placing fuel in a special bunker, from which fuel is supplied to the boiler.

3. Cleaning the ash pan. The advanced configuration includes a function for mechanical removal of spent fuel residues, while the basic configuration requires this work to be done manually.

The operation of a boiler can be divided into the following three stages.

1. Drying the fuel. Most waste comes from wood processing plants and therefore has high humidity. To ensure uniform and stable combustion, sawdust is dried on a grate.

2. CO release. An initially low temperature is maintained on the grate, due to which the sawdust releases maximum carbon when burned.

3. Afterburning of CO. The combustion product is supplied to the afterburning zone and burns at a temperature of 900-950 degrees. This allows the carbon oxidation process to occur.

This scheme allows you to significantly increase the combustion efficiency and practically use the full potential of wood chips for heating the room. This operating principle is called layered combustion on a grate. Automatic air distribution also contributes to combustion efficiency.

Security systems and automation

In order for the boiler to operate as efficiently as possible in a safe way The following protection devices are used.

1. Thermal insulation cladding.

2. Anti-explosion valves. Release excessive steam pressure.

3. Temperature sensors at the coolant inlet and outlet.

4. Temperature sensor waste gases.

All these elements help to effectively take care of the safety of the boiler and prevent possible dangerous situations, and if necessary, give a signal and stop the operation of the unit. The rate of fuel combustion is controlled by dosing oxygen for oxidation. Materials are fed into the firebox using a screw system or a hydraulic pusher.

Advantages of using a sawdust fired boiler

As the main advantages, it is worth noting the low cost of fuel, compared to fossil fuels, and, as a result, low operating costs. The ability to switch from one type of fuel to another (peat, sawdust, shavings, etc.) with minimal changes to the boiler settings is also a significant advantage. Thanks to boilers of this type, you can save a lot. This is especially noticeable if you have to heat large rooms. Purchasing fuel is also not a problem; most logging and wood processing enterprises will readily get rid of several tons of waste that needs to be disposed of.

The first wood waste boilers were developed for the purpose of recycling raw materials. Modern models, compared to waste heaters, have undergone many changes in design and internal structure, the degree of automation has been increased, and the combustion process has been modified. As a result of technical transformations, an economical boiler was obtained that has good parameters heat transfer.

How does a wood waste boiler work?

Wood waste boiler houses differ from each other in their design, internal device and the principle of heating the room. All boilers use pyrolysis combustion, forced air supply and removal of combustion products.

Emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere from burning wood waste, are reduced due to the additional combustion of carbon dioxide. Additional thermal energy is accumulated through the use of a broken system of chimney ducts. The heated gases do not enter the chimney immediately, as in conventional solid fuel boilers, but only after they have given off heat.

The combustion control process, depending on the boiler model, is controlled manually or automatically. Mechanized fuel supply is provided.

Wood waste boilers received wide application when heating private houses, dachas, country cottages. Models with a capacity of over 50 kW are often used for heating industrial and warehouse premises.

Water heating boilers using wood waste

A wood waste hot water boiler is a thermal station with the maximum degree of automation of combustion and fuel supply processes. During operation, the following processes occur:

Boilers that heat the coolant are suitable for rooms of any heated area. Connect to already existing system radiator heating filled with antifreeze or water.

Air heating boilers using wood waste

Air heating equipment is familiar to domestic consumers under the brands “” and “”, etc. The design of an air-heating boiler for burning wood waste has significant differences from similar models that heat the coolant:
  • Fuel supply is carried out manually. The boilers have an enlarged combustion chamber. Autonomous operation from one bookmark reaches 8-12 hours.
  • Heating of the room with air-heating boilers for heating using wood waste is carried out using the convection method. Cold air currents are taken through convection pipes passing through the combustion chamber of the boiler. The air heats up and enters the room.
    The pipes are ⅔ immersed in the firebox, which ensures fast heating and high thermal efficiency. Hot air enters the room after 2-3 minutes of fuel combustion.

Pyrolysis boilers long burning on wood waste, for air heating, suitable for unheated premises: country houses and dachas in which they live not permanently, but from time to time.

What moisture content of wood waste is permissible?

