Quantitative and qualitative changes in the development of psychology. Development concept. Basic properties, principles and patterns of development. Types of mental development


The article presents the results of a study of the gender aspects of intimate-personal communication of adolescents and their relationship with temperament. In the course of the study, it was found that the more pronounced in adolescent boys is extroversion, that is, outward-facing, the more authoritarianism and dominance are manifested in intimate-personal communication, but at the same time, altruism is expressed more strongly. The level of neuroticism, that is, the degree of emotional stability, has no effect in boys on intimate personal communication... In adolescent girls, the more they are oriented towards the outside world, the more authoritarianism, selfishness and desire for domination are manifested in intimate-personal communication. High emotional stability is associated with manifestations of aggressiveness, and emotionally unstable girls tend to show friendliness in relationships with friends. Based on the results of the study, practical advice for teachers and psychologists, who will allow them to more accurately and effectively carry out work to normalize the intimate-personal communication of adolescents, create such a psychological climate in the classroom that will contribute to adequate socialization and adaptation, and make the learning process at school more harmonious.


gender characteristics


intimate-personal communication

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In adolescence, communication, especially intimate-personal communication, is, as many researchers note, the leading type of activity and has a strong influence on the process of personality formation.

Violations of intimate-personal communication, dissatisfaction with them can adversely affect the formation of vital skills, abilities, value orientations, personality in general. Temperament is defined by most authors as individual differences in style of behavior that are found in early childhood, are relatively stable, persist for a long time and appear in different situations and are of a biological nature.

Knowledge of the characteristics of the temperament of adolescents and its influence on the process of intimate-personal communication will help teachers and psychologists create the most favorable conditions not only for learning, but also for harmonious effective communication, eliminate the causes of possible maladjustment, and, therefore, help the teenager cope with his psychological difficulties in communication, activate him intellectual development, to maintain educational motivation, to make the formation of his personality more harmonious.

Purpose of the study: to identify the gender characteristics of the influence of temperament on intimate and personal communication of adolescents.

Material and research methods

An empirical study of the influence of temperament on the gender characteristics of intimate-personal communication in adolescents was carried out using the following methods: Eysenck's personality temperament determination method and Leary's method for diagnosing interpersonal relations.

The study involved 78 adolescents aged 13-17 years (students of MBOU "Jalil secondary educational school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects ").

Research results and their discussion

On the question of determining a specific type of leading activity for adolescence in the psychological and pedagogical literature, there are two points of view:

1. Communication takes the status of a leading type of activity and has an intimate and personal character, the subject of communication is another person - a peer, and the content is the construction and maintenance of personal relationships with him.

2. The leading type of adolescent activity is socially useful activity, in the process of which further development takes place. different forms relationships with peers, with adults, and new forms of communication of means of socialization of adolescents in society are being developed.

I.S.Kon notes that psychologists associate the ability for intimate-personal communication with high level development of the gender identity of boys and girls. The need for intimate and personal communication among girls is formed earlier than among boys. Intimate-personal communication with different partners is also realized at the later stages of ontogenesis (for example, intimate-personal communication can be friendly, marital, child-parent, psychotherapeutic), although at the same time its role and significance for the personality are somewhat reduced in comparison with adolescence. ...

During empirical research To clarify the influence of temperament characteristics on intimate-personal communication of adolescents, depending on their gender, we carried out a correlation analysis of the test results in boys and girls using the Pearson correlation coefficient (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1

Influence of the characteristics of temperament on intimate-personal communication in boys

extraversion / introversion











As the correlation analysis has shown, the more pronounced in adolescent boys is extraversion, that is, outward-facing, the more authoritarianism and dominance are manifested in intimate-personal communication, but at the same time, altruism is expressed more strongly. The level of neuroticism, that is, the degree of emotional stability, does not affect boys' intimate-personal communication.

In adolescent girls, the more they are oriented towards the outside world, the more authoritarianism, selfishness and desire for domination are manifested in intimate-personal communication. High emotional stability is associated with manifestations of aggressiveness, and emotionally unstable girls tend to show friendliness in relationships with friends.

table 2

The influence of the characteristics of temperament on intimate-personal communication in girls

extraversion / introversion











**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-sided).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-sided).

Features of intimate and personal communication of boys with different types temperament with friends of the same gender are shown in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Features of intimate and personal communication of boys with different types of temperament with friends of the same gender

As you can see in the figure, melancholic boys, when communicating with friends of the same sex, are less authoritarian, selfish and less likely to dominate than others, but more than others tend to be suspicious and submissive. Phlegmatic boys, when communicating with friends of their sex, least of all, show the least dependent type of intimate-personal communication. Choleric boys show suspicion and obedience least of all in communicating with friends of the same sex, but more than others they are authoritarian and strive for domination. Sanguine boys and phlegmatic boys show friendliness more than others in communication with friends of the same gender.

