Horse manure as a fertilizer - how to use it to feed plants? Horse humus or manure for the garden: how to use fertilizer correctly and for which plants What can be fertilized with horse manure in the spring

About the benefits organic fertilizers Many articles have already been written. The use of compost, humus, as well as various types of manure bears fruit - the yield of vegetables and fruits increases, the vegetative mass of flowers in flower beds increases more actively, and flowering occurs more abundantly. And indoor plants also require organic feeding.

Many experienced gardeners and flower growers place a special place on horse dung. Moreover, it is not only used when preparing warm beds in the garden, but it also has a large number of advantages among other types of manure.

About the benefits of this organic type of fertilizer, composition, use for fertilizing cultivated plants(and more) will be written below.

All components of horse manure contribute to the active growth of the above-ground parts of cultivated plants, as well as the root system. These ingredients improve the composition of the soil, promote the development of beneficial soil microflora, and loosen the soil. Horse manure warms the ground well and quickly, which is especially valuable when preparing greenhouses for early planting of seedlings or seeds (at a time when it is not warm enough outside), and it also cools quite slowly - and this is its main advantage over cow manure.

Basic positive traits horse manure:

  • lower moisture content;
  • less weight with more volume;
  • decomposes faster in the soil;
  • higher content of macro and microelements in the composition;
  • warms up better and faster;
  • transfers heat well to the environment;
  • contains less weed seed material;
  • practically does not contain pathogenic microorganisms in its composition (which is usually typical for other types of manure);
  • thanks to a large number of macro and microelements, it better and faster increases the productivity of vegetable plants and fruit trees and bushes;
  • improves the composition of heavy soils, quickly loosening them;
  • when applied to light soil (sandy, sandy loam), it helps retain moisture;
  • When applied to the soil, it does not contribute to its acidification.

It is not for nothing that horse manure is so highly valued by specialists - just look at its composition, and also pay attention to its beneficial features. It has a much higher content of easily digestible nitrogen than cow and pork. It is much lighter in weight, raises the soil temperature faster in warm beds, and decomposes faster. And it has practically no smell, which is inherent in all types of manure.

The percentage of the main substances that make up horse manure is as follows:

  • water – up to 68 – 70%;
  • organic – 18 – 20%;
  • potassium – 0.3 – 0.7%;
  • nitrogen 0.2 – 0.8%;
  • phosphorus – 0.2 – 0.37%;
  • calcium – 0.33 – 0.35%.

Horse manure can be used in different times year, depending on its quality indicators - they are based on the plants included in the litter and how long it takes for this manure to mature.

The best variety of this organic fertilizer is considered to be horse feces, seasoned with high-moor peat. And the worst is feces mixed with sawdust. But the most accessible and effective is horse manure combined with straw. This species absorbs water best, prevents nitrogen from being quickly released, and loosens any type of soil very well.

Horse feces are used as fertilizer in the following conditions:

  • fresh;
  • half rotted;
  • completely rotten;
  • like humus.

How fresh this organic fertilizer is can be easily determined visually: the fresher the fertilizer, the less the litter included in its composition has rotted, its color and structure have not yet undergone significant changes. And the darker the structure of the fertilizer, the more rotted this manure is.

IN autumn period It is most preferable to use fresh horse feces to add to the soil - in this case, although they release more thermal energy and nitrogen, they cannot burn the tender roots of vegetable plants. The addition of completely rotted horse manure (which has been matured for at least 4 years) is also effective. During this time, straw, sawdust or other types of litter completely rot, turning into a state in which plants perceive it better. And a fairly large number of beneficial microorganisms penetrate into the manure itself, the smell characteristic of feces disappears, it becomes more crumbly, and is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture.

In order for this fertilizer to bring the greatest benefit when preparing beds in closed ground in the spring, it is placed in the soil to a depth of no more than 0.4 m.

And when preparing such beds in the fall, the depth of this type of organic matter is 0.5 m, a layer of straw is laid on top, and then covered with soil (the thickness of this layer is at least 0.35 cm).

As the most effective biofuel in a greenhouse, this type of manure can be mixed with other organic matter to early landings in the greenhouse:

  • horse manure is mixed with straw or food scraps (it is necessary to take equal shares of these substances);
  • in any proportions - with other types of manure;
  • with peat fertilizer or sawdust (in a ratio of 3:2).

To prepare spring greenhouses, these proportions should be slightly different:

  • manure from cows and horses is taken in equal parts;
  • horse manure and last year's leaves - in a ratio of 7:3.

In large fields, this type of organic matter is usually applied for autumn plowing, but in the spring it can be applied only to those cultivated plants whose growing season is quite long. Its application rate is 5 – 6 kg per 1 m2. This organic matter must be plowed in immediately to prevent the nitrogen contained in it from evaporating.

A solution of horse manure is used as root dressing for cultivated plants. To do this, dilute a kilogram of sawdust and two kilograms of this fertilizer in a bucket of water, leave for 14 days, stirring the mixture periodically. It should be applied under the roots, but the plants must be watered first.

As mulch, you can use either well-rotted manure or humus from this type of organic matter. The thickness of this layer should be at least 5 cm.

Currently, you can purchase this type of organic fertilizer in almost any large specialized store. Moreover, its packaging can be different:

  • liquid solution of horse manure;
  • organic fertilizer in granules;
  • packaged in bags of 49 - 450 liters of dry fertilizer (35 - 40 kg).