The gas generation process is possible only if certain conditions are met:
  1. High temperature fuel combustion (600-800°C).
  2. Limited air access.
  3. The moisture content of wood waste is no more than 20%.

There are shaft-type models capable of operating on wet wood waste (up to 42%). But the bulk heating equipment, sensitive to fuel quality. The main problem is that when wet raw materials are burned, steam is produced instead of carbon dioxide, which is burned in a separate boiler firebox. Therefore, wet sawdust will burn in gas-generating equipment, but only in normal mode.

Household hot water boilers For long-burning heating using wood waste, it is recommended to use purchased raw materials. In the factory, easy to create optimal conditions for the production and storage of fuel so that it has a moisture content ranging from 6-18%.

Manufacturers of waste wood boilers

Heating equipment powered by wood waste is offered by several large manufacturers whose enterprises are located in the EU countries, Russia and Ukraine.

On this moment, the product range is so extensive that it is possible to select a boiler that matches any characteristics and parameters of the building. To narrow your search, you can divide all heat generators into two groups, according to country of origin:

  • Imported boilers - the company's products deserve special attention. The consumer is offered fully automatic boilers with mechanized fuel supply, which are economical and have a high degree of safety. The German Viessmann and the Polish Heiztechnik offer their products. Among convection boilers, we can highlight the well-proven Buleryans.
  • Boilers Russian production – somewhat inferior to Western analogues in reliability and heat transfer. Their main advantage is considered to be their low cost and unpretentiousness to fuel quality. Products are offered by Teplodar, Danko, etc. Convection boilers are offered by the Breneran company, you can also opt for Butakov, Khokhlov (shaft type) furnaces.
Domestic equipment is a budget version, characterized by good technical parameters, without any special “frills” or engineering solutions. “Germans” and “Austrians” offer “premium” class boilers, with full automation, the ability remote control, the presence of several security systems and other functions that make management comfortable.

Organization of a boiler room for wood waste

Automated hot water heating boilers for home use Those working with wood waste require special safety measures. Some requirements are specified in SNiP and PPB:

Some rules may vary depending on the region of residence and the type of area. Before installation work, it is worth consulting your local fire authorities.

Pros and cons of wood waste heating boilers

Over the course of their operation, boiler plants operating on wood waste have acquired a reputation as reliable and productive equipment. But, like any heating equipment, boilers have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The undoubted advantages are:

  • Operational reliability– mechanized boiler houses, in autonomous mode are able to work through the entire heating season without crashing. Emergency situations happen rarely and are quickly resolved with the help of special programs.
  • Economical – processor-controlled equipment is responsible for waste consumption. The supply of air, fuel, and combustion process are optimized to suit the actual heat needs of the room. A lambda probe is installed that allows you to modulate the boiler power from 30-100%.
  • Safety - there is a sensor in the combustion chamber that detects the absence of flame. If any unforeseen situations occur, the operation of the boiler stops, and a signal about the reasons for shutdown is displayed.
The disadvantages are related to the following points:
  • Use of wood waste with a maximum moisture content of 20%. On the territory of the Russian Federation, obtaining dry waste is problematic.
  • High cost of a mechanized boiler house.
Wood waste stations are a win-win option for heating private country houses, especially those located next to woodworking enterprises.

Due to the constant increase in energy prices, many consumers are looking for a way to save on heat sources for their .

An accessible and inexpensive raw material for heating a room is ordinary sawdust.

One problem: to heat your house with sawdust, you need to install a special heating boiler that can efficiently process this type of fuel.

Let's look at the characteristics of several different heating boilers.

Boilers Liepsnele

Among the products of this brand there are those that work:

  • on firewood and wood waste. The following power ratings are distinguished: L10, L20, L40 – from 10 to 40 kilowatts;
  • both on wood waste and on peat, coal, etc. The U- marking stands for universal. L7U, L10U, L20U, L40U, power – 10–40 kW.

The burning duration of Lipsnele is 22–26 hours, provided that sawdust or other small wood debris is placed in the firebox. During combustion, almost 100% recycling of combustion products occurs, which meets environmental requirements.

In addition, Lipsnele's ability to process into thermal energy wood waste eliminates the issue of recycling waste from wood processing enterprises.

