What is an object of observation? Forms, types and methods of statistical observation

Statistical observation- this is organized work to collect primary information about the mass phenomena and processes being studied public life. Statistical observation is carried out in an organized manner and according to a pre-developed program and plan.

The initial stage of economic and statistical research is statistical observation. Using objective and complete information, which is obtained during statistical observation, at subsequent stages of the study provides scientifically based conclusions about the nature and patterns of development of the object being studied.

The object of statistical observation is the population within which the observation is carried out. A unit of statistical observation is an element of the object being studied that represents the necessary initial information. The features and properties of units of the population are called signs. In order to obtain information, an observation program must be developed. The statistical observation program must contain a list of characteristics that will characterize individual units of the population.

The process of conducting statistical observation consists of the following stages:

1) programmatic and methodological preparation for conducting observations. At this stage, the goals and objects of observation, signs to be registered are determined, documents for data collection are developed, methods and means of obtaining data are determined, and more;

2) organizational preparation for observation. This stage implies the following types of work: selection and training of personnel; drawing up a work schedule for preparing and conducting statistical observation; processing materials that will be used in statistical observation;

3) at the third stage, the form, method and type of statistical observation are chosen. The most important stage in conducting statistical observation is the collection of observation data, the accumulation of statistical information;

4) control of statistical observation data;

5) at the last stage of statistical observation, conclusions and proposals for conducting statistical observation are made.

The results obtained during statistical observation are subject to control in terms of their reliability, completeness and the possibility of errors or inaccuracies.

There are the following requirements that statistical observation must meet:

1) observed phenomena must have value and express certain socio-economic types of phenomena;

2) the collection of statistical data should ensure the completeness of the facts that are considered in the issue being studied;

3) in order to ensure the reliability of statistical data, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively check the quality of the collected objects - this is one of the most the most important characteristics statistical observation;

4) in order to create good conditions for obtaining objective materials, it is necessary to scientifically organize statistical observation.

2. Forms, types and methods of statistical observation

The main organizational forms of statistical observation include: reporting and specially organized observation.

The most important form of statistical observation is reporting.

Reporting is a form of statistical observation in which the relevant statistical bodies receive, within a certain time frame, information from enterprises and organizations that carry out economic activity. Information must be submitted in accordance with the procedure established by law for reporting documents.

Reporting documents must be completed based on primary accounting data and signed by the persons responsible

for the information provided. Organs state statistics statistical reporting forms are approved.

In commercial activities, reporting is divided into:

1) national – mandatory for all organizations and submitted in summary form to state statistics bodies;

2) intradepartmental - this reporting operates within departments and ministries. The following reporting forms are available:

1) standard reporting is called reporting that contains indicators that are the same for all enterprises, institutions of various organizational forms, as well as for other types of activities

2) if the enterprise has its own specific characteristics, then specialized reporting is introduced into this organization;

3) reporting provided by each enterprise at equal intervals is called periodic;

4) reporting that is received by statistical authorities as needed is called one-time reporting. Each organization has the right to choose which method to provide reporting data to.

Currently, there are a large variety of ways to receive statistical data to statistical authorities, for example, postal and urgent are provided by telegraph, teletype, fax and other methods. Specially organized statistical observation is the collection of information through censuses, one-time surveys and accounting. An example of specially organized statistical observation is the inventory of an enterprise.

Let's consider the following types of statistical observation:

1) if absolutely all units of the studied set of phenomena and processes are subject to examination, then this continuous statistical observation;

2) if part of the units of the studied set of phenomena are examined, then this incomplete statistical observation;

3) selective observation called observation in which the characteristics of the entire set of facts are given based on some of them, selected at random;

4) monographic examination – this is a detailed study and description of certain units of the population;

5) if that part of the population units in which the value of the studied characteristic is predominant in the entire volume is subjected to survey, then this is called main array method;

6) data collection based on voluntary filling out of questionnaires by recipients is called questionnaire survey;

7) if observation is carried out continuously, and at the same time all facts and phenomena occurring in a state of change are recorded, then this observation is called current;

8) if observation is carried out irregularly, but only when required, this observation is called one-time;

9) periodic is an observation that is repeated at certain intervals (year, month, quarter, etc.).

Depending on the sources of information collected, there are:

1) observation carried out by the recorders themselves by measuring and with the help of inspection, counting and weighing the signs of the object being studied is called direct;

2) a survey is an observation in which a person’s answers to questions are recorded on a specific form;

3) when documenting facts, documents serve as the source of information.

The provision of statistical reports by enterprises and organizations on their economic activities in a strictly established manner is called the reporting method. The type of statistical observation that involves providing information to the authorities that conduct the observation is called the in-person method.

If information is provided to the authorities by correspondents, then this method is called correspondent.

Providing documents that are filled out by the respondents themselves, and special workers only provide forms, is called self-registration method.

3. Program and methodological issues of statistical observation

Developing a plan for conducting statistical observation is the most important stage preparation of statistical observation. The plan must contain the formulation and solution of organizational issues, such as establishing the goals and objectives of observation, developing observation programs, defining the object and unit of observation, choosing the type and method of observation.

The purpose of surveillance is to obtain the main result of a statistical study.

In order to organize statistical observation, it is necessary to accurately establish the object of observation.

The collections of units about which statistical data must be collected are called objects of statistical observation. Before conducting a statistical survey of an organization’s activities, it is necessary to determine distinctive features and the most important features of the object being studied.

The primary element of the object of statistical observation, which is the carrier of certain characteristics, is called the unit of observation, and the primary cell from which statistical information will be subsequently obtained is called the unit of the population.

Requirements for the statistical observation program:

1) the observation program must contain all its main features, features characterizing those phenomena and processes that will be subsequently used in the development of statistical observation materials;

2) everything Control questions, included in the observation program, should be briefly but clearly formulated;

3) the degree of completeness and reliability of the data obtained during statistical observation depend on the quality of the program;

4) the issues addressed in this program must be presented in a logical sequence.

Statistical forms– these are specialized documents of a certain form that are intended for accounting and reporting. The statistical observation form contains a list of program questions and places to record answers to them. This form consists of: a title part, which includes the name of the statistical observation and the body conducting it, the date and name of the body that approved this form; the address part of the form must contain a record of the exact address of the unit or set of observation units, their subordination.

The form has various forms of expression and names: census form, form, questionnaire, reporting form, questionnaire, etc.

Towards statistical form systems include: an individual form designed to record answers to questions from the observation program, but only for one unit of observation; The list form is intended for recording in it the answers to the questions of the observation program about several observation units. In order to ensure uniform interpretation of the questions contained in the forms, statistical guidance may be given. Statistical hint – a list of possible answers to the questions posed. Compiled for statistical forms instructions - this is a document that includes explanations and instructions for the statistical observation program, and also reflects the goals and objectives of the observation, information about the object and units of observation, the timing and timing of the observation. The instructions should be simple, concise and clear.

4. Organizational issues of statistical observation

Organizational plan - this is a document, it should reflect critical issues on organizing and conducting upcoming events. It is compiled in order to successfully conduct statistical observations. It indicates: the bodies conducting the observations, the time and terms of observation, preparatory work that were carried out for further observation, the procedure for recruiting and training the personnel necessary to conduct statistical observation, the procedure for its conduct, the procedure for receiving and submitting materials, obtaining and providing preliminary and final results. The question of the timing of statistical observation must be resolved, including the choice of season, period and critical moment of observation.

In order to choose a season, you need to make sure that the object being studied is in its usual state.

The start and end times of statistical data collection are called period, or term.

Observation time name the time to which the collected statistical information will be attributed.

Critical name the date as of which the information is reported.

Critical moment statistical observation is the point in time at which the collected data obtained in the process of statistical observation are recorded, for example, choosing the moment of the end of one day and the beginning of another.

The organization that prepares, conducts statistical observation and is responsible for its work is an observation body. The monitoring body must have clearly defined areas of activity, functions, rights and responsibilities for which it is responsible.

