Which suspended ceilings are best to choose? Material for suspended ceilings: features of canvases made of PVC film and fabric coverings What are the quality stretch ceilings

A stretch ceiling completely transforms a room, giving it more aesthetic appearance resulting from the combination of unique combinations of colors, patterns, textures and levels of arrangement. This may explain the ever-growing popularity of this species. ceiling decoration. Today the market offers many different technological solutions for installing suspended ceilings using materials from Russian, European and Chinese manufacturers. And so the question is, what stretch ceiling better, is not really relevant.

The most simple designs are installed within a day and can be installed during renovations or as independent species works

The main advantages of suspended ceilings include:

  • simple and quick installation;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • the ability to hide defects in floor slabs and hide part of utility lines;
  • long service life;
  • easy care;
  • affordable price.

However a large number of proposals creates certain difficulties for consumers. Therefore, this article discusses questions about how to choose the right suspended ceiling and what indicators should be decisive in this case.

Main selection criteria

The appearance of the ceiling, service life and cost are determined by such factors as:

  • type of canvas and its texture;
  • color, pattern and overall design;
  • number of spatial levels;
  • fastening system;
  • material manufacturer;
  • qualification of installers.

All this must be taken into account when deciding which suspended ceiling to choose for your home or apartment.

Multi-level ceiling design.
Multi-level tension structures allow you to achieve remarkable design results at the expense of cost.

Type of canvas and texture

Material manufacturers make canvases from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyester and fiberglass.

Polyvinyl chloride films

Due to their relatively low cost, PVC film ceilings are especially in demand among customers. The thickness of the material used can be in the range of 0.15-0.35 mm with a blade width of up to 5100 mm. Among the main advantages of this finish are:

  • variety of color shades;
  • a wide choice of textures, from glossy or matte, to imitation marble, wood and metal;
  • elasticity and strength;
  • waterproof;
  • price accessible to all segments of the population;
  • the property of not attracting dust and being easy to care for (can be washed with a simple water solution);
  • absence of harmful and toxic substances.

However, the number of disadvantages of PVC film is not much less. This:

  • the presence of glued seams on the ceiling surface;
  • in case of a puncture, traces of subsequent decoration remain visible;
  • very careful care is required, because the canvas is very easy to damage;
  • the appearance of yellow spots in areas exposed to sunlight or intense lighting;
  • brittleness at air temperatures below +5°C.

Also noted negative impact glossy reflective surfaces on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Comparison of PVC film and fabric.

Synthetic polyester fabrics

These sheets have a thickness of 0.25 mm with a sheet width of up to 6 meters. To increase strength and increase elasticity, they are impregnated with polyurethane. The material does not have connecting seams and is available only in matte texture. Among the main advantages are:

  • much higher density;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of operation in the temperature range from -40°C to +80°C;
  • fire safety;
  • ability to pass air;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • possibility of repeated painting and artistic painting.

The main disadvantage of polyester canvases is their high cost, which is at least 3 times higher than PVC. In addition, material:

  • able to absorb and retain odors;
  • does not allow wet cleaning;
  • cannot be reinstalled;
  • allows moisture to pass through.

As a result, polyester cannot be installed in kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms with odors and moisture.


When deciding how to choose high-quality stretch ceilings, you should pay attention to fiberglass. These fabrics are the strongest, most durable and reliable. They retain moisture and are able to recover after changing shape.

True, they are painted and painted only after installation is completed, which significantly complicates the work. In addition, it should be noted the high cost, due to which they are in very little demand among buyers. Therefore, they are rarely found on sale, and deliveries are made only to order.

Fiberglass in a roll.

Surface texture

Possible types of surface can be divided according to texture into the following groups:

  • smooth;
  • embossed;
  • perforated.

Smooth glossy surface have PVC films with high reflectivity. In most cases, such ceilings resemble a slightly tarnished mirror. This quality visually expands the space, making the room wider, but is difficult to perceive psychologically with a large number of objects and furniture in the room.

Glossy PVC ceiling.

Matte surfaces made of PVC, polyester or fiberglass are considered a classic option for ceiling design in residential premises of any size. Matte canvases can have a variety of color shades or patterns. Built-in lamps and other design elements look good on them.

Matte ceiling.

Only polyvinyl chloride films have volumetric embossing satin texture. Therefore, this texture can be considered an intermediate option between a glossy and matte surface. At the same time, such materials are quite expensive, but still popular.

Web fastening systems

The appearance of a stretch ceiling largely depends on the quality of its installation and the fastening system used. To tension and fix the material, 2 types of fasteners are used: harpoon and wedge.

Harpoon- a special profile that is welded along the edge of the polyvinyl chloride film and hooked to another profile attached to the floor slab. A separate type of harpoon system is a gapless fastening, in which the stretched canvas is closely adjacent to the wall.

Advantages of the harpoon system:

  • fast execution of installation work;
  • the ability to secure in hard-to-reach places without rearranging furniture;
  • discreet bypass of heating risers;
  • low cost.


  • a lot of time is spent on cutting the blade and welding the harpoon;
  • sagging of the suspended ceiling over time.

Typically, sagging of the canvas begins after 3-4 years. Restoring the shape of the surface by heating it with an industrial hair dryer is only possible for a short time, no more than a year.

