Unpretentious perennials for growing in the country. Perennial flowers for the garden, blooming all summer - photos and names Low-maintenance plants for the garden

Coniferous plants are simply magnificent! But it’s a little boring with conifers alone. They are, of course, good both in their structure and in the variety of needles - they can be pink, yellow, cream. And with them, the garden at the dacha will always be stable and good.

But if next to coniferous plants A variety of perennial plants will grow in this garden - it will be simply magnificent. However, it must be borne in mind that unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden, which bloom from May to October, are quite rare.

The most unpretentious flowers for the garden

Each plant has its own flowering peak. You can create flower beds that will always be good - flower beds of continuous flowering.

We take any area of ​​our garden and depending on its size Let's start planning our flower garden:

  1. In the foreground we plant plants with a height of 15-20-30 to 50 centimeters.
  2. On the second, we plant plants that grow up to 50 cm.
  3. On the third plan we can plant plants 80 cm high.
  4. On the very last ones - the fourth, fifth plane and so on, there may be plants higher and higher.

Thus, our flower garden is arranged in tiers. If we select plants that will bloom starting in May, we will be simply happy because every day this piece of our garden will be unique, it will be interesting, it will change all the time and attract our gaze.

In order to know what time the plants bloom and plan the flower garden correctly, you need to know the height of each plant. Today, even one type of perennial has a lot of varieties that have a height of 30, 40, 50 and 100 cm. The same plant can have different heights, but they bloom at the same time.

There are now a huge number on sale planting material a variety of perennials. But what to choose to ensure success? And which plants will not cause much trouble and require minimal care?


Crocuses on the lawn are very interesting. In the fall, plant this perennial along the edge of the lawn or in some area of ​​it. In spring, lawn grass does not grow as actively. Crocuses will bloom and delight the eye for two weeks. And after they have bloomed, they can be mowed with a lawn mower along with the grass.

Crocuses remain in the ground, where they do not interfere and overwinter well. They will grow every year. Just imagine their wild blooms in the spring against the backdrop of green grass!


Spring perennial flowers, primroses. They are called the keys of the garden - they open spring flowering. Primroses always mean freshness and beauty. There are a lot of varieties of them. For example, primrose fine-toothed, which can be grown from seeds. It has large bright pink, purple, white peduncles and blooms for three weeks, and if the spring is cool, then about a month.

Undeservedly forgotten by gardeners primrose auricular. They come in double and semi-double varieties - plants of amazing beauty. It blooms very profusely twice a season: in May - June and again in August. They tolerate shade well and do not always like bright sun. They are not afraid of frost.


It emerges from under the snow powerful, beautiful, with slightly withered leaves that can be collected for tea. It has beautiful, shiny foliage and then begins to bloom magnificently. Bergenias grow well near ponds and on hills. Today, a huge number of colors of bergenia have appeared. Some have very small, compact foliage and may be dark burgundy. Bergenia grows almost everywhere, it is unpretentious, with flowers of various colors. Some perennial varieties are very neat, miniature - for small gardens.


Corydalis blooms instead of bergenias or at the same time as them. These are perennial plants that have the ability to suddenly disappear somewhere. And their foliage just disappears and they fall asleep until the next season.

On the stem, at a depth of 4–5 cm in the soil, there are bulbs, they accumulate nutrients from the foliage, die, and begin to sprout again in the spring. Flowers are white, soft pink, lilac, blue. Gorgeous, lacy foliage forms a fantastic cloud in the garden.


It blooms in May with blue flowers similar to forget-me-nots. Blooms for 2–3 weeks. And then beautiful ones appear autumn leaves, which are very luxurious, with gorgeous coloring, and have either cream edging or luxurious silver. Bruner to a sufficient extent shade-loving plant and likes to have enough moisture. The leaf diameter can reach 15–18 centimeters. Very unpretentious, stable, easily restored after return frosts. It grows well and grows in one place for quite a long time.


