French balcony: photos of design options from classic to modern interpretation. French balcony - modern design and layout ideas (100 photos). Classic and modern balconies French balcony 3 15 wide options

The style of France can always be recognized by its sophistication and sophistication. This country has invested a lot in world heritage, one of the most striking examples is its architecture. Starting from ancient and modern castles to residential premises and private houses - today we will learn about each of them in unique style, thoughtful details, decor and sensual shades.

What it is?

One of the common points in architectural style France are big windows and, as a result, the bright rooms hidden behind them. Since the seventeenth century, with outside large window, forged fences were installed, which were made in a certain style, for example, plants, and were subsequently decorated with flowers or other decorative items.

Such structures are called “French balconies”. They were performed for aesthetics, decorating the outside of the building and the view from the inside. It was a detail in the overall architectural plan. Today, any owner of an apartment or private house can organize a balcony for himself in french style.

Classic version

The classic French balcony comes in several variations:

  • The first is decorating a large window with a wrought iron fence. This decoration is suitable for private houses with high windows, or for non-standard residential premises.
  • The second one is wrought iron fence, having a base capacity of no more than half a meter. In this case, the doors open inward, and concrete base replaced by metal. This option looks light and elegant. It is ideal for a person who likes to go out into the fresh air with a cup of coffee or tea.
  • And the third option is a forged fence based on standard sizes.


Modern version

The modern version involves a glass structure with or without fencing. The fence may be standard height or be at the base of the balcony. The glass structure expands the space and makes the room brighter.

This is a great option for a person who likes to relax on the balcony.

Artistic forging

Forged products in architecture add grace to buildings. Artistic forging differs from ordinary forging in that it has artistic value and is itself a work of art. Most often, forged fences have a floral or geometric style, and in addition are decorated with flowers and plants. Fences can be U-shaped, radial (semicircle), or have an unusual shape.

U-shaped fences look strict and stylish. Radial shapes make the balcony airy and visually enlarge the room.

Inside view

A glass French balcony and classic wrought iron fencing offer wonderful views from inside the room. This effect is especially enhanced if a beautiful view of nature or a city is revealed before your eyes. Special attention need to pay attention to the doors. An excellent option for a modern French balcony would be wide double doors, which consist entirely or mostly of glass. If you open such doors, a full-size view will open.

Another great option that complements the graceful and light design of the French style can be sliding doors. Another option for a classic balcony is doors with a metal frame and handles in the color of the fence, or, on the contrary, the opposite, or more neutral color, in which the fence will become the brightest detail. In addition to wrought iron fencing, you can install wrought iron bars on the windows.


Technical features

Before and after installing a French balcony, you need to take into account a number of nuances and features:

  • Weight of glass structure and forged products. Glass and forged products weigh a lot, and they need to be installed on a tested and, if necessary, repaired concrete base. Before installing such a balcony in a Khrushchev building, you need to coordinate the installation with local authorities.
  • Temperature. In summer glass surface may become very hot, especially when sunny side, so you need to think through the ventilation system, or initially install a balcony in buildings with good ventilation. In winter, on the contrary, it can be very cold, since a glass balcony does not require additional thermal insulation. Therefore, you need to select glass with a special coating that does not allow cold to pass through.
  • Care. Glass requires special care and a lot of time.
  • Safety. A glass balcony without a fence, depending on the quality of the material and installation, can be unreliable. This is especially important on high floors. Therefore, along with beauty and comfort, you need to think about safety once again. This could include safety glass or installation of additional removable protection. In the latter case, the long balcony will look like a loggia glazed from the outside.


Decorations for the classic style can be flower pots, plants, various kinds of light bulbs, lanterns and candlesticks. The decor of the modern version can be considered the interior of the balcony itself. This can be translucent tulle, blinds, seats or chairs, tables made in different styles, for example wood, straw, forged products, etc.

Flowers will also look very impressive inside and outside such a balcony. To grow flowers inside a French balcony, you need to take into account compliance with natural conditions plants.

With your own hands

Independent design and installing a balcony is a very responsible matter. Failure to comply with the rules can be dangerous not only for your own life, but also for the lives of those around you. Therefore, each stage must be carefully thought out and carried out efficiently.


  • First you need to coordinate the installation with local authorities.
  • After this, very accurately measure the concrete base of the balcony and its future height. If you are planning classic version with small capacity - outline the future width and length of the base. If, when installing the fence, the dimensions do not match, then later, over time, this can lead to distortion of the structure.
  • If the concrete is not replaced metal base, you need to check its quality and integrity, and, if necessary, repair it.
  • After this, a glass structure is installed, if there is one; if not, a fence is installed.

