DIY living room in a small apartment. Design of a living room in an apartment: individual style. Photos of design examples in a small room

Often, it is the hall that is the center of the entire apartment, which simultaneously serves as a living room, a nursery, a dining room, an office, and much more. In general, the interior of the hall is small apartment- this is a serious matter and you need to approach it with all responsibility.

We decided not to beat around the bush, but to present you with a number of effective ideas that will help you design small hall on the highest level!

Photo of the bright small room: Husman Hagberg


First of all, in order to design a small room in an apartment, it is necessary to determine the number of functions of the room and properly zone it. Although the room should accommodate as much as possible, it is better to choose minimalism for interior design. It will look much more beautiful and harmonious if all the furniture in a small room is simple and laconic.


It's still about small room, and therefore you should not use too bulky furniture and decor here. Let all the elements be elegant and neat, corresponding to the scale of the interior.

Remove unnecessary things

Consider removing some partitions. Perhaps by combining the living room with the kitchen, you can create a more cohesive and cozy space. Of course, you need to remember this even before you start renovating the living room in a small apartment. Alternatively, you can zone the space using “lighter” partitions - for example, glass blocks. In addition, when making renovations, you can leave a single space, zoning it with furniture, lighting or color.

Light finishes and mirrors

When designing a small room in an apartment, give preference to light-colored furniture and decoration. As for the walls, choose pastels and soft shades for the main palette, adding a little bright accents(however, these shades should also be light). Do you want some dark shades in the interior? Use small accents in patterns. Don’t forget about mirror surfaces - they will make the interior of a small room visually larger.

Photo of a small room with a wooden floor: Vinetas Cofrades


Small and small-sized patterns are yours faithful friends in the arrangement of such an interior. True, this technique works very well in doses. If we are talking about wall decoration, then let it be wallpaper in a small room on one wall or in a niche, and leave other surfaces plain. If we're talking about about furniture - the pattern on the upholstery can only appear on the sofa or its pillows. When starting a renovation, immediately decide where in your room there will be a place for patterns.


If the interior of the hall has big window, do not cover it with furniture or too thick curtains. Let it be in the design more light- this way the room will be more comfortable and brighter. Choose textiles for curtains that are lighter and more natural. The color is definitely light.


We are, of course, talking about functional modular furniture that will make a small apartment even more comfortable and versatile. Today there are many items created specifically for small spaces. All you have to do is select the design elements! By the way, it is better to decide on the main furniture before starting the renovation.

Photo of interior design of a small room

Lighting in a small room

When working on the design of a small room, you should take care proper lighting. This is both basic and local and decorative lighting- in general, several scenarios for different cases from life. When renovating a small room, don’t forget to provide built-in decorative lighting for the ceiling, walls and furniture - this will make the design more functional.

Combining wallpaper

In a small room, both painting and wallpaper on the walls would be appropriate. Moreover, the latter can be combined very well.

When thinking about the future design for a small room, combine several win-win wallpaper combinations: several types of stripes, plain and small flowers, diamonds and triangles. Make your choice based on the need to expand/lengthen/extend the hall space.

Photo of the interior of the gray hall: Stadshem


A small room also needs decor that makes it more lived-in and alive. And here you can go wild a little - choose something brighter and catchier. You can choose something interesting in shape and texture. For walls, give preference to small paintings or photographs.

Agree, the central place in any apartment is the living room or hall. The whole family gathers in this room in the evenings. It is also where they usually celebrate family holidays, celebrations and simply receive friends. Therefore, it is important that the design of the living room in the apartment meets all the requirements of household members for convenience, comfort and appearance. Below you will find 35 ideas and photos that can inspire you to decorate this main interior in your own home.

Solving the problem: hall design in Khrushchev

In small Soviet apartments, popularly called “Khrushchev” apartments, the hall usually has an area of ​​18 square meters. m. If this is a one-room apartment, then you need to accommodate the whole family in the hall, which will require maximizing and freeing up the available space. So, when designing a hall in Khrushchev for visual increase area it is recommended to install light floors, light wallpaper for walls (for example, in fashionable and warm pastel colors) and the same ceilings. Built-in furniture and transformers, such as a wardrobe bed or a folding sofa bed, will help you “expand” the space more noticeably. For obvious reasons best style to decorate a living room in a one-room Khrushchev house - minimalism.

