Gazania is a sunny “daisy” from Africa. How to properly grow gatsaniya at home? What is the difference between gazania and gatsaniya

Gatsaniya, or gazania

Gatsania, or Gazania, is an attractive South African "daisy" named after Theodore von Gaza, an Italian priest who translated the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus. Gatsania is often called “midday gold” because its inflorescences open only at midday, and even then only in sunny weather.

Gatsaniaresistant to pests and diseases, unpretentious, easily takes root on open sunny balconies.

Plantvery light-loving, weakens in the shade, stretches out and does not bloom.

Before flowering gatsaniya Water generously, then moderately. Soil for gatsaniya should be well permeable, not too rich nutrients, otherwise flowering weakens.

Reproduce gatsaniya seeds that are sown in early April. Shoots appear on the 5-15th day, depending on the temperature. In May, seedlings plants can be planted in balcony boxes at a distance of 20 cm from the plant. Flowering begins in June and continues until frost.

If you want to preserve a particularly beautiful specimen, gatsaniya propagated by cuttings in autumn. In this case, the plants overwinter well in pots in a bright room with a temperature of 8-10°C.

Gazania(Gazania) is a low-growing plant family Asteraceae with dense rosette green leaves of various shapes. In many species gatsaniya the lower part of the leaves is covered with short silvery pubescence, which protects the plants from the cold and helps retain moisture.

From July until the end of the season from the base of the rosette gazania Many bare peduncles continuously appear, slightly rising above the leaves. The tops of the peduncles are crowned with large single inflorescences-baskets, attracting admiring glances with the unusual color of the petals.

Hybrid gatsaniya They are widely used in floriculture because they have many advantages.

Gatsaniahybrid (Gаzania x hybrida) is distinguished by large and spectacular inflorescences. Flowers plants open in the morning and close at the end of the day.

Breeders have developed many varieties gatsaniya with brightly varied colors of inflorescences. But they are all equally beautiful: with white, cream, lemon, yellow, orange, pink, crimson, red, red-brown, bronze, purple petals.

Using gatsaniya: landscape designers recommend combining gatsaniya with gypsophila, chamomile, dimorphotoca, gypsophila. Used for ridges, borders, rocky hills, slopes and for cutting. Gatsaniya planted in wide outdoor vases or containers in combination with blue ageratum or lobelia.

Dense, dark green leaves with silvery-white drooping on the underside protect gazania from excessive evaporation in hot weather. In addition, the pubescence traps drops of moisture. Gazanias are exceptionally drought-resistant, heat- and light-loving. In the garden, they require open sunny places for successful cultivation. Quite cold-resistant, can withstand frosts down to -5-7 "C.

prefer light, nutritious garden soils. They cannot tolerate excess moisture. On heavy clay soils, especially in rainy years, they feel depressed.

Care: moderate watering and removing faded inflorescences promotes the formation of new buds. On fertile soils, plants are fed every 4-6, and on poorer soils, every 2-4 weeks with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer.

Reproduction: seeds and cuttings. To grow seedlings, sowing is done in March in boxes in a greenhouse or in a warm greenhouse. In April you can sow in cold greenhouses and open ground. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees, seedlings appear in 5-14 days. Seedlings are planted in peat-humus or pottery pots and grown at a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

Planting in place is carried out in mid-May with a damp lump of earth or in pots, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between plants. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your quality seeds (achenes covered with light hairs over the entire surface), since in middle lane they ripen only in seasons with a lot of sunny days. The seeds are large (1 g contains 230 pieces), they remain viable for 2 years.

If hybrid gazanias grew in a flowerpot all summer, then in the fall they can be transferred to a cool room, cut off all the tops and water as needed (without flooding, but also without drying out the earthen ball). This way they can be stored until next summer.

The genus Gazania, or Gazania, is named after Theodor von Gatz, who translated the botanical studies of Theophrastus and Aristotle from Greek into Latin.

Gatsanias have a fairly powerful tap root system. The aerial part is represented by a rosette of dark green or grayish dense leaves pubescent below, the shape of which varies from entire lanceolate to pinnately dissected or lobed. The stem is shortened or absent.

The peduncle is up to 20-30 cm tall, cylindrical, rather thick, crowned with a large (5-9 cm in diameter) bright single inflorescence-basket. The color of reed flowers (in common parlance - petals) is varied - white, yellow, orange, red. Spots at the base, border and stripes are often noticeable. The center of the inflorescence is usually colored sunny yellow or reddish.

The fruit is a pubescent achene with a tuft. The seeds remain viable for a couple of years.

An inhabitant of the sunny, arid places of South Africa, Gatsania is light- and heat-loving. Optimal soil should be light, loose, nutritious, without stagnation of moisture. Excessive moistening cannot be tolerated. In an open, sunny area with loamy, light soils, the plant will grow and develop well.

Moderate watering is necessary only on very hot, dry days. The long taproot and pubescence on the leaves help gatsaniya to extract moisture from the depths of the soil and reduce its evaporation from the surface of the plant.

If gatsaniya is planted in a container, it is watered as the top layer of soil dries. Gatsania is responsive to complex feeding mineral fertilizer.

A plant planted on fertile soils is fertilized once a month, on less rich soils - once every 2-3 weeks, growing in a container - once every 10-14 days. Removing fading inflorescences stimulates the formation of new flower stalks.

In the conditions of central Russia, gatsaniya is not winter-hardy and tolerates only short-term frosts down to -5...-7°C. Therefore, gatsaniya is most often grown as an annual.


Gatsania will decorate hot, dry corners of the garden. A wonderful bright spot in a group or mixborder, a “sunny” accent in a border or border.

Species with lodging stems (Gatsania long-arrowed, Gatsania single-flowered), forming a dense flowering carpet, are used as ground cover. Can be used for cutting.

Gazania is a wonderful container plant; it will make a spectacular contrast to blue ageratum or lobularia (alissum).

Gatsaniya is propagated by seed or vegetative methods. In the conditions of central Russia, seeds ripen only in very sunny summers, so they cannot be obtained from plants in the garden every year.

In mid-May, the plants are ready to be planted in their permanent location. Planted according to the 15x15 cm or 20x20 cm pattern. In April, you can sow the seeds in open ground under a light film cover.

At the base of the gatsaniya bush, side shoots form in July; they are cut off with sharp pruners and used as cuttings.

Young plants overwinter in a cool, bright room (greenhouse, winter garden), they are planted in the flower garden in May of next year.

Pests and diseases of gatsaniya

Gatsaniya is resistant to diseases and pests, but unfavorable growing conditions - with excess moisture, insufficient lighting, low air ventilation - weaken the plant, it can become susceptible to gray rot.

To combat the disease it is necessary to remove plant remains and treat with Fitosporin. The most harmful pests are aphids, spider mites, and snails.

Popular types of gatsaniya

Long-shooting Gazania (Gazania longissara)annual plant up to 15-20 cm tall. The stems are lodging, ending in an inflorescence-basket up to 7 cm in diameter.

Both tubular and reed flowers are bright yellow, but the bases of the latter are colored Brown color. The leaves are bright green above and pubescent below, have a solid edge or slightly split, collected in a basal rosette.

Gazania harsh or shiny (Gazania rigens, Gazania splendens)- a perennial plant grown as an annual plant. Ascending stems up to 30 cm long bear baskets 4.5-6 cm in diameter.

The tubular flowers are purple-black, and the reed flowers are juicy yellow, orange, red, with strokes of brown, black or white at the base.

The dense rosette is composed of whole, less often pinnately cut leaves. Flowering is abundant, the plant forms up to 35 inflorescences one after another.

Gazania potsii differs from the previous type in a larger basket, its diameter exceeds 12 cm.