Since it was unprofitable for summer residents to buy horse manure in large cars, they did not use horse manure in great demand. With the advent of small packages of this organic fertilizer, consumer demand for it has increased sharply. And most often it is purchased by summer residents or lovers of indoor flowering plants.

You can use “horse apples” as follows:

  • It is recommended to add fresh organic matter to the soil when digging up the garden in the fall. True, in this case, about 50% of all useful substances contained in manure can decompose over the winter;
  • V spring time You can apply fresh “horse apples” to vegetable crops with a long growing season ( white cabbage or potatoes);
  • per 1 sq. m should add about 5 kg of this organic matter. For reference: a 10-liter bucket usually holds about 7.5 kg of horse manure, and about 4.5 - 5 kg mixed with sawdust.

Horse manure as an organic fertilizer: video

Horse manure is used to fertilize the soil used for melon crops - watermelons and melons. In this case, the yields of these melon plants increase sharply. Moreover, if you heat the beds for melon crops with this “biofuel” (whose “burning” temperature is about 31-33⸰C), then you can grow watermelons even in Western Siberia or in the conditions of the Urals.

When you fertilize your garden with this organic matter, the following vegetable crops will delight you with their harvests:

  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • squash;
  • celery.

Moreover, the latter on manured soil will form huge bushes with fleshy “trunks” and will be able to withstand frosts without shelter, only it will have to be cut at the root before the onset of frost.

You can also feed the plants with a liquid solution of this organic fertilizer throughout the season. The fertilizer is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:200 and infused for 2-3 days in a warm place. The fermented mixture is diluted again with water in a ratio of 1:10 and any vegetables are watered at the root.

Generally, vegetable crops manure is very useful. However, you should not get carried away with adding horse manure, especially if it contains incompletely rotted straw, into the beds where root crops are grown.

Carrots, onions, beets, radishes, radishes - these crops, when growing underground, can bump into straw and become deformed (split, bend). Therefore, it is better to apply liquid fertilizers during the process of their growth.

Horse manure with sawdust is a valuable nutritious organic fertilizer, but, unfortunately, very rare. To use it regularly for a summer cottage, you need to have a stud farm nearby or at least a neighbor who keeps horses.

Fresh horse manure surpasses in concentration all available types of animal organic matter: chicken, cow, goat and pork, so it must be used carefully, and better in autumn after the end of fruiting.

Features of horse manure and benefits

The use of horse manure as a fertilizer is justified from the point of view of benefits for the soil, since plant residues serve as food for soil microorganisms. They process organic matter, releasing humic acids into the soil. In this form nutrients quickly and fully absorbed by plants.

Horse manure contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus substances and microelements - everything that is necessary to nourish plants in spring and summer during flowering and fruiting.

The advantage is that fertilizing the soil with horse manure does not contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic flora, since bacteria and fungi do not grow in horse organic matter.

If you use the substance to prepare compost, it is much more effective than other types, since the combustion temperature reaches almost 80 degrees.

This means that when ripe, it disinfects all other components: plants, soil, kitchen waste, and the output is completely sterile compost. This feature of fresh horse manure is used both for plants open ground in early spring , and for greenhouse crops to heat the root system of seedlings. Heat is released for two months, but the depth must be at least 30 cm,

so as not to burn the roots with nitrogen substances.

Horse manure as fertilizer is mixed with peat, sawdust and straw. Straw comes first in terms of efficiency. Since it is a plant component, it breaks down in the soil over time and also helps restore the soil.

In second place is peat - earthworms love it and actively absorb it, releasing humates into the soil. It is not advisable to mix sawdust, especially fresh ones, with organic matter containing nitrogen. Wood absorbs most of the nitrogen substances.

Types of manure To fertilize the garden, horse manure is used as a rotted substance or humus if it is added to spring period . Fresh substrate is added in the fall to winter period

it had time to decompose and the excess ammonia had disappeared. Then by spring the plants will receive all the nutrients in an accessible form.

Fresh Fresh horse manure is used as a fertilizer for both vegetable and. ornamental plants But you need to take into account the concentration of active substances, especially nitrogen.

Most often, summer residents prefer to dilute it with water, infuse it, and then dilute it further for watering. This method reduces the risk of root damage in young plants. The best way is to dig up horse manure in the fall with soil and water it. The event is held after the harvest.

A fertilized area is well suited for growing plants that consume nitrogen in large quantities - tomatoes, potatoes.

If horse manure and sawdust are used as fertilizer, the wood will absorb most of the ammonia and make it less dangerous for plants.

If horse droppings are allowed to sit for a while, it will turn into a half-rotted substrate. This form of fertilizer is less hazardous, but in the spring it still needs to be diluted before being incorporated into the soil.


After another year, the lying horse manure turns into a rotted substance. It is applied to the soil without fear that the roots will be damaged and will not recover. To distribute nutrients evenly, it is diluted with water, dug up, or simply scattered over the soil surface.

The last option, using rotted horse manure as a fertilizer, is not very successful, because it will be difficult for bacteria to reach it on the soil surface and process it. Therefore, it is better to dig up.


The use of horse humus is completely safe, since 2 - 2.5 years pass from the moment of its formation. The substance contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, an optimal amount of nitrogen, so plants accelerate their growth, bloom well and set fruits that differ in taste, size and long-term storage.

