How to make a very warm home. Simple ways to make your home warmer. Simple steps for thermal insulation of structures

Heating season It hasn't started yet, but it's already noticeably colder in the house? Or, perhaps, the available heating devices are simply not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode? It doesn't matter why exactly you have to chatter your teeth: the important thing is that it's time for you to think about using heat more rationally.

How warm it will be depends on the house itself and many of its features. You can enjoy warmth with minimal power consumption heating devices, or you can heat with all your might and still not know winter evenings without a sweater.


  • First of all, it is important to insulate the house itself. If you are seriously thinking about saving heat and its rational use, pay attention to the thickness of the walls of your home. If the wall is 40 cm thick, then it is not surprising that you expect winter period with horror: you will have to insulate the walls with foam plastic or other material that has low thermal conductivity. If the house itself becomes a “thermos”, then it will not get very hot in the heat, but it will not get cold in the winter frosts.
  • The next feature of the house is the windows. Big windows- it's a lot daylight. They are also a colossal source of heat loss. Modern fashion"glass" houses and floor-to-ceiling windows have their own reverse side: incredible fuel costs to heat such a house. Therefore, without insulating windows and eliminating cracks, maintaining heat in the house will not be easy.

If the windows are wooden, then you have 2 options: rational, but expensive, and long, but economical. Following the first path, you once change all the windows to metal-plastic ones with at least three chambers, thereby reducing heat loss several times and eliminating the very concept of drafts. Unnecessary spaces just lay it in with bricks. The second way is the annual red tape of insulating the windows, plugging them with foam rubber, pasting them with film (by the way, a window curtained on both sides with ordinary polyethylene garden film retains heat no worse than metal-plastic. The appearance is not an acquired taste), hanging them with thick curtains.

  • Make the most of outside heat and sunlight. During the day, remove everything from windowsills and windows that prevents light from entering inside. In the evening, curtain the windows with shower curtains or film: it will attract sunlight and heat, and at the same time prevent drafts. Doors, by the way, can also be covered with film: when you enter the house, less cold air will enter there.
  • Try to insulate the ceiling of the house if the house is private: after all warm air rises up, leaving through the attic. Place polystyrene foam or drywall on the floor of the attic, or at worst, an old thick carpet.
  • Insulate the floor: A carpet on the floor will greatly improve walking comfort.
  • Use incandescent lamps for heating: they emit up to 90% of the heat during operation, and only 10% goes to glow. Electricity costs will increase, but without a heater the house will be warmer.
  • Close rooms you don't use. If the house is two-story, it makes sense to heat only the part of the house that you use, and the largest rooms should be completely closed and curtained.


  • If it’s still very cold outside, you can light a fire in the yard. Stones (dense in structure, not building bricks) are heated on it and brought into the house. For some time, the stones will give off heat as well as a stove.
  • Try to stay in small rooms: it’s easier to “breathe” them.
  • Light candles if you have them. Candles give off some heat.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry your hair: warm your clothes and linens. You can also heat the bed, but manually: under no circumstances should the bed be left covered, otherwise it may catch fire.
  • Cook food in the oven. Together with delicious dish get a heated kitchen. But it’s better not to cook dishes that produce a lot of steam when cooking: they increase the humidity in the room.
  • Dress in several layers of clothing. Oddly enough, the proverb “why do I need your casing if I have 3 bathrobes-ta-ta-ta” makes sense: several light sweaters are warmer than one thick one. Wear slippers and woolen socks: if your feet are warm, it is easier to stay warm. In extreme cold, wear a hat: a large percentage of the heat escapes through the head.
  • Sleep in warm fluffy pajamas: this is a thing!
  • Another thing is a warm down sleeping bag. Hikers successfully use this achievement, and nothing bothers you: it perfectly warms and retains your body heat. By the way, you can’t climb into it dressed very warmly: a down sleeping bag reliably stores your body heat, which is not released through three sweaters and a jacket.
  • Put a heating pad in bed: heat water and pour it into regular plastic bottles. This heating pad will perfectly warm your bed. You can also heat a pillow with rice inside in the microwave: it also keeps warm for a long time.
  • Drink hot drinks: ginger tea is a great way to warm up.
  • Let warm pets into your home. A cat in bed or in your arms successfully replaces a heating pad.
  • Hug: it’s better to while away the coldest evenings together than alone!