Gazania pinnata received its name due to the pinnately dissected leaf shape. Some individuals have lobed leaves. Stem up to 20 cm long. The reed flowers of the inflorescence-basket are orange with a dark mark at the base.

Snow-white Gazania (Gazania nivea) It has whitish leaves with abundant pubescence, forming a dense, compact rosette that is woody at the base, from the center of which flower stalks appear.

Gazania unifiora- compact plant. Its creeping stems and rosette of leaves of various shapes form a “cushion” 10-15 cm high. The central vein of the leaf below is devoid of pubescence. The baskets are pale yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter, numerous.

Gazania pavonia is different narrow shape long, up to 20 cm, leaves, covered with white fluff below and stiff hairs above. A juicy orange basket with a yellow center with a black ring around the latter reaches 8 cm in diameter.

Gazania x hybrida– obtained by crossing various species, mainly Gatsania stiff and long-shooted Gatsania. The plant inherited the beauty of the flower and leaves from its parents, but surpassed them in resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Moderate watering is necessary only on very hot, dry days. Gatsania is responsive to fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer.

Gatsania or gazania is a very unpretentious plant and for this reason a favorite plant among gardeners.

Belongs to the Asteraceae family. There are approximately 40 species of this flower. IN natural conditions The plant can be found in Mozambique, South Africa (which is why it got the name African chamomile) and Australia.

In Africa, gazania is translated as butter flower, thanks to its petals.

General information about gatsaniya


Gatsania tastes like butter to Africans. People from Western Europe named the flower midday gold because of its warm colors and ability to open its petals at midday.

the title of the Gazania flower in honor of the Italian priest Theodore von Gaza.

This man distinguished himself with the most successful translations of the works of Theophrastus and Aristotle.

Description of the variety

Gatsania can be an annual or perennial plant.

The annual flower is found mainly in our area, because it dies out in cold winters. But in its homeland it is usually a perennial.

Flower low, approximately 30 cm in size, although there are specimens that have reached half a meter.

Leaves dark green or grayish in color at the roots, collected in a rosette.

Stem not long or absent at all. These are dense plates with silver-colored fibers on the bottom. They protect the flower from the cold and maintain moisture in drought conditions.

Inflorescences look like an orange-red basket with spots of dark color in the form of a pattern at the base, measuring from 5 to 9 cm. The inflorescence consists of reeds different color. One plant has approximately 35 flower stalks, each of which opens in sunlight.

Fruit is a tufted hairy achene.

Gatsania varieties

Longshot (Gazania longiscapa)

It is an annual plant with a flower 7 cm in diameter.

It consists of tubes and tongues of bright yellow color.

Their base is decorated brown spots. This variety grows up to 20 cm.


This type of gazania cannot be found in nature. This is a tall plant – 30-40 cm.

The flowers are 6-8 cm in size. The flowers are in the form of tubes of blood-black color, the reed ones have bright yellow, red, orange colors with brown, black or white patterns at the base.


It is a cross of several species.

The basis is still long-ranged and somewhat harsh (shiny).

Its advantage is that it can bloom even in cloudy weather.

Among the hybrid varieties worth mentioning:

  • about the Talent variety mixture,
  • about the Ministar variety group, Daybreak Red Stripe, Easy Grow.


Gazania potsi

Very similar to the shiny variety, only in larger size. The inflorescence reaches 12 cm.

Peacock (Pavonia)

Looks completely different. The leaves are narrow and elongated, reaching up to 20 cm. The flower is 8 cm orange.

Pinnate (Pinnata)

Snow white (Nivea)

Growing and care

Growing from seeds

The question often comes up about the possibility of growing gazania from seeds. This is real, but a lot depends on the area where it will grow.

The growth process from the time the seeds are planted to the flowering period usually takes from 80 to 110 days. Therefore, it is so important to choose the optimal time for disembarkation.

In cold and late spring, the plant will not have enough heat and light, so it will be necessary to provide the flower with additional lighting. Only then will he be able to develop fully.

But late sowing is also not advisable. If you sow the seeds in May, then the color will appear very late.

That's why best time for sowing gatsaniya - mid-March.

Mid-April is allowed, provided that it is sown in deep boxes so that the long stem grows and does not bend.

  1. Planting requires light soil with good drainage.
  2. Seeds are sown at a distance of 3 cm from each other.
  3. They need to be covered with soil on top or pressed tightly to the soil.
  4. Some people prefer to plant in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. We need to create a greenhouse effect.
  6. The seeds are moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film.
  7. The pot is placed in a warm and bright place.
  8. Every day, condensation will form under the film, which must be removed.
  9. The first shoots can be seen in a couple of weeks.

Growing from cuttings

Gatsania hybrids are not capable of producing seeds, so the only method of propagation is cuttings.

At the end of summer, a piece of the stem is cut off from the overgrown bush and placed in greenhouse conditions. The cuttings will give roots in about 2 months, maybe a little earlier. Then you can plant the plant in a pot for the winter, and in open ground in the spring.

Growing seedlings

As soon as the fourth leaf on the seedling has blossomed, it needs to be plucked.

Peat-humus soil is perfect for this.

Pots with seedlings are transferred to a cooler place with a temperature range of 12 to 16 degrees. Usually this is a glazed loggia.

But there is no need to grow a greenhouse plant; it’s time for it to get used to the temperature of the surrounding world.

Every day, young gatsaniya should receive a stream of fresh air.

The main thing is that the pot is not in a draft!

Planting a flower

You can use this soil from mid-May. It is advisable to complete planting before mid-June. This is the most optimal time, which will subsequently play a big role in the growth and flowering of the plant.

To disembark you need to pick up right place. It should be well lit and have soil rich in nutrients. However, it is better if it is light.

It is important to provide the flower with access to sunlight. It doesn't matter whether it's direct sunlight or not. Gatsania is very light-loving and is not afraid of drought.

If the plant grew from seeds in a pot, then you can plant it directly in it. If the seedlings were in boxes, then using a long scoop, each seedling is dug up with roots and transferred to the hole.

It is important not to damage root system . When planting gatsaniya, you need to maintain an interval of 20 cm between flowers. As soon as the seedlings are planted, you can soon expect color.

Conditions for growth

It has already been said above that sufficient lighting and good soil drainage are important conditions. But, gatsaniya is an amazing plant and, despite its love for the sun, can live even with a sharp drop in temperature to -5-7 degrees.

Caring for the plant is not difficult.

Gatsania pleases with its flowering from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn.

Each basket holds color for about 3 weeks.

As soon as the sun goes below the horizon or clouds appear in the sky, the flower tongues curl up and cover the yellow tubular center.

Some gardeners and flower growers note that gatsaniya does not want to bloom.

Perhaps the reason lies in insufficient lighting, excess moisture or late planting.

What to do after flowering?

During hot and dry summers, there is a chance to collect gatsania seeds, but, as a rule, they do not have time to ripen.

And in most cases this does not make sense, since the seeds are sold as hybrids and lose their species and varietal characteristics by the end of flowering.

Even if you decide to collect seeds, it is not easy.

They, like dandelions, simply fly away. To prevent this, flower growers wrap several large inflorescences with gauze, which is secured to the peduncle.

Gatsaniya at home

Gatsania is often found as a houseplant. The main thing for her is sufficient light. In the summer, many people take the plant to the balcony, where it successfully blooms and grows.

Decor element

Gatsania – perfect plant for design solutions.

Grows well in alpine roller coaster and rockeries.

The combination of blue lobelias with these flowers is wonderful, as well as with ageratums.

To create a continuous carpet, creeping species of Gatsania are grown.

You can decorate your balcony with compact varieties. Ampelous varieties are suitable for planting flowers in pots.