The glass structure consists of glass and metal-plastic, aluminum or wood. It is assembled from common areas covering the entire wall, or in vertical sections, one after another. Also, the balcony can consist entirely of glass, including the floor. The option with maximum glazing is created by modern technologies, it is unlikely that you will be able to do this on your own.

For reliability and comfort, you can use energy-saving and double-chamber glass. You can tinted the lower part of the balcony, or install glass with one-way visibility, if you do not want to reveal the details of your life to passers-by. For balconies with small capacity sliding windows will be the most convenient to use.

The fence on the balcony serves two purposes: protective and decorative. The top edge of the fence should not be lower than the middle of the abdomen. According to the average height of an adult, standard size fences – 1 – 1.5 m. Empty places in the fence should not exceed 10cm.

The quality of forging must be high, the material must be smooth, durable, and able to withstand a weight of 100 kg per linear meter. Products should not be subject to corrosion or cracking. Wrought iron fencing is attached to the base and walls of the house.

In a private house

Country cottage and wooden a private house becomes an object of creativity when it comes to creating and installing a French balcony. In addition to forged products, wooden fencing is an excellent option for private homes.

Products from natural wood harmonize with the surrounding nature country cottages, and of course serve as an ideal continuation for wooden houses. Wooden fencing, as well as forged ones, are made in different styles. For durability and reliability, wood must be treated special materials, which do not allow atmospheric conditions to influence it.

French balconies are one of the most beautiful design ideas. On a balcony decorated in this direction, you can place a variety of flowers.

The overall composition will evoke admiring glances from passersby and fascinate. There are many varieties of such beauty and the choice is only yours.

What it is?

Few people know that French balcony in the native language it sounds like “portfnetr”, which translated means window and door. Initial view This addition was based on a small platform where only one person could be present. Many people wonder: what is a French balcony, without understanding this construction term.

Nowadays, this terminology is used to characterize a panoramic window, the height of which is measured from floor to ceiling. In this case, the balcony is fenced with a forged lattice. Many compare it to a basket because of its round shape. Artistic forging gives it unique beauty and elegance.

Nowadays, French balconies are called balconies or loggias in which panoramic glazing from floor to ceiling

The functionality of such a balcony is very small, because the size does not allow you to store anything on it or simply relax. Previously, this design was used for ventilation, but nowadays it acts as an addition to the exterior.

The only useful functionality it has is for gardeners who grow flowers at home. You can display your entire collection on the French balcony, which will look very nice from the outside.

Many people have long acquired such an exclusive item and delight the eyes of passers-by. This balcony will allow you to make the facade of your house original and charming.


Balcony with a small ledge

The French are very aesthetic, but the types of their products of this type only two. Traditionally they are divided into the following types:

  1. With a platform. There is a small ledge made of concrete. The balcony is very narrow. The width usually does not exceed 40 cm.
  2. No platform. Standard construction from glass door, which is fenced with a metal fence. Quite beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This scheme will allow you not to worry about your child, even with the door open.

Modifications of balconies

French balcony great for flowers

French balconies have gone through many changes, but the design has remained the same. Over time, small decorative elements were added to it, for example, a cornice with curtains made in the Roman style.

Many people depart from tradition, as a result of which they glaze the entire balcony and attach it to the main room, thereby creating a unique view not only of the room, but also providing a stunning landscape from the window. Also from this combination free space can be done small library or a small greenhouse.

Connoisseurs of such architectural innovations know little secret that a French balcony is a structure that presents the owner in the best light.

Each product is made unique through artistic forging, and a flight of fantasy in decorating rooms makes it possible to highlight your individuality among many other analogues.


A lot depends on the first impression, and it, in turn, depends on the appearance of the French balcony. Everything is based on the following nuances:

In general, everything depends on the person himself, on his desires and preferences. Shape, size, appearance, color - all this will be displayed inner world person and will enable observers to appreciate his efforts. And where else to realize your fantasies, if not in artistic forging? To learn how to make a French balcony with flowers, watch this video:

Don't forget that originality is always in fashion. In order to make a unique French balcony, you should first draw up a sketch of the room and consult with specialists about the application of your ideas.

French balcony, what is it? This is exactly the element that can complement the exterior and create harmony of the entire facade.

