What kind of wall decoration in the bathroom. Cheapest bathroom remodeling and renovation - guide and how much it costs. What to choose when renovating a bathroom

Contemplating finishing bathroom, most often tile comes to mind as the main material, which is quite understandable - it has proven itself excellent, has become widespread as one of the most suitable for specific conditions and durable finishing materials. Yes, and it’s beautiful, no one argues.
However, bathroom finishing materials are not limited to tiles alone; today’s market offers a lot alternative options, from affordable to exotic. We invite you to take a broader look at the finishing of surfaces in the bathroom, at least within tens available materials . So, let's begin.

1. Painting

This is an affordable, fairly reliable finishing method with good artistic capabilities. Latex paint perfectly tolerates dampness and moisture, and therefore can be recommended for use in bathrooms. Before you buy paint, decide what kind color scheme you would like to see every day: plain paint is not the best good option design, but color combinations and zoning are just what you need. You can even draw pictures, it all depends on the skill of the performer. The cost of finishing, in the end, greatly depends on the cost of the purchased paint.

2. Self-adhesive film

PVC film – cheap material, which, however, can replace painting. Various options self-adhesive colors and textures will allow you to realize many design ideas and the surface is moisture resistant. But there is a big “but”: the preparation of surfaces for film must be of especially high quality, otherwise swelling and peeling cannot be avoided. And still, over time it lags behind in places...

3. Wallpaper

It is logical, following self-adhesive film, to remember wallpaper. It is clear that the option with paper wallpaper should be discarded immediately, all eyes are on vinyl and acrylic ones, which have some moisture resistance, especially those marked in the form of a washing brush or three waves. But even in this case, accept that over time you will have to renovate the bathroom again, change the wallpaper that has peeled off at the joints and is swollen in places.

4. Glass wallpaper

If you really want wallpaper in the bathroom, then you should choose from glass wallpaper, which is much more expensive than the above, but is the only one that is truly suitable for the operating conditions in the bathroom. Made from glass fibers, they are absolutely environmentally friendly, moisture- and fire-resistant, resistant to fungus, and will reliably serve their 30-year warranty. In addition, they are quite beautiful, offer a wide variety of patterns and textures, are friendly to painting and a variety of decorative methods.


- use special glue;
- distinguish between facial (external) and inner side(in rolls outer side“looks” inward and in some cases is marked with a colored stripe);
- understand that fears about the harmfulness of glass wallpaper are absolutely and completely unfounded.

5. Drywall

Of course, only moisture-resistant types of drywall are suitable for our purposes. Among the advantages - inexpensive, practical material, easy to install, bonus in the form of improved sound insulation. Disadvantages - requires painting or covering with film, somewhat reduces the volume of the bathroom, which can often be critical.

6. Plastic panels

In a nutshell – “cheap and cheerful”. Easy to install, moisture resistant and you can choose the right one external design. They are good because they can brighten up moderate unevenness in walls. However, for the sake of objectivity, let us remember the disadvantages of plastic panels: they are fragile, lose their appearance (turn yellow), collect moisture in the gap between the back side and the wall, it is difficult to achieve a chic look in the bathroom: simplicity and accessibility, widespread use in public places can give the room a slightly "cheap" look.

7. Tree

Well, we got to the tree. Well, it’s a good solution: the texture revealed by special processing gives the atmosphere solidity and chic, you can vary color shades, goes perfectly with metal decorative elements (gilded mirror frame, taps and handles “bronze”, etc.). However: expensive, required competent preparation(impregnation, finishing), limits design options.

8. Stone (natural or artificial)

Well, let’s say it’s not for everyone: the appearance often has a depressing effect on perception due to the weight of the material and the texture of the stone, the coldness of marble and the dullness of granite (the mausoleum is somewhat reminiscent of...), a “pomposity” that is not entirely appropriate for modern housing. Although, again, not for everyone. In addition, stone is expensive and technologically complex, requiring very good specialist. Yes, and it greatly reduces the perception of space.

9. Decorative plaster

Well suited for bathroom, special material for covering walls. Species decorative plaster today there are a great variety, not every taste, with its own advantages. If you do everything correctly (if not yourself, then a specialist who understands this), you will get an excellent result. Moreover, for a reasonable price.

