Photo wallpaper characteristics. What types of wallpaper for walls are best to choose? We list the main types of textile wallpapers

Wallpaper has been and, perhaps, remains the most popular way to decorate walls. The industry offers us big choice types of wallpaper designs, and the market is filled with new and more advanced designs of this type materials.

Paper interior decoration has received universal recognition. Many people prefer it because of its low cost, ease of gluing and environmental friendliness.

Characteristics of paper wallpaper

Wallpaper of this class is divided into two types: simplex and duplex, depending on the number of layers. This type of coating is most often used in wall decoration because it allows them to breathe, but there are also a number of significant disadvantages: they fade quickly, they are easily damaged, and if some kind of contamination appears, it cannot be washed off, you will have to re-glue it.

There are several types of material with different paper densities. If the wallpaper is too thin, then when pasting it may stretch or, on the contrary, shrink, and if it is too thick, it will increase the consumption of glue and require additional surface preparation.

It would be optimal to use paper with an average density of 110-140 g/m2. You can find this information on the product packaging.

Non-woven wallpaper

If you rarely make repairs, then non-woven or vinyl wallpapers will be preferable.

Non-woven fabric is an analogue of paper, but with fabric threads at the base. This type of wallpaper can be pasted over uneven walls, another significant advantage is that they do not shrink during operation.

There is an option with a thin layer of vinyl on the surface, then the wall can be easily subjected to wet cleaning or painting, but manufacturers no longer risk talking about the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the chosen type.

Vinyl wallpapers

In versions of vinyl wallpaper, non-woven fabric is used as the bottom layer, but more often paper; the wallpaper is easy to care for, easy to work with, and can be easily washed, cleaned, or painted.

But the downside is that they do not allow oxygen to pass through; because of this property, non-woven wallpaper is rarely recommended for the design of bedrooms, and especially children’s rooms.

Acrylic coating

If you liked the look of the vinyl covering and would like to use similar wallpaper for covering rooms, but are not going to deprive yourself of air, the solution would be to buy acrylic wallpaper.

Outwardly, they resemble vinyl, but the top layer in them is made of foamed acrylic, applied in a dotted manner, so the breathability of the coating does not suffer. Such wallpapers are less wear-resistant, but if you like changes and often refresh your interior, this is your option.

Coatings made from natural materials

If you prefer a more expensive but eco-friendly interior, pay attention to natural wallpaper. Upper layer they are made of bamboo, straw, veneer, reed, the base is usually paper, but sometimes non-woven fabric is also used. This type of coating gives a special coziness and pristine appearance to your home.

To prevent possible exposure to dust and dirt, such wallpaper is treated with special impregnations. Negative sides when choosing natural coating there is also:

  • Firstly, they are difficult to glue; in most cases, you cannot do this without specialists.
  • Secondly, natural composition afraid of dampness.
  • Thirdly, such finishing accessories do not take color well, and if you choose bright color, be prepared that after one or two seasons the wallpaper will fade or completely change color.

The high price of such materials, as a rule, does not justify itself; when choosing this option, designers advise taking two types of wallpaper: natural for one wall or part of it, and “simpler” wallpaper for the rest of the space.

What is fiberglass?

A new type of finishing with the least number of disadvantages is glass wallpaper. A new word in the variety of types of wallpaper for walls. When used, they do not shrink, so they are often used in the design of rooms in new, recently built houses. These wallpapers are made from glass fibers and do not contain harmful substances and show greater strength in tensile tests.

After gluing them, manufacturers recommend additionally painting the walls with paints water based. Wallpaper differs from others in that it does not undergo combustion, does not emit smoke and is absolutely not afraid of exposure to water. They have a large margin of safety, their service life is about 30 years, and they can be repainted more than 15 times if necessary.

The coating protects the walls from cracks. Hypoallergenicity is their big advantage, because they do not contain a breeding ground for various types of microorganisms, and you do not have to worry about the appearance of mold or mildew in your home.

So far they have only one drawback - a small selection of patterns, which significantly limits the possibilities of creating unique design rooms using such material.

Wallpaper with fabric trim

When choosing an expensive design, you will certainly be offered textile wallpaper. They look exclusive due to the fact that the top layer is made of expensive fabrics: silk, linen, cotton, and velor. Photographs using this type of wallpaper are extremely often used by designers when advertising their services. Absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Some types of it, for example, from flax, have antiseptic properties. The fabric partially helps insulating the noise and heat of the room.

The width of the roll of such materials allows you to create a coating without seams on the wall. The downside is low resistance to dirt and odors; when gluing, you will need the help of specialists; the price tag for such material is also considerable.

Metallized wallpaper

A modern type of wallpaper that rarely leaves anyone indifferent, metal types accessories. The top layer of this material is made of foil, which indicates increased wear resistance of the coating.

