Interior design for a small bathroom. Interior design of a small bathroom and optimization of space. Furniture for a small bathroom

Do you have a small bathroom? No problem! Let's plan it wisely.

Small bathroom: how to achieve the ideal?

This year, bathroom design in wood or stone is very fashionable, with metal inserts. Most often, the bathroom is a small room. How to make it comfortable, practical and beautiful?

Experts agree that you need to start arranging your bathroom from the selection of floor and wall tiles. And only then should you select plumbing fixtures, toiletries, and accessories.

Adhering to the basic rule of architecture, the door should open inward, and the washbasin with a mirror immediately catches the eye. Since this requirement is difficult to meet in a small bathroom, the door can open outward, and the components of the bathroom must be located taking into account their functionality. For example, the sink is closer to the bathroom, the toilet is closer to the sewer pipe.

The mirror should be large. Then it will reflect light and visually enlarge the room. It is usually located above the washbasin.

Suitable for small baths design used in American luxury hotels. The door opens into the room. The bath itself takes right side, while on the left side there are two washbasins and a mirror in the middle. The toilet is located opposite the entrance. Not very aesthetically pleasing, but functional. This approach allows you to save space by leaving some free space.

Plumbing and accessories should be as simple as possible. Something bulky and original in small rooms looks simply ridiculous. Choose furniture and tiles in light or pastel colors. It is better to use cabinets with lighting and hanging shelves. The style of the bathroom should be in harmony with the bedroom, since they form one unit in terms of functionality.

Small bathroom - layout

Original ideas for your small bathroom

Below are original ideas your small bathroom. Perhaps they can help you with the design.

  1. Use pearly white as the main tone. It won’t be difficult to complement the white color with accessories, especially since almost all colors, without exception, look good against a white background.
  2. Ordinary door can be replaced with a sliding one. This will save quite a bit of space.
  3. Lots of light in a small bathroom will create a cozy atmosphere and also visually increase the area. Besides ceiling lighting Can be used on a side wall or above a mirror. If you have a house, you can make a window in the bathroom. And in the apartment you can make an imitation of a window with lighting.
  4. Glass ceilings will make your bathroom “breathe.” A transparent glass sink will add lightness to the interior.
  5. You can save space if you hide the sink in the wall. You can extend it as needed.
  6. Use toiletries in the same color scheme as the walls. Then they will merge, as if dissolved in the interior, and will not clutter it up.
  7. The height of the room will be increased by tiles with a vertical pattern. The frieze, which usually divides the tiles in the center, will also visually lengthen the room if it is placed higher than usual. The pattern on the tile should be small, not heavy.
  8. The shower cabin should have transparent, not frosted glass.
  9. Avoid cluttering the bathtub with bottles and bubbles. Set aside a special place that is invisible at first glance. You can find a place for them in the cabinet under the sink.
  10. Use the philosophy of minimalism: small room - small things.

Photo of a small bathroom

In most standard apartments in our country, bathrooms are more than modest in size. On 3.5-4 square meters it is necessary to place plumbing fixtures with accessories, storage systems and, in some cases, even a washing machine. With all this, it is important to create not just a functional room, but also an aesthetic, comfortable atmosphere in which you can relax at the end of the working day and recharge your batteries at the beginning of the next. The task is not easy, but doable. Over many years of working with small-sized utilitarian spaces, designers have accumulated considerable experience in creating a rational room design. If it is not possible to physically increase the volume, then it is necessary to ensure at least a visual expansion of the space using effective design techniques. You will find examples of such design methods, as well as effective layouts of plumbing fixtures in small bathrooms, in our selection of 100 modern, practical and visually attractive bathroom design projects.

Before you start repairing

The smaller the space, the more carefully the preparation for its design should be carried out. The designer is advocated for total planning - absolutely all interior elements are selected - from water pipes to accessories such as soap dishes and towel holders. Detailed preparation for renovation will help you not only maintain the overall concept without missing any detail, but also save time and money. So, the choice of design for a small bathroom and the layout of the plumbing fixtures will be influenced by the following factors:

  • shape of the room (in standard apartments, almost all bathrooms have the same layout; in private houses or apartments after redevelopment, options are possible);
  • the passage of communication lines (with rare exceptions, any engineering systems running in bathrooms can be moved for convenient placement of plumbing fixtures);
  • the location of the doorway, the presence of a window (hang the door so that it opens not into the bathroom, but into the corridor, bedroom or hallway);
  • possibility of installation compulsory system ventilation (as a rule, there are no problems with this point in apartments of the most varied modifications).

It is also necessary to think in advance about the models of plumbing fixtures that you will install in the bathroom, because not only the layout of the room, but also its appearance largely depends on their dimensions and design. Modern manufacturers have a wide selection of models of bathtubs, shower cabins, sinks and toilets of various shapes and sizes - an owner with any wallet size can find an option suitable for the bathroom.

Decide on the style of bathroom design. Unfortunately, there are few options for creating a truly original, exclusive design within a room with an area of ​​3.5 sq.m. Designers recommend adhering to modern style, which tends towards minimalism. A simple and laconic design with a minimal amount of decor, a strict set of plumbing fixtures, and no bulky storage systems is the best option for decorating a small bathroom.

Color scheme for small bathrooms

Russians, accustomed to the need to decorate small utilitarian rooms (and others have rarely seen buildings from the last century in apartments) know very well that light shades will help decorate a modest-sized bathroom not only by bringing lightness and freshness to the interior, but also by visually expanding the space . For most of us, the white color is a symbol of cleanliness and freshness, which are so necessary in a water and sanitary room. hygiene procedures.