If you have the opportunity and desire, be sure to acquire such beauty, because by equipping a balcony or loggia in this style, you will not only give completeness to the entire room from the outside, but also rationally plan its use for personal purposes.

What is a French balcony? If you start to understand this issue, it becomes clear that this concept means several different types structures that differ both in appearance and in operational characteristics.

Classic French balcony

This term usually refers to a wrought-iron French balcony. He has several characteristic features. Firstly, the size of such a structure is small - a maximum of two people can fit on the site, and this is still a good option. Most often, the ledge is equal to the width of the foot, so you won’t be able to step out onto it. Such French balconies are intended for something completely different - it is assumed that a person will simply open the window wider and stand in the opening, enjoying fresh air And beautiful view. Second distinguishing feature such a structure is a floor-to-ceiling window, namely a window, not a door. Of course, in modern versions provided
doorway, because customers insist on this. But the classic French balcony is still big window, fenced with an elegant forged lattice,
sometimes with a slight protrusion. Similar structures can be found on old buildings built in 1950-1960, when they were extremely fashionable. However, they were included in the architecture of many houses built in the style of Soviet classics.

Modern style

However, today, when a customer talks about a French balcony, he most often means French balcony glazing. This term usually means finishing with transparent panels over the entire height of the structure and decorating the entire structure with a beautiful forged lattice. Availability of elegant iron or brass
curlicues distinguish this style from conventional panoramic glazing. It should be noted that this design is much closer to us than classic French balconies.
It turns out both beautiful and practical, because there is much more space on a regular loggia. Of course, today many people are no longer storing old items on their balconies.
things, skis and bicycles, but this space will not be superfluous. Here you can set up a small tea room, beautiful flower garden or smoking room.
The main disadvantage of such glazing is that the entire space will be clearly visible to passers-by. However, the most shy ones can order tinted windows.

French balcony as a decorative decoration

The third and final option is decorative decoration in French style. It is a beautiful wrought iron fence installed on one or all windows of the building. This design does not carry any functional load, and is used as part of the exterior. Such decoration, especially if it
quite large, often difficult to distinguish from a classic French balcony. The main feature by which they are distinguished is the size of the window. If it starts
from the floor, then we are dealing with a balcony; if it is a standard size, then the iron grille is just decoration. Such decorations are often hung or
they install vases with flowers, the main thing here is not to overdo it and not to hide all the elegant curls behind the greenery.

Where can I install a French balcony?

The main misconception of ordinary people is that they believe that a forged grille can only be installed on certain type building made
in a classic style, with graceful curved shapes. In fact, a French balcony in a Khrushchev building will look as harmonious as on any house
with simple rectangular shapes. Of course, it will stand out against the background of standard buildings, but only in better side. Classic French
balconies will look out of place only on high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete, but no one tries to hang them there, since such an architectural
Few people will like the mess.

But in construction country houses and large mansions there is an increased interest in French architecture, more precisely to the design of building facades. And in
Lately It is customary to decorate balconies and loggias in a special style - they turn out large and functional in Russian and light and light in French

Design Features

French balconies have a row design features. Firstly, the door or window must clear the entire opening from the floor, which makes it possible
increase the room by the amount of the ledge. That is why they are most often used for doors. sliding structures, as well as “books” or “accordions”. The last two options do not provide thermal insulation, which is simply a crime in the Russian climate, so I use them quite rarely. well and swing doors They don’t fit into the idea of ​​a French balcony at all, so they are used only where styles are mixed.

Secondly, in some cases it is necessary to take care of additional heating, for example, install a wall heating system.

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is that French balconies are designed to let in as much light as possible into the room, and sometimes it
turns out to be too much. On a hot summer day, the room behind the panoramic glazing can heat up to incredible temperatures, so you need
think over a system of protection from the bright sun.

French balcony: price issue

The cost can vary very widely, everything will depend on the size of the structure, the price of decorative elements and customer requirements. For example, French glazing of a balcony is essentially the usual finishing with transparent panels and the installation of a wrought-iron grille. If you add it up, you get at least 15 thousand rubles. for glazing (for a standard balcony in an ordinary nine-story building) plus from 8 thousand rubles per linear meter iron structure. In addition, you need to add the cost of work to the final amount, so the price will be quite impressive. On the other hand, small forged decorative elements will cost only 1.5-2 thousand rubles per window, and you can install them yourself.

It is worth noting that French balconies of all types are worth the money spent on their installation: they add light and space to the room, making a home
much more luxurious than it was before.