Wallpaper is not afraid of moisture and light, adds modernity and color to any design style, and exhibits good soundproofing properties. The coating requires perfect alignment of the walls (usually with plasterboard) and does not cost less natural wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper - a simple replacement for the classics

For those who consider wallpapering walls a relic of the past, the industry offers liquid wallpaper. Environmentally friendly cellulose is used as the basis for such coatings, and additional design components can be glitter, fibers, and dyes.

The work process is as follows: you buy a bag of dry powder and dilute it with plain water in the proportion required according to the instructions included with the purchase. The material is applied with a spatula; this does not require special skills, but it is better to watch a special video on this topic.

Consumption with proper application is 1 kg per 5 m2 of surface area, which, you see, is not so little. This is a relatively cheap option for wall decoration; its price also depends on the type decorative elements, present in the solution.

This material has a service life of approximately 6 years; when applied, there is no need to worry about joints, and no additional leveling of the walls is required.

The use of photo wallpaper in the interior

Photo wallpapers have not gone out of fashion for many years. They are loved for the ability to choose any pattern in volume, standard option sticking involves two types of wallpaper, when you apply photo wallpaper to one wall, and any plain material to the rest. The reverse side of the photo wallpaper is self-adhesive, which simplifies the finishing process.

The interior design industry has developed a huge catalog of different types of wallpaper to suit every taste and budget. Now the process of transforming the interior is not so physically difficult, it has taken on creative forms and does not take as much time and effort.

Photos of different types of wallpaper

Today on the market you can find many diverse different types wallpaper for walls with a large number of characteristics and properties that can differ greatly from each other. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Classification by characteristics

To choose the right wallpaper, you need to understand that there are different kinds products. Several main classifications can be distinguished, depending on the capabilities and properties.

The first sign by which you can separate the wallpaper is cleaning with water:

  1. Regular. Only tolerate dry cleaning. This group includes cheap acrylic and paper wallpapers.
  2. Moisture resistant. They tolerate light cleaning using a wet rag or sponge; possibly using detergents.
  3. Washable. When cleaning, you can use brushes and non-aggressive detergents.
  4. Super washable. Can easily tolerate brushing and detergents, resistant to friction. These include vinyl wallpaper.

This feature is indicated on the roll label using a special icon, a wavy line.

The next parameter by which wallpaper can be divided is resistance to fading. It is necessary to select wallpaper in such a way that in the room where it falls a large number of sunlight, fade-resistant options were used. This setting is also displayed on the roll label as a sun icon.

An important feature is the fit of the pattern. There are options that require adjusting the edges of the wallpaper, but some do not need to be adjusted. The greater the spread, the more material is consumed.

Symbols of characteristics on rolls of wallpaper in the table.

Today we can distinguish the following types of wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • flezilin;
  • vinyl wallpapers;
  • acrylic wallpaper;
  • natural wallpaper;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • textile wallpaper;
  • metal wallpaper;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper.

Attention! When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the fact that all rolls are from the same batch, since different batches may have different shades.

Let's consider each type separately.

Paper wallpaper

The base is paper on which the design is applied. For a long time, paper wallpaper was the most common option in our country.

They are the most environmentally friendly. They come in single-layer and double-layer. Double-layer ones are much more reliable and last longer, and additionally hide small unevenness in the walls. They can be embossed - the design is placed on a substrate, the relief is created by the top layer. They can be glued to walls or ceilings in rooms with normal level humidity, not suitable for kitchens or bathrooms.

Attention! The quality of wallpaper depends on the density of the material in the roll. For paper, the optimal weight is considered to be 110-140 g/sq.m.

Non-woven wallpaper

The basis is non-woven non-woven material. It is produced by applying a polymer to a base of cellulose fibers. The composition of the resulting material is very similar to paper. Used for painting if foamed vinyl is applied to the non-woven base.

Geometric non-woven wallpaper PL11001-12, Leroy Merlin, Price - 352 RUR.

Attention! According to GOST 6810-2002 “Wallpaper”, non-woven wallpaper is considered safe if it does not contain a vinyl layer. This option is extremely difficult to find and the cost is much higher. The relevant GOST must be indicated on the packaging.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper is considered to be products based on paper or non-woven fabric, with a front layer of polyvinyl chloride applied to them ( in simple words- vinyl). We recommend using it for the kitchen and hallway.


Acrylic wallpaper, like vinyl, usually consists of two layers. On a non-woven or paper base, the decorative layer is made of foamed acrylic.

Wallpaper ProSpero Baby&Kids 2310-DW-A, RUB 3,575.

