How to decorate an old door with your own hands. All the most interesting things about door decor. How to beautifully decorate an old kitchen door yourself: ideas, photos

Original design The design of house doors is not always the prerogative of professionals. At great desire And creative approach unusual decor doors can be made by any talented person. From our selection you will learn how to decorate a door with your own hands in the five most accessible ways for an amateur.

How to decorate a house door with your own hands.

Decorating a door with your own hands is a whole complex of stages, and according to the overwhelming majority of experts, initial preparation is considered perhaps the most important part of the work.

As a rule, the owners decide to decorate the old doors of the house in an original way, brave people who are ready to decorate a brand new home door beyond recognition are rare, because new thing often looks good anyway.

Let's start with the simplest thing, namely, what needs to be done before decorating the front door? In this case we are talking about the street, front part of the door leaf. According to statistics, more than 70% of owners prefer to install metal doors at the entrance.

The easiest way is the outer part metal door paint to match the stencil.

Steel structures can be decorated from the outside in only two ways: painting and cladding with wood or MDF. In both cases old paint you need to try to remove it, sand the base and degrease it.

Remove paint from steel sheet possible in three ways:

  1. The simplest thing is to buy a remover and dissolve the coating. The method is quick and effective, but only if the door of the house faces the street. In a closed entrance of a multi-storey building there may be problems with neighbors, because the wash is a “wildly” smelly and harmful thing;
  2. You can also buy an attachment in the form of an iron brush (cord brush) for an angle grinder and scrape off the paint with it, the only problem here is noise;
  3. Relatively quiet, harmless and at the same time effective way This is to heat the base with a hair dryer and scrape off the coating with a spatula, but if inside iron door polystyrene foam, the temperature may cause the insulation to melt slightly.

The most harmless way to remove old paint is to heat it with a hair dryer.

Don't try to reheat old paint. blowtorch or gas burner, firstly, you can cause a fire, and secondly, at this temperature the metal may be partially deformed, and burnouts will appear on the wood.

Potholes and chips in old MDF or chipboard panels are cleaned out iron brush and covered with putty, in this case the composition is taken for external work on wood, and when the putty has completely hardened, the surface is sanded with emery and covered with primer.

Continuous application of putty using a spatula.

Preparing an old wooden door is not much different from preparing the same chipboard. The first thing you need to do is remove upper layer old paint or varnish. In addition to the three cleaning methods listed above, you can also take a sharp steel scraper and try to clean the paint with it, which is physically difficult, but quite possible.

The installation sites for the lock must be prepared especially carefully.

When did you manage to get rid of old decoration, you need to clean out and slightly widen the visible cracks with a knife or chisel. Next, pick up a sanding machine with medium sandpaper and sand the surface.

It will not be possible to level the surface with sandpaper alone, so before decorating old door, all serious defects need to be puttyed, dried and sanded again with a machine, but now with fine sandpaper.

Acrylic putty is one of the the best lineups for leveling wooden doors.

Then you brush off the dust and cover the wood with acrylic or latex primer. In principle, you can grind it by hand, but it is time-consuming and difficult.

Five ways to decorate doors

Decor front door made of wood (from the side of the home) is no different from artistic decoration internal and interior doors, except that it is advisable to take waterproof compounds and be sure to prime the base.

Method number 1. Coloring

The easiest way to decorate an old door with your own hands is to paint it. It is difficult to call such home door decor original, but we mentioned it, since coloring is an integral part of most more complex types of decoration.

If difficult original decor the door doesn't appeal to you, just paint it.

  • Despite the apparent simplicity, painting has its own nuances, so that the composition lays evenly and without drips, it is better to remove the canvas from its hinges and paint horizontally;
  • If you are painting for further decoration of doors, then take acrylic or acrylate paint;
  • Nitroenamel dries within an hour, plus it has a glossy shine, but such compositions are made with a solvent, and therefore have a pungent smell;
  • Oil paints are the most affordable option, but they are not very suitable for decoration, only simple painting.