August 26, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

Recently, a friend of mine asked me to recommend some finishing materials for her bathroom other than tiles. She's tired of the tiles, and she doesn't want to follow the general trend. I then offered her a choice of several types of finishes, which, due to their performance properties, are excellent for use in humid air.

I think that for all novice craftsmen who do their own repairs, such selection instructions will not be superfluous.

Requirements for finishing materials for the bath

The main purpose of the bathroom is to perform hygiene procedures using water. Therefore, it is not surprising that the air in it is saturated with a large amount of water vapor, which can have a destructive effect on finishing materials and enclosing structures.

Also, while taking a bath or shower thermal energy water is transferred to the air, which becomes very hot. Then, after finishing washing, the room cools down again. Constant temperature fluctuations also damage the lining of the walls, floors and ceilings of the bathroom.

Tile resists the described factors best. However, the price of this material is quite high and it is quite difficult to install. To hang ceramics on walls, you must have certain skills and abilities.

Therefore, if, due to the complexity of implementation or for other reasons, you do not want to use this cladding, you can use other options. However, the alternative to tiles in the bathroom must meet the following requirements:

Characteristic Description
Moisture resistance Decorative wall cladding in the bathroom should retain its performance properties regardless of the level of humidity in the room. In addition, the finishing should not allow water to pass through to the enclosing structures in order to protect them from destruction.
Durability The longer the service life of the alternative finishing material, the better. After all, you don’t want to redo the renovation after 2 years. Please note that the finish will be affected by moisture and high temperature.
Antiseptic Since the bathroom is a symbol of cleanliness, the surface decorative material must have antiseptic properties. Pathogenic microorganisms should not appear and develop on the walls and floor.
Strength The bathroom is always heavily used and not everyone is careful about decorative finishing. Therefore, you need to choose an option that will withstand mechanical stress, including impact. In addition, plumbing and household appliances create a large load. This also needs to be taken into account.
Easy to care for The less the surface of the walls and floor is contaminated, the less often they need to be washed and the more less effort this will cost money. I recommend buying a finish with low porosity, as dirt does not linger on such a surface.
Easy to install If you are going to do the repairs yourself, choose a material that can be easily installed on the surface without the use of special tools and equipment. It is also best to avoid “wet” construction processes that generate a lot of dust.
Environmental friendliness The material must be safe for humans and environment. Moreover, this property must be preserved regardless of wetting and heating.
Chemical resistance Check that the selected finish is not damaged by household chemicals. detergents and cosmetics. It is better if the decorative material can withstand exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Several species that I personally used in my work meet these criteria to one degree or another. practical activities. I will describe them below.

Types of decorative finishes

Of all the existing decorative materials, I have chosen several options that are more suitable than others for decorating a bathroom:

Wall panels: alternative No. 1

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about how to replace tiles in the bathroom are plastic panels. However, in addition to polyvinyl chloride slats, there are wall panels made from other materials on sale, many of which tolerate operation well in humid air.

Using some options, you can decorate your bathtub in such a way that it will give a hundred points head start to ordinary tiles. True, you will have to shell out a fair amount of money for this.

During my considerable career, I had to use the following wall panels to decorate bathrooms:

  1. Made from natural wood. They are usually made from wood valuable species– oak, maple, alder, cedar. They are very environmentally friendly and make it possible to decorate the interior in a classic style.

They can be used in rooms with high humidity, but this requires special treatment - impregnation with wax, oils or other substances that repel water and dirt.

I don't recommend installing wooden panels in areas of the bathroom where they may experience direct contact with water. Although the moisture dissolved in the air is subject to constant renewal protective coating, does not harm the finish.

  1. Wood-based panels. Cheap alternative to the previous option. The products are made from shavings and sawdust, which are glued together with phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Decorative chipboard panels have little strength and do not tolerate moisture well. Therefore, they are practically not used for decorating bathrooms. As a last resort, you need to take care of very effective ventilation using a powerful suction.

  1. Wood fiber boards. They are also made from wood waste, but long plant fibers are used here, so they have improved water repellent properties.

In the bathroom they can be used to finish surfaces that do not come into contact with water (humidity zone 4).