In two and three-room apartments In Khrushchev buildings, the living room dimensions are approximately the same, but the layout may be more open. Although in a two-room apartment with children, the living room can also serve as the parents’ bedroom, so a sofa bed or wardrobe bed remains the preferred choice. But the design of a hall in a Khrushchev-era building with 3 rooms can be combined with a kitchen. On the 25 sq. m. you can organize a stylish kitchen-living room with a bar counter or other dividing element. What do you think of the idea?

Classic design of the living room in the apartment

This style allows you to give your apartment a more chic look and is also loved for its oversized furniture with thin legs and armrests. The classic interior of the hall uses luxurious and elegant colors; dark shades of blue, gray and green are emphasized by light beige, cream, gold and other soft tones. All furniture and decor are distinguished by rich finishes, curved lines, antique patterns, shine of metals and crystal. It is possible to decorate the hall with carvings or stucco. Examples of this living room design are presented in the photo below.

Trend 2017: living room in high-tech style

People prefer the design of a living room in a high-tech style apartment modern views who like to keep up with the times. It is characterized by the use of large metal objects, contrasting combinations of shades, large but few pieces of furniture and decor. The interior also uses advanced technology, LED lights and spectacular lamps.

Modern design of the living room in the apartment

The modern design of the living room in the apartment amazingly combines simplicity, comfort and elegance. In 2017, it is designed with a comfortable and functional modular furniture, currently fashionable shades, and multi-level ceilings and other interesting details. Find ideas for designing a living room in a modern-style apartment from the following photos.

Design options for a living room in an apartment (10 photos)

We wish you good luck in decorating the living room in your apartment! Finally, a few more inspiring photos:

Today, a small living room is not a reason to worry.

Using certain design ideas you can create a modern and beautiful interior living room and home in general.

Features of a small living room

It is important to focus on important details before arranging a very small living room:

When purchasing furniture, you should not choose furniture that takes up extra bed due to convex elements;

you can give preference to remodeling your home, for example, by arranging a small kitchen that is combined with a living room;

The range of shades of the room, as well as the abundance of light, is of no small importance;

Do not neglect modular compact walls, which will take up a minimum of usable space in a small living room.

Accents and colors

Surely many people know that for small room fit light shades and compact pieces of furniture. However, there are still nuances.

For example, except plain wallpaper light color You can use coverings with a pattern, and the smaller it is, the more the room visually increases.

You can focus on a specific subject. For what?

For example, if you are creating the interior of a cottage, then you have freedom in your own actions, it makes a lot of sense to focus attention next to the sofa, like in the photo of a small living room in the catalog of our website. Furnish the sofa with armchairs.

It is important that the room is well lit, especially if we are talking about a small room. You shouldn't forget about accessories either.

All decorative elements in the form of curtains, rugs, pillows should be colorful, and the materials should be natural and practically weightless. Matte as well as shiny material will look great.


Vertical or horizontal stripes will fit perfectly into the interior of a small living room.

Horizontal lines visually enlarge the room, while vertical lines stretch it out, visually lifting the ceilings up. Determine the shortcomings in the room: narrow room or low ceiling surface and use a suitable strip when arranging.

You can combine similar colors with mirrors, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Can be hung on one wall large mirror, and make the opposite one glossy.

If you are planning to put a wardrobe in the living room, then choose furniture with mirrors.


If you want to purchase furnishings for the living room in a small apartment, then do not forget about a rational approach to the design layout.

It is important for you to avoid overloading with unnecessary items, take into account the shape and size of the furniture.

The main furnishings, without which it is impossible to imagine a room, even a small one, are a sofa with armchairs, a table and, of course, a wardrobe. You can purchase a folding table, like a sofa.

If you need chairs, it is also good to purchase folding models that can be hidden if necessary.

As for the closet, then best choice, of course, it will become a wardrobe, since in a regular wardrobe, opening doors visually make the room smaller. Armchairs will add maximum comfort to the interior design of a small living room.

The room will look unusual and extraordinary small area with a sofa corner type. Remember that there should be enough free space between the furniture.

