We are making an extension to the house. Types of extensions to the house. Features of modern frame extensions

Often, when drawing up a house project, developers are so carried away by architectural aesthetics that they miss another important point- practicality of its operation. Therefore, in many cases, unaccounted construction nuances have to be corrected after the house is built.

The same problem also applies to the lack of usable space, which can be eliminated by constructing an additional building adjacent to wooden house.

Preparation for construction work

Of course, as in any other matter, the construction work itself is preceded by preparatory activities, during which all the nuances of the upcoming work are considered. As for the construction of a building adjacent to a wooden house, the important factors that determine the entire construction process are the following:

  • it is necessary to decide on the location of the building and prepare its design;
  • choose material for construction;
  • make an estimate;
  • choose the type of foundation and how to connect it to the main one;
  • consider ways to connect the building with the main building and the placement of communications.

When choosing a foundation, ideally, preference is given to the type that was laid during the construction of the main building. But the construction of a monolithic and strip foundation will also guarantee the durability of the building. For lightweight structures, the columnar option is also suitable, but this is only if there is hard soil at the construction site, which is not so common. In the presence of groundwater, coming close to the surface, and sandy soil Monolithic and strip foundations will be optimal.

An important component construction work is the moment of connection of two foundations. In most cases, the process is carried out by hammering pipes and fittings into the old structure and then installing them in the new one. In this way, simultaneous shrinkage of the house and the extension is achieved, as well as reliable installation of the new building connected to the house.

An important point before construction is to determine the location of the connection of the new extension with the main house. Optimal simple option may be the creation of a doorway at the location of the window of the main building.

There are many assembly options frame extensions To home. The most economical and technologically simplest option is assembly frame structure. Such an extension will look best next to a wooden house. What materials and tools are needed for self-installation extensions and how is the technology for installing the structure carried out?

Technological features of extensions

The definition itself makes it clear that the basis of the structure is the load-bearing skeleton - a frame made of edged timber. Other parts of the building are also made from timber - bottom harness And corner posts. Conventional racks and lintels are made from simple boards. Also, with the help of boards, future doors and window openings in the room are indicated. The thickness of the racks should be equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, and based on the width of the insulation, the pitch between the racks is determined.

Let's give an example: if the house is located in the northern part of the country, then the thickness of the insulation should be at least 15 cm. It follows from this that the width of the lumber should be 150 mm by 100 or 150 mm. The step size must be kept within 60 cm, since the width of the insulation board is 60 cm.

After assembling the frame structure, it is mounted. Do not forget that before this, hydro- and vapor barrier is carried out. After insulation work, rough cladding of the structure is carried out using OSB or DSP sheets.

Video about the construction of a frame extension to a house

Frame extension to the house

Construction of a frame extension

Extension of a terrace to a wooden house

To live in a more spacious and comfortable home, you don’t need to build a new one, just make an extension to the existing one. Of all construction technologies, the simplest and most accessible is frame construction. It is ideal not only for frames, but also for other buildings. It’s possible to make an extension to a frame house with your own hands, if you have one step-by-step instruction. To do this, it is enough to have minimal carpentry skills and the necessary tools.

Options for frame extensions to the house

To avoid having to change plans during the construction process, you must immediately decide what functions the frame extension to a wooden house or brick building will perform. Purposes of use may vary.

Another one living room . Finish building extra room not so easy. You need to do all the same steps as when building a full-fledged frame house: prepare the foundation, build the frame, insulate it. If this is not done, the use of the room will be ineffective, since heat loss will be large. It is also important to waterproof the property to prevent mold and dampness.

Additional bathroom or kitchen. Before you begin to attach this structure, you will need to carry out the appropriate engineering Communication, and only then pour the foundation. All places where sewer and sewer lines pass through the foundation water pipes, it is necessary to insulate. And it’s better to do all this during construction, and not later.

Frame veranda. Today frame houses with a veranda are very popular. They can be either open or enclosed with glass structures. Verandas are useful for relaxing in the summer. This extension is much simpler than a room, since it does not need to be insulated and there is no need to install communications there. To build a veranda, a deck is made, walls and a roof are erected. The dimensions of the structure should be considered so that frame house looked harmonious with a terrace or veranda.

How to make a foundation

There are built-in and attached verandas.

  • Built-in veranda is being built together with the house, so it is built on a common foundation.
  • For attached veranda do separate foundation , maintaining a gap of 40 mm from the wall. If this is not taken into account, the new foundation will collapse when shrinking.