From the moment fresh droppings are received until the humus stage, the substance decreases in volume, as almost all the liquid evaporates. Compared to other types, horse manure dries out less, since it initially contains less moisture, which makes it more economical to purchase.

In granules

Granular horse manure is a store-bought form of fertilizer. Some manufacturers apply a special substance to the granules to remove a specific odor. This is suitable for indoor plants or greenhouses with ornamental crops. The shell dissolves in the soil, and granulated horse manure begins to decompose like all organic matter.

Basically, granules are made from rotted substances so that customers can use it immediately after purchase. Although it is recommended to first read the instructions on how to use horse manure in granules as fertilizer.

Storage methods

In order for nutrients to be better preserved, you need to properly store horse humus, granulated manure and fresh litter. Nitrogen is the main active ingredient in litter, so it must be preserved. To do this, the droppings are mixed with peat or straw, less often with sawdust. The liquid that drains as fresh manure decomposes will be absorbed into and retained by the dry plant components.

Purchased granular mixtures are stored in closed. If the granules are coated, then its dissolution can be accelerated high humidity. Therefore, the bag of horse manure pellets is closed and placed in a cool, dry room.


Not good effective method, since horse manure quickly decomposes and loses a lot of nitrogen.

Installation method:

  • stack horse manure without compaction in piles no more than 50 cm high;
  • when the temperature starts to rise, add the next 50 cm layer, and so on.

You can cover the top with a layer of straw or peat so that the released carbon dioxide is absorbed and evaporates less.

Video: Mulching plantings in the garden with horse manure


The most productive option. How to organize a pile for cold storage of horse manure:

  • Make a pile from the boards: height 1.5 m, length - no matter how much, width - no more than 2 meters. This is important because it is necessary to control the access of oxygen. If more air enters the horse manure due to its small width or height, then the method will turn into a hot one. The fertilizer will lose its potency.
  • Place a layer of peat or straw on the bottom. If not, use sawdust, but preferably one that has been sitting for a year or two. This will be drainage. Some people lay a layer of oilcloth, and then drainage substances.
  • A layer of horse manure 20 cm high is laid out. There is the same layer of soil or peat on it. Everything is carefully compacted. There should be a minimum amount of air. So the layers are stacked to a height of 1.5 m. Above - last layer land.
  • At the end, it is necessary to build a canopy to prevent rain from getting into the pile.

With this method, the activity of soil microorganisms will be suspended, and the temperature will be preserved inside at 30 degrees. The collar should not have wide gaps - the boards are nailed tightly.


In this form, storage of horse manure should be carried out in a closed form. How to cook:

  • Storage container filled with horse manure by 1/3.
  • Filled with water to the brim.
  • When it dissolves a little, mix well and cover tightly with a lid.

It is believed that the use of horse manure as a fertilizer in liquid form is possible only after it has been fermented. It is not right. During the fermentation process, it is released and evaporates. important component– nitrogen. Therefore, the fermentation process must occur in the soil. You can avoid fermentation by simply tightly closing the lid on the slurry. In the spring, it is diluted with water again and the beds are watered.

How not to store

It is advisable to immediately put fresh horse manure in a pile for cold storage or prepare compost from it to avoid loss of nutrients. If droppings are left under open air– without bedding and shelter from above, then rain and sun will destroy most of the useful components.

Humus cannot be left in the air - it dries out and decreases in volume.

Purchased mixtures contain instructions on how to use horse humus as fertilizer:

  • in autumn;
  • in spring;
  • in summer.

If humus was made independently, then it is used in the following volumes:

  • in autumn - a bucket of fresh manure per square meter;
  • in the spring only rotted manure - 5 liters per square;
  • fresh droppings can be scattered on the snow and excess nitrogen will evaporate before planting;
  • in liquid form in spring under each bush -1 liter of working solution;
  • in summer in liquid form for each plant - 1 liter.

In the spring, after incorporating humus or rotted substances into the soil, you need to wait 2 - 3 weeks. Earthworms and during this time, soil bacteria have time to process organic matter and when planting, the plants will be able to feed.

How to use horse manure autumn:

  • scatter and dig with the top layer of soil;
  • add slurry into the depressions and cover with earth.

Granulated horse manure is used in the fall to improve the physical and chemical parameters of the soil, as well as for crops of green manure, the roots of which, when rotting, leave channels through which air and water enter the soil.

Video: The value of horse manure when planting potatoes

Plant nutrition

For which plants is the use of horse manure beneficial:

  • vegetables, especially tomatoes and potatoes;
  • fruit trees, especially when introducing young seedlings into the hole;
  • For berry bushes, having a superficial root system– droppings warm the roots in winter, and in spring nutrients stimulate flowering and berry formation;
  • decorative flowers - peduncles increase in size, cut flowers last longer in the vase.

One-component mineral fertilizers are sometimes added to horse manure - potassium sulfate or superphosphate.

Fruit trees

Maybe someone doesn’t know that horse droppings can be used to fertilize fruit trees after harvesting. For this:

  • a hole is dug along the diameter of the crown depth of at least 30 cm;
  • a humus solution is made - a third of the bucket is filled with water;
  • the liquid is poured into the depression and covered with a layer of earth.

Wood ash and superphosphate can be added to the humus.

Carefully! Ash is not added to fresh horse droppings.

Berry bushes

For berry bushes, mulch is made from straw. To do this, first the bushes are watered abundantly in the fall, when they have already lost their leaves. Then water it with a solution of slurry, after which a layer of straw is laid around the shoots. This “blanket” warms the root system well.