Therefore, if the size of the living room allows you to accommodate the listed items, then by all means buy them.


If we talk about the stylish design of a small living room, then the best option will become Scandinavian style. The classics are not without demand, but a room in this style will look simple, which is not typical for such a design.

If you wish, you can create your own extraordinary style, for example, by combining designs in different styles, transforming the room in a special way in a similar way.

If you don’t have any ideas for creating coziness in your living room, you can look at arrangement methods on the Internet, choosing the most suitable one for your small living room.

The main thing is a great desire and maximum imagination. By correctly placing accents in small space, you can certainly get a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful living room.

Photo of small living room design

The hall is the best room, where you can relax quietly, invite guests for tea or sit down in the evening near the fireplace with the whole family. The room is quite functional and versatile.

For creating modern design the hall needs to be well prepared. Since in the room there should be all objects exactly for their intended purpose.

By selecting suitable materials and furniture, you will be able to recognize the magnificent design image that your friends and relatives will definitely appreciate.

Style for the hall

To create a modern design for a room in an apartment or house, you need to not only pay attention to the size, but also to the style.

Usage different styles is an opportunity to get comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Each of them is diverse and beautiful in its own way. Here are a few of them:

Soft lines gentle tones finishing materials and very comfortable furniture - all this characterizes the classic style. This situation creates cozy atmosphere filled with warmth and light.

Accessories are very important for creating a modern hall interior design. If you don’t choose them correctly, then the whole meaning of the classical style is lost.

To create a high-tech style, you need to know its special characteristic signs: clear lines, not many decoration details and delicate tones. It is also recommended to choose simple furniture. The main thing is that it is convenient for you.

Creative people often choose the Art Nouveau style, as it allows their imagination to run wild and make the room especially bright and attractive. For this style you should choose unusual materials, their various shapes and sizes.

Combining several colors color range to decorate the hall, you can enjoy the colorful design.

Lovers of a fireplace in the living room can turn their attention to Scandinavian style. If you wish, you can not make a real fireplace, but simply choose an imitation one.

Huge furniture also suits this style, especially if you have big family or you like big companies.

Empire is a style with luxurious furniture and unusual decoration. Having Big hall, you can easily let your imagination run wild in this style. Well, if the hall is not large sizes, then it is worth placing in it only those items that will function well.

Ethnic style is chosen by people who like to travel countries or different cities.

Here they use more unusual objects or decorations - corals, sea stones, homemade decorations, various figurines, which will make the hall elegant and original.

Avant-garde style is characterized by objects that do not go together. Furniture and other items should be chosen in large sizes, which will add a touch of exclusivity to the room. Furniture must be correct form, strict appearance.

Color selection

In order to decorate a room and add a touch of originality and coziness, you need to remember a few principles that will help you create exactly the room you want:

  • For wall decoration, choose solid colors or shades, while furniture should be decorated with different accessories.
  • If you are experiencing oversaturation bright color in the hall, you can place several soft rugs in delicate shades on the floor.
  • Decorate the walls in neutral tones, this contributes visual expansion rooms, if yours is not very large.
  • Bright accessories will go well with light-colored furniture.
  • Use small decorative pillows on the sofa and small LED lights on the ceiling, which will help brighten up the design of the room in a modern style.

Wallpaper for walls

Before choosing wallpaper, you need to understand the lighting. If there is enough of it, then you can choose wallpaper in dark colors, but if there is too little of it, then it is better to change your choice to light wallpaper. This way the room will be more elegant and will not seem gloomy.

Creating an original interior

There are many modern ideas hall, but to create an original and unique style you need to use your imagination a little. So, you can make a beautiful and modern room by following several recommendations:

  • Choose furniture of light shapes, but decorate them with bright various accessories.
  • Also choose shelves for books or magazines in non-standard shapes.
  • Use a minimum, but important and maximally functional items.
  • Hang the curtains on the windows in an original way, choosing for them good color to suit the style of the room.
  • If you have a room without walls or partitions, then you can put sliding doors or open partitions. You can zoning the hall using materials different color and style.
  • When creating a design, do not forget about color combinations.