Pests and diseases

At favorable conditions Gatsaniya is not sick. But if the plant has a hard time growing, it weakens and becomes susceptible to gray rot.

In this case, you will have to remove all affected areas and treat the remaining plants with phytosporin.

Insect pests include:

  • spider mite,
  • snails

The latter are collected by hand, and insects need to be fought with insecticides:

  • fitoverm, akarin, intavir will help get rid of aphids,
  • actellik, fufanon and ditox from spider mite.


An annual plant can be destroyed immediately after flowering. But, if you want to try to leave the gatsaniya over the winter, then the bushes with the most beautiful and large flowers dug up and transplanted into pots.

Pots with flowers should be stored at a temperature of 8-10 degrees. Watering is required infrequently to prevent the soil from drying out.

In the spring, gatsaniya is cut off by about half and transplanted from pots into open ground.

Features of gatsaniya

Gazania or gatsaniya is a flowering plant, it can be either perennial or annual. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it is usually purchased as an annual, since gazania does not tolerate cold and in rare cases is able to survive the harsh Russian winter.

This flower is a member of the Asteraceae family. If you pay attention to the structure of this bright plant, you will immediately notice its similarity with the chamomile we are used to.

However, gazania is distinguished by larger inflorescences and is able to amaze with the variety of its colors. The flowers of this plant can be colored various colors and shades, from bright yellow to deep red.

In its natural environment, gatsaniya can be found mainly in warm regions such as Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania. Some varieties are native to Australia and New Zealand. South Africa is considered the birthplace of this “bright daisy”.

This is what can explain the flower’s love for warm weather, bright sun and intolerance to strong winds and cold weather. But perennial varieties This plant can withstand frosts up to seven degrees below zero in autumn and winter.

Gallery: gazania (25 photos)

Description of the plant

Before choosing gazania, you should get acquainted with some facts about this flower:

Gazania has a large number of types and varieties. Their main difference from each other is the color of the inflorescences. Breeders from all over the world have been developing new varieties of gatsania, and currently we know about forty species of this “golden daisy”.

Many varieties were created taking into account certain climatic conditions. This is how annual species were bred for regions with cold climates. The most popular types of gatsaniya are long-shooting, hybrid, pinnate, potsi and shiny.

​Growing a flower

Gatsania reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds. The seed method is considered the most common, but do not forget that there are some varieties of gazania that can only be propagated by cuttings. For example, terry gatsanias are not capable of producing seeds.

How to grow gatsaniya from seeds? The easiest way is to simply sow gatsania seeds directly into open ground. But it should be remembered that with such planting, the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than after two or three months, since it has a rather long growing season.

Planting seeds in the ground:

  • in the spring, after the last frost, sow the seeds in the soil, the main thing is that there is no return of cold weather, as they can destroy the plantings;
  • Before sowing, prepare the soil: dig and fertilize it;
  • sow the seeds individually, there should be a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters between them;
  • deepen the planting material by one to two centimeters.

This method is suitable for residents of the southern regions, since in such areas there are quite long daylight hours already in March. For northern and temperate latitudes, the method of growing seedlings from seeds is perfect.

From seeds at home

Gazania seeds are sown for seedlings in early March. To do this, you should use separate containers; tall glasses are perfect. This is necessary for the healthy development of the plant’s root system; it has a rod shape and grows in depth, reaching quite long sizes.

If you still decide to use a common container, then sow the seeds at a distance of five centimeters from each other in a checkerboard pattern. For planting, use light and loose nutritious soil.

With this method, the seeds do not need to be buried; they can simply be placed on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with glass or transparent film. Flower growers advise watering with a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds with a stream of water. The suitable temperature for germination is twenty degrees Celsius.

If these conditions are met, you will receive the first shoots in about one to two weeks. Seedlings should be planted in open ground in May. To do this, the seedlings are removed from the containers along with a lump of earth and placed in fertilized soil at a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters from each other.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method is not as popular as the seed method. It is used only for the propagation of certain varieties that are unable to produce seeds. To do this you will need:

When using this method, growing seedlings from shoots is done at home.

Outdoor care

Caring for a gazania is not difficult. Anyone, even an inexperienced gardener, can handle it. The main thing is to take into account all the features of this ornamental plant and the nuances of growth in nature.

Features of watering. Since Gatsania is native to South Africa, the flower thrives during hot and dry summers. It is particularly drought-resistant, but in order for the plant to delight you with its vigorous and vibrant flowering, it will need to be watered.

Gacinia needs moderate but regular watering. You can also choose another option for providing moisture to the plant - water it rarely, but abundantly.

Mulching and loosening

After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil tree trunk circle. This is done in order to enrich it with air, because in natural conditions gazania prefers light, oxygenated soils.

After loosening, add mulch to the soil. It helps plants retain moisture for a long time and prevents the appearance of weeds. It is recommended to use sawdust and dried peat as mulch.

Top dressing

When caring for a gazania Special attention should be given to plant nutrition. It should be carried out once every four weeks. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizer. Twenty-five grams per square meter of land will be enough. You can also feed the plant while watering.

Collecting gatsaniya seeds

To grow this extraordinary flower seeds required. They can be purchased at garden stores and nurseries or assembled yourself. But this process is not considered the easiest.

In the climatic conditions of Russia, gatsania seeds rarely have time to ripen in time. The only exception is very hot summers.

It’s also worth considering that if you grow on your own plot hybrid varieties gazania, then when seed is planted they will lose all their specific characteristics. The process of collecting the seeds of this plant is quite difficult, since they are very similar to dandelion seeds - just as light and airy.

Therefore, one careless movement or a light breath of wind can scatter even ripe seeds. If you still decide to get them yourself, then tie the inflorescences with gauze, this will help you hold them and not lose them.

You learned from our article. how to grow seedlings for gatsaniya at home and features of caring for this marvelous flower. Now you can create beautiful compositions in your flower beds using this ornamental plant.

Description of the plant

Gazania is a bush up to 15-50 cm high. Dense narrow dark green or gray-green leaves are collected in a basal rosette, from which flower stalks emerge with single inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 3-9 cm.

Gatsania petals come in different colors: pink, red, white, but most often yellow or orange, often with longitudinal stripes of darker and bright colors with a dark spot at the base. Outside surface petals are often shiny. At the same time, there can be up to 30 peduncles on a gatsaniya. Flowers open only in bright sunlight and remain closed in cloudy weather. The seeds are hairy achenes with a tuft.

Gatsania is a perennial, but in northern latitudes it is grown as an annual. The flowering period lasts from early summer until frost.

Gatsania propagation

Flower growers can buy gatsaniya with already grown seedlings. But it is much more interesting and cheaper to grow seedlings yourself using seeds or cuttings.

Growing gatsaniya from seeds

It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your own gatsania seeds, since in our country they ripen only in a very hot summer. But buying them is not difficult. Seeds are sown in February with the expectation that at the end of May or beginning of June, 3 months after germination, gazania will begin to bloom.

There are two ways to grow gatsania seedlings: with and without picking. In the first case, a shallow container is sufficient for planting; in the second, a box with a depth of at least 10 cm is required, since gatsania usually has a long tap root.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • pour a light soil mixture into the box, moisten it, make furrows;
  • seeds are planted quite rarely, minimum distance between rows 3 cm, in a row - 2 cm;
  • after planting, the seeds are covered with a layer of earth or sand no more than 5 mm,
  • sprayed from a spray bottle,
  • cover with a transparent lid or bag and place in a bright place.

The optimal temperature for germination is 18-20 ºC. Every day the box with seedlings must be ventilated, removing condensation from the lid. Seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks.

If the seedlings have sprouted too often or the seedling box is shallow, then when 2-4 true leaves grow, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots or cassettes. After transplantation, plants need a temperature of 12-16 ºC; in warmer conditions they can stretch out. Water as the earthen clod dries out, without flooding.