Features of intimate and personal communication of boys with friends of the opposite sex are shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Features of intimate and personal communication of boys with different types of temperament with friends of the opposite sex

As you can see in the figure, when communicating with girls, adolescent boys of all types of temperament show peculiarities of intimate and personal communication, different from those that are present in their communication with boy friends. Friendliness and altruism increase, the desire for domination becomes lower.

In communicating with girl friends, melancholic boys least of all strive for domination and show selfishness, and phlegmatic boys are more altruistic than others. Sanguine boys, on the contrary, are less friendly than others (data on both the Friendly Type scale and the Amity integral scale) and are less likely than others to depend on girls and treat them conformally.

The peculiarities of intimate and personal communication of girls with friends of the same sex are shown in Figure 3. The figure shows that when communicating with girlfriends, choleric girls are less suspicious, subordinate and dependent than others. Melancholic girls are less friendly and less dominant. But they are more suspicious of their friends than others. Girls in general are less submissive and dependent in relationships with friends of the same gender than boys, and this is typical for all types of temperament. At the same time, when communicating with girlfriends, girls tend to dominate less than boys when communicating with friends.

Rice. 3. Features of intimate and personal communication of girls with friends of the same gender

Features of intimate and personal communication of girls with friends of the opposite sex are shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Features of intimate and personal communication of girls with friends of the opposite sex

Based on the results of our research, we can give teachers and psychologists interested in the normalization of intimate-personal communication, taking into account the temperament and gender of adolescents in the classroom, the following practical recommendations.

When building correctional work it is important to take into account the fact that melancholic boys, when communicating with friends of the same sex, are less authoritarian, selfish and less likely to dominate than others, but more than others tend to be suspicious and submissive. Phlegmatic boys, when communicating with friends of their sex, least of all, show the least dependent type of intimate-personal communication. Choleric boys show suspicion and obedience least of all in communicating with friends of the same sex, but more than others they are authoritarian and strive for domination. Sanguine boys and phlegmatic boys show friendliness more than others in communication with friends of the same gender.

When communicating with girls, adolescent boys of all types of temperament show peculiarities of intimate-personal communication, which are different from those that are present in their communication with boy friends. Friendliness and altruism increase, the desire for domination becomes lower. In communicating with girl friends, melancholic boys least of all strive for domination and show selfishness, and phlegmatic boys are more altruistic than others. Sanguine boys, on the contrary, are less friendly than others (data on both the Friendly Type scale and the Amity integral scale) and are less likely than others to depend on girls and treat them conformally.

When communicating with girlfriends, choleric girls are less suspicious, subordinate and dependent than others. Melancholic girls are less friendly and less dominant. But they are more suspicious of their friends than others. Girls in general are less submissive and dependent in relationships with friends of the same gender than boys, and this is typical for all types of temperament. At the same time, when communicating with girlfriends, girls tend to dominate less than boys when communicating with friends.

When interacting with boy friends, adolescent girls are generally more likely to be authoritarian, selfish, and less friendly. Melancholic girls are more likely to depend on their boy friends than others, but at the same time they are less friendly to them than others. Choleric girls show the greatest aggression when communicating with boy friends, and also strongly strive to dominate them.

Knowing the characteristics of the types of temperament and their influence on the intimate-personal relations of adolescents, depending on their gender, in the classroom, you can create the most favorable conditions for students not only for learning, but also for harmonious effective communication, eliminate the causes of possible maladjustment, and, consequently, help a teenager to cope with his psychological difficulties in communication, to activate his intellectual development, to maintain educational motivation, to make the formation of his personality more harmonious.


Maslennikova V.Sh., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Socialization and Professional Education of the Personality of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, Russian Academy of Education, Kazan.

Gryaznov AN, Doctor of Psychology, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Socialization and Professional Education of Personality of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education", Russian Academy of Education, Kazan.

Bibliographic reference

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=12947 (date accessed: 19.10.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

According to DB Elkonin, “A certain age in a child's life, or the corresponding period of his development, is a relatively closed period, the meaning of which is determined, first of all, by its place and functional significance on the general curve of child development. Each age, or period, is characterized, first of all, by the main or leading type of activity. "

At the same time, as D.I.Feldstein rightly notes, intimate - personal communication, acts as the leading activity of adolescence, according to D. B. Elkonin, should itself be included in socially significant, socially approved, pro-social activities. She then should be considered as truly leading at this age.