If the house is well insulated, then it is comfortable. The cold outside has little effect on the microclimate of the living space. The temperature in cold weather is maintained at the request of the users, for example, +25 degrees, without significant stress on the part of the users and the heating system they control.

The less resistance the structures provide to the movement of thermal energy, the more of it goes outside, the more power is required from the heating system itself, the more heat-generating material is destroyed.

As the temperature difference increases, the amount of energy lost increases significantly. It’s not the same thing at all to maintain +18 degrees C and +25 degrees C in the bedroom or kitchen.

Why pay more? Both for heating power and for burned fuel?
It is enough to insulate it once, and the savings will be significant. Taking into account current prices for cheap heat insulators and energy, insulation should pay for itself in several years.

Insulating a home is a key issue in creating comfort

If the house is cold, then keep it at +20 degrees in winter. – the task is more complex, and it is feasible, if at all the heating power allows, which should be 2 - 3 times greater than usual, for a building with minimal heat loss.

There are also such buildings with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. same as +18 degrees. It’s difficult to catch up with 20-kilowatt heating—the residents are freezing. In such a house you need to wait out the winter, you need to survive the summer.

Life makes you think about insulating your home. Two questions are resolved:

  • saving several hundred USD during the heating season (heat loss in the house can be reduced by 2-3 times).
  • creation comfortable conditions accommodation for a family.

How to make thermal insulation measures more profitable

  • You can insulate your house to the maximum - make comprehensive thermal insulation measures, with a thermal break layer thickness no less than recommended for economic feasibility in the standards for this climate zone, and then receive 100% of possible savings on heating.
  • But you can, of course, spend 80% of the required amount, saving on the thickness of the insulation by making it 2 times thinner than required, but then the savings on heating will decrease by 2 times, as the insulation was not supplied.
  • But you can spend 30 - 40% by using cheap insulation materials thin layer, some natural materials, and then redo the insulation of the house after 1 - 5 years...

Now regulations require insulating a house in such a way that its structures achieve a certain resistance to heat transfer. An economically viable set of measures within a maximum of 12 years is feasible.

A certain thickness of insulation must be adopted, and other measures must be taken - for ventilation, for placing windows on the right side, for using energy-reflecting materials...

Proper home insulation will pay off. Where insulation was not provided, it will not pay off, because the cost of the work is approximately the same, but powerful heating is still needed.

You can save on insulating a house only by doing it yourself, and not on the quality and quantity of insulating materials.

Simple steps for thermal insulation of structures

You can only know how to insulate a house by inspecting it...
Windows and doors are replaced first of all, as structural elements, which then need to be finished. And also as creating additional air exchange (drafts), and as the “coldest” enclosing structures.

If the windows and doors are replaced with new insulated ones, double or triple, without drafts, with seams sealed around their perimeter, etc. then that's half the battle.

But if you don’t have the means, you can also insulate old windows and doors. Read how this is done.

In the attic

We pull all the junk out of the attic and clean the base. We install a solid, high-quality vapor barrier, which will prevent the insulation from being replenished with vaporous moisture.

We fill in 30 cm of hay treated with carbide and lime. We cover the top with burlap, put boards, plywood, boards so that you can walk, to service the attic.
This is an easy option for small homes.

More durable, more thorough - add a layer mineral wool 20 cm between joists with counter-lattice, with ventilation gap over the insulation and ensuring its ventilation.

Under the floor

We tear down the wooden floor. From below wooden logs under the floor we fasten the boards and panels staggered so that there are gaps for ventilation.

We pour insulation onto this flooring - the same lime-straw with a thickness of at least 20 cm. But it is better, of course, to put durable mineral wool again. Rodents will not live in it, and it will be ventilated by underground ventilation.

An important condition is that there is no dampness under the floor, otherwise the insulation will acquire more moisture and lose its properties. Therefore, it may be necessary to first lay a layer of roofing material on the ground.

We put continuous waterproofing on top of the mineral wool and the logs - we separate the houses from the harmful effects of this insulation.. We hammer the floor into place.