French balcony (from English balconet or balconette, sometimes found as Juliet balconies) is a type of balcony that does not have a balcony platform, and the fence is placed on the outside directly opposite the door.

This balcony, when reviewing glazing options, is chosen by owners not only of country houses, but also of apartments. Such designs can be seen everywhere. Glazing has its own characteristics, among the main ones are the following:

  1. Glass is installed over the entire height. Window blocks mounted on a concrete base.
  2. The frame can be solid or divided into several blocks.
  3. You can install tinted glass at the bottom of the structure; architectural films are used for this purpose. It is possible to independently choose the level of light transmission and the color of the films.
  4. The bottom can be covered with a sandwich panel. The color of the plastic is chosen based on the design of the house.

Like any design, a French balcony has its own characteristics. By making glazing, you will visually expand the space of the room. The design does not have insulating panels.

Finishing is in progress modern materials, a balcony with panoramic glazing will not have to be painted.

Several options for a French balcony.

You can significantly reduce your energy bills, because a lot of light enters the room through panoramic glazing. In addition, by choosing French glazing, you will also save on heating. It has been noticed that heat loss is significantly reduced if the room has double-glazed windows from floor to ceiling. The room will be quiet, because the sound insulation with such glazing is made using high level.

Other positive aspects include the following:

  • Original appearance. The design is beautiful and looks stylish. Forged elements can decorate any balcony;
  • The design is very reliable and completely safe. The use of special glass ensures that strangers will not enter the house;
  • The material from which the balcony is made is environmentally friendly. Negative influence it will not be good for your health;
  • Ideal for narrow balconies. There are a lot of old buildings, with ordinary glazing effective area premises remain unused. But this problem will be quickly solved, because the installation of a French balcony is carried out on the edge of a reinforced concrete slab.

After studying the advantages of this glazing, you may decide to make a French balcony with your own hands.

This is what a balcony might look like from the inside.

In a private house, if you are going to install double-glazed windows on the 1st floor, the work will not require much labor. But in multi-storey building Installation of double-glazed windows should be entrusted to specialists.

When choosing a company, read reviews. The organization’s specialists will take measurements of the room, make a profile and install it.

Features of installation of the structure

Select the type of glazing, it can be cold or warm. It all depends on how often you plan to use the room. winter period. Cold glazing will reliably protect from wind and precipitation. The design has an excellent appearance, but keep in mind that it will be cold.

The appearance of balconies may vary. These can be floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows or small openwork fences that either complement the double-glazed window or are installed without it. The installation of these elements can be ordered from an organization offering panoramic glazing.

Installation of warm glazing involves installing a PVC profile and suitable double-glazed windows. The design is a complex structure, it requires a more responsible approach to calculation bearing capacity balcony slab. It may be necessary to strengthen it and insulate the walls of the building.

A glazed French balcony has some disadvantages.

Let's list:

  1. High price. Window profile It’s not cheap, and the same can be said about architectural films.
  2. The costs of the ventilation system should be taken into account separately. It is necessary in the summer.
  3. There may be restrictions when installing a balcony. Before starting work, you need to make sure the strength of the floors.
  4. The number of windows that need to be cleaned increases.

The advantages of this type of glazing are much greater than the disadvantages. If you see that the slabs are weakened, it is recommended to install windows with aluminum profiles. It should be borne in mind that such double-glazed windows are more expensive than metal-plastic ones; they are significantly inferior in terms of noise and thermal insulation.

How does installation work? French glazing with the extension you can see in the video below.

There are 2 types of windows, the following can be noted:

  • swing;
  • sliding

The lower part of the balcony has a transom. This design is more convenient to use than a blind window. If you decide to wash your windows, then this element guarantees safety. At the bottom of the balcony you can make blinds; they are built into the double-glazed window.


If you want to make a French balcony in a private house, then you can do the work yourself. Installation in apartment building will require contacting a specialized company. A PVC structure is more expensive than one made from an aluminum profile.

Some tips. What is important to know before ordering a French balcony. Video below.

Often, when asked what a French balcony looks like, not everyone can answer.

However, almost everyone has seen it at least once.

Translated from French literally the name sounds like “a door with a window.” In fact, this is what it looks like.

And with an ordinary door and window, a similar design differs in the presence of a forged lattice instead of a parapet.

Previously, the French balcony was the name given to all balconies that were a narrow protruding area for one person with a wrought-iron parapet. Usually they had the function of ventilating the apartment.