  1. MDF panels. This material appeared not so long ago, but is already widely used in construction, furniture production etc. The boards are made by pressing very fine wood chips under high temperature and pressure.

When exposed to heat, a sticky substance, lignin, is released from wood residues, which plays the role of a binder.

This material is able to withstand significant loads (they even make furniture and shelves from it), tolerates moisture well, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient and is quite hygienic. Therefore, it can be safely recommended for finishing wall surfaces in the bathroom.

  1. Glass panels. They are made of tempered glass, which withstands mechanical loads well. Due to high strength, absolute hydrophobicity, hygiene and other positive qualities glass panels Perfect for decorating a bathroom.

The material can be completely transparent, painted in some color, or have an ornament, pattern, or print. I have also seen glass panels decorated with carvings.

The only negative is that glass is not suitable for all interior styles and is quite expensive. But a high-tech glass bathroom is simply a pearl of interior design.

  1. Gypsum vinyl panels. Advanced version of widely used plasterboard sheets. Structurally, such products are ordinary gypsum fiber boards, but their outer layer is covered with vinyl film, so the material can be used as an independent decorative finishing.

Products can imitate natural materials in color and texture, be painted in certain colors or painted with ornaments.

They are characterized by high strength, reliability and moisture resistance. Suitable for installation in the bathroom.

  1. 3D panels. A unique decorative material that allows you to decorate a plumbing room in an original style. The products are separate sheets, on the surface of which a clearly visible relief pattern is applied.

Ready-made parts are available for sale for installation on walls or slabs with a primed surface, prepared for further painting with acrylic or silicone paints.

The disadvantage of this design method is the cost. But the appearance of your bathroom will not make you regret the money spent.

  1. Plastic panels. The most common alternative to ceramic tiles. The popularity of this material is due to its high performance properties and low cost.

Plastic slats are great for decorating a bathroom. They can even be placed in a shower stall, where they are constantly exposed to water. It will not affect either the appearance or the duration of operation.

Since PVC panels are the most popular in our country, I will further focus on describing the properties of this particular material. So, what are the advantages of plastic slats for walls and ceilings in the bathroom:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Polyvinyl chloride used in the manufacture of lamellas is absolutely harmless to the human body. By the way, the same plastic is used to make, for example, food packaging and water pipes.
  2. Thermal resistance. The material retains its original dimensions and integrity at very high temperature air. Combustion and melting are possible when exceeding + 370 degrees Celsius. In case of fire, the material emits low-toxic smoke, which does not complicate the evacuation of people and the elimination of the source of fire.
  3. Moisture resistance. Wall panels are completely waterproof. To prevent moisture leakage at the joints, the ends of the lamellas are equipped with locking connections. The material has low porosity, therefore it is slightly contaminated and has antiseptic properties.
  4. Easy to install. Unlike tiles, the panels are easily glued directly to the walls or installed on a frame. The last method allows you to minimal costs level surfaces, lay engineering Communication, insulation, etc.
  5. A wide range of. Nowadays there is a huge variety of plastic panels on sale that will satisfy the artistic taste of even the most picky buyer.

As for the shape and size, here I can highlight the following options:

  1. Lining. Plastic slats are 3 cm long and 10 cm wide. Although there are models 12.5 cm wide. Most often, such panels are painted in White color, although I also came across color options. The ends are decorated with European (wide lock) and Polka (narrow) lock joints.

  1. Panels. This is the most popular finishing option. Length wall panels varies from 2.6 to 3 meters, and width from 15 to 50 cm. Most often in my work I used 25 cm slats. The outer surface can be painted, varnished or covered with thermal film. The parts fit together very tightly, the seam is almost invisible.

  1. Plates. In this case, the width of one element is from 80 to 200 cm, and the length is from 150 to 400 cm. The material for manufacturing is foamed cellular polyvinyl chloride, but upper layer is still formed smooth and able to withstand external loads.