G.S. Abramova believes that adolescence is the period of development of children from 11 - 12 to 15 years (which corresponds approximately to the average school age, students of grades V - VII), characterized by a powerful rise in vital activity and a deep restructuring of the body. At this time, not only the physical maturation of the organism takes place, but also the intensive formation of the personality, the energetic growth of moral and intellectual strength. Adolescence is called otherwise transitional age, since it is characterized by the transition from childhood to adulthood, from immaturity to maturity. According to G.S. Abramova, a teenager is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

According to V.A. Krutetsky, in adolescence, a breakdown occurs in many of what was familiar, already developed in a teenager. This applies to almost all aspects of his life and work. Particularly noticeable changes are undergone by the character learning activities- in adolescence, a systematic assimilation of the foundations of sciences begins, which requires a change in the usual forms of work and a restructuring of thinking, new organization attention, memorization techniques. The attitude towards the environment also changes: the teenager is no longer a child and requires a different attitude towards himself.

As a leading activity in the logic of "normal" mental development a multifaceted, detailed activity of a teenager, which has such "nuclear components as intimate and personal communication with significant others and educational and professional activities."

But educational activity in adolescence is relegated to the background, in the first place is the adolescent's communication with peers and adults, which is the most important condition for their personal development.

Analysis of modern pedagogical process under the leadership of I.V. Dubrovina shows that the need of adolescent students for favorable, trusting communication with adults is rarely satisfactory. This circumstance leads to the formation of increased anxiety, the development of a feeling of self-doubt, associated with inadequate and unstable self-esteem, with difficulties in personal development, in the establishment of interpersonal contacts, interferes with self-determination and orientation in life situations... As a result of the violation interpersonal interaction a semantic barrier is formed between teachers and adolescents, which manifests itself in a child in conflict, rudeness and negativity towards adults.

According to L.S. Vygodsky, the development of the personality of a teenager in the educational system presupposes relying not only on the already formed aspects of his personality, but also on those that are still in the stage of maturation, on the “zone of proximal development” of the child. The "zone of proximal development" determines the child's tomorrow, the dynamic state of his development. The zone of proximal development is an area of ​​mental processes in the maturing stage that determines the prospects for the development of a child.

For a teenager, the "zone of proximal development", according to IV Dubrovina, is cooperation with adults in the space of problems of self-awareness, personal self-organization and self-regulation, intellectual and personal reflection. It is during this period that beliefs and moral values, life plans and prospects are formed, self-awareness occurs.

According to I.V. Dubrovina, communication between adolescents and peers has great value... Relations with comrades are at the very center of a teenager's personal life, largely determining all other aspects of his behavior and activities, including educational.

According to E.V. Novikova, at the same time, it is important for adolescents not only to communicate with their peers at school, but to take a satisfying position among their classmates. This position, which can satisfy the adolescent's desire for self-esteem, is different for each student. Some strive to take a leadership position in the group, others - to gain recognition and respect from their comrades, others - to become an indisputable authority in any business, etc. In any case, the need for a certain position among peers becomes the dominant motive in behavior and learning, which affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process. The teenager is helped to take a leadership position in the classroom. psychological characteristics: high demand in mastering surrounding reality, the desire for mental stress and physical labor, various forms of activity.

According to A.A. Reanu, the need for communication with peers, which parents cannot replace, arises very early, in childhood, and intensifies with age. Already in preschoolers, the lack of a peer society negatively affects the development of communication skills and self-awareness. The behavior of adolescents, by its very nature, is a collective-group one. First, communication with peers is a very important specific channel of information. Secondly, it is a specific type of interpersonal relationship. Thirdly, communication with peers is a specific type of emotional contact that not only makes it easier for a teenager to autonomize from adults, but also gives him an extremely important sense of emotional well-being and stability.

In adolescents, the primary cells of communication are the same-sex groups of boys and girls. Then two such groups form a mixed company. Later, within this company, couples are formed, which become more and more stable, and the large former company disintegrates or recedes into the background.