The place where observed facts are recorded and statistical forms are filled out is called the place of statistical observation.

5. Errors in statistical observation and control of observation materials

The most important task of statistical observation is the reliability and accuracy of the collected statistical information.

Accuracy– this is the level of correspondence of the value of any characteristic or indicator that was obtained as a result of statistical observation to its actual value. In the process of preparing and conducting a statistical study, in order to prevent the possibility of deviations or differences between the calculated indicators, it is necessary to provide and implement a number of measures. If such deviations occur, they are called statistical observation errors.

Materials collected as a result of observation are subject to comprehensive verification and control. They are checked from the point of view of completeness of coverage of all units of the observation population and the correctness of filling out documents and in the manner of logical and arithmetic control.

Logical control consists of comparing answers to interrelated questions of the observation program in order to identify logically incompatible answers.

Accounting control comes down to checking general and group digital totals and comparing them. Its task is to detect and correct incorrect results of numerical indicators.

Errors in statistical observation These are representativeness errors and registration errors.

Representativeness errors indicate to what extent sample population represents the general population. These errors arise because only a part of the units of the population under study are observed, and this information cannot absolutely accurately reflect the properties of the entire mass of phenomena in the population.

Registration errors resulting from incorrect identification of facts can be divided into:

1) random - these are errors that can give distortions in both one and the other direction;

2) systematic errors arising from violation of the principles of unintentional selection of units of the studied population. Systematic errors are dangerous because they affect the resulting totals;

3) intentional errors arise as a result of deliberate distortion of facts.

6. Protection of statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations

Statistical information provided by legal entities, their branches and representative offices, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity, for conducting state statistical observations, depending on the nature of the information contained in it, it can be open and publicly available or classified in accordance with the law as a restricted access category.

The State Statistics Committee of Russia ensures, within its competence, the protection of statistical information, including information that constitutes a state or other secret protected by law, and information of a confidential nature, develops a list of confidential information obtained during state statistical observations, and the procedure for providing it to users.

The State Statistics Committee of Russia guarantees the confidentiality of the statistical information received from them on the forms of state statistical observation (primary statistical data) to reporting entities and provides an appropriate entry on the guarantee on the forms.

The provision of statistical information contained in the forms of state statistical observation (primary statistical data), except for those classified as state secrets, by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, its territorial bodies and organizations under its jurisdiction to third parties is carried out with the written consent of the reporting entities that provided this data, except in cases provided for by law.

The provision of statistical information contained in the forms of state statistical observation (primary statistical data), which is classified as a state secret, is carried out by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, its territorial bodies and organizations under its jurisdiction in the manner established by the Law Russian Federation dated July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 “On state secrets” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997 No. 41, Art. 4673).

7. Responsibility for violation of the procedure for submitting statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations

In accordance with Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, a violation official responsible for the provision of statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations, the procedure for its provision, the provision of unreliable statistical information shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine.

The proceedings on administrative offenses of the procedure for providing statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations and the execution of imposed administrative penalties are carried out in the manner established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Reporting organizations shall, in accordance with the established procedure, compensate the Goskomstat of Russia, its territorial bodies and organizations under its jurisdiction for damages arising in connection with the need to correct the results of consolidated reporting when providing distorted data or violating the deadlines for reporting, in accordance with Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 13.05. 1992 No. 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for providing state statistical reporting.”

8. Ways to improve statistical observation

A comprehensive study of the transformations taking place in society, economic and social processes using the method of a scientifically based system of indicators, generalizing and forecasting the paths of economic development, identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of social production is the main task of statistical science at the present time.

In the concept of creating automated statistical information system ways and directions for solving such important problems as the development of a scientifically based system of statistical indicators and the scientific organization of statistical observation are considered.

System of statistical indicators of social economic development is uniform for all levels of management and is provided by a unified methodology for their calculation. It is designed to provide information that will characterize the state and development of economic, social, political and public life in all spheres and at all levels of government.

Obtaining the necessary data on the quantitative and qualitative values ​​of certain indicators should change in accordance with the requirements of the statistical observation system.

Improving statistical observation will ensure an increase in the content, reliability and efficiency of reporting data based on statistical reporting, censuses, and one-time records.

Basic principles for forming a statistical observation system: statistical reporting must contain a system of reporting indicators and provide the ability to control the progress of planned programs; sample surveys, censuses, records, qualifications must provide quantitative values ​​of statistical indicators for the purpose of their subsequent economic analysis.

The main purpose of the reporting indicator system is control over the implementation, implementation and achievement of target figures, government orders, compliance with established standards and limits.

Currently changing organizational structures management of the economy, forms and methods of farming, small and joint ventures are actively being formed, joint stock companies, the scope of application of rental relations is expanding.

In connection with these changes, statistical authorities need to develop and implement a program to improve the organization of statistical observation.

The program approach will allow for a targeted set of measures to improve the statistical observation system - from asking questions to developing specific reporting forms.

At present, some main directions for improving the statistical observation system have already been developed: this is the formation, on the basis of a system of statistical indicators of socio-economic development, of a list of the most important measures to monitor the progress of the implementation of economic reforms in the system of national economic management; methodology of the most important indicators taken into account when conducting censuses of one-time, sample and monographic surveys.

Let's consider the sequence of stages in the development and implementation of improving statistical observation.

1. It is necessary to determine a list of indicators that will characterize economic processes for continuous observation, as well as a list of indicators and objects of statistical observation; information on them can be obtained through selective observation and one-time recording

2. Development and implementation of reporting forms for continuous observation, as well as programs and forms of selective observation and mathematical apparatus for distributing sample observation data to the entire set of objects.

3. Development of a system of qualification reporting and the necessary mathematical apparatus for distributing the data of qualification reporting to the entire set of objects.

4. Training of economists in the methods of sample, monographic surveys and qualification reporting.

General theory of statistics.

1.Programme-methodological issues of the observation plan determine...

-: duration of observation

2.The object of statistical observation is...

+: set of elements to be examined

-: primary element from which information is received

-: social phenomenon subject to examination

3.The unit of statistical observation is...

+: primary unit of the population from which information is obtained

-: primary element, the characteristics of which are recorded

-: socio-economic phenomenon (or process) that is being studied

-: statistical form

4.The object of observation during the census of the land fund of all regions of the country is ...

+: land area countries

-: land area of ​​each region

-: land fund assessment

-: land Registry

5. The aggregate unit during the census of the land fund of all regions of the country is ...

+: land area of ​​each region

-: land area of ​​the country

-: land fund assessment

-: land Registry

6.The object of observation during the inventory of accounts payable of clients of commercial banks is...

+: commercial banks

-: loans

-: debtor clients

7. The aggregate unit during the inventory of accounts payable of commercial bank clients is...

+: debtor clients

-: volumes of accounts payable

-: commercial banks

-: loans

8. The unit of observation when surveying city residents about their attitude towards housing privatization is...

+: all city residents

-: only owners of privatized housing

-: housing subject to privatization

-: city housing stock

9. The aggregate unit in monitoring the privatization of urban housing is ...

+: housing subject to privatization

-: citizen

-: resident of non-privatized housing

-: city housing stock

10. The unit of observation during a random check of the city’s universities regarding the quality of food for students in the university canteens is ...

+: students

-: University canteens

11. The aggregate unit for a random check of city universities regarding the quality of food for students in university canteens is ...