But don’t get hung up on light-colored surfaces just because the bathroom is modest in size. Color accents are also necessary to rid all household members of persistent associations with a hospital ward or operating room, which, of course, is clean and even sterile, but absolutely uncomfortable. But the bathroom, no matter how small it is, is intended not only to perform the basic functions of providing opportunities for water procedures, but also for relaxation. In large families, the bathroom is often the only place for privacy. Agree that such a space needs to be designed with special care. So, how can you diversify light shades (which, of course, will prevail in the design small room)?

The abundance of white surfaces always creates a somewhat cool atmosphere in the room. Designers recommend “dilute” the snow-white tone with integration wooden surfaces. These can be the facades of storage systems (most often these are small drawers under sinks, less often - wall cabinets and open shelves), imitation wood on ceramic tiles, which are used for finishing floors or decorating an apron over a bathtub or sink.

Even in a very small room, all surfaces cannot be painted white. The floor covering must be at least 2-3 shades darker. This is necessary to create a favorable, from the point of view emotional state, interior paintings. If the flooring is made in a light tone, like the walls and ceiling of the bathroom, it creates a feeling that the room has no form, and a person literally “leaks the ground from under his feet.” You can use imitation wood or stone, choose tiles with a variegated pattern or in a plain version, but not light

In addition to white, there are many color options for creating a light, calm finish that will not weigh down the image of a small room and will help create a relaxing atmosphere. All pastel shades Suitable as a basis for wall decoration in a small bathroom. Light beige tones, among other things, will help create a warm, relaxing atmosphere. Moreover, in the background beige walls Snow-white plumbing looks more impressive. You can add contrast to a light room using darker colors. color solutions for flooring or storage systems.

Various shades gray can be used to decorate a small bathroom. Not only white plumbing fixtures look great against a gray background. But also the shine of chrome bathroom accessories - various holders, mixers, taps. A light gray tone can be taken as a basis, and with the help of darker, deeper shades, you can emphasize the geometry of the room or highlight one or another functional area.

Not only by choosing the color for finishing the main surfaces, you can influence the visual perception of the room, its size and boundaries. Small color inserts, various edgings, placement of prints on tiles - using various design techniques you can achieve positive effects to create a comfortable image of a small bathroom. For example, placing a narrow border or colored insert not in the middle of the room, but slightly higher, will visually increase the height of the room.

In a small bathroom, can there be such a design technique as an accent wall, highlighted with a rich color? Designers unanimously answer yes. Standard sizes bathroom and even room irregular shape can benefit from the presence of a colorful finish on one of the surfaces. It will not visually reduce the space, but will emphasize the shape of the utilitarian room. Most often, the shower area is chosen for a bright or contrastingly dark design, but you can also use the wall behind the bathtub or sink with a mirror as an accent surface.

Plumbing for a modest bathroom

Modern manufacturers focus on customer needs. Demand compact models plumbing fixtures are not falling, despite the improvement in the quality of life and the increase in the possibilities of utilitarian spaces in apartments and private houses. Pay attention to wall-hung models of plumbing fixtures - toilets and sinks. They are built into niches specially created for them, inside which all engineering systems can be hidden. Console models will help save much-needed centimeters of usable space in small rooms. Not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue, because a wall-hung toilet or sink, which seems to be built into the wall without any pipes - perfect solution for a modern and stylish bathroom look.

If your bathroom is an irregularly shaped room or looks like a very elongated rectangle, which, given the small area, becomes a particularly problematic design option, then only a compact shower can significantly save useful space. In the lines of modern manufacturers there are models with pallet sizes of 70x70 and 80x80. Such modest-sized hydroboxes fit effectively into niches (or occupy the entire width of a small bathroom), but at the same time perfectly perform their main functions.

If a shower stall as an alternative to taking a bath is not an option for your family, then the largest plumbing fixture in a utilitarian room must be built in along the width of the room. In this case, you will have to choose a model that most closely matches the size of the room, regardless of your personal preferences and even the height of your household. In small spaces, it is often necessary to sacrifice partial comfort for the correct layout of plumbing fixtures.

If in your family there are those who love to soak in the bath and those who prefer the invigorating effects of a contrast shower, then it will be necessary to equip the bath with additional elements. To be able to easily take a shower while standing in the bathtub, not much is needed - a holder for a cheap shower head mounted into the wall and a glass partition protecting the bathroom space outside the makeshift shower. The glass partition will not burden the image of the bathroom, but at the same time reliably protects it from splashing water throughout the space.

Decor and lighting in a small space

For a small space, light is one of the most important elements in creating an interior image. It is he who is the main assistant in visually increasing the volume of a room. Reflecting from mirrors, glossy and glass surfaces, the light spreads throughout the entire provided volume of a small utilitarian room. That's why one ceiling lamp won't be enough. Spot lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling, highlighting a mirror, using strip lighting or combining lamps of different designs and modifications - options are possible even in a small space.

Mirrors mentioned more than once can be classified as both functional and decorative elements of the interior. Not a single bathroom is complete without a mirror, and in a small space it becomes not only a means of reflecting objects, but also serves as a visual expander of the volume of the room. If, instead of an ordinary mirror, you install a large mirror cloth above the sink, possibly occupying the entire width of the room, the boundaries of such a bathroom will literally be erased. Not to mention the multiple reflections of artificial light.

In mirror surfaces, which often serve not only as reflective elements above sinks, but also as aprons, you can drill holes for mounting lamps or connecting communication systems for installing a faucet. To make it more impressive, strip lighting can be installed around the perimeter of such a mirror panel or in the lower part.

If you decide to use hanging systems storage above the sink, you can safely purchase a cabinet with mirrored doors. As a result, you will receive a multifunctional piece of furniture - a storage system, a mirror surface to reflect light and visually increase the volume of the bathroom, and an original design element. Mirror facades can be smooth or have fittings. It is important to understand that a smooth door without a handle will attract fingerprints.