We take care of the foundation

We are thinking about the question of whether the walls are damp due to the flow of water from the foundation. If they are damp, then we do drilling, impregnation, and waterproofing with penetrating compounds above the base. This is a serious issue for older buildings.

We tear off the foundation to a depth of at least 50 cm. We cover it with a layer of waterproofing - coating bitumen, on which we glue 5 cm extruded polystyrene foam.

We install expanded polystyrene at a height of at least 50 cm from the ground to ensure protection of the walls and base from splashes and snow. Backfill we make it with sand. We build a blind area with a width no less than the freezing depth in the given area, and lay a horizontal thermal break at the bottom of the trench - the same extruded polystyrene foam 5 cm thick. We get both insulation of the foundation and protection from frost heaving.

This action, associated with a very large amount of work and costs, will not pay off in terms of energy savings. But its main purpose is different - to increase the stability of the foundation, protect it from harmful factors, increase the service life, and therefore the entire house. And in this sense, the indicated measures for thermal insulation on heaving soils are appropriate.

On the walls

We cover the cold walls of the house from heavy materials- brick, concrete, cinder block with polystyrene foam using the technology " wet facade", we plaster the top according to our taste, but with materials suitable for use as insulation - resistant to heat and vapor transparent.

Significant insulation measures on the walls in terms of volume of work not only significantly reduce heat loss (walls have the largest area), but are also decorative - they form the appearance of the facade and the entire house.

Ecology of consumption: The heating season has not yet begun, but it is already noticeably colder in the house? Or, perhaps, the available heating devices are simply not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode?

The heating season hasn't started yet, but it's already noticeably colder in the house? Or, perhaps, the available heating devices are simply not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode? It doesn't matter why exactly you have to chatter your teeth: the important thing is that it's time for you to think about using heat more rationally.

How warm it will be depends on the house itself and many of its features. You can enjoy the warmth using a minimum of heating power, or you can heat with all your might and still not know winter evenings without a sweater.


  • First of all, it is important to insulate the house itself. If you are seriously thinking about saving heat and using it rationally, pay attention to the thickness of the walls of your home. If the wall is 40 cm thick, then it is not surprising that you expect the winter period with horror: you will have to insulate the walls with foam plastic or other material that has low thermal conductivity. If the house itself becomes a “thermos”, then it will not get very hot in the heat, but it will not get cold in the winter frosts.
  • The next feature of the house is the windows. Large windows provide a lot of daylight. They are also a colossal source of heat loss. The modern fashion of “glass” houses and floor-to-ceiling windows has its downside: incredible fuel costs to heat such a house. Therefore, without insulating windows and eliminating cracks, maintaining heat in the house will not be easy.

If the windows are wooden, then you have 2 options: rational, but expensive, and long, but economical. Following the first path, you once change all the windows to metal-plastic ones with at least three chambers, thereby reducing heat loss several times and eliminating the very concept of drafts. You simply fill in unnecessary spaces with bricks. The second way is the annual red tape of insulating the windows, plugging them with foam rubber, pasting them with film (by the way, a window curtained on both sides with ordinary polyethylene garden film retains heat no worse than metal-plastic. The appearance is not an acquired taste), hanging them with thick curtains.

  • Make the most of outside heat and sunlight. During the day, remove everything from windowsills and windows that prevents light from entering inside. In the evening, curtain the windows with shower curtains or film: it will attract sunlight and heat, and at the same time prevent drafts. Doors, by the way, can also be covered with film: when you enter the house, less cold air will enter there.
  • Try to insulate the ceiling of the house if the house is private: after all, warm air rises up, leaving through the attic. Place polystyrene foam or drywall on the floor of the attic, or at worst, an old thick carpet.
  • Insulate the floor: A carpet on the floor will greatly improve walking comfort.
  • Use incandescent lamps for heating: they emit up to 90% of the heat during operation, and only 10% goes to glow. Electricity costs will increase, but without a heater the house will be warmer.
  • Close rooms you don't use. If the house is two-story, it makes sense to heat only the part of the house that you use, and the largest rooms should be completely closed and curtained.