+: University canteen

-: students

-: University canteen workers

12. In statistics, a qualification is called...

-: body exercising control over surveillance

13. The observation program is a list...

+: questions that need answers

-: work to be carried out

-: observation questions and answers

14. An attributive feature is...

+: type of insurance

-: charter capital

-: par value of the share

-: share capital of the company

15. An attributive feature is...

+: store assortment

-: distribution costs

-: store income

-: store turnover

16. A quantitative characteristic is...

+: work experience

-: profession

-: social status

17. A quantitative characteristic is...

+: store turnover

-: store specialization

-: Name of product

-: type of ownership

18. A continuous feature is...

+: average score of ratings

-: assessment of student knowledge

-: student performance

-: number of students

19. A continuous feature is...

+: tax amount

-: number of taxpayers

-: assessment of student knowledge

-: number of exporting countries

20. A discrete feature is...

+: number of exporting countries

-: volume of exports of goods and services

-: distribution costs

-: tax amount

21. A discrete feature is...

+: number of consumer service enterprises

-: volume of sales of household services to the population

-: quality of household services

-: average cost of household services

22. The objective observation time is...

+: time to which the observation data relates

-: point in time at which data is recorded

23. The critical point of observation is...

+: point in time at which data is recorded

-: time to which the observation data relates

-: time during which the data register is filled

-: time during which observation is carried out

24. The critical moment of the 2002 Russian population census, which was carried out as of 0 o’clock from October 11 to October 12 and lasted from October 12 to October 19, is ...

25. The objective time of birth, if registration of newborns is carried out no later than a month from the date of birth, is ...

+: birthday

-: registration day

26. The subjective time of birth, if registration of newborns is carried out no later than a month from the date of birth, is ...

-: birthday

-: registration day

27. The objective time of the annual report on the production and financial activities of a small enterprise, which is submitted no later than January 10, is ...

-: day of submission of the report

28. The subjective time for submitting an annual report on the production and financial activities of a small enterprise, which is submitted no later than January 10, is ...

-: day of submission of the report

29. The subjective time of the report on the results of sowing spring crops, which is submitted once a year no later than 5 days after the end of sowing, is ...

-: end of sowing day

-: day of submission of the report

-: day of reporting

30. The critical point of the report on the results of sowing spring crops, which is submitted once a year no later than 5 days after the end of sowing, is ...

+: end of sowing day

-: day of submission of the report

-: day of reporting

31. Civil registration according to the degree of coverage of units is ... observation.

+: solid

-: main array

-: current

-: periodic

32. Civil registration according to the time of registration of data is ... observation.

+: current

-: main array

-: solid

-: periodic

33. Registration of persons liable for military service according to the degree of coverage of units is ... observation.

+: solid

-: monographic

-: current

-: periodic

34. Registration of persons liable for military service according to the time of registration of data is ... observation.

+: current

-: monographic

-: solid

-: periodic

35. A survey of regular listeners of “Music-radio” radio programs based on the degree of coverage of units is ... an observation.

+: selective

-: monographic

-: solid

-: current

36. A survey of regular listeners of “Music-radio” radio programs based on the time of data recording is... observation.

+: periodic

-: one-time

-: solid

-: current

37. The organizational form of the census of perennial fruit and berry plantings is ...

-: reporting

-: register

38. The organizational form for compiling lists of taxpayers is ...

+: register

-: reporting

39. The organizational form for recording visits to cultural institutions is ...

+: reporting

-: specially organized surveillance

-: register

40. The organizational form for registering the results of exchange trading is ...

+: reporting

-: specially organized surveillance

-: register

41. Registration errors are inherent in ... observation.

-: continuous

-: selective

-: current

-: periodic

42. Errors of representativeness are inherent in... observation.

+: selective

-: continuous

-: current

-: periodic

43. Registration errors may be...

+: random and systematic

-: logical

-: arithmetic.

44. The organizational form of statistical observation is...

+: reporting

-: selective observation

45. The organizational form of statistical observation is...

+: specially organized surveillance

-: direct observation

-: selective observation

46. ​​The organizational form of statistical observation is...

+: register

-: direct observation

-: selective observation

47. Types of statistical observation (according to the coverage of population units) - ...

+: solid and not solid

48. Types of statistical observation (according to observation time) - ...

+: current, periodic and one-time

-: continuous and not continuous

-: direct, documented and survey

49. Types of statistical observation (by source of information) - ...

+: direct, documented and survey

-: continuous and not continuous

-: current, periodic and one-time

50. Sample observation is...

+: not continuous

-: solid

-: current

-: periodic

-: one-time

-: direct

-: documented

-: by poll

51. A type of non-continuous statistical observation is...

+: survey of the main massif

-: current statistical observation

-: specially organized surveillance

52. Sequence of stages of statistical research:

1: observation preparation

2: collection of primary statistical information

3: summary and grouping of primary information

4: analysis of statistical information

53. Continuous statistical observation is inherent in errors...

+: registration

-: representativeness

-: only random

-: only systematic

54. Statistical reporting is ... statistical observation.

-: program

55. The list of signs or questions to be recorded during the observation process is called ...

+: surveillance program

-: statistical form

-: observation tools

56. Variation is a change...

+: characteristic values ​​in time and space

-: mass phenomena over time

-: structures of a statistical population in space

-: composition of the population

57. In statistics, a qualification is called...

+: a set of quantitative and qualitative restrictive characteristics

-: supervisory authority

-: person performing surveillance

-: statistical observation program

58. The object of statistical observation is...

+: statistical population

-: unit of observation

-: unit of statistical population

-: reporting unit

59. Unintentional observation errors are called...

+: random

-: systematic

-: errors of representativeness

-: statistical

60. A quantitative characteristic is...

+: store turnover

-: store inventory

-: product range

-: type of ownership

61. The method of momentary observations is a type of...

+: selective observation

-: continuous observation

-: main array method

62. Continuous variation of a trait makes it advisable to construct...

+: interval variation series

-: discrete variation series

-: distribution row

63. Statistical observation used to obtain information about the size of the resident population at a critical moment is ...

+: solid

-: current

-: periodic

-: one-time

-: selective

64. The surveillance program is a list...

+: work to be carried out

-: questions to be answered

-: answers obtained as a result of observation

-: signs subject to statistical survey

65. Program and methodological issues of the observation plan determine ...

+: target, object, unit and surveillance program

-: place, time, type and method of observation

-: surveillance data monitoring system

-: characteristics subject to registration

66. Registration errors may be...

+: random

-: random and systematic

-: systematic

-: logical

-: arithmetic

-: logical and arithmetic

67. The main array method is...

+: type of statistical observation

-: by statistical observation

-: form of statistical observation

-: type and form of statistical observation

68. The unit of observation in population statistics is...


-: the household

-: family and household

69. The subject from whom data is received during statistical observation is called...

Reporting unit

-: case

70. A population census is... observation.

+: one-time, specially organized, continuous

-: periodic, specially organized, continuous

-: periodic, register, continuous

-: one-time, register, continuous

-: periodic, specially organized, not continuous

-: one-time, specially organized, selective

-: periodic, register, selective

71. The subject from whom data on the progress of statistical observation is received is called...

+: reporting unit

-: unit of observation

-: unit of statistical population

72. The method of momentary observations is a type of...

+: selective observation

-: continuous observation

-: monographic survey

-: main array method

73. A quantitative indicator is...

+: physical volume of output

-: cost

-: wage

-: the price of the product

74. Quantitative indicators are...

+: living labor costs

-: cost

-: wage

-: the price of the product

75. A quantitative characteristic is...

+: work experience

-: social status

-: profession

76. An attributive feature is...

+: type of insurance

-: work experience

-: sum insured

-: authorized capital

77. Classification of statistical data is...

+: methodological standard for distributing a population into groups

-: summation of the values ​​of characteristics characteristic of statistical data

-: determination of the number of groups of elements of the population

-: determination of average values ​​of a characteristic in groups

78. A multi-stage division of a population according to an attribute with clearly defined requirements and conditions for assigning elements to a particular group is called ...

+: classification

-: grouping

-: summary

-: nomenclature

79. The statistical standard for dividing a population over a long period of time is ...

+: nomenclature

-: classification

-: grouping

80. The distribution of a homogeneous population according to the values ​​of a varying characteristic is carried out using ... grouping.

+: structural

-: typological

-: analytical

-: attributive

81. The distribution of a heterogeneous population into qualitatively homogeneous groups is carried out using ... grouping.