According to the author, adolescence is considered difficult not only in terms of education, but also in relation to educational achievements... Academic performance decreases, interest in learning disappears, unsuccessful performance learning objectives ceases to be perceived as something distressing and tragic. Among schoolchildren, the number of unsuccessful adolescents who are characterized by apathy and an unsatisfactory attitude towards school is growing. By the seventh grade, the range of problems expands. Teenagers become "uncontrollable", "arrogant", "arrogant", "behave badly." The explanations for such difficulties are found not in their own omissions, but in the peculiarities of adolescence: "the intermediate position of a teenager," "no longer a child, but not yet an adult", "in the physiological restructuring of his body." As the child enters adolescence, significant changes occur in the nature of motivation and his educational and cognitive activity. The motives that dominated at the previous stage of ontogenesis turn out to be supplanted by others that did not previously occupy such a significant place. And first of all, this is due to the fact that study ceases to be the leading activity and the activity of a teenager is more directed towards communication with peers, to extracurricular activities. A teenager as a subject of educational activity is specific not only for his motivation, position, attitude, “I” -concept, but also for his place in life in the segment of continuous, multi-stage education. He decides for himself, predicts the form of continuation of this education, depending on this, focusing on the values ​​of either teaching, or work, social employment, interpersonal interaction.

Intimate-personal communication - Along with cognitive and business communication, there is intimate-personal communication, the content of which is the complicity of partners in each other's problems, the opportunity to share their spiritual and practical being with another. Intimate-personal communication occurs under the condition of common values ​​of partners, and participation is provided by understanding the thoughts, feelings and intentions of the other, empathy. Thanks to complicity in intimate-personal relationships, self-actualization of the individual occurs, which is most facilitated by the highest forms of intimate-personal communication - friendship and love.

Business conversation is the interaction between two or more people, built around common what is between them, in this case - around Affairs... Therefore, the most important rule of business communication is never to forget that you communicate for the cause, and not for pleasure or amusement, not for the sake of some abstract principles and ideas.

One of the key concepts in the psychology of human communication is the concept of personality. A person is not a chameleon, changing his color depending on the situation, and not a parrot, repeating the same memorized words in different situations. However, the capabilities of a particular individual are limited by the actions of other people - both those with whom he enters into certain relationships, and others, their predecessors, whose experience, habits and prejudices have been adopted by the current generation. A person lives and acts in a certain structure, his behavior is conditioned by the culture (social experience) of a certain concrete historical community. Important analytical units that allow modeling the life of a person are the social role and his own "I".

Social role

As a first approximation, the social role could be defined as a function of the element social system(an individual or a group of people), due to his objective position within this system. Individuals that make up society come and go, but their certain functions continue to be carried out by successive generations. Every year, the composition of this or that university is updated, but it always has a rector, professors, associate professors, assistants and auxiliary staff. Some believe that a person as an actor simply receives a role from the outside and obediently performs it. However, in the difficult, rapidly changing conditions of real life, strict regulation and literal execution would have a detrimental effect on the results of the case.

We live in a society. This means that each of us performs many social functions. For example, service: chief, subordinate, ordinary employee, specialist, apprentice, auditor. Or everyday functions: tenant, client, buyer, neighbor. Or family functions: breadwinner, dependent, husband, wife, son, relative, etc. To perform a certain social function means to do what is "supposed" in the given place under the given circumstances. "It is supposed" is, on the one hand, laws, regulations, on the other - the morals, customs that exist where we live.

We are taught everything that is "supposed to" from childhood, and when we do "that is not supposed to" we are punished. Eventually, the child not only learns to follow patterns, but also learns that other people are addressing him with certain expectations that his behavior must meet, and he learns to expect and demand certain responses from others. Expectations are based on our own experience.

So, a social role is a system of thoughts and feelings, intentions and actions developed by society and assimilated by an individual, appropriate in a given situation for a person occupying a certain social position.

Interpersonal role

In addition to social roles, we play interpersonal roles. Everyone has a circle of people that they encounter every day. In relation to one person, I act as a Friend, in relation to another - in the role of an ill-wisher. Someone is a Ward for me, someone is a Patron, someone is an Enemy or Tormentor, someone is a Partner, and someone is an object of adoration. The distribution of interpersonal roles between me and someone else is related to our feelings for each other and to the "background" of our interactions. But as soon as the roles are assigned, I have expectations for Ivan Ivanovich, and he - for me. The interpersonal role is the behavior that is expected of me by another person according to the established relationship between us. If I neglect my partner's role expectations, our relationships change and interpersonal roles are assigned in a new way.

Entering into communication with anyone else, we must fulfill both our social and interpersonal roles. And in the foreground is the social role. And they often diverge. This discrepancy between social and interpersonal roles makes us "reluctant actors." It is not for nothing that sociologists are so fond of referring to Shakespeare: "The whole world is theater":

The whole world is theater.There are women, men - all actors.They have exits, exits.And everyone plays more than one role.

Truly - "not one"! Indeed, in addition to social and interpersonal roles, we also play "intragroup" ones. For example, the role of the Leader, the role of the Opponent and the Ally, the role of Ivan the Fool.