Paint: alternative No. 2

Now let's look at what else can replace tiles in the bathroom? Naturally, this is paint. Painting walls in sanitary facilities has the following advantages:

  1. Saving Money. Even the most expensive paint costs less than tile and any other decorative materials. Therefore, if your goal is to save as much as possible, use it.
  2. Variety of appearance. By combining certain colors or shades you can easily decorate your bathroom in a unique style. And if you have artistic talent, best option It's not worth looking for. A landscape or still life depicted on a wall or ceiling will make even the most sophisticated connoisseur gasp.
  3. Ease of work. I think each of us has held a brush in our hands at least once, so the process of painting walls should not pose any difficulties. This is not gluing tiles or constructing frames for panels.

It should be noted here that all the benefits of paint are revealed only when the walls in the bathroom are already leveled with plaster (or gypsum board), carefully puttied and sanded. Otherwise, there can be no talk of saving money, time and effort.

If the enclosing surfaces have significant vertical deviations, it is better to give preference to other finishing options.

To achieve perfect result, it is also important to take care of choosing the right coloring composition. Only those types of paints that tolerate exposure to water are suitable. Ordinary water-dispersion paint will not work, since it will wash off upon contact with liquid.

Therefore, I recommend using the following options:

  1. Acrylic. It tolerates operation well in humid air and can be applied to any surface except metal. This paint is not very expensive, and there are a huge number of colors to choose from. In addition, you can tint the compositions in the store using pigments, creating your own shade.

  1. Latex. A material that is distinguished not only by high water-repellent properties, but also by good elasticity. The paint is not washed off with water and does not form cracks with minor movements of the walls during shrinkage and thermal expansion. Can cover small (up to 1 mm) cracks.

  1. Silicone. A highly durable paint that is commonly used for facade works. It is ideal for painting walls and ceilings in the bathroom; it can withstand significant mechanical loads and direct contact with water. The big disadvantage is the high cost.

On Russian market building materials You can find paint from various manufacturers. All of them comply with current standards, so they can be safely used in work. As an example, I can give several options:

  • Tikkurila is a company from Finland that has been supplying paint to interior decorators around the world for several decades. I can separately recommend paint made on the basis of a moisture-proofing primer, which prevents surfaces from getting wet.
  • Dulux is one of the world market leaders among manufacturers paint and varnish materials. The product range of this company includes very high quality paints at a very affordable price.
  • Jobi German company, whose colors differ unrivaled quality, but you will have to pay a considerable amount for them.

Plaster: alternative No. 3

I have already listed two ways to decorate walls, besides tiles - what else can you decorate a bathroom with? I suggest using decorative facade plaster for this. Although this material was originally intended for finishing the external surfaces of buildings, it is excellent for decorating a bathroom.

Here are a few features that allow me to draw this conclusion:

  1. High degree of vapor permeability. The structure of the hardened façade plaster is such that it does not prevent air infiltration through the walls, and therefore promotes self-regulation of the microclimate in the bathroom. Moreover, with high air humidity, the material is able to absorb water vapor and release it back as the air dries.
  2. Easy to care for. Decorative plaster is far from being as delicate and fragile a material as it might seem at first glance. Modern materials perfectly resist mechanical stress and withstand the effects of sponges and household detergents during cleaning without damage. And the surface itself has antistatic effect, thanks to which dust does not stick to it.
  3. Unique appearance. With the help of facade plaster you can decorate the walls in the bathroom very beautifully and unusually. Specialists using this material can create real artistic masterpieces. However, for this, of course, you need to have considerable skills.
  4. Hydrophobic properties. Since this material was originally intended for use in difficult external conditions, it feels quite comfortable in the bathroom, without collapsing even if a stream of water from the shower is directed at the plaster. This result is achieved thanks to a thin film formed on the surface.
  5. Resistance to salt precipitation. Despite the presence of a cement binder in the plaster, other components of the decorative material prevent the appearance of efflorescence on surfaces.

To finish the bathroom I had to use two groups of facade plasters:

  1. With a smooth surface. The most popular representative of this category is the Venetian. It was from her that the fashion for using facade finishing in sanitary facilities.

After hardening, a glossy, smooth surface is formed on the walls, along which water rolls down and is not absorbed by the walls. Plaster usually imitates a natural stone, in particular – marble.

Therefore, it will not be possible to achieve too much variety here. All that remains is to vary the color scheme and dilute the design with some effects (for example, an artificially aged surface).