Method number 2. Wallpaper for old doors

First, about the wallpaper itself:

  • You shouldn’t take paper models, because the finish should not only be beautiful, but also durable, and paper will lose all its attractiveness in a year;
  • Textured wallpaper with vinyl coating is best used for placing accents, that is, in fragments. Plus, vinyl is resistant to the claws of pets;
  • The best option is to decorate old doors with non-woven fabrics and glass wallpaper; they are strong, durable, retain their appearance for a long time, and most importantly, do not stretch when wet.
  • But a truly win-win DIY door decor is photo wallpaper. They don't cost much more than standard non-woven fabric, and the effect can exceed your wildest expectations.

Properly selected photo wallpaper will turn the room into a fairy tale.

If the base is well leveled and primed, then you can safely buy a regular one. wallpaper glue and stick it on it. Without primer, for example, when gluing doors painted with nitro enamel, it is better to use PVA.

We cut the canvas to size.

The instructions are usual:

  1. Remove handles and other fittings from doors;
  2. Prepare the base;
  3. Apply glue to the base;
  4. Lubricate the wallpaper with glue;
  5. Glue the wallpaper to the doors and remove the air using a special plastic spatula. While the wallpaper is drying, you need to exclude drafts.

There is an important point here: if you take non-woven or glass wallpaper, then they are not smeared with glue, the glue is applied only to the base.

We expel the air and decorate the doors polyurethane moldings.

The door will look original, one might even say chic, if you decorate it with polyurethane moldings. Moreover, you need to take polyurethane and glue it to liquid nails or some similar composition. Foam fillets look the same, but they are easy to break.

Method number 3. “Creative mess”

This DIY door design can be called truly unique. After all, even the most best wallpapers This is still a serial product, and here you create your own unique picture.

This method also looks especially attractive because there is no need to sand or putty the doors; all irregularities and defects will be hidden by the relief ornament; all you need to do is degrease or prime the base.

We will do the general relief decoration of the door using papier-mâché from egg trays. There is nothing complicated here: take an egg tray and knead it, naturally it will tear, but this does not matter, because we do not need clear dimensions.

Prepare and glue the papier-mâché.

Papier-mâché can be glued to doors with any high-quality glue, for example “Moment”, or you can use a glue gun.

The more little things there are, the more original the panel will be.

In addition to egg trays, we will need various small trash. Here, everything from buttons to a broken computer mouse will be used, and the more diverse this “garbage” is, the higher the likelihood of creating a truly unique decor. Small things are also glued to the door; choose the pattern yourself.

Any old things are suitable for decoration.

After the door is decorated in this way, it needs to be painted, the paint will seem to depersonalize small parts turning them into the big picture. Of course, a roller and brushes won’t help here, so you need to buy aerosol enamel; it’s better to take automotive enamel, it’s of better quality. The canvas takes about 2 cylinders.

Aerosol enamel for exterior and interior use.

Method number 4. The simplest decoupage

Decorating doors with your own hands using the decoupage technique can be different, but since we are talking about the most available ways, then as the main material we will use three-layer paper napkins with a pattern

Decoupage technique is not new, but always original.

We begin work as usual, that is, leveling, puttying, sanding, painting. Next we will need the napkins themselves and PVA glue.

We don’t need complete napkins, we are only interested in the top layer with the pattern, and we separate it from all the napkins. Be careful, the paper is very thin and tears easily.

We tear the napkins into strips.

Now the napkins with the ornament need to be torn into strips. Keep in mind: you need to tear, not cut, we are interested in elements with uneven edges. Since we tore a regular square, we will have two strips with straight edges, they need to be put aside, and the entire middle should be torn into small squares.

We tear the middle strips into small squares.

PVA glue in the form in which it is sold does not suit us (it is very thick), so before decorating the door we dilute the glue clean water in a 1:1 ratio.

The strips with a straight edge are glued first. Take a soft brush and first coat the door fragment with diluted glue. After this, carefully apply the strip and level it with a brush on the plane. You shouldn’t pay attention to small wrinkles; they will only make the decor better.

When the outline is pasted over, you begin to arrange the middle part. The technology is the same: you lubricate the base and glue those small squares of napkins that we have folded separately.

PVA glue dries on average in about a day at normal room temperature. Next, buy transparent acrylic varnish and cover the doors with it. It is not advisable to use another varnish, since initially we painted the base with acrylic paint and the reaction to a different composition can be unpredictable, even to the point of rejection.

Decoupage with paper napkins looks original and is easy to set up.

Method number 5. Fashionable Shabby chic

To explain it more simply, the overseas name Shabby Chic This is one of the many options for artificial aging; after processing, the wood acquires a grayish noble shade.