Photo of modern hall design

The hall or, as they say, the living room is the real face of an apartment or house. This is where friends gather in a cozy and warm company, here after a hard day of work the whole family settles down to talk and relax. That's why the main task, which is assigned to the interior design of this the most important room, is an organization of comfortable and cozy zone for relax.

One conclusion can be drawn from the above: a carefully selected interior design of the hall must certainly combine the preferences of all residents of the apartment, and also include its own place for each of them.

Such a coveted apartment in the 70s is now turning into a rather small dwelling against the backdrop of new buildings growing like mushrooms after the rain, the footage of which never ceases to amaze. One way or another, not everyone can change their apartment to a new one, and it’s not necessary to do it if you know how to properly organize the design of the apartment so that even the vaunted living rooms of 25 square meters can envy it. m.

Such apartments have a small common and living area, so when drawing up the design of the hall you need to pay attention to whether this is the only room in the apartment or not.

Interior of the hall in a one-room Khrushchev building

A hall in a Khrushchev-era building with a single room is approximately 18 square meters of space, which must certainly accommodate both the hall and the hall itself.

There are 2 OPTIONS for increasing space:

  • integration with the kitchen;
  • Union .

In fact, many designers in Lately are aimed at making crafts out of one-room apartments studio apartments, because in this way you can expand the space quite well. However, there is still a minus - this is the deprivation of additional space to the apartment owners. For some, such a minus will even seem like a plus (“just think, it was there anyway”), while others will sincerely think about another scenario.

Quite often in one-room Khrushchev apartments there is a small storage room, which will help get rid of many problems, because you can build a good wardrobe into it, which means you can free up some more valuable space in the room.

The design of the hall in a one-room apartment is based on the following “THREE PILLARS”:

  • light;
  • ergonomics;
  • functionality.

This design can be done in any style, but for a one-room apartment, the Scandinavian style or minimalism is most suitable.

Read more about the design studio apartment.

Passage room design

This design should be as comfortable as possible and must fit in a small area (from 14 to 17 sq. m.) two-room apartment Soviet planning. Unfortunately, not all footage can be used effectively, so planning should be approached as thoughtfully as possible. For example, almost all designers consider the passage and space that is located between two doors to be lost for the interior.

What is no less disappointing is that in the total volume of such a room, this space is quite large, but it is negligible that at least some furniture could fit on it.

As for the corner, it IS SUBJECT TO DECORATION ONLY. You can:

  • install a small floor lamp(or an oblong lamp of your choice);
  • to hang a picture;
  • put a vase.

By the way, this part of the room can also be separated by some kind of partition (movable, plasterboard or even brick). Oh, you say, this will significantly reduce the room! Yes, but this way it will become much more comfortable and more complete.

The undoubted advantage is the huge window, which occupies most of the wall on which it is located. This dignity of your room will be emphasized without unnecessary worries by light curtains made of translucent material, thanks to which they can softly diffuse light.

Provided that you prefer a glossy or mirror partition in such a room, choose for interior design. It is he, like no one else, who will be able to emphasize all the advantages of the main room.

Combining to obtain more space is also encouraged.

For such a room, the use of bulky furniture would be an obvious overkill. A small one is best. The placement of a sofa along the wall is too boring for such an interior; it will be much more interesting if it appears, for example, near a window.

No need to get too carried away plasterboard structures, because they are able to turn an already not very large room into a tiny cage. As for lighting, then large chandeliers They won’t fit here either; it’s better to give preference to a sconce or floor lamp.

Interior of a separate living room in Khrushchev

Such a hall - typical solution for planning three-room apartments, as well as a rather rare variation of the “kopeck piece”. Of course, such a room will be a little larger than its previous comrades (), but cluttering it up is ridiculous and too large furniture also not worth it. A wonderful addition to such a room can also be a false fireplace, which will be more than appropriate for so many square meters and will be able to give the room real comfort.

You are welcome to a private house

The design of the hall, which is located in a private house, differs quite significantly from its apartment variations. We can safely say that such a design, first of all, focuses on the house itself, rather than on existing fashion trends.

It is no secret that the owners of the house think through the arrangement of the hall most scrupulously. It is important to remember the following rules when developing such a design:

  • the hall should become comfortable for all family members;
  • the decor in the room should be focused on the interests of each family member;
  • the amount of space the furniture takes up, and free space should be in a 50:50 ratio.