There are often simply no options left for decorating a small bathroom. To avoid fragmenting the image of the room into small parts, designers recommend not only not getting carried away with interior decoration, but also minimizing all accessories and additional interior elements. And yet, we always have the opportunity to bring color, originality and simply variety to the bright and often boring image of the room with the help of household items, which no bathroom can do without - bright towels or shower curtains. A rug in front of the sink or bathtub, original sets of bath accessories, various dispensers and holders.

Decorative elements can also include such functional interior items as faucets, shower heads, taps, heated towel rails, paper and towel holders, and various dispensers. Original design or unusual material execution (surface coating) will not only diversify even the most trivial interior, but will also raise the degree of uniqueness of the design of a small bathroom.

In conditions of severe space saving, efficient storage becomes a priority in organizing the bathroom environment. It is important to distribute the necessary household items and bath accessories in the smallest number of storage systems. Separating inserts are also used for drawers, and hidden hangers, hooks and other devices, of which there are many in modern plumbing and bathroom accessories stores.


Small bathrooms are the scourge of modern mass housing. It is difficult to find an apartment in which you would not literally have to bite off precious square meters from adjacent rooms with your teeth in order to fit a larger bath.

However, it is rarely possible to physically expand a bathroom - you have to go to various lengths to fit all the necessary plumbing fixtures and furniture in a compressed space. How to make a small bathroom cozy and functional?

The first step is designing the bathroom

First of all, you need to determine how the furniture will be arranged in the bathroom. There are many design options, and they can be successfully combined to get the optimal result. You need to decide what you want to see as a result: a practical room or a work of design art.

To expand the interior space, you can use methods created by designers from all over the world:

  1. Maintain the minimalism and conciseness inherent in Asians. Forget about hot tubs with curved shapes - only straight, strict lines and ideal geometric shapes.
  2. Use plenty of light. Daylight will be inaccessible if a window in the bathroom was not provided at the construction stage of the house, but the correct selection of lighting fixtures, coupled with light finishes, will help to some extent get rid of the cramped space.
  3. Accessories. A large number of small details that attract the eye will distract attention from assessing the real volume of a small room - the bathroom, if not larger, will seem less cramped.
  4. Ornaments on the walls, combining tiles different colors, playing with shades. Looking at the patterns, not a single person will notice that there is no room to turn around in the bathroom.
  5. Use of modern achievements of plumbing in the interior. Today you can have fully functional bathtubs, showers and sinks in very modest sizes.

When planning a bathroom design, you need to consider more than just the actual small size of the room. You should take into account the number of people who will use the bathroom, the required set of plumbing fixtures (whether the bathroom will be combined, whether a full bath is needed or a shower is sufficient, etc.).

Apartment interior redevelopment – difficult task even in a new building. All communications are fixed - if you want to rearrange something, it’s not a fact that you will be able to do it. In addition, leveling the walls can be difficult.

It is necessary to take into account the specific design of a wet room - due to the fact that finishing materials must be moisture resistant, the range available options is greatly reduced.

Priorities should be set as follows: practicality, durability and only then aesthetic appeal.

To design a design for the arrangement of furniture and plumbing, you can use special computer programs or sketch a drawing by hand, indicating the location of all the main elements of the interior. Form a clear picture in your head of what you want to see in the end - and only then get to work!

How to fit everything in?

The main design principle when creating the interior of a small bathroom is to get rid of everything unnecessary.

You should forget about:

  • inappropriate placement of items - cosmetics should be placed in a cosmetic bag or next to the trellis, dirty clothes and washing supplies should be placed in a separate closet;
  • collecting things “in reserve” - in fact, you don’t need 5 cans of shampoo and 10 cans of shower gel;
  • using the bathroom for purposes other than its intended purpose.

Teach yourself to be organized and store excess items in the pantry and separate cabinets in other, more spacious rooms. This is especially true for electrical appliances - hair dryer, curling iron, etc. - keeping them in the bathroom is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

It’s easier to fit essential items into your bathroom if you only fit what’s really necessary. How to organize the arrangement of a minimum set of plumbing fixtures?

Combined bathroom

In most apartments, the bathroom is separate - after all, people usually live with entire families, and using a shared bathroom can be inconvenient. But in reality there is nothing wrong with placing a toilet next to a small bathroom. Even if the project provides for two rooms for plumbing, it makes sense to combine them in order to more efficiently use the available square meters.

There are several design options for organizing a combined bathroom:

  • we place the bathtub in width, arrange the rest of the appliances and furniture according to long side rooms;
  • the bathtub is placed in a niche, the walls of which can be used to place shelves - this will take up some of the space, but you can compensate for the reduction in the volume of the room by installing a mirror on the entire opposite wall.

If using a shared bathroom is inconvenient, someone lives in the house big family– you can separate the toilet and bathtub with a decorative screen, which can be easily removed when no one is washing.

Shower cabin

Small-sized appliances will save interior space and even allow you to install a washing machine. One of the design options for using minimalist technology is a shower stall.

Cabins come in a variety of varieties - you can even make one yourself by installing a watering can and drain behind the wall, separated from the rest of the bathroom glass door. What is usually on sale is not floor-standing baths, but sitz baths with a kind of glass bulb on top. The choice is great, and it’s worth thinking through the basic design, starting from the style in which the cabin you like is made.

Corner bath

If you don’t want to completely give up a bathtub in favor of a shower, a small corner bathtub would be a compromise solution. It is much easier to place than a full oval bathtub.

The shape of a corner bath can be very different:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • circle - not particularly suitable for a small bathroom;
  • complex shape with curved edges - maximum usable space.

By the way, not only the bathtub, but also the sink can be corner. You can wash your face in a small washbasin - there is no need to install plumbing fixtures the size of a full-sized one in the bathroom kitchen sink. The hanging style will save space under the sink.

And finally, the door. If your bathroom door opens inward, give your home designer a good word and remodel it so that it opens outward into the hallway. Better yet, replace the bathroom door with a sliding one - this way it won’t take up space at all.