  • If it’s still very cold outside, you can light a fire in the yard. Stones (dense in structure, not building bricks) are heated on it and brought into the house. For some time, the stones will give off heat as well as a stove.
  • Try to stay in small rooms: it’s easier to “breathe” them.
  • Light candles if you have them. Candles give off some heat.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry your hair: warm your clothes and linens. You can also heat the bed, but manually: under no circumstances should the bed be left covered, otherwise it may catch fire.
  • Cook food in the oven. Along with a delicious dish, you will receive a heated kitchen. But it’s better not to cook dishes that produce a lot of steam when cooking: they increase the humidity in the room.
  • Dress in several layers of clothing. Oddly enough, the proverb “why do I need your casing if I have 3 bathrobes-ta-ta-ta” makes sense: several light sweaters are warmer than one thick one. Wear slippers and woolen socks: if your feet are warm, it is easier to stay warm. In extreme cold, wear a hat: a large percentage of the heat escapes through the head.
  • Sleep in warm fluffy pajamas: this is a thing!
  • Another thing is a warm down sleeping bag. Hikers successfully use this achievement, and nothing bothers you: it perfectly warms and retains your body heat. By the way, you can’t climb into it dressed very warmly: a down sleeping bag reliably stores your body heat, which is not released through three sweaters and a jacket.
  • Put a heating pad in bed: heat water and pour it into ordinary plastic bottles. This heating pad will perfectly warm your bed. You can also heat a pillow with rice inside in the microwave: it also keeps warm for a long time.
  • Drink hot drinks: ginger tea is a great way to warm up.
  • Let warm pets into your home. A cat in bed or in your arms successfully replaces a heating pad.
  • Hug: it’s better to while away the coldest evenings together than alone! published

Any house by definition. It should be warm and cozy, but it happens that for some reason the room is cold and uncomfortable. Then the question arises: how to make a house warm? It seems that everything is simple, you need to insulate everything possible as much as possible and the problem will be solved. In practice, the issue is much more serious and insulation depends on many factors.

Firstly, insulation can be of two types:

External insulation is the insulation of a house from the street side, it can be either insulation of walls or insulation of the floor and attic;
Internal insulation, insulation of the house from the inside, insulation of walls, windows and doorways.

Also, the insulation of a house depends on the material from which the house is built, the thickness of its walls, the number and quality of window and door openings. Before making a house warm, you need to carefully study the structure of the house, and then begin insulation.

It is quite possible to entrust the insulation of a house to professionals; on the service market it is quite possible to select a company that will take into account all the client’s wishes, and will also do all the work for a reasonable price. But in general, insulation can be done independently; for this you need to have minimal knowledge in the field of construction. Or use video instructions that can be found on the Internet.

You should also know that currently gaining popularity energy saving houses . These are structures that were erected taking into account the fact that a frail house during operation will not only provide itself with electricity and water. Moreover, it will be warm and cozy.

External insulation of the house

According to experts, more than 50% of heat escapes through the walls. Accordingly, in order to reduce this indicator, you need to properly insulate the walls of the house. The easiest way to do this is from the front, tighter side. Modern technologies allow you to do this quite simply and quickly. For insulation, mineral wool or modern material polyurethane foam.
Mineral wool This is an environmentally friendly material; it has long gained wide popularity in construction due to its heat-saving and sound-insulating properties. Mineral wool sheets are attached using specially installed frames. For ease of use, these sheets come in different sizes. Following mineral wool, the walls of the house are usually sheathed with the now popular façade panels. Facade panels They also create an additional barrier and protect the house from heat loss. In addition, thanks to them you can completely change the appearance of your home. It should be noted that mineral wool is a completely non-flammable material, this is very important when insulating a residential building.
Polyurethane foam a material with wide application possibilities, one of them is facade insulation residential buildings. The material has a porous base that retains heat well. To insulate a house using polyurethane foam boards, no additional frames are needed. They can be mounted using special glue or dowels with nails with special heads. Unlike mineral wool, these slabs are very flammable, so after installing them, they must be plastered or finished with façade panels.

These methods of external insulation will have high efficiency for brick houses, as well as for buildings made of foam blocks and concrete. A wooden house can be insulated in the same way, but for greater efficiency it is worth thinking about additional thermal insulation of the basement, roof, all ceilings, as well as window and door openings.

Internal insulation of the house

Naturally, it is much easier to insulate a house from the facade, without wasting effective area, and the insulation itself is more effective. However, if this is not possible, then the way to make the house warmer is to insulate the house internally.

