How to make the air in your apartment feel like a resort. We will equip a salt room in the apartment. How to create a resort atmosphere at home. Hang thin curtains

"Opening" fresh air

Even in ancient Greece, the great physician Hippocrates noticed that mountain and sea air have a beneficial effect on humans, curing many diseases. But much later it was explained why such treatment has a similar effect.

P. Bertolon was the first to experimentally prove beneficial effect negative electrical charges, which are what cause the “freshness” of sea air. Such insight of Bertolon is surprising, for these thoughts were expressed at the dawn of the first knowledge about electricity.

In the 19th century, the rapid development of this knowledge became the reason for numerous studies of the influence of these negative charges (with which, for example, the air is full after a thunderstorm or the air near the ocean) on plant and animal organisms.

In 1898, I. Elster and G. Geitel discovered the nature of atmospheric electricity. They established that its carriers are ions of air gases - aeroions, as they were later called by the brilliant Russian scientist. Air ionization occurs under the influence of radioactive radiation from soil and water, ultraviolet and corpuscular radiation from the Sun, cosmic rays, and electrical discharges in the atmosphere (lightning).

Why is it good to live in the mountains...

Aeroions carry either a negative or positive charge. Chizhevsky and his followers convincingly proved that negative air ions (-) are represented predominantly by oxygen, and positive (+) are formed from carbon dioxide.

In rural, mountain and sea air on a sunny day there are about 1000 negative air ions (-) in one cubic centimeter of air. In a number of mountain resorts their number reaches 5-10 thousand, and near waterfalls - 100 thousand air ions in every cubic centimeter! It becomes clear why people love to relax and “recharge” their strength in mountain resorts and at sea!

In the air of cities and inhabited premises, where a person spends 90% of his life, the number of negative air ions (-) before the start of the working day does not exceed 500 air ions per 1 cubic centimeter of air, and by the end of the day drops to 50-100. The number of positive air ions (+) increases to several tens of thousands in every 1 cubic centimeter.

It is this fact that largely determines the onset of fatigue at the end of the working day.

Why fresh air and negative ions are necessary for us

In 1918, Chizhevsky first established that the influence of air on human health is determined by the ratio of negative and positive ions.

Any person will say that when leaving a room on the street, one always breathes easier, breathes “ full breasts“In everyday speech we often say: “we need to go out into the air,” as if denying its presence inside our apartments.

The air in habitable rooms contains the same amount of oxygen, but it is not biologically active. It lacks “something” that the body needs and gives it vigor and health. This “something” is atmospheric electricity, or rather its carriers - gas ions or negative air ions (-), of which there are noticeably fewer in cities than in rural areas.

City dwellers, spending a significant part of their time indoors, gradually lose their immunological strength, fall ill with many diseases and become decrepit prematurely.

Any filters for indoor air purification cannot solve this problem, because they only clean the air, but do not increase the number of negative ions (-), which are necessary for us, (positive ions (+), on the other hand , have a detrimental effect on health.

Back in 1926, Chizhevsky experimentally proved that a layer of cotton wool just 1 cm thick retains almost all negative ions (-). Thus, supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning filters remove beneficial negative ions from the air and have a destructive effect on our health.

Scientific evidence confirms popular wisdom

Chizhevsky tested this statement experimentally by breathing filtered and then negatively ionized air. A series of these experiments irrefutably proved that “Negative oxygen air ions are necessary for normal life.”

Without negative oxygen air ions (-), long-term preservation of health and life is impossible. The proof of this fact represents the largest discovery of the 20th century in the field of biology and biophysics.

Essentially every workroom and every apartment in which people spend the bulk of their lives are chambers with filtered air with a huge deficiency of negative oxygen ions (-), and this leads to the development of various diseases and shortens life expectancy. The number of oxygen air ions in inhabited premises in the presence of people quickly decreases and stops at an irreducible minimum level of 20-50 air ions in 1 cubic centimeter of air.

At the same time, the content of harmful positive H air ions, which represent respiratory “electrical waste” (in Chizhevsky’s words) of the body, is rapidly increasing. The amount of harmful positive air ions emitted from the lungs with each exhalation reaches 300 thousand in each cubic centimeter.