Since it is impossible to weld polyester and fiberglass to a plastic profile, they are used to tension these materials. wedge system. In this case, the canvas is fixed by inserting a profile bead, wrapped in canvas, inside a baguette attached to the wall or ceiling. The materials of the wedge system are more expensive than the harpoon system, but it can be assembled many times and can be used for any type of tension fabric.

Advantages of the wedge-shaped system:

  • no preparatory work required;
  • the ability to regulate the tension of the web, both during initial installation and during operation;
  • the presence of a plinth insert that additionally performs a decorative function;
  • installation of any type of canvas.


  • difficult installation in places with limited access;
  • visible bypasses of heating risers;
  • the need for installation experience.

Comparing the two systems, we can say that the wedge-shaped system has the best performance and installation qualities. In addition, wedge fastening can be applied to any type of material. However, installer services will cost more.

Material Manufacturers

The dishonesty of individual sellers of suspended ceilings is, unfortunately, obvious fact. Buyer deception is most often associated with the real origin of the material. Wherein:

  • cheap linen from China is sold as a Russian product of the middle price sector;
  • average priced Russian and Chinese materials sold as expensive from Europe;
  • sales of suspended ceilings from non-existent product brands are carried out;
  • certificates are forged or other false documents are presented.

It is almost impossible to know the exact manufacturer, since mandatory certification has been abolished since 2010 and no one will now be punished for counterfeiting. Most manufacturers do not put any labels on the material or even the packaging. They are written in cutting shops or dealerships.

Therefore, the solution to the issue can only be to contact trusted suppliers who are well known in the companies that perform installation work. You can actually order from them high quality ceiling.

Comparison of manufacturers.

Choosing suspended ceilings for different rooms

Features of operation and length of stay of people must be taken into account when choosing a specific ceiling design.

Living room or hall. Usually this is the most a large room family members gather in a house or apartment where there are guests, and everyone should like the look of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, it is recommended to use neutral, calm colors. The canvas is best matte or textured like satin.

Satin ceiling.

Bedroom and children's room. In these rooms it is best to use polyester fabric, which will provide improved ventilation and the possibility of any color and color options. design design. Photo printing on canvas will look very good.

Matte ceiling with photo printing.

Kitchen and bathroom. The peculiarity of these rooms is high humidity and odors. That's why the best option There will be a use of PVC film, which is not susceptible to moisture and, when reflected, will visually increase the space. It is easy to wash if necessary. In addition, the film can protect the room from water from above during flooding. In the kitchen, the texture of marble or high sky looks very stylish.

Hallway. If the hallway is small, you can use any type of suspended ceiling. The main criterion for choosing is your imagination and financial capabilities.


A lot depends on who will do the suspended ceilings. You must be confident in the competence and professionalism of the performer. He will help you with the right choice of material, but the design decisions and choice of colors should be yours.

Variety of suspended and suspended ceiling systems on the market building materials puts the buyer before a difficult choice, which stretch ceiling is more reliable, and from what material stretch ceilings are made. In addition, the consumer is naturally concerned about the issue of reasonable price-quality ratio, as well as the manufacturer’s warranty. Many people also wonder whether it is possible to install suspended ceilings in an apartment on their own without resorting to the services of installation companies.

Consumables for suspended ceilings include a lathing on which the stretch ceiling fabric is attached. The canvas for the ceiling structure can be made from either PVC film or from a specially treated fabric base, which is somewhat more expensive and can be made in a wide variety of designs (see)

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film

The material for suspended ceilings is made from polyvinyl chloride film; the frame for the ceiling system is also made of PVC, but more rigid than the film, or made of lightweight aluminum.

The advantages of suspended ceilings made of PVC film include:

  • Resistance to high indoor humidity;
  • – PVC film, properly installed, can withstand loads of up to one hundred liters of water per square meter;
  • PVC film stretch ceiling material is easy to maintain, easy to clean and does not collect dust;
  • , corresponding international standards qualities are absolutely safe for human health and do not emit harmful fumes when heated;
  • A variety of colors and textures allows you to bring to life any design solution in the design of the room.

Depending on the stylistic decision in interior design You can choose materials for a stretch ceiling, made in various design options:

  • Matte;
  • Satin;
  • Varnish;
  • Translucent;
  • Mirror;
  • Mother-of-pearl;
  • Metallic;
  • Suide;
  • Perforated.

Advice. Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are not recommended for installation in rooms with temperatures below five degrees.

Matte stretch ceilings

The most conservative design option for a stretch ceiling canvas, which does not produce light glare and is perfect for decoration large areas. This material completely imitates a standard classic ceiling, only with a perfectly flat and smooth surface. Stretch ceiling materials made from matte film look great in combination with plasterboard systems in ceiling systems made on two levels (see). Thanks to the variety of colors, matte stretch ceilings are the best sellers in the domestic building materials market.

Satin stretch ceilings

This material for a stretch ceiling completely imitates a fabric covering that reflects light, which creates a magnificent effect of the play of colors on the ceiling. Satin stretch ceilings are usually used to decorate bedrooms and boudoirs, and also look great in the decor of libraries.

Lacquer stretch ceilings

Materials for stretch ceilings with a varnish texture create the optical effect of increasing the space of a room due to the play of light and shadow on the ceiling, and also, with the right lighting, perfectly divides small room to functional areas.

Advice. When choosing a varnish fabric for suspended ceilings in small rooms, you should give preference to light color scheme– blue, pastel beige or light green – all shades of the cold spectrum.