The long burning time is due to technical features boiler structure: the thermal effect on the raw material is carried out not from below, as is usually customary, but from above, which allows the process to be extended to the maximum.

Manufacturer: Liepsnele.

Let's look at the characteristics using the L10U as an example:

It should be noted that the permissible humidity of the raw materials used is 15–30%. With higher humidity, your heating furnace will not be able to produce enough heat to warm your home. The price for the L-10U model will range from 60 to 66 thousand rubles.

Unica Sensor boiler with a power of 10-60 kilowatts

Manufacturer: Moderator LLC, Poland.

The “Moderator” is adapted for burning wood chips, bark, sawdust, and other small wood debris to heat the room. Coal can also be used for heating, but cardboard, waste plastic or plastic cannot be used.

In addition to the heating system, the “Moderator” also includes the function of high-quality water heating.

Like Lipsnele, Moderator operates in an upper combustion system, which ensures.

Main condition good heating premises: the humidity of the raw materials used for heating should not exceed 30%. In addition, excessively wet fuel reduces the efficiency and reduces the service life of the boiler.

Specifications"Moderator unique sensor" with a power of 10 kW:

The cost of a “Moderator” with a power of 10 kW is from 54 to 60 thousand rubles.

Mine long-burning boiler "Yaik" brand ks-sh-25

Manufacturer: Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant OJSC.

"Yaik" is an easy-to-maintain and unpretentious boiler that heats the room by burning bulk materials: wood chips, sawdust, shavings, sunflower husks.

Distinctive feature“Yaika” is the presence of a chamber for afterburning the gases formed during combustion, due to which the burning time of one batch of fuel increases. The boiler is controlled by a microprocessor regulator, which optimizes the combustion process as much as possible.


The price of "Yaik" is from 90 to 94 thousand rubles.

Attention: each of the above boilers requires the use of a chimney.

It is a pity that the choice of waste-fired boilers for home use in Russian markets is very small. Similar heating devices, provided affordable price, could not only significantly make life easier for people in the outback, but also reduce the unjustified consumption of such a valuable resource as wood.

Non-returnable combustible industrial waste is always of interest as a cheap fuel for industrial and domestic needs. During primary wood processing (sawing round timber) such waste is sawdust, which is generated in considerable volumes.

Periodic removal or disposal of them results in significant expenses, and their constant storage at the production site is fraught with sanctions from environmental and sanitary-epidemiological control authorities. The use of sawdust, taking into account its constant formation, for heating private houses and cottages looks very attractive.

Considering the specifics of the fuel, it is useful to first carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics and operating features. In addition, a few words need to be said about the fuel itself.

Providing fuel

So, for constant heating, sawdust must:

  • Form in volumes necessary for heating. There is no point in installing such a boiler if there are not enough of them. This is what you should pay attention to first. For example, a 25 kW boiler consumes up to 40 kg of sawdust per hour during the heating season. On the other hand, an excess volume of sawdust in a warehouse is also undesirable, since its storage sharply worsens the quality: the sawdust becomes dense and damp, burns poorly with low heat transfer.
  • Get by cheap. Since sawdust is usually supplied free of charge by the manufacturer, the only cost will be transportation costs to deliver it to the house for heating. It should be taken into account that they have low density and are inconvenient for transportation.

Calculate how much fuel delivery will cost you, and what its price will be accordingly.

Fuel requirements

The efficiency of boilers directly depends on the moisture content of the sawdust. The use of dry shavings and sawdust from carpentry as fuel does not cause problems. The bulk of sawdust, as noted, is waste from roundwood sawing shops.

Industrial waste from sawing round timber band sawmills are small (up to 0.3 mm) sawdust with a moisture content of up to 80%. Even with constant forced air supply to the firebox, such sawdust burns very slowly, since it takes time to dry it. More big problem when burned, they represent damp, long-stored sawdust, compacted into a damp, dusty mass.

Such fuel should be burned in a certain mode:

  • Dry and wet fuel should be supplied to the combustion chamber in a ratio of 3:1.
  • The supply of raw fuel can only be started when the boiler reaches full power after ignition.
  • Constantly force air into the combustion chamber using a fan.