As mentioned above, absolutely all the interests of each family member must be respected during planning. So, if small children live in the house, then it is better to choose furniture for the hall that does not have sharp corners. And the type of house should be given no less attention, because it is known that external design must be in harmony with the internal environment. For example, if the house is panel, then you definitely need to finish the walls (leveling, plastering) before starting the design. But the walls wooden house It is better to leave it in its original form, only giving preference to a suitable style inside.

Fireplace in the interior

To do it for real cozy interior hall, it is important to remember all the rules that were discussed above, and also choose matching fireplace. This interior detail really radically transforms the interior, creating peace, comfort and unimaginable family unity in the house. It’s not for nothing that the fireplace is considered a symbol of the hearth.

At correct placement details, the fireplace can play the role of the main decoration of your home, or it can become the highlight of the interior. It has an amazing ability to attract the eyes of everyone in the room, which is why it is common to gather with the family at the fireplace, as well as to organize celebrations.

Whatever one may say, the installation of a full-fledged fireplace can only be carried out in a private house, and only on condition that the living room in it is at least 20 square meters. m. In addition, such a house must have a fairly strong floor that will be able to withstand the fairly heavy structure of such important element interior And, of course, installing a real fireplace is incredible difficult process, which must definitely be entrusted to specialists in order to be 100% confident in quality and safety.

True, residents of city apartments should not be upset either, because no less spectacular electric fireplaces have been created for them, the variety of which today is amazing. By the way, such fireplaces perform not only the role of a heater, but not just a decorative function.

Their advantages are as follows:

  • aesthetic;
  • safe;
  • incredibly easy to use;
  • It is possible to regulate the temperature.

When choosing a fireplace, pay attention to the fact that it fits well into the interior and does not fall out of the existing concept of the room. Often designers prefer classic interiors halls with fireplace.

The best furniture option for such a room would be upholstered, as well as small coffee tables. While TVs are advised not to be placed next to the fireplace. Would look perfect on the fireplace family photos, watches and figurines.

What wallpaper is suitable?

When choosing wallpaper, you determine the style of the room, so you need to adhere to the principles of your type of interior.

  1. For modern style Wallpaper in soft, light, pastel colors will be preferable.
  2. If the interior is decorated in classic style, then give preference to expensive wallpaper with an elegant pattern, floral motifs, gilded or painted.
  3. For the Art Nouveau style, muted natural shades decorated with ornaments are suitable.
  4. The English style will be perfectly complemented by textured wallpaper.
  5. But wallpaper in cream, milky or beige shades will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in Provence style.

Textured splendor: ceiling design for the living room

Modern and unique will help create unique interior hall This is not difficult to do, because the finishing materials offered by modern renovation stores can make any desire of the apartment owner come true.

Undoubtedly, they should emphasize the existing interior and completely complement it, so it makes sense to initially decide on the overall design of the room.

In order to add volume to the room and visually enlarge it, choose a tension glossy ceiling. Quite often they choose small living rooms for the interior, largely thanks to their mirror features. Provided that the hall is quite large, you can choose multi-level ceilings made of plasterboard. Thanks to such ceilings, it is also possible to zone the room, at least visually.

Also, fairly traditional options such as painting and stucco are ideal for ceilings; they do not lose their relevance.

Modest and tasteful: choosing furniture

Since family members spend most of their time in the hall, the furniture for it needs to be chosen appropriately - functional and practical. Previously, the hall was intended exclusively for receiving guests, so the furniture was chosen expensive and high-quality, which could show the wealth of the owners. Times have changed, today the hall can easily be like an apartment “Napoleon”, combining the functions of a living room, bedroom and office.

Traditional hall designs include soft and incredibly comfortable furniture, which can be presented in the form of a sofa and two armchairs ( modern interpretation also allows corner sofa). True, the days are long gone when such a set of furniture was considered simply necessary.

Our domestic interior plans most often refer to a set of furniture as upholstered furniture (exactly the one we talked about a little above), a wall, etc. Western manufacturers have slightly expanded this understanding of design by adding dinner table with chairs and chests of drawers, because in their understanding the hall is also a dining room.

Conditionally all can be divided into:

  • soft;
  • hull

Such options are certainly present in modern interiors, and in more traditional ones. Modern cabinet furniture is incredibly diverse in its design, because it differs lightweight design, thanks to which it looks not at all bulky. But, even taking into account such a truly royal choice of furniture, you should certainly be guided by a sense of proportion and your own taste, without giving preference to too bold options.

Comfort and beauty: which style to choose?

The first priority when choosing a style, of course, should be the opinion of the owners. But it happens that it is quite difficult for you to decide suitable style, because I like it too, and it’s very good. You will still have to find a common solution that all family members will like, so that a banal renovation does not turn into a real bone of contention for your close-knit family.

Modern style

A modern style for your living room should become a real decoration, breaking established stereotypes. There is no need to be afraid of experimentation, because this is how you can create unique design, which will be the envy of absolutely everyone.

When choosing a color for an interior in a modern style, pay attention to the fact that it forms a single composition with all accessories and furniture. Soft and calm tones are considered the most relevant, while flashy and catchy tones can reflect the poor taste of the owners.

Furniture in a modern room should be functional and ergonomic. Give preference to beautiful upholstered furniture with a small number of pillows (can be multi-colored).

Lighting can highlight the elegance of modern style. Hidden dim lighting is perfect for watching TV, local lighting installed, for example, near your favorite chair, for reading, and a chandelier for general use. Minimalist layout is in fashion, because the design modern halls should not be cluttered. Designers refuse any unnecessary accessories in the room, and also choose transformable furniture.

As for materials, you should give preference to metal and glass in the interior (of course, everything should be in moderation). A real hit modern finishes, perhaps, we can consider various shelves and niches made of plasterboard. In addition, thanks to practically limitless possibilities With this material you can create a variety of designs.

High-tech style

This interior style is quite young, so it is constantly undergoing various additions that allow rooms in this style to look harmonious and cozy.

Basic Design Elements hall in high-tech style:

  • form;
  • shine;
  • light.

A living room in a similar style should be made up of enough simple shapes. The main components of this design can be considered a competent alliance of lighting and metal shine. The presence of small decorative elements is not typical for this style; moreover, all interior items should be as simple as possible, attracting the eye with clear forms. Bulky and heavy cabinets in the hall should be replaced with light shelving, which is equipped with both closed and open niches. Pencil cases made of textured glass using mirrors will look fantastic the right decision for this design.

Thanks to this style, you can even expand the room visually. This can be done very simply by using mirror surfaces in the interior. But glass doors or doors made of transparent plastic are ideal as a partition.

Classic style

This type of style is rightfully considered the most widespread and universal solution for all types of apartments and houses. Who would argue, because classics are always timeless and, moreover, they are not subject to unforeseen fashion trends.

The main feature of the classical style in the interior is the severity of the style, which includes a clearly defined structure of all elements that are present in the interior and decor. There is no place for cheap elements in this style, so forget about them!

Quite appropriate in such an interior would be various stained glass inserts that can expand the space, as well as stained glass instead of windows, which always look advantageous. But it is very important not to cross the fine line of moderation when choosing accessories for the interior, because this can completely ruin the overall impression.

Noble White color in the interior of the living room will help create the impression of luxury, in addition, it goes well with other interior design elements in a classic style. You can also safely use blue, beige, light green and turquoise colors, as well as soft shades of light colors.

Difficult choice: curtains for the hall

Curtains should complement the overall design of the room, as well as emphasize the coziness and comfort that certainly reigns in this room. When choosing this interior element, you must definitely take into account the lighting of the room and its color scheme.

For this room both shortened curtains (in variations up to the window sill) and long ones are suitable. Provided that you are the owner small apartment, in the color of the walls, because they can visually expand the room. Give preference plain curtains or their variations with a small pattern. Curtains decorated with ribbons will also look very interesting.

Where to start: about repairs

Of course, all mind-blowing design ideas can be brought to life only after quality repairs. Experts recommend starting the reconstruction of the living room with replacing windows and doors. Provided that the floor of your apartment is covered good parquet, it doesn’t have to be dismantled, it will be enough to give it a good scraping and then varnish it. Believe me, it will look no worse than new.