Translucent stretch ceilings

The material of suspended ceilings made of translucent PVC film looks like a uniform shimmering surface and looks great indoors small area, creating the illusion of large space. Translucent ceilings made in light colors will make any, even very small, room spacious and bright.

Mother of pearl stretch ceilings

Most often, mother-of-pearl stretch ceilings are installed in bathrooms or corridors. Also, the material for a stretch ceiling with a mother-of-pearl texture looks ideal in bedrooms decorated in the Art Nouveau style.

Advice. You should not install mother-of-pearl suspended ceiling structures in the kitchen or living room. In the kitchen, these surfaces quickly become dirty and lose their unique charm. In the living room, you can decorate only the seating area with this mother-of-pearl texture, installing the ceiling on two levels, and thereby ensuring coziness and comfort in this area of ​​the room.

Stretch ceilings in metallic style

Metallic-style suspended ceiling materials place additional accents in the decor of rooms made in hi-tech style or avant-garde. This material is also ideal for inlays and inserts in combination with matte suspended ceilings, made in the form of a dome or a two-three-level ceiling structure system.

Suide - suspended ceiling for boudoirs and offices

The design of the suite is a complete imitation of a suede surface, which gives the room an intimate and home comfort. Looks great in the interior design of libraries, boudoirs and bedrooms.

Perforated stretch ceilings

Thanks to the play of light and shadow, it allows the designer to create truly fantastic designs of ceiling systems that amaze the imagination. Also, suspended ceiling materials with a perforated surface of the canvas are used to frame antique-style paintings on a convex or concave ceiling.

Fabric stretch ceilings

Consumables for suspended ceilings with a fabric backing are selected the same as for installing PVC film, but it is still advisable to prefer aluminum construction frame.

Fabric stretch ceilings are not afraid of exposure to sub-zero temperatures, are environmentally friendly and are suitable for installation in large areas, as they are produced in rolls five meters wide, which allows installation without seams.

Fabric stretch ceilings are mainly used for photo printing and drawings.

Fabric stretch ceilings can be made in a variety of designs:

  • Application of drawings using photo printing;
  • Complete imitation of a smoothly plastered ceiling;
  • Acoustic stretch ceilings – completely absorbing extraneous noise;
  • Translucent texture of the ceiling fabric;

  • Shiny texture of the ceiling covering.

Advice. It is not advisable to install fabric ceiling systems with your own hands, without the participation of a specialist. Large web widths require the use of special equipment.

Regardless of what material suspended ceilings are made from, it is important that they are installed by specialists, guided by all regulatory requirements in construction when installing suspended ceiling systems.

One of the simplest and fastest ways to decorate floors in apartments and private houses is to install a suspended ceiling covering. They do it not only with using PVC films, there are also fabric options for finishing the ceiling surface.

To radically change the appearance of gray concrete surface, you should contact one of the companies that manufacture such ceiling structures. In order for the coating to last for a long time, you need to know how to choose the right stretch ceiling.

The history of suspended ceilings

It is generally accepted that such structures first appeared in France in the 60s of the 20th century, and they were brought to Russia only at the end of the same century. At first, the canvases were made from polyvinyl chloride film, since the material was proposed by one of the employees of the French company Barrisol.

The film was previously used to decorate shop windows, stretched between two aluminum profiles. And then they began to use it when developing designs for ceilings as a material for stretch ceilings.

In fact, the first such coatings were known much earlier - in ancient Rome, although there are sources claiming that even in Ancient Egypt ceiling surfaces covered with draped fabric made of silk or linen. In Armenia, fabric impregnated with chalk was used to decorate ceilings.

If at first tensile structures were mainly installed in offices, now they are often used for design living rooms and much less often for utility rooms. The popularity of these ceiling coverings is explained by the fact that they have special characteristics and advantages compared to standard and long-used finishing methods.

The main advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • the ability to make invisible imperfections existing on ceiling;
  • There is no need for careful preparation before proceeding with the installation of the structure. rough foundation;
  • quick installation of even a multi-level system, which takes no more than 2-6 hours;
  • polyvinyl chloride sheets can withstand a flood caused by neighbors living above, since they can withstand a large volume of water;
  • long period of operation - there is evidence that they retain their original qualities for several decades;
  • easy care;
  • the structure can be installed when other types in the room have already been completed repair work.

You need to know how to choose a high-quality stretch ceiling, because depending on the type of material used, they are:

  • seamless fabric;
  • from PVC film.

In addition, antibacterial ceiling coverings are available for sale, the material for which is impregnated with special compounds containing antiseptics. Such fabrics excellently resist the effects of ultraviolet radiation. They are installed in medical institutions.

Fabric stretch ceilings

Materials for this type of stretch ceiling are made from polyester thread. The fabric made from it is not very dense and has a knitted weave; it looks a little like a mesh with microscopic cells. Ceiling coverings made of this material are called “breathable”, as they allow air to pass through and thereby help ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room.

The finished canvas is impregnated on both sides with a polyurethane mixture. Then squeeze and dry. The fabric is usually produced in rolls about 5 meters wide. This parameter is greater than that of polyvinyl chloride film. Due to this width, fabric ceiling structures often have no seams and are therefore called “seamless”.

Cutting out a panel for the ceiling of a room with a complex layout is not difficult. Stretch fabric ceilings can be either white or colored. It is also possible to apply an image to fabric using the photo printing method.