+: typological

-: structural

-: analytical

-: attributive

82. A grouping that allows us to identify the relationship between characteristics is...

+: analytical

-: typological

-: structural

-: attributive

83. The grouping of privatized enterprises in the region, presented in the form of a table, is ...

-: structural simple

-: structural combinational

-: typologically simple

84. Grouping of small enterprises by the duration of one turnover of all working capital, formatted as a table, is...

+: analytical

-: typological

-: structural

-: attributive

85. The grouping of respondents by political orientation, presented in the form of a table, is...

+: structural

-: typological

-: analytical

-: attributive

86. The grouping of insured objects, presented in the form of a table, is...

+: analytical simple

-: structural simple

-: structural combinational

87. The grouping of those convicted by court sentences, presented in the form of a table, is...

+: structural combinational

-: analytical Raman

-: structural simple

-: analytical simple

88. The grouping of dairies in the region by volume of milk processing, presented in the form of a table, is ...

+: analytical

-: typological

-: structural

-: variational

89. The grouping of countries by labor potential, presented in table form, is...

+: typological combinational

-: structural simple

-: structural combinational

-: typologically simple

90. The attributive series of distribution is the distribution...

+: freight turnover by mode of transport

-: cargo turnover at the cost of 1 ton of cargo

-: drivers by age

-: drivers by length of service

91. The variation series of a distribution is the distribution...

+: commercial banks by size of authorized capital

-: bank creditors by type of ownership

-: bank employees tariff category

-: bank employees by education

92. The attributive series of distribution of enterprises is the distribution by ...

+: form of ownership

-: specific gravity export products

-: arrived

-: volume of products produced

93. The variation series of a distribution is the distribution...

+: cities by number of inhabitants

-: farms by quality of sown areas

-: sown area by crops

-: city residents by social status

94. In the series of distribution of families by number of children, the option is ...

+: number of children

-: number of families

-: number of households

-: number of men and women

95. In the series of distribution of cities by number of inhabitants, the frequency is ...

+: number of cities

-: number of inhabitants

-: population density

-: size of living area

96. In the series of distribution of firms by number busy with the option is …

+: number of employees

-: number of firms

-: authorized capital

-: loan debt

97. In the distribution series credit institutions in size authorized capital frequency is...

+: number of credit institutions

-: amount of authorized capital

-: the amount of equity

-: involved funds

98. A statistical table is one that shows...

+: ratio of men to women by region

-: country's balance of payments

-: number of regions

99. A statistical table is one that shows...

+: distribution of firms by number of employees

-: schedule of commuter trains

-: list of administrative districts

100. According to the structure of the subject, the table characterizing the level of economic development of countries is ...

+: simple

-: group

-: combinational

-: analytical

101. By the nature of the subject, the table describing the living conditions of the country’s population is ...

+: simple monographic

-: group

-: simple list

-: analytical

-: attributive

102. A discrete sign of a group is...

+: number of family members

-: wages of workers

-: per capita income

-: cost of fixed assets

103. A continuous sign of grouping is...

+: wages of workers

-: shoe size

-: level of difficulty of work

-: number of family members

104. A quantitative characteristic of a group is...

+: salary

-: gender of person

-: nationality

-: profession

105. An attributive sign of a group is...

+: nationality

-: enterprise profit

-: person's age

-: size of sown area

-: wage

106. Typological groupings are used for...

+: division of a heterogeneous population into qualitatively homogeneous types

-: characteristics of structural changes

107. Structural groupings are used for...

+: characteristics of the population structure

-: characteristics of relationships between individual characteristics

108. Analytical groupings are used for...

+: characteristics of relationships between individual characteristics

-: dividing the population into qualitatively homogeneous types

-: characteristics of the population structure

109. The subject of a statistical table is...

+: totality, list of units of the totality or their groups

-: number of groups into which observation units are divided

-: system of indicators characterizing units of observation

110. The predicate of a statistical table is...

+: system of indicators characterizing the subject of the table

-: list of observation units

-: list of groups into which observation units are divided

-: table header containing characteristics of observation units

111. A statistical table object characterized by numbers is called...

+: subject

-: attribute

-: predicate

-: header

112. The system of indicators characterizing the object of study is called...

+: predicate

-: attribute

-: subject

-: statistical table

113. The division of a population according to an attribute with clearly defined requirements and conditions for assigning elements to a particular group is called ...

+: classification

-: grouping

-: summary

-: statistical table

114. Grouping, with the help of which a heterogeneous population is distributed into qualitatively homogeneous groups, is called ...

+: typological

-: structural

-: analytical

-: attributive

115. A statistical table is...

+: table characterizing the population by gender and age

-: multiplication table

-: sociological survey questionnaire

116. A statistical table represents...

+: form of the most rational presentation of the results of statistical observation

-: information about something, arranged in lines and columns

-: numerical characteristics placed in the columns of the table

-: distribution range

117. The basis of a group can be...

+: both qualitative and quantitative attribute

-: quality sign

-: continuous quantitative characteristic

-: discrete quantitative characteristic

118. Statistical tables based on the nature of the development of the predicate are...

+: complex

-: monographic

-: list

-: structural

119. A grouping in the form of a table is...

+: structural

-: analytical

-: typological

-: complex

120. A grouping formed by a table is...

+: combined

-: structural

-: analytical

-: simple

121. Grouping, with the help of which a homogeneous population is distributed according to the values ​​of a varying characteristic, is called ...

+: structural

-: typological

-: analytical

-: attributive

122. The predicate of a statistical table is

-: object under study

+: indicators characterizing the object under study

-: information located in the top headings of the table

-: the basis of the group

123. A grouping in the form of a table is

-: typological

-: analytical

-: simple

+: combinational

124. A group is called complex

+: in which the division of the population into groups is carried out according to two or more characteristics taken in combination

-: which is intended to study the composition of homogeneous

aggregates according to some varying characteristic

-: revealing the relationships between the phenomena being studied and their


-: allowing to distribute a heterogeneous population into qualitatively homogeneous groups

125. Grouping, which allows us to identify the relationship between characteristics, is

-: typological

-: structural

+: analytical

126. Grouping, which makes it possible to distribute a heterogeneous population into qualitatively homogeneous groups, is

+: typological

-: structural

-: analytical

-: attributive

127. A method that allows two groups that are incomparable due to a different number of identified groups to be brought into a comparable form is

+: secondary grouping method

-: building a complex grouping

-: primary grouping method

-: building a combinational grouping

128. Subject of group statistical tables contains

-: list of units of the population

+: grouping of population units according to one characteristic

-: grouping of population units according to several characteristics

-: indicators characterizing the object under study

129. Indicators characterizing the volumes and dimensions of socio-economic phenomena are

+: absolute values

-: relative values

-: indexes

-: coefficients

130. Indicators characterizing the volumes and dimensions of socio-economic phenomena are expressed ... in units of measurement.