Horny goat weed takes over the flowering baton next. This is the first plant– the height of mountain weeds is small, up to 40 centimeters. They bloom very interestingly - with small flowers that are like little moths or angels in pale pink, red, white.

After flowering, the foliage becomes very unusual, original, as if painted with a lilac tint. U different varieties Horny weeds begin to grow beautiful patterns along the edge of the leaf. In addition to the fact that they bloom with beautiful flowers for about a month, then they also delight with interesting foliage. Horny goat weed is a super unpretentious plant that grows steadily on any soil, even the poorest, both in the shade and in the light.


A perennial of the first kind that grows on slopes and near reservoirs.

Blooms in May - June pink flowers. The foliage can be variegated - with white stripes, or dark. Her leaves are like lawn grass- thin.

It blooms for a month and a half and then grows in the form of a beautiful green tussock. Blooms for the second time in August.


People call it « broken heart» . Flowering: May - June for 2–3 weeks depending on temperature. The height of this plant can be up to a meter, with beautiful drooping shoots in the shape of hearts of amazing beauty.

It goes well in color with peonies or other flowers. There are many different varieties, differing in both size and color.


Peonies are very diverse. Nowadays, species of peonies are gaining popularity: thin-leaved ones, they come in both double and semi-double. Not good big flower. But what magnificent foliage! Luxurious bushes! Some gardeners do not plant peonies in their dachas, arguing that “they only bloom for two weeks, like lilacs.” But when you look at this bloom, this flower, even if it blooms for one day, it is worth having in the garden because it is a lot of beauty, a lot of emotions, a lot of impressions.

Therefore, if there is at least a free one in the garden square meter, grow a tree peony and you, your children, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will admire its magnificent bushes for many years. This will be the highlight of the garden. Tree peonies there are different colors.

Agricultural technology is quite simple. But there are small nuances:

Phlox subulate

It grows in clumps and balls on slopes. Haircut required. Every year you can slowly separate and rejuvenate: in cloudy, rainy weather, tear off a piece of the curtain and replant it where needed. It takes root easily and grows well. It comes in different shades, different varieties, of which there are 12–15. In addition to Phlox subulate, there is phlox spread, blooms in June with a soft blue and white cloud.

It blooms in May - June for a month. After flowering - a haircut, which phlox tolerates very well. It consists of trimming the overgrown cap, which grows very quickly and the second flowering begins in August.


The next plant that you can’t refuse is the swimsuit. We are well aware of the fires or lights in our forests.

A decorative swimsuit is not only bright orange in color - they can be yellow, cream or almost white and come in different heights. They also bloom throughout the month. They grow great in gardens.


Otherwise they are called catchments. These are plants that resemble charming elves and look simply unearthly, striking with their beauty and tenderness.

They cross-pollinate, creating all sorts of shades: pink, soft blue and blue, airy, from 15 cm to a meter high. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 10–12 cm. Aquilegia is also long-lived.


Very interesting plant first plan, it holds its shape perfectly and if you need some kind of beautiful border, then you can’t do without gravilate. It has beautiful foliage and is very bright flowers. They can be yellowish, orange, bright red, crimson and burgundy. May be with edging.

It grows in luxurious bushes, is very unpretentious, you don’t need to do anything with it, pests practically don’t touch it, and it’s not afraid of diseases. If you give it a little compost soil, it will give you very abundant flowering.


There are different types of irises:

Irises have one peculiarity: they do not like damping off and can freeze slightly. Therefore, mulch them for the winter. The soil should be sandy and in addition for the winter you sprinkle them with loose soil - maybe with peat so that their rhizomes are covered.

  • Siberian irises– these are butterflies and moths of magnificent luxurious colors. But the main thing is that after flowering they create a magnificent vertical Green colour With thin leaves, which are simply magnificent in flower beds. They also bloom for about a month, there are a lot of flower stalks. They grow in the shade and in the sun, on moist and drier soil - they are very unpretentious.


A star in our garden. A very bright, gorgeous, small plant that blooms for two months.

It grows quite slowly, so it is difficult to divide it because it has one rhizome.