The working process is based on the thermal decomposition of wood, called pyrolysis. In smoldering mode, pyrolysis gas is released in the gas generation chamber, which then burns out in the combustion chamber under conditions forced submission air.

The undeniable advantages are

  • High efficiency (up to 85-90%).
  • High efficiency (up to 8-12 hours of heating on one boiler load). Pyrolysis boilers are 3-5 times more economical than classic wood boilers, and gas boilers are 10-11 times more economical, with approximately the same heat release.
  • Quick heating of the room (30-40 minutes) after igniting the boiler.
  • Simplicity and reliability of design.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • Low fuel cost.
  • Possibility of switching to a conventional wood boiler mode.
  • Independence of power from the grade of raw materials. The boiler, in addition to sawdust, can operate on bark, chips, twigs, and wood.
  • Easy to maintain and clean the boiler.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Ease of operation allows you to avoid spending money on expensive training for boiler room personnel.
  • Thanks to the low cost of sawdust and high efficiency, such boilers pay for themselves very quickly.

Equipment options and operating diagrams

Let's consider several options for boiler equipment designed for heating a residential or country house.

Boiler plant

The most convenient and modern is an automated hot water installation that operates on sawdust, wood chips, and shavings. If you have a large volume of coarse fuel, you can purchase a crushing machine to process the coarse fraction into a fine one.

The installation includes the following components:

  • Fuel bunker
  • Gas generator
  • Water heating boiler (combustion chamber and heat exchanger)
  • Automatic control unit

The housing project may include various options placement of equipment: completely outside or inside the room, as well as with the removal of individual units outside.

Description of the work process:

Sawdust is unloaded into the heating bunker by a dump truck (tractor, front loader). To prevent sawdust from caking, a turner is provided in the hopper for periodic loosening.
They are fed via a conveyor (belt or screw) into the gas generation chamber, where thermal decomposition of the fuel occurs in a slow combustion mode, releasing pyrolysis gas. Fuel is supplied to the conveyor and to the gas generation chamber automatically.

Pyrolysis gas coming from the gas generator into the combustion chamber burns out completely, heating the water. The content of unburned components in flue gases is minimal: carbon monoxide up to only 1%, nitrogen oxide up to 300 mg/m³. Hot air is supplied to the combustion chamber by a fan, which promotes deep combustion of the components of the pyrolysis gas.

The automation system controls the following processes:

  • Supplying fuel to a gas generator
  • Fan supply of hot air is proportional to the volume of fuel in the combustion chamber
  • Coolant temperature and its change
  • Firefighting

Sawdust-fired boilers HARGASSNER (Austria) are typical equipment of this level, used for heating private houses, hotels, offices, and cottages in Europe. The power of such boilers is 25 - 55 kW, heated area is 200-600 sq. m.

Domestic manufacturers

Domestic manufacturers also offer wide choose sawdust and pellet boilers for heating individual housing and small industrial premises.

The boilers we offer are mainly pyrolysis boilers operating in automatic mode. Technologically, the combustion process is similar to the above. The only difference from imported equipment is that Russian boilers, as a rule, are not provided automatic lines fuel supply.

Automation regulates the operation of the blower fan for a stable set temperature of the coolant, which is set by the control units. In the event of a planned or emergency shutdown of the fan, the boiler continues to operate at reduced power. Adding sawdust, shavings and other wood waste burns out within 4-12 hours, depending on the selected combustion mode.

Long burning mine boilers

Long-burning mine boilers (Kholmov boilers) deserve special attention. This pyrolysis boilers special design. Design advantage They are that the fuel placed in a special shaft partially dries out, which makes it possible to use sawdust of high humidity for heating.

  • Automation (controller) controls the combustion process, the set coolant temperature and the operation of the centrifugal pump.
  • The safety system is provided by an emergency boiler cooling circuit and a safety valve.
  • Boiler maintenance takes a few minutes 1-2 times a day.
  • The use of such boilers makes it possible to heat cottages and small industries with an area of ​​60-250 square meters. m.

Own designs

The designs of such boilers are offered online by many home-grown “homemade” ones. Without focusing on the creative innovations in the advertised devices, we note that such equipment cannot be reliable and durable, in principle.