Textile natural wallpaper

The composition of natural wallpaper is based on high-quality non-woven coating, unbleached or rice paper. On which highly decorative and natural material is applied in the form of cork, bamboo, reed, jute, veneer, seaweed. The first options appeared in Ancient China However, they have only recently become widespread. You can often find synthetic analogues.

Attention! Do not clean natural wallpaper from dust using wet cleaning. It is permissible to use a vacuum cleaner or a long-haired brush.

Fiberglass or paintable wallpaper

The main material used is fiberglass fabric; the composition also contains quartz sand, dolomite, and soda. For painting work only the basis is prepared for decorative decoration they make special decorative weaving. Mainly used in offices. It does not prick when touched, unlike glass wool. It is recommended to paint with latex or water-based paints.


Non-woven fabric or paper is used as the basis for metal wallpaper. The decorative layer is made using aluminum foil. They belong to the elite class wallpaper. Perfect for apartment design in high-tech style.

Wallpaper Arthouse Illusions, 294700, 4490 rub.


This is a special dry mixture that is applied to the wall using a spatula.

Without much experience, they can be confused with structural plaster, however, their composition differs. In production liquid wallpaper sand is not used; cellulose, which is a harmless adhesive, is used as the main component. To improve the appearance, various decorative fibers, natural dyes and glitter are used.

This type of wallpaper is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with water before applying to the walls. The cost of 1 kg starts from 340 rubles. It is enough for 4-5 sq.m., if a thin layer is applied, it dries in 48 hours. It is not recommended to use liquid wallpaper in damp rooms because it is highly hygroscopic.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is a canvas consisting of several parts of a high-quality pattern, during which, when sticking, a single pattern is obtained. They can be on non-woven, vinyl or acrylic bases. There are also glossy and matte options.

The most traditional and popular material for wall decoration is wallpaper. With their help, you can decorate walls, replace their paint, and even insulate them a little. The coating determines how furniture and other interior details will look against its background. There are countless types of wallpaper, and their characteristics allow them to be used for rooms of all possible types.

It is easier to change the trellises than to repaint the walls in a suitable color.

Pasting a room is a kind of summing up of the renovation. After all, this work is carried out almost at the very last resort. Once completed, all that remains is to paint the floors.

There are many ways to hang wallpaper.

They are all different from each other, but general rule one thing: color, pattern and texture must be harmoniously combined with individual characteristics rooms.

The price of products also varies, mainly depending on the type, manufacturing method and quality of materials. Cheap wallpaper is based on light, thin paper, and the front side is covered with paint, which is not the best. In the production of expensive versions of this finishing material, thick, heavy paper is used. The paint used is the best.

Types of wallpaper, classification and characteristics - this is what you need to navigate in order to choose the right “clothing” for the walls of your home.

In general, they can be divided into several main types. The main ones are: paper, vinyl, textile, metal and cork options. There are other types, but they are not as popular.

Paper ones can be smooth, structured, with a printed image (photo wallpaper). Vinyl is also divided into many types, including flat vinyl, structural version, silk-screen printing and so on. Textile wallpapers are available on paper, fabric or synthetic bases.

How to navigate such diversity? Is it really possible to choose exactly what you need? We'll look at all of this below.


Of all types, they are considered the most wear-resistant and practical. They are not subject to fading and can be washed. Such finishing materials can be used in damp areas. Modern version The product has a porous coating, which allows it to pass air to the walls.

Vinyl-based coating is chosen in cases where high-quality, but not the most expensive, wallpaper is needed. The types and characteristics are so diverse that they are worth talking about separately.

Vinyl wallpapers are made on paper or non-woven backing.

The quality characteristics of the material depend on the substrate. A vinyl product gives room for imagination and allows you to realize the most whimsical and colorful designs and patterns. It comes in four types. Among them, we should note smooth vinyl, hard, silk-screen and foam. The first two are dense and not embossed. The foam coating is airy, but convex. Silk-screen printing looks like textile wallpaper, but is produced by embossing.

Vinyl trellises are a two-layer material. The first layer, paper or non-woven, is covered with PVC film. Then a drawing or print is applied to it. This second layer protects the walls from moisture and other unwanted influences.

Vinyl wallpaper, the types and characteristics of which are very diverse, are the most popular among other wall finishing materials.

Below is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of finishing materials of this type.

Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper

Finishing material made of vinyl can last a very long time, up to 20 years. In this case, it is enough to wipe them with a wet cloth from time to time. Moisture resistance, by the way, is also an undeniable advantage of vinyl. The advantage is the widest range of colors, textures, and patterns. Wallpaper does not fade and resists damage well.

This material is perfect not only for decorating walls in the hall and hallway, it will work great in the kitchen, hallway, and living room.