Seamless fabric coverings have a number of advantages:

  • increased strength;
  • antistatic;
  • ease of care - the canvas can be vacuumed and washed;
  • soundproofing;
  • frost resistance;
  • possibility of application acrylic paints;
  • installation is carried out at room temperature.

The main disadvantage of this method of designing the ceiling is its high cost. The costs of film ceilings will be much lower. But a large number of advantages allows us to consider installation fabric ceiling.

Polyvinyl chloride material

Of the entire list of materials used for suspended ceilings, vinyl film is in most cases preferred by consumers. It is produced on special equipment.

Despite the fact that the width of the rolls does not exceed three meters, the PVC ceiling can be installed in a wide room. Using a high-frequency machine, a wide web is produced by connecting two narrow strips of material. In this case, the seam is almost invisible.

The advantages of polyvinyl chloride ceilings are as follows:

  • waterproof and able to withstand significant volumes of water;
  • affordable price with constant quality;
  • simple and easy care.

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • instability to negative temperature air, but this applies to outdoor spaces, for example, loggias, balconies;
  • the surface of the canvas can be easily damaged by any sharp object;
  • there is a risk of ordering a PVC ceiling from a supplier selling low-quality products.

Polyvinyl chloride fabric can be of any color, and photo printing can also be applied to it if desired. They release film with different types textures - glossy, matte, satin.

The surface of the glossy PVC ceiling, like a mirror, reflects all the objects and things located under it. This property visually increases the space of the room. The glossy finish is available in various color variations. Its main disadvantage is the presence of a more noticeable seam when connecting two strips of film.

Matte canvas is ideal for different styles of rooms, since it is classic solution. It does not attract attention because it does not glare.

The satin ceiling feels very smooth to the touch, but appearance looks like a matte material. It can reflect light slightly, resulting in a dazzling white appearance with a slight pearlescent tint.

Currently, multi-colored multi-tiered tension structures, which are made by soldering several pieces of film, are becoming in demand. different color, usually their number does not exceed three types.

Designers also use the method of combining matte and glossy textures. This achieves an interesting effect: the matte canvas emphasizes the main level of the ceiling, while the gloss enlarges and deepens the space, and as a result, a new, unique level of the ceiling surface is created.

Selection of materials

The material from which the suspended ceiling is made affects general form rooms. You need to choose the type of ceiling covering, its color, texture, taking into account the requirements for the room where you plan to install the structure. In addition, property owners need to take into account their financial capabilities and wishes for the interior of the premises.

Before choosing a fabric stretch ceiling, you should remember that it is more expensive compared to film covering. The fact is that these two materials have different maximum widths and production costs, and they also have different quality.

Despite its high cost, the obvious advantage of a fabric ceiling is that it is better to install it in a children's room or bedroom, since it has the ability to allow air to pass through. But at the same time, in rooms with high humidity air - bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools - such material should not be used, as it does not tolerate moisture, gets dirty quickly, and absorbs odors. Stains that appear on the fabric are difficult to wash off.

But the fabric fabric is frost-resistant and is the only option when deciding which material is best for a stretch ceiling for a balcony or loggia. For this reason, in suburban households where there is no constant heating, ceiling structures using PVC film are not installed.

The classic options include a white matte ceiling, since it is not capable of spoiling the overall impression of any room, regardless of its design style. You can easily match furnishings and wallpaper to the walls with this coating.

The matte canvas does not catch the eye, but emphasizes and makes the interior items in the room more expressive. It fits perfectly following styles: classical, Greek, country, Renaissance and others.

Vinyl ceilings are best used for bathrooms and kitchens, but they will also good choice for the living room and corridor. Since it does not tend to collect dirt and dust, it should be cleaned infrequently, and it can be washed without problems.

If you encounter difficulties when deciding how to choose high-quality stretch ceilings, you can take the advice of professionals. In their opinion, it is better to use a soft matte canvas in the bedroom that does not irritate the eye, and in the living room ideal option There will be a glossy PVC film, which, due to reflection, will make the space in the room visually larger. The gloss will become great solution when decorating the ceiling surface in a room in pop art or hi-tech style.

In turn, satin ceiling covering occupies a middle position between a rich glossy and rather modest matte canvas. Delicate mother-of-pearl combined with a slight shine looks great in any interior. It goes perfectly with silk wallpaper on the walls.

Many property owners are interested in what material a stretch ceiling called “Starry Sky” is made from, since this design is very popular. It can be made not only from polyvinyl chloride film, but also from fabric. To create the effect of stars glowing in the night sky, a lighting system, partially consisting of fiber optics, is installed above the canvas.

For “Starry Sky”, according to experts, it is advisable to use a fabric surface, since when installing the lighting system it will not be necessary to pierce it, which will preserve the properties of this material. Another advantage of purchasing such a cloth is the absence of points that will be visible at the puncture sites.

IN daytime such a ceiling covering seems perfectly smooth, and at night, with one click of a button, you can turn it into the vastness of the Universe. If you want to change the placement of stars with a fabric panel, this will not be difficult. The ceiling covering is removed, the location of the optical fiber is changed and then returned to its original place.

In the case when star ceiling collect PVC films and make punctures, then you can change the pattern of the starry sky only if complete replacement ceiling canvas.

Manufacturer selection

In many ways, the properties of the material for tension structure depend on the technology of its manufacture and the quality of the raw materials used. These nuances affect the cost of products. Panels from different manufacturers differ greatly in their quality characteristics.