Let's consider modern balconies French type in more detail, let's talk about their positive and negative qualities, as well as the nuances that need to be considered when installing such a balcony.

What are balconies of this type?

Let's first deal with appearance these atypical designs.

Nowadays, glazed balconies are mainly called French. panoramic windows from top to bottom with a transition into a small ledge with a fence in the form of a lattice, most often forged. Externally, such balconies have a slightly curved shape.

Such a structure does not have any specific tasks.

French balconies

Since the site is small in size, the balcony is not used as a storage room or for the purpose of arranging a living area. But such a balcony looks very original and will decorate the building well.

And if you love houseplants, then you are doubly lucky - here they can be placed in huge numbers, which will also decorate the building and allow you to enjoy a pleasant evening in this small greenhouse.

Positive and negative traits

Like all balconies, a French-type balcony has its advantages and disadvantages.

Most often, its advantages are considered:

1) not required additional expenses for installation of railings, Finishing work and strengthening works;

2) not required exterior decoration balcony;

3) no insulation required and interior lining balcony;

4) visual expansion of the balcony space with the achievement of its maximum illumination;

5) a panoramic window is created;

6) no need for welding work during installation;

7) budget savings when purchasing finishing materials;

8) a lot of design options.

But there are also disadvantages:

1) the design does not provide for the presence of a window sill;

2) reinforcement of the concrete slab is required;

3) required additional ventilation in summer and additional heating in winter;

4) high cost;

5) difficulty of care, because necessary wet cleaning large glass surface.

Parameters of French balconies

The main parameters are the width and height of the balcony, the availability of mosquito net, drainage and so on.

In addition, it is important to take into account the material from which the balcony is made, its quality, properties and color.

To reduce the weight of the balcony, they are most often used aluminum profiles. True, they are more expensive than other options, and their thermal and noise insulation rates are much lower. One of the main characteristics of glazing is the number of sashes in the windows, depending on the measurements and the required final result.

Glazing sashes can be hinged (opening outwards), blind (do not open at all) and partially opening.

The choice depends on you and on the structure of the double-glazed windows. Also take into account the finish of the facade on which the balcony will be installed and the installation height.

Variety of types

French-type balconies come in different types.

Most often there is a balcony in the form glazed door with a fence outside or inside it. Another option is a balcony with a small concrete overhang, most often supported by a decorative cornice. This is the traditional option.

Balconies also differ in how they are connected to the load-bearing wall.

Fastenings can be point-based (with little use metal parts), using a pipe profile and using a metal profile fixed directly to the load-bearing wall.

In any case, what your balcony will look like depends only on you. You can install additional handrails or a wrought-iron parapet, or you can simply choose panoramic glazing across the entire wall.

Installation of a French balcony

Installing a balcony of this type is not an easy process, so it is better to entrust it to specialists.

The installation process itself takes place in several steps.

If the installation is taking place for the first time, then first of all you need to measure the installation site and inspect the finishing elements. Installing such a balcony will take less time than installing a traditional balcony, especially since welding and finishing work is not required.

To install a French balcony, you will have to install a reinforcing profile and reinforcement elements along with the metal-plastic structure. Such balconies have reliable fastenings thanks to special technology installation

In addition, you can regular balcony convert to French.

To do this, you need to remove the concrete parapet or metal fence.

It is preferable to choose aluminum profiles, as they have sliding doors, which is very convenient.

True, such glazing costs much more than metal-plastic. Choose 2-chamber double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass to improve the thermal insulation of the room.

Moreover, there is a lot of glass in this design, so the balcony will need good insulation.

It is also possible to install balconies with partial glazing, in which glazing is installed at the top of the balcony and sandwich panels at the bottom. This design does not require insulation or finishing.

It is better to choose double-glazed windows of maximum strength. This design is more practical and safe, especially if you have children in your family.

An excellent choice would be glazing that is transparent only with inside. It will perfectly hide everything that happens in the room from prying eyes.

French balconies are becoming more and more popular. If you like to admire the beautiful view directly from the apartment, then this type of balconies is just for you.

A French balcony will emphasize your sense of taste and add elegance and aesthetics to the apartment.

They are even suitable for private homes and decorate them perfectly.

So add a balcony with a wrought-iron parapet to the facade, and then decorate it with a small flower garden and get a chic decor for the whole house, accessible to many and at a low cost.

Video - wrought iron French balcony