As an option, I can advise using stencils when finishing, but this significantly complicates the finishing process (or makes it more expensive if you use paid services master).

  1. Structural plasters. In this case, various mineral components (granite stones, mica, etc.) are added to the composition of the initial mixture, which make it possible to form a characteristic relief on the surface. Prominent representatives of these types of plasters are pebble or bark beetle.

It is better to use this material to finish surfaces that will not experience direct contact with water during operation. The liquid does not roll down, but gets stuck in the depressions, which negatively affects the sanitary condition of the room and the integrity of the walls.

To prevent the finish from deteriorating for as long as possible, you can increase the water-repellent properties of the surface by additionally covering it with wax, varnish or other similar composition.

Wallpaper: alternative No. 4

Another option for decorating walls in the bathroom is wallpaper. But not the usual ones that you are used to seeing in residential areas, but waterproof ones. Like paint, this type of decorative finishing is very cheap, and any of us can hang paper rolls on the walls, right? Naturally, the surfaces must be pre-leveled.

Apart from this, using wallpaper in the bathroom has several other benefits. First of all, this is the variety of design. You can choose wallpaper with a pattern already applied, a relief texture, or white, which is subsequently painted in the color you like.

What I also like is the possibility of spot repairs. If any section of the wall is damaged or heavily soiled, you just need to re-paste a sheet of wallpaper on it to once again enjoy the exquisite appearance of the room.

But in order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to choose only those types of wallpaper that can withstand use in humid air. The following options are more or less suitable:

  1. Washable wallpaper. They represent ordinary paper wallpaper, outer surface which has a waterproof coating in the form of a thin transparent film. Thanks to it, moisture does not penetrate into the thickness of the material, the finish does not delaminate, does not swell, and retains its performance properties for a long time.

Another advantage of washable wallpaper is that dirt, dust, fungus and water marks are easily removed from their surface. Well, the main thing is the affordable price.

  1. Vinyl wallpapers. An excellent option for decorating a bathroom. The outer decorative layer of the material not only withstands exposure to humid air, but also does not collapse upon direct contact with water.

However, you will have to pay quite a lot of money for this option, so you won’t be able to save significantly on plumbing repairs. However, the price is fully justified by its long service life, durability and attractive appearance.

  1. Self-adhesive wallpaper. Here we're talking about about a polymer film, on the reverse surface of which glue is applied, protected by anti-adhesive paper. To stick such wallpaper, just remove protective layer and press the material tightly to the surface.

Self-adhesive film tolerates direct contact with water, so I recommend using it to decorate sections of walls near a bathtub, shower stall or washbasin.

  1. Liquid wallpaper. They are a dry mixture (like plaster) of a binder and decorative elements (pigments, cellulose fibers, etc.). Before use, they are mixed with water and applied to the walls with a spatula.

This finish is perfect for the bathroom. By using liquid wallpaper You can greatly diversify the design; the surface of the material is not damaged by water and has great mechanical strength.

  1. Glass wallpaper. Rolled finishing material based on fiberglass. The finish is absolutely impervious to moisture and has increased strength characteristics.

Fiberglass wallpaper is usually supplied in the form of white canvases with a surface textured with a fine pattern. After gluing to the walls, the wallpaper is painted desired color and can subsequently be repainted up to 10 times.

  1. Photo wallpaper. Another popular trend in bathroom design. Modern drawings and photographs are distinguished by very high print quality and resolution. With the help of photo wallpaper, you can radically transform your bathroom in a couple of hours, surprising your significant other.

Thanks to the hydrophobic film on the surface, the finish tolerates use in the bathroom well (if you choose a material with the required designation).


Now you know what you can do in the bathroom instead of tiles. Some ideas for decorating sanitary facilities alternative types You can learn about finishing in the video in this article. It also describes how to install them.

You can leave your opinion on the information presented in the material in the comments below.

How are walls finished in a bathroom, the materials for which must meet certain increased requirements? This question worries many people who are planning to do big renovation in the apartment. The bathroom has its own specific conditions, which cause increased demands on wall coverings.