The materials from which it is made most often do not meet operating conditions, the designs themselves are primitive, and they lack the most basic automatic control and safety systems. At the same time, a fully equipped factory sawdust or pellet boiler with a capacity of 20 kW, with a guarantee, is capable of heating a cottage or country house, costs only about 40-50 thousand rubles. Agree, this is not an amount that you can save to risk your own health and home.

Boilers running on sawdust and other wood waste are today the most economically feasible equipment for heating private homes. When deciding on the choice of such equipment, Special attention Consideration should be given to the availability of the required volume of fuel that meets the moisture content. If you plan to burn sawdust with a moisture content of more than 55-60%, then it should make up no more than 20-25% of the material loaded into the firebox. The main fuel should be wood waste with a moisture content of up to 20%.

Boilers using sawdust, wood chips and wood waste

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Today we want to consider solid fuel boilers on wood chips and sawdust with automatic fuel supply using the example of popular Russian models trademark"Pyrolysis Master". The manufacturer produces 2 series of boilers using wood chips and sawdust - BIO series boilers for heating houses with an area of ​​100 square meters And industrial boilers BIO VULKAN PRO series for heating production, greenhouse complexes, and for generating thermal energy in the housing and communal services sector.

Model series tables

So, here are tables of models, main characteristics and prices at which you can buy a boiler model that suits you.

Model power, kWt Area, up to m² price, rub.
100 1000 662 600
160 1600 696 200
200 2000 722 900
250 2500 865 600
320 3200 1 083 600
400 4000 1 143 600
500 5000 1 219 600
600 6000 1 488 600
750 7500 1 595 600
850 8500 1 780 600
BIO VULKAN PRO-1000 1000 1000 1 990 600

Among the manufacturers of industrial boilers using wood chips and sawdust, it is worth noting the domestic company Pyrolysis Master and its BIO VULKAN PRO 100-1000 kW series.

Industrial boiler using wood chips and sawdust Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO

With their help, you can heat domestic, industrial and other premises, and prepare heat for technical needs.

The boilers are equipped with a system for mechanical supply of wood chips and sawdust into the combustion chamber.

Fuel fraction – 40 mm, humidity – up to 50%.

Maximum temperature hot water is 110 ºC.

If necessary, manually loaded firewood, coal, briquettes can be used as fuel, but the power will decrease by 15 - 20%.

Boiler design Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO

Among the features of solid fuel boilers BIO VULKAN PRO we note the following:

In the ash pit of Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO, under the grates, there is a fuel supply chute; a boiler screw conveyor is mounted into it, with the help of which, along the “volcano”, between the grates and a frame made of heat-resistant concrete slabs, reinforced supporting structure, bulk fuel is supplied mechanically to the boiler furnace.

The flame of burning fuel heats the fireclay slabs of the firebox, its internal walls and the bottom of the drum, and the resulting hot combustion products pass through the heating pipes of the heat exchanger so, giving off heat to the circulating water, cool and are removed from the boiler through the chimney.

Boilers for sawdust, husks, wood chips, peat, pellets of the BIO series 15-500 kW.

Model power, kWt Area, up to m² price, rub.
BIO-15 15 150 185 000
BIO-20 20 200 190 000
BIO-30 30 300 210 000
BIO-40 40 400 225 000
BIO-50 50 50 265 000
BIO-60 60 600 294 000
BIO-80 80 800 357 000
BIO-100 100 1000 420 000
BIO-120 120 1200 483 000
BIO-160 16 1600 555 000
BIO-200 200 2000 621 000
BIO-250 250 2500 667 000
BIO-320 320 3200 930 000
BIO-400 400 4000 1 380 000
BIO-500 500 500 1 610 000

Pyrolysis master BIO

The basic package of the BIO boiler includes:

  • biomass heating boiler housing;
  • basic fuel bunker for biomass;
  • screw conveyor;
  • burner;
  • fan;
  • automatic control unit.

If desired, the bunker can be enlarged, the boiler can be equipped with automatic burner cleaning, GSM and WiFi modules.

Pyrolysis Master boilers of the BIO series are distinguished by the presence of a 5-pass heat exchanger. As a result, the boilers have the highest efficiency when compared with boilers that have 2-3 strokes in the convective channels of the firebox.