The flowers are white, blue, pale blue, and in nature they are also pink.


Always good. Grows from 30 cm to almost a meter tall. Forms vertical spikelets that create a special charm and charm in the garden. Very unpretentious, grows on any soil. If they fade, there is no need to worry: they need to be cut off and new shoots will grow from the axils and begin to bloom again. Be sure to plant these plants.


This is not the geranium - pelargonium that we are used to seeing on the windowsill - it is a garden geranium. There are so many different types. They bloom from June to September. Then they cut it off almost to zero, but leave about 5 centimeters. Literally in a week or two you will have growth again beautiful bush and may bloom again. There is no need to be afraid to cut geraniums. It can be propagated by both seeds and roots.


This is a plant that tells us that the middle of summer has already arrived, and the cold weather has long gone, and everything is blooming all around. They are small, ground cover, and up to one and a half meters high. They bloom June - July, some longer. There are different types of bells: peach-leaved, broad-leaved, milky-flowered. White, pink, blue and lilac color. These are huge caps that bloom for two months.

Bluebells need alkaline soil– they will not grow in clay soil. They like poor, sandy, dry soil. Have you noticed that the bell grows beautifully on stones, but as soon as you plant it in a flowerbed, it disappears there. He is not afraid of frost and loves his haircut.

So, the scope of one article does not allow us to talk about all the perennial plants that can adequately decorate your garden plot. These are perennials such as:

Along with beautiful flowering plants, among perennials there are many plants with inconspicuous flowers, but very decorative leaves, for they are indispensable .

You can grow perennials yourself from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can purchase rhizomes or an already mature plant in a container. A fairly common option is to take a plant you like from your neighbors in the form of part of a rhizome with shoots.

If you want to grow perennials yourself, under no circumstances sow the seeds directly into the ground. Suitable for perennials only seedling method. There is a lot of “pressure” on plants of this kind. environment, V open ground they may not rise.

So, the easiest to care for perennials for your garden:



Speaking figuratively, lupine is a “perennial weed”, it is so adapted to life in any conditions. Lupine seeds even germinate in the cracks between the stone path slabs. But at the same time he is so elegant! Lupines come in a great variety of colors; variegated lupins are especially beautiful. Plus, this flower is tall and has very decorative carved leaves, so lupins can be safely planted “solo”, in separate clumps - and these will be noticeable accents of the site. Well, naturally, it is irreplaceable in a flower garden - the shape of its inflorescences will wonderfully complement the structure of the flower “filling” of any flower bed. Lupine reproduces very well by seeds, so you can easily grow its seedlings, just plant the seeds early, and if you plant its rhizome, then you are guaranteed to bloom the same year. The soil doesn’t matter to him, care is normal, “to a minimum.” But, however, lupine loves the sun, so you should not plant it in the shade. If you cut off the faded “candles” of lupine, it will bloom again. By the way, you can collect lupine stems with pods - this is a wonderful dried flower.


It is difficult to imagine a garden without this, it is beautiful not only in the flower garden, it is also indispensable for, relaxation corners, very suitable for creating monoflowers. It reproduces simply: by dividing the rhizome, it is better to do this in early spring. Irises come in different varieties: some love open sunny areas, others prefer partial shade and humidity, such as Siberian irises. These flowers have a huge variety of sizes and colors. There are also miniature bulbous irises, they are simply irreplaceable for alpine slides. Irises are unpretentious, but they need sufficient watering and periodic “earthing”, since their rhizomes are often exposed over time. It is better not to prune them for the winter; leave it until spring, so they can better withstand harsh winters.


Herbaceous peonies

Unlike peony tree peony herbaceous – a plant for “dummies”. If you plant its rhizome in early spring or late August, it will already be next year will delight you with flowering. The only pity is that its flowering period does not last long! Peony loves abundant watering, fertilizing is only mineral; it does not tolerate organic matter well. It definitely needs good drainage - add sand to the soil when planting.