-: natural

-: labor

-: cost

+: natural, labor and cost

131. Indicators characterizing the quantitative relationships of phenomena are quantities

-: absolute

+: relative

-: natural

-: labor

-: cost

132. Indicators characterizing the quantitative relationships of phenomena are calculated by

-: divisions of quantities of the same name

-: addition of like quantities

-: subtraction of quantities of the same name

-: divisions of opposite quantities

+: divisions of like and/or unlike quantities

133. The ratio of opposite indicators are relative values:

+: intensity

-: coordination

134. By dividing indicators of the same name, relative values ​​are calculated:

-: intensity

+: structures and coordination

-: intensity and structure

-: intensity and coordination

135. The relative value of intensity is

-: GDP structure

+: GDP per capita

-: share of men in the city population

-: percentage of plan completion

136. Number of marriages per 1000 inhabitants, if

-: more in region A

+: more in region B

-: same in both regions

-: no conclusion can be drawn

137. The relative magnitude of dynamics is

+: percentage increase in investment in the oil industry over the year

-: volume of increased oil production per year (million tons)

-: percentage of completion of the oil production plan for the year

-: volume of increased investment in the oil industry over the year

138. Production declined faster... in 2002 compared to 2001.

-: reduction rates are the same

-: no conclusion can be drawn

139. The relative magnitude of dynamics is

+: percentage increase in real wages per year

-: volume of reduction of the budget deficit (billion rubles)

-: percentage of production plan fulfilled

-: volume of increase in production output (million tons)

140. Growth rates were higher

-: debt amounts

-: debt payments

+: the rates are the same for both indicators

-: the pace is incomparable

141. The relative value of spatial comparison is

-: housing provision for the population in each region

-: cost of 1 m 2 of housing in each region

-: difference in cost of 1 m 2 of housing in regions A and B

+: ratio of the cost of 1 m 2 of housing in regions A and B

142. The relative value of comparison is the ratio

+: minimum wage to subsistence level

-: budget expenditures on health protection to the annual budget

143. The relative value of a structure is the ratio

+: budget expenditures on health protection to the annual budget

-: health care costs to cost utilities

-: the cost of utilities to the purchasing power of the ruble

-: subsistence level to minimum wage

144. The relative value of coordination is the ratio

-: number of employees in national economy region to the number of persons with higher education

-: number of men married to total number men

+: total number of men to total number of women

-: number of persons with higher education to population

145. The relative value of spatial comparison is the ratio:

-: volume of cargo transportation by road to volume of transportation by railway

-: the cost of transporting goods by road to the cost of transporting by rail

-: capacity of automatic telephone exchanges in cities to capacity in villages

+: population of region A to population of B

146. The relative value of coordination is the ratio

+: parts of a whole to each other

-: parts of a whole to a whole

147. The relative value of comparison is the ratio

+: auction price of shares to their par value

-: the value of shares put up for auction to the total value of shares

-: the value of shares in the current period to their value in the base period

148. The relative value of a structure is the ratio

-: parts of a whole to each other

+: parts of a whole to a whole

-: quantitative characteristics of the phenomenon to the environment of its distribution

-: achieved level to planned

149. The share of the rural population is equal to ... if 5 million people lived in the region, including 2 million people in cities.

150. There are ... urban residents per 100 rural residents, if 8 million people live in the region, including 3 million people in cities.

151. Correspondence between types of relative quantities

L1: share of employed people in the total economically active population

L2: food consumption per capita

L3: ratio of men to women in the total number of unemployed

R4: relative plan indicator

R6: relative comparison index

152. Correspondence between types of relative quantities:

L1: share of men in the total number of unemployed

R1: relative structure index

L2: milk consumption per capita

R2: relative intensity index

L3: ratio of men to women in the total population

R3: relative coordination index

R4: relative indicator of plan implementation

R5: relative dynamics indicator

R6: relative plan indicator

153. The relationship between the relative indicators of dynamics (RDI), the plan (RPI) and the implementation of the plan (RPRP) is expressed by the ratio:





154. Relative indicator of the production plan

= ###%, if the plan is fulfilled by 120%, and the increase in production compared to last year was 26%.

155. Relative indicator of implementation of the production plan = ###%, if production output decreased by 4% compared to the base year

and according to the plan it was supposed to increase by 20%

156. Product output compared to last year..., if OPP = 110%, and OPP = 90%.

+: decreased by 1%

-: increased by 1%

-: increased by 20%

-: decreased by 20%

-: did not change

157. The plan was implemented on..., if production output did not change compared to last year, but it was planned to reduce it by 20%.

158. Product output in 2004 compared to 2002 amounted to ....% (with an accuracy of 0.1%) provided:

159. Sales volume in 2000 was equal to ... million rubles, if in 2001 it increased compared to 2000 by 7% and amounted to 256.8 million rubles.

160. Turnover in 2001 was equal to ... million rubles, if it increased in 2001 compared to 2000 by 7%, which amounted to 28 million rubles.

161. The output of products in 2004 is more than in 2003 by ...%, if 26 thousand tons were produced in 2004, and 25 thousand tons in 2003.

162. The relative indicator of plan implementation is equal to ..., if in 2004 products worth 230 million rubles were produced, which is 20 million rubles. less than planned.

163. The relative indicator of the plan is equal to ..., if in 2005 products worth 400 million rubles were produced, and in 2006 it is planned to produce products worth 416 million rubles.

164. For every million rubles. of manufactured products account for ... million rubles. net taxes on products, if in 2004 products were produced for 320 million rubles, and net taxes on products were collected for 50 million rubles.

165. For every 100 unemployed men there are... unemployed women, if 256 men and 316 women are registered at the labor exchange.

166. The share of unemployed women in the total number of unemployed is equal to ... if 260 men and 240 women are registered at the labor exchange.

167. The share of unemployed women in the total population is ###%, if 580 women are registered at the labor exchange, and the total population is 14,500 people.

168. The share of imports in total trade turnover is equal to ###%, if goods worth 25 billion rubles are imported, and the total trade turnover is 500 billion rubles.

169. Total trade turnover is equal to ### billion rubles, if goods worth 24 billion rubles are imported, and the share of imports in total trade turnover is 12%

170. Goods worth ### billion rubles were imported, if the total trade turnover is 300 billion rubles, and the share of imports in the total trade turnover is 24%

171. Relative values ​​are:

-: difference of two statistical quantities

-: sum of statistical quantities

+: quotient of two statistical quantities

-: product of two statistical quantities

172. The relative size of the structure characterizes:

-: development of a phenomenon in a certain environment

+: composition of the population being studied

-: development of a phenomenon over time

-: ratio of parts of the totality

173. The relative size of the structure is defined as

-: the ratio of two opposite quantities;

+: attitude individual parts to the whole set;

-: the ratio of two indicators of the same phenomena for different periods or points in time;

-: the ratio of two indicators of the same name belonging to the same population;

174. The relative intensity indicator is the ratio

-: one part of a population to another part of the same population

-: the level of the process or phenomenon under study for a given period of time and the level of the same process or phenomenon in the past

The studied indicator to the size of its inherent environment

-: the same absolute indicator characterizing different objects (enterprises, districts, regions, countries)

175. Relative quantities represent ... two statistical quantities

-: difference


-: work

176. The sum of relative indicators of the structure, calculated for one population, should be

+: strictly equal to 100

-: less than or equal to 100

-: greater than or equal to 100

-: less than, greater than or equal to 100

177. The ratio of opposite indicators is the relative value

+: intensity

-: speakers

-: structures

-: spatial comparison

178. Indicators characterizing the volumes and dimensions of socio-economic phenomena are quantities

+: absolute

-: relative

-: coefficients

-: indexes

179. Indicators characterizing the volumes and dimensions of socio-economic phenomena are expressed in units of measurement

+: natural, labor, cost

-: coefficients, percentages

-: indexes

-: relative values

180. The average value is a general characteristic of a varying characteristic:

+: in a qualitatively homogeneous population

-: in any aggregate

-: in a qualitatively heterogeneous population

-: in a quantitatively heterogeneous population

181. The value of the average depends

-: from the volume of the statistical population

-: only from the weights of individual attribute values

-: only from individual characteristic values

+: both from the individual values ​​of the characteristic and from their weights

182. The average investment risk score is calculated using the formula ... if the estimates of four groups of experts of 5 specialists each are known.

+: arithmetic simple

-: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic simple

-: harmonic weighted

183. The average investment risk score is calculated using the formula ... if the estimates of four different groups of experts are known.

-: arithmetic simple

+: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic simple

-: harmonic weighted

184. The average size tax...if the tax for all producers is increased by 3%.

-: Will not change;

+: will increase by 3%

-: will increase by 9%

-: will increase by 6%

185. The overall mortality rate of the population ... if mortality in age groups of the population has not changed, but the proportion of older people in the entire population has increased.

+: increased;

-: decreased

-: change cannot be predicted.