Internal insulation can be directed not only to the walls, but also to the floor and ceiling of the house, as well as to its doors and windows. When insulating a house from the inside, you need to take into account the material from which the house is built.

For wooden house need to choose environmentally clean materials, the structure of which is capable of responding to the changing internal climate of a wooden house. This, first of all, concerns frequent changes in heat and moisture, which, if the insulation is incorrectly selected, can cause condensation. And excessive condensation can eventually cause destruction of the house. Ideal insulation in this case, the same mineral wool and its varieties may become. You can also pay attention to various topical sealants. Let's say the gaps between the walls and window openings can be insulated using polyurethane foam.

Insulation of windows and doors

Thinking about how to make a house warm, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that some of the heat inevitably escapes through windows and doors. And the thermal insulation of these integral architectural elements requires close attention.
Several years ago, heat loss due to dry frames or cracks under doors was complex problem. Today they help solve this problem plastic windows And modern doors, which not only retain heat, but also decorate the interior and exterior.

Of course, replacing windows and doors is quite expensive, but in fact, it is worth it. If this is not possible temporarily, then you can use temporary measures. For example, for the autumn-winter season, windows can be insulated using putty or other “old-fashioned” methods. The door will release less heat if the tight side is lined with felt, cotton wool or other insulation materials.

You need to understand that temporary measures are insufficient insulation and it is better to spend money once, but replace all windows and doors with modern ones, than to waste time and energy every year on something that will not bring the desired result.

Energy saving house

For those who are thinking about how to make their home warmer initial stages construction, it will be interesting to learn about the concept of energy-efficient housing.

Energy saving houses This is a relatively new trend. The main objective of such a house is to reduce the cost of heating the house, as well as providing it with electricity and water. Ideally energy saving house can be completely autonomous and not depend on external heating sources, power lines, or central sewer and water supply.

Regarding heat, key points laid at the earliest stage of planning a house. Everything here has great value and the area of ​​the house and its shape and number of floors, as well as the shape of the roof and the number of windows and doors.

From the point of view of energy-saving construction, the most profitable for living will be square cottage With pitched roof, and the windows in such a house should face south, this will reduce heat loss from windows and doors.

Despite the growing popularity of this type of construction, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the region of residence. In addition, the primary costs must be recouped in the first 10-15 years, otherwise construction is simply not profitable.

The warmest house

If an energy-saving house seems too complicated, then when deciding at the construction stage how to make the house warm, you should pay attention to building materials, or rather, what material will make the house the warmest without additional investments.

Brick houses

Brick houses are quite warm, but this material has disadvantages:

Brick is an expensive material, build walls from it required thickness, will require large financial costs;
Brick wall needs additional thermal insulation, which means additional expenses labor and money;
In order to brick house didn't collapse ahead of schedule it needs to maintain a constant microclimate, otherwise moisture will quickly begin to affect the strength of the structure in the most negative way;
Despite the fact that brick holds heat well, it takes a relatively long time to properly heat a brick room.

Despite the fact that brick construction is quite expensive and has other disadvantages, houses are built from brick quite often; brick allows you to build buildings of even complex architecture.

House made of aerated concrete slabs

A fairly new, but already very popular material is aerated concrete. Its advantages over brick are obvious:

Aerated concrete is much cheaper than brick, price building material often plays a decisive role in its selection;
The technology for manufacturing aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to produce blocks of the size needed to build a wall in one layer, this also reduces financial costs;
The structure of aerated concrete is porous, this gives the material good heat-conducting properties, thus, houses made of aerated concrete do not need additional wall insulation, which saves not only money, but also time.

Thanks to all the advantages of this material, houses made of aerated concrete can be used even in regions with very cold climates, without the need for additional insulation.

Wooden house

Wooden houses have always been in good demand and have their own admirers, this situation continues to this day. Nowadays houses are built from timber or logs.

Houses made of timber have excellent thermal performance. The size of the timber can be selected in such a way that the thickness of the wall will be large enough to keep the house warm. If necessary, a house made of timber can be sheathed with any facade material.

Logs are in demand due to their excellent appearance. Depending on the size of the log, you can do without additional insulation. It is important that the log, like timber, be treated with a special compound that will increase the service life of this type of house.