Garden chamomile

A truly “folk” flower, a win-win decoration for any flower bed. Chamomile blooms for a long time and lasts a long time when cut. It propagates by dividing rhizomes, but you can also start it with your own seedlings by sowing the seeds in cups at the end of February. It is better to plant chamomile in the ground at the end of summer. Watering and fertilizing are normal. It should be noted that chamomile can be completely replanted throughout the season; you only need to shade it for 2-3 days when replanting. In addition to cornflower - the well-known white chamomile, there are also colored "daisies" - pyrethrums, their flowers are smaller, but they are very bright.


Hosta, astilbe, daylilies, dicentra

Why are all these plants placed together? They have great overall quality: They are all great for decoration shady corners: They also bloom in the shade. All these plants are best planted with rhizomes; seeds will be less successful. Their planting material is very easy to get - it is always on sale. Caring for them is also similar: watering, sometimes feeding, best mineral fertilizers during flowering, and in spring - with organic matter and timely removal of faded inflorescences. Any soil is suitable for them. Hosta is a plant with the most decorative leaves, which are green, blue, variegated, with a white border, and yellow. And the size of the leaves can be any: there are dwarf hostas specifically for, and there are simply giants. Although this plant is mainly an ornamental foliage plant, it also blooms with beautiful lilac “bells” on long stalks.


Astilbe, daylilies and dicentra can also be called decorative foliage: they also have very “characteristic” leaves, and each plant has its own leaf shape. But the main thing is their flowering. All these plants bloom very beautifully and for quite a long time and are also distinguished by a variety of colors: astilbe can be red, pink and white, the same shades are found in dicentra, daylily can be orange, yellow and red. Dicentra pleases us with flowering in spring and early summer, and astilbe and daylily in the second. Over time, you will even have to limit the spread of these unpretentious, lushly growing perennials.


Rudbeckia and Echinacea

These perennials are even similar in appearance; they are tall, showy, and bright. They will help to create an ensemble in any flower garden, give it structure and decorate the background, and their inflorescences will harmonize with any other “landscape forms” in your flowerbed. And in terms of agricultural technology, they also have a lot in common. It is best to get your seedlings by sowing seeds at the end of February in pots. They have no problems with germination, you will definitely take root on permanent place she will also be very successful. It can be planted in the ground either in spring or summer; at first, carefully weed out and water abundantly. The soil doesn't matter. You can fertilize with mineral fertilizers and organic matter, but you don’t need to fertilize too often. These plants overwinter well and start early in the spring.


Perennial asters

A very attractive, trouble-free flower, guaranteed to brighten the garden from spring to frost. That’s right, because this group includes not only the familiar autumn asters. Perennial asters have many types. Late spring and at the beginning of summer the Alpine aster blooms, this flower is not tall, 25–30 cm. The Italian aster blooms all summer, this plant is of medium height, 40–60 cm. Well, at the end of summer the New England and New Belgian asters begin to bloom, and they bloom until frost (until November). During the same period, the heather aster also blooms; this is the one you most likely saw; it is the most common in our gardens. It blooms with lilac flowers. In general, perennial asters have a wide range of colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, red, lilac, purple. Perennial asters prefer nutritious soil, organic matter, and definitely lime. It is better not to thicken the plantings so that the plants are well ventilated. Tall asters need to be tied to supports. Asters need to be propagated once every 3-4 years, when the bush begins to become bare from the inside. The plants need to be dug up, the roots divided and transplanted to a new location. This should be done either in August or early May.



They are indispensable in an easy-care garden, and in general. There are many varieties of phlox, with flowers of different colors. There are even phloxes - “chameleons” that change their color depending on the lighting from crimson to lilac! At the same time, the essence of the plants has not changed - these perennials behave like weeds - they take root well and grow powerfully, sometimes displacing other plants. Phlox grows well in both sun and partial shade, and even partial shade is preferable for them. In general, without any care, phlox can grow and bloom for up to 8 years, but their flowers gradually become smaller. Therefore, they sometimes need to be fed with organic matter or any flower fertilizer and watered abundantly from time to time - then the flowers will be large and the lower part of the stem will not be exposed. Once every 6 years they need to be divided: dig up and cut the rhizomes and move them to a new place. You can even divide the bush with a shovel right on the spot - dig up the bush, chop off part of the root and move it to another place, and fill the hole with the remaining part of the root again. It is better to plant phlox in early spring. But if you had to do this in the fall, you don’t need to cut off the stems and leaves.