This is evidenced by short description canvases produced in different countries:

  1. France. Modern coatings for ceilings from French manufacturers is considered to be the standard, which is understandable, since this is the country in which they first appeared. When making a French stretch ceiling, they use a dense, durable fabric with a beautiful shine, which has only one serious drawback - high cost.
  2. Germany. German materials for ceiling coverings are different high quality, although they are slightly cheaper than their French counterparts. Canvases from Germany are known for their rich variety of colors.
  3. Italy. In this country, materials for suspended ceilings were invented that practically do not require maintenance, while all their positive qualities remain unchanged.
  4. Russia. Enterprises produce economy-class ceiling coverings. This product looks great. If you don’t know that it was produced at a Russian factory, it is impossible to distinguish it from European products. This fabric lasts much less compared to Italian or German materials.
  5. China. Products from this country are more difficult to deal with. Among the Chinese paintings there are both high-quality copies and those that are better not to buy. You can distinguish bad material from good material by smell - high-quality products stop emitting a specific smell 1-3 days after installation is completed.

There are several rules for choosing the right stretch ceilings:

  1. Sellers of paintings must have certificates confirming their environmental safety.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the width of the roll, since the row European manufacturers There are no wide options.
  3. When purchasing preference is given to a glossy film, you need to look at its shine, since high-quality material has good specularity.
  4. Some types of products have the manufacturer's logo on the border.

Before choosing suspended ceilings, you need to remember that from the right decision Not only the beauty of the home depends, but also the health of family members.

Stretch ceiling installation technology

The work of installing a suspended ceiling covering requires a careful and unhurried approach, since the canvas can easily be damaged or damaged. If you are not sure about own capabilities, it is better to use the services of masters.

Who decided to install it themselves? ceiling structure, can use the short instructions:

  1. Furniture and objects are removed from the premises.
  2. Walls are marked in the corners of the room and a line is drawn along its perimeter using a level. Between the ceiling and the canvas, space is left for installing lighting fixtures and laying communications.
  3. The profile is secured with dowels at intervals of no more than 8 centimeters according to the markings.
  4. Include heat gun and warm the room to at least 40 degrees. The fabric ceiling is installed without heating.
  5. They begin to install the canvas. First, with the help of “crocodiles” - special fasteners, one corner of the panel is secured, which is considered the basic one, usually there is a special mark on it. The next corner is located diagonally from the already mounted area. The film is heated and all corners are secured.
  6. Next, using a special spatula, insert all the material along the walls into the baguette.
  7. Cut out holes for lamps.
  8. Masking tape is installed in the gap between the ceiling and the wall.

This completes the installation.

They have been present on the modern market for quite a long time, and every year they are gaining more and more popularity. This is not at all surprising. After all, in addition to wide design possibilities, they are durable and reliable. Today we will help you figure out which material for suspended ceilings is best suited for your premises.

Design features of suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a whole structure that consists of a certain canvas and fastening systems. The latter is represented by plastic or metal profile. With its help, the canvas for the stretch ceiling is placed at a certain distance from the base one.

Such designs allow you to quickly level absolutely any surface and create a new smooth one. Also, with their help, you can realize a wide variety of design solutions. Other advantages of suspended ceilings include the following:

  • they allow you to hide various communications laid from above;
  • their installation will be much cheaper than installing drywall;
  • installation is carried out in a short time without construction waste(even if the ceiling has several levels, installation takes on average from two to six hours);
  • it is not at all necessary to prepare the base ceiling before installation, and this minimizes not only time, but also material costs;
  • The ceiling can be installed after other repair work has been carried out;
  • The service life, depending on the type, varies from 20 to 50 years.

The main disadvantage is that they do not “eat up” the height of the room.

Modern materials for stretch ceilings are presented in three types:

  • made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • fabric;
  • made of fiberglass.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

PVC stretch ceilings

PVC is a material for suspended ceilings that first appeared in the sixties in France. During this time, the technology of its manufacture was improved, and accordingly, the quality of the product itself improved. By the way, this type is also called film.

Film for suspended ceilings comes in sizes from 1300 to 3200 mm. If this size is not enough, then several pieces are welded together. The seam is neat, small and almost invisible. Installation is carried out using heat guns, which heat the room to 60-70 degrees.

PVC stretch ceilings can be of the following types:

  • depending on the texture: glossy (reflections, varnish texture and shine are visible) or matte (reflections are not visible, the ceiling is perfectly smooth);
  • depending on the type of fastening: with a plastic insert (the technological gap is covered by a bead) or gapless fastening (there is no gap between the flow and the wall, the joint is perfect).

Advantages of PVC material

  • PVC film for suspended ceilings has a very wide color palette(more than 130 shades).
  • The material takes a wide variety of forms.
  • Large range of permissible web widths.
  • It is possible to select the type of surface.
  • Excellent value for money and quality.
  • The surface is perfectly smooth and has high moisture resistance.
  • This material is suitable for stretch ceilings in any room.
  • The coverage covers all communications.
  • The material is characterized by high fire resistance.
  • PVC ceilings do not absorb odors and dust and have high level thermal insulation.
  • Such ceilings minimally reduce the height of the room.
  • PVC stretch ceilings are very simple and easy to clean and do not require painting.
  • The material can withstand loads of up to 100 kg per square meter.
  • PVC ceilings can be dismantled and reinstalled if necessary.
  • A wide variety of lighting systems, as well as hood sensors, can be built into the ceiling fire safety and so on.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings made of PVC material

  • Is not best material for use in rooms with air temperatures below +5 degrees.
  • In the first hours after installation, such a ceiling emits bad smell.
  • This ceiling is very delicate and is easily damaged by mechanical stress.
  • There is a barely noticeable seam when welding several panels.
  • If weld performed poorly, there is a high risk that the welding line will diverge.
  • The pattern of the material is made in production, so accurate measurements are necessary.
  • When choosing a manufacturer, you must carefully study the availability of quality and safety certificates, since cheap and low-quality fabrics not only emit an unpleasant odor for a long time, but are also unsafe for health.