Propagation by cuttings

Hybrid varieties of gatsanii do not produce ripened seeds, so they are propagated by cuttings. To do this, at the end of summer, a part of the woody stem is cut off from a well-grown bush and, after powdering the cut with rootstock, it is placed in a mini-greenhouse. After 1.5-2 months, the cuttings will grow roots, and it will be possible to transplant it into a pot for wintering, and plant it in a flowerbed in the spring.

Planting and care

Caring for gatsaniya is simple; you just need to follow the basic recommendations for watering, soil composition and placement of plants on the site.

Landing rules

In May-June, when the soil is garden plot warms up enough, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

This African plant prefers light, poor sandy and rocky soils. Gazania can develop normally and bloom profusely only in sunny areas where water does not stagnate.

The plant is exceptionally drought-resistant; watering is needed only when there is no rain for a long time. Caring for gazania involves removing old flower stalks, as well as weeding and loosening, which can be replaced with mulching.

On poor soils, it is not a bad idea to feed gazania with complex mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a month. On fertile soil, you can do without fertilizers or apply them 2-3 times per season.

Diseases and pests

Gatsaniya practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests. The only possible problem is gray mold, which causes rot. To save the plant, it is treated with fungicides. To avoid disease, it is necessary to plant gazania only in light, well-drained soil.


As a perennial crop, this African chamomile grows only in warm countries where the temperature usually does not drop below zero. However, gatsaniya will survive a short-term drop to -5-7 ºC. But in Russian conditions, growing this plant in open ground is impossible.

For wintering, the strongest bushes are selected and in October-November they are transplanted into pots, which are brought into a bright room with a temperature of 8-10 ºC. Water occasionally when the soil is completely dry. In the spring, overwintered gazanias are planted in open ground after pruning the shoots.

Growing at home

Gazania can be kept and how indoor plant. Intense lighting is a prerequisite for successful cultivation. In summer, the plant will feel better on the balcony.

Popular types of gatsaniya

There are 18 types of gazania known in nature, the most popular of which are grown as ornamental ones.

Gatsaniya ampelous

A very decorative variety of gazania thanks to its flowing vines with silvery pubescent leaves and bright yellow flowers 2.5-4 cm in size. The color of the flowers is solid, without spots at the base of the petals.

Gatsaniya harsh (Brilliant)

This is the most famous variety of Gatsania. It does not occur in nature. Bushes up to 40 cm high are decorated with bright golden-yellow or orange shiny flowers 4-8 cm in diameter. There are dark spots at the base of the petals. The leaves are entire, sometimes moderately incised, dark green on the upper side and white pubescent on the lower side.

Gatsaniya linear (Long-Rifle or Gatsaniya Potsi)

The bushes of this variety of gazania, up to 10-15 cm high, consist of a rosette of narrow leaves up to 13 cm long and yellow and orange flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. The leaves are green and shiny with outside and white pubescent on the inside. Flowers often have dark spots at the base of the petals.

Gatsaniya Krebsa (Peacock)

A low-growing species of gatsaniya, it forms bushes up to 15 cm high. The upper side of the leaves is dark green shiny, the lower side is white pubescent. The root system is rather weak, without a taproot. The flowers are 5-9 cm in size, dark red or orange with dark brown spots at the base of the petals.

Gatsania hybrid

There are many hybrid varieties based on Gatsania brilliant, Gatsania linear and other species. Varietal plants have larger flowers with a variety of spectacular colors, and the newest hybrids bloom even in cloudy weather. The most interesting groups of gatsania varieties:


With golden yellow, orange and red-brown inflorescences, some varieties in this group have longitudinal contrasting stripes on the petals or rings of various colors. In the photo - variety Red Stripe.

Easy Grow, Sonnenschein, Auslese

Ancient varieties; bushes up to 30 cm high with large flowers of bright colors. In the photo - variety Easy Grow;


Plants up to 20 cm high with yellow, orange and white inflorescences


A series of varieties with silvery leaves and flowers that do not close even on cloudy days; on the right - variety TalentWhite.

Decorative value

Thanks to its short stature, drought resistance and unpretentiousness, gatsaniya is ideal for alpine hills and rockeries, where it goes well with blue lobelias and ageratums. Creeping varieties can form a continuous carpet, and compact varieties are ideal for growing in containers on balconies. Hanging varieties are very decorative in hanging flowerpots.

Features of gatsaniya

Gatsania can be either an annual or perennial plant. The height of the bush is about 30 centimeters. The basal leaf plates are part of the rosette, while the stem is completely absent or it is very short. Dense leaf blades can be greenish-gray or dark green and have the most different shapes. On the underside of the leaves there are thick, silver-colored fibers; they protect the flower from the cold and, during drought, help retain water. The inflorescences look like single baskets, which can reach 5–9 centimeters in diameter. They contain reed flowers, which can be red, orange or yellow. They have a dark spot at the base, resulting in a ring pattern around the yellow colored center. The center contains tubular flowers. There can be approximately 35 such inflorescences on one bush. The fruit is a hairy achene with a tuft.

Growing gatsaniya from seeds

Seeding time of this plant for seedlings directly depends on the climate in which the gardener lives. If there is a cold and late spring, then sowing seeds too early will require additional lighting of the seedlings. Without additional lighting, the plant will grow and develop much slower than expected due to lack of light. Sowing seeds, for example, in May will lead to the fact that you will be able to admire the flowering of gazania relatively later. In this regard, it is recommended to sow seeds in the second half of March, and preferably in mid-April. For sowing, high containers are used, this is necessary so that the long taproot does not bend during growth. The soil mixture for sowing should be well-drained, light, with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Sowing should be done sparsely. You can simply distribute the seeds over the surface of the substrate in a checkerboard pattern, and the distance between them should be from 2 to 3 centimeters. You can pour a thin layer of substrate on top of the seeds, or you can simply press them a little into the soil. Moisten the crops with a spray bottle and cover the container with film or glass. Then it is removed to a well-lit, sufficiently warm (from 18 to 20 degrees) place. Remember that it is necessary to remove condensation from the shelter and arrange ventilation every day. The first seedlings will appear after 7–15 days.

If seedlings are grown in a deep container, then in this case they will not need picking. In other cases, after the fourth true leaf forms on the plant, it will need to be planted in a peat-humus pot. Then the seedlings are removed for growing in a place where it is somewhat cooler (from 12 to 16 degrees), while a loggia that is insulated but not heated would be an excellent option. From this moment you should begin hardening the plants. To do this, it is necessary to open the window for some time every day during the day, while protecting the gatsaniya from drafts.

What time to plant

You should start planting seedlings of this plant from the second half of May to the first days of June. After planting, caring for the gatsaniya will become much easier. However, before planting plants, it is necessary to find the most suitable place. An open, well-lit area is suitable for this. Garden soil should be light and rich in nutrients. Remember that this plant needs direct sunlight and is not harmed by direct rays of the sun. The fact is that it loves light very much and has high drought resistance.

How to plant

It is necessary to plant seedlings in open soil in the peat pots in which they grew. If the cultivation was carried out in a deep box, then in order to remove the long root of the plant without injury, you will need a fairly long scoop. When transferring the flower to the hole, try not to injure the root. A distance of at least 20 centimeters should be left between the bushes. Gatsania begins to bloom very soon after planting in the garden. Thus, flowering of this plant is observed just 3 months after sowing the seeds.