Naturally, any person wants to ensure beautiful interior, practical and reliable design, and this requires a serious and thoughtful approach to selection facing materials. When it is decided that the walls in the bathroom will be finished, you need to start selecting materials, only after deciding what style you plan to make the bathroom in and what funds you are willing to spend on it. Only then can you decide what to use for finishing the bathroom.

Wall finishing options include different materials and technology. Offered range facing coatings allows you to choose material to suit every taste.

Any bathroom has conditions that differ significantly from other rooms in the apartment, which must be taken into account when choosing material for wall decoration. First of all, it has a very high level of humidity, and its effect occurs when elevated temperature. When using a bathtub, it is enveloped in steam, and with good ventilation, a significant temperature difference occurs.

Particularly difficult conditions are found in sections of the walls adjacent to the bathtub. They are often exposed to heated water, splashes of detergents and cosmetics. In addition, we must not forget about the frequent mechanical impact on the coating when using the bath.

Wall decoration in the bathroom

Taking into account the above factors, when deciding how to decorate the walls in the bathroom, it is important to be guided by the following requirements for finishing materials:

  • high moisture resistance, incl. at elevated temperatures;
  • resistance to steam, aggressive substances and temperature changes;
  • easy cleaning;
  • good adhesion to the base of the wall;
  • environmental safety for humans and hygiene;
  • ease of application;
  • durability and beautiful appearance.

When making a final decision on what to use for wall decoration, you should take into account the size of the room, layout features (presence of niches, projections), design style, general color scheme, floor and ceiling design, type of basic equipment (shower stall, regular bath or a bath with additional functions) etc.

Wall decoration with ceramic tiles

Most often, the question of how to decorate the bathroom walls is solved in a standard way: ceramic tiles (tiles) are selected. But besides tiles, there are currently other reliable and practical finishing materials for decorating walls in the bathroom. Can be used for wall decoration waterproof wallpaper, plastic panels, mirror or glass tiles, agglomerate, special mosaic. Finally, the question of how to decorate the walls in the bathroom can be solved by applying decorative plaster or waterproof paint.


Ceramic tiles have been the most common material for finishing bathroom walls for many years. Its wide popularity is due to its undeniable advantages: very high resistance to all influencing factors, the ability to clean with detergents, hygiene, durability. Wall decoration can be done with plain tiles, a combination different colors or patterned tiles.

Bathroom tiles

Many people do not have a question about what to cover the surface with; they immediately choose tiles. However, when making such a decision, one should remember that tiled finishing is very labor-intensive and requires careful preparation surfaces, and the cladding will most likely have to be done by inviting professionals. The cost of finishing is very high. In addition, some may not like the fact that such a finish is not something unique.


One of the simplest and cheapest options for covering walls is painting. What is attractive about this method is the possibility of doing the work yourself. The walls in the bathroom are decorated using modern waterproof paints and varnishes: acrylic dispersion paints and enamels, as well as latex-based paints. Using this type of painting, you can create real panels on the surface. The color range is very wide.

Painted walls in the bathroom

The main advantages of the method: low cost, wide selection of colors, ease of painting and subsequent repairs. The main disadvantages limiting the popularity of painting are: the need to perfectly level the wall surface, insufficient durability, and reduced resistance to scratches and potholes.


Wall decoration in the bathroom can be done using wallpaper. What can you use to cover the walls? For rooms with high humidity, acrylic or vinyl wallpapers V economical option. Fiberglass wallpapers have high strength and water resistance, but are much more expensive. The main advantage of gluing walls is the ability to create a variety of beautiful design. You can make such repairs yourself.

Bathroom covered with wallpaper

The disadvantages of using wallpaper include the need for careful surface preparation, reduced strength and water resistance. the main problem- the area where the wallpaper joins. In this area, water has the ability to seep under the canvas, which reduces the durability of the coating. This drawback especially manifests itself in areas directly adjacent to the bathtub, which limits the use of wallpaper near bathtubs and shower stalls.


If the bathroom initially contains enough uneven walls, the question arises of how to sheathe such walls so as not to carry out very complex alignment. One of the options is based on the use of modern materials: wall cladding plastic panels. PVC tiles are commonly used different sizes, which in their characteristics are not much inferior to tiles, but cost noticeably less.