-: did not change

186. The average score of business activity of entrepreneurs is ..., if

187. Average costs of raw materials are equal to ..., if

188. The ratio of the total value of the averaged characteristic to the volume of the population is equal to

-: variations in attribute values

-: median

+: average value of the characteristic

189. The average value of a characteristic in an ungrouped population is calculated using the formula for the average...

+: arithmetic simple

-: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic

-: geometric

-: chronological

190. The average value of a characteristic in a grouped population with groups of different sizes is calculated using the formula for the average...

-: arithmetic simple

+: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic simple

-: harmonic weighted

-: geometric

191. Statistical characteristics, which quantitatively describes the distribution pattern, is

+: average

-: variation

-: asymmetry

-: the coefficient of variation

192. Average cost of manufactured products (with an accuracy of 1 million rubles) for the 2nd quarter = ... million rubles, if

193. The average balance of working capital for the second quarter is calculated using the average formula.... given that:

-: arithmetic

-: harmonic

-: geometric

+: chronological

-: quadratic

194. Average number employees (accurate to 1 person) for the 2nd quarter =### people, if

195. Average work experience is calculated using the average formula..., if

-: arithmetic simple

+: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic simple

-: harmonic weighted

-: geometric

196. The calculation of the average share of export products is carried out in the form of average ..., if

-: arithmetic simple

-: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic simple

+: harmonic weighted

-: chronological

197. Average age student is... years old

198. The average age of a student is... years

199. Average value, if all weights are reduced by some constant value,

-: will increase

+: will not change

-: will decrease by the same amount

-: will change in an unpredictable way

200. The power average is

-: arithmetic mean

-: geometric mean

+: root mean square

-: median

201. The harmonic mean is used when calculating the average value if

-: indicators in aggregate are directly proportional

+: the indicators are inversely proportional, or one of the indicators is not specified, but acts as a factor in one of those available in the condition

-: when calculating the average annual growth rate in dynamics series

-: series is interval

202. The average wage of one worker in a team of 5 people is calculated based on the average ..., if

-: arithmetic weighted

-: harmonic

-: chronological

+: arithmetic simple

203. The average monthly population for the first quarter is determined by the average ..., if the population is given at 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04.

-: arithmetic

-: harmonic

+: chronological

-: geometric

204. Average value..., if all variants of a characteristic are reduced by 1.5 times, and all weights are increased by 1.5 times.

-: Will not change

+: will decrease by 1.5 times

-: will increase by 1.5 times

-: will decrease by 3 times

-: will increase by 3 times

205. The average value is a general characteristic of a varying characteristic

+: only in a qualitatively homogeneous population

-: in any aggregate

-: in a quantitatively homogeneous population

-: in an aggregate that is homogeneous both qualitatively and quantitatively

206. Average value, if all weights are reduced by 20%,

+: will not change

-: will decrease by 20%

-: will increase by 20%

-: will decrease by 80%

-: will increase by 80%

207. The mode in the distribution series is:

+: most common characteristic value

-: highest frequency

-: average value of the characteristic

208. Mode in a discrete distribution series

-: always alone

-: does not exist

+: there may be one or more

209. The median in a distribution series is:

-: the most common value of the characteristic

+: attribute value dividing the series in half

-: highest frequency

-: module of the largest deviation from the average

210. Median in an interval distribution series

+: always alone

-: may or may not exist

-: does not exist

-: there may be one or more

211. The median age of brokers is ... if

212. Mode of number of errors, if

213. Variation is:

+: diversity of values ​​of a certain characteristic in a statistical population

-: differences in the values ​​of different characteristics for an individual element of the population

-: the sum of deviations of the characteristic values ​​from the average value

-: the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the characteristic in the aggregate

214. Variation in two populations with the same mean values

-: always the same

-: always different

-: differ by no more than 30%

215. Variation in two populations with different means

-: always the same;

+: may be the same or different

-: always different

-: differ by at least 30%

216. The average linear deviation is calculated using ... deviations of individual values ​​of a characteristic from the average.

+: algebraic sum

-: sums of absolute values

-: sum of squares

217. Average linear and standard deviations

-: always the same

+: can sometimes be the same

-: always different

-: always the same in absolute value

218. Dispersion is ... deviations of individual values ​​of a characteristic from the average.

+: middle square

-: work

219. Dispersion can be determined for a characteristic:

-: only high quality

-: quantitative and qualitative

-: only for quantitative

+: for quantitative and alternative

220. If all values ​​of a characteristic are increased by a certain amount, then the variance:

-: will increase by the same amount;

-: will decrease by the same amount;

+: will not change;

-: will increase by the square of this value

221. The coefficient of variation can be calculated based on

+: standard deviation

-: average linear deviation

-: span variation

1 STATISTICAL OBSERVATION its types and methods of carrying out

Statistical observation - Statistical observation

massive, systematic, be carried out on scientific basis according to pre-developed plan And program.

Statistical reporting

. By time of registration of veils.

By completely ( complete) observation continuous observation


Observation of the main array

For monographic observation

By time of registration of facts Intermittent Nepre jerky (current) observation

Intermittent observation neperiodic observation One-time observation

ways to get statistical information,

Documentary observation

Direct observation


    development of a statistical hypothesis,

    statistical observation,

    summary and grouping of statistical data,

    data analysis,

    interpretation of data.

Stat. observation- This initial stage economic-stat. obs. It is a scientific and organizational work on collecting mass primary data on the phenomena and processes of social life.

Any stat. obs. carried out through the assessment and registration of characteristics of population units in the relevant accounting documents. Thus, the data obtained represent facts that in one way or another characterize the phenomena of social life.

Stat. obs. must meet the following requirements.

1. Observation phenomena must have scientific and practical value and express certain socio-economic types of phenomena.

2. Direct collection of mass data should ensure the completeness of facts related to the issue under consideration, since phenomena are in constant change and development. If complete data is not available, the analysis and conclusions may be misleading.

3. To ensure the reliability of stat. data requires a thorough comprehensive check of the quality of the collected facts.

4. In order to create the best conditions for obtaining objective materials, a scientific organization of statistics is necessary. observations.

Stat. obs. carried out in two forms: by providing reporting and conducting specially organized statistical observations.

Reporting This organized form of statistical observation is called. in which information is received in the form of mandatory reports within certain deadlines and in approved forms.

In this case, the source of information, as a rule, is primary accounting records in accounting and operational accounting documents.

Specially organized stat. obs. is the collection of information through censuses, one-time records and surveys. An example of a specially organized stat. obs. could be: a population census, all kinds of sociological surveys.

Types of stats obs. differ in the time of data recording and in the degree of coverage of units of the population under study.

Based on the nature of data recording over time, observations are distinguished. continuous and intermittent. The latter, in turn, is divided into obs. periodic and one-time.

Continuous is such an observation. which is carried out systematically. In this case, registration of facts is carried out as they occur, for example, registration of acts of civil status. At the current obs. There should not be a significant gap between the moment the fact occurred and the moment it was registered.

Intermittent is such an observation. which is repeated at certain intervals.

One-time obs. carried out as needed, from time to time, without observing strict frequency, or even carried out once.

By coverage units of the studied population, continuous and non-continuous statistics are distinguished. obs.

Solid they call this observation. in which all units of the population being studied are subject to examination without exception. By continuous observation. reports are received from enterprises and institutions.

Not continuous they call this observation. in which not all units of the population under study are examined, but only a predetermined part of them, for example, the study of trade turnover and prices in city markets. The main type of discontinuous observation. is selective

1 F forms, types and methods of statistical observation.

Statistical observation - the first stage of statistical research, which is a scientifically organized collection of mass data about the phenomena and processes of social life being studied. Statistical observation – this is a mass systematic, scientifically organized observation of the phenomena of social and economic life, which consists of recording the displayed characteristics of each unit of the population.

Statistical observation can be carried out by state statistics bodies, research institutes, economic services of banks, exchanges, and firms. It must be massive, systematic, be carried out on scientific basis according to pre-developed plan And program.

The forms of statistical observation are reporting and specially organized observations.