Features of care

In order for gatsaniya to grow well and please its appearance, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting, namely: sunny and with well-drained soil. This flower is quite heat-loving, but it can withstand frosts down to minus 5–7 degrees. This flower needs moderate watering. After this procedure is carried out, you need to loosen the surface of the soil and at the same time remove all weeds. In order for flowering to be more abundant and long-lasting, it is simply necessary to promptly remove those inflorescence-baskets that have begun to fade. It will be good if you mulch the soil surface. This will help to significantly reduce the number of waterings, as well as weeding. For normal development, such flowers need timely feeding. If you planted gatsaniya in soil saturated with nutrients, then it will need to be fertilized once every 4–6 weeks; for this, complete mineral fertilizer is used (take from 20 to 25 grams of the substance per 1 m2). If the plants were planted in poor rocky soil, then fertilizing will need to be done once every 15–30 days.

Flowering of this plant is observed in June–October. After opening, each inflorescence-basket withers only after 20 days. When it is dark or cloudy outside, the reed flowers curl up, covering the yellow core, which consists of tubular flowers. In some cases, gardeners may complain that the plant does not bloom. The most common reasons for this phenomenon are: little light, excessive watering, or late planting of seedlings in open soil. If everything is done correctly and on time, then the flowering will be long, lush and spectacular.

Diseases and pests

Anyone who has grown such a flower knows that it is not susceptible to disease. However, if gatsaniya is grown in unsuitable conditions for it, it weakens and may well be affected by gray rot. In this case, the affected bushes should be dug up and destroyed, and the remaining ones should be sprayed with a solution of phytosporin.

Among the pests that are dangerous to the plant are aphids, snails and spider mites. Snails are removed from the bushes by collecting them by hand. To cope with spider mites, use: actellik, ditox or fufanon, and to destroy aphids they use: akarin, fitoverm, inta-vir.

Collecting seeds

In mid-latitudes, the seeds of such a plant most often do not ripen. This can only happen if summer period will be relatively dry, hot and prolonged. It should also be remembered that, as a rule, hybrid varieties of such plants are cultivated, and their seeds do not have the ability to preserve the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. And we must also remember that ripe gatsania inflorescences are very similar to dandelion; with a strong gust of wind, the seeds simply fly apart. In this regard, the flowering baskets must be wrapped in gauze, which is fixed on the peduncle so that the seeds remain in place.


If you cultivate an annual plant, then when it blooms, the remains are removed and burned. However, some gardeners keep it for next year. Choose the most spectacular bushes that should still bloom. They are dug up and planted in containers or pots. After this, they are placed in a cool (8 to 10 degrees) room with good lighting. Watering should be rare and light, but the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely. In spring, they are planted in the garden, and their stems should be shortened by ½ part.

Main types and varieties of gatsaniya with photos and names

This annual plant can reach a height of 15 to 20 centimeters. The entire basal leaf plates are slightly cut, on the front side they are rich green, and on the underside there is pubescence. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 7 centimeters, while both types of flowers have a rich yellow color. The bases of the reed flowers are brownish in color.

Gazania harsh or shiny (Gazania rigens, Gazania splendens)

The bush reaches about 30 centimeters in height. The diameter of the inflorescences varies from 4.5 to 6 centimeters. The color of the tubular flowers is blood-black. Reed flowers can be colored red, deep yellow or orange, with brown, black or white spots at the base. As a rule, the leaf blades are entire, but pinnately divided ones are also found.

Gazania pottsii

This plant is similar to the harsh gatsaniya, only it is larger. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 12 centimeters.

It stands out among other species by the shape of its leaf blades, so they are narrow and long (about 20 centimeters). The diameter of the inflorescence is about 8 centimeters. Reed flowers have an orange-yellow color and a black base, tubular flowers are yellow.

Cirrus gazania (Gazania pinnata), snow-white gazania (Gazania nivea), single-flowered gazania (Gazania unifiora) and hybrid gazania (Gazania x hybrida), which was obtained as a result of crossing, are also cultivated various types, however, the gatsaniy is mostly long-shooting and harsh. Currently, varieties have been obtained that can bloom in cloudy weather. The most popular hybrid varieties:

  1. Daybreak Red Stripe. The baskets are pale yellow and have red stripes. They open in the morning, and close at dusk.
  2. Variety mixture Talent. It was very popular in 2001. It has very spectacular leaves and inflorescences, and the baskets are closed only at night.
  3. Ministar variety group. The varieties have inflorescences of white, yellow and orange colors.

Growing gatsaniya from seeds

In the middle zone, gatsaniya is grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown in early March. This can be done at the end of the first spring month, but in this case flowering begins in early July. Please note: seedlings need a lot of light, and if you cannot provide additional lighting, then it is better to sow gatsaniya in April, when daylight hours increase.

The soil in the container for seedlings should be light, well-drained, with an acidity level of pH 5.5-6.5. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil in a checkerboard pattern, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm between them, and pressed to the ground. Then they are sprayed with water from a spray bottle, covered with film and placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 18-20°C. The crops are ventilated daily, condensation is removed, and the soil is moistened with a spray bottle as it dries. Shoots usually appear after 7-14 days.

If the seedlings grow in a fairly deep container, then they can be avoided and planted in open ground in mid-May - early June. If the sprouts are crowded (they have rather long roots), with the appearance of 4 true leaves they need to be planted in peat-humus pots and grown in a room with a temperature of 12-16°C.

Before planting gatsaniya in open ground, it is gradually accustomed to lower temperatures. During the day, the window in the room is slightly opened, but at the same time the plants are protected from drafts.

Planting gatsaniya in open ground

The seedlings are planted in an open sunny place with nutritious but light garden soil. Gatsania is drought-resistant, but does not tolerate shade at all, so you need to choose an open area for it, even with direct sunlight. It is also important that the area is not damp. If the area is wet, gatsaniya is placed in a raised flower bed with sides so that after rains the water drains away faster.

The picked seedlings are planted together with peat humus pots. And the specimens located in a common container are carefully taken out of the container along with the earthen lump and transferred to a hole previously made in the flower bed. The distance between plants should be about 20 cm. As a rule, gatsania blooms 3 months after sowing the seeds, so you won’t have to wait long.

Caring for gatsaniya in the garden

Long roots help the plant survive drought, so the flower can survive without watering for several weeks. Gatsaniya is watered only during hot summer. The plant requires almost no care. To get a neat flower garden, weeds and wilted inflorescences are regularly removed, the soil is loosened, and the gatsaniya is also fed with liquid complex fertilizer for flowering plants once a month. To curb the growth of weeds, the soil can be mulched. Then maintenance will be reduced to a minimum.

Gatsaniya can tolerate short-term cold snaps down to –7°C, so it usually blooms until November. Each basket does not fade for 2 weeks. At proper care the flower does not get sick and successfully resists insects.

If you grow gatsaniya as an annual, then in the fall the remains of the plant should simply be destroyed. But you can try to save the flower until next season. To do this, the most beautiful bushes that are still flowering are dug up, transplanted into containers and kept in a well-lit room at a temperature of 8-10°C. The plants are periodically watered so that the soil does not dry out completely, and in the spring they are planted again in open ground, having first shortened the shoots by half.

This flower looks great in a mixborder, border and border. Long-shooting and single-flowered Gatsania can be used as ground cover plants, because they create a thick flowering carpet. And low-growing specimens (for example, Potsi gatsaniya) are good in containers as decoration for balconies, terraces and houses.

Varieties and types of gatsaniya

There are more than 40 types of African chamomile. Despite this diversity, gardeners fell in love with the hybrid varieties developed as a result of selection, which have unusual characteristics of inflorescences, leaves and stems. In temperate latitudes, gazania, which was originally a perennial, is grown as an annual plant.

Gatsaniya linear

Latin name: Gazania linearis. It is distinguished by the presence of a beautiful rosette of carved, pubescent leaves on the underside and bright yellow or orange flowers with spots or stripes on the petals that will delight the eye until the onset of cold weather. Gazania linear tolerates both low temperatures, and drought. It is recommended to plant the plant in May in sunny places.