Wall cladding is done with preliminary lathing, which somewhat reduces usable area premises, but allows you to finish the walls without leveling the surface.

Finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

PVC panels are produced different color(including with imitation natural materials: marble, wood, etc.), which allows you to choose the design style. The weak point is the joints of the panels, which require careful sealing with sealant to prevent moisture from penetrating inside. Another disadvantage is the low resistance of plastic to impact: unsightly dents remain.


In addition to the traditional ceramic tiles, currently offering various decorative tiles from modern materials. What to use to cover the walls in the bathroom?

  1. Porcelain tiles are tiles based on polymer and natural components that successfully imitate natural stone different breeds. It has high strength and resistance to all bathroom conditions.
  2. Glass tiles have a perfectly smooth surface and visually increase the volume of the room; mold and mildew do not form on them. Modern tiles can imitate different materials, for example, ice. Tiles with holographic elements are offered, which provides a three-dimensional ornament on the wall. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  3. Agglomerate - modern material, which is a combination mineral base with a cementitious binder. The slabs are available in different sizes.
  4. Mirror tiles are pieces of mirror 4 - 6 mm thick different shapes and size. Such tiles create a unique effect and visually expand the space. Can be used either alone or in combination with other finishing methods.
  5. Mosaic - small elements made of ceramic, stone, glass or metal various shapes(squares, rhombuses, polygons, etc.), from which mosaic panels are laid out.

Decorative tiles "brick"


Other materials used to decorate bathroom walls include the following:

  1. Sheathing with plasterboard: requires further covering of the surface with moisture-resistant decorative coating, but does not require leveling the wall surface. You can form niches, ledges, columns, arches, etc.
  2. Wood paneling: wooden slats(lining) gives the room an exquisite natural look, but requires special impregnation with an antiseptic and waterproof compounds, as well as varnish.
  3. Decorative plaster: colored plaster with relief, not requiring additional coating. It is difficult to apply, so the participation of a specialist is necessary.

Decorative plaster for finishing the bathroom

It is impossible to describe all the options, since the flight of human thought is limitless. Don't be afraid, experiment! Make your bathroom your pride.

Renovating a shower room is always an event planned in advance, since changing the interior requires a rational and serious approach. The materials used must be distinguished not only by their attractive external qualities, but also by their high performance properties. Separately, you need to think about how to decorate the walls in the bathroom?

After all, they bear the main load in this room. First of all, the materials used must cope well with high humidity, temperature changes, as well as steam and other negative factors. Therefore, it is the walls in the bathroom that should be carefully prepared for quite difficult, but no less surmountable tests.

Finishing methods

Today the market for finishing materials can be called quite diverse. Therefore the application various options when decorating a shower room it is almost inevitable. The main thing is to choose exactly those types of designs that would meet operational requirements, as well as external parameters.

Among the most common methods are:

  • waterproof wallpaper;
  • regular, mirror or glass tiles;
  • coloring;
  • drywall;
  • PVC panels;
  • decorative plaster.


Decorating the walls in the bathroom with ceramic tiles is rightfully considered classic version. This design of the shower will always remain original and practical from an operational point of view. Advantages of the material:

The walls in the bathroom can be tiled with tiles of different colors, textures and sizes. This method guarantees the originality of the design of the room. In addition, you can cover the surface with panels, drawings or other decorative elements.


Oddly enough, one of the most popular options for decorating a bathroom wall is painting. You can paint it yourself, but it is better to choose moisture-resistant compounds for obvious reasons. Using paint and varnish mixtures, you can create a wide variety of patterns, designs and images. However, it is necessary to take into account some circumstances:


How to decorate the walls in the bathroom? Naturally, with wallpaper! Of course, many will think that this material is not entirely appropriate here. However, they are only partly right if we are talking only about regular wallpaper. Moisture-resistant products will fully cope with the load placed on them. Therefore, you can glue wallpaper in the shower room without any particular worries. Peculiarities:

PVC panels

The walls in the bathroom can be covered with special PVC panels. In addition, you can even do this yourself, because laying out the products in the shower is not difficult! This material can be described as practical, modern, original. Separately, it is worth noting its affordable cost, so decorating a room will cost very little compared to other raw materials. This option perfectly resists moisture, steam, and temperature changes.