Please note: the base here is not initially sanded, but on the contrary, the surface is stitched with an abrasive ball. This ball is a hard metallized brush that selects soft fabrics array, leaving hard, clearly defined fibers.

Sanding wood with an abrasive ball.

Now we need to lightly sand our door with an abrasive wheel. In hard-to-reach curved nooks and crannies, you will have to sand them manually using sandpaper with P180 grain.

Sanding wooden doors with an abrasive wheel or P180 sandpaper.

Decorating doors with your own hands using the Shabby Chic technique looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied with white acrylic paint and immediately wiped off with a napkin, after which we leave the door to dry for 2 hours;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a layer of paint a little darker and also quickly wipe off the excess with a napkin;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a third, dark layer of binder and wipe again with a napkin;

Wipe off the next layer of binder with a napkin.

  1. After half an hour, take the finishing varnish, cover the doors with one layer and leave to dry for another half hour (the finishing varnish dries quickly);

  1. After drying, take P180 sandpaper and sand it down to wood, but without fanaticism, not evenly;

  1. The finishing is completed by applying 2 layers of finishing varnish, the first layer is a primer, the second is a front layer. That's it, finishing is done.


Now you know how to decorate an old door with five relatively in simple ways, there are other options in the video in this article, they also deserve attention.

Mirror door decor is fresh and original.

Replacing old doors with new ones is quite expensive, since interior doors to the toilet and bathroom are mostly made in the same style, that is, if they are replaced, then all at once.

Therefore, we offer 4 master classes on how to update wooden doors with your own hands with photos and detailed instructions. And not just paint, but implement interesting design solutions!

The simplest and easy method updates - make them beautiful geometric door stickers. To do this, you will need a self-adhesive film, preferably contrasting with the color of the door.

  1. Make a preliminary marking of the pattern on the surface with a pencil.
  2. Apply the film and press and rub the air under the film with a rag.
  3. This method does not require removing the door leaf from its hinges; it can also be done in a vertical position.

ATTENTION: Just please do not completely cover the doors with wood-grain film! It looks terrible and old fashioned! It’s better to take a plain film and geometry.

You can cover the doors with a one-color film for chalk drawing; it is not cheap, but it looks impressive. And change the inscriptions every day!

Painting wooden doors

Also, this method is not labor-intensive and requires minimal costs! You can paint your interior doors in absolutely any color! Here we will discuss in detail how to do this. But Painting requires removal of the doors with hinges.

What kind of paint do we use:

  • Any for interior and interior woodwork, water and acrylic based— it is absolutely odorless! Alkyd paint there is no need for you!
  • Take matte, not glossy. Glyantseva will highlight all the irregularities on your surface.
  • Paint in a can is dangerous because if you are painting for the first time, you are unlikely to paint it evenly!! Also, if you are planning to paint directly in the apartment, keep in mind that it “flies” in all directions. Therefore, it is better for beginners to start with regular paint and a roller.

What we paint and the technique for painting a door:

  • Solid and smooth doors - only wide roller! We paint in 2-3 layers with a very thin coating.
  • If the doors have panels, then first we paint all the recesses with a thin brush, and then we do a full coating with a roller.

Door with overlay strips

A door with embossed overlays looks much more original and interesting than a regular flat one. Making such changes is quite simple and does not take much time. In terms of money, the cost will be only a little more than just painting, and much cheaper than buying a new door.

Necessary materials:

  • Door
    Overlay wooden planks
    Long ruler and construction angle
  • Miter box
    Liquid nails or other wood glue
  • Paint (white here)
    Building level(not necessary, but very helpful for checking how evenly you are installing the trim strips)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Paint the door. First you need to repaint the old wooden door in the chosen color, in this case white. Leave to dry.

On top of the dried paint you need to mark the fastening of the overhead wooden planks. To do this, draw lines with a pencil (without pressing it too hard) and a ruler, to get perpendicular lines, use a construction corner.

In this case, the drawing consists of two rectangles located one above the other.

  • In the photo below you can see all the calculations that show how much to retreat: 5" (about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where the distance from the edge to the line is 6" (about 15 cm).
  • You can make other indentations, depending on the size of the door (for example, if you decide to update the cabinet doors in the same way, you need to indent clearly less).