Use horse manure as fertilizer for potatoes can be done in two ways:

  • in the fall, dig up soil with fresh horse droppings;
  • add humus to the hole when planting.

The first method is easier in terms of labor costs and more efficient in terms of the amount of nitrogen entering the soil.


For perennial plants, you can offer fertilizing based on horse droppings that have lain in a pile for at least a year. A working solution is made from them: first stir a third of a bucket of manure with water, let sit and dissolve.

The next day dilute the slurry 1/10 and water the plants. It is desirable that the liquid completely penetrates the soil to prevent loss of nutrients. Such fertilizers are useful for flowering plants: roses, asters, gladioli, cockerels.

Important! Fertilizing coniferous ornamental plants is carried out only with humus or compost based on horse droppings. High nitrogen content is contraindicated for conifers

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The content of nutrients in manure - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus salts is high, therefore this type of organic additives is called complete. Most of all there is nitrogen and potassium, there are fewer phosphorus compounds, so cattle excrement is sometimes combined with other fertilizers of organic or artificial origin. The availability of nutritional components depends on the method of storage of the substance.

Adding livestock waste to the soil allows you to increase the yield not only in the current season, but also in subsequent years, so this type of fertilizer can be called economical.

What are the benefits of organic soil fertilizer?

The use of animal waste products is beneficial not only for plants. Thanks to plant residues and other chemicals found in excrement, microflora actively multiplies in the soil.

Soil microorganisms participate in the mineralization process, which begins in the second month after applying fertilizer. First, the number of ammonifying bacteria, actinomycetes, increases. Then their number decreases, but the population of phosphobacteria increases.

For example:

  • in semi-decomposed manure of ammonnifying bacteria contains more than 2 million in 1 gram, after 2 - 3 years their number decreases by a third;
  • phosphobacteria in fresh matter are slightly more than 2 million, in half-rotted matter 58 million, in rotted matter - 157 million in 1 gram.

When the fertilizer gets into the soil, the number of bacteria increases from 3 to 20 times, which prevents the loss of nutrients, as soil microorganisms begin to process them and convert them into a form that is more quickly and better absorbed by plants.

Video: When and what kind of manure can be brought to the garden

The process of activation of microflora occurs faster if nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil simultaneously with manure.

The presence of humus in the soil is the main condition for the harvest. Applying manure to the soil in the fall increases the amount of humus - organic matter, a product of decomposition of plant and animal residues and microorganisms. The composition of humus includes humic and humic acids, humin.

The substance is black in color, so it is believed that the blacker the soil, the higher the yield. The highest content of the substance is in chernozem soil. Microorganisms and fungi process organic matter into simpler compounds. For example, earthworm excrement is humus.

But in order for the soil to be loose, a large amount of organic substances must enter the soil - ash, green manure, cattle waste, so that microorganisms have a source of nutrition.

The number of soil bacteria can be maintained with special EO preparations, but when using mineral fertilizers alone, a constant amount of microflora cannot be achieved, since there is no plant nutrition for it.

Important! To maintain the activity of soil bacteria and earthworms, it is necessary to add plant or animal organic matter to the soil once every two years - mullein, plant remains, ash, bone waste

Types of manure depending on the conditions of livestock keeping

IN household They use cow (mullein), horse, sheep (dung), and pig manure with a bedding of straw. Types differ in the amount of nutrients and consistency. Depending on the living conditions of the animals, the fertilizer contains impurities of straw, sawdust or other substances.

  • nitrogen compounds;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • magnesia;
  • sodium salts;
  • potassium salts.

In order to subsequently use the manure as fertilizer, the animals are provided with straw bedding. The losses of nitrogen substances, ammonia, depend on the presence or absence of the plant component of manure, which has a porous structure and absorbs chemical substances. The stalks of wheat or rye have a structure in the form of a hollow tube, where slurry is retained and preserved longer.


The barn with the cows is cleaned mainly in the summer. At the same time, fertilizers are prepared for use in next year. Is it possible to apply fresh manure in the fall? It is possible, then only in clean beds. Ammonia has a depressing effect on plants, so its use in spring is dangerous.

You can miscalculate the dosage and burn the root system. Over the winter, excess ammonia evaporates, the rest of the substance is processed by soil microorganisms, and in the spring the plants receive adequate nutrition.

Cow manure contains animal urine, which is the main supplier of nitrogen. The more litter you use, the more fertilizer you can get because plant debris decomposes over time and also serves as food for the plants.

Cow manure decomposes more slowly than other types, so it can be applied less frequently. This property has found application in sandy soils, where the nutrient content decreases rapidly. The slow mineralization of substances from mullein allows plants to receive nutrition regularly throughout the entire growing season.

Horse dung

It is considered more high-quality fertilizer, since horse feed is more expensive. Consequently, excrement contains more useful substances. After cleaning the stables, the excrement is placed in a heap, where, in the absence of special measures to preserve nutritional components, it evaporates.

Pig manure

The difference between pig waste and horse waste is that pig manure takes a very long time to decompose. It depends on the chemical composition excrement - most of all from enzymatic substances. To speed up the decay of residues in the soil or in compost heap, pig manure is mixed with horse manure, if possible.

The consistency of pig waste is more liquid, so pigs are supposed to lay out more straw to collect manure for fertilizer.

By nature, pigs produce more urine than feces. To retain ammonia you need a porous or tubular material. As a last resort, sawdust, which also absorbs nitrogen substances well.