Installation of the material is simple and can be done independently:

  • It is necessary to remove the outdated covering from the wall.
  • Treat the surface with special antiseptic compounds.
  • All parts, including lathing, should be treated with water-repellent agents.
  • Lay out the PVC panels from the selected corner and then go in a circle.

What other new materials are suitable for finishing the bathroom? Cover the shower with plasterboard? Why not? Moisture-resistant products are quite suitable for this role! Water-repellent panels resist moisture well and also do not allow steam to pass through. Installation of products can be carried out on a frame made of metal or plastic. This will create multi-level structures, hide communications and provide lighting.

However this method will take up quite a lot of space, which is undesirable for small showers. Therefore, you can simply stick sheets of drywall to the walls. And on top of it, finish with tiles, PVC panels or other materials. Surface preparation occurs as follows:

  • The walls are cleaned of the previous coating.
  • Surface treatment is carried out with antifungal compounds.
  • If necessary, the frame of the future structure is assembled.
  • Next, sheets of drywall are installed on the sheathing.
  • After which everything is puttied, painted and decorated.

Other options

With all the variety of materials, the walls in the bathroom can be finished with almost no problems. Different kinds products, an extensive palette of colors, a variety of textures - all this allows you to decorate the shower room as you wish. What the modern market of finishing materials does not offer!

For example, a bathroom will be perfectly characterized by a mosaic laid out in it with or without any theme. Although this option is quite expensive, and when pasting it will require a certain amount of experience and professionalism. However, you can get by quite in a simple way– buy a ready-made image, which is applied to a polymer base. Even a beginner can handle such a coating!

In addition, it is worth noting the possibility of decorating a bathroom using glass tiles with a holographic pattern. In a great way The use of decorative plaster can diversify the room, this is especially true for a combined bathroom. This coating is characterized by seamlessness, and almost any material can be used for decoration.

Video instruction

To create a bathroom interior ideal option is ceramics. This material is resistant to indoor humidity. Big choice products allows you to realize the most bold decisions in bathroom design.

Choice of cladding

To achieve the desired effect upon completion of the renovation, first of all, determine the method of facing the space that you like best. There are three types of cladding:

  • Decorating some parts of the room with tiles (bathroom area, washbasin, etc.);
  • Wall cladding to the intended level;
  • Full finish.

The design method directly depends on the dimensions of the room. For example, for a small bathroom, zoning with tiles is inappropriate. Individual parts will look like a jumble different ideas in a small area.

Spacious bathrooms can be decorated in any way without fear of the visual effect of cramping.

Choosing color and style

Neutral tones

Facing in light colors with bright accents

Rich palette

When choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to maintain a balance between bright and calm shades. A provocative color can create an atmosphere of irritation, so it is better to combine rich tones with neutral finishing options.

Natural textures

Modern style

Popular trends for bathroom cladding also include classic and ethnic styles.

When planning and implementing a project, stick to one thing: important principle: the cladding of the bathroom should correspond to the overall style of the interior of the house.

Decorative panels

IN Lately Ceramics with photo printing are often used (option decorative panels). In this case, the choice of design is limited only by the area of ​​the room, the renovation budget and the need to match the idea. Exclusive solutions look the most attractive.

Square tiles

Rules for choosing tiles

  • Make sure that you purchase material from the same batch, otherwise there may be a discrepancy in the shades of the elements;
  • Inspect the surface of the ceramic. The tiles should be free of damage and chips. Often during transportation and storage, the integrity of products is compromised, for example, corner parts break off, cracks appear;
  • Measure individual elements to understand whether the ceramics corresponds to the parameters stated on the packaging;
  • Pay attention to the quality of the corners, each of them should be 90 degrees;
  • Place two tiles with the end parts facing each other to understand how smooth and high-quality the surface of the tile is. There should be no gap between the elements;
  • Calculating the quantity required material, take into account the margin - about 10%.

The success of bathroom design depends largely on the idea of ​​finishing and the quality of implementation. However, you should be no less careful when choosing plumbing fixtures. When purchasing, you should take into account the quality of the product, its shape, compliance with the interior style, and the manufacturer’s size range.