Step 3: Cut out the strips

Now you need to cut the strips of the appropriate size (measure the length of the outlined lines). If you don't have a home necessary tools, this can be done directly at the hardware store for a small surcharge. If you do it yourself, you will need not only a saw, but also a miter box to cut out the ends of the planks are at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 4: Attach the planks

Place all the planks on the marked lines. Make sure they are all required length and meet evenly at the corners.

  1. Now lift each plank in turn, apply glue to it and put it back in place. If excess glue suddenly leaks out from under the plank, you can remove it with a damp paper towel.
  2. Glue must dry for about 24 hours. To ensure that the planks stick evenly and reliably, attach them with tape while drying, fixing the position and pressing down.
  3. A larger amount of tape ensures secure fastening.

Note: you can glue already painted planks, or glue and then paint; You can also not paint the door at first (skip step 1), but do it together with the glued strips.

Step 5: Install the door

After the glue has dried, you need to carefully peel the tape off the door; it is better to use masking tape that does not leave marks.

Now all that remains is to put the remodeled door in place and attach the handle. And everything is ready!

Door with overlay panels

This master class differs from the previous one in that here we will not only attach the planks, but also fill the inside of the doors has overlay panels.

Necessary materials:

  • Plastic panels (we make these here, but wooden panels can also be used)
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Building level
  • Construction adhesive
  • Latex paint
  • Screwdriver
  • Masking tape
  • Hand saw
  • Screws
  • Safety glasses and earmuffs
  • Putty for plastic
  • Putty knife
  • Sander (or sandpaper)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Correct the door defects. If the door is very old and has some defects that cannot be hidden by painting (for example, the top coating has chipped off in places, or there are deep scratches), then initially you need to remove them and make the surface smooth.

  • To do this, apply wood putty and let it dry,
  • then level it surface grinding machine go sandpaper.

Step 2: Outlining the location of the planks

We will do the marking here the same as in the previous case, that is, we will retreat 5" (about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where we leave 6" (about 15 cm).

ADVICE: If there is no long ruler, lines can be drawn using a building level.

Step 3: Attach the panel

Apply construction adhesive to reverse side plastic panels.

Place the panels on the door and check that they are positioned correctly using a level. The sides of the panels should be clearly parallel to the edges of the door.

Press down on the panel until it presses firmly against the door and sticks securely. Secure this entire structure around the perimeter with small screws using a screwdriver.

Step 4: Attach the planks

Again, you can either trim the strips to the right size in the store, or do it yourself using a saw and miter box. The strips should surround the panels around the perimeter, fitting tightly to them.

Note: the planks can be glued initially construction glue, and then secure with screws.

This is what should happen at this stage:

Step 5: Paint the door. Now all that remains is to paint the door and leave it until completely dry.

Now compare the door before and after repair:

The applied relief makes the door more stylish and affects the appearance of the entire room as a whole:

Don't be afraid to change up old items and give them a different look. Give them the opportunity to serve you again, but in a new guise!

Sections of the article:

Over time, old doors become less attractive and require updating. Not every person can afford to replace old doors with new ones, especially if such a step cannot be justified urgent need. In most cases, all that is required is repainting or decorating the door, after which the door can begin a new life.

Preparing the door

Even a cracked door leaf can be renewed. Do-it-yourself door decor will allow you to minimum investment finances and often using only improvised means to update an old door beyond recognition. However, before making the decoration wooden door, it needs to be thoroughly prepared.

Sequence of work

The first step is to remove the old coating. This is prerequisite, ensuring maximum strength of the new coating and the removal of many microbes that the old paint has absorbed. After you have removed the door leaf from the hinges, you need to place the door on flat surface and remove the fittings. If there are glass inserts, they must be removed during decoration. To remove old paint, sandpaper or a solvent designed for this purpose can be used. To work with solvent you will need gloves and a respirator. A hair dryer can also be used.

Once the paint is removed, it is necessary to assess the condition of the canvas. If there are cracks or chips, you need to fill them with wood putty. To ensure an even, smooth surface, you need to sand it manually using sandpaper or grinder. Wood should not be wetted! You need to wipe the surface of the door with a slightly damp cloth and treat it with an antiseptic.

In order to save natural texture wood, it is necessary to varnish in several layers. If you cover the canvas with stain, the tone will be a little darker. Thus, you can turn pine into cherry (a kind of imitation of noble species), while natural beauty and the naturalness of the material is preserved. If the door is not repainted, as soon as the antiseptic has dried, the surface will need to be covered with two layers of primer.

Selection of decor options

There are many ways to decorate and update a door. Even without any artistic skills, you can turn some of your ideas into reality.

The easiest way to decorate an old door is to repaint the door new paint. In today's market building materials in addition to regular enamel there is big choice various colors.

The best option at this time for how to decorate an old door yourself is to use acrylic paints. When using them, you will definitely be convinced of the ease of working with them, the absence of odor, wide color palette. To paint doors, you can use not just one color, but several - the main thing is to combine them correctly so that the result will only please you.

As an option, you can use latex paint, which is water-resistant, to decorate the door. This option is more suitable for doors to the bathroom and children's room. Latex paint is odorless, the drying speed is very fast, and in the end the whole job can be completed in about an hour. By painting the door to the children's room, you can attract the children themselves and come up with a unique design with them.

Using stencils

Even if you are not a professional artist, to create a beautiful interior door You can use a variety of stencils. Using them is quite simple: you just need to attach the stencil to the door and apply paint. As soon as the paint has dried, the stencil should be carefully peeled off from the door leaf.

And if you have the skills of a painter and artist, you can get an incredibly attractive drawing. If the resulting pattern does not suit you in some way, you can always fix it - repaint it again.

If you want to get the effect of wood or an antique object, you can use some available tools: a sponge to create stains on the surface, steel wool to imitate an antique surface, a stiff brush for a jeans effect. There are also special paints on sale that can be used to imitate denim.

Using Film

An equally simple way to decorate doors yourself is to use vinyl film. However, this method is only applicable to canvases that are in good condition. It will help complement the interior of the room bright colors. Simply select the desired option and transfer self-adhesive film on the door. Despite the minimum time spent, the result will please you for a long time.

Ready-made stickers are available in many stores. construction stores. If you want to make some kind of pattern from films, you can purchase self-adhesive PVC film after making a cardboard template. Now you need to transfer the contours of the template onto the film, cut out the decorative elements and glue them to the door.

Application of moldings

Get original decorative finishing moldings will help. Using them, you can create an imitation of stucco - an excellent option, combined with classic interior, antiquity. Moldings are special elements made of polyurethane or foam. Fixation on the doors is carried out with glue, which is liquid nails. With the help of moldings, any composition of door decor is possible, but it is necessary to take into account the limitations of its shape. This decor option is not suitable for sliding doors.

Mosaic decor

Do-it-yourself door decor using mosaics is quite rare and unusual. Due to its heaviness, ceramics are not suitable for every door, so mosaics are used much more often.

To decorate a door, it is better to insert mosaics in fragments. This method will provide an original and bright look. Such finishing will not lead to a significant increase in the weight and thickness of the canvas. If the products are made of glass, you must purchase tile adhesive of a special white color. Better yet, use transparent resin or liquid glass.

Stained glass for decorating doors

Decorating doors with glass inserts is an excellent option for decoration. Best option– decorate the canvas with your own hands, stores offer finished glass, covered with film, metal inserts or glass with a pattern. Currently, the most popular method of painting glass is using acrylic paints, as well as self-creation stained glass

If you choose the latter option, you will need to acquire a decorative mastic-contour to create an imitation metal frame. To ensure uniform distribution of paint over the surface of the glass, work with stained glass windows must be done in the “horizontal” position. As soon as the stained glass window is dry, we insert it into the panel and secure it with glazing beads.


Thanks to decoupage, it is possible to create attractive design doors. To decorate an old door using a similar technique, you only need napkins with the desired pattern, 200 ml PVA glue, a brush (preferably made of natural bristles) and acrylic varnish.

The canvas must be prepared - primed and painted in desired color. Once the paint has dried, you can start decorating. From the napkins, we separate the layer on which the design is depicted and tear it lengthwise into two parts.

We tear the napkins with the image lengthwise into three strips. The edge should be slightly uneven. We put aside the strips with smooth edges for now. We tear the middle part of the napkin into squares with sides of about 3-4 centimeters.

In a small container, dilute PVA glue in water. The proportions should be approximately 50/50. Let's start decorating.

Apply a strip with one straight edge to the area to be decorated. Using a brush dipped in glue, smooth out the fragments. The resulting folds provide the texture of the finish. When working, it is necessary to take into account that wet wipes are quite elastic and delicate.

You need to work carefully with a brush dipped in glue. Step by step we create a frame with one straight and the other torn edge. We fill the middle of the frame with squares from napkins in the same way.

DIY door decor is almost complete. If you have any difficulties, refer to the photo in our article. Leave the finished surface to dry. After about a day we cover the decor acrylic varnish. The varnish should be on water based, then it has no smell. With a minimum cost of materials, we get a beautiful door surface.

Just as a person is judged by his clothes, any living space is judged by its doors. Therefore, sometimes in order to update the design of a room you do not need to carry out expensive repairs, but you can make original door decor with your own hands.

Doors perform two complementary functions: firstly, they limit and separate the spaces of one room from another and, secondly, they are elements general interior neighboring rooms or even the entire apartment, which form the visual and functional space of rooms limited by doors. However, decorating a door can be done not only due to the aesthetic renewal of the living space, but also for trivial reasons, such as the appearance of scratches or cracks, as well as chips on the canvas. In these cases, the main purpose of decoration may be to hide various defects in the door leaf, but this may become an opportunity to update the design of the entire living space.

So, there are a huge number of ways to decorate interior doors with your own hands, as well as decorate the front door, and the simplest and most affordable of them involve decorating door panels using wallpaper.

Wallpapering the door

To carry out such decoration, doors are used both paper and on another basis, as well as fabric and different kinds liquid wallpaper. Any method of updating doors using decoration involves preparing the door leaf for this procedure. Decorating an interior door is no exception to this rule. In the process of preparing for decoration, they not only get rid of the previous coating - this makes it possible to identify and also eliminate previously unnoticed hidden defects of the product.

Preparation for door decor is as follows:

  1. In removing old paint. To do this, use a hair dryer to heat up the old paint and scrape it off the canvas with a spatula.
  2. In sealing with putty, detected defects, as well as eliminating irregularities. Then everything problem areas, leveled with putty must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. In carrying out puttying the entire surface of the canvas. This makes it possible not only to level its entire surface, but to additionally fasten its individual elements, which is very important especially for paneled canvases. After applying the putty and letting it dry, you can go over it again with fine sandpaper.
  4. In painting doors with a primer.

The choice of wallpaper and how to paste it, for example, use either the same type or panel pasting different types wallpaper depends on the individual preferences of the one who will do it himself. In this process, the main thing is to correctly select the most suitable glue for certain types of wallpaper, and also dilute it strictly following the instructions included with it. In addition, you need to make sure that there are no missing areas left on the surface that is spread with glue, and you also need to carefully smooth the just pasted wallpaper with a damp cloth or roller to prevent wrinkles and air bubbles from forming.

When drying the pasted surfaces, it is necessary to prevent the presence of drafts. Otherwise, all the work of such door decoration will go down the drain.

Door decor with photo wallpaper, fabric

The decor looks original with fabric wallpaper, as well as with the help of photo wallpaper. However, in the process of decorating the door with fabrics other than the standard one described above preliminary preparation door leaf, it is necessary to take into account the degree of shrinkage of the fabric. To do this, you need to test the fabric, measure a small piece of it and wet it with water until it dries. After this, measure its dimensions again and compare to obtain the shrinkage result. Moreover, if the degree of shrinkage of the fabric is high, it must be completely wetted and allowed to dry, and then you can begin the gluing process.

It is necessary to take into account that you can use both solid fabric and its fragments of different textures, as well as different colors. Nowadays this technique for decorating doors and other surfaces is quite widely used. professional designers who call it "patchwork".

Decorating doors using liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is good because it has versatility, that is, it can cover absolutely any surface, creating very original and varied compositions and patterns. However, they have significant drawbacks - they are afraid of moisture (which means they cannot be used for decorating bathtubs and kitchen doors), and, unfortunately, they are short-lived.

In order to decorate yourself, you will need the following materials, as well as tools:

  • the mixture you selected for decoration in dry or diluted form;
  • several sized types of spatulas;
  • the so-called hopper gun, which is a device for applying liquid mixtures;
  • roller;
  • the color you have chosen;
  • clear nail polish.

For decoration using liquid wallpaper, standard preparatory work have a slightly different appearance in terms of coating the door leaf with an alkyd-based primer and white oil-type putty.

Preparing wallpaper mixture for decoration

The door decorating process itself consists of breeding warm water wallpaper mixture, and it must be mixed thoroughly - this can be done absolutely safely by hand. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture needs to be mixed again, but now adding the color you have chosen to it. And as for color saturation mixture, the more color is added, the more saturated the color will be. For example, for moderate tones, it is enough to dilute one measuring cap of color per five liters of mixture. To realize an idea color composition When decorating, you need to dilute mixtures with different colors in different containers.

When working with wallpaper mixtures, it should be noted that their instructions for use indicate the need to infuse them for 12 hours before using them.

In order to apply the mixture, you need to take it in small portions on a spatula and apply it to the surface, smoothing it and stretching it to the sides. In the process of applying the mixture to the door, you need to ensure that the drawings are followed, and that its layer should be of the same thickness. To give a textured surface, you can use a textured roller. After the decor has dried, which will take up to three days, you will need to cover it with clear varnish.

The advantage of working with mixtures is that if you didn’t like the first version of the door decor, as they say, the first thing happened, then the coating can be easily washed off with warm water and then reapplied.

How to decorate a door with a mirror

As for the use of mirrors for decoration, this method is, first of all, preferable for small and dark rooms, as it allows you to visually increase the space of the room, adding light to it.

It is problematic to use classic mirrors for decoration due to the fact that they cannot be adjusted to the size of the door itself or its individual elements. So-called acrylic panels with an amalgam surface, which, in fact, is a real mirror surface, are ideal for this. Moreover, plastic mirrors can be easily cut; they are available in a wide variety color shades, ones that will help you easily realize the most daring original ideas, as well as plans. They cannot be broken, they are lightweight, they attach well to any surface, but they have one drawback - their high price.

But as they say, a good thing a priori cannot be cheap, so what high quality, practicality, aesthetics come at a high price. However, with regard to acrylic mirrors, these are justifiable costs.

To install these mirrors on the door leaf itself, as well as on the back side of the acrylic, you need to apply a special deep-penetrating primer, and to fix the elements of a cut or solid mirror you can use Double-sided tape or assembly adhesive.

Decorating the door in vintage style

This style involves the implementation artificial aging products and things, which should contrast with the brilliance of their individual decorative parts for greater sophistication and sophistication. As a rule, products decorated in vintage style are a kind of work of decorative art and are therefore exclusive, that is, they are not similar to any other things.

To decorate a door in vintage style, using the so-called decoupage technique, you need, for example, to have:

  1. Acrylic paint, usually white.
  2. Various rollers and brushes.
  3. Coarse sandpaper.
  4. Any mounting adhesive.
  5. In addition to assembly glue, there is also PVA glue.
  6. Old newspaper paper, as well as old music notebooks.
  7. Baguette black or any other dark color.
  8. Clear nail polish

In order to paint a door to match the decor of the door using the decoupage technique, it must be removed from the awnings and laid horizontally. Then you need to remove the old paint and you can sand it with coarse sandpaper.

The decoupage algorithm may look like this:

  1. Painting is done with a thin layer of white paint. Moreover, this is done with a wide brush in one direction.
  2. After the paint has dried, it is sanded to an “antique” state with coarse sandpaper.
  3. Then they begin to decorate the central part or its paneled parts of the canvas, having previously torn old newspapers, as well as music notebooks into random pieces of paper and randomly laid them out on areas of the door leaf smeared with glue. You can smooth the paper either with your hands or with a roller. And then you can apply two layers of transparent glue.
  4. The perimeter of the paper decor is covered with a black baguette or any other dark color using mounting adhesive.

You can create original decor with your own hands in other ways, using household materials, using your own irrepressible imagination, and also implementing the ideas of your family and friends.

DIY door decor is great way add variety and a touch of creativity to the interior or exterior of your home. This is especially true on the eve of the holidays. In addition, small defects may appear on the door over time, which again can be eliminated by decorating. How to decorate your door so that it looks stylish and beautiful - read in this article.

A good trick for adding bohemian style charm to a room is to decorate simple budget interior doors with rows of half-beads or rivets from a craft store

A common idea is to paint and decorate doors with baguettes, repeating the theme of wall decoration. In this case, you can decorate the door with one or more framed paintings. The photo shows an unusual decor of a doorway by gluing golden braid in several rows

Decor for a doorway You should not ignore not only the door itself, but also the space around the doorway. Good New Year's decor can be done by attaching colored ribbons around it. And at the top of the doorway place such a festive element as a bow. On February 14, you can make an impromptu curtain from hearts, stringing them on long threads. And on March 8, the top of the doorway can be wrapped with a wreath of artificial flowers.

Decorating a door if it is damaged However, the need to decorate a door is not always associated with such pleasant chores as decorating for the New Year. Sometimes such decor is caused by necessity. After all, doors are short-lived and may lose their original appearance over time.

Painting an old, simple budget interior door a mint color will freshen up the entire room and make it even brighter. How to do this - in the photo below

We update simple door and give it a bohemian chic look with polyurethane chandelier rosettes and paint mint color. Step-by-step photo instructions Scratches, chips, cracks - they are all the enemies of excellent appearance doors. What to do in this case? Of course, the door can be replaced or repaired, but there is another option. Decorating the defect and hiding it from view will come to your aid. The following may be considered interesting options decorating the door with your own hands: cover the door with wallpaper; use mirrors; use the vintage style technique.

Door decor using wallpaper and mirrors Consider indicated options more details. So, to cover a door with wallpaper, you can use it as classic options, and wallpaper made of fabric. The last option is perhaps more preferable from an aesthetic point of view.

Covering cabinet doors with fabric wallpaper

Before pasting, the door should be prepared in advance by removing all irregularities so that the material lays evenly. You will also need to remove the paint layer and sand the surface. Apply a coat of primer. And only then start decorating the door with wallpaper. Instead, you can use regular fabric, which needs to be prepared first. It is not necessary to decorate the entire object in this way. It is enough to simply disguise the defect. For example, using cat stencils, you can glue a design onto a crack. Any shape can be used as a stencil. A door like the one in the photo will undoubtedly become a bright spot in your apartment.

If this option does not suit you, then you can use mirrors as decoration. So, you can use acrylic panels with amalgam. And in this case, special attention should be paid to preparing the door. You can also use shaped acrylic mirrors in the form of animals, flowers and other shapes. This decoration will look good on sliding doors. You can decorate the doorway in a similar style. In addition, you can decorate the cabinet doors in the same way.

Decorating a door in vintage style This style is extremely popular at the moment and by decorating your front door or cabinet door in this way, you will not only disguise imperfections, but will also follow the latest fashion trends in decor. To decorate your front door in vintage style you will need the following elements: coarse sandpaper; brushes, rollers; assembly adhesive; black baguette; PVA glue; sheets from music notebooks or old unwanted newspapers; transparent varnish.

The door must first be removed from its hinges and carefully processed: puttied and sanded. Next, we proceed directly to the decor.

Let's color the object in White color. When the paint has dried, we will achieve an aging effect by sanding it with coarse sandpaper.

We decorate the panels and central part doors. To do this, newspapers and notebooks need to be randomly torn apart. Using a pencil, randomly draw squares and rectangles on the doors. Lubricate them with glue. And we chaotically glue the paper onto them, straightening it out with our hands. Apply varnish on top in two layers.

Apply baguette glue along the perimeter of the resulting wallpaper. Additionally, you can use any retro-style element to decorate the door.

To decorate a door in this style, you can use ready-made stencils. Your version of an artificially old door is ready! (see photo) This decor can be done both on the sliding doors of the closet and for the doorway. Source:
Chic and severity - this is how you can characterize the selection of individual elements on door leaf bright color. For example, a snow-white door with black moldings looks beautiful. If this combination of colors seems banal to you, feel free to experiment with contrasting shades. A door painted in these colors looks great: sky blue with delicate yellow, green with white or red with blue. Not a problem, if there are no clearly defined moldings on the door, you can make them yourself - nail thin wooden strips to the door. But first it is advisable to paint them in the desired color, and then secure them with small nails. Then you will have to go over the surface with a brush again to refresh the inserts. Another unusual solution- on a completely flat door leaf you can highlight bright areas and build frames from wooden planks painted white. A bright pink door with white inserts looks gorgeous.