Selecting a base type

When planning the foundation, the seismicity of the soil is also taken into account, total weight buildings and other parameters. If mistakes are made at the planning stage, the extension may move away from the overall house.

To build a foundation, you can use the following materials:

  • wooden, metal or concrete piles;
  • concrete;
  • stone;
  • brick.

To build a frame extension to a house with your own hands, you can choose one of the following types of foundation:

  • slab;
  • tape;
  • pile;
  • columnar.

Usually used for verandas in private houses strip and column foundations.

Strip foundation

If the additional extension is heavy, you need to choose concrete. Do it as follows:

  1. The area where the trench will be dug is marked with twine, and it is secured in a taut position with pegs.
  2. They begin to dig a trench, cover its bottom with sand, then lay some crushed stone, which is compacted.
    They make formwork whose height is equal to base height. Waterproofing is laid inside along the perimeter, and pre-prepared reinforcement is laid directly on the crushed stone.
  3. Prepare a concrete solution using proportions of 1:3:6 for cement, sand and crushed stone, respectively.
  4. The resulting mixture fills a third of the formwork and waits for it to harden. Next, fill the remaining volume. To compact concrete, a vibrator is used to remove remaining air. You can also periodically hit the formwork with a hammer.
  5. To ensure that the upper part is level, it is poured level and then covered with film. The surface must be wetted periodically to avoid possible cracks.

If you build a frame extension to your house with your own hands as light veranda, you can save on the foundation and choose the columnar option. Not only concrete is suitable for it, but also brick, rubble stone or a combination of both.

The operating algorithm is as follows:

  1. They dig deep holes for the pillars, the distance between which is 60 cm. The shape of the holes is square, size - 50x50 cm.
  2. The bottom is covered with sand.
  3. A small layer of concrete is poured onto the sand and waited for it to set.
  4. Then brick pillars are erected. The masonry must be perfectly level, so it is checked by level.
  5. Concrete supports are made similarly to a strip foundation, but only in the form of pillars.
  6. When the structure has completely hardened, the formwork is dismantled and then waterproofing, for example, roofing felt.
  7. If there are any voids left in the holes, they are filled with crushed stone and soil, and compacted tightly.

The optimal height of the posts is considered to be one that provides a distance of 30 cm from the ground to the finished floor.

Which floor to choose for an extension

If the foundation belt type, you can choose any floor (wooden, concrete) for the frame extension. If it is columnar, then it is only wooden.

Let's consider both cases:

  1. Concrete. After pouring the foundation, 30-35 cm of soil is selected inside the concrete rectangle. Next, sand is poured into this mini-pit, and crushed stone or expanded clay is poured on top. The thickness of the layer is 20 cm. A reinforced lattice is installed on top of this pillow and a full-fledged screed is poured. Absolutely achieve flat surface, after which tiles, laminate or wood are laid on top.
  2. Wood. Install massive floor beams on top of the waterproofing, connecting them to the foundation with anchors or other fasteners. Next, logs are stuffed onto the beams, they are insulated, and the flooring is laid on top.

Construction of frame walls

Timber is used to construct the walls of a frame extension. Vertical posts and beams are made from it. First, the main frame of the walls is assembled in a horizontal position, and then it is erected vertically.

Installation rules:

  1. Determine the lower beams of the strapping and make a cut on them every 50 cm for vertical beams.
  2. Install the racks into the grooves and secure them with special screws and corners.
  3. Assemble the upper beams for strapping.
  4. They fasten the veranda together with the house using vertical beams.
  5. Anchor bolts are used to secure the veranda posts to the house.
  6. The resulting veranda frame is immediately sheathed on the outside with boards, plywood or OSB to increase the rigidity of the structure.
  7. Next, the frame is insulated, the roof is built and secured, and then doors and windows are installed.

Roof construction

Most the best option for a frame extension - pitched roof , it matches with any basic roof.

Mount it as follows:

  1. First, the rafters are secured on one side under the slope of the existing building, and on the other side - on the wall of the veranda. Used as fastening metal corners with a pre-calculated angle of inclination.
  2. Make sure that the ledge rafter legs behind the wall was not less than 30 cm. Thanks to such a canopy, the veranda will be maximally protected from getting wet by sewage.
  3. The choice of roofing is made in advance. The best option will the same material as for the roof of the house. Slate can be installed directly on the rafters or on the sheathing, and soft roof– only on OSB sheets or plywood.
  4. The rafter structure is sheathed with a layer of waterproofing, depending on the type of roofing.
  5. All roofing materials installed from bottom to top.
  6. To insulate the roof, it is best to use mineral wool.

Insulation of an attached building

In order for a frame extension to a house to be suitable for habitation, it must be insulated. The best insulation is normal mineral wool. It can be cut into the required squares and laid between sections of the frame. If the wool is laid in several layers, you need to move the slabs together so that there are no joining seams.

The insulation is sheathed inside and outside with a vapor barrier film so that moisture does not collect inside and spoil the material. After that they do decorative finishing. From the inside of the extension, the frame walls can be sheathed with wood, plasterboard, chipboard, and on the outside - with siding and other decorative materials.

In total, it looks like this:

  • vapor barrier layer;

    Floor insulation in a frame extension they do it in a similar way. Mineral wool is placed in the cracks between the subfloor joists, and the boards are covered with a layer waterproofing film. Once the insulation is in place, the waterproofing is placed back on top of it, and then the floor is covered with plywood and the final covering is installed.

    If you are planning to add additional space to your home frame technology, it is extremely important to follow all safety precautions. This means you shouldn't skimp on money. personal protection, it is better to purchase a high-quality tool that will not let you down in a critical situation. Then the construction will be a successful event.

    Video: construction stages

A frame wooden extension is the easiest way to increase the size of your home and get additional usable area. This is one of the most common options, since it is erected quickly, construction requires a minimum of effort, and as a result you can get a completely strong, durable and warm structure. Installing a frame extension to a house with your own hands is not a very expensive process, so it is quite possible to do without the involvement of professionals.

Materials for building an extension and necessary calculations

A frame wooden extension, as the name implies, is built on a frame - a wooden “skeleton” made of timber, to which the insulation and outer skin. Such an extension can be attached to the front of the house, it can be either open or closed. However, it can be turned into an additional room in the side of the building, and a separate exit from the house can be arranged so that, for example, you can quickly go out to the garden.

The construction of a frame extension to a house with your own hands begins with the design and selection of materials: for construction you will need timber with a section of 150x150 mm, boards for horizontal lintels, insulation material, OSB boards for external and internal lining frame. The extension will require finishing: for internal space you can use plasterboard, the outside can be finished in accordance with general design building. OSB boards can be plastered or a ventilated facade can be equipped with installation external insulation and covering with clapboard, siding or other materials.

How to make a frame extension? When making calculations, you need to take into account the following information:

  • Distance between vertical posts should be 1 cm less than the width of the insulation boards. If you choose 60 cm wide mineral wool for insulation, the pitch of the racks should be 59 cm.
  • The horizontal jumpers of the frame are also calculated depending on the size of the insulation boards. If the sheet height is 1 m, then the distance between the jumpers is 99 cm. The insulation thickness is middle lane Russia should be 15 cm, then in the extension there will be comfortable temperature in any season.
  • It is necessary to calculate the location of doors and windows. For door and window frames, 150x50 mm boards are used.

Main stages of construction

Having calculated the size and location of the extension, you can proceed directly to construction. Required area near the house is cleared and leveled, everything unnecessary needs to be removed from it.

Needs to be arranged reliable foundation: for a frame extension, a columnar option is most often chosen, although a strip base is sometimes used. The depth of the shallow foundation is 70 cm.

If selected columnar foundation, for it you need to prepare square-shaped pits with a side of 50 cm. A layer of sand and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom and compacted; you also need to install formwork to create the base part. Reinforcement is being laid metal carcass, and the base is poured concrete mortar, it must be given time to dry completely.

The duration of the process depends on air humidity; at first it is necessary to water top part water so that the concrete dries evenly and does not crack. When the base is ready, the formwork is dismantled, and you can proceed to the construction of the frame. A do-it-yourself frame extension is built as follows:

You can build frame extensions to a house with your own hands in a matter of days, and this is one of the main advantages of such construction. The room can be quite large, so the additional usable space can be used as desired.

Insulation and finishing of frame extension

Frame extensions to a wooden house will require full finishing, and in regions with cold climates it is necessary additional insulation. Finishing materials are selected depending on appearance main house: for wood construction The most common option is a ventilated facade with external cladding made of siding or block house. To insulate the extension, you can use polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and other materials.

To build a ventilated façade, a vertical sheathing is placed on the walls, with insulation placed between the uprights. It should be positioned as tightly as possible, otherwise each crack will become a “bridge of cold.” Each insulation board is attached to the wall in several places with special dowels with mushroom-shaped caps.