Visually expanding the space

Many methods have been invented to deceive human perception. You can trick your brain into thinking that the bathroom is larger than it actually is:

  • using in design bright hues when finishing;
  • diagonal laying of tiles;
  • by expanding the walls, raising the ceiling, lowering the floor - save as much as possible when rough finishing the concrete box;
  • bringing the shape of the room closer to a square - the elongated rectangular shape does not allow one to be deceived;
  • creating smooth transitions between walls and horizontal surfaces - work with color and round moldings.

A classic solution for expanding bathroom space is the use of large mirrors. You can hang them not only on the bathroom walls - mirrored cabinet doors will also help. Moreover, you can cover the entire space from floor to ceiling with cabinets - compact furniture Today there are many, even the most picky designer can choose something.

Working with tiles

Tile is traditionally used to decorate the bathroom interior. Of course, there is waterproof plaster and special drywall, you can even decorate the walls with natural stone. But in terms of expanding the room, tile is the undoubted leader.

The size of the tiles in the bathroom should be small. The smaller it is, the more confused the brain is - it will look not at the area of ​​individual elements, but at their total number. The associative series is simple: there are a lot of tiles, which means the bathroom is large. If you don’t involve consciousness, the effect is excellent. A non-contrast mosaic will help even more, which can be used to create smoothness not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the bathroom.

As for the color in the interior, light shades should be used, but not white - this “hospital” color is not only psychologically difficult, but also difficult to maintain - white tiles will have to be washed almost daily.

The entire room should be made light - finishing the lower half of the walls in contrast would be a bad decision, since it will divide the room and kill the entire expansion effect. The only design style allowed is dark vertical stripes.

It is better to take glossy, smooth tiles. It will reflect light, working in tandem with mirrors, and further increase the space. The exception is the floor, which should be finished with matte material for safety reasons. Or at least put a rubber mat on the smooth floor - slipping on wet glossy tiles is as easy as shelling pears.

The tiles should be laid evenly from the floor to the ceiling of the bathroom. Do not use curbs, thresholds, or dividing strips - they will attract attention and show the actual area of ​​the bathroom.

A little more about bathroom flooring. It is not at all necessary to use tiles - self-leveling would be an excellent design variation. polymer coating with a drawing or photo printing. It’s easy to create an effect of depth with it, and it will make a small bathroom feel larger. Photo wallpaper can also be used to create an imitation of natural light.

Color rules

Light colors are a salvation for a small bathroom. Bright colors strain your eyesight, but you want to relax in the bathroom. Dark colors can only be used when equipping the bathroom with powerful light, which we will talk about a little later.

Color disharmony is the main enemy of high-quality small bathroom design. Walls, floors, ceilings and all interior items should match each other in style and shade. This doesn't mean you need to paint everything the same color - that will look bland and tasteless. A little contrast is always good, but light, pastel colors should take precedence in the bathroom.

Shades of white, beige, milky colors (but not pure white) are ideal for a bathroom interior. They create a feeling of cleanliness and expand the room.

If you decorate light tiles with ornaments (you can use acrylic waterproof paints for this), you can create certain motifs in the room - for example, Japanese. Sakura branches and petals on light tiles, furniture made of natural wood - the oriental corner is ready!

Other possible colors are soft blue and light green. Remember the ban on saturation and brightness. These colors have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state and improve the effect of a relaxing hot bath. They are associated with water, nature, purity. They go well with white earthenware.

The market offers a wide variety of volumetric tiles and tiles with textured surface. You shouldn’t use it - protrusions and stucco eat up the space of the bathroom and absorb light, making the small size of the bathroom even more modest.

Combining colors in the bathroom is an option for bold designers. This will make the interior unique, but you should be careful: in a small room it is permissible to use only three different shades.


So, best version for the interior design of a small bathroom - combination light shades and natural light. But a window in the bathroom is an unaffordable luxury in our conditions, and try to find at least one similar apartment in planned development buildings.

We have to make the most of the wonders of electrification. Electronics in the bathroom are dangerous, but you can't do without light. The wiring needs to be hidden as best as possible and protected from moisture - it is best to put it under the tiles.

Sconce lamps are not difficult to find today. The choice of models is huge, and you need to try to choose options in the same style. The number of lighting fixtures and their power is up to your taste; try to make the bathroom as bright as possible. But to ensure a relaxing, romantic environment, it’s worth considering dim lighting. The ideal option is lamps with adjustable light intensity.

Powerful light will allow you to use dark colors in the design of even a small bathroom. But dimming the light will turn a dark room into a real hole, in which, due to the large mirrors, it will also be scary to be in.

An excellent option is lighting built into the bathroom ceiling. It is safe, and sconces hanging on the walls will not take up space. If the ceiling is suspended or suspended, even spot or LED lighting is possible.

Furniture selection

Many owners of small bathrooms abandon furniture in favor of large and capacious plumbing fixtures, which do not carry a particularly useful load. You shouldn’t do this - even in a modest space there is room for cabinets and shelves.

The basic principles for choosing plumbing fixtures and furniture have already been revealed:

  • pay attention to corner baths and sinks, shower cabins, transformable appliances;
  • use the entire height of the walls to place cabinets;
  • cabinet doors with mirrors partially compensate for the wasted space in the bathroom;
  • the washing machine can be hidden under the sink;
  • give up tiled partitions, thick curtains and screens in favor of glass.

All this will allow you to appropriately place shelves for washing supplies, instead of placing bottles of shampoo, shaving gels and everything else on the sides of the bathroom.

Furniture design

Whatever the style of the bathroom, no matter how small it is, one rule must always be followed - all furniture must be moisture resistant.

Remember that durability is more important than aesthetics - a beautiful bathroom is great, but it will be of little use if everything rots and you have to renovate it again after a couple of years.