"Golden Balls"

This perennial flower familiar to everyone! It is just one of those plants that “grows on its own.” “Golden Balls” is a popular name. In fact, the flower is called rudbeckia dissecta. At its core, it is a malicious weed; it grows everywhere, always, and even with complete lack of care. You need to keep an eye on it so that it does not fill the entire area and sweep out other types of decorative perennials.

Why is it better to plant on your own summer cottage unpretentious perennial plants? Because plant shoots that died in the fall will reappear in your garden with the onset of next spring. Flowerbed with perennial flowers, despite many difficulties, will delight you with her every year beautiful view. So you should know everything perennial flowers for the garden that do not require care. Here we will offer you not only their photos, but also a description.

You must agree that unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer are very convenient to have in the country. Such plants have a number of features in their cultivation, which are worth discussing in more detail.

  • It is worth noting, however, that unpretentious perennials do not bloom for a long time, but many of them have beautiful and bright foliage.
  • Perennial flowers planted in the front garden or on garden plot, will be able to grow in the same place for many years. A large number of them will require minimal care, both in nutrition and watering.
  • They can grow quite quickly and fill the empty areas in your garden with their beauty. For this reason, perennial flowers are long-blooming, unpretentious and resistant to adverse weather conditions.

The main part of perennial plants has a period of maximum and abundant flowering- from about one week to a month. As a rule, when purchasing these flowers, their flowering period is indicated on the packaging. In some perennial flowers this period is longer. This is the time of abundant flowering. And the remaining time the perennials bloom with single peduncles. You may think that these flowers cannot bloom profusely all the time. summer period without rest. But still, with proper placement, this problem can be solved very simply.

In this article we will list all the most unpretentious perennial flowers. Any area in your garden will be decorated with luxurious perennial flowers from early spring until late autumn. Of course a large number of species of these perennials will not bloom throughout the warm period, but replacing one peduncle with another can provide the gardener with constant blooming and a bright palette of colors until the first frosts can cut off this beauty. Such a summer cottage will gradually change throughout the summer and surprise summer residents with new and original views.

Trust the experienced

One of the main advantages of perennial beautiful flowers is that not a single annual plant can create such a riot of colors in a garden plot. And even very experienced gardener will not be able to create from annual plants beautiful and ever-changing color combinations in one composition. This can only be done using perennial plants. Since perennials boast a variety of shrubs and flowers, you can easily get lost in them. For this reason, you should look for those perennial flowers that will bloom throughout the entire summer season. We present to your attention several types of perennial flowers for a summer cottage that will not require much care (photos and short description attached to this list): paniculata phlox, speedwell, astilbe, peony, hybrid sage, perennial aster, sedum.

Veronica. This plant has a flower length of 18-20 cm. The peduncle resembles the shape of a candle. Veronica can grow to a height of 25 to 60 cm. The flowers of this plant have scarlet and sapphire shades. The flowering period of this plant begins in spring and lasts until early autumn. In the northern regions, Veronica loves open sunny areas. But it will suffer in the south if there is no shade. These perennials are planted in the front zone of the flower garden.

This is a fairly tall plant, from 100 to 120 cm. It has large fragrant inflorescences of various shades. Blooms from early summer until autumn. It is perfect for the back areas of the flower garden.

This plant is a relative of the well-known medicinal herb. It has beautiful paniculate flowers in lilac, white, cornflower blue, or multi-colored shades with bright emerald gray foliage. It will look great in the middle or front zone of a flower bed in the sunniest area.