Frame construction

Frame houses also took their place in the construction of residential premises. Widespread in the West, they are, one might say, newcomers to our latitudes. However, they have many advantages:

Construction frame house significantly faster than any other type of construction. The basis of such a home is a durable frame made of wood or metal-plastic. Panels assembled taking into account the climate and the wishes of the customer are attached to the frame. Upper layer such a panel consists of insulation and facade material.
In order to build frame house no need to spend a large number of money. The price of such a house directly depends on its area and materials used in construction.
Houses built in this way are very reliable, despite the simplicity of their construction. The average lifespan of such a house is 60 years.

In order to keep the house warm, you need to put in a lot of effort and money, but in the end it all pays off in the comfort of the resulting home.

Every owner of a private home knows how important it is to make it so that living in it is comfortable. There are many factors that influence the microclimate inside the house, but one of the main ones is heat conservation. Properly selected and high-quality installed thermal insulation will allow you to maintain the desired temperature and humidity in the premises, using a minimum of auxiliary means. Of course, it will not be possible to completely abandon the heating system, but it is quite possible to save significantly on it. For this purpose, separate heat-insulating materials and even specially designed insulation systems are used, presented on the market both foreign and domestic producers. Depending on what building material your house is built from, you can choose insulation for concrete, wood, brick, etc. There are also separate projects of “warm” houses, the design of which is initially aimed at maximum heat retention.

The main heat loss in a house, regardless of what material it is built from, occurs through the walls. They account for about 50% of all heat losses, so the main emphasis when insulating a house should be on the thermal insulation of the walls.

As a rule, walls are insulated from the outer façade side. Insulation is used extremely rarely inside and only in cases where it cannot be done outside.

For external wall insulation, various insulation materials can be used, among which the most popular are mineral wool and polyurethane foam. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general these materials have all the necessary characteristics for insulating facades. Mineral wool is a natural and healthy material, it is non-flammable, non-toxic, durable and retains heat perfectly. It is applied directly to the walls at the stage of arranging the frame, but can also be attached using anchor dowels.

The advantage of polyurethane foam is its light weight, which allows you to insulate even balcony structures that are not designed for heavy loads. It is also quite durable and high-tech. Due to its qualities, its scope of application is much wider than that of mineral wool. But there are also disadvantages, including the flammability of polyurethane foam, which requires additional protection insulation layer. Polyurethane foam is attached to wall surfaces using glue and anchor dowels.

Particular attention should be paid to houses made of wooden beams. As in other houses, the main heat losses occur through the walls, and only 20% of them through window and door openings and the ceiling.

Increased heat loss in wooden house may be associated with gaps in the seams between the logs. To reduce them, a special sealant is used, which must be applied strictly following the instructions for its use. The sealant significantly improves the thermal performance of the house, which makes it possible to retain heat longer and spend less money on heating.

As mentioned above, it is advisable to carry out insulation of houses with outside walls This is especially true wooden structures. When insulating rooms from the inside, humidity may increase; moisture, collecting on the surface of walls and insulation, will begin to destroy the wood. For external insulation At home, you also need to select insulation that is designed for wood. It must be environmentally friendly and maintain air exchange in the premises. Such insulation materials include ROCKWOOL, URSA, ISOVER, ISOROK, technoplex, etc. All of them must have appropriate quality certificates.

The process of insulating a house itself is best carried out in the warm season (ideally in summer), in warm, dry weather with stable temperature and humidity levels. Before applying a layer of insulation, wooden surface walls must be treated with antiseptics, fire retardants or other protective equipment. The seams between the logs, as well as all joints, are caulked and only then can we begin direct insulation.

Materials used as insulation must be heat-resistant and anti-corrosion. In the lower and upper parts of the walls (near the foundation and under the eaves), it is necessary to install ventilation system vents so that condensation does not accumulate on the surfaces during sudden temperature changes.

The insulation material can be applied in such a way that gaps can form between it and the wall surface. They cannot be left, so they are filled with bulk insulation or using a spraying system.

Selection of quality thermal insulation material and its proper installation will allow you to forget about unwanted heat leakage from the premises for a long time and will make your stay in the house cozy and comfortable.

Insulation of a private house with polyurethane foam. Video