Gatsaniya long-shooting

Also known as Gazania longiscapa. African chamomile of this species is a low (about 20 cm) plant with slightly split leaves and large yellow-golden flowers. If gazania flowers are ligulate, a brown darkening can be seen at their base. August is the beginning of the flowering period of this species, which continues until frost.

Gatsaniya brilliant (harsh)

Another name is Gazania splendens hort. The species is cultivated from late XVIII century and is most in demand among gardeners as an annual. What is his secret? As a rule, this semi-shrub plant (the length of the stems reaches 30 cm) is especially attractive due to its abundant and colorful flowering. In one season, a bush can give birth to 35 inflorescences! The flowers of this variety are somewhat similar to gerbera: the same large single baskets, turning their heads directly to the sun. Gazania brilliantis is decorated with them from July to November.

Gallery: gatsaniya (25 photos)

Gatsania peacock

The Latin equivalent is Gazania pavonia. Considered a subshrub; in conditions wildlife- a perennial, grown in Russia as an annual plant. Distinctive features: whole or slightly carved, pubescent, very narrow leaves, green above, whitish below. The inflorescences consist of large flowers; tubular flowers are painted yellow, and reed flowers are bright orange and have a dark base.

Gatsania hybrid

Gazania x hybrida are varieties bred by breeders that brought Gazania such popularity in floriculture. The main difference between these varieties and the original species is the open inflorescences, regardless of whether it is a sunny day or not. The variety of hybrids was achieved thanks to the shape of the flowers (daisies, semi-double and double) and their color range. Baskets can be red, bright orange, yellow, pink, lemon, beige, bronze, crimson and purple. The only disadvantage of these varieties is the impossibility of propagation by seeds: plants simply don't produce them.

Gatsania Potsi

Name in Latin – Gazania potsii. It is a harsh variety of gazania, so it differs little from it. However, it is difficult not to pay attention to the huge size of the bright flowers - their diameter can reach 12 cm!

Gatsaniya Sunlight

Other variety names: Sonnenschein, Gazania splenders Sunshine mixed. This selection product is in many ways similar to other hybrids and blooms incredibly impressively. On the petals of Sunlight you can notice contrasting stripes or characteristic rings. The densely leafy stems reach a height of 20-30 cm and produce lateral shoots.

Gatsania Daybrek

Another popular hybrid among gardeners. Daybreak stands out among other varieties for its unusual inflorescence color: the plant is decorated with golden, orange or red-brown flowers. Otherwise, it is the same annual resistant to adverse conditions.

Gatsaniya Garden Star

A representative of hybrids, this variety takes pride of place among the inhabitants of border flower beds and flower beds. It reaches a height of 20 cm, stands out among its relatives with strong peduncles, on which large bright flowers with lancet petals are planted. The flowering period of the variety occurs throughout the summer and most of the autumn.

Gatsania Triad

Like the previous three, the variety is mixed. If you plant it on your site, you can watch how baskets of white, yellowish, red or orange bloom against the background of gray-green foliage.


It is one of the most common varieties. Based on the Kiss gazania, a whole series of hybrids with a high degree of decorativeness were bred. The variety is characterized by the average size(20-25 cm), as well as large baskets of flowers (up to 10 cm).

Gatsaniya Talent

Bred from the species of brilliant African daisy; differs from it in the silver color of the leaves and the ability to leave flowers open even in cloudy weather. Like many other varieties, Talent blooms very long and effectively.

Technology for growing gatsania from seeds at home

Seed propagation is the most popular, but labor-intensive method of propagating African chamomile. In order for the flower to please the eye with lush baskets by the beginning of summer, you need to carefully prepare.

The optimal time to start breeding seedlings is February-March (for late-flowering varieties - March-April). When choosing a planting time, you need to remember that the plant will begin to bloom only three to three and a half months after it touches the soil. Further Here are step-by-step instructions for growing gazania from seeds:

  • Step 1. Preparing the pots. The basic rule is a large depth of the vessel. Peat containers are ideal for African chamomile. To begin with, you can use smaller pots, but when picking, the seedlings will need to be transplanted into larger containers, otherwise there will not be enough space for the root system.
  • Step 2. Preparation flower soil. Gazania loves well-drained, slightly acidic soil. average humidity. A mixture consisting of peat humus and drainage (vermiculite, coarse sand or permit) will do the job well.
  • Step 3. Sowing. Seeds are sown at a distance of at least 3 centimeters from each other. The staggered landing method is common. As a result, the seedlings should be under a layer of soil from 0.5 to 1 cm. They can either be “pressed” a little into the ground or sprinkled with it.

Features of growing gazania (video)

  • Step 4. After sowing, thoroughly spray the soil with a spray bottle and then cover the pots transparent material: it can be glass, film or polyethylene.
  • Step 5. Waiting for shoots. In order for the seedlings to sprout as early as possible, several important conditions must be met. Firstly, the temperature of the seedlings should not be lower than +18°C. Secondly, the pots need to be placed in a well-lit place. Thirdly, every day it is necessary to collect condensation from the covering material in order to prevent the seedlings from dying from excess moisture, and ventilate them, each time slightly increasing the time spent in the air for gradual adaptation to environment. If all recommendations are successfully followed, the first shoots should appear in 7-14 days.
  • Step 6. Dive. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 weeks after seed germination, when the seedlings have 2-3 full leaves on the stems. Each future bush is transplanted into a separate container with sufficient depth.
  • Step 7 Hardening. After diving, the temperature is lowered by several degrees so that planting in open ground does not become a shock for young plants.

When and how to properly plant gatsaniya in open ground

Gatsaniya should be planted in a permanent place 9-10 weeks after sowing the seeds, when the threat of frost has passed (mid-May).

African chamomile loves warmth and light, so the most suitable place for planting flowers will be well-lit areas where there are no drafts - the plant does not tolerate them well. Also Soil adjacent to groundwater should be avoided.

The soil should be light and nutritious; Before planting the seedlings, the soil is dug up and, if necessary, drained with sand and compost. The planting technology itself is quite simple: you need to carefully remove the seedlings from the pots along with a lump of earth to avoid damage to the rhizome, and then plant them in pre-moistened holes 15 cm deep and twice as wide as the earth lump at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Then the seedlings are watered again and covered at night if frost is likely.

Secrets of proper care for gatsaniya

Midday sun is a gardener's dream. This culture is so unpretentious that it can adapt to almost any living conditions. The only thing the flower cannot be transferred - this is waterlogging of the soil and very low temperatures characteristic of winter Russia. It is for the latter reason that this plant is grown as an annual in temperate climates.

Under conditions of normal precipitation in summer season Gatsaniya does not require watering. It is necessary to maintain soil moisture only for those bushes that are planted in containers. The watering procedure should be carried out in the morning so that cool water does not get on the tender foliage heated by the sun - the plant will get burned.

As for feeding, gazania will respond gratefully to mineral fertilizer complexes; the frequency of such procedures depends on the degree of soil fertility: for soil rich in nutrients, you can limit yourself to 1 time every 1.5 months, and for poor soil - 2 fertilizing monthly. The recommended dose is 20-25 g/m2.

To maintain the desired consistency of the soil, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and thoroughly loosen the soil (2-3 times a month). Lush and long flowering Tearing off fading or dried inflorescences will help.

Collecting seeds and preparing flowers for winter

The overwhelming majority of gazania species and varieties do not produce seeds, but in case of a successful combination of circumstances and a hot summer, the gardener will be the happy owner of seed material for the next year. To catch the moment when the seeds begin to spill out of the box, you can put a homemade bag made of light fabric or gauze on one of the dried flowers. Saving midday sun seeds can last for two years in a cool place.