Among the common materials you can pay attention to the following:

  • MDF, chipboard, laminate - always with waterproof impregnation;
  • plastic – don’t think it will look cheap, modern plastic items look quite good;
  • glass is not only practical, but also relatively invisible, due to which it visually preserves more free space;
  • stone.

I would like to use natural solid wood in interior design, but this is not recommended. It looks beautiful, but such bathroom furniture is designed for large rooms with good ventilation.

In our modest rooms, moisture is actively concentrated, hot steam actively destroys even wood impregnated with stain and varnish. Considering the high cost and the imminent but inevitable redevelopment, wood is a waste of money.

Built in furniture

Compact cabinets with mirrored doors can be used, but the best solution would be a built-in wardrobe that extends from the floor to the ceiling of the bathroom. It can be built into a niche that frames the bathtub. Even better - glass or metal shelves.

Where should I put my laundry?

Store dirty clothes in a hamper next to the bathtub or directly in washing machine- a common practice. Very bad practice. Linen in the bathroom deteriorates due to constant exposure to humidity, not to mention the fact that the basket for it eats up a significant amount of free space.

It is best to hide the laundry basket in the closet. If it is not there, go to the built-in closet. The washing machine should also be hidden - this will eliminate the temptation to store unnecessary items on it.

Interior in detail

Mirrors and accessories will complement the image of the bathroom and allow you to divert attention from its size. Overdo it with small details, however, it’s not worth it.

The larger the mirror, the better - the space will double if you make the entire wall mirrored.

Cleaning will take a lot of effort, but you can buy mirrors covered with a special film - it repels soap splashes and prevents the glass from fogging up. In addition, it will last longer, since humidity and hot steam destroy even glass over time.

When creating a stylish bathroom, you can't do without accessories. All of them should be elegant and orderly - deliberate negligence is permissible only in a large area. Everything should be in its place and complement the interior without becoming an excessive feature.

If you are creating a minimalist bathroom, there should be fewer things. Get rid of everything unnecessary and concentrate the style features of the interior design in colors, furniture, plumbing and ornaments.

Bottles for shampoo and soap, a glass for toothbrushes, and a mirror frame should be in harmony with the color scheme of the room, without being a bright spot. This also applies to towels and bathrobe: if you are a girl who loves pink, you shouldn't hang a fluffy pink towel in a green bathroom. It will be easier for men in this regard.

Small accessories and decorations should fit into the theme of the bathroom. You can fill the shelves with sea shells, hang ivy or another heat-loving plant, or a small picture on the wall. Emphasize your style and individuality, feel free to experiment: after all, accessories are not tiles, and a bad decision can always be changed.

It is difficult to create a modern, classic or Provence style in a small apartment area - a complex design requires a large number of details and sometimes has features that are impossible to implement in a bathroom.

Minimalism and high-tech in the interior are ideal options for this room. Glass and metal are indispensable attributes of such styles. The room will become stylish and comfortable without losing its functionality.

However, no one forbids taking risks - if you love Provence, try placing wicker baskets, porcelain and natural materials in the bathroom. If you carefully and carefully study the interior of the apartment, you will succeed!

Photo options for arranging a bathroom

In the design of small bathrooms, an important point is the correct decoration of the room. It is quite difficult to place everything that is necessary for a comfortable life in a modest area to modern man It would seem that there is no need to think about beauty and comfort. However, there are simple design techniques, which will help make the plumbing room not only convenient, but also cozy.

Design of a small combined bathroom: increasing the space

There are several general design rules small rooms. If they are followed, even the smallest room will look much more spacious and bright. Do not neglect these rules when creating the interior of your home bathroom.

  • Use light colors for decoration. The design of a small bathroom is bright and too dark colors can only be used as accents.
  • Use mirrors - they can visually double the area of ​​a small bathroom. At the same time, do not hang mirrors opposite each other, so as not to create a “tunnel” effect - it is better if one wall is mirrored, or two walls converging at right angles.
  • Use glossy surfaces in bathroom design - they create a play of reflections, thereby complicating the interior and adding light to it. For example, a glossy stretch ceiling would be appropriate.
  • Provide good lighting– the brighter the room, the larger it seems. In a small bathroom, ceiling spotlights are required and desirable additional sources Sveta.
  • Partitions and even individual parts of glass furniture will “dissolve” in the air and make the space larger.
  • There should be little furniture, and it should be multifunctional so as not to “eat up” the space of an already small bathroom.
  • Consider installing a walk-in shower instead of a standard bath - it will make a small room feel much more spacious.

In addition, in the design of a small bathroom, you can use other “little tricks”, for example, installing a washbasin on a long countertop, part of which will extend into the space above the bathtub. In this case, the countertop can be used to store shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and other bathing items.

Important: Don't forget that corners can be used rationally. A corner bath or shower takes up much less space than regular straight ones; in addition, you can place a sink in the corner and hang special “corner” shelves.

Remember that hanging plumbing makes it easier not only to clean, but also to visually perceive a small room.

Tiles in a modern small bathroom design: the right choice

  • Color

According to the basic rules for decorating small rooms, the tiles should have light colors. Do not forget that cool shades (blue, turquoise) visually “pull back” the walls, and a small room seems larger. Warm tones, on the contrary, “bring the walls closer to the viewer,” thereby making the room smaller.

  • Size

The best design option is small tiles. Large-format visually will immediately make the room very small, and may even upset the proportions. Part of the walls can be tiled with mosaics.

Eat general rule: A person is impressed not by the size of each of the tiles, but by their total number, which he estimates by eye, by the number of seams between the tiles. The more there are, the larger the room according to the psychological perception of space.

  • Texture

In the design of a small bathroom, it is better to avoid large images, the recently popular 3D design, and shiny rhinestones. Follow the rule “the simpler the better.” It’s even better if the finishing material is of natural origin or classic texture. Traditional “hog” tiles, calm ornament, tiles under natural materials, for example, marble, or natural travertine is an excellent choice for a compact bathroom.

