Supply and exhaust ventilation with heat and moisture recovery. Supply and exhaust ventilation systems with heat recovery and recirculation Recovery system with cooling


Supply- exhaust ventilation - This A complex approach to the problem of ventilation.

Air handling units provide active inflow fresh air into the room and removal of waste air masses from the room. Recuperators are becoming increasingly popular, the advantage of which is the supply of fresh air heated to room temperature, with minimal annual energy consumption.

Recuperators return up to 95% of the heat back to the room, creating virtually no additional energy costs. Thus, recuperators are the most economical type of ventilation unit with supply warm air into the room. This is achieved by retaining heat from waste room air on heat exchangers.

The latest models of recuperators combine the functions of supply and exhaust ventilation and fine air purification from allergens, are equipped with carbon dioxide sensors, specially designed heat exchangers to maintain optimal humidity conditions, and the ability to control from a smartphone.

Installing a recuperator effectively helps to cope with stuffiness, control room humidity, mold and dampness in the house, and condensation on plastic windows.

We are official dealer leading manufacturers, and we can provide a best price guarantee. From us you can choose and buy any model of recuperator with delivery throughout Moscow and Russia.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What is heat recovery ventilation?
  • Ventilation scheme with recovery
  • What are the advantages of a ventilation system with recovery?
  • Types of recuperators for ventilation
  • How to choose supply air ventilation units with heat recovery
  • Tips on how to install supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery

Each person, of course, has his own idea of ​​how comfortable housing should be arranged. For one, it will be of paramount importance appearance, the interior of the premises, while others will consider the various amenities most important. But no matter what we give preference, in any case, the majority will agree that in order for housing to be called comfortable, it is necessary that it has optimal temperature- warm in the cold season, and cool in hot weather.

Of course, no matter how we create such conditions, they are always associated with certain costs. We can use devices like air conditioners, fans, heaters. Someone will prefer to carry out repairs in such a way as to make the premises airtight. And such a move will really help preserve the internal temperature. But we must not forget that in such cases one serious trouble cannot be avoided - the housing will stop being ventilated, so there will be no talk of any comfort. The only solution is to ventilate to ensure air movement. Some may be concerned about whether this will result in additional energy costs. But they will even decrease if your choice is ventilation with heat recovery for a private house, apartment or industrial facility. What is it, how does it work? This article will tell you about this and much more.

What is heat recovery ventilation?

Home ventilation with heat recovery is one of the forced ventilation systems. It usually provides for air heating. This function is partially performed by a recuperator - a device designed to heat air, although the main heating is not provided by it, but by the air heater.

Of course, you may have never heard of supply or exhaust ventilation with heat recovery, but this does not mean that it is a new invention. Most likely, you are misled by the Latin word “recuperation,” which can be translated into Russian as “return of what was spent.” This reveals the whole point: a recuperator is a special heat exchanger, that is, a device that is quite common in ventilation systems, although in Russia it is not used as often as abroad. How does the ventilation of a private house or apartment recover? Let's take a closer look at it.

Heat recovery - This is the return of heat leaving the room. The point is that there is incoming and outgoing air flow. At the same time, the air that leaves the room heats the counter air due to heat exchange. This happens in the cold season, and on hot days, for example in summer, the outgoing air, on the contrary, cools the incoming air. But in such situations it is more correct to talk about cold recovery.

Obviously, such a procedure is necessary for the user to save available funds, because when the ventilation is not equipped with recovery, a lot of heat goes outside instead of being reused indoors. Accordingly, heating bills increase, since, in fact, we heat the street, spending an exorbitant amount of heat for nothing. It is precisely in order to avoid such waste and colossal bills that it is worth thinking about installing ventilation with heat recovery. After all, this way you return the air that you heated, do not allow the heat to leave the room, and save money.

It is not surprising that ventilation with recovery is becoming more and more popular and classic options ventilation systems have nothing to oppose such a design. This is logical, because forced ventilation with recovery is not much more expensive than conventional ventilation, and its maintenance is completely elementary. In this regard, many prefer to forget about climate control equipment, which was once positioned as the most effective in combination with ventilation systems. Recuperation is much more profitable in terms of rational use electricity, and in terms of saving heating costs. Its cheapness is compared with the cost of lighting with energy-saving light bulbs.

What else attracts consumers to a supply and exhaust ventilation system with air recovery?

Firstly, such devices have small dimensions.

Secondly, they do not spoil the interior.

Third, they have a low noise level.

Fourthly, with a minimum of costs we get maximum operating efficiency.

They are also in demand in public institutions, among which the following can be listed:

  • Cinemas and theaters.
  • Canteens, cafes, snack bars.
  • Libraries.
  • Hotels and inns.
  • Stations.
  • Offices and retail premises.

It is possible to design a ventilation system with recovery for a private house, multi-storey building, etc. The variety of such devices allows you to choose them for any occasion. The different capacities of such structures make it possible to find an option even for buildings that have a residential basement floor.

It is important to understand that forced ventilation with heat recovery for an apartment or house - this is coercive system. It is distinguished from natural by the presence of fans, which ensure the movement of air flows at any convenient time and do not depend on external factors, such as draft arising from differences in temperatures.

Ventilation scheme with recovery

What are the advantages of a ventilation system with recovery?

As we have noted more than once, the main advantage of such a system is the ability to control the interaction of air inflow and outlet. Due to this, we significantly reduce ventilation heat loss, although we continue to saturate the room with fresh air.

Now let's talk in more detail about each of the advantages of ventilation systems with recovery.