Biomass is burned using a horizontal retort burner. This allows you to burn pellets of any quality, sawdust, wood chips with a fraction of up to 4 cm, oilseed husks, and peat.

Automation, electronics and fans are presented by the best European manufacturers.

From the tables above you can see that this is the richest assortment of boilers using wood chips and sawdust among all those presented on Russian market manufacturers. This set of power options will allow you to solve the problem of heating with wood chips and sawdust at any facility and for any area.

Principle of operation

Now let's consider general device boilers using wood chips and sawdust.

The device body consists of the following elements:

  • firebox;
  • ashpit;
  • coil;
  • chimney;
  • blower;
  • heat distributor;
  • sensors

Hargassner boiler structure

In the firebox, on a special grate, the combustion process of woodchips and sawdust occurs, thanks to which all the ashes and ash remain in the ash pan. This device should be cleaned approximately 2 times a month.

Due to the fact that wood chips and sawdust are waste from wood processing and do not form a large flame, the heat exchanger in such boilers is heated by hot gases passing through it.

The heat exchanger consists of tubes that are connected in parallel. It is made from a material that can withstand well high temperatures and does not rust, and also has such quality as high level thermal conductivity.

Wood sawdust and wood chips - especially economical look fuel, if there is a fuel source nearby: woodworking industry.

Wood chip boiler Hargassner WTH 150-200

To achieve higher productivity, gas-generating heating boilers using wood chips and sawdust are used, the heating of which occurs not only due to the heat from fuel combustion, but also due to the pyrolysis gas released during the combustion of wood.

In order for the gas to be burned, the boiler furnace consists of two separate chambers. In one the fuel itself burns, in the other the gas coming from the first chamber burns.

Heating boilers operating on sawdust and wood chips, like others heating devices, are single-circuit and double-circuit.

The former are intended exclusively for heating the room, the latter are also capable of heating water. Such units are in demand among owners of private houses, because... They allow not only to provide the house with heat, but also to install plumbing in the house.

The efficiency of boilers operating on sawdust and wood chips is about 90%.

Fuel supply system

Long-burning solid fuel boilers using wood chips and sawdust, operating in autonomous mode, require virtually no maintenance.

Fuel is supplied through several conveyors:

  1. The successor bunker has free access from outside the building. It has a screw drive, which is connected to the main storage. After the fuel is loaded into the bunker, the conveyor is turned on, which supplies the fuel to the mechanized storage.
  2. There are two types of storage, with in different ways feeding wood chips into the boiler. In the first case, an inclined base acts as a hopper, which forms a cone; at the bottom there is a screw transmission. The second uses a turner with blades connected to it. As the device rotates, wood chips enter the auger.
  3. After storage, the wood chips do not immediately enter the boiler. Pyrolysis heating hot water boilers operating on sawdust and wood chips supply fuel in parts. Each new portion of fuel enters the firebox using a special drum, which is connected to a screw transmission that feeds wood chips to the burner.

System for loading fuel from a fuel storage using a horizontal spring mixer with a lifting screw conveyor for boilers HERZ firematic 20-301 and HERZ BioMatic 220-500

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other heating device, solid fuel boilers have their pros and cons. Most of the shortcomings are associated specifically with the type of fuel - wood chips. It has low free-flowing properties, making it difficult to transport. Characteristic of wood chips and sawdust high humidity, which is why they burn worse than wood or.

Chip and pellet boiler Termal SF

However, despite a number negative points, stand out and positive sides such devices:

  • inexpensive fuel, because waste is used as it;
  • thanks to the absolute automation of the operation of solid fuel boilers, they can function even if there are no people in the house;
  • All fuel made from wood is environmentally friendly, so there is no harm to environment will not be;
  • high efficiency (90% or more);
  • They are economical; they can heat a room for 10-12 hours on one load of fuel;
  • heating occurs quickly, 30-40 minutes after ignition;
  • The design of such devices is simple, but at the same time reliable.

On the market you can find various options for similar boilers from foreign ones (for example, Termal, Faci, HERZ, Hargassner) And Russian manufacturers(eg Zota).

Therefore, you should pay closer attention to sawdust and other woodworking waste.