The use of wooden surfaces or wood-look tiles improves the design of any room, including sanitary facilities. Tiles with small patterns are also allowed, but it is better that they are directed vertically. Mirror tiles in a bathroom design will help add “extra volume” and look very aesthetically pleasing, although they require more complex maintenance.

  • Laying

When designing a small bathroom, avoid dividing the walls horizontally. It is better to direct colored or ornamented stripes from the floor to the ceiling, highlighting, for example, the toilet installation area or the “wet” area. You should not lay out large patterns - this will visually make a small bathroom smaller.

Important: In design, glossy surfaces have a mirror effect, so their use in small rooms is encouraged.

Design of a small bathroom with toilet: choosing furniture

The principle of minimalism, according to which small rooms are decorated, says: there should be as little furniture as possible, and it should be multifunctional. It’s even better if the same piece of furniture can perform several functions at the same time.

  • Cabinet furniture

Conventional “column” cabinets should give way to built-in storage systems, light shelving, and niches. Storage systems can be closed with doors, or they can be open. For furniture design, a light tone or color of natural wood is preferred.

Important: If you equip storage systems with glass or mirror doors, a small room will seem more spacious. In this case, labor costs for cleaning increase slightly.

  • Laundry basket

This is an essential element of bathroom equipment, which, in addition to a purely utilitarian function, can also serve as a decorative element in the design of the room. However, in small bathrooms, such a basket takes up a lot of space and can attract too much attention. Therefore, it is better if it is put away in the pantry, or “merges” with the overall design of the walls. Space for a small laundry basket can be provided in the built-in storage system, and a washing machine can also be hidden there.

  • Mirror

In small bathroom design, mirrors are of utmost importance. They not only provide comfort when performing hygiene procedures, but also affect the perception of the size of a small room, increasing it significantly. The choice should be a simple mirror; the larger it is, the better. A small cabinet with mirrored doors above the sink is inappropriate - it dramatically reduces the volume of the room. A more radical design option - mirror wall behind the washbasin.

Design of a small combined bathroom: styling concept

Minimalism is the style that can be considered the most correct for the design of a small bathroom. Its main principles: light colors in the design, using only the most necessary furniture and a minimum of decorative elements. The dimensions of bathroom furniture should be small.

Additional elements in the bathroom design, such as soap dishes, holders for toilet paper and toothbrushes, bottles with liquid detergents, should not stand out from the overall color scheme. You can use live plants, small paintings or sea shells as decoration.

Compact bathroom: standard bath

The bathtub is the most bulky item in the plumbing room. As a rule, it completely occupies one of the walls. If you love taking baths and can't imagine living without one, consider upgrading your standard bathtub to a corner or compact one. This will help save scarce space and install a small washing machine or storage system in the free space.

Compact bathroom: shower cabin

To save vital space, consider replacing your bathtub with a walk-in shower. This will not only visually, but also actually increase the free space of a small bathroom and make it possible to equip it in the most efficient way. If the bowl size of a regular bathroom starts from 170 cm, then the size of a small shower cabin (minimum) is only 70 cm. Those who think that it is impossible to do without a bathtub can choose a shower cabin model with a sitting bathtub below.

Important: In a small bathroom the best solution There will be a shower stall with transparent doors installed; it will not clutter up the room. The cleaner and more transparent the glass of the doors, the stronger the effect of visually “dissolving” the cabin in space.

Designers consider shower stalls ideal option for placement in small bathrooms. Preference should be given to small corner models - they take up less space and, with the same dimensions, are more functional and convenient to use.

The main advantages of shower cabins over traditional bathtubs:

  • Space is saved significantly;
  • The family's water resources and financial resources are saved, since washing in the shower uses significantly less water than washing in the bathtub.
  • The shower cabin can be equipped with a hydromassage device, which increases the comfort of use and has a positive effect on well-being;
  • The bathroom design looks more modern and stylish.

Important: There is no need to turn a small bathroom into a warehouse; it is best not to occupy the space freed up after installing a shower stall, if possible. Follow the laws of ergonomics and place only necessary items in the bathroom. For example, a washing machine can be installed in the pantry, if there is one in the apartment.

Same type apartments with small area- an eternal problem of post-Soviet new buildings, and the bathroom in them is the room that “suffered” the most at the hands of Soviet architects. Modern architects, when developing projects for new buildings, try to take into account the requirements for a modern level of comfort and create bathroom designs in such a way that they comply with the rules of aesthetic and building codes. However, they are still limited to a small room area. But, despite the fact that the vast majority of the population is forced to live in apartments in which the total bathroom area does not exceed 3 square meters, even such bathrooms can be made cozy and functional. To do this, in the process of timely development of their design project, it is important not only to pay attention to the selection of materials taking into account the chosen style and color, but also to listen to your intuition, which will tell you what you can get using this or that design solution. These requirements for the process of developing a bathroom design solution are due to the fact that the high-tech age has somewhat changed the requirements for living space, and today most of us are concerned not with the size, but with the practicality of the bathroom, since the design of the bathroom involves a compromise of convenience, practicality and space. In addition, the main function assigned to the design of the bathroom is to help restore your strength after working day. To design a small bathroom on top level, let's look at the main subtleties of this process.

Design of a combined bathroom: attempts to increase usable space

When developing a design project for a small bathroom, decide on the choice of those interior details to which you will assign a fundamental role. Before you start planning your bathroom, determine necessary details, among which we can note:

As for the minor interior details, these include a washing machine, which can also be installed in another room.

If your apartment has a separate bathroom and you want to make the room more spacious, one of the options for expanding it is to combine two rooms. To do this, you need to remove plaster partition separating the bathroom and toilet, and also seal one of the doorways. However, many believe that combining two different-purpose plumbing items is unhygienic and refuse this option. But if you still choose this option, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the possible design and layout options for a combined bathroom.