Efficiency. Natural air removal is not always the case convenient solution, because we become dependent on circumstances, conditions environment, temperature differences. In this regard, it is much easier to use a ventilation system with recovery, which can force air. A simple example of forced ventilation is a kitchen hood. More complex devices are capable, among other things, of getting rid of excess moisture. But this is simple exhaust equipment. In our case, there is a question about supply and exhaust systems, capable of organizing the movement of air flows in both directions at once, mixing them and forming required temperatures for a comfortable stay of a person in the room, that is, to recuperate air.

Profitability. It should be noted that recuperation systems can recoup their cost through savings on heating and electricity. Costs are significantly reduced, sometimes by 5 times, that is, you are already paying 80% less than usual. Ask your friends how much heating costs them country house, if you don't have one. The numbers will be impressive. Imagine how much money recovery ventilation can save. If inexpensive elements wear out, they can be replaced without negative consequences. During the warm season, you can save on climate control equipment, while simultaneously reducing emissions into the atmosphere harmful substances. Yes, even from an environmental point of view, you are causing significantly less damage to the environment, because, among other things, you are reducing the load on the network. And don’t let it seem to you that one person is too little. Firstly, these are quite serious amounts of energy. Secondly, more and more people are switching to ventilation with recovery over the years.

Practicality. Ventilation systems with recovery are usually small in size, which means they are easy to install. Such equipment can be located in the bathroom, in the closet, and built into the ceiling. Today there are a huge variety of models to suit all tastes. So you don't have to worry about the interior.

Types of recuperators for ventilation

Recuperator - This is a heat exchanger, albeit a special one. It is connected to ventilation channels that produce air exhaust and supply. Dirty air from the room gives off heat to incoming flows, that is, a recovery procedure is performed.

Plate recuperators differ from the usual ones in that they prevent air mixing. In them, recovery is performed somewhat differently. A number of plates are located close to each other, due to which the air can transfer heat without touching. The material in such ventilation systems is usually aluminum foil, known for its thermal conductivity. There are products made of plastic. They are more expensive, but more effective.

Ventilation with recovery performed using plate heat exchangers, often suffers from ice. The fact is that the surfaces of the recuperator are covered with ice due to condensation. This does not have the most favorable effect on the quality of the device. And then the owner of ventilation with recovery has to work hard to make the ice melt. Accordingly, time, effort, and electricity are wasted.

However, some developers have foreseen how to protect ventilation with recovery from ice. For this purpose, a technology has been invented that heats the incoming air flow to the temperature at which the condensate simply cannot freeze.

By the way, this is not the only way out. Other developers have proposed equipping ventilation systems with recuperation with cassettes made of hygroscopic cellulose. We save on heating the air, since such cellulose itself absorbs moisture and then returns it at the outlet. But they can only be used in cases where there is no over-humidification of the air.

Rotary recuperators. In recovery ventilation systems using these devices, the air is mixed. The operating principle is as follows: a metal rotor rotates, allowing air to move outward and inward. The rotation speed is usually adjustable.

As is clear, recovery in this case has a number of disadvantages, for example, it is much more expensive due to the presence of elements that fail over time. But high efficiency rates, reaching 90%, contribute to the popularity of such products.

In essence, the feasibility of purchasing such a device largely depends on the efficiency of organizing air recovery. Quality product usually can pay for itself.

Recuperators with intermediate coolant . This device has two compartments separated by a container of liquid capable of transferring heat from the outgoing to the incoming air.

Of course, recovery in this case is very safe, because contaminants are not transferred between streams. Speed ​​adjustment is provided. Wear is unlikely. But the disadvantage is the low efficiency, ranging from 45 to 60%.

Chamber recuperators. The flap divides the compartment into two halves. Rotating, it changes places of air flows. The temperature change occurs from the chamber walls.

Although air recovery in this case has a high efficiency rate of 70 to 80%, and wear is unlikely, there is a tendency for dirt and unpleasant odors.

Heat pipes. This recovery device is made of hermetically connected tubes. They contain a substance that contributes to changes in air temperature. Most often it is some kind of freon.

Closedness avoids leakage of substances. It just flows into different sides tubes. The efficiency of such equipment is in the region of 50 – 70%.

How to choose air handling units with heat recovery

What should you remember when choosing ventilation with recovery? You need to buy such equipment so as not to regret it, so ask the seller about the following nuances:

First of all, ask the seller the following questions:

  1. Who is the manufacturer of this air recovery ventilation? How long has this company been in business, what reputation does it have, what else does it produce?
  2. How productive is this ventilation with air recovery?
  3. Here you will need a specialist who can produce detailed calculation, based on the characteristics of your premises. It is clear that buying supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery for an apartment and a three-story house is not the same thing.

  4. What will be the resistance of the system to air flows after installing this equipment?
  5. Here again you will need specialist advice. It is important not to just limit yourself to some general characteristics indicated in the table from the Internet, and make a detailed calculation, for example, taking into account the number of bends in the air duct and many other nuances. The ratio of air flow and system resistance is one of the most important selection factors.

  6. How expensive will it be to maintain ventilation with this recuperator? What is its energy class? What are the savings when using this device?
  7. What are the Efficiency Coefficients of this recuperator for ventilation?
  8. Note that we say “coefficients” and not “coefficient”. Why? Is he really not alone? Not really. There is a declared one - this is some average value. And there is real efficiency, which is an objective indicator. What does it depend on? There are many factors. Here is the humidity and air, and how the system is organized, and the temperatures inside and outside.

  • If there is a paper heat exchanger, the efficiency will be from 60 to 70 percent. What does this mean for us? Is it good or bad? This means that ventilation with air recovery is resistant to freezing, although not one hundred percent.
  • If there is an aluminum heat exchanger, the efficiency will be no more than 63%, while the efficiency of the air recuperator will be from 42 to 45% percent. Thus, you will have to use a significant amount of electricity to get rid of the frost.
  • A rotary air recuperator has excellent efficiency indicators, but provided that it is controlled automatically, based on the readings of special sensors. However, these recuperators can freeze in the same way as aluminum ones, which reduces efficiency.