If all your expectations for the seeds to appear are in vain, do not despair! You can solve the problem and save the bushes in a different way: all plants will survive the winter well if they are carefully transplanted back into pots and moved to an apartment, house or greenhouse. In addition to extremely moderate watering, light soil and plenty of sunlight, the main condition for wintering is a temperature of at least +10°C.

Perennial and annual African daisies in garden decor

Due to its spectacular flowering and ability to grow like a dense green blanket, gazania is widely used in landscape design. The flower will look most successful on alpine hills, against the backdrop of lawns, in containers, in carpet flower beds and along borders. The main condition is a high degree of illumination of the area.

How to dive a gazania (video)

The most suitable neighbors for African chamomile: lobelia, iberis, arctotis, ursinia, venidium, chamomile, gypsophila. The flowers last well for 8-9 days when cut, so gazania can be used to make bouquets.

Despite the fact that the midday sun is a guest from hot Africa, it has become one of the favorite plants of gardeners due to its unpretentiousness. One has only to give the plant light, and it will delight its owners with luxurious and long-lasting flowering.

Bright and beautiful flower bed is the main decoration of a garden or personal plot. Therefore, every gardener strives to select the most unusual and attractive ornamental plants in order to create unique and creative compositions with their help. Choosing colors is a complex and responsible process that requires certain knowledge and thoughtfulness.

It is quite difficult to single out truly worthy flowers among such a variety offered at flower markets and nurseries. Experienced gardeners often choose beautiful, blooming gatsanias to decorate their plots, because it is not for nothing that they are considered an infallible option for creating flower beds.

Gazania or gatsaniya is a flowering plant, it can be either perennial or annual. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it is usually purchased as an annual, since gazania does not tolerate cold and in rare cases is able to survive the harsh Russian winter.

This flower is a member of the Asteraceae family. If you pay attention to the structure of this bright plant, you will immediately notice its similarity with the chamomile we are used to.

However, gazania is distinguished by larger inflorescences and is able to amaze with the variety of its colors. The flowers of this plant can be painted in various colors and shades, from bright yellow to deep red.

In its natural environment, gatsaniya can be found mainly in warm regions such as Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania. Some varieties are native to Australia and New Zealand. South Africa is considered the birthplace of this “bright daisy”.

This is what can explain the flower’s love for warm weather, bright sun and intolerance to strong winds and cold weather. But perennial varieties of this plant in autumn and winter are able to withstand frosts up to seven degrees below zero.

Gallery: gazania (25 photos)

Description of the plant

Before choosing gazania, you should get acquainted with some facts about this flower:

Gazania has a large number of species and varieties. Their main difference from each other is the color of the inflorescences. Breeders from all over the world have been developing new varieties of gatsania, and currently we know about forty species of this “golden daisy”.

Many varieties were created taking into account certain climatic conditions. This is how annual species were bred for regions with cold climates. The most popular types of gatsaniya are long-shooting, hybrid, pinnate, potsi and shiny.

​Growing a flower

Gatsania reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds. The seed method is considered the most common, but do not forget that there are some varieties of gazania that can only be propagated by cuttings. For example, terry gatsanias are not capable of producing seeds.

How to grow gatsaniya from seeds? The easiest way is to simply sow gatsania seeds directly into open ground. But it should be remembered that with such planting, the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than after two or three months, since it has a rather long growing season.

Planting seeds in the ground:

  • in the spring, after the last frost, sow the seeds in the soil, the main thing is that there is no return of cold weather, as they can destroy the plantings;
  • Before sowing, prepare the soil: dig and fertilize it;
  • sow the seeds individually, there should be a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters between them;
  • deepen the planting material by one to two centimeters.

This method is suitable for residents of the southern regions, since in such areas there are quite long daylight hours already in March. For northern and temperate latitudes, the method of growing seedlings from seeds is perfect.

From seeds at home

Gazania seeds are sown for seedlings in early March. To do this, you should use separate containers; tall glasses are perfect. This is necessary for the healthy development of the plant’s root system; it has a rod shape and grows in depth, reaching quite long sizes.

If you still decide to use a common container, then sow the seeds at a distance of five centimeters from each other in a checkerboard pattern. For planting, use light and loose nutritious soil.

With this method, the seeds do not need to be buried; they can simply be placed on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with glass or transparent film. Flower growers advise watering with a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds with a stream of water. The suitable temperature for germination is twenty degrees Celsius.

If these conditions are met, you will receive the first shoots in about one to two weeks. Seedlings should be planted in open ground in May. To do this, the seedlings are removed from the containers along with a lump of earth and placed in fertilized soil at a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters from each other.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method is not as popular as the seed method. It is used only for the propagation of certain varieties that are unable to produce seeds. To do this you will need:

When using this method, growing seedlings from shoots is done at home.

Outdoor care

Caring for a gazania is not difficult. Anyone, even an inexperienced gardener, can handle it. The main thing is to take into account all the features of this ornamental plant and the nuances of its growth in nature.

Features of watering. Since Gatsania is native to South Africa, the flower thrives during hot and dry summers. It is particularly drought-resistant, but in order for the plant to delight you with its vigorous and vibrant flowering, it will need to be watered.

Gacinia needs moderate but regular watering. You can also choose another option for providing moisture to the plant - water it rarely, but abundantly.

Mulching and loosening

After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle. This is done in order to enrich it with air, because in natural conditions gazania prefers light, oxygenated soils.

After loosening, add mulch to the soil. It helps plants retain moisture for a long time and prevents the appearance of weeds. It is recommended to use sawdust and dried peat as mulch.

Top dressing

When caring for gazania, special attention should be paid to feeding the plants. It should be carried out once every four weeks. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizer. Twenty-five grams per square meter of land will be enough. You can also feed the plant while watering.

Collecting gatsaniya seeds

To grow this extraordinary flower, seeds are required. They can be purchased at garden stores and nurseries or assembled yourself. But this process is not considered the easiest.

In the climatic conditions of Russia, gatsania seeds rarely have time to ripen in time. The only exception is very hot summers.

It is also worth considering that if you grow hybrid varieties of gazania on your plot, then when planted with seeds they will lose all their specific characteristics. The process of collecting the seeds of this plant is quite difficult, since they are very similar to dandelion seeds - just as light and airy.

Therefore, one careless movement or a light breath of wind can scatter even ripe seeds. If you still decide to get them yourself, then tie the inflorescences with gauze, this will help you hold them and not lose them.

You learned from our article. how to grow seedlings for gatsaniya at home and features of caring for this marvelous flower. Now you can create beautiful compositions in your flower beds using this ornamental plant.

Gazania is known and loved throughout the world due to its colorful petals and resemblance to a daisy. It's great for decoration garden flower bed or the balcony of a multi-story building. Before planting gatsaniya in open ground, its cultivation and care should be studied as much as possible so that the flowers are large and delight their owners.

Features of growing gatsania as a perennial garden crop

The flower feels good both at home and in open ground

This flowering herbaceous plant is known as an annual or perennial plant. Most often, in our climate, it is possible to grow annual gazania because it does not tolerate severe frosts. If you want to make it perennial horticultural crops, then you will have to take care to replant it correctly and help it overwinter at home.

The gazania is native to South Africa, so it loves warmth and bright sun. Despite this, today there are many varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees and delight their owners with lush flowers for a long time.

Which is correct: gazania or gatsaniya

Another name for the flower is African daisy.

The plant was named after the Italian priest Theodore von Gas. However, despite this, in different countries it is called gazania and gatsaniya the same way. Due to the fact that its bright buds open at midday, it is known among flower lovers as midday gold.