  • Simple- providing for the placement of the bathroom in width, and the rest of the furniture along a longer wall;
  • No corners- another bathroom layout option, according to which a semicircular niche is formed around the bathtub. Thanks to this layout, there is a visual reduction usable area, however, the lack of free space can be easily compensated by placing it on the wall large mirror.

Combined bathroom - not the best solution if a large family lives in the apartment, consisting of several generations and including grandparents, parents and children, etc. A solution to the problem of space zoning can be a decorative screen, which, unlike an oilcloth curtain, looks more attractive and is completely hidden in the closet after the water procedures are completed, which cannot be said about curtains, which create visual clutter in the space even when assembled.

Small bathtub design photo

Organization of repairs in Khrushchev: main nuances and options

Another problem that arises in the process of designing a small-sized bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building is indirectly related to the small area of ​​the room and implies the need to mask communications, which will save usable space in the room. Experts recommend hiding communications in a compact box, while providing access to water metering units. As for the wiring with hot or cold water, it is recommended to hide it in a floor step box or in pre-prepared grooves. Sometimes, due to the presence of a heated towel rail, the length of communications may be excessively long, and alternative option, in this case, becomes an electric heated towel rail, which can be placed in any place convenient for you, but in this case you will have to stretch the electrical wires to install the socket.

In houses built in Soviet times and characterized by the sonorous name “Khrushchev”, two types of bathrooms were designed and therefore in three-room apartments there is often a separate bathroom with a small bath, while in one- and two-room apartments the toilet and bath are combined. Tiny bathrooms in three-room apartments sharply limit the designer's imagination, however, following our advice, you can significantly expand the space of a miniature bathtub. For this it is recommended:

  • Decorate the walls in the bathroom with several spectacular mirrors;
  • Arrange glossy suspended ceiling, complemented by spotlights;
  • When choosing a color scheme, avoid dark shades;
  • Avoid unnecessary cabinets and shelves that clutter up an already small space;
  • If possible, abandon the bath in favor of a shower.

A combined bathroom, found in three-room apartments, is characterized by greater capacity and assumes the location of the toilet opposite front door, next to which a sink and bathtub are installed. This arrangement of plumbing in the bathroom ensures that there is free space next to the door, which is usually used for installing a washing machine. The rather prosaic furnishings of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building can sparkle with bright colors if you add chic to it, following our advice. So, you have three options at your disposal:

Option #1

Replacement of plumbing. Instead of traditionally shaped bathtubs, toilets and sinks, opt for similar square-shaped sanitary ware. Choose a sink that features a long countertop that extends onto the bathtub. Thanks to this technique, you can rationally use the small bathroom space by placing all the necessary hygiene products and other small items on this countertop.

Mirrors that you plan to hang above the bathtub and sink, also choose a square shape. To finish the ceiling surface, use aluminum slatted panels, and lay the floor and walls with mosaic tiles.

Option No. 2

Install a toilet equipped with a wall mount, and also select a flat sink that comes with the washing machine. Hang a large mirror above them, and replace the bath with a corner shower. Place a narrow shelving unit between the stall and the wall, leaving some space against the wall next to the door that can be used to accommodate a small laundry basket. To visually increase the bathroom area, cover the ceiling decorative plaster light shades, and for finishing the floor use ceramic tiles contrasting shade.

Option No. 3

The first thing any designer should do when remodeling a bathroom is to replace the standard rectangular bathtub, opting for a modern corner design that will save space in a cramped bathroom. Do not rush to abandon such a decision, citing the fact that cast iron bath more wear-resistant because modern baths made from high-quality acrylic, they hold the temperature no worse. Using this technique, you will free up space for a washing machine, which is unlikely to fit in the bathroom or kitchen of a Khrushchev-era apartment. Thanks to this technique, you don’t have to hide the washing machine in a built-in closet; it will be ergonomically located under the sink.

Another one design trick allowing you to save space in a cramped Khrushchev bathroom - installation wall hung toilet instead of a traditional floor structure, which will make the room more “light.” As for the stability of the plumbing, there is no reason to worry about it, since the fastenings for hanging plumbing can withstand at least 200 kg.

Bathroom design with shower

If, in the process of developing a bathroom design project, you plan not only to achieve the creation visual effect extra space in the bathroom, but also to really free up space, experts recommend abandoning the bathtub and installing a shower stall, which will allow you to implement this idea as efficiently as possible. The minimum size of a traditional lying-in bathtub is 140 cm, while the width of a shower stall does not exceed 70 cm. Having “conquered” half a meter of free space from Soviet architects, you can be sure that you have achieved an unconditional victory over space.

If you are sure that you cannot live without a bathtub, a compromise option has been developed especially for you - bathtubs with shower cabin, ideal for big family, where there are shower and bath lovers. Despite the fact that by choosing this option, you will not cope very successfully with the task of saving space, in any case, it is more ergonomic than installing a bathtub and shower at the same time.

Another option for those who like compromise solutions is to install a shower stall, in the lower part of which there is sitz bath. Although you won't be able to take a full, relaxing bath, you can take a sitz bath and relax in the hot water.

Important! If you are the owner of an apartment with a small bathroom, refuse a shower stall whose walls are made of frosted glass. In order to blend into the interior of the bathroom as much as possible, they should be made of clear glass. The cleanliness of the glass is another factor that needs to be taken into account.

Shower enclosures are the greatest invention, ideal for small bathrooms. There are many models of shower cabins, but in our case, the most successful are corner shower cabins or traditional compact cabins. The use of shower cabins reveals the following advantages:

  • Saving bathroom space;
  • Saving water resources, as water consumption is reduced during the shower;
  • The process of taking water procedures becomes more comfortable, especially if the shower cabin is equipped with a hydromassage function;
  • The interior of a bathroom equipped with a shower takes on an original and stylish appearance.