Statistical reporting – this is the main form of statis. observation, with the help of which the statistician bodies within a certain time frame receive from enterprises, institutions, organizations the necessary data in the form established in legally reporting documents, signed by persons responsible for their provision and the reliability of the information collected.

Specially organized statistical observation is the collection of information through censuses, one-time records and surveys (for example, population census, sociological research, census of industrial equipment, remains of raw materials and supplies). In order to obtain information on the level of consumer spending and income of the population, a reporting network of statistics on the family budgets of workers, employees and peasants has been organized.

Observation registration form. Register observation – This is a form of continuous statistic. observations of long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, a stage of development and a fixed end. It is based on the introduction of a statistical register. The register is a system that constantly monitors the state of the observation unit and evaluates the strength of the influence of various factors on the indicators being studied.

Types of statistical observation . Statistical observations can be divided into groups: 1) according to the coverage of population units; 2) By time of registration of veils.

Bydegree of coverage of the study population statistical observation is divided into two types: continuous and non-continuous. At completely ( complete) observation all units of the population being studied are covered. Continuous observation provides complete information about the phenomena and processes being studied. At continuous observation Only a certain part of the population being studied is covered, and it is important to determine in advance which part of the population being studied will be subject to observation and what criterion will be used as the basis for sampling. There are several types of incomplete observation: selective, observation of the main array, monographic.

Selective is the observation of a portion of the units of the population under study, selected by random sampling. At proper organization sample observation gives fairly accurate results that can be applied with a certain probability to the entire population.

Observation of the main array covers a survey of certain, most significant characteristics of the studied units of the population.

For monographic observation characterized by a comprehensive and in-depth study of only individual units of the population that have any special characteristics or represent some new phenomenon. The purpose of such observation is to identify existing or emerging trends in the development of a given process or phenomenon.

By time of registration of facts observation can be continuous or intermittent. Intermittent in turn includes periodic and one-time. Nepre jerky (current) observation carried out by continuously recording facts as they arise. For example, the registration of deaths, births, and marriages by civil registry offices (registry offices) is ongoing.

Intermittent observation carried out either regularly, at certain intervals (periodic observation), or irregularly, once, as needed (one-time observation). Example neperiodic observation may be a population census, which is carried out at fairly long intervals, and all forms of statistical observations, which are monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual, etc. character. One-time observation characterized by the fact that facts are recorded not in connection with their occurrence, but according to their condition or presence at a certain moment or over a period of time.

Along with the types of statistical observation, the general theory of statistics considers ways to get statistical information, the most important of which are the documentary method of observation, the method of direct observation, and questioning.

Documentary observation based on the use of data from various documents, such as accounting registers, as a source of information. Considering that, as a rule, high demands are placed on filling out such documents, the data reflected in them is the most reliable and can serve as high-quality source material for analysis.

Direct observation carried out by recording facts personally established by registrars as a result of inspection, measurement, and counting of signs of the phenomenon being studied. In this way, prices for goods and services are recorded, working hours are measured, an inventory of warehouse balances is taken, etc.

Survey is based on obtaining data from respondents (survey participants). A survey is used in cases where observation cannot be carried out by other means. This type of observation is typical for conducting various sociological surveys and public opinion polls. Statistical information can be obtained different types surveys: expeditionary, correspondent, questionnaire, turnout.

The most important stage in the preparation of statistical observation is the development of a plan for its implementation, which contains the formulation and solution of programmatic, methodological and organizational issues.
Software and methodological:
- establishing the purpose and objectives of observation;
- definition of the object and unit of observation;
- development of an observation program;
- choice of type and method of observation.
Setting goals and objectives is the initial stage in organizing and conducting any statistical observation. It defines the direct substantive tasks of observation, which must also be strictly formulated. In accordance with the goals and objectives, the object and unit of statistical observation are determined.
Object of statistical observation is a set of socio-economic phenomena and processes that is subject to statistical observation. For successful statistical observation great importance has an accurate scientifically based definition of the object of observation. This means that from the totality essential features, characterizing the object being examined, those of them are identified that distinguish it from other objects that are similar or close in nature to it.
Every object of statistical observation consists of individual elements - units of observation.
Unit of statistical observation- this is the primary, component element of the object of statistical observation, which is the carrier of the signs recorded during observation. The units of observation are called reporting units.
Reporting unit- this is a unit of statistical observation from which reporting data is received according to forms approved for it in the prescribed manner.
Unit of statistical population- this is a separate primary, constituent element of a statistical aggregate, which serves as the basis of calculation and has characteristics that are subject to registration when conducting statistical observation. This is what is examined during statistical observation.
Thus, based on the specific content of the object, purpose and specific tasks of the statistical research undertaken, a statistical observation program is developed.
Statistical Observation Program- this is a list of characteristics of an observation unit recorded in the process of statistical observation. The results of statistical observation and research as a whole, its value for solving socio-economic problems, and its suitability for developing specific production and management proposals depend on the quality of program development.
The program must be built taking into account the following requirements for its development:
- must contain essential features characterizing the socio-economic phenomenon under study, process, type, main features, specific features and properties that will be used in the development of statistical observation materials;
- should include only those features that are distinctive for all units of the population being studied;
- it is necessary to take into account and control the number of questions in the program;
- questions of the observation program must be formulated clearly, concisely and clearly, without allowing for ambiguity in their interpretation;
- the program should contain only those questions to which it is realistically possible to obtain objective and sufficiently accurate answers;
- it is advisable to include control questions so that the answers to them can be used to control others;
- questions in the observation program should be presented in a logical sequence.
To conduct observation in each case, a statistical observation toolkit is developed, which includes a form and instructions.
Statistical observation form- this is a special document in which answers to questions from the observation program are recorded. It is a graphed sheet of paper that contains a list of program questions and free spaces for writing down answers (indicating ciphers and codes) to them. The observation form consists of parts: title and address. Title part of the form includes: the name of the statistical observation, the body conducting it, the date and name of the body that approved this form. Address part of the form contains a record of the exact address of a unit or set of observation units, their subordination, and sometimes the timing and place of distribution of completed forms.
The form may have different forms of expression and names (depending on the characteristics of the observation). In statistics, there are two systems of statistical forms: individual (form-card) and list (form-list). Individual form- this is a form designed to record answers to questions from the observation program about only one observation unit. List form is a form designed to record answers to questions from the observation program about several observation units. Statistical hint- This is a list of possible answers to the question posed. It can be complete (including a list of all possible answers to the question posed) or incomplete (containing answers to only some).
In order to provide a more complete and correct process organization and conduct of observation, the observation program is drawn up detailed instructions. Statistical instruction- this is a document explaining the issues of the statistical observation program, the procedure for filling out the statistical form and planned organizational matters. The instructions, as well as the form, can contain an interpretation of a particular question in the program, approximate answers to questions, typical cases of filling out forms, etc.

This is a preliminary stage of statistical research, which is a systematic, scientifically organized accounting (collection) of primary statistical data on mass socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Not every data collection can be called statistical observation. Observation will be statistical, firstly, when it is accompanied by the registration of the studied facts in the appropriate accounting documents for their further generalization, and secondly, when it is of a mass nature. This ensures coverage of a significant number of cases of manifestation of a particular process, necessary and sufficient to obtain data that relate not only to individual units of the population, but also to the entire population as a whole.

Statistical observation must meet a number of important requirements:

    a) be carried out continuously and systematically;

    b) accounting of mass data should be such that not only the completeness of the data is ensured, but also their constant change is taken into account;

    c) the data must be as reliable and accurate as possible;

    d) the phenomena under study must have not only scientific, but also practical value.

The collection of statistical data can be carried out both by state statistics bodies, research institutes, and others. government agencies, as well as economic services of banks, exchanges, enterprises, and firms. Only in this case do researchers receive reliable and sufficiently diverse statistical information that allows them to comprehensively study socio-economic phenomena.