Is it possible to apply sheep manure in the fall and under what plants?

Sheep feces are not very valuable in gardening as a fertilizer because the animals excrete little urine, therefore all the ammonia is in the manure.

The remaining substances - potassium, phosphoric acid - are available in sufficient quantities. Feces do not mix well with bedding material, but decompose quickly. To form humus in the soil, any type of manure is used. If necessary, feed the plants mineral fertilizers

. Suitable for any crops - vegetables, ornamentals, but it is better to use in combination with minerals.

Stages of decomposition: fresh manure, semi-rotted, humus

Manure is considered fresh if it was stored no more than 6 months ago. During storage, it is turned over several times to ensure access to oxygen. During the caking process, manure releases a large amount of heat - it burns.

The temperature rises to 70 degrees and plant residues burn, turning into a homogeneous mass. Helminth larvae and eggs and weed seeds die under the influence of temperature. The fertilizer becomes safe for use.

But this happens a year later, after the manure is stacked and covered with a layer of peat to reduce the loss of volatile substances. Therefore, half-rotted substances are more expensive than fresh ones. It is called half-rotted manure. Semi-rotted manure contains about 75% water, that is, it is loose and homogeneous in structure.

Suitable for all plants and soils. The volume of half-rotted substance is 50% of the original amount.

Rotted excrement is 1.5 – 2 years old. After another six months, the substance turns into humus, the volume of which decreases three to four times,

but this fraction is considered the most environmentally friendly and nutritious. How to prepare humus - storage conditions When storing, it is important to preserve the nutrients that the plants will consume. For this it is better to use cold method

, in which the loss of substances is no more than 1%.

For this purpose, special storage facilities are installed in which the manure is sprinkled with earth or peat.

Peat is the most valuable material, as it can absorb 7 times its own weight in water. This way, decomposing excrement is absorbed into the peat litter and no nutrients are lost. Video: Basics about humus manure

Most losses occur from nitrogen compounds. You can avoid it as follows: add phosphate rock. Nitrogen substances combine with phosphorus substances during a chemical reaction, which is of great value for plants.

Fertilizing with mullein in the fall: rules and features

Applying manure in the fall makes it easier to fertilize the soil. When is it better to apply manure to the soil - in autumn or spring - depends on what kind of fertilizer is available: rotted or fresh. Fresh substance is not dangerous when fertilized empty beds. During the winter period, the litter is completely dissolved, and the loss of nutrients is no more than 1%, as with the cold storage method.

Fresh manure in the fall at the dacha stimulates the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, so potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers - plants that need nitrogen in large quantities - will grow well in such a bed.

How to properly add humus to the soil autumn:

  • It is better not to leave humus on the surface - it is mixed with soil or buried;
  • You can prepare trenches and fill the substance there, then cover it with earth.

How to properly introduce fresh excrement:

  • in the form of a solution - 1 shovel per bucket of water;
  • mixed with mineral fertilizers;
  • in dry form, dug with soil.

Dry dosage of organic fertilizer by 1 square meter 1 bucket. Alkaline organic or mineral substances - ash, lime - should not be used together with fresh manure. Chemical reaction neutralization may reduce the nutritional value of nitrogen components and the plants will turn yellow.

Fertilizing with manure in spring

In the spring, half-rotted, rotted manure or compost is used.

The best option is one or two years. This fertilizer is applied directly into the holes, without fear of harming the process of root formation. Fresh mullein should lie in the soil for at least 3 weeks. Only after this can plants be planted. In 3 - 4 weeks, excess ammonia evaporates, some of the organic matter has time to be processed by soil workers - bacteria, fungi and worms.

You need to keep in mind that after applying fresh manure, there will be a lot of work to remove weeds in the garden bed. 1 kg contains more than 7,000 weed seeds.

If you urgently need to use fresh cow excrement in the spring because planting dates are being violated, you can mix regular wood ash with the mullein - about 1 cup per bucket. This will reduce acidity and protect the roots.

How to use humus correctly

Humus gives a good effect on depleted and heavy soils: sandstone, clayey, loam. It is advisable to adhere to dosages, since exceeding the amount of fertilizer has a negative effect on plant development. Optimal quantity 2 - 3 tons per hundred square meters.

You cannot overexpose the humus. The maximum age should not exceed 3 years, since further oxidation of the substances included in the composition occurs, destruction of organic matter and loss of nutrients. Fertilizers are the most beneficial age 1 – 2 years.

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​check whether he is ready or not.​

Horse manure as a fertilizer - how to apply

Horse manure as fertilizer

​And if you wait another year, you will get pure humus, for example, horse manure will rot in two to three months if it is properly placed on a manure heap, which is warm but not in direct sun and does not dry out. in two months, semi-rotted manure is obtained, which can be used when filling the soil in the fall. cow manure takes a couple of months longer to rot, but is demanding on humidity, heat and the presence of microorganisms, but also becomes suitable after summer season. Pig manure takes 2-3 years to decompose slowly and is not worth using in the garden.​

It is recommended to store manure in a pile dug in the ground. Typically the stack is 2 m wide, 1.5 m deep, and the length is arbitrary. It is advisable to place peat in a layer of 20-30 cm at the bottom of the stack. The peat will absorb slurry. Then the manure is laid down and compacted well - trampled down. The manure is compacted so that it does not burn out. If the manure is dry enough, it is wetted. Peat or soil is laid on top 20 cm thick. Losses of nitrogen and phosphorus, even when stored in soil, are inevitable. To reduce them, add superphosphate (2-3% by weight) or phosphate rock (2-5% by weight). Typically these products are added in layers when stacked.​

​It is best to store horse manure in a cold way, because in this case it loses less nitrogen, does not overheat, and organic matter decompose evenly. The stacks are placed in a specially designated place. The layers are laid in the following order: regular soil, peat or dry leaves 30 cm thick; 15 cm layer of manure; sprinkling with phosphate rock at the rate of 20 kg of flour per 1 ton of manure; lowland weathered peat; next layer of manure; peat; manure, etc. Everything is covered on top with plastic film, dry leaves or reeds.​

​On light soils, horse manure can be used once every 3-4 years, and on heavy soils - once every 7 years.​

​humus ​half-rotted​​ ​

​We all often use cow manure for our summer cottages as a fertilizer, and a very good one, for our green pets. But I found in my archives interesting information about horse manure, which today, however, is very rare. But it has long been used in agriculture, because it is excellent fertilizer. In addition, at the present time, the use of manure is the most effective option for increasing productivity from an environmental point of view. Horse manure is considered one of the best organic fertilizers due to its ability not only to supply the soil with nutrients, but also to improve its structure. Manure retains moisture well and activates the activity of beneficial microorganisms, which is very important for infertile soils.​

​-take a small amount, put it in a warm place, spill it warm water, cover with foil and wait for the weed seeds to germinate; if they have sprouted, they are not good yet, if they have not sprouted, then they are good.​ ​I use fresh manure as an infusion for feeding and making warm beds in greenhouses. After lying for a season I put it under all the vegetables and bushes

​In any case, the heap of manure laid in August will become suitable for use no earlier than July (you can, of course, water Baikal-EM and shovel it every week and then it will burn out in a month).​ ​For use in greenhouses and hotbeds, add a layer of manure 20-30 cm and cover with soil. This way we get warm rows for zucchini and cucumbers.​

The usual rate for applying horse manure and humus is 4-6 kg per 1 sq. m. m. You can use horse manure as liquid fertilizer– an infusion is made at the rate of 1 liter of manure per 10 liters of water. By feeding with horse manure, we improve the quality of the soil: optimal air, water and thermal conditions are ensured; the carbon dioxide content increases; clay soil becomes looser; sandy soil retains moisture, which prevents nutrients from being washed out; the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms is activated; the physical and chemical composition of the soil improves.

Application of horse manure

- this is completely rotted dung. It has an earthy color, loose, uniform, and weighs only a quarter of the same volume of fresh mass.​

- it dries out, and compared to fresh in the same volume, the weight will be one third less. The remains of organic matter in it are dark brown, easily losing their structure;

​which could be:​

​When applied to the soil, it acts almost immediately. But in the first year of application there will be no noticeable increase in yield, since there is practically no mineral nitrogen in horse manure. But the following years will delight you: the organic substances contained in horse manure will decompose and increase soil fertility. Of course for different types Horse manure is used differently for soils and for different crops.​

What are the benefits of horse manure?

​Feeding the soil with horse manure ensures that plants are supplied with the necessary useful substances. In addition, horse manure is able to effectively heat the soil, which is a valuable quality when used on cold and clay soils that require the fastest and most intense heating. If manure is used in greenhouses and greenhouses as biofuel combined with fertilizer, then the top soil layer, 30 cm thick, is first removed from the beds. Horse manure is placed on top of the beds with the removed soil and thoroughly watered hot water. To destroy microorganisms that can cause harm to plants, each bed is additionally watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After these procedures, a 10-centimeter layer of fertile soil with the addition of wood ash is poured on top of the manure, and the soil is carefully mixed and leveled. The beds are covered plastic film, leave for 2 days, after which plant seeds are sown. As a fertilizer, horse manure is best suited for the following fruit and vegetable crops: potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini. If you feed these plants with fresh, unrotted manure, then best time Autumn is considered the time to apply it to the soil. Fresh manure contains many plants that are not digested in the horse’s stomach, which can subsequently sprout in the beds in the form of weeds, so in the spring it is recommended to use manure only in liquid form for fertilizer. In the spring, the introduction of fresh manure is allowed only under late varieties potatoes and cabbage, because These crops have a long development period and the manure has time to rot a little. The optimal rate of manure fertilizing is considered to be 4-5 kg ​​per square meter of soil. To prepare liquid fertilizing, mix a liter of manure with ten liters of water and infuse this mixture for several days; if the manure is fresh, then it needs to be infused for two weeks. To increase efficiency, you can add half a bucket of wood ash to the mixture. On the eve of the fertilizing procedure, all beds must be thoroughly watered, then pour liquid fertilizer into the hole, directly under the root of the plant. Dry horse manure is first sprinkled with straw and sawdust, covered with plastic wrap and left to rot. In case of dry, hot weather, the manure pile is watered with water to increase the moisture content of each layer. Rotted manure is added to the soil in an amount of 5-6 kg per square meter. In addition, a liquid “express fertilizer” is prepared from dry manure: the manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 1, infused for 2-3 days in an enamel or plastic container. Immediately before fertilizing the plants, the mixture is filtered and diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Fertilizing the soil with horse manure will provide it not only with comprehensive fertilizing, but also with the fastest possible warming, improving the structure of the soil without excessive acidification, as happens when using pig manure.​

How to store horse manure

​manure matures from 3 to 5 years

​It’s already rotten.... everything has been neutralized there over the winter))​

​This spring you can safely use​

​Horse manure​

​Fresh manure is applied only in the fall for digging. In spring, fresh manure is applied only to crops that it will not harm: cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, early potatoes.​

​There are two ways to store horse manure:​

​For each type of soil, for each crop, you need to select your own fraction of horse manure. But there is general recommendations, which should be taken into account because they are developed on the basis many years of experience application of this most valuable organic fertilizer.​

Horse dung

Application area




Fertilizer methods

​Horse manure is an excellent biofuel for closed ground structures; it can be used fresh for these purposes. To do this, remove from the garden upper layer soil, the vacated volume is covered with a loose 30-centimeter layer of thawed horse manure, watered generously with a heated solution of potassium permanganate and the manure is covered with ash or fluff lime. From above, all this is covered with the removed fertile layer of soil mixed with ash. And everything is spilling again warm solution pink potassium permanganate. ​Hello, dear readers! Unfortunately, the dacha season doesn’t give me much time to write articles, so they don’t appear on my blog very often now.

​compost -0t 2 to 4 years​

How many months does manure take to rot? When can it be used in garden beds and under bushes? (laid in at the end of August)

Kostenko Sergey
​For manure to rot, moisture and heat are needed. All this has not happened since the end of August, which means the manure has not rotted. Moreover, I froze during the winter.​
​It's already time.​

​used for digging in the fall. Spring fertilization of the soil with horse manure is permissible only for vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, and early potatoes. The rate of application of horse manure is 5 kg per 1 sq.m. soil. Fresh horse manure can be used as liquid fertilizer (especially for flowers). Manure is soaked 1:1 in an enamel or plastic container (not metal) for several days. The resulting infusion is filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 1:10. This feeding is very useful for plants in the first half of summer.​


​Horse manure heats the soil in the beds faster and acts faster, so cold and heavy soils especially need it, as they require rapid warming up. But the effect of horse manure is shorter than that of cow manure. For other crops (excluding those listed above), it is better to apply rotted and semi-rotted horse manure. This is where I end this article and say goodbye to you for a while, dear readers and subscribers!​

Victor Petrenko

​cold - placing manure in field piles, which are then compacted and covered with soil;​

Kocheva Polina

​So, it is better not to apply fresh manure to the soil in the spring, because it contains a lot of weeds that have not been processed in the horse’s stomach (and there may also be pest eggs). Rotted manure significantly reduces the nitrogen content, which can affect the effectiveness of the fertilizer.​

Olga Shubina

​, which is a homogeneous black mass, no longer having noticeable remains of straw and sawdust. It is half lighter than fresh manure, and therefore costs more;​

- this is visually determined by the remaining straw and sawdust, which retain their structure and color when fresh;


​There are 4 degrees of decomposition of horse manure,​

Alexandra Belkina

​. ​
​You can safely use it in the spring.​

Victoria Tchaikovskaya

​From my childhood I remember how my father, in order to speed up the rotting of manure in early spring, at about this time, made a furrow along the top of the heap and SPILLED HOT WATER. I did this 2 or 3 times, I don’t remember. But after that, in the mornings smoke curled over the pile, the manure was rotting. It is best to use rotted manure, look at its condition, and not only in the holes when planting, but also for mulching.​
​I've had it since the fall, and I'm going to use it everywhere.​
​Depending on the manure itself, the decomposition process can take from one year to 3-4 years. this time also depends on conditions.​
​Recommended for use in spring beds, greenhouses and greenhouses for fertilizing and heating the soil. Typically used on cold and heavy soils that need warming up. Horse manure mixed with straw is excellent for growing champignons. There is a positive effect when fertilizing perennial flowers.

Horse manure is a product that is recommended for use on blooming flower beds and on garden beds. What is the difference between one manure and another fertilizer? This question is often asked by beginning gardeners. There is a difference, and it is significant. Stable waste has a number of differences. You can find out which ones exactly below in the article.

How is horse manure useful as a fertilizer?

Horse waste is a concentrate of nitrogen compounds, phosphates, as well as minerals such as potassium and calcium. They include a lot of organic matter. Such a complex composition can increase the nutritional value of the soil and activate plant growth.

There are always two opposing points of view on any remedy. Horse excrement is no exception. Opponents criticize this type of feeding for its strong, nasty smell and the need to dilute and accurately dose. Moreover, this type of humus is not available to everyone. It is much easier to purchase it at your local store and feed it to your favorite plants.

Horse manure mixed with sawdust is effective.

Proponents of horse manure consider it an almost miraculous substance, for which there is no equivalent substitute. This may be an exaggeration, but many years of using horse waste have proven its positive impact in agriculture:

  1. This type of manure is lighter, which means it rots and decomposes faster.
  2. Using it for feeding garden crops, as well as garden plants significantly increases their productivity.
  3. Plants are distinguished by their endurance in relation to natural conditions and resistance to pests and infections.
  4. This type of manure is not susceptible to infection by pathogenic microbes.
  5. The waste product of horses can retain heat for 6-8 weeks, slowly cooling down.

Fertilizing beds with manure significantly increases soil fertility. No other fertilizer compares to it. After all, horse humus loosens the soil and enriches it with carbon dioxide. It resists soil acidification, ensures good circulation of water and air, and is a supplier of nutritional components.

What is horse manure like?

There are several types of manure. All of them differ in the degree of fermentation (decomposition), have their own characteristics of use, and are used in one form or another.


This type of horse waste is characterized dark brown. It crumbles easily. Half-rotted humus is excellent for feeding flowering plants and crops in the garden. Cabbage will like it, and cucumbers and cucumbers will take this feeding well. The next season, after digging it up with soil, you can cultivate potatoes, other root crops (beets, carrots), as well as tomatoes. From berry crops- strawberries. Rose beds are often mulched with partially rotted horse manure. It is distributed in an even layer before digging. The second option is to use it in diluted form as a semi-liquid fertilizer.

Rotted horse manure

This species has a very dark color, almost black. It is a substance homogeneous in structure. Rotted waste is twice as light as fresh excrement. This type of manure enriches the soil under tomatoes and potatoes. early varieties. Rotted horse manure is used for flowering plants and garden trees.

Rotted horse manure is often used as a substrate for cultivating seedlings.


Represents the final stage of fecal fermentation and is the healthiest variety. Humus can be used as a source of nutritional components for absolutely all crops, both in gardens and vegetable beds. Its presence in the soil stimulates the growth of crops and has a positive effect on their taste. For example, onions and radishes grown on land fertilized with horse humus will never be bitter. It is good as mulch and berries.

Liquid manure

You can only get semi-liquid slurry directly at the stable. It is a source of nitrogen. Liquid horse manure is most often used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. It should be applied to the site when the plants are just beginning to grow. IN original form Liquid waste from stables is unsuitable for use; 5-6 volumes of water should be added to it. Only after this should you water the plants in the evenings and even spray the foliage.

Manure granules

Horse farm waste in its natural form is not the most convenient option for transportation and storage at summer cottage, especially if the area is small. Moreover, this option is not suitable for lovers of urban flower beds. Therefore, granulated horse manure is increasingly found on sale, which can be used for fertilizer. indoor flowers.

One of the most popular and presented in stores is “Horse Orgavit”. This fertilizer can be used to improve your garden or vegetable garden; it is suitable for indoor flowers. There are no weed seeds in granular compost; they die when dried. Its nutrients are natural origin. This is a great alternative mineral complexes, often containing toxic impurities. Horse Organavit should be used according to the instructions.

Features of fresh horse manure

Fresh stable waste is the healthiest option. But they have one caveat: they get very hot, which can kill plants. Therefore, it is better to use fresh horse manure in the fall, when the garden has already been dug up. During the long winter months, complete decomposition of substances will occur. In spring, plants will receive all the components important for their growth in an easily accessible form.

There are several options for using horse fertilizers in the spring:

  1. In greenhouses and greenhouses as biofuel: it will heat beds with early cucumbers and zucchini.
  2. Mix horse manure with other organic waste. Perfect option– its composition with peat. Another affordable way– mixing with chopped straw. Additions to manure can include grass, sawdust, fallen leaves.
  3. Diluting fresh manure with water and obtaining liquid fertilizer from it.

How to use manure correctly

Humus from horse farms is well accepted as a source of nutrition for many crops; it enriches any soil. Here are some recommendations on how to use it correctly in your summer cottage.

Using horse manure for potatoes

This culture responds favorably to this type of feeding. Fresh fertilizer is distributed over the beds where potatoes are planned to be planted in the fall. A more convenient option is to use partially rotted manure. A similar organic concentrate can be used in the spring at the rate of 5 kg per square meter. To get large-sized tubers, you should add a little rotted manure directly into the potato holes when planting them, mixing it with the soil.

Fertilizer for roses

It is better to feed the bushes of these beautiful flowers with horse manure twice. The first time is in the fall, when the plants are earthed up for wintering. This will help the bushes survive the winter. Over the winter, the manure will turn into humus, and the roses will only have to absorb all the useful components. The second time, the flowers are fertilized with horse manure just as the buds are opening.

Before using horse manure to fertilize roses, you should remember that you only need to use a fresh mixture.

Fertilizers for berries

Horse waste products are an excellent fertilizer option for all berry crops. More than others, they love strawberries and their relatives, strawberries. For both berry crops, use a liquid obtained by mixing 1 volume of horse waste and 10 volumes of water. This mixture must first be kept for a day, and only then water the beds.

Another way to enrich the soil is to apply dry manure directly to the beds before planting. Dried waste is mixed with fine straw or fallen leaves, a mixture such as mulch is used, filling the passages between raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, strawberries. The layer should be from 5 to 10 cm.

How to “warm up” a bed for cucumbers

Using horse manure for cucumbers in a greenhouse is an opportunity to get a bountiful and high-quality harvest. To do warm bed in the greenhouse you need:

  1. Create a trench; its depth should be approximately half a meter.
  2. Fill half of this depth with horse manure, and fill the rest with soil.
  3. The bed is disinfected using a solution of potassium permanganate. She must be Pink colour, cooked in warm water.
  4. Additionally, add a mixture of fertilizers per square meter: 1 cup ash and 2 tablespoons nitrophoska.

Such a bed creates ideal temperature conditions for the above-ground part of the plant due to the film, and manure provides nutrition and heating from below. Cucumbers quickly grow with a rich harvest.

Horse manure, due to its composition and properties, is capable of providing high yields in the garden and lush flowering in the garden. Not only potatoes love it, but also spinach and celery. Melon crops grow faster with this fertilizer.