Important! By replacing the bath with a shower stall, you will free up space for a washing machine or a small cabinet, but we advise you not to overdo it, as even a spacious bath can be turned into an untidy, cluttered, barn-like room.

Moreover, it is important to remember that ergonomic design the bathroom eliminates the placement of plumbing elements and furniture in every corner, since only the most necessary things need to be placed in the bathroom.

Installing a corner bath - a compromise solution

Corner bathtub - the know-how of modern designers, is a compromise solution between installing a traditional oval-rectangular bathtub and completely refusing to install this element of plumbing. The main advantage of a corner bathtub is the ability to save space in a standard rectangular-shaped bathtub, and in a bathroom whose sides are close to a square, a corner bathtub will take the place of its traditionally shaped counterpart.

Important! Placing a corner bath, unlike a traditional one, does not pose any difficulties. This is explained by the fact that a corner bath, regardless of its shape (whether oval or square), can only be installed in a corner.

Otherwise, the installation of a corner bathtub is no different from that in the case of a similar plumbing element of a traditional oval-rectangular configuration. In addition, this is not the only configuration option for this plumbing element. Modern manufacturers suggest paying attention to corner bathtubs, characterized by the following configuration:

  • oval with rounded edge;
  • square, characterized by straight and clear lines;
  • round, which is not the most best choice for tight spaces;
  • curved (despite maintaining right angle, the free edge of the tub remains curved).

Visual enlargement of the bathroom due to the original design of the ceiling

When developing an interior design project for a small bathroom, you need to pay attention Special attention ceiling. Despite the fact that in most cases it is not the first thing that attracts attention, it is worth making only the slightest mistake in its design, and it will immediately catch your eye. Thus, let's consider what needs to be abandoned in the process of designing small bathrooms.

  • If the ceiling height in a small bathroom is low, avoid dark shades in its design;
  • Multi-level ceilings in this case are also not the best solution.

Often in houses built in Soviet times, the ceilings are quite high, which can be emphasized favorably by playing on contrasts. One option is to create a dark “top” and a light “bottom”. However, if the ceilings are characterized by a standard height, it is better to abandon this technique, since it will create the impression that the ceiling is about to “crush” you.

To achieve visual spaciousness in a cramped bathroom, you can use several design techniques:

  • When decorating the ceiling, use transparent materials and light colors;
  • Focus on bright lighting.

Important! The materials you use to finish the ceiling in the bathroom must be durable and moisture-resistant, as well as resistant to temperature changes.

The most proven and popular methods of finishing the ceiling are:

  • suspended ceiling;
  • slatted aluminum ceiling;
  • stained glass ceiling;
  • mirror ceiling.

Choosing tiles in the design process of a small bathroom

In this chapter, it is necessary to talk about the psychological effect that you need to focus on when choosing tiles for decorating a small bathroom. Its essence is that what smaller sizes bathroom, especially small tiles must be chosen for its decoration, since a person pays attention not to the size of the tile, but to its quantity. The more tiles, the larger the space appears. Experts recommend laying the walls in the bathroom with ceramic mosaics, but this option requires a lot of endurance and patience. It is also important not to overdo it with contrasts, so as not to create a kaleidoscope effect, which can make the room even cramped.

Important! For small rooms it is better to choose glossy tiles. Unlike matte, its use is associated with greater difficulties in maintenance, however, by reflecting light, it serves as a mirror, visually expanding the room.

In the process of choosing bathroom furniture, a general rule applies, which does not change depending on the chosen stylistic concept and the size of the room. Its essence lies in the fact that all bathroom furniture must be moisture resistant, which is met by interior elements made from the following materials:

  • natural or artificial stone;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • MDF panels.

When designing the interior of a small bathroom, experts recommend abandoning the use of traditional cabinets, since a large number of free-standing items contributes to the room becoming even more cramped. One of the most profitable solutions would be the installation of a built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling or a solid shelving unit consisting of open shelves and characterized by the complete absence of doors or the presence of sliding doors.

Important! Additional way To increase the space in the bathroom is to install cabinets with glass doors, but they must be promptly cleaned of stains and deposits.

Laundry basket

A laundry basket is an optional, but at the same time important element of furniture in the bathroom, since storing laundry before washing it in a washing machine is not an option. However, many experts recommend eliminating the laundry basket in the bathroom and placing it in the pantry or another room. In this case, the main task is to ensure that the laundry basket does not stand out from the general background in the bathroom. You can put it in a built-in closet (you can also put a washing machine there if it has a front-loading mechanism).


A mirror is an important element of the bathroom interior, contributing to its visual expansion. Even if you chose mirror tiles, it will be impossible to do without a mirror. Experts recommend choosing a wall or flat mirror without an accompanying cabinet, and it should be of the maximum size. If you are not afraid of the prospect of constantly washing mirror surfaces, refuse to use a mirror as an element of the interior and make the wall completely mirrored.

When choosing a mirror, follow these rules:

  • The mirror in the bathroom should be well lit, therefore, you need to take care of organizing the lighting;
  • Caring for a mirror is an important point in its use ( modern models equipped with heating, help to forget about stains for a long time);
  • Service life of the mirror (modern models, coated with a special film, are characterized by longer operation in conditions of high humidity).

Stylistic concept for the bathroom

The most suitable stylistic solution for a small-sized bathroom is the minimalist style, which involves the use of a minimum number of free-standing elements, characterized by minimum sizes. Besides, important details, such as a toothbrush cup, soap dish, liquid soap bottle, etc. must match in color and harmonize with the overall color concept of the room. Thematic decorative elements will help you place the necessary accents - an exotic shell, a moisture-loving climbing plant or a painting are the most preferred elements. This approach will allow you to create the most functional and, at the same time, stylish bathroom.