WITH outside insulation is closed waterproofing membrane, after which the second layer of sheathing is filled. The external cladding is attached to it, after which the extension will take on a finished look.

The floor also needs to be insulated, otherwise the building will lose a large number of heat. Attached to the floor beams cranial bars, on which they fit rough boards. They are covered with a layer of waterproofing, and insulating material is laid between the joists.

It is covered with a second layer of waterproofing, after which the finished floor is laid. It can be leveled with sheets of plywood, after which parquet is laid, parquet board, laminate or other type of flooring.

Insulating the ceiling involves laying insulation between the rafters, which are hemmed on the underside with boards. The ceiling can be simply painted, or modern tension or suspended coverings can be installed.

The interior decoration of the walls can also be very varied, it depends on how the extension is intended to be used. In a wooden house, most often the maximum environmentally friendly materials, such as lining or cork panels, but you can use regular plasterboard sheet. Drywall can be covered with wallpaper or another finishing material can be chosen.

Options for using a frame extension

The extension can be not only closed. It can be used as summer veranda, in this case, insulation and completely closed walls are not required.

Such a room will allow you to communicate with nature and spend time on fresh air without leaving home, so she will become profitable solution for the dacha. There are several other options for using the extension:

  • Rest zone. The room can be turned into a hobby room for which there was no place in the main house. This could be a mini-workshop, sewing room, etc.
  • Winter Garden. If you build a glazed frame extension and bring water into the room, it can be turned into a real mini-greenhouse.
  • In old houses, the extension room is often equipped with a bathroom, which was not included in the main design. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out work on waterproofing the floor, connecting water supply and sewerage. Ceramic tiles are most often used as wall and floor coverings.

You can build an extension with your own hands and completely finish it in one season. This work is quite possible home handyman, you can also involve one or more assistants.


The construction of the house was completed long ago, and the need to increase the living space has already arisen. Many owners face this problem. country houses. An extension to a wooden house will help solve this problem without much difficulty.

Our team of builders is engaged not only in the construction of houses, but also in warm extensions to the house, as well as verandas or terraces.

Construction of an extension to the house

Construction of an extension to a house is no less troublesome than the construction of the house itself, especially if it is an extension to an old one country house or a village log house. Sometimes this entails quite large changes in the design and layout of the house itself. This can be an extension of a veranda, terrace or warm living space for any purpose: a bedroom or living room, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. These could be technical rooms - a boiler room or a garage.

Photos of the extensions to the house that our team built

Extension of the terrace.

Adding a terrace to a house does not create big problems and costs. The terrace is an open area - wood flooring on a specially prepared base, with or without railings. Stand-alone or attached to the main building and used for recreation on outdoors. It may be under a roof, the main functions of which are protection from rain and direct sunlight.

Veranda extension.

Adding a veranda to the house is a little more complicated and expensive, since it involves full or partial glazing, but it also remains cold. The device of the veranda gives additional benefits— protection from wind and rain from all sides. Can serve as a summer kitchen, living room, games room. As a rule, it is not heated.

Construction of a warm extension to the house.

Construction of an extension to a house with insulation is a more difficult and expensive undertaking for full-fledged living. Most often we have to deal with the construction of an extension to wooden houses. In the process of adding an extension to a house made of timber or logs, some difficulties sometimes arise when connecting to the house that need to be taken into account. For the extension itself the most optimal solution- choice in favor of frame wooden structure walls! Opportunity year-round use, as part of the main house, heated.

The correct extension to a wooden house is a frame extension.

A frame wooden extension, compared to an extension made of timber or logs, does not cause vertical settlement of the walls and therefore it can be immediately rigidly attached to the main structure. Frame walls, the floor and ceiling are insulated mineral wool. This design will be the warmest, lightest and most reliable compared to other options. And also the cheapest and most practical. Possibility to make an extension immediately turnkey. Versatility - the ability to attach to any house: made of wood, brick or blocks. Any purpose: bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, boiler room, garage.

The foundation for the extension is another “thin” place. For such an extension to the house, a more reliable foundation is required and a pile is best suited for this screw foundation. In some cases, this may be a shallow monolithic strip foundation.

The cost of building an extension without materials, just work!

Calculated — approximate cost frame extension (600x300x250) with turnkey finishing.

  • Open terrace from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Glazed cold veranda from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Residential extension with insulation (100-150-200 mm) from 200 thousand rubles.

Construction of a frame extension to a house is possible at any time of the year!

Our construction crew deals not only with construction wooden outbuildings to houses, but can carry out complete renovation and reconstruction of the entire house.