Fabric stretch ceilings

In the manufacture of such ceilings, a special polyester material is used. mesh fabric, which is impregnated on both or only one side with polymers. The fabric fabric for the stretch ceiling is released directly from the roll, that is, installation occurs without preliminary cutting of the material.

The texture is very similar to ordinary fabric, the fibers are visible. Roll width - 4000 mm. Thanks to this size, it is possible to make a ceiling without seams. But if the width is not enough, then the canvas is connected to each other using a special profile.


  • It has higher strength compared to PVC fabric.
  • This material is resistant to temperatures below five degrees Celsius.
  • Fabric ceilings can withstand more severe mechanical stress than PVC structures.
  • Fabric material for stretch ceilings has high sound insulation.


  • Fabric ceilings have a limited color palette.
  • Painting can be done only after installation.
  • An original design can only be created using photo printing.
  • Such ceilings are not able to completely retain moisture in the event of flooding.
  • Cleaning dirt from a fabric ceiling is not an easy task and takes a lot of time.
  • Fabric ceilings cannot be installed a second time.
  • Such ceilings are characterized by high cost.

Fiberglass ceilings

Fiberglass is new material. It began to be used for stretch ceilings quite recently. Therefore, the warranty on such structures is short - about five years. For other types guarantee period about ten years. Also, not all companies are yet engaged in installing fiberglass ceilings.

The fabric is stretched in the same way tissue appearance, that is, without heating. Painting and drawing are carried out after installation. The material is characterized by high water permeability and sound insulation, it is very durable and more environmentally friendly in comparison with PVC stretch ceilings.

Types of stretch ceilings by design

Regardless of what material suspended ceilings are made from, they can be presented in the following design:

  • Starry sky: fiber optics and Swarovski crystals are installed in the ceiling. Thanks to this, the effect of a starry sky is achieved.
  • Illuminated ceiling: installed behind the ceiling LED Strip Light. Helps create additional lighting.
  • Two-level glossy and matte canvases at different levels. It will help to zone the room.
  • Stretch ceiling W-D: various three-dimensional shapes, arcs, waves, arches or flowers are created on the ceiling.
  • Photo printing on the ceiling: the ability to print any image on a matte or glossy finish.

Guide to choosing a stretch ceiling

  1. First you need to consider everything existing species materials for suspended ceilings and become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  2. Decide on the ceiling design and color scheme material.
  3. Determine the maximum budget allocated for repairs in general and separately for ceiling installation.
  4. Choose reliable specialists who will install the ceiling.

Choice of colors

The white ceiling is universal. But sometimes you want to create an unusual interior design that will not only delight you with color, but also perform some function (for example, visually enlarge the room). Moreover, the material for stretch ceilings is characterized by a wide color palette. Here are some recommendations to help you choose the right one:

  • If you have low base ceilings, then you should not experiment with color. It's better to choose light shades: white, beige, pastel, blue. They visually enlarge the space and fill it with air.
  • For high ceilings, feel free to choose dark colors tension material.
  • Light shades will suit any interior style.
  • Bright and contrasting colors of suspended ceilings should not be chosen for living rooms. Such colors only cause anxiety, and not an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.
  • For the bathroom and children's room it is good to choose turquoise tones.
  • Photo printing on a stretch ceiling will bring a unique flavor to the interior.
  • A ceiling in the “Starry Sky” style will look great in the bedroom. This will help create an atmosphere of relaxation.

Selection criteria by room

For the bathroom you should choose PVC material with a glossy texture. This is due to the fact that usually the bathroom is no different large area, but is characterized by high humidity and temperature changes. Also, a glossy PVC stretch ceiling will be an excellent solution for the kitchen.

Any type of stretch ceiling looks equally good in the living room. Therefore, it all depends on your aesthetic preferences. But remember that it has the ability to visually enlarge a room, and the matte look will look very good if there is a lot of daylight entering the room.

Matte PVC or fabric ceilings are usually chosen for the bedroom. They are the best conducive to an atmosphere of comfort, tranquility and relaxation.

As you can see, each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is impossible to select the best material for suspended ceilings. It all depends on the room where the ceiling will be installed, the customer’s personal preferences, his design solution and financial capabilities.

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a stretch ceiling - people quickly recognized that this is one of the fastest and simple ways decorate the ceiling surface. To change the gray beyond recognition concrete ceiling, just contact any company engaged in the manufacture and installation of such structures. But there are also those who are used to doing everything with their own hands - it’s more reliable, and you know what materials you’re using. It turns out that a suspended ceiling is not only PVC film. There are also fabric versions of this finishing option. How to choose the right material for suspended ceilings and what quality can it have?

History of suspended ceilings

We are already accustomed to stretch ceilings. They first appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century in France, and came to Russia in the 90s. It was from those years that the history of modern stretch ceilings begins. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that in the twentieth century they began to use for the manufacture of canvases PVC film– this material was suggested by one of the specialists of the French company Barrisol. This film was used to decorate shop windows, stretched between two aluminum profiles. And then they began to use it for the design of ceiling surfaces.

On a note! In fact, the first suspended ceilings appeared much earlier than you might imagine. Also in Ancient Rome(and some sources claim that in Ancient Egypt) ceiling surfaces were hidden behind draped silk or linen fabric, and in Armenia, a special material was impregnated with chalk and stretched under the ceiling of a living room.

Modern stretch ceilings have long been used only for the decoration of office premises. But now these structures are also used for the design of residential premises. Stretch ceilings have become wildly popular due to their special qualities and advantages when compared with standard options finishing.

The main advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • the ability to well hide all the imperfections of the ceiling surface;
  • It is not necessary to thoroughly clean and prepare the ceiling before installation;
  • fast installation speed even if a ceiling with several levels is being installed (from 2 to 6 hours);
  • PVC ceilings are able to resist flooding, withstanding huge amounts of water and protecting the property of the premises owner from it;
  • long service life - according to some data, such ceilings retain all their qualities for decades;
  • ease of care;
  • Possibility of installation after other renovation work has been carried out on the premises.

Nowadays, depending on the type of material used, suspended ceilings are either seamless fabric or vinyl film.

For reference! There are also antibacterial stretch ceilings, the material of which is impregnated with special antiseptic substances and perfectly resists the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This fabric is used in medical institutions.

The material for this type of ceiling is made from polyester thread. The fabric has a knitted weave. It is not very dense and somewhat resembles a kind of mesh. That is why such ceilings are called “breathable” - they perfectly allow air to pass through them, helping to create a microclimate comfortable for living in the room.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

After production, the canvas is impregnated on both sides with a polyurethane mixture, wrung out and dried. It is usually supplied in rolls up to 5 meters wide - this is more than PVC sheets. That is why in apartments fabric stretch ceilings often do not have seams and are called “seamless”. But the canvas is cut out very simply, even for the most intricate types of layouts.

Fabric stretch ceilings come in both regular white and colored. It is also possible to apply a design using photo printing.

Seamless fabric ceilings have other advantages:

  • antistatic;
  • high strength;
  • easy care (can be washed, vacuumed);
  • frost resistance;
  • temperature-free installation;
  • soundproofing;
  • Possibility of painting with acrylic paints.

Important! The main disadvantage of using fabric for ceiling decoration is its high price. A ceiling made of PVC film will cost much less. However, due to the above advantages, it is worth considering the option of installing such a ceiling.

PVC stretch ceiling

You don’t come across a fabric stretch ceiling as often as its counterpart made of vinyl film. The material is produced using special equipment; the roll width is no more than 3 meters.

But PVC ceilings can also be installed in a wide room. Using a special HDTV machine, you can connect two narrow strips and get a wide one. In this case, the seam will be almost invisible.

The main advantages of PVC film ceilings:

  • waterproof and able to withstand large volumes of water;
  • low cost (but quality is maintained);
  • ease of cleaning.
  • instability to cold (which is only relevant for street premises, balconies, loggias);
  • easily damaged by any pointed object;
  • the risk of running into a careless supplier selling low-quality fabric.

The PVC ceiling can have absolutely any color, and you can also apply photo printing on it if desired. It can have not only a glossy, but also a matte or satin texture.

Prices for fabric stretch ceilings

fabric stretch ceiling

Capable of mirroring whatever is underneath it. Due to this, the room visually increases. It also has a ton of color variations. The main disadvantage is a more noticeable seam when connecting two canvases.

– this is a classic. It is ideal for any room design, does not glare, and therefore does not distract attention to itself.

Satin ceiling very smooth to the touch, looks like a matte material. It is able to slightly reflect light, due to which it appears simply dazzling white with a slight hint of mother-of-pearl.

On a note! Interestingly, multi-level multi-colored stretch ceilings, which are obtained by soldering several pieces of material, are now in fashion. different colors(usually no more than 3 types). Often, by combining glossy and matte textures, it is possible to achieve an interesting “optical illusion” effect due to the fact that the matte canvas clearly highlights the main level of the ceiling, and the gloss, in turn, deepens and enlarges the space, creating a unique new level ceiling height.

Video - Materials for suspended ceilings

Prices for satin stretch ceilings

satin stretch ceiling

The choice of color, texture and type of material for a stretch ceiling should be based on the basic requirements for the room where the structure will be installed. In addition, you need to soberly assess the state of your budget and your wishes for the overall appearance of the room.

Fabric ceilings are more expensive than film ceilings. The reason for this is that the two types of material differ in maximum width, manufacturing costs and quality. However, do not forget about the obvious advantages of a fabric ceiling - it will be most appropriate in a bedroom or children's room, as it is capable of allowing air to pass through. But in the bathroom, kitchen, room with a swimming pool and other wet rooms, such a ceiling should not be installed - it absorbs odors, gets dirty quickly, does not tolerate high humidity, and stains caused by moisture are very difficult to wash off. But it is frost-resistant and is the only option for a stretch ceiling for a loggia or balcony. For the same reason, PVC ceilings are not used in country houses where there is no constant heating.

A white matte ceiling is considered a classic - it will not spoil the impression of any room, no matter what style it is decorated in. It is very easy to choose wallpaper and furniture for it. The matte ceiling will not be conspicuous, but it will highlight and make other interior items more expressive.

On a note! A matte ceiling is best suited to design styles such as classic, country, Greek, Renaissance, etc.

A ceiling made of PVC film is suitable for the corridor, kitchen, bathroom and even living room. It is easy to clean, but you need to clean it very rarely, since it is not inclined to collect dirt.

If in the bedroom it is recommended to use a matte canvas that is gentle and not irritating to the eye, then in the living room a glossy PVC film will look much better. Due to the reflection in the ceiling, the room will visually appear larger. And with a little imagination, you can create a real looking glass.

Prices for matte stretch ceiling

matte stretch ceiling

On a note! Gloss is an excellent option for decorating the ceiling in a room with modern design(for example, in the style of hi-tech, pop art).

- this is something between a modest matte and rich glossy canvas. Delicate mother-of-pearl with a slight shine will look great in almost any interior, but it is best suited to something delicate and goes well with silk wallpaper.

The “Starry Sky” ceiling is made from both PVC film and fabric. To do this, a lighting system is mounted above the material, part of which is fiber optic. However, experts note that for this purpose it is better to purchase a fabric sheet, since in this case you will not need to pierce it to install the entire lighting system, which means that all the properties of the material will be preserved. Another advantage of choosing a fabric fabric to create a ceiling with a starry sky effect is the absence of visible points at the puncture sites. During the day, the ceiling covering will be perfectly smooth, but at night you can turn it into space at the touch of a button.

Stretch ceiling “Starry sky”

Attention! If you suddenly want to change the location of the “stars”, then with a fabric canvas it will be very simple. It is removed, the fibers are swapped, and then hung in place. If the star ceiling was created from PVC film using punctures, then you can change the pattern of the “luminaries” only if the ceiling is completely replaced.

Please pay attention to the manufacturer

The quality of canvases for suspended ceilings greatly depends on the production technology and the quality of raw materials. The price of the material directly depends on this. Canvases produced in different countries of the world differ significantly from each other.

Table. Comparative description of paintings produced in different countries.

Manufacturer countryCharacteristic
FranceCeiling coverings supplied by French manufacturers are considered the standard. And it’s not surprising, because France is the country where modern stretch ceilings first appeared. The canvas from France is dense, durable, with a beautiful shine. The disadvantage is the very high price.
GermanyIt also produces very high-quality canvases for ceilings. They are cheaper than the French ones, but are almost as good in quality. German canvases are also famous for their rich variety of colors.
ItalyThe Italians have come up with a material that requires virtually no maintenance. But he did not lose his main positive qualities because of this.
RussiaEconomy class ceiling tension coverings. It looks great (a person who doesn’t know for sure that the material was created in Russia will not distinguish it from a European one), but such a ceiling lasts less than an Italian or German one.
ChinaIt’s more difficult with Chinese paintings. Among them there are materials of excellent quality, and those that are better not to purchase at all.

Important information! You can tell a good Chinese fabric from a bad one by its smell: a high-quality one stops emitting a specific smell within 1-3 days after installation. If it smells longer, then the material is environmentally unsafe.

When choosing material for tension fabric, pay attention to the following factors.

  1. The seller must have certificates confirming the environmental safety of the material.
  2. Also evaluate the width of the roll, as some European manufacturers do not have wide options.
  3. If you buy a glossy film, then look how shiny it is. High-quality material has good specularity.
  4. Some types of films may have the manufacturer's logo imprinted or printed along the border.

Brief instructions for installing a stretch ceiling

You can install a suspended ceiling with your own hands, but it is a troublesome task and cannot be rushed. It is easy to damage and ruin the canvas, and you will regret the money you spent. If you are not sure that you can handle it, then it is better to hire experts. For those who plan to install the ceiling themselves, instructions are given.

Step 1. First, prepare the room - remove unnecessary furniture from it, as well as those items that cannot be taken out high temperatures(a heat gun will be used to install the PVC sheet).

Step 2. Mark the walls in the corners, and then along the perimeter to make it easier to attach the molding for the ceiling. It is desirable that the final structure be perfectly level, so you will need a level. Remember that you must leave space between the ceiling and the canvas for a chandelier, lamps and other communications if necessary.

Step 3. Using dowels in increments of no more than 8 cm, secure the profile according to the markings.

Step 4. Turn on the heat gun and warm the room well (at least 40 degrees).

Step 5. Begin installation of the canvas. First, use special fasteners to secure one corner of the canvas; usually it has a special mark and is called “base”.

Warming up the fabric stretched over “crocodiles”

The next corner that is attached is located diagonally from the fixed one. Warm up the film gradually. Secure all corners.

Step 6. Using a special spatula and locks for suspended ceilings, begin securing the material along the walls.

Step 7 Cut out holes for the lights.

Step 8 The final stage is the installation of masking tape in the groove between the ceiling and the wall.

On a note! The fabric ceiling is installed without additional heating, which is its undoubted advantage. It is enough to simply strengthen the mounting profile and stretch the fabric over it.

Video - Installation of stretch ceiling

There are so many people, so many opinions, so everyone decides for themselves what material to use to install a stretch ceiling at home. However, remember that from the right choice Sometimes not only the beauty of the apartment depends, but also the health - yours or your loved ones.