These types of wallpaper and their characteristics have negative qualities. Among them is the release of substances unsafe for health, such as formaldehyde. It may be written on the packaging of the roll that the materials used are absolutely environmentally friendly and meet all standards, but still it is better not to glue them in the children's room. In rooms where such wallpaper is used, it is advisable to frequently open windows and doors for ventilation. Another disadvantage is that the porous top layer began to be made relatively recently. If you purchase old-style wallpaper, it will not allow air to pass through, which means that moisture may accumulate under it, which can lead to the appearance of mold on the walls.

Paper wallpaper

If you are looking for suitable types of wallpaper for the bedroom, then you should pay attention to traditional paper ones.

Such wall coverings have the longest history among all other types; it goes back centuries. Their homeland is East Asia, from where they came to Europe in the 18th century. Since then the wallpaper has been received widest application, and today it is difficult to find at least one house in which finishing materials of this or a related type would not be used.

Paper wallpapers are relatively inexpensive, they are easy to glue, and they are water-repellent. They can be painted in any color, thereby refreshing the look of the room.

There are different wallpapers available these days.

Now they are produced not only smooth, but also with an imprint (structural).

There are also two main types: two-layer (duplex) and single-layer (simplex). The first ones have protective covering, protecting from influences environment. Single-layer wallpaper is not as wear-resistant, but is cheaper. Despite the price difference, in great demand they use two-layer ones. In any case, such wall covering will please the eye for about 5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper products

Let's discuss the main pros and cons of these types of wallpaper and their characteristics.

The main advantage of paper finishing material should be considered its environmental friendliness. It will not provoke allergies or spoil the atmosphere with harmful emissions. The paper allows air to pass through, this will prevent mold from developing. A secondary advantage of this product is its relatively low cost.

Now a few words about the disadvantages that all types have paper wallpaper. And their characteristics also matter.

Paper is not waterproof, so wallpaper made from it is not suitable for use in... damp rooms such as bathroom, kitchen, corridor.

For the same reason, they cannot be cleaned using water; even wiping with a damp cloth can harm the paper.

Only a few species whose surface is covered protective layer, can be washed with a damp cloth.

Compared to their vinyl counterparts, paper ones are not as practical to use.


Long before paper wallpaper was invented in Asia, walls were covered with fabric. This method of finishing premises became the prototype of a new material - textile wallpaper.

Nowadays, covering with fabric indicates the wealth and good taste of the owner of the apartment. The variety of choice will impress you if you decide to purchase such wallpaper. The types and characteristics of fabric are described below.

Not only fabric can be used as a decorative layer, but also threads glued to a paper base, located parallel to one another. Such materials are made in Germany, and they are expensive, up to $40 per roll.

Despite its luxurious appearance, wallpaper with a fabric surface is very demanding in terms of operating conditions. They are not recommended for use in children's rooms. There they will quickly lose their ideal appearance.

Suitable rooms for this material include an office, bedroom, and living room.

Some nuances of using textile wallpaper make this process more difficult than gluing other types of wall coverings. The difference is that you need to be careful to front side There were no drops of glue or water on the canvas.

To avoid this, you should not apply glue reverse side wallpaper, but the wall itself. Fortunately, non-woven fabric used as a base allows this.

The advantages of the material are that it allows air to pass through, absorbs noise, and looks very beautiful and elegant. The disadvantages are the difficulties of pasting and maintenance, because surfaces of this type cannot be washed, only dry cleaning is permissible.


These wallpapers are paper web, on which nylon fibers are applied. The fibers are arranged vertically.

The production process looks like this. The paper roll is installed in a special hopper, into which nylon fluff is then fed. The length of each fiber is no more than 1 mm. A grid rotates above the paper, creating an electromagnetic field, due to which the fibers falling on the paper become vertical, just as hair is pulled in the direction of an electrified comb. The fibers are glued, and the finished canvases are dried in the oven. These types of wallpaper are suitable for a guest room or office.

Advantages and disadvantages

The process of gluing them is quite labor-intensive. The glue should be quickly wiped off with a soft cloth, the seams should be smoothed with a brush.

Among the advantages of velor wallpaper, noise-absorbing qualities are noted. The walls covered with them shimmer like velvet. The coating will not fade, no matter how much it is used. Designers often use this type of finish in decorative purposes, decorating and highlighting areas of rooms.

But there are also disadvantages. Due to its hairiness, the surface collects dust. It also absorbs odors and gets dirty easily, although it only needs to be cleaned using dry methods. Once a stain appears, it will be almost impossible to remove. And, as already mentioned, this type of wall covering is quite difficult to glue.


These types of wallpaper, the characteristics of which are described below, come in two types. The first type is a finishing coating for walls, actually consisting of this material. Wallpaper of the second type has a non-woven base, while the coating is made of vinyl.