What else should you consider when choosing a recuperator for ventilation?

Tips on how to install supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery

Now let's talk about how to install supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery. Let's start with how to choose the most suitable installation location.

  • If you have a private house, then it is best to choose non-residential premises for installation. This is the basement, attic, utility room. And the boiler room is generally the most perfect option for supply and exhaust ventilation.
  • Please ensure that the installation of ventilation with recovery does not contradict the requirements specified in the technical documentation.
  • It is best that the distribution of the ventilation system with air recovery be in rooms where there is heating.
  • Ventilation with air recovery will most likely take place in those rooms where there is no heating. These sections must be thoroughly insulated.
  • It is necessary to insulate outdoor ventilation ducts with air recovery, as well as those located in external walls.
  • It is advisable to locate ventilation equipment with air recovery in such a way that it is as far away from living spaces as possible, so that operating noise, which is never excluded, does not interfere.

Actually, these tips for installing ventilation with air recovery cannot be applied in all cases without exception. It is quite possible that you have other conditions and places where you can equip a similar system. Much depends on the layout of the building and the dimensions of the equipment.

Air intake For ventilation with recovery, it is better to install it on the side where the wind is less frequent. This will avoid dust and debris, or at least reduce their amount. It is important to make sure that there are no chimneys, pipes or any other places nearby where unwanted air may escape.

Installation. It is highly not recommended to install ventilation with air recovery yourself. This is a risky venture that can lead to unpleasant consequences. If you are reading this article, then you are unlikely to be an expert in the field of installing ventilation with recovery, so we recommend seeking help from professionals.

That's all. We hope that the material was useful to you!

P.S. You can always call the company " Climate Formula", and our specialists will advise you on all your questions.

Ventilation in rooms can be natural, the operating principle of which is based on natural phenomena (spontaneous type) or on air exchange provided by specially made openings in a buiding (organized ventilation).However, in this case, despite the minimal material costs, dependence on the season, climate, as well as the lack of the ability to purify the air, do not allow us to fully satisfy people's needs.

Supply and exhaust ventilation, air exchange

Artificial ventilation makes it possible to provide more comfortable conditions for those in the premises, but its design requires certain X financial investments. She is also quite energy-intensive . To compensate for the pros and cons of both types of ventilation systems, their combination is most often used.

Any information artificial ventilation system According to its purpose, it is divided into supply or exhaust. In the first case, the equipment must provide forcedair supply to the room. In this case, the exhaust air masses are removed outside naturally.

Video - Supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery in an apartment

Modern technologies that have come to our country encourage the population to also use the latest developments. Solar panels, room temperature controllers and other smart appliances not only help reduce payments utilities, but also maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Of course, a recuperator for a private home cannot be called an innovation, however, the savings Money and heat energy is evident.

This device is a design similar to a house ventilation system. Their difference lies in the fact that conventional ventilation removes stale air from the room and fills it with fresh air. The recuperator performs similar actions, only it brings heated warm or cooled air into the house. An air conditioner performs similar functions, however, it requires electricity and a refrigerant - freon; the heat recovery unit does without it. Heating or cooling of the inflow occurs due to the heat exchange of the primary and secondary coolant through the wall separating the air masses.

The main link air handling unit with the recuperator is a heat exchanger. The device is equipped with a thermal electric heater or fan, check valves to prevent air movement in the opposite direction and much more.

Usage similar system allows you to return some of the thermal energy that is usually lost when passing through the ventilation ducts. Warm air masses circulate freely in the heat exchanger, come into contact with the cold flow through the dividing wall and transfer their thermal energy to the latter.

A surface-type recuperator is a heat exchanger with double walls. One channel is occupied by the outgoing primary, the other by the secondary, cooler one. The walls have high thermal conductivity and are installed to prevent mixing of air flows of different temperatures. The outgoing air element passes along the box, the incoming air element crosses. As a result of heat transfer to cold air, heated air masses enter the house.

The temperature of the incoming air depends on the temperature of the outgoing air. The warmer the outgoing stream, the higher the supply temperature.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the recuperator is that it accumulates heat from the removed flow and communicates it with high efficiency to the air supply masses. This allows you to save money and supply a fresh heated air element into the house.

The operating principle of the system is determined by two principles:

  1. Waste or stale air masses are removed from the room, pass through the ceramic recovery chamber and heat it. In this case, almost 97% of the thermal energy is released. When the recovery chamber heats up, the heat exchanger automatically switches to the fresh jet inflow mode.
  2. The air passes through the ceramic recovery chamber, is heated by the heat accumulated in it and is supplied to the house. Cooling of the regenerator serves as a signal to turn on the fan in exhaust mode.

Such a ventilation system with a recuperator allows you to reduce the consumption of gaseous, solid or liquid fuel, which may be necessary for the operation of other devices, and create comfortable living conditions.

Note! Installing a supply and exhaust air recuperator for your home will save up to 80% of the heat in the room.

Advantages of a thermal power device

A thermal power device of this type gains Lately great popularity. There is no need to ventilate the home in summer and winter period, thereby releasing precious heat outside. On a dusty summer day, the device will supply the room with clean atmospheric air, which will first pass through an air purification filter.

There is also no need to use the mentioned system manually - the automation will do it for you. Cold masses in winter will be heated due to the outgoing warm flow, and hot summer days will cool down when heat is transferred to a cooler flow.

In addition, the system is characterized by the following number of advantages:

  • saving money on heating;
  • savings on separate exhaust fans;
  • removal of unpleasant heavy odors;
  • removal of dust particles;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • low cost of use;

  • process automation;
  • long service life of the system.

Even periodic use of a heating installation will allow you to saturate your home with clean atmospheric air masses without losing heat or, conversely, increasing the temperature.

High-quality ventilation

Installing a recuperator will keep the house clean along with the flow of fresh outside air. Tobacco, fireplace or smoke of other origins, carbon dioxide or other unhealthy emissions, harmful or unpleasant odors - a rotary heat exchanger can handle everything. The operation of the system has a beneficial effect on the human body, drying air with high humidity, which is especially important for hypertensive patients, as well as people with atherosclerosis or cardiovascular diseases. Besides, high humidity threatens with other ailments.

Economical heating

By installing a heat exchanger, you will ensure stable savings not only in money, but also in the heat in the house. The outgoing warm flow will warm up the cold supply air to comfortable temperature, which will significantly avoid extra work heating equipment. The heating system carefully handles the heat entering its box, practically preventing it from escaping into the atmosphere. There is also no need to monitor the temperature of the incoming air masses; this will be done by the heat exchanger, supplying them with only a small temperature difference compared to the outgoing flow.

Important! According to experts, savings in electricity or any type of fuel for heating devices range from 40 to 50%. Of course, you should not neglect the high-quality thermal insulation of the room.

No additional ventilation

Gas stoves, fireplaces, water heaters and weeping metal-plastic windows require additional ventilation or periodic ventilation. Frosty and hot periods of the year significantly complicate this process: the first threatens to cool the room, the second threatens with dust and hot dry winds with low humidity. If you decide to buy an air recuperator, you will ensure high-quality ventilation of the entire house, avoiding unnecessary financial expenses and installation of equipment for additional ventilation.

Silent and high-quality air purification

In any case, the atmospheric supply air brings with it dust particles, dirt elements, diluted vehicle exhaust gases, chimneys And industrial enterprises. The air filter installed in the heat-energy device will rid the house of unwanted odors and dust particles. After undergoing high-quality cleaning, the atmospheric stream will fill the room with not only fresh, but also clean air. True, the latter will be determined by the necessary regular care air filter and other elements of the system.

Note! A filter clogged with dust or uncleaned is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Its regular cleaning and periodic replacement will allow the home owner to avoid infectious respiratory diseases.

Recyclers for an apartment or house are highly efficient and low level noise, which fluctuates in the range of 25-35 dB. This is equivalent to the sound made by an air conditioner.

Recuperator for a private home: types and characteristics

Supply and exhaust recuperators can have different design features. Pick up suitable option A sales consultant in any specialized store of heating devices will help.

The following types of equipment exist:

  • lamellar;
  • rotary;
  • roof;
  • recirculating water.

All of them are designed to create a favorable indoor climate, be it an apartment, a large mansion or a country house.

Related article:

Types and features of devices, additional functions. Power calculation based on room parameters. Care tips.


It is the most common type due to its good performance, ease of operation and low price. This type of recuperator consists of fixed metal plates with a large specific heat capacity and relatively light weight. The plates are assembled into peculiar cassettes, which slightly resemble Bee hive. Atmospheric air passes through the apparatus box with cassettes and is then heated or cooled, depending on the winter or summer season. The condensate formed during operation is discharged through a specially available drainage outlet or channel.

Along with the listed advantages, the system has a certain disadvantage: the formation of ice in the box, which is especially evident in the autumn-winter period.


A recuperator of this type carries out the inflow and outflow of the air stream due to the blades. The thermal energy system has from one to two drive rotors, depending on the model. Externally, the installation looks like a cylindrical barrel with a drum. As air is pumped out of the room and the cylindrical box is heated, atmospheric mass is taken in.

Advantages of this device:

  • improved efficiency;
  • increased efficiency;
  • absence of condensate, and, consequently, drainage gutters;
  • absence of ice;

  • does not dry out the air, which does not require additional humidification;
  • adjusting the amount of air supply and intake due to the speed of rotation of the blades.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • increased electricity consumption;
  • rotating elements wear out faster than stationary ones;
  • the need for additional exhaust to prevent possible mixing of incoming and outgoing air masses.

Note! Before purchasing a rotary heat exchanger, you need to take into account its increased power, which can lead to an increase in the cross-section of the electrical wiring of the room.


This recuperator processes large masses of air. The feasibility of its use can be explained by a large mansion, other residential or non-residential premises. The principle of operation is in many ways similar to the plate unit, however, the latter differs from the roof unit in its smaller size. The ease of installation of the device, low cost of maintenance and operation have made it indispensable in ventilation devices of shops, repair shops, and production areas. Installing such a recuperator on the roof generally eliminates the penetration of any sounds or noise into the room.

Glycol recuperator

The glycol (or recirculation) regenerative apparatus combines the qualities of plate and rotary thermal devices. Its main difference from the previous ones is the use of an intermediate coolant. The last is a water-glycol solution consisting of propylene glycol or ethylene diluted with distilled water. The mixture has a high heat capacity, which allows you to utilize a large amount of heat, retains its working qualities when sub-zero temperatures. In severe low-temperature conditions, it is possible to replace the specified coolant with antifreeze. The equipment allows you to work simultaneously with several ventilation ducts, sleeves or hoods.

Recuperator for an apartment: calculation and review of manufacturers

An apartment heat and power device will be the best purchase, especially if the home is located in a big city or the center of a metropolis. Automotive and industrial gases, street noise, heat or cold will forever remain outside the room. The device will not only add mass to the apartment clean air, but will also allow you to save on heating, ventilation and cleaning the incoming atmospheric flow. This is achieved by simple heat exchange between the supply and exhaust flows passing through a heat-insulating box with a cleaning filter.

Recuperator calculation

You can calculate the required heat and power device yourself, without resorting to the services of specialized companies. Calculation of the efficiency and efficiency of the device is determined by knowledge of the energy costs for the supply or exhaust masses. The calculation formula is:

Q = 0.335 x L x (t 1 – t 2),

where L is the flow of air masses, t 1 is the temperature of the inflow, t 2 is the temperature of the outgoing masses, 0.335 is the regional coefficient.

The efficiency is calculated using the following formula:

E = Q x n,

where: Q – energy or electrical costs for heating or cooling the jet, n – device efficiency.

Helpful advice! Before buying a recuperator for a private house or city apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, technical characteristics and the operating principle. It may be necessary to make preparations installation work and draw up a project.

Recuperator PRANA

This manufacturer of thermal power and ventilation equipment has been on the market for more than 15 years. Its equipment has a long service life, high efficiency and reasonable prices.

Operating characteristics of the device:

  • type – lamellar;
  • electricity consumption – 5-90 V/hour, depending on the model;
  • noise level – 25-140 dB;
  • unit length – 500 mm;
  • incoming jet – 115-650 m³/h;
  • outgoing jet – 105-610 m³/h;
  • Efficiency – 79-80%, depending on the model.

All the lineup complete with remote control, operates at ambient temperatures from -15 to 45°C. The relatively low price of the air recuperator, significant retention of the set temperature during heating or heating, and small dimensions make this device one of the most popular, as confirmed by numerous positive reviews. The Prana recuperator can be built into the wall of a room or installed outdoors. Installation of the device is quite easy and is carried out within 2-3 hours.

Notice similar decentralized system subject to availability only ventilation grille on the wall. Not the last positive quality are heat exchangers made of copper, which has an antimicrobial effect. average price an air recuperator for a home of this brand is about 25,000 rubles. The cost of devices with increased productivity ranges from 50 to 110 thousand rubles.

Recuperators MARLEY

The compact German heat exchanger is equipped with a ceramic heat exchange element, which allows the device to be operated even at a temperature of -30ºC. Washing it and cleaning the air filters is a simple operation that can be carried out by the average user. The duration of continuous operation is about 6 months, after this period the indicator light will light up. Operating the device near highways or in the central part of the city will force more frequent cleaning. This operation does not take much time and lasts 15-20 minutes.

You can buy an air recuperator for your home, the price of which is 24,000 rubles, in a specialized store. At a fairly moderate cost, the device has the following performance characteristics:

  1. three power phases – 15, 25 and 40 m³/h;
  2. consumed electric power– from 3.5 to 8 W;
  3. The electric motor rotor is brushless;
  4. noise level – 22, 29 and 35 dB;
  5. heat recovery – 80-85%;
  6. service area – from 60 m²;
  7. external dimensions – 285-500 mm. The small dimensions of the unit allow it to be installed in the wall.

A new line from the manufacturer Marley is the menv 180 recuperator, which differs from previous analogues in its low power consumption - only 3 W. Nice functional additions are:

  • temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity controllers;
  • improved aerodynamics;
  • low noise level;
  • waterproofing coating for work in damp residential or non-residential premises;
  • high category of supply jet cleaning.

By installing such a recuperator, the price of which is around 27,500 rubles, you will forget about street soot and exhaust gases, dust, fog and emissions from industrial enterprises.

DIY recuperator

Any craftsman can make an air recuperator for the home with his own hands. For this you will need:

  • two sheets of galvanized steel;
  • wood-laminated box for the shell of the apparatus;
  • cork gaskets;
  • silicone neutral sealant;
  • pressure controller;
  • metal corners;
  • thermal insulating mineral wool.

Also useful for work electric jigsaw, metal fasteners and connecting flanges.

Steel sheets must be cut into rectangular plates measuring 200x300 mm. To do this you will need about 3–4 m² of steel. Cutting must be done very carefully so that the sections do not have burrs or nicks. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a special tool - a grinder or a hacksaw.

Then the plates are stacked on top of each other with a gap of at least 4 mm. This distance is ensured by gluing along the perimeter of each element of thermal insulation material (cork, wood or textolite). After laying the plates, the joints are treated with a special neutral sealant.

The housing is then fabricated and sized to fit inside its plate structure. Holes are cut in the walls of the housing into which pre-prepared plastic flanges are inserted, which must correspond to the diameter of the air ducts. All joints are also carefully sealed.

When the sealant has dried, the plate structure is placed inside the housing. External walls must be lined thermal insulation material, for example, polystyrene foam or glass wool. Ready design, in order to enhance the aesthetic component, can be placed in a wooden box.

Note! Visually noticeable crevices and slits in the box of a self-assembled recuperator for a private home must be filled with silicone neutral hermetic mass.

Previously, recuperators and ventilation systems were installed only in industrial production, coal and mining mines. Today, heating devices for exhaust gas recovery are increasingly located in houses and apartments.

An industrial device or a self-assembled air recuperator becomes ours an indispensable assistant. It serves clean chilled or warmed atmospheric air, cleans the house of dust and unpleasant odors and saves some money on heating the room.

Creating an energy-efficient administrative building that will be as close as possible to the “PASSIVE HOUSE” standard is impossible without a modern air handling unit (AHU) with heat recovery.

Under recovery means process of recycling heat from internal exhaust air with temperature t in, emitted into cold period With high temperature to the street, to heat the supply of outside air. The process of heat recovery occurs in special heat recuperators: plate recuperators, rotating regenerators, as well as in heat exchangers installed separately in air currents with different temperatures (in exhaust and supply units) and connected by an intermediate coolant (glycol, ethylene glycol).

The last option is most relevant in the case when the supply and exhaust are spaced along the height of the building, for example, Supply unit- in the basement, and the exhaust - in attic, however, the recovery efficiency of such systems will be significantly less (from 30 to 50% compared to PES in one building

Plate recuperators They are a cassette in which the supply and exhaust air channels are separated by aluminum sheets. Between supply and exhaust air Heat exchange occurs through aluminum sheets. The internal exhaust air through the heat exchanger plates heats the external supply air. In this case, the air mixing process does not occur.

IN rotary recuperators Heat is transferred from the exhaust air to the supply air through a rotating cylindrical rotor consisting of a package of thin metal plates. In progress rotary recuperator the exhaust air heats the plates, and then these plates move into the flow of cold outside air and heat it. However, in the flow separation units, due to their leakage, the exhaust air flows into the supply air. The percentage of overflow can be from 5 to 20% depending on the quality of the equipment.

To achieve the set goal - to bring the building of the Federal State Institution "Research Institute CEPP" closer to passive, during long discussions and calculations, it was decided to install supply and exhaust ventilation units with a recuperator Russian manufacturer energy-saving climate systems – companies TURKOV.

Company TURKOV produces PES for the following regions:

  • For the Central region (equipment with two-stage recovery ZENIT series, which works stably down to -25 O C, and is excellent for the climate of the Central region of Russia, efficiency 65-75%);
  • For Siberia (equipment with three-stage recovery Zenit HECO series works stably down to -35 O C, and is excellent for the climate of Siberia, but is often used in central region, efficiency 80-85%);
  • For Far North(equipment with four-stage recovery CrioVent series works stably down to -45 O C, excellent for extremely cold climates and used in the harshest regions of Russia, efficiency up to 90%).
Traditional teaching aids based on old school engineering criticize firms that claim high efficiency plate recuperators. Justifying this by what to achieve given value Efficiency is only possible when using energy from absolutely dry air, and in real conditions, with a relative humidity of the removed air = 20-40% (in winter), the level of energy use of dry air is limited.

However, the TURKOV PVU uses enthalpy plate recuperator, in which, along with the transfer of implicit heat from the exhaust air, moisture is also transferred to the supply air.
The working area of ​​the enthalpy recuperator is made of a polymer membrane, which passes water vapor molecules from the exhaust (humidified) air and transfers them to the supply (dry) air. There is no mixing of the exhaust and supply flows in the recuperator, since moisture is passed through the membrane through diffusion due to the difference in vapor concentration on both sides of the membrane.

The dimensions of the membrane cells are such that only water vapor can pass through it; for dust, pollutants, water droplets, bacteria, viruses and odors, the membrane is an insurmountable barrier (due to the ratio of the sizes of the membrane “cells” and other substances).

Enthalpy recuperator
essentially a plate recuperator, where a polymer membrane is used instead of aluminum. Since the thermal conductivity of the membrane plate is less than that of aluminum, the required area of ​​the enthalpy recuperator is significantly more area similar aluminum recuperator. On the one hand, this increases the dimensions of the equipment, on the other hand, it allows the transfer of a large volume of moisture, and it is thanks to this that it is possible to achieve high frost resistance of the recuperator and stable operation of the equipment at ultra-low temperatures.

IN winter time (outside temperature below -5C), if the humidity of the exhaust air exceeds 30% (at an exhaust air temperature of 22...24 o C), in the recuperator, along with the process of transferring moisture to the supply air, the process of moisture accumulation on the recuperator plate occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically turn off the supply fan and dry the hygroscopic layer of the recuperator with exhaust air. The duration, frequency and temperature below which the drying process is required depends on the staging of the recuperator, the temperature and humidity inside the room. The most commonly used recuperator drying settings are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Most commonly used heat exchanger drying settings

Recuperator stages Temperature/Humidity

<20% 20%-30% 30%-35% 35%-45%
2 steps not required 3/45 min 3/30 min 4/30 min
3 steps not required 3/50 min 3/40 min 3/30 min
4 steps not required 3/50 min 3/40 min

Note: Setting up the drying of the recuperator is carried out only in agreement with the technical staff of the manufacturer and after providing the internal air parameters.

Drying the recuperator is required only when installing air humidification systems, or when operating equipment with large, systematic moisture inflows.

  • With standard indoor air parameters, the drying mode is not required.
The recuperator material undergoes mandatory antibacterial treatment, so it does not accumulate contamination.

In this article, as an example of an administrative building, we consider a typical five-story building of the Federal State Institution “Research Institute TsEPP” after the planned reconstruction.
For this building, the flow of supply and exhaust air was determined in accordance with air exchange standards in administrative premises for each room of the building.
The total values ​​of supply and exhaust air flow rates by building floors are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimated flow rates of supply/exhaust air by building floors

Floor Supply air flow, m 3/h Extract air flow, m 3/h PVU TURKOV
Basement 1987 1987 Zenit 2400 HECO SW
1st floor 6517 6517 Zenit 1600 HECO SW
Zenit 2400 HECO SW
Zenit 3400 HECO SW
2nd floor 5010 5010 Zenit 5000 HECO SW
3rd floor 6208 6208 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW - 2 pcs.
4th floor 6957 6957 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW
5th floor 4274 4274 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW

In laboratories, PVUs operate according to a special algorithm with compensation for exhaust from fume hoods, i.e., when any fume hood is turned on, the hood exhaust is automatically reduced by the amount of the hood exhaust. Based on the estimated costs, Turkov air handling units were selected. Each floor will be served by its own Zenit HECO SW and Zenit HECO MW PVU with three-stage recovery up to 85%.
Ventilation of the first floor is carried out by PVU, which are installed in the basement and on the second floor. Ventilation of the remaining floors (except for laboratories on the fourth and third floors) is provided by PVU installed on the technical floor.
The appearance of the Zenit Heco SW installation PES is shown in Figure 6. Table 3 shows the technical data for each installation PES.

Installation Zenit Heco SW includes:
  • Housing with heat and noise insulation;
  • Supply fan;
  • Exhaust fan;
  • Supply filter;
  • Exhaust filter;
  • 3-stage recuperator;
  • Water heater;
  • Mixing unit;
  • Automation with a set of sensors;
  • Wired remote control.

An important advantage is the possibility of installing equipment both vertically and horizontally under the ceiling, which is used in the building in question. As well as the ability to place equipment in cold areas (attics, garages, technical rooms, etc.) and on the street, which is very important during restoration and reconstruction of buildings.

Zenit HECO MW PVU is a small PVU with heat and moisture recovery with a water heater and a mixing unit in a lightweight and versatile polypropylene foam housing, designed to maintain the climate in small rooms, apartments, and houses.

Company TURKOVhas independently developed and produces Monocontroller automation for ventilation equipment in Russia. This automation is used in the Zenit Heco SW PVU

  • The controller controls electronically commutated fans via MODBUS, which allows you to monitor the operation of each fan.
  • Controls water heaters and coolers to accurately maintain supply air temperature in both winter and summer.
  • For CO control 2 in the conference room and meeting rooms the automation is equipped with special CO sensors 2 . The equipment will monitor the CO concentration 2 and automatically change the air flow, adjusting to the number of people in the room, to maintain the required air quality, thereby reducing the heat consumption of the equipment.
  • A complete dispatch system allows you to organize a dispatch center as simply as possible. A remote monitoring system will allow you to monitor equipment from anywhere in the world.

Control panel capabilities:

  • Clock, date;
  • Three fan speeds;
  • Real-time filter status display;
  • Weekly timer;
  • Setting the supply air temperature;
  • Display of faults on the display.

Efficiency mark

To assess the efficiency of the installation of Zenit Heco SW air handling units with recuperation in the building under consideration, we will determine the calculated, average and annual loads on the ventilation system, as well as costs in rubles for the cold period, warm period and for the entire year for three PVU options:

  1. PVU with recovery Zenit Heco SW (recuperator efficiency 85%);
  2. Direct-flow PVU (i.e. without a recuperator);
  3. PVU with heat recovery efficiency of 50%.

The load on the ventilation system is the load on the air heater, which heats (during the cold period) or cools (during the warm period) the supply air after the recuperator. In a direct-flow PVU, the air in the heater is heated from the initial parameters corresponding to the parameters of the outside air during the cold period, and is cooled during the warm period. The results of calculating the design load on the ventilation system in the cold period by floor of the building are shown in Table 3. The results of calculating the design load on the ventilation system in the warm period for the entire building are shown in Table 4.

Table 3. Estimated load on the ventilation system during the cold period by floor, kW

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%
Basement 3,5 28,9 14,0
1st floor 11,5 94,8 45,8
2nd floor 8,8 72,9 35,2
3rd floor 10,9 90,4 43,6
4th floor 12,2 101,3 48,9
5th floor 7,5 62,2 30,0
54,4 450,6 217,5

Table 4. Estimated load on the ventilation system during the warm period by floor, kW

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%
20,2 33,1 31,1

Since the calculated outdoor air temperatures in the cold and warm periods are not constant during the heating and cooling periods, it is necessary to determine the average ventilation load at the average outdoor temperature:
The results of calculating the annual load on the ventilation system during the warm period and cold period for the entire building are shown in Tables 5 and 6.

Table 5. Annual load on the ventilation system during the cold period by floor, kW

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%
66105 655733 264421
66,1 655,7 264,4

Table 6. Annual load on the ventilation system during the warm period by floor, kW

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%
12362 20287 19019
12,4 20,3 19,0

Let us determine the costs in rubles per year for additional heating, cooling and fan operation.
The consumption in rubles for reheating is obtained by multiplying the annual values ​​of ventilation loads (in Gcal) during the cold period by the cost of 1 Gcal/hour of thermal energy from the network and by the operating time of the PVU in heating mode. The cost of 1 Gcal/h of thermal energy from the network is taken to be 2169 rubles.
The costs in rubles for operating fans are obtained by multiplying their power, operating time and the cost of 1 kW of electricity. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity is taken to be 5.57 rubles.
The results of calculations of costs in rubles for the operation of the PES in the cold period are shown in Table 7, and in the warm period in Table 8. Table 9 shows a comparison of all options for the PES for the entire building of the Federal State Institution "Research Institute TsEPP".

Table 7. Expenses in rubles per year for the operation of the PES during the cold period

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%

For reheatingFor fansFor reheatingFor fansFor reheatingFor fans
Total costs 368 206 337 568 3 652 433 337 568 1 472 827 337 568

Table 8. Expenses in rubles per year for the operation of the PES during the warm period

Floor PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%

For coolingFor fansFor coolingFor fansFor coolingFor fans
Total costs 68 858 141 968 112 998 141 968 105 936 141 968

Table 9. Comparison of all PES

Magnitude PVU Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct-flow PVU PES with recovery 50%
, kW 54,4 450,6 217,5
20,2 33,1 31,1
25,7 255,3 103,0
11,4 18,8 17,6
66 105 655 733 264 421
12 362 20 287 19 019
78 468 676 020 283 440
Reheating costs, rub 122 539 1 223 178 493 240
Cooling costs, rub 68 858 112 998 105 936
Costs of fans in winter, rub. 337 568
Costs of fans in summer, rub. 141 968
Total annual costs, rub 670 933 1 815 712 1 078 712

An analysis of Table 9 allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion - the air handling units Zenit HECO SW and Zenit HECO MW with heat and moisture recovery from Turkov are very energy efficient.
The total annual ventilation load of the TURKOV PVU is less than the load in the PVU with an efficiency of 50% by 72%, and in comparison with the direct-flow PVU by 88%. Turkov PVU will allow you to save 1 million 145 thousand rubles - in comparison with direct-flow PVU or 408 thousand rubles - in comparison with PVU, the efficiency of which is 50%.

Where else are the savings...

The main reason for failures in the use of systems with recovery is the relatively high initial investment, however, with a more complete look at the costs of development, such systems not only quickly pay for themselves, but also make it possible to reduce the overall investment during development. As an example, let’s take the most widespread “standard” development with use of residential, office buildings and shops.
Average heat loss of finished buildings: 50 W/m2.

  • Included: Heat loss through walls, windows, roofing, foundation, etc.
The average value of general supply ventilation is 4.34 m 3 / m 2


  • Ventilation of apartments based on the purpose of the premises and multiplicity.
  • Ventilation of offices based on the number of people and CO2 compensation.
  • Ventilation of shops, corridors, warehouses, etc.
  • The ratio of areas was chosen based on several existing complexes
Average ventilation value to compensate for bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. 0.36 m3/m2


  • Compensation for toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Since it is impossible to organize an intake from these rooms into the recovery system, an influx is organized into this room, and the exhaust goes through separate fans past the recuperator.
The average value of general exhaust ventilation is 3.98 m3/m2, respectively

The difference between the amount of supply air and the amount of compensation air.
It is this volume of exhaust air that transfers heat to the supply air.

So, it is necessary to develop the area with standard buildings with a total area of ​​40,000 m2 with the specified heat loss characteristics. Let's see what savings can be achieved by using ventilation systems with recovery.

Operating costs

The main purpose of choosing recuperation systems is to reduce the cost of operating equipment by significantly reducing the required thermal power to heat the supply air.
With the use of supply and exhaust ventilation units without recovery, we will obtain a heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building of 2410 kWh.

  • Let's take the cost of operating such a system as 100%. There are no savings at all - 0%.

Using stacked supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery and an average efficiency of 50%, we will obtain a heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building of 1457 kWh.

  • Operating cost 60%. Saving with typesetting equipment 40%

Using monoblock highly efficient TURKOV supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat and moisture recovery and an average efficiency of 85%, we will obtain a heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building of 790 kWh.

  • Operating cost 33%. Savings with TURKOV equipment 67%

As you can see, ventilation systems with highly efficient equipment have lower heat consumption, which allows us to talk about the payback of the equipment in a period of 3-7 years when using water heaters and 1-2 years when using electric heaters.

Construction costs

If construction is carried out in the city, it is necessary to extract a significant amount of thermal energy from the existing heating network, which always requires significant financial costs. The more heat required, the more expensive the supply cost will be.
Construction “in the field” often does not involve the supply of heat; gas is usually supplied and the construction of your own boiler house or thermal power plant is carried out. The cost of this structure is proportional to the required thermal power: the more, the more expensive.
As an example, assume that a boiler house with a capacity of 50 MW of thermal energy has been built.
In addition to ventilation, heating costs for a typical building with an area of ​​40,000 m2 and heat loss of 50 W/m2 will be about 2000 kWh.
Using supply and exhaust ventilation units without recovery, it will be possible to build 11 buildings.
With the use of stacked supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery and an average efficiency of 50%, it will be possible to construct 14 buildings.
Using monoblock highly efficient TURKOV supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat and moisture recovery and an average efficiency of 85%, it will be possible to construct 18 buildings.
The final estimate for supplying more thermal energy or building a high-capacity boiler house is significantly more expensive than the cost of more energy-efficient ventilation equipment. With the use of additional means of reducing the heat loss of a building, it is possible to increase the building size without increasing the required heating output. For example, by reducing heat loss by only 20%, to 40 W/m2, you can build 21 buildings.

Features of equipment operation in northern latitudes

As a rule, equipment with recovery has restrictions on the minimum outdoor air temperature. This is due to the capabilities of the recuperator and the limit is -25...-30 o C. If the temperature drops, the condensate from the exhaust air will freeze on the recuperator, therefore at ultra-low temperatures an electric preheater or a water preheater with non-freezing liquid is used. For example, in Yakutia the estimated street air temperature is -48 o C. Then classical systems with recovery work as follows:

  1. o With preheater heated to -25 o C (Thermal energy consumed).
  2. C -25 o The air is heated in the recuperator to -2.5 o C (at 50% efficiency).
  3. C -2.5 o The air is heated by the main heater to the required temperature (thermal energy is consumed).

When using a special series of equipment for the Far North with 4-stage recovery TURKOV CrioVent, preheating is not required, since 4 stages, a large recovery area and moisture return prevent the recuperator from freezing. The equipment operates in a graying manner:

  1. Street air with a temperature of -48 o C heats up in the recuperator to 11.5 o C (efficiency 85%).
  2. From 11.5 o The air is heated by the main heater to the required temperature. (Thermal energy is consumed).

The absence of preheating and high efficiency of the equipment will significantly reduce heat consumption and simplify the design of the equipment.
The use of highly efficient recovery systems in northern latitudes is most relevant, since low outside air temperatures make the use of classical recovery systems difficult, and equipment without recovery requires too much thermal energy. Turkov equipment successfully operates in cities with the most difficult climatic conditions, such as: Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Yeniseisk, Yakutsk, Anadyr, Murmansk, as well as in many other cities with a milder climate in comparison with these cities.


  • The use of ventilation systems with recovery allows not only to reduce operating costs, but in the case of large-scale reconstruction or capital development of cases, to reduce the initial investment.
  • Maximum savings can be achieved in middle and northern latitudes, where equipment operates in difficult conditions with prolonged negative outdoor temperatures.
  • Using the example of the building of the Federal State Institution "Research Institute TsEPP", a ventilation system with a highly efficient recuperator will save 3 million 33 thousand rubles per year - in comparison with a direct-flow PVU and 1 million 40 thousand rubles per year - in comparison with a stacked PVU, the efficiency of which is 50%.