Turning dead air into living air

Open windows, ventilation and air conditioning do not have a significant effect on the aeroionic regime of premises in the presence of people. To eliminate excess positive ions, a powerful air supply and its artificial enrichment with light negative oxygen air ions (-) are necessary.

Only in this way is it possible to maintain aeroion comfort in rooms containing airborne optimal quantity negative air ions of oxygen (from 10-50 thousand per 1 cubic centimeter), i.e. transform “dead” air into “alive”.

Having obtained convincing facts in experiments about the beneficial effects of negative oxygen air ions (-), already in the early 20s, together with a number of reputable doctors, he used air ions to treat people
and received good results, but, as always, his ideas were picked up outside of Russia, especially in the USA and Japan.

Foreign researchers and doctors confirmed the discovery, quickly introduced it into clinics and obtained brilliant results from aeroion therapy for many diseases. They gave the highest assessment to the treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of negative oxygen ions.

Not only improving well-being and prolonging life...

Experiments and practice prove that improving the respiratory environment in living and working areas by enriching the air with oxygen aeroions (-) can significantly increase performance, reduce fatigue, improve health and give people several extra years of life.

In further research, Chizhevsky and his followers discovered that oxygen air ions have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, blood pressure, tissue respiration, metabolism, the physicochemical properties of blood, the ratio of plasma protein fractions, hematopoiesis, blood sugar, electrokinetic potential of erythrocytes and many others. etc.

Even in his first experiments, Chizhevsky noticed that systematic inhalation of negative air ions (-) prolongs life.

Inhalation of negative air ions H activates enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other catalysts of biochemical reactions.

IN positive side lung disorders also changed during bronchitis and tuberculosis. Air with an excess of negative air ions stabilized blood pressure.

It was found that negative oxygen aeroions create a cheerful psychological status and affect functional state central nervous system, increasing its excitability, reducing fatigue and increasing performance. A positive effect has been noticed for insomnia and migraine.

Research results showed positive action aeroions for the prevention of cardiovascular accidents, and aeroionotherapy for their treatment.

Having done whole line experiments, Chizhevsky concluded that the development of tumor formations may be due to a systematic aeroionic deficiency in the body, which a person constantly experiences. This leads to disruption of endogenous electrical exchange, reduces electric potential cells, tissues and organs, disrupts their metabolism and causes premature aging, against the background of which malignant formations can develop. Thus, aeroionization of residential and work premises can reduce the incidence of cancer.

With further research, scientists discovered that air ionization of residential, industrial and public premises could become one of important ways preventing or slowing the development of atherosclerosis, and thereby dramatically reducing the number of cardiovascular accidents.

How to create fresh sea/mountain air in a house or apartment

Chizhevsky solved the problem of artificially creating the optimal amount of negative oxygen (-) air ions in the air residential buildings and production premises.

“This problem,” he wrote, “lies on the border of the successes of physical chemistry and biology... Its essence lies in artificial creation indoors... atmospheric electricity, namely air ionization as a powerful biological agent for medicinal purposes.”

These treatment methods were called “electronic medicine” by Chizhevsky’s friend and like-minded person. With ion therapy, we inhale electrons that have attached themselves to oxygen and thus revived it, i.e., made it biologically active. This is the same thing that happens when you breathe in the air after a thunderstorm and in the mountains.

This is the essence of aeroion therapy: the introduction of beneficial negative ions through the respiratory tract, the body's electrical resources.

The entire universality of the positive influence of (-) oxygen air ions is explained by the fact that they act on the main physical and chemical processes and internal electrical exchange in the body, and this optimizes homeostasis (i.e. balance in our body).

For example, based on observations carried out in the Karaganda regional hospital during the treatment of about 1,200 people with various diseases, this table was compiled:

(according to data obtained at the Karaganda regional hospital, where aeroionotherapy was used to treat about 1,200 people with various diseases)

Treatment results in percentage

Name of the disease

Full recovery

Noticeable improvement

No change


Chronical bronchitis


Angina pectoris

Hypertonic disease

Hypotonic disease

Rheumatic carditis

Radiculitis lumbosacral

Trigeminal neuralgia





TOTAL: (average percentage)

I got similar results during testing this method in Moscow. After a course of aeroionotherapy, 85% of 300 patients experienced recovery or noticeable improvement.

The list of diseases in the table below is very incomplete. Aeroion therapy has a good effect on many other diseases and is necessary to prevent diseases, maintain healthy vitality and prolong life.