In order to better understand the properties of the material, you first need to understand what non-woven fabric itself is. Essentially, these are cellulose fibers glued together with a special polymer, with qualities reminiscent of paper. The difference is that non-woven fabric is stronger and does not burn as well.

Wallpaper is made from this material and can be painted frequently. The substance will repeat the texture or embossing made on them. Acrylic or any other water-based paints are best suited for this type of wall renovation.

Like other products, non-woven wallpaper has its advantages. They are made on a thick base, which means that by gluing them to the walls, you can hide some defects, such as cracks and unevenness.

They do not ignite well, which characterizes them positively from a fire safety point of view.

They do not prevent air from penetrating to the walls, so fungus will not form on them.

The material does not tear, does not stretch, and is easy to work with. Glue should be spread on the surface of the wall. Therefore, there is no need to lay out long strips of material in the middle of the room.

Non-woven fabric is not afraid of water; the wall decoration can be easily kept clean by periodically cleaning it with detergents.


Combining different types of finishes when decorating one room is the simplest and most in an inexpensive way giving the room a unique and original design. The main types of wallpaper and their characteristics are described below. Photos will help you better understand what we are talking about.

You need to have good taste and a sense of proportion to combine harmoniously different types wall coverings. The resulting result should not “dispute” with the overall decoration of the interior; it is intended to emphasize it and enhance its positive qualities.

There are different types, they are determined by the rules for combining colors and qualities of materials.

When selecting suitable options the following nuances need to be taken into account:

  • In rooms with low ceilings, it is undesirable to use dark-colored finishes, especially if they are accompanied by ornaments with large fragments. Such a room can be visually enlarged light wallpaper, especially monochromatic ones. Patterns with small details are acceptable.
  • If the ceilings are very high, then the use of materials with large patterns can come to the rescue. This will make the room feel cozier and less bulky.
  • Light-colored products are not very suitable for covering the walls of a large, spacious room.
  • When combining wallpaper, you should take into account the function of the room. A combination of plain materials with bright and cheerful wallpaper will look good in a children's room. For the living room, combinations of large geometric shapes, stripes or squares with monochromatic zones.
  • If the room for which the materials are selected is located in the southern latitudes, then in summer products in cool colors will look nice in it. Warm shades well suited where it is often cold and stormy.
  • You need to take care not only that the types of wallpaper are combined, and that their characteristics suit you. Their thickness must also be the same, otherwise when gluing it will turn out that the joints are too conspicuous.
  • Think about the combination of wallpaper colors and furniture that will be in the room.

What products to choose for the bedroom

What types of wallpaper are suitable for the bedroom and which are not? It's pretty Difficult choice, if we take into account the variety that is presented on the market of finishing materials for walls in our time. Each type is good in its own way, but also has disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages make certain wallpapers unsuitable for use in the bedroom.

Let's look at the types of wallpaper and their characteristics suitable for living space.

The best option is to use materials made from natural components for this purpose. Vinyl coverings They are beautiful, but not very natural and safe; using them in poorly ventilated areas is not recommended from a medical point of view. A good but expensive option is textile or non-woven wallpaper. They are absolutely harmless.

In the case of non-woven materials, one must also take into account the environmental friendliness of the paint that may be applied on top of them.

You can use paper wallpaper for walls. The types, characteristics and disadvantages of this material are already described in the article.

What color the walls in your bedroom will be is a matter of your taste. We can only advise when choosing materials to resort to the same principles that are used when combining wallpaper. A small bedroom will benefit from the use of light-colored materials, a large one - vice versa. It is always better to choose calm colors for the bedroom, because this is a relaxation area.

All the above rules and principles are by no means a mandatory guide to action, because history is full of cases where violation of the rules led to the best results. The main thing is that you and your loved ones feel comfortable in the apartment.

So, we found out what types of wallpaper there are and how to choose them correctly.

Wallpaper is a popular covering for wall decoration. They are so diverse that they are suitable for finishing both budget rooms and expensive interiors. But when it comes to choosing suitable type, many simply take the material at random, focusing on external characteristics. In this article we will talk in detail about the types of wallpaper, how they differ from each other and which one is better to choose.

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • natural;
  • fiberglass;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • liquid.

Some of them can be used as a base for painting. These are paper, vinyl with non-woven backing and glass wallpaper.

Any of the types has wide choose design, many patterns and colors. To enhance the effect, you can try. Let's talk specifically about each of them.

When choosing wallpaper, buy rolls from the same batch: the shades of colors in different batches may vary slightly.


The cheapest and most common type of wallpaper, made entirely of paper. There are both single-layer (simplex) and double-layer (duplex). Most often the surface is smooth, but sometimes they are produced with relief.