How best to grow

Gazania is pretty unpretentious plant, so it can be grown in open ground, on the balcony and in home pots. The only condition for this is maximum access to sunlight, moderate watering, and absence of drafts. The less warmth and light you provide to your gazania, the fewer flowers it will produce.

What climate is this plant suitable for?

In southern latitudes, variegated carpets of gatsania bloom almost all year round.

Gazania is suitable for almost all climate types. You only need to take into account that in cold climates it is dug up for the winter, and in warm latitudes it grows all year round. The plant only dislikes humid and monsoon climates, where there is a large amount of precipitation. It can withstand significant temperature fluctuations from –5 to +35 degrees, although most of its species do not like frosts at all and die immediately.

In what soil does it grow best?

The most suitable for this plant is considered fertile soil, but if it is sandy, then the flower will not suffer from this. The main thing is that the place is well illuminated by direct rays of the sun, is protected from drafts, and the groundwater level is as low as possible.

In the southern regions, gatsaniya is sown directly into the flowerbed. In areas with harsh winters cultivation occurs only through seedlings, which must be sown following certain rules.

Role in landscape design and examples of application in the photo

Gatsania plays a huge role in landscape design. She gained popularity thanks to bright colors striking in its contrast. Thus, raspberry-white, yellow-orange, red, white and many other shades of gatsania are distinguished.

Let's look at some ways to use these colors:

In order not to harm gatsaniya and skillfully decorate your garden, do not plant next to it tall plants, which will create a shadow unacceptable for her.

Planting methods

If you want your gazania to have large flowers, you need to plant seedlings for it. It is important to know that the plant begins to bloom when at least three months have passed since the emergence of seedlings. That is why sowing seeds in May will give results only in August or even closer to its end. This time is unfavorable if we talk about our country, because frosts may already begin on most of its territory, which are unacceptable for gatsaniya.

To understand when it is better to sow the seeds of the plant in question in 2018, you can turn to the lunar calendar for help:

  • From 21 to 27 February;
  • In March, it is recommended to sow twice: from the 5th to 9th and from the 20th to 25th;
  • Favorable days in April are considered to be the 4th–8th.

When planting seeds and seedlings, you need to take into account the climatic conditions of each specific region. In areas where warm spring and summer begin later, it is better to begin the sowing process in March. This is explained by the fact that seedlings should not be kept at home for too long, because this makes them weaker and thinner. Because gatsaniya loves a lot warm light If you plant it too early, be prepared to provide it with high-quality illumination with a lamp.

At what air temperatures should seeds be sown and seedlings planted?

When picking gatsaniya seedlings, you need to be especially careful

The most acceptable temperature for planting seeds is +18 degrees. Before emergence, this indicator is increased to +22 degrees. As soon as the seedlings begin to rise above ground level in the box, the temperature is again reduced to +18 degrees.

The further process of development of gazania occurs at temperatures no higher than +15 or +16 degrees. If it is higher, the plant will stretch upward and be less strong.

Before planting in open ground, the gatsaniya is taken outside for 40 minutes. Every day this time is increased so that the plant gets used to the temperature outside.

When to plant gatsaniya when growing from seeds + step-by-step instructions

You need to grow seeds for seedlings in well-prepared soil. To do this, use light, nutritious, moisture-permeable soil. The most suitable option is a mixture of peat and sifted sand in a 1:1 ratio, as well as turf soil and compost in a 2:2 ratio. If the total volume of soil is 10 liters, do not forget to add complex mineral fertilizer to it (no more than 3 matchboxes).

  1. Before placing seeds in the soil, it must be calcined at high temperature for about 3 hours.
  2. After this, a highly saturated solution of potassium permanganate is added to it, cooled and began to be poured into the container where the seedlings will grow.
  3. 10 mm of expanded clay is poured into the bottom of a low seedling box, and prepared soil is poured on top of it. Its height should be within 30 mm. To make the seeds germinate faster, they need to be soaked in hydrogen peroxide for 3 hours.
  4. Well-compacted soil is watered abundantly with water and the seeds are laid out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 20 mm from each other.
  5. Then another 10 mm of soil is poured on top of them, sprayed with water and a plastic film is tightly pulled over the box. This way the seeds will germinate faster. Regular ventilation of crops and drying of the film will help to avoid the appearance of mold. At the same time, you need to ensure that the room with the seedlings is warm, so it is recommended to install the container close to the battery.
  6. The seeds germinate within a week. In order not to harm them, open the film and move it closer to sunlight in a place where there is no draft at all. Watering is carried out only on well-dry soil.

How to sow at home: video for beginners

In order not to damage the root system of gatsania during transplantation into open ground, it is recommended to pick the young growth when the sprouts have 4 leaves. Peat cups are used for picking (their volume should be no more than 200 ml). Soil with an acidity level of pH from 5.5 to 6.5 is poured into them almost to the very top. Having made a hole in the container, the seedlings are buried down to the cotyledon leaves. This is how they grow until they are planted in the flowerbed.

How to pick pots: video guide

Garden care from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Planting in open ground is carried out in a consistently warm time.

Immediately after sowing the seeds, calculate the approximate time when you will plant the gazania in open ground. This should be a period of no frost or severe cold. In this case, the soil should warm up by at least 40 cm.

Compost is poured onto a pre-selected sunny plot of land and dug up. Maintaining a distance of 20 cm from each other, holes are dug to a depth of 20 cm. Before lowering the peat pot into the ground, water the hole generously and add a tablespoon of fertilizer (potassium, superphosphate, soil).

How to care while growing

During growth, flowers are not watered heavily. Make sure that there are not many tall weeds growing around, which will block the sunlight necessary for the plant. Weeding the ground directly next to the gatsaniya must be done carefully so as not to damage the root, which is located quite close to the surface. That is why experts advise not to loosen the soil. To prevent the soil from losing moisture and becoming covered with weeds, the soil must be mulched (peat or compost).

With proper care, gazania flowering lasts about 20 days. As a result, pick off faded flowers in a timely manner to promote the appearance of new ones.

Do not forget to feed the plant once a month or a month and a half with a complete mineral fertilizer, which includes potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Most often, with the arrival of winter, the bushes are cut off and the roots are dug up. However, if you want to keep a few flowering gazanias until next season, dig them up and plant them in a pot. At the same time, make sure that the lump of earth in which the plant grew all summer remains intact. Place the flower in a room with a temperature no higher than +8 or +10 degrees. It needs to be watered only when the soil is almost completely dry. With the arrival of spring, the stems are cut off and the roots are planted in a new bed.

What problems do gardeners have with growing and their solutions?

Both young and mature plants do not tolerate overwatering

Like all plants, gatsaniya is also susceptible to pests, from which it suffers and may die. These include slugs, aphids, spider mites, and snails.

Pest control methods:

  • You can prevent the appearance of ticks and slugs by regularly weeding the area where gatsaniya grows, as well as pouring slaked lime between the bushes. In addition, spider mites can be killed with Ditox, Fufanon;
  • It will be possible to get rid of snails only by manually collecting them, preventing further spread;
  • To combat aphids, Aktara, Fitoverm, Biotlin are used.

If you notice that brown spots have appeared on the leaves, increasing in number every day, be prepared for the fact that the flower has been affected by gray rot. In this case, it will be very difficult to save the bush, so it is better to dig up heavily infected plants and take them away from the site. To prevent the occurrence of such a disease, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not overwater the gazania;
  2. Plant it in a well-lit place;
  3. The soil should be regularly ventilated, but free of drafts;
  4. For prevention, occasionally spray flowers with Fitosporin.

In some cases, gardeners claim that the plant does not bloom for a long time. The reason for this lies in improper care of gatsaniya or a bad place in which it grows.