Stages, forms, types and methods of statistical observation

Statistical observation (collection of primary statistical material) consists of three main stages:

    preparation of statistical observation;

    organization and production of surveillance;

    control of the received primary data.

On preparation stage In statistical observation, the goal is determined, the object and unit of observation are established, and tools and an observation program are developed. General purpose of statistical observation is to obtain reliable information about trends in the development of phenomena and processes for subsequent adoption management decisions. It must be specific and clear. A vaguely defined goal can lead to the collection of the wrong data that is necessary to solve a specific problem.

The goal defines the object of statistical observation. Observation object there is some statistical population under study or individuals(population, workers), or legal entities (enterprises, firms, educational establishments), or physical units (production equipment, vehicles and transportation, residential buildings), i.e. the statistical population under study consists of individual units.

This is the primary element of the object of statistical observation, which is the carrier of the characteristics that are subject to registration. Indication of the most important features allows us to establish boundaries of the study population. For example, if it is necessary to conduct a study of the profitability of printing enterprises, then it is necessary to determine the forms of ownership of these enterprises, the organizational and legal basis, the number of employees of the enterprise, the volume of product sales, i.e. something that distinguishes both state and non-state enterprises, and small and large enterprises. Only in this case will we receive reliable statistical information.

The observation unit must be distinguished from the reporting unit. The reporting unit is the unit from which the reporting data comes. It may or may not coincide with the unit of observation.

Justification of the goal, selection of observation units, reporting units, selection of essential features, period of time for statistical observation, reporting forms are set out in the statistical observation program. Usually surveillance program name a list of questions that are subject to registration during observation. In order for an observation program to be scientifically substantiated and correctly designed, it must meet the following requirements:

    clear and specific wording main goal observations;

    determination of the place and time of observation, where the critical moment is determined (the date or time interval at which the registration of signs is carried out) and the period (the period for filling out the statistical form);

    identifying a number of the most significant features of the object of observation;

    a comprehensive definition of the type, main features and properties of the phenomenon being studied;

    the questions formulated in the program should not be ambiguous;

    compliance with the logical principle of the sequence of questions;

    inclusion in the program of control questions to verify the collected statistical data;

    a combination of closed and open questions of the program.

The program is drawn up in the form of a document, the so-called statistical form, which ensures uniformity of information received from each reporting unit. The form has a title part (information about those who conduct observation) and an address part (address and subordination of the reporting unit). The program has an application - instructions ( statistical observation tools), which determines the procedure for conducting observation and the procedure for filling out the reporting form.

At the second stage, the most important organizational issues of statistical observation are resolved. They consist in choosing those that correspond to the goals and objectives of a specific statistical observation. organizational forms observations, types of observation and methods of obtaining statistical information.

All the variety of forms, types and methods of observation can be presented as follows.

According to the form of organization of statistical observation: reporting; specially organized statistical survey - census; registers.

By type of statistical observation: a) by time of registration of facts (current or continuous; discontinuous - periodic, one-time); b) according to the coverage of population units (continuous; non-continuous - the main array, selective, monographic).

By methods of obtaining statistical information: direct observation; documentary method; survey - expeditionary, questionnaire, turnout, correspondent, self-registration.

The main form of statistical observation is reporting. If primary accounting ( primary accounting document) registers various facts, then the reporting is a generalization of primary accounting.

An official document, which is signed by persons responsible for the provision and reliability of the collected information, and is approved by state statistics bodies. In addition to annual reporting, there may be daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly and quarterly reporting. Reporting can be submitted by mail, telegraph, teletype, or fax.

A census can be classified as a specially organized statistical observation. In practice, a census of population, material resources, green spaces, unfinished construction projects, equipment, etc. is carried out.

Observation, repeated at regular intervals, the task of which is not only to determine the size and composition of the population under study, but also to analyze quantitative changes in the period between two examinations. Of all the censuses, the most famous are the population censuses.

A form of continuous statistical observation is register observation(register), the objects of which are long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, stage of development and fixed completion time. The register is based on a system for tracking the status of variables and constant indicators. In statistical practice there is a distinction population registers And business registers. Currently in Russia there is a Unified State Register of Enterprises of All Forms of Ownership (USRPO), information fund which contains: register code, information about territorial and industry affiliation, form of subordination, type of ownership, background information and economic indicators (average number of employees; funds allocated for consumption; residual value of fixed assets; book profit or loss; authorized capital). When closing an enterprise within ten days, the liquidation commission informs the register maintenance service about this.

Let us briefly consider the types of statistical observation based on the time of registration of facts. Continuous (current) statistical observation- is a systematic recording of facts or phenomena as they become available in order to study their dynamics. For example, civil registration (births, marriages, deaths), registration by insurance companies of all accidents and other adverse events as they occur.

Species continuous monitoring are one-time and periodic. The first is a one-time continuous observation to collect quantitative characteristics phenomenon or process at the time of its study. Periodic observation is carried out at certain intervals using similar programs and tools. For example, periodic research of passenger flows in public transport, periodic registration of producer prices for individual goods (once a month or quarter).

Based on the coverage of population units, statistical observation can be continuous or incomplete. Continuous observation covers all units of the population under study (for example, a general population census). In its turn, partial observation covers only part of the population under study. Depending on how this part is selected, non-continuous observation can be divided into selective (based on the principle of random selection), the main array method (the most significant or largest units of the studied population are studied) and the so-called monographic observation (a detailed study of individual units of the studied population in order to identify emerging trends).

As for the methods of obtaining statistical information (methods of statistical observation), there are three main methods: direct observation, documentary observation and survey.

A fairly reliable source of data is direct observation when it is possible to establish a fact subject to registration. But this method requires significant labor costs and the availability of all necessary conditions. It is most often used when monitoring the commissioning of construction projects.

Another reliable way- documentary, based on the use of various accounting documents (invoices, complaints, etc.) as a source of information and facilitating the obtaining of accurate information.

An observation method in which the source of information is the words of respondents is called a survey. Its varieties are: oral (expeditionary), questionnaire, correspondent, turnout survey and self-registration.

An oral survey can be either direct (direct communication between the enumerator and the respondent) or indirect (for example, by telephone).

At questionnaire method a certain number of respondents receive special questionnaires either in person or through printed means. This type The survey is used in studies that require indicative results that do not claim to be high accuracy(study of public opinion).

The in-person method is used in continuous observation when personal presence is necessary (registration of marriages, divorces, births, etc.).

At correspondent method information is provided by a staff of voluntary correspondents, as a result of which the material received is not always of high quality.

Finally, when self-registration method The forms are filled out by the respondents themselves, and the enumerators provide advice and collect the forms. In statistical practice different kinds statistical observations can be combined, complementing each other.

At the third stage, the collected statistical material must pass control. As practice shows, even with clearly organized statistical observation there are errors and errors that require correction. Therefore, the purpose of this stage is both counting and logical control of the received primary data. The discrepancy between the calculated and actual values ​​of the studied quantity in statistics is called observation error. Depending on the reasons for their occurrence, registration errors and representativeness errors are distinguished.

Account control is used to identify errors, especially to check totals. In addition to counting, logical control is also used, which can cast doubt on the correctness of the data obtained, since it is based on the logical relationship between the signs. For example, during a population census, the obtained fact that a five-year-old child has a secondary education is called into question, and in this case it is clear that an error was made when filling out the form.

If registration errors are characteristic of any observation (continuous and incomplete), then representativeness errors- only partial observation. They characterize the discrepancies between the values ​​of the indicator obtained in the population being surveyed and its value in the original (general) population. Representativeness errors can also be random or systematic. Random errors arise if the selected population does not completely reproduce all the characteristics of the general population and the magnitude of these errors can be estimated. Systematic errors of representativeness can arise if the very principle of selecting units from the original population is violated. In this case, the completeness of the collected data is checked, arithmetic control of the accuracy of the information is carried out to determine its reliability, and the logical relationship of the indicators is checked.

Statistical observation ends with a control check of the collected data.