  • low price - from 50-100 rubles. per roll;
  • environmental friendliness - can be used in the nursery and bedroom;
  • allow air to pass through, so the walls can “breathe”;
  • the simplest gluing process.


  • fragility: light spots appear quickly, maximum period of use is 5 years;
  • fear of moisture (if dirt appears, you cannot wash it);
  • drawings fade in the sun;
  • absorb odors.

The quality of the paper roll depends on the density of the material. Good quality wallpaper should weigh 110-140 g/m2. m.


Their base is made of non-woven fabric, nonwoven fabric with high density. Essentially this is the same paper, only with the addition of fabric fibers.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper:

  • high strength, unlike paper types;
  • allow air to pass through;
  • do not shrink after drying;
  • when wet, the material does not swell;
  • hide small cracks on the surface;
  • environmentally friendly, durable and wear-resistant;
  • easy to glue: only cover the wall with glue;
  • Well suited for finishing walls and ceilings.

Such wallpaper is used for painting if foamed vinyl is applied to the non-woven base.

Non-woven wallpaper without a vinyl layer is considered harmless. They tend to be harder to find and more expensive. Also, safe wallpaper must be certified according to GOST 6810-2002 “Wallpaper”.

Vinyl is a type of wallpaper coated with foam vinyl. The base material is paper or non-woven fabric. The surface can be smooth and embossed, as well as in silk-screen printing style.

  • moisture-resistant, they can be washed and cleaned (should be indicated on the packaging, ideal for hallways);
  • retain color for a long time, almost do not fade;
  • relief designs visually hide minor irregularities walls;
  • There are types for painting that can be repainted up to ten times.

The disadvantages include airtightness, so it is better not to use them in the children's room and bedroom.

Read more about it in a separate article.

Acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic wallpaper looks very similar to vinyl. Foamed acrylic is used as the front layer.

Due to the thinner layer of acrylic, they are not as durable. Spraying is applied in a pointwise manner, so acrylic wallpaper is capable of allowing air to pass through.

Natural wallpaper

Elite types of wallpaper for the hall are made from natural materials. Cork, jute, straw, veneer, bamboo, reed, and seaweed are used as the top layer; Most often, paper is used as a base. Some of them have a non-woven base.

In most cases, the width of the rolls is natural material is 91 cm, and length is 5.5 or 10 m.

To glue this type, use regular wallpaper glue, depending on the base. For a paper base it is applied only to the canvas, for a non-woven base - on the wall, and if the canvas is heavy - both here and there.

  • Natural materials create cozy interior, very warm to the touch;
  • the material is completely environmentally friendly;
  • To protect them from dust, they are coated with special impregnations.

The disadvantages of natural wallpaper include:

  • fear of moisture (the paint is water-based and can easily lose color when wet);
  • difficult gluing process;
  • high price (because of this, they are rarely glued to all walls, only for zoning and highlighting accents);
  • Due to the nature of the natural material, the joints between the canvases remain visible.
  • bright colors can lose color when exposed to the sun in just one season.

When wiping dust from natural types of wallpaper, you cannot use wet cleaning. It is acceptable to use a vacuum cleaner or brush away dust with a long-bristled brush.

Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is optimal for use in new construction that is shrinking. They are also often used in offices.

They are produced using the weaving method from glass fibers, so they have increased tensile strength and are environmentally friendly. Unlike glass wool, they do not prick when touched. After gluing them, it is recommended to paint the walls with latex or water-based paints.

Among the advantages of glass wallpaper:

  • greater durability and wear resistance;
  • service life is about 30 years, if necessary, you can repaint the top layer up to 15 times;
  • protection of walls from cracks;
  • fiberglass does not burn, is not afraid of water or smoke;
  • the material does not create a breeding ground for microorganisms, fungi and mold, therefore it eliminates the most common reasons allergies;

The disadvantages include little choice designs, the most popular of them: matting, herringbone, rhombus. The walls look rather boring.

Textile wallpaper

The front part is made of natural materials: silk, linen, cotton, jute, velor. The base is made of paper or non-woven fabric. At production, they are treated with an antistatic and fireproof solution. Sometimes the covering is made of synthetic fabrics; such material is easier to care for and can be vacuumed if necessary.


  • First of all, fabric trim looks expensive and exclusive.
  • completely environmentally friendly material;
  • some flax-based types have antiseptic properties;
  • They are resistant to sun exposure and additionally have heat and sound insulation.
  • There are types with increased roll width, which allows you to create a seamless coating.

The disadvantages include low resistance to dust, dirt, odors, moisture and exposure to pets. Since this is a designer type of finish, it has a high price. An experienced specialist will be required for gluing.

Metal wallpaper

Metallic wallpaper varieties are perfect for high-tech interiors. They cast beautiful reflections in the sun, and additional lighting will only embellish them and show all their advantages. The interior will be filled with gold, silver or bronze sparkles.