The main flower of autumn is - perennial aster. Beautiful flowers, in the form of a lush star, begin to appear at the very end of summer, or with the onset of autumn. The colors are saturated with rich ruby, red, pink and purple hues. They can grow up to 160 cm. It depends on the type of flowers. Asters will look good edging the borders of a flower bed.

Your dacha will become even more beautiful if you plant perennial flowers on it that do not require care. Here we offer you photos of such flowers. Also here you can find a description that will help you in growing these plants. Let's continue to get acquainted with these flowers.

The red and fluffy feathers of astilbe can be taller than ferns. This plant blooms for one month, at the beginning of summer. Astilbe flowers show off bright colors snow-white, pink, and carmine shades. This flower is perfect for damp and shady areas. By planting a small strip of these beautiful and tall perennials, you don’t have to worry about them and don’t bother yourself with constant care.

This flower is also perennial. Lives long enough. This plant forms a shrub from 50 to 90 cm in height. Its multiple varieties contain a huge range of colors - almost all shades are available, with the exception of indigo. This perennial blooms from late spring to early summer.

Beautiful and fleshy flowers of sedum made this plant very popular. It blooms in the second period of the growing season, at a time when many other types of flowers have already faded.


In this article, we perhaps managed to list all the perennial flowers that do not require special care. We hope that they will soon settle in your summer cottage and make it beautiful.

Video on the topic: perennial flowers for the garden that do not require care

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  • What annual flowers bloom all summer. Catalog…

If you do not have the opportunity to visit often suburban area, if you are new to floriculture, or your garden is not for capricious plants, this selection is for you.

To ensure that your garden is surrounded by flowers and does not need your close attention, it is worth planting plants that do not require special care. Here are some of these crops.

The elegant anemone flowers bloom in late August. They look great in a flower bed, and also make up beautiful bouquets. Plant different varieties of anemones to create a colorful flower bed.

This unpretentious plant will bloom beautifully and luxuriantly even in the shade. But for this, astilbe should be well watered.

The crop blooms in July and pleases with its bright elongated inflorescences for 10 weeks.

This plant forms lush spherical bushes up to 50 cm high. In September, when the plant blooms, each stem turns into a bouquet. But even without flowers, this bright ball looks very elegant.

If you choose the right helenium varieties, it will bloom in your garden from June to October.

For abundant and long flowering These bright “suns” should be planted in a lighted place and watered periodically.

Add blue to the garden - it is often missing. Magnificent geranium does not require special attention. It grows up to 50 cm in height and can bloom even in partial shade. Although the plant blooms for a short time (from May to June), in the fall it reminds itself again: the foliage acquires a reddish tint.

This plant is especially popular in regions where it is impossible to grow lavender. Catnip is an unpretentious perennial that blooms especially profusely and brightly in sunny areas.

And if you prune the catnip after the first flowering, it may bloom again.

Oriental poppy will not cause much trouble either. This plant with fairly large scarlet flowers will become bright accent your flower garden. If you plant early and late varieties, then you can extend the flowering of the crop from May to July.

It is difficult to imagine a flowerbed where sedum would be inappropriate. The culture decorates the garden throughout the entire season, even though the plant blooms only at the end of August.

Sedum is very unpretentious, but prefers sunny places and sandy soils.

Chamomile - a win-win for decorating a flower garden, because it blooms for a very long time and does not need special care. All this crop needs is watering and fertilizing. Perennial daisies require less attention than annual daisies. This plant also lasts a long time when cut.

Another garden “sun” is rudbeckia. Bright yellow flowers adorn the plant from late summer to mid-autumn.

All you need to take care of when planting this crop is to choose a sunny place for it.

Tiny yarrow flowers would not look so impressive if they were not collected in inflorescences-baskets. Be sure to plant this plant in your garden if you are unable to visit your dacha often. Yarrow blooms from June to September - a surprisingly long time.

12. Phlox

Phlox will also be indispensable in a “lazy” garden. They are different colors, there are even “chameleon” varieties that change color depending on the lighting.

At the same time, the plants are so unpretentious that they can be compared to weeds: they take root well and grow quickly.