Aeroionification not only improves the physical properties of air, but also cleans it of dust and microorganisms. For air movement, the effect that occurs during a corona electrical discharge (the “ionic wind” effect) is used. The ions charge and recharge dust particles and microbes, depositing them on special plates of the air ion filter cassette, allowing you to achieve beautiful clean sea air.

On the website Children.mail, Mikhail Amelkin conducts consultations on ecology and microclimate in the house. The topic is very deep and a lot of information has accumulated. The main question: with the help of what technology can we create clean air in the apartment?

Children.mail: I have heard many times that sea air is much healthier for both children and adults to breathe. Tell me, is it possible to get clean air and achieve the effect of “sea air” in ordinary apartment? Maybe there are special devices for this or do you need to spray something? If such methods exist, are they not dangerous? Or is it better to just let in fresh air? We live not far from the park, but the road still blows...

M.A.: Yes, learning how to create real sea or forest air in your apartment is an amazing idea. Unfortunately, I do not yet know not only the devices, but even working physical methods in order to completely “copy” such air. The difficulty is that air has a huge number of parameters in addition to temperature, humidity, and oxygen content. This and gas composition, where there may be thousands of gas impurities, this is the aeroionic composition, the presence in the air of inorganic elements, bacteria, odors, active biological substances, aerosols, etc., etc. Trying to make real “sea air” is as difficult as using chemical reactions make the real thing in the lab tasty apple. It seems that there are not so many elements in the periodic table, but try again... However, you can try to at least somehow get closer to the result. Purify the air, equalize temperature and humidity, and also saturate it with salts and minerals. I have seen devices that enrich the air with iodine. I don’t know if there have been clinical studies of them and how safe concentrations are controlled, but they seemed to be on sale. In any case, the basis of the recipe for “cooking” a healthy microclimate is purified air rich in oxygen. Therefore, in any case, it’s worth starting by supplying fresh air through compact devices with professional filters to remove everything unnecessary. This is already a huge step. Next, you can try to saturate the air with something useful. However, I would definitely ask that you do not use this potential hazardous substances, which can cause poisoning in case of overdose! Under no circumstances should uncontrolled ozonation be used in indoors, do not spray heavy metals or any elements and compounds that are dangerous in high concentrations!

Children.mail: How often do you need to change the filters in your air conditioner and what happens if you don’t change them for a long time? Manufacturers write almost once a month, but this is obviously expensive, I change houses every six months. And at work they haven’t changed it for a year, they say it’s normal. Who is right?

M.A.: The most harmless thing that can happen if you replace the filters in your air conditioner irregularly is that they will begin to pass air poorly and the air conditioner will begin to work worse and cool the room more slowly. However, most often the filters do not just become clogged, but accumulate infections, mold, and human waste products. In this case, the filter, which was not changed on time, instead of purifying the air, itself becomes a source of infection, unpleasant odors(typical smell of wet carpets) and other dirt. This whole cocktail, when released into the air, can provoke allergies, asthma and other diseases. Therefore, regular replacement of filters is really necessary (again, with continuous use of the air conditioner, if you turn it on once a year, then the filters can not be changed so often). This is truly an expensive pleasure. How alternative solution, you can pair climate control devices with the air conditioner. The first option is a professional air purifier-disinfectant, which will remove infection and mold spores from the air; in this case, the air conditioner filters will collect much less dirt and will have to be changed less often. In this case, it is worth choosing a purifier with a large filter capacity (replacement frequency 1-2 times a year) and with the function of inactivating microorganisms on the filter, so as not to pay the same money for constantly replacing filters in the purifier. Second option - ventilation device, which purifies the air at the entrance to the apartment: a ventilator with filters (supply and purification multi-complex) or. The last one has three effective filter from various types contaminants, from sand to the finest dust. The cleaner the indoor air, the slower the air conditioner filters become dirty. In any case, you will have to pay something - if the filters catch crap from the air, then they become dirty and require replacement. If the filters do not catch anything, then all this dirt and infection will be collected by our bronchi and lungs, and, unfortunately, they cannot be changed once every six months.

Children.mail: In order to have clean air in the house, I decided to use an air purifier, I want to choose the most useful one. I found a model with air ionization. Tell me, can such a device be good or is it better to buy everything separately - both the purifier and the ionizer?

M.A.: I would advise you to quickly pay attention to the devices. This is if we talk about usefulness. Air ionization is the least studied topic from a scientific point of view. There are many devices on the market that offer ionization of room air. The maximum justification is this: in the forest there are a lot of negative air ions, but in the city there are few, let’s try to do it “like in the forest.” There is logic in this, but I do not know of a single reliable modern medical study that would reveal the mechanism of action of negative air ions on the body and indicate the required doses and regularity of inhalation. At best, ionizer manufacturers refer us to the work of Chizhevsky almost 100 years ago, whose results were never verified modern methods and was not confirmed from the point of view of modern medicine. By “nobody” I mean the absence of full-fledged scientific research, published in peer-reviewed scientific publications.
And it wouldn’t be so bad if ionization had a controversial positive effect. At least the placebo effect would remain. But there is another side - issues of safety of ionization for health. Aeroions are active particles with a strong bactericidal effect. What concentration is safe? How to control this concentration when using household ionizers? When using ionizers based on corona electric discharge, ozone (a gas of the first toxicity category at high concentrations!) and harmful nitrogen oxides can be formed. How do ionizer manufacturers control this situation? Most likely - no way. It is quite possible that there are safe ionizers from conscientious manufacturers who test their products for safety. But I don’t understand how to distinguish them among a whole army of devices of questionable quality. So whether to use an ionizer is your decision; I don’t know any clear proven advantages, but there are definitely obvious risks. For me, the ionization function is still a marketing trick.

Children.mail: I have problems with the Air Washer. The water in it blooms very quickly. After a day, the green one starts to smell bad. How dangerous is this? I change the water often, but the process begins even before the smell? Will there be clean air in the house with such a sink?

M.A.: The topic is very important. It applies not only to sinks, but also to any devices that actively interact with stagnant water. Water at room temperature, into which nutritious “bio-garbage” (skin particles, sputum, etc.) gets from the air, becomes an excellent broth for bacteria! Flowering is a direct indicator that bacteria happily live and multiply in this broth. After which in large quantities enter the air along with droplets of liquid, and from there into our bronchi and lungs. And, if the bacteria that cause blooms can provoke “just” an allergy, then imagine what will happen if the bacteria Legionellosis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, etc. get into the water? And these “guys” can get there, for example, from your guests (you can’t ask everyone for a certificate) or through airborne dust from shoes in the hallway, from unwashed hands, etc. Thus, I strongly advise that in any devices that use water without heat treatment (air washers, ultrasonic humidifiers, water sprayers, etc.) fill only filtered boiled (or better yet, distilled) water and change it daily! You should also regularly sterilize all water containers in these devices. This is really very important if you do not want to get a highly effective infection spreader at home.

In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15–20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason is that insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal humidity level in an apartment is about 40–60%.

You can measure air humidity using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have one, use the following method. Fill the glass cold water and leave it in until the temperature of the liquid drops to 3–5 °C. Then take out the glass and place it in a room away from the radiators. Observe the glass surface for five minutes. Evaluate the result this way:

  • If the walls of the glass first fog up and then dry out after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If after five minutes the glass remains foggy, the humidity is average.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following techniques to restore normal level humidity.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the most simple ways. Leave the door to your room open every time you shower or bathe. Evaporation will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that doesn’t require any effort on your part. Just place the dryer with washed clothes next to the radiator: the clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products left on things. Otherwise you will breathe chemicals.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels on the radiator. You can increase the lifespan of such a humidifier using a water bottle.

How to build such a structure is described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a saucepan or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and place it on a table or windowsill so that the steam humidifies the apartment.
  • Option 2: Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are preparing food (the air often becomes dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their aroma is soothing, and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. In addition, you can throw cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices into the water to make the air fragrant.

4. Place containers of water around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Simply fill vases, bottles and other containers with water and place them near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, you will get a beautiful composition - guests, most likely, will not even realize that these are not decorative elements, but homemade humidifiers. Just remember to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

5. Get indoor plants

House flowers not only humidify the air, but also ionize it. Some are also excellent disinfectants.

The following plants give off especially a lot of moisture:

  • nephrolepis (house fern);
  • fatsia;
  • Cyperus;
  • sparmania (indoor linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Install an aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative element also humidify the air. Of course, buying them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to have fish or decorate your house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Ventilate and do wet cleaning

Even in winter, it’s a good idea to ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a day to maintain a comfortable humidity level. Well, you probably yourself know that from time to time you need to wipe off the dust and wash the floors.

8. Build an electric humidifier

Option for owners crazy hands. This air humidifier cost Lifehacker about 300 rubles. An ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on AliExpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

High humidity in an apartment (more than 70%) is no better than dry air. It contributes to the appearance and occurrence of allergies. And it just creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So don't overdo it with hydration - and the force will be with you!

For a comfortable life, a person needs not only a comfortably furnished place in the form of an apartment or house. The microclimate in the home is also important. And for this it is necessary to support optimal temperature and understand how to humidify the air in the apartment.

Why is air humidification so important?

Everyone knows that dry air in an apartment is bad. This causes the flowers to dry out. It's even worse with people. The skin dries out, the throat gets sore, the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs become dry, an abundant secretion of mucus begins as a protective mechanism against dust, and its excess is a risk of illness due to pathogenic bacteria that can multiply in it. The eyes dry out and begin to become inflamed. A lot of bad things can happen to the human body due to dry air. You can solve the problem if you humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands or using special devices.

In addition to the detrimental effect on all living things, dry air also spoils everything wooden furniture. Musicians are most familiar with this when the material of an instrument dries out - consider the instrument irrevocably damaged.

In the opposite case, when the humidity is too high, this is also not good. However, the consequences are less terrible, and the problem is solved by simple ventilation. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to the problem than humidifying the air in the room.

For a normal and comfortable life in an apartment or house, relative air humidity must be maintained in the range from 40 to 60%. It is very important to maintain it within this limit all year round.

A little theory

When thinking about the microclimate of your apartment, it is important to ask yourself not only why to humidify the air, but also to understand what this process depends on. When discussing the microclimate of an apartment, they operate with such concepts as air temperature and relative humidity. The first one is clear. But relative humidity is defined as the percentage of moisture content in the air. Changes from 0 to 100%. At 100% humidity, water can no longer evaporate, since there is nowhere else to go. If there is still evaporation, then the excess above 100% immediately condenses. The value of relative humidity is inextricably linked with air temperature and pressure. There is even a complex and tricky way to display this dependence: i-d chart invented by L.K. Ramzin.

It is important to understand that the lower the air temperature, the less moisture it can hold and the less it is needed to reach 100% (dew point). And vice versa, as the temperature rises, more water vapor is needed. For example, if humidity at 15 degrees is 60%, then when the temperature rises to 25C, the humidity will already be approximately 35%, and all this with the same amount of water vapor.

IN winter period years when in the apartment cold air from the street it is heated by heating means up to desired temperature, air humidity drops to catastrophically low values.

How to increase indoor air humidity?

The answer is simple - you need to evaporate it in a room with dry air. sufficient quantity water. An effective option there will be an acquisition special device- humidifier. However, you can still humidify the air in your apartment without a humidifier. There are a number of activities that you can do with your own hands and still achieve the desired goal.

  • The simplest one is to place water tanks around the room. These can be jugs or vases with water. Slowly but surely the water will evaporate.

However, this may not be enough. Then next option There will be a wet, thick towel that should be placed on the battery. Evaporating due to heating from the battery, the water will quickly enter the air in the form of vapor and will help humidify the air in winter. As the towel dries, you need to wet it again.

  • If you don’t want to constantly run to the bath and back, then you can do something drastic. Place a container of water on the battery. It will take quite a long time before the water completely evaporates. As a result, you will only have to add water once every few days.

The second option involves a whole host of implementation methods. You can place the container on the floor, and hang a bandage folded several times on the radiator, the end of which will hang into the container with water. The water will rise through the fabric of the bandage and evaporate due to the heat of the battery.

Can be cut from tin or plastic bottle a glass with a tail. Using the tail, attach the cup to the pipe that goes to the battery and constantly fill it with water.

  • The third option is to make a humidifier yourself. Easiest to use for this computer unit power supply, fans and improvised means. An example of such a humidifier is in the video below:

What else will help with hydration?

Simple household little things and nuances will help make it easier to humidify the air in your apartment. If you dry clothes indoors, then the humidity will rise to a sufficient level. Also, indoor plants that humidify the air, distributed throughout the apartment, will reduce the problem to nothing. For example, cyperus can evaporate up to 3 liters per day. And the process of regularly spraying plants will also help significantly.

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(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)


    Hi all! I ordered decorative soil for flowers from Aliexpress. I poured water on them, they swelled, filled the vases and Voila)))) there doesn’t seem to be anything extra, and the air in the room is always humidified)))

    I bought myself a humidifier and don’t worry... and I advise you to. In 24 hours it blows out 8 liters of water! In addition, I bought a salt lamp, I don’t know if it’s useful or not, but let it work too.

    Why not just ventilate the room in winter? Or rather, do good hood(30 cubic meters per person) and a good supply (in the form of a breather, or just an open window). Relative humidity outside in winter reaches up to 75%. Our son loves to sleep in any weather with open window and batteries turned off. Walking past his room is like walking through the North Pole, but there are no problems with humidity!

    When I became concerned about the problem of dry air in the room, a clothes steamer came to my aid; by the way, it was unfairly rarely used in our family for its intended purpose. In 1 hour of work from 30% to 80% on the hygrometer.

    None of these methods, except for an expensive humidifier, raises humidity to normal levels.
    All sorts of gadgets such as sprayers, water containers, flowers, linen, etc. They improve the situation by a maximum of 10%, it has been tested repeatedly. And how much fuss with them spoils the interior. Of course, all these activities convince us that it has become easier to breathe and in fact it becomes a little easier. But the underlying problem is not being solved.
    Therefore, let's better talk about high-quality and inexpensive humidifiers.

    After it started heating season, there was dry air in the apartment, there was simply nothing to breathe. I tried placing jars of water, covering the radiators with a damp towel, etc., but no result. You can’t live without a humidifier in a city apartment!

    My situation is this: the humidifier works all night, a stream of steam is directed at me, however, I wake up at night because all the mucous membranes are drying out, the skin in my nose is bursting, etc. I just don’t know what to do anymore!

    Oh, it’s not for nothing that I came across this article. Thanks for the educational program! Moved to new housing. 16th floor, sunny side. Previously, he was on a business trip in the country with maritime climate with a very humid climate. Of course, there are costs, especially in winter, when the humid air made the slight cold really start to hurt. On the other hand, I was sick there, unlike Moscow, much less and easier.
    When I moved here, dandruff appeared on my eyebrows in the apartment, and I had a dry cough from nowhere (I don’t smoke). I changed my water and ate my vitamins. Apparently, the body really doesn’t have enough moisture. I went to get some sea air at home.

    Just a modern iron with steam can easily replace any humidifier. If you feel uncomfortable, place containers with water on the radiators and you can steam the room with an iron for 15-20 minutes, placing the iron with water horizontally on a metal stand or on a deep plate.

    For me, humid air in an apartment is component comfort. In order to humidify the air in the room, I use a regular spray bottle. I think this is quite effective method. In addition, it does not require large expenditures. And I have no problems with humidity. The air dries out as a result of air convection through radiators or heaters. I installed heated floors in all rooms. Now I’m warm and no one gets sick.

    I started solving the problem of dry air in the room after the birth of my son. He was born in the summer, and when we turned on the heating in the fall, his skin became irritated. The best decision, of course, a household humidifier. But you can also raise the humidity level yourself - dry clothes in the room, put more living plants, and plastic containers with pebbles near them, and regularly fill the stones with water. Not as effective as a humidifier, but still better than nothing. And to control it, it’s worth buying a hygrometer; they sell them in pet stores.

    Yes, we had an air humidifier, but it didn’t really do much good. Either the company is no good, or maybe it did something wrong. They took it mainly for indoor plants, I really love flowers. Now I’ve really learned from my own experience that it’s better to place containers with water, it will be more beneficial than spending money on a humidifier and electricity.

    Air humidification is a very exciting topic for me personally, I hadn’t thought about it before, but I recently became a mother and now humidified air is a very important factor in our apartment. At first I ran around with wet towels and hung them everywhere, but this method is not very suitable, so How does this create an unattractive appearance. You also hang all kinds of furniture on furniture, but it gets spoiled! In general, you should not spare money, buy good moisturizer and feel normal, don’t worry about the health and safety of the furniture

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