  • metal wallpaper is attractive due to its beautiful appearance;
  • the decorative layer consists of thin aluminum foil, which provides high wear resistance;
  • are not afraid of exposure to sunlight and do not lose color over time;
  • easy to clean;
  • have good sound insulation;

Of course, the price per roll remains high. And before gluing it is required to be perfect, otherwise the thin foil will wrinkle.

Liquid wallpaper

One of the most unusual types is liquid wallpaper. They combine best qualities roll coverings And .

Without experience, it is easy to confuse them appearance with structural plaster. However, liquid wallpaper differs in composition: sand is not used in production; cellulose, a harmless adhesive, is used as the main component. To give a pleasant look, they contain decorative fibers, glitter, and natural dyes.

Liquid wallpaper is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with water before use. The price for one package weighing 1 kg with a simple structure starts from 360 rubles, it is enough for 4-5 square meters. m. when applied in a thin layer (1 mm). Usually the price depends on the number of decorative particles in the mixture; the brighter it is, the more expensive it is.

A master class on applying liquid wallpaper is shown in the video:

They are seriously different from regular wallpaper and have next row advantages:
  • there are no joints during application;
  • create an unusual relief structure;
  • can level walls, so finishing time is reduced;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • have antistatic properties, do not attract dust;
  • service life 6-8 years.

Drying time after applying the mixture is up to 48 hours. It is not recommended to use liquid wallpaper in damp rooms due to its high hygroscopicity.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are also worth mentioning. They allow you to get almost any pattern on the entire wall: flowers, cities, nature, ocean. Most often, a self-adhesive base is used for their application.

We looked at almost all types of wallpaper for walls. Now it's easy to choose best option for your room, depending on the conditions, requirements and financial capabilities.

The need for cosmetic repairs One way or another, this problem arises for almost every owner, and the most popular for walls and ceilings will be wallpaper. In fact, their development and production have gone through quite a long path of “evolution”, starting from simple paper ones and ending with completely unusual variations that surprise with their texture.

Now there is a wide range of different types of wallpaper, unique in their characteristics and aesthetic properties. The finishing material fully meets the requirements of most buyers.

The wallpaper world is distinguished by its diversity. You can choose wallpapers made from synthetic and natural ingredients, with excellent texture and a variety of color solutions, among which are:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • detergents;
  • waterproof.

Characteristics of wallpaper types

In stores you can buy both simple and sophisticated types, the gluing of which allows you to create unusual design. The photo shows paper wallpaper:

In this way it is possible to select suitable wallpaper for every room. When choosing, you should focus not only on prices. Better to spend a little more money, but at least glue the walls with high quality.

So, let's look at the types of wallpaper for walls. Despite the fact that modern products differ significantly from each other and have different basis, what they have in common is that they are all attached to the walls with glue and have similar functional purpose, and here they are performance characteristics and the properties differ greatly from each other.


We will be one of the first to consider paper wallpaper. Despite the fact that they are considered not strong enough and wear out much faster than others, they are still in great demand. Wallpapering requires special care: when applying excess glue, they tend to become limp, and if careless movements are made, they tend to tear.

If you strictly follow the gluing rules, do not apply a lot of glue and do not let the wallpaper become soggy, then you can quite easily get good result. However, it is worth noting that they have low performance qualities: they are afraid high humidity air, may fade in direct sunlight.

In addition to the disadvantages, paper wallpaper also has a number of positive characteristics:

  • do not affect the thermal conductivity of walls;
  • let the walls breathe;
  • are considered an environmentally friendly material.

Among other things, when replacing them it is easy to remove them, and as for the service life, it is at least five years, which is quite a lot. Pay attention to the photo below:

The modern market offers several collectible series of paper wallpapers coated with a special protective layer. This allows them to be cleaned by wet wiping. Green wallpaper of different shades looks quite original. This color is interesting for the kitchen, bedroom, corridor and hall. Check it out in the photo:

On this moment There are several types of such wallpaper. Simplex is considered quite simple - a covering made of paper with a pattern or patterns on one side. Their significant advantage is their low cost.

True, they fade, are afraid of moisture and have a short service life, i.e. Suitable for walls in rooms with normal humidity.

A more modern category includes duplex wallpaper, where two layers of paper are connected to each other. Duplex is capable of muffling sounds and is endowed with thermal insulation qualities. On such wallpaper a pattern or bright three-dimensional patterns are made.

If we consider this property as service life, then it is significantly higher than that of single-layer wallpaper. Moreover, gluing duplex is easier due to its high strength and density.

