We will equip a children's room. Children's corner in a one-room apartment - we arrange a working and sleeping area. Secrets of a beautiful nursery

Every parent dreams of arranging a separate room for their child. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of designers. It is enough not to neglect some rules.

How to arrange a nursery for a girl?

When arranging a children's room for a girl, as a rule, the image of a beautiful doll's room appears. Your girl will most likely like this option. But when creating such an interior, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors:

  • don't paint all the walls bright pink color. If your daughter really wants a classic pink room, suggest she make one wall pink and the rest soft pastel color. And complement the lack of pink with separate elements: bed, chair, bedside rug, curtains, chandelier, pillows
  • try not to make the room completely dollhouse. This interior quickly becomes boring. And the child may quickly lose interest in him

  • if the child still insists on a small kingdom in his room, then zone the space. Select a corner in the room that you will transform into her kingdom. Place a house there (can be made to order from wood), send your favorite dolls and animals there
  • decorate the room with textiles and ruffles

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that the room is intended for relaxation. And there should be a quiet place where the baby will sleep

For girls over 6 years old, the room should already be more functional. It should contain a complete workplace. And the play area will already occupy a small part of the room.

A girl aged 11 years and above will want to see her room no longer as a doll’s, but, on the contrary, as an adult’s. Therefore, the play area leaves the room, and a recreation area appears in its place: comfortable armchair and TV.

How to arrange a nursery for a boy?

For boys principle room arrangement same as for girls(see above).

However, the boy more often wants a separate corner in which he can not hide in a house, but play heartily with cars, pistols, etc.

A boy can install a small one sports section where he can spend his accumulated energy.

IMPORTANT: In the boy’s room, be sure to leave space for running and jumping. Boys are more active than girls.

How to arrange a children's room for two children?

A room for two children should have many functions: two sleeping areas, two work areas, two play areas.

IMPORTANT: For a room for two children, allocate a room of about 20 sq.m. If there is not one, then share the largest available room with the children.

Rules for arranging a children's room for two children with a small age difference:

  • Everyone should have their own recreation area, play area, work area
  • the territory of one child should not be smaller than the territory of another
  • children should be in equal conditions. Otherwise, the child will feel disliked by mom and dad.
  • if the children are friendly, then you can save space by making one play area

How to arrange a small children's room?

It is more difficult to arrange a children's room when the area of ​​the room does not allow you to put everything you want in it. In this case, you need to find a place for the required items:

  • bed or crib (always)
  • desk (for children over 6 years old)
  • wardrobe or chest of drawers for clothes (always)
  • wardrobe or chest of drawers for toys (as long as toys are relevant)
  • lamp or floor lamp

IMPORTANT: The best option In order to save space, it is a two-level module with steps.

On the ground floor there is a work area (for schoolchildren) or a creativity area (for younger children). There are steps leading to the second floor, each of which is essentially a storage box.

Children love to climb the steps to their bed, located on the second floor. In this option, a closet can also be located under the bed.

IMPORTANT: In a small room play area, as such, will not exist. The child will play where space allows

Small children's room for two children

For two children, place everything you need on 10-14 sq.m. the task is difficult. You will have to sacrifice something. It is better to sacrifice the playing area again. The child can play anywhere, anywhere.

IMPORTANT: Comfortable sleeping area and a well-lit workplace are mandatory attributes of a children's room

To accommodate the space of two children in a small room, you will have to purchase two-level systems: either a bed + desk, or bed + bed. In the second option, you will have to find space for two tables.

IMPORTANT: Do not skimp on children's furniture. Make a custom design that will be comfortable for your children and save as much space as possible.

Design for a children's room 10 m. Photo

Design of a children's room 9 m. Photo

Interior of a small children's room

When thinking about the interior of a small room, consider the following points:

  • light colors of the walls and ceiling increase the space
  • bright colors make an already small room smaller. In addition, in a small room they will put pressure on the child’s eyes
  • Do not overload such a room with unnecessary decor. Don't hang a lot of shelves on the walls, don't make a multi-level ceiling
  • Avoid heavy fabric draperies. It is better to install Roman shades or blinds on the windows. If you choose tulle, then let it be straight and not bright

We arrange a children's room with our own hands

When arranging a children's room yourself, consult with your child. Find out how he sees his room. Taking into account his wishes, order or buy furniture.

To add some zest to the interior of the room, sew decorative pillows, buy wall stickers, make an original photo corner, make a topiary, sew bedding that complements the interior.

IMPORTANT: In a room whose interior you created yourself with your child, you feel more warmth and comfort than from a dry design idea

Colors for a children's room for a girl

It is a mistaken belief that pink is the most... optimal color for a girl's room.

A girl's room can be any color. The most popular:

  • pink
  • lilac
  • yellow

Still, try to take muted colors as a basis, and only complement the interior with bright ones.

If your daughter loves light green and wants a room with light green shades, don’t refuse.

IMPORTANT: First of all, your girl should feel comfortable and at ease in her room

Children's furniture for a small room. Photo

For small children's rooms it is rational to use two-level systems

  • Roman blinds look great in a children's room

How to arrange a children's room: tips and reviews

When arranging a children's room, listen to some tips:

  • consider your child's wishes. A child’s room should be his little world, where he wants to return again and again
  • take care of good lighting. If there is little natural light entering the room, add more artificial lighting
  • place in the room floor lamp or hanging lamp. The child may be afraid to go to bed in the dark
  • Do not clutter the room with furniture or other interior items. The room should be easy to breathe
  • don't overdo it bright colors. A bright room will make it difficult for your child to go to sleep and may be irritable at the end of the day.
  • ensure the air temperature in the room is no more than 22 C
  • make furniture to order if the store offers are not very rational for you. Don’t skimp on the quality and comfort of children’s furniture
  • choose environmentally clean materials for children's room

Listen to your child when arranging his room. Then you will receive cozy room and a happy child.

Video: Children's room - Dr. Komarovsky's school

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A schoolchild's room is a multifunctional space. It should be convenient to study, play, sleep, meet friends, do creative work and store many things. At the same time, I want it to be cozy and easily change as the child grows up.

From this material you will learn how to arrange a schoolchild’s room from scratch or transform an existing interior, and also get ideas from a selection of 60 photos of rooms for boys and girls aged 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old.

It is advisable to plan a student’s room so that the play, sleeping and study areas are visually and/or physically separated from each other. This is necessary so that, firstly, the child is not distracted from his studies, and secondly, so that the interior looks orderly.

Below are several examples of how you can divide the space into working and “living” parts.

Another way to create a sense of privacy at your study desk is to simply add a room divider. Reverse side partitions can be used as a drawing area.

In the following photos you can see the interior of a schoolboy boy’s room, in which a partition with sliding doors The playing area is isolated, and the table and bed are placed in the same space.

If you don’t want to share the room, place the play corner behind desk or from the side, but not too close. So the child simply will not see his favorite toys, which means he will be less exposed to temptations.

This technique is a win-win if you want to decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room for growth. When the time comes for change, you can update the interior without making renovations, but only by replacing furniture, curtains or decor. Besides, neutral shades good because they do not interfere with study, games, or sleep. Well, to prevent the room from being too boring, the interior just needs to be diluted with color accents.

  • The most versatile wall shade is soft white. Other great tones: beige, light grey, grey-green, grey-blue.

This selection of photos shows the interiors of schoolgirls’ and schoolchildren’s rooms, decorated in neutral colors.

Tip 3. Decorate your work area with colors that promote concentration and brain activity

Here is a list of flowers that will decorate the interior and help with your studies:

  • Yellow;
  • Green (not too bright);
  • Orange;
  • Blue;
  • Brown.

Use all the listed paints (except green) in large quantities or throughout the room is not advisable. So, for example, yellow and orange begin to irritate with prolonged exposure, and blue risks “freezing” the room.

How to correctly use this advice in practice? Just hang a calendar, map, class schedule or other on the wall near your desk. necessary materials in the colors listed above. You can also put a colored organizer for stationery on the table, and boxes for papers on the shelves.

It is very important to choose work furniture for a student's room according to height. And since schoolchildren grow very quickly, it is most rational to buy a transforming table with adjustable height and tilt of the tabletop, as well as a chair with adjustable seat height.

Below is a table to help you choose the height of your desk.

If you already have a table, but it does not correspond to the child’s height, buy a children’s “office” chair and place a stand under your feet (it can be made from thick books and extended if necessary).

  • The correct tabletop height is just below chest level (2-3 cm). Please note that your hands should rest on the table freely, without tension. Below in the memo there are other tips for arranging a student’s study table.

You can read more about arranging a schoolchild’s workplace in our article:.

Tip 5: Create even lighting and choose the right table lamp

When arranging a student’s room, it is important to plan the lighting correctly. It should be uniform, not dull and not too bright. Ideally, the central chandelier should be complemented or completely along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

If the renovation has already been done, then floor lamps and table lamps can complement the chandelier.

  • Remember that reading and doing homework only in overhead lighting is harmful to a child’s vision. The desk must have a lamp with adjustable height and tilt, as well as a lampshade/shade. Light bulb in table lamp An LED with a white matte coating (so that the light does not blind the eyes) and a power of 60 W is desirable.

The light source should be on the left if the child is right-handed and on the right if the child is left-handed.

The same rule applies to daylight, so ideally the table should be placed not parallel to the window, but perpendicular.

Children up to about 10-12 years old still need games, so the design of the play area also needs to be given a lot of attention. Moreover, it is games that help children best assimilate knowledge. Here are some ideas for arranging a developing play space:

  • A magnetic board on which the child can form words from magnetic letters. When the child grows up, the board can be used to display drawings, certificates, photographs, etc.

  • Table for playing chess, assembling construction sets, modeling, drawing, assembling mosaics, and handicrafts.
  • Mini theater with curtain and stage.

  • Railway.
  • Toy piano.

And so that the child can relax, warm up and give himself a “break”, it would be good, namely:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Home climbing wall;
  • Basketball hoop;
  • A gymnastic ball.

Globe, geographic map, interior numbers and letters, pictures from botanical or ethnographic atlases, model solar system, reproductions of great paintings - all this will be useful for the child’s education and, at the same time, will decorate the interior. True, you shouldn’t go overboard with educational decor either, because a student’s room is not only an office, but also a bedroom.

Below is a selection of photo examples of how you can decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room.

You should not put certificates, medals and cups in a box; it is better to collect them in one place and arrange them beautifully. It is better to frame especially important diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

An achievement corner can be placed on the top shelf above the desk, on the shelf of a bookshelf, or above the bed.

It's good when a child has his own library and a cute reading corner- this makes it easier to instill in a child an interest in reading.

  • You can choose a bookcase that is narrow so as not to take up much space in the room, and in addition to books, it should be decorated with cute little things - figurines, favorite toys, photo frames, etc.

Tip 10. Organize a storage system for school things and clothes

Here are tips to help you organize the storage of things in your student’s room and teach your child to maintain order:

  • Distribute notebooks, textbooks, stationery, reference books, etc. according to the principle “the more necessary, the closer.” Thus, notebooks and textbooks should be in the top drawer of the nightstand or on the nearest shelf. If the child is right-handed, then the working cabinet/bedside table should be placed on the right; if the child is left-handed, then on the left.
  • Most comfortable for a child wardrobe– narrow (about 40 cm deep), with a bar installed at eye level, drawers that close smoothly and cannot be pulled out completely. It's great if the wardrobe has lighting.

  • The wardrobe can be replaced with a chest of drawers (it is more convenient for a child) and supplemented with a cute hanger for clothes that cannot be wrinkled, including school uniforms.
  • When setting up a play area, get rid of toys that the child has already outgrown, and organize a storage system for the remaining things: divide them into categories and store them in labeled containers/baskets.
  • Teach your child to put things in their place, not to accumulate rubbish, and also to put things not in piles, but... folded into rectangles or at least rolls and arranged vertically. Take a look at our article about and learn other useful tricks.
  • In a small student’s room, you need to use non-standard storage places and multifunctional furniture. So, for example, you should choose a bed with drawers or with a headboard with shelves. Instead of a bedside table, you can hang a pocket for a book and a bottle of water on the side of the bed. A couple of shelves will also come in handy (they can be hung above the bed, desk, above the door and even above the window).

Arranging a child’s personal territory is not an easy task. After all, parents always strive to give their children the best. Every mother's dream is a fairy-tale room for babies. And before you take on renovations, think through everything down to the smallest detail, because a children’s room is a place where the baby sleeps, plays, studies, and communicates with friends. His development and desire to learn depend on how comfortable and pleasant a child is in his own territory. How to arrange a children's room 50 photos of interior ideas.

First of all, parents should make sure that during the renovation period children are not in the house and do not breathe paint and dust. And imagine what a surprise the kids will have if, for example, they return from grandma’s, open the door of their own room and find themselves in a fairy tale that your caring hands have created.

What colors to choose for the nursery

How to arrange a children's room - the colors of the objects that surround the baby have great value. Under no circumstances choose paints and wallpapers in dark, “metallic” shades. They suppress the child. However, “hot” and aggressive colors (say, red) should be avoided: in a red room it will be impossible to calm down and put the child to sleep. But yellow, peach, green in combination with wooden furniture best correspond to the characteristics of the physiology and psyche of children: they balance, calm, and develop.

But on the shelves there should be bright books, various pictures and toys. Also, leave room on the wall for a nursery. art gallery(after all, all children love to draw) - imagine how proud your child will be when guests admire his creativity. Setting up a children's room photo:

What to do with the floor in the nursery

It's no secret that all kids love to play on the floor, so it should be safe and clean. Forget about tiles and carpet. The first option is slippery, and the second absorbs too much dust and germs (because of this, the child may develop allergies and even chronic bronchitis). And here wooden parquet, laminate or cork covering- exactly what you need. If you want to use a rug, then give preference to one made from natural materials rather than synthetics.

Furniture for children's room

How to arrange a children's room for two, first of all, children's furniture should be durable and safe. Experts advise avoiding things made from chipboard, because they use too much glue to make them. The best material, although by no means the cheapest, is natural wood. When buying things for your room, be sure to ask the sellers for a hygiene certificate and avoid dubious shops and markets where they can sell you something unknown and of unknown quality. Items in a children's room should have no sharp corners, simple shapes and large details. Setting up a children's room photo:

It is ideal when kids have a separate wardrobe for clothes, a rack or bookcase for books, a chest of drawers (box) for toys, a desk with a comfortable chair and, of course, a crib. By the way, if two children live in the room, a bunk bed would be an excellent option to save on space (however, remember that it must be durable and safe). If you have Small child, buy a crib with a canopy - it will protect the baby from bright light, in the summer - from insects, but you will have to wash it at least once a week, because the canopies intensively absorb dust.


How to arrange a small children's room. The light in a children's room should not be harsh or dim, but bright and soft at the same time. To do this, purchase a chandelier with a white lampshade - it will diffuse the light. A better room will be illuminated if three light sources are placed in it at three levels: on the ceiling, wall and table. Lighting the work area is very important. When it is correct, the child will be less tired, and most importantly, it will not damage his vision. Therefore, take care of a good table lamp (its power should not exceed 60 W).

How to arrange everything

How to arrange a children's room for a boy so that children feel as comfortable as possible in their own territory; divide the room into the following zones: for study, for games and for relaxation. It is better to place the work desk near the window: when the student will do homework during the day, you don’t have to turn it on table lamp, yes and daylight does not harm vision. A play area is not a whim, but an urgent need for a child.

After all, after classes he wants to rest, relax, and play with his favorite toys. In this area there should be a box with toys or a cabinet for storing them. If there is at least a little free space (by the way, for this you can use part of the territory, a designated play area), arrange wall bars– this is both fun for kids and their physical development. Place the crib in a secluded place.

How to arrange a small children's room, if the room has a niche - “hide” the crib there and add an original screen (this will add mystery to the interior, and the baby will not stylistic decision will be delighted). Don't forget to hang several shelves for books, "important" little things and other "treasures". We are arranging a children's room, see photos below:

Arranging a nursery is a responsible task. As a rule, a children's room has small area, and parents are faced with the difficult task of how to arrange everything so that the active Pochemuchka can run, play, and do his homework?

Let’s say right away that there is no place for expensive things in either a small or a large children’s room; everything in it should be practical, hygienic, environmentally friendly and, first of all, appealing to the child himself. For walls and ceilings we recommend simple “breathable” whitewash and paper wallpaper. For the floor, it is better to choose laminate or linoleum, which is non-flammable and easy to clean. carpet covering. To make the room visually look more spacious, designers recommend using light colors.

Wallpaper for a children's room is suitable in pastel colors. For young children, psychologists recommend a pinkish color. They can depict cartoon and children's book characters, funny animals, and toys. For older children, the selection criteria are different: a boy will like wallpaper in strict “masculine” colors with an appropriate design (ships, sports, cars), a girl will like warm colors, flowers and trees, butterflies, landscapes.

However, when furnishing a small children's room, you should highlight bright accents, this could be a lamp, curtains, bright pillows, etc.

To prevent the child’s vision from deteriorating, the lighting of the nursery must be carefully thought out. The place for reading and lessons should be properly lit. Do not buy transparent lamps that are harmful to the eyes; Milky white is optimal, but a green lampshade is also possible. Try to keep the lighting bright but not harsh. Firstly, this is good for the eyes, and secondly, good, properly selected lighting will visually expand the area.

Separate mention should be made about the selection of colors for the nursery. Light, not too bright and dark colors. It is known about the stimulating effect of red, so it is permissible only for lethargic and phlegmatic children, the depressing effect of blue (it is better to prefer blue, the color of the sky and sea, and, by the way, it suits teenagers better than kids). Green does not cause any complaints, yellow and light orange are not bad. The desk should be dim and not particularly light.

Children's furniture is sold in abundance, but you need to choose it carefully. The table and chairs should not be too high; special attention should be paid to the strength and stability of children's furniture. There are children's furniture in stores with rounded corners, without glass parts. Furniture for a small children's room should be as comfortable, spacious and functional as possible.

Pay attention to modular and cabinet furniture, which can be converted as needed into transformable furniture - its height can be changed when the child grows up. Bunk bed Can be purchased for an only child. This will free up space for games, and children love these beds.

What should a small children's room be like?

No matter how small the children's room is, try to highlight several zones - for relaxation, for play and for study. To delimit zones, use different color solutions. Don't forget to hang a mirror in the nursery, especially if its occupant is a little lady.

It is even more difficult and interesting to arrange a small children's room intended for two children, especially of different genders and ages. In this case, two zones of different colors and styles are also recommended. A boy will like the techno style, a girl will like the romantic style. This is important because even if you can give your children just one room, each of them must have their own corner in it.

It is better to buy completely neutral wallpaper for a children's room in which children of different sexes will live, and decorate the walls near each crib differently: with rugs, paintings, posters, stickers, toys and souvenirs, photographs and crafts, for a boy - alone, for girls are different.

Curtains for a nursery should be easy to wash and not get very dirty. Special attention Pay attention to the reliability and strength of the cornice fastenings. Dark or overly bright material for curtains is extremely undesirable, as is expensive material. Not flammable. Girls like complex fantasy styles with frills, bows and lambrequins, warm colors, and floral patterns. For boys - khaki and cowboy denim blue. Please note that for a small children's room, light, airy fabrics are preferable, while heavy, dark curtains hide the space.

Small children's room - photo

Remember, the main thing is not the space, but the love and attention with which you create the interior for your little angels!

How is a child’s room different from other rooms in the house? The obvious answer is that a child lives in it. This imposes its own requirements on the materials used and the interior design of a nursery for a boy or girl, for a toddler or a teenager. And for children it replaces the playroom, office and bedroom. Therefore, without proper zoning and selection of furniture, especially in small room, there's no way around it. Finally, the design of the room can and should reflect the character and interests of the child and help develop them.

The good and bad of a small nursery

A small area is not always a bad thing. A small nursery also has its advantages:

  • Small rooms are perceived as more comfortable than spacious ones. This is important for a child’s room.
  • Even a small nursery is better than no nursery. This is the child’s personal space that he needs to have.
  • The shape of such rooms is often not too elongated, which makes their arrangement easier.
  • It will be easier for the child to learn order and cleanliness. Because such a room is both easier and necessary to keep clean, otherwise it will become cluttered and uncomfortable

The disadvantages of a small children's room are obvious:

  • It is difficult to place all the necessary pieces of furniture and decor in it.
  • There may be no room left for outdoor games at all.
  • It will be inconvenient to receive guests in such a room

Given this, it is important to approach the design of the room wisely. If you overload it with accessories and interior items, it can become like a pantry.

Interior style of a room for children and teenagers

The design of a nursery for a boy and a girl will differ in color and style. When choosing a style, it is important to take into account not only the tastes of the parents, but also the hobbies of the children. Let's look at several popular interior design trends for a child's room.


This modern style is a compromise. Teens and parents will love it. What is important is that it is well suited for a small room. The main features of minimalism are the absence of details in interior decor, laconicism and functionality. The design is dominated by light colors. Common design technique- creating color contrasts - for example, dark floors and light walls and ceiling. Are used glossy surfaces, plastic along with natural materials.

High tech

The main difference between high-tech and minimalism is the active use of technology. Its characteristic materials are chromed metal, plastic, glass. Current colors- white, gray, metallic. High-tech loves the right ones geometric shapes, smooth lines also have a place in it. This interior is more suitable for boys. Using this style, you can play on many themes - for example, decorate a room in the form of a laboratory, an airplane cockpit or a spaceship.


Country or rustic style is suitable for a child of any gender. It is distinguished by exquisite simplicity. Along with other natural materials, wood is still the main one. The furniture is made from it and the finishing is done. Country also means an abundance of textiles used as furniture upholstery and decorative items. The color scheme is dominated by brown and wood shades. This interior creates a unique feeling of home warmth and comfort.


An interior in this style is ideal for a girl or girl. Provence is called French country. His calling card is floral designs and delicate pastel shades. Otherwise, it is similar to country and is distinguished by sophistication, the use of natural finishing materials, wooden furniture, which is decorated with carved elements.

It is also well suited for decorating a nursery. It is characterized by features of minimalism, but without strict laconicism. Current colors are white, creamy as the main one, and bright tones are used to create color spots that make the interior unique.

Scandinavian style is an abundance of light. That's why the windows don't close heavy curtains. Main finishing material a tree protrudes. An interior in this style does not seem boring, while at the same time remaining calm and cozy.


This design style will appeal to teenagers. Business card loft - rough brickwork or its imitation, ceiling beams, exposed communications, rough finishing, natural materials. Loft loves high ceilings And free space. It is difficult to implement this in a small room, but many loft features can still coexist in it. You can use a suspended ceiling for visual increase rooms. It is better not to cover the windows with curtains, but to use light modern pleated curtains or blinds.

Photo gallery: room design for a child in various styles

The interior of the children's room is made in a modern style with a suspended ceiling
High-tech in children's room design
The area of ​​the room in Scandinavian style was increased due to the loggia
Beautiful carved furniture, delicate floral patterns are inherent in the Provence style Room for a teenager in a loft style
Minimalism is the minimum of everything: colors, furniture, decor
Bright combinations flowers enliven the minimalist interior of the room
Comfort and peace of country interior
Small checks are typical for the Provence style An example of a nursery design in country style for two children

How to organize space - planning and zoning

In the interior of a child's room, ideally, three zones should be distinguished: work, play and relaxation. In a small room you can leave only two of them. Depending on the age of the child, this can be a recreation area and a work area or a recreation area and a play area. In a girl's room, you need to provide a place for a toilet.

To highlight zones, you can use design techniques:

  1. Use spot lighting, floor and hanging lamps, LED lighting
  2. Use different flooring and podiums for individual areas
  3. Multi-level ceiling in the room
  4. Glass and lightweight partitions
  5. Combining the described techniques

Partitions in a room are often used for zoning, for example, to separate a relaxation area from a work area.

The combination of a multi-level suspended ceiling with lighting is also a popular zoning technique in a children's room.

Selecting the color scheme

The child's psyche is extremely sensitive to environment, and vision acutely perceives colors and shades. That is why soft, calm tones should prevail in a room for a child under two years old. Bright colors and bold designs will be appropriate in later life.

Ideal color combinations for your baby

One of these is a combination of neutral blue tones with soft yellow shades. These colors create a feeling of security and comfort. For example, walls painted in a calm blue tone go well with a classic white ceiling and wood floor color. Yellow shades decorative items and furniture add warmth and comfort to the interior.

The combination in the interior of sky blue with light colors creates a cheerful atmosphere in the room.

The wood color of a floor finished with parquet or laminate is also a good solution for a nursery, since wood has a good therapeutic effect - it calms, creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, closeness to nature.

At a slightly older age - from the age of four - you can actively use bright colors in the interior to create accents - red, green, yellow, blue. But it is better to avoid transitions to black colors in the nursery - such a design will have a depressing effect.

Two-color combinations

Two-color combinations in children's design in most cases are a good decision. The ceiling can be painted in White color or color Ivory, the floor should be finished with parquet, laminate or linoleum with a wood pattern. Walls and pieces of furniture and decor are the elements for which we will select colors.

Good solutions in a girl’s room would be combinations of light green and sand, soft lilac with a gray palette, green and pink.

In boys' rooms you can use shades of blue and moderate blue. Too much blue light can cause depression. However, small accents promote rest and relaxation.

Decoration of walls, floors and ceilings

Not all finishing and Construction Materials Suitable for decorating a children's room. Let's consider the most successful options.


As flooring Cork is popular for children. It is eco-friendly and warm material, and most importantly - soft. He is not afraid of moisture.

Another popular material is laminate. It is easy to clean, highly durable, and looks beautiful. Laminate flooring is easy to install and is most suitable for underfloor heating systems.

You can also use parquet boards as flooring in the nursery. It is less noisy than laminate. It can also be laid with my own hands. Parquet board easily restores its appearance using varnish and sanding.


IN modern practice popular ceiling solutions are suspended and tensile structures. Dropped ceilings Drywall can be made multi-level, and also create a variety of shapes. PVC stretch ceilings raise concerns among some parents regarding their health safety. High-quality canvas does not pose a threat to the child. By using suspended ceilings you can create design masterpieces - for example, starry sky or clouds.

A common option is a combination of suspended and suspended ceilings.


The simplest option for decorating walls is wallpapering. Since all children love to draw, it is better not to use expensive wallpaper in the nursery, so that if necessary, they can be easily replaced.

In addition to wallpaper, there are several ways to give your child’s room a fabulous and unusual look: painting the walls in different colors, decoration with ornaments, use of photo wallpapers, drawings.

Furniture for a children's room-bedroom

When choosing furniture for a nursery, two basic rules apply: it must be safe and functional in order to save space in the room. Therefore, sharp corners should be avoided and the use of metal parts should be limited.

Common pieces of furniture are a desk and a bed. A bed with drawers will fit well into the design of a nursery and help free up additional space. Boxes can be used to store toys. You can diversify the interior with poufs and frameless pear chairs.

The location of the furniture needs to be thought out based on the existing conditions and zoning. It is ideal to arrange a work area with a desk opposite the window or so that it is on the side. When sitting at the table, the child should not have his back to the door. On the contrary, it is better not to place the bed directly under a window or next to a heating radiator.


High-quality textiles for children's rooms are an integral part of the interior. It creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Textiles should be bright, but at the same time harmonize with the color scheme of the room.

Lighting and decor

IN modern interior lighting plays not only a functional, but also an aesthetic role. This is also true for children's rooms. With the help of light you can create an amazing atmosphere in your child's room.

It is necessary to consider not only the main lighting, but also the night lighting. Today the market offers a variety of night lamps of all shapes and types.

Particular attention should be paid to natural light, which is so necessary for the child. There should be quite a lot of it. Therefore, it is better if the children’s windows face south.


Decorating a nursery is a challenge for parents' imagination. Decorative elements in the nursery correspond to the theme of the design. For example, for the room of a young sailor, ropes are suitable, Lifebuoy, ship's wheel and so on. The room of a little princess can be decorated with cartoon characters, flowers, and butterflies.

Large and small would be appropriate in the nursery Stuffed Toys- animals, cartoon characters, various objects, etc.

Photo gallery: small nursery for a girl

Calm interior in brown and chocolate tones, enlivened by green, blue and white colors
Children's room modern style: if there is no other way out, it is allowed to place the bed next to the window
Interior of a nursery for a girl in Scandinavian style
Accommodation option working area on the podium
Children's interior for two girls
Interior in pink tones for young princesses
Photo prints with cartoon characters decorate a girl's room
Minimalistic interior of a room for a teenage girl
Provence style is popular for decorating children's rooms for girls
Accessories, musical instruments, the design of the room matches the personality and interests of a teenage girl or girl

Photo gallery: small nursery for a boy

Room of a young discoverer and traveler
Decorating a room for two boys
Option beautiful finishes floor in a teenager's room
A bed in the shape of a racing car along with other details will help decorate the room of a young racer
Boy's room in a modern style
Example of highlighting different functional zones in the children's room
Room for young athletes
Bright interior design of a nursery for two boys
Restrained stylish interior rooms for teenagers
Interior of a young football player's room in minimalist style

How to arrange a small nursery for two or three children?

The peculiarity of the interior of a room for several children is that parents need to find a compromise based on their interests and gender. For children of different genders you need to choose a neutral color scheme, which is suitable for both boys and girls. This can be a light background in combination with green, yellow, purple shades. If the children are of the same sex, the choice task color design simplified.

An integral attribute of a room for three children is a bunk bed. In the case of two children, and if space allows, you can put two regular beds in the nursery. To save space, you can use beds with drawers.

Photo gallery: small room for two, three children

Minimal amount necessary furniture in a nursery for two boys will save space
Selecting a play area in a nursery for two children using a podium