The next type of paper wallpaper is foam wallpaper. The technology for their production is as follows: two canvases are glued together and covered acrylic polymer, which foams at high temperatures. Ultimately it turns out ready product with a relief surface, and its distinctive feature– resistance to abrasion.

Foam wallpaper is considered an excellent option for decorating walls when it is necessary to hide defects or imperfections. This is achieved thanks to acrylic spraying when creating an unusual texture, as in the photo below:


To one of the popular and modern types wallpapers include vinyl, which are two-layer fabric, where the bottom layer is paper or non-woven, and the top one consists of polyvinyl chloride film. This makes the products more durable. Either a pattern or embossing is applied to their surface. An example is shown in the photo:

Their relief surface allows you to hide imperfections and unevenness of the walls. They do not fade, are durable, waterproof and are not afraid of contamination. Gluing vinyl wallpaper is quite convenient. Ready decorated walls They are easy to clean and are a good option for any room.

Foam wallpaper is a subtype of vinyl wallpaper with a similar structure. The top layer foams under high temperature, due to which the creation of a pronounced relief is achieved. They are durable and have a long service life.

They are moisture resistant, do not fade, retain color well, and are easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner or sponge. Green vinyl wallpaper looks pretty good in the interior. Saturated green color is not only aesthetically original, but also helps strengthen nervous system. Green vinyl wallpaper in the kitchen is shown in the photo:

Another one innovative development– original silkscreen printing. IN professional field Such wallpaper is called compact vinyl. They have a paper base and a top made of vinyl and silk threads.

A distinctive feature of silk-screen printing is its shiny front surface and practicality. As for colors, most often they are dark in color with a light, bright pattern. These wallpapers come in two types:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • embossed.

Thanks to the shine, silk-screen printing makes it possible to hide small imperfections on the walls. It is worth noting that wallpaper of this type is quite expensive, and combining the pattern one way or another leads to waste of material. Green silk-screen printing looks very attractive, especially if it has a rich pattern, and they are most suitable for decorating a living room.

Glass wallpaper

Create unusual decor allow glass wallpaper, which in appearance resembles natural fiberglass.

Fiberglass wallpaper is considered an excellent option for paintable wallpaper, which has a non-toxic natural base. As source material special glass fibers are used. The photo shows an example of gluing glass wallpaper:

This type is most often glued for painting, which is carried out with latex or acrylic paint. Paintable fiberglass is used where it is necessary to obtain a durable, fire-resistant, washable coating for walls and ceilings. They do not deteriorate as a result of damage, do not rot or mold.


The category of new structural wallpapers includes non-woven wallpaper. They are absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to health. The non-woven fabric itself is a combination of synthetic and fabric fibers with the addition of cellulose. Non-woven wallpaper in the interior is shown in the photo:

Non-woven wallpaper for walls has high performance characteristics: it is shape-resistant, does not stretch when pasted and does not shrink. When gluing, the glue is applied directly to the walls. This approach allows the strips to be adjusted exactly end to end.

TO positive characteristics applies that they:

  • are not subject to deformation;
  • don't tear well;
  • stretch if necessary;
  • have soundproofing and noise-absorbing properties.

Using non-woven wallpaper, it is possible to cover cracks in a plastered wall.


The original invention for interior decoration walls - textile wallpaper produced on a paper or non-woven basis. Cotton, linen or viscose fabric can be used as the front layer. The photo shows an example of gluing in the interior:

The following video will help you understand what types of wallpaper there are:

Borders for wallpaper

This type of wall decor requires special attention, such as wallpaper borders, which are strips of varying widths. The selection of borders should be carried out in such a way that they ideally match the color of the wallpaper. In this case, the pattern or ornament depicted on the borders is also relevant. Interesting design green walls with a border are shown in the photo:

As an example, the photo shows a green nursery:

Many manufacturers have adopted the production of wallpaper and borders with a similar pattern and the same color. For example, large leaves can be depicted on the wallpaper, and slightly smaller ones on the borders. Such a detail as borders not only helps to highlight the interior of the room, but also to hide some defects by distracting attention.

How to choose glue

To buy wallpaper glue correctly, you need to know what types there are. So, today they allocate a special wallpaper glue, which contains starch and several other components that differ depending on the type of wallpaper for which it is intended. The properties and characteristics indicated on the labels will help you not make a mistake in choosing an adhesive:

  • for paper;
  • for vinyl and heavy;
  • for non-woven fabrics;
  • and so on.

There is also a universal glue on sale that is suitable for any type of wallpaper. Adhesive for joints is also available separately.

And, of course, you can weld the glue yourself the old fashioned way. If you follow the recipe correctly, then homemade glue will not be inferior in its characteristics to purchased glue. However, it will not be good for heavy canvases.

Types of wall adhesives for gluing are presented in the following video: