IQ test results. Levels of IQ values ​​and their interpretation. IQ level of a normal person - what is considered good?

  • Brainstorming moderator

Method brainstorming, or so-called brainstorming, consists of collecting maximum quantity ideas for solutions specific task in a limited short period of time. This method allows you to optimize creative thinking team and come up with the most effective idea and then implement it.

Alex Osborne is the founder of this method. His theory is based on the fact that people are often reluctant to come up with creative solutions to problems because they are afraid of being judged by friends, colleagues, bosses, etc. Osborne, in his methodology, categorically excludes the evaluation or censure of any ideas at the initial stage of their inception.

The two principles on which the brainstorming technique is based are the prohibition of passing judgment on any thoughts at the beginning of a discussion and the principle of transforming quantity into quality.

What does the brainstorming technique provide?

A number of studies were conducted, during which the goal was to identify the effectiveness of individual and collective idea generation. It turned out that with the correct use of brainstorming, the amount creative solutions significantly exceeds what individual individuals can produce.

There is a stereotype that brainstorming techniques are used exclusively by people creative professions in the field of advertising and marketing. But in fact, brainstorming can be used wherever you need to make every effort to solve a particular problem. Using the Osborne method makes it possible to select the best ideas at the beginning of the discussion, and then clarify the details at the end. The method is used in management, scientific and technical fields, and even in solving personal problems. If you need to find a quick and effective way out of any situation, brainstorming is the best choice.

This technique allows you to unite a team of 8-10 people. After carrying out this entertaining procedure, each employee feels that he has invested part of himself in the implementation big project. Moreover, brainstorming gives employees “food” for conversations in the coming weeks, which also has a positive effect on both motivation and work efficiency.

Basic rules for brainstorming

First of all, it is necessary for all participants to be prohibited from criticizing ideas, even if they are too “out of line.” All group members should not be afraid that their ideas will be “booed” by their colleagues.

Secondly, everyone needs to liberate their mind in order to come up with the most fantastic and unrealistic ideas, in which in the future it will be possible to find something more or less rational. Often, brilliant solutions come this way.

Thirdly, there should be no restrictions on the number of ideas. Let each participant express their wildest proposals out loud.

Let's take a closer look at how to brainstorm.

Brainstorming moderator

Often, the effectiveness of a brainstorming session depends on the professionalism of the moderator, who regulates the entire process of discussing ideas and encourages everyone to express their opinions. Its main functions:

For the “position” of a moderator, it is better to choose a rational person who is far from creativity so that a group of creative enthusiasts does not “spread their thoughts throughout the tree.”

It is best to choose a coordinator at the same level as all the assembled creators, since a high position can significantly limit the flight of thought of all idea generators. Not everyone will be able to express a bold idea in front of a higher-ranking employee, which violates all the principles of brainstorming.

Brainstorming stages and techniques

Initially, there are the following types of brainstorming: organized and uncontrolled. The second is most often used in critical situations, when all ideas have been exhausted, and it is necessary for each participant in the discussion to decide get out of your comfort zone and suggested a crazy and ingenious approach to achieving the goal. However, you need to keep in mind that uncontrolled brainstorming can easily turn into useless chatter.

This is why organized brainstorming is considered more effective. It should include the following steps:

If the results of a brainstorming session do not have any influence on decision-making in the company, then it is not worth implementing it. Even with effective implementation brainstorming, if there is no procedure for translating ideas into reality, then the whole process will be absolutely useless from a business point of view. Many managers know from their own experience how to ruin an idea at any stage of its development. So don't repeat these mistakes.

P.S. A more advanced way of organizing collective thinking is Edward De Bono's Six Thinking Hats Method and Synectics Method

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Brainstorming is a way of solving problems based on stimulating the creative activity of a group of participants. The goal of this approach is to obtain as many ideas as possible from each group member in order to solve a problem or find an answer to a problem. actual question. At the end of the assault, he is chosen best idea for its implementation.

Combining group discussion with brainstorming techniques is one of the best ways to get a variety of ideas because different people have different different styles thinking and life experience.

This saves less time and energy than trying to find a solution with just one person. Other positive aspects of such group discussion are that it stimulates the creative activity of the participants, and also helps each group member to make their minds more open to other views on things.

The method can be used both in companies to make management decisions, and with certain modifications for individual purposes.

History of origin

Alex Osborne

Brainstorming (or brainstorming; written in English - brainstorm) was developed by American journalist Alex Osborne (1888 - 1966).

Initially, the method was proposed for employees of an advertising agency, the founder of which was Osborne. The following statements are attributed to the author:

  • “Quantity, quantity and quantity again! This is the motto of the day."
  • “The more attempts, the greater the likelihood of hitting the target.”

Thus, the main idea of ​​the method is a large number of a variety of ideas from which the best can then be selected.

It is interesting to note that the founder of another well-known method of generating ideas - TRIZ G.S. Altshuller believed that, on the contrary, the quality of ideas is important, not their quantity.

Introductory rules

When conducting a brainstorming session, it is necessary to identify a leader or leader who will manage the process. The facilitator sets tasks, defines rules and coordinates the discussion.

Idea generation and analysis are most often carried out by the same participants, but it is possible that these will be different people. In some cases, this will ensure greater objectivity in decisions made.

The main problems with brainstorming tend to be the length of the discussion and the participants' fear of being criticized by others. The first problem is solved by limiting the time for discussion. Getting rid of the second problem is more difficult and, most often, completely impossible. One can only strive for this.

Stages and technology of brainstorming

1. Formulate your current state and goals

First of all, formulate the current state from which you need to find a way out, or describe the problem that needs to be solved. Everyone involved should know the ultimate goal of the discussion. Set a time frame and establish rules for the session, which include no criticism or judgment of any proposed ideas. Designate someone to write everything down on paper or a whiteboard.

2. Generating ideas

Involve each participant in the process through alternate presentations. Encourage them to throw in as many ideas as possible. Participants must express their suggestions and ideas, which must be written down without any censorship. The brainstorming facilitator should stop any attempts to evaluate the viability of the ideas generated by the participants before the session is over.

If you are a participant in an assault, focus on the situation and express your assumptions without fear of being ridiculed or criticized. Stimulate your own creative thinking and imagination. Think about any possible solutions to the task that you could make. You can also brainstorm ideas from anyone else in the group and expand on their original proposal.

3. Analysis

When the allotted time for the session is over, collect all the proposals and analyze them with the group. Interview all participants to select the top 5 ideas from the list of all ideas received. Once you've done this, you can continue with more focused brainstorming to develop this list of ideas.

To get the final result or idea, ask yourself how would you rate this idea in relation to your situation on a scale of 10? You can trust your intuition to use your inner feelings.

The final solution may require one or more sessions. If you encounter this situation, distribute the list to participants so they can review it further and come up with new solutions. Formulate the criteria for evaluating the final result so that everyone can understand what they have to offer in the next session.

4. Execution

Once your group has reached agreement and formed a final decision, implement it. Provide feedback, so you can see if there is any result. If there is no result, you should look at the problem from a different angle and organize an additional discussion session.

  1. Provide a relaxing environment and atmosphere. People are more capable of productive thinking when there are no distractions and they feel free. It would be good if the brainstorming took place in the form of some kind of game.
  2. It is better if a small group of about 5 people participates in the process. If the group is large, it is better to divide it into parts. A larger group will require more time and several sessions before you can formulate a final solution.
  3. The more different the participants are from each other, the more advantage you have, since it will allow you to get more diverse opinions.

Reverse brainstorming

The purpose of this technique is to identify weaknesses and shortcomings. Here, instead of looking for a solution to the problem, a search is made for situations that worsen the situation.

Approximate use of the technique:

  1. State the problem and write it down.
  2. Question how to cause the problem or make the situation worse.
  3. Brainstorm answers to these questions.
  4. Collect a list of possible worsening situations.
  5. Turn them over and search for solutions to fix the identified problems.

Individual methods

With some features, you can brainstorm to solve some personal issues. In order to produce many ideas, you need to expand your thinking, learn to look at things from different angles.

Let's say you want to find a way to make money more money. Start by writing your goal as a question. For example, “How to earn XXX amount within a year?” By writing a specific amount, you make it clearer what you intend to achieve. When you ask yourself the question “how,” your brain begins to search for an answer. You will be able to concentrate and attract relevant ideas.

Write down your thoughts and ideas, but don't judge them right away. Don't worry about their viability. Continue until you have written at least 20 ideas. If inspiration strikes, write down more than 20 of them, but never stop until you've written down 20.

Choose from the list what you could do right now and just do it. Simply by starting, you will lay the foundation for the process of achievement to begin to take place.

Also, a tool such as is useful for finding ideas, but more on that in another article.

Brainstorming training.

The brainstorming method is also called “brain attack”, meaning an attack on tasks. But there is a beautiful and instructive legend about a torpedo attack associated with the author of this method of collective thinking. This legend gives the method, along with a beautiful name, a certain heroic charm that is so important for children. Tell this story to the children.

During World War II, US naval officer Alex Osborne captained a merchant ship that sailed between America and Europe, shipping from America military equipment and food. Once upon a time in Atlantic Ocean the ship was unguarded, and a radiogram was received indicating a possible attack by a German submarine. Against a boat armed to the teeth, the ship was a defenseless target for target practice. According to the traditions of the times of great geographical discoveries, Osborne gathered the entire crew on deck and announced that they could soon become food for sharks. What to do?

One of the crew members proposed a “brilliant” idea: when the crew sees the foam trail of a torpedo rushing towards the side of the ship, all the sailors should stand at the side and blow together on the torpedo, and it, like a balloon, will turn away from the ship. (A torpedo has been known to penetrate the hull of merchant ships and explode inside the ship.)

Fortunately, the voyage ended safely, but the crazy idea of ​​the dashing sailor turned out to be fruitful. Osborne installed powerful water pumps on the sides of his ship and once actually “blowed out” a torpedo with a strong jet of water, which saved the ship and the lives of the crew and himself.

Osborne thought - a crazy idea saved lives, there is something here! Maybe there is a rational grain in any idea? They say that’s how the idea of ​​creating brainstorming method, which was very popular in the sixties, it was considered the most promising, was taught at universities and many modifications were developed.

Brainstorming technique.

Let us first consider the classical brainstorming technique for solving “adult” problems, and then its multi-purpose use for children. At first glance, the method is extremely simple, as it contains only four steps:

1. Statement of the problem.

2. Putting forward ideas.

3. Discussion of ideas.

4. Decision making.

For solutions specific task a group of specialists of 5-15 people gathers. They are given a clear task. They think and freely, without discussion, offer any solutions. These decisions are recorded and analyzed by other people, who formulate the final decision. Everything seems simple, but not quite. Generating ideas is a delicate matter.

As you noticed, Osborne divided the solution to the problem into two stages:

Generating ideas without any criticism;

Comprehension, criticism, analysis of ideas and development of solutions.

Why did Osborne do this? He found a solution to the contradiction:

Contradiction 1: if new ideas are harshly criticized, they will gain “strength” and improve, but at the same time the “idea generators” will lose any desire to generate new ideas, but they need to be generated.

Contradiction 2: If new ideas are not criticized and discussed, then this does not discourage people from generating new ideas, but it is unwise to accept “raw” ideas for execution without criticism. What should I do? As you understand, Osborne separated these two processes - generation and criticism - in time and instructed different people. This, in addition to the main effect (the generators still have the desire to generate, and ideas will be calmly comprehended), gave a super-effect: it became possible to select people with the necessary abilities for these two operations.

So, features of the idea generation stage.

Firstly, for generating ideas specialists are invited different profiles: active, relaxed, able to generate non-standard ideas from the perspective of different sciences. Born skeptics, critics, and whiners are not invited to the first stage.

Secondly, a benevolent, relaxed, respectful, joyful atmosphere of communication between smart people interested in a good idea is created.

Thirdly, not only criticism of expressed ideas, but even a hint of criticism, and even more so ridicule, are strictly prohibited. It is known that even the expectation of criticism kills the desire to generate ideas. Ideas are expressed without evidence or explanation. You can put forward any ideas, even absurd ones, as they can serve as a springboard to a strong solution.

Everyone is given the right to make mistakes. Discussion of ideas is prohibited, but encouraging comments, especially the development of colleagues' ideas and the composition of their combinations, are welcome. Let us note that if the modern audience is erudite, the use of all methods of activating thinking is encouraged: associations, analogy, inversion, empathy, TRIZ problem solving techniques, heuristic techniques... as long as more ideas are put forward. It’s good if the generation session takes place at the pace of an intense hockey match, then a lot of non-standard ideas “splash out” in a short time.

Session generating ideas continues until ideas are stopped. This usually takes 20-60 minutes, and the number of ideas can be many dozens.

Fourth, all ideas are written down.

The next stage is analyzing ideas and developing a solution.

Other people are invited to work at this stage - analysts who slowly, taking into account the specific conditions and requirements of the task director, analyze the proposed ideas for the content of rational considerations in them.

It has been noticed that a person continues to think about the task even after the assault, so the next day it is possible to carry out a second assault. You can also introduce a joint discussion of the final decision, at which additional ideas may appear.

It should be noted the important role of the discussion leader. He must be well aware of the goals and subject of discussion, be patient, benevolent and witty. The success of the discussion depends on how he sets up the audience and manages the generation process.

It is advisable for the manager to talk about the importance of a good solution for the problem setter, and about a good reward for a strong solution. The leader must monitor the level of ideas. If they began to act only banal, practical ideas without a “zest”, he himself must offer a fantastic idea or offer 5-10 minutes to generate only fantastic, fabulous ideas. The manager must monitor the development of “chains of ideas” and must not allow “loss of ideas”: if someone suggested new idea, opening a new direction and everyone has forgotten about the old chain of ideas, then you need to find the right moment and return the audience to the old idea.

Osborne said: “The quantity of ideas turns into quality. Every idea has a rational grain.” Did you understand that brainstorm- this is a slightly improved collective trial and error. Now we would say that Osborne exploited the systemic effect of combining the efforts of two groups of people.

Advantages of the brainstorming method.

The method is very simple, accessible to both children and adults, and effective even if the participants are not very competent. No preliminary training of participants is required except for the facilitator, who must know the theory of the method, the methodology of conducting sessions and types of thinking.

This is a collective method of solving problems, so a systemic effect is triggered - the power of decisions increases from the combined efforts of many people (the effect of the “collective” mind) and the opportunity to develop each other’s ideas.

- Brainstorm can be used daily to develop fantasy and imagination and to emancipate the minds of children.

It can be shown that the same problem has many different solutions and each is correct, but only for its specific conditions.

Can be taught children are not afraid to express their thoughts, remove the fear of criticism and the fear of making mistakes.

Can teach you to listen to your comrades, respect both your own and others’ opinions, make the group closer(Class). - You can raise the status of a timid child, make him bolder and more relaxed, if you pay general attention to his decisions, even weak ones.

Can teach children positive criticism.

The method requires almost no teacher preliminary preparation to classes.

There is one interesting application of the looseness effect in learning foreign languages. During the first lesson, a completely relaxed, cheerful atmosphere is created. Everyone is joking, fooling around, an atmosphere is created as if everyone already knows how to speak foreign language- and on the third or fourth day they really start talking. It’s bad to use both foreign and Russian words, but talk! The barrier - it is difficult to start talking - has been passed because it was not put in place. And the secret is simple: students do not have to fear criticism, failure and ridicule.

Disadvantages of the brainstorming method.

Not suitable for solution complex problems and difficult tasks. For example, this one: “Is a soldier free from ethical standards?” This is a debatable issue, because the soldier took an oath to carry out any orders. What if the order is immoral?

Like trial and error, brainstorming does not have criteria for assessing the strength of decisions.

- There is no clear algorithm purposeful movement towards a strong decision.

Solution process you need to manage skillfully so that he moves towards a strong decision. The role of the leader of the assault is great. Half the success depends on the leader.

Areas of application of the brainstorming method.

Brainstorming good to solve:

- organizational objectives, especially if there is a shortage of time and information;

Problems of application and improvement of products, problems management and marketing.

Reverse brainstorming.

It is worth mentioning an interesting variety brainstorming - reverse brainstorming. In this method, the inverse is not the goal or the technique, but topic of discussion. Experts are asked to look not for ways of a positive solution, but for ways to further aggravate the problem, how to take the conflict to the extreme. This is necessary to identify the problem, identify shortcomings and hidden reasons for the current situation, and then do the opposite, that is, solve them.

Using brainstorming techniques when working with children.

We looked at the technique mainly for adults, but how to use the ideas brainstorming when working with children?

At first Let's define goals:

Teach children generate ideas. At the same time, there is no need to demand from children that every idea they have is correct and rational.

Teach children feel free to express their ideas “in public.”

Teach children to fantasize.

Teach children speak one at a time, listen to other children without interrupting, respect other people's opinions.

Support timid child, praising his idea, even if it is weak.

Assess overall children's activity.

Possible order of brainstorming in a group.

1. Divide children into two groups. One group: “Idea Generators”, the other group: “Astute Analysts” or “Experts”.

2. Explain rules of the game for children, talk about the responsibilities of both groups. Emphasize that you can express any ideas, the wildest and most fantastic, no one will laugh. Everyone should come up with at least one idea, the more the better. For all ideas, you can give out chips of different colors.

3. Give both groups a task.

4. Ask the “generators” to express their decisions, and the “analysts” to listen carefully, remember or write down all ideas, but remain silent! If there is a hubbub at the “generators”, then this is normal, even good. Children must throw out their emotions along with their ideas. The time for “yelling” must be steadily reduced, after a while children They will learn to “yell” in turns, and then speak normally in turns.

A very good technique for calming a noisy class was suggested by I. Vikentyev. You need to agree in advance with the group that everyone will fall silent when the teacher loudly claps his hands and stretches his arms forward. You need to practice for a few days children- say: “Make noise! ​​And when I clap my hands, be silent at that very moment.” You should not do more than three repetitions of a command in one exercise - children may not calm down, they just like to make noise.

If children have already been trained in the beginnings of strong thinking, then during the session brainstorming invite them to help themselves fantasize (control their thinking) using methods of analogies, associations, empathy, inversion, figurative representation, etc. Common sense and all techniques are never excluded TRIZ, if they are known to young idea generators.

5. All ideas children you have to manage to write it down on the board or remember it. A tape recorder is appropriate.

6. When ideas run out, you need to give the floor to the “analysts”. Let them evaluate each solution in a friendly manner and select the best few, as well as offer their own solutions.

Be sure to provide the opportunity each child to protect his decision, find its optimal area or conditions of application. This is very important point- the ability to defend one’s opinion or agree with stronger arguments is developed.

Praise all children, mark the most active and witty.

7. Change it next time children roles. The best “generators” and “analysts” will soon be revealed.

8. Generally speaking, divide Guys It is not necessary to separate into two groups; both operations can be performed by the same children, but only the operations must be spaced out in time.

9. An excellent stimulus for activity is staging. children in a situation where they need to save someone, help someone, advise someone. Only this "someone" must be " a good man". "Let's help the chick, Little Red Riding Hood, Alyonushka...”

Teach children ask yourself questions:

What parts are involved in the task?

What properties do these parts have that can help solve the problem?

For example, task: you need to quickly(!) cool the glass of boiling water. What should I do? You need to find 10 solutions.

What is in the problem statement? A glass, boiling water, you, the kitchen and everything that is in the kitchen is a resource for solving the problem. We use the following techniques: “mediator” + physical effect (transition of heat from a hot to a cold body).


Add cold water, tea leaves or milk.

Pour into a saucer, into a soup bowl, into a massive bowl.

Pour from glass to glass many times, holding them on long distance from each other.

Add a lot of jam or sugar.


Immerse cold spoons.

Place in the freezer, in a saucepan with cold water, in the snow...

It happens that children unanimously repeat a previously expressed idea without offering their own. Don’t aggravate the situation, ask: “What do you have to offer?” Repeat the question to the child in person. Sometimes children are silent. Nobody has a single idea. Ask leading questions, turn to the smartest or most lively child. Shake them up. If the generation process could not be established, it means that the proposed topic did not inspire the children, they are bored or are afraid to take part in the discussion.

Brainstorming topics for kids.

First, let's give “classical” examples. (At the end of the section, solutions to some problems are given.)

1. How to deliver Robinson's heavy pirogue to the sea?

2. How to measure the length of all poisonous snakes in a terrarium?

3. How to protect pedestrians from icicles falling from roofs?

4. How to protect the pool from which drinking water is supplied to the city from swimmers?

5. How to warm people on the streets in severe frost?

6. How not to quarrel with your mother?

7. How to save a dog floating on an ice floe on a river during an ice storm?

8. What would you suggest we do that is wildly fun?

9. How to save birds in the harsh winter without food?

10. What can you use to paint on asphalt?

11. You need to stir sugar in a glass of hot tea when there is no spoon. What to do?

12. What will happen if elephants increase to the size of a blue whale? (The height of elephants reaches 4.5 m and weight up to 5 tons, the length of whales reaches 30 m and weight more than 100 tons.)

13. What will happen if the length of the legs of hares increases tenfold?

14. Imagine the home of the future. (Formulate the functions of the house, improve them, reverse them, formulate the human needs, let the house satisfy them).

15. What will happen if you destroy all the wolves?

16. What will happen in the lakes if all the pikes are destroyed?

17. Come up with an insect with unusual properties.

18. How to make a multi-colored piece of ice?

19. How can the hero of a fairy tale be saved? What should he do?

20. How can a hen save her chickens from a kite?

21. How can you greet someone?

22. How can astronauts secure small objects flying around the cabin (pens, a comb, a notepad...): with a magnet, Velcro, a paper clip, a spring clamp, a pin... Which methods will not work?

23. Australian aborigines catch turtles when they crawl ashore. They are simply turned over on their backs and become completely helpless. How can I help them?

24. The number of people on Earth is rapidly increasing. The time will come when there will not be enough food, water, fuel, space. What to do?

25. The leader of the tribe needs to determine who is more numerous: men or women? He can only count up to 10, but there are more than 100 people in the tribe.

26. How to get into a room without opening the doors?

27. How to get an icicle from the roof?

28. How to decorate a classroom for the New Year?

29. What can you put in a cake to make it delicious?

30. Where in the room can you hide a doll?

31. Where did I hide the candy?

32. How to ensure 100% school attendance?

33. What qualities of birds would you like to have?

34. How to find yourself smart person in the kingdom?

35. How is a mosquito useful and harmful?


1. The family is going on vacation for a month. It is necessary to water indoor plants. What should I do?

2. How can you tell time if there is no clock?

3. What needs to be done to ensure that your Barbie doll never gets lost?

4. It is necessary to clean the inside of the winding pipe. What should I do?

5. Come up with a new, unprecedented natural phenomenon. How to help yourself fantasize?

Answers to problems.

1. It is clear that some preliminary action needs to be taken. It is better to use different techniques together.

Ask neighbors to come water; place the pots in a basin of water; fill the bottles with water, turn them over and stick them in the ground; bury in the ground flower pot wick (a string of cotton wool), and place the other end in a jar of water; take flowers to neighbors; cover the plants with glass jars or plastic bags; give away flowers.

2. The appropriate response depends on the specific circumstances. Make a phone call; turn on the radio and wait for the exact time to be announced; go outside and ask a passerby; can be approximately determined by the position of the sun or moon; at the first roosters; by the number of passers-by on the street; by feeling of hunger; by color; according to the position of the sunflower “plate”; based on the dog’s behavior (does it want to go for a walk)...

3. Do not take the doll out of the house; tie to the dress; always play in one place; always put it in the same place; don't let anyone play; install an automatic squeaker into the doll, which beeps every half hour.

4. We use, for example, the “mediator” technique: rinse with water and sand; blow with a vacuum cleaner; drive the cat away inside the pipe; ignite over a fire, and then pierce and clean; clean with a rotating flexible cable.

5. Hint: name what natural phenomena you know? Wind, rain, snow, landslides, thunderstorms, eclipses, northern lights... Make them unusual: strengthen them, turn them over, swap them... For example: rain of candy and toys... Rapid movement of continents...

The development of a company's innovation strategy and the implementation of local innovation projects are associated with regular management research and problems that arise at almost every stage of these processes. Making decisions from the perspective of problem-oriented thinking requires management to involve special forms of teamwork. Brainstorming (BS) is one of the effective means of creative group activities, which is perfectly suited to innovation.

The emergence and development of the method

Like any popular technique, the practice of brainstorming or brainstorming has acquired a number of legends and myths. One such story says that back in the days of the ancient Norman Vikings, there was a tradition of the whole team gathering in the center of the boat in order to quickly find a way out of a critical situation and express their ideas in a circle. Each of the warriors, starting with the youngest and ending with the leader, in turn shouted out a vision of the decision, and the helmsman summed up the results and made a choice. It seems that such a “bicycle was invented” in every generation and in every nation, because its rules fit into the logic of ordinary common sense in managing people.

With the development of management as a scientific methodology, many management tools began to be assigned to the authors in modified interpretations. This was especially evident in American scientific creativity of the last century. The brainstorming method is a bright metaphorical name for a tool for collective activation of creative thinking, which journalist, writer and manager Alex Osborne introduced into Western business culture in the 40s and 50s. The name of the technique “brainstorming” became popular first in America, then in Europe. By the way, this method of collective generation of ideas was widely used in research institutes and design bureaus of the USSR, but it was more often called the brainstorming method.

The rules of brainstorming in the Soviet years were somewhat different from modern ones. However, the pace of life in scientific institutions, especially during the period of stagnation, was lower. As fate would have it, in the 80s I attended one of these events, held at the design bureau of an industrial institute in the field of mechanical engineering. Two competing departments were working on related design problems. In one of the key projects, a technical problem arose that the development team could not solve. At the Design Bureau’s Technical Council, it was proposed to hold a joint seminar on the topic “Increasing the speed of development of the L unit while simultaneously increasing the quality of the output parameters of the M unit.” The form of the seminar was chosen brain attack.

It must be admitted that the best leaders of the Soviet formation were well versed in the intricacies of managerial psychology and even sometimes pedagogy. And it is precisely the socio-psychological patterns business communications played (and still play) a key role in increasing creativity in meetings. At that moment, the GIP was appointed to conduct brainstorming on the problematic topic. He gave top priority to the goals and objectives of the event. After their successful formulation, the composition of the seminar participants was carefully discussed with the head of the HR department and selected.

The methodology of the event involved the formation of two groups: the generation of ideas and their selection. The first included experienced and young designers, technologists from both departments (number of 10 participants), the second was appointed by order of three members of the scientific and technical council and two deputy heads of the institute. At the appointed time, members of the generation group were invited to the seminar. A report was given by one of the leading designers on the progress of the development work and the difficulties that arose. Then the GIP took the floor. He explained very clearly and calmly that now his colleagues had to express their thoughts about what solution would speed up the design without losing the quality of the product. There was a taboo on any kind of criticism.

On next stage a discussion began without critical remarks, which lasted one hour. They spoke at random, all the ideas expressed were recorded by the secretary. A five-minute smoke break was prescribed, during which the discussion became more heated, the activity of the informal leaders of the team increased, and a dispute arose. Gradually the discussion moved into the design room. The ISU gently but firmly guided the speakers, recalling the key issue, purpose and objectives of the seminar. So another 30 minutes of brainstorming passed. In total, about 40 proposals were generated, and they were placed on the presenter’s table in an anonymous list. The ISU summed up the seminar and thanked those present for their participation.

A day later, the idea evaluation group met. The brainstorming was continued in a new phase, much calmer than the previous phase. The group members came prepared with notes in the margins of the lists provided to them in advance. One of the deputy directors made a proposal regarding the criteria for selecting ideas, and the controversy initially revolved around this issue. Once it was settled, the discussion and voting proceeded quickly and productively. What caught your attention at that moment? There was a feeling that the procedure was drawn out and too slow, but the result turned out to be very good and the solution was effective.

Principles and rules of brainstorming

Over the past decades, not only the system, but also the management culture has changed in Russia. The pace of business events has increased sharply, national productivity has declined, and business culture has become much more diversified. Communication technologies received significant development, but the quality of contacts has also deteriorated. Responsibility problem solvers There have become fewer people, creativity has shifted to the area of ​​personal interests to the detriment of the interests of the business. Therefore, there is a feeling that the quality of the solutions developed in the 70-80s was higher not only in our country, but also in the West. However, there is one interesting “BUT”: the sophistication and effectiveness of such a method as brainstorming has become almost flawless!

The reason lies in the general complexity of doing business, the increase in the number of risk factors, the globalization of activities and the openness of the economy. This trend is objective and inevitable, especially in the context of innovative challenges and repeated intensification of competition in international markets. Brainstorming is common in management, but its potential is far from being exhausted in an innovative economy, since problem areas It only gets bigger. Forecasting and setting an innovative problem, assessment, ranking and risk management, research and development work, functional transitions to commercialization and procedural cycles - all this only increases the number of applications of the method.

By discussion, for the purposes of the topic under consideration, we will agree to understand a public discussion of a problem related to innovation, which allows or prohibits a dispute between participants based on the argumentation of the thesis-judgment expressed. The rules of brainstorming allow for a discussion form in which the dispute is reduced to nothing, since in a dispute it is very difficult, when opposing, not to fall into criticism, which is unacceptable for this technique. Criticism is a key creative block in collective creative activity.

The purpose of brainstorming is to obtain a non-trivial result of solving a problem by separating the stages of generating and selecting ideas. The task of the first stage is to obtain the maximum number of proposals without filtering them and critically analyzing them for “wildness,” absurdity, inadequacy, impracticability, etc. The result of the selection phase is ideas that have received formulations, ready to move on to the planning phase. The principles of organizing and conducting a brainstorming session are as follows.

  1. A change in the usual environment, the outdoor nature of the event for performance purposes.
  2. The principle of a special energetic (psycho-emotional) mood of the presenter and participants.
  3. Search for an interactive effect « cross pollination”, when previous speeches encourage a new expression of position.
  4. Searching for ideas rather than making plans.
  5. The principle of priority of quantity over quality of ideas.
  6. The principle of eliminating subjective assessment at the stage of generating ideas.
  7. The principle of suppressing polemics from opponents of any type.
  8. The principle of focusing on the problem and topic of discussion.
  9. The principle of equidistance between the leader and the participants in both groups.

The rules for brainstorming at the idea generation stage are as follows:

  • imposing a taboo on criticism of proposals in any form (verbal and non-verbal);
  • Creation internal states and a special atmosphere with a slight positive attitude;
  • the rule of placing participants in a circle with common visual contact;
  • the presenter and assistant stay together near the board or flipchart;
  • protecting the event from organizational failures, ensuring its smoothness;
  • encouragement of expressed judgments and ideas, especially those of the nature of insight, fantasy and creativity, expressed in a short form;
  • conducting the stage with support for freedom of association and creativity;
  • time limit limited to 1 astronomical hour;
  • the rule of ending the assault in a positive mood and on the rise;
  • announcing a break if the activity of participants decreases.

Algorithm for applying the method

The idea generation stage is based on the rules described in the previous section. But before this stage, there are still a lot of tasks that must be completed by the task director and the facilitator appointed responsible for the meeting. The main stages of brainstorming are preceded by a lot of preparatory work, the so-called zero stage, its sequence consists of the following actions:

  • formulating the key problem that brainstorming is intended to solve;
  • determining the goals of the generating group meeting;
  • selection and selection of a candidate for the role of moderator of the meeting;
  • setting and accepting the brainstorming task;
  • correction of the task during its development at the stage of selecting ideas;
  • selection of participants for the idea generation group;
  • selection of analysts for the group of evaluation and formalization of ideas;
  • selection of participants for the counteridea generation group (for individual modifications of the method);
  • preparation of the premises, equipment, boards, accessories;
  • appointment of a meeting secretary and distribution of roles between participants;
  • preparing an event script (in some cases);
  • the psychological mood of the presenter for the meeting.

The first stage is generating ideas. The place and time of the main meeting is important, since it is necessary to create a special atmosphere for the event and a special mood for the participants to work so that nothing distracts them from immersing themselves in the creative process. The brainstorming method most often describes in detail exactly the generation stage, which does not fully reflect the essence of the technique. This stage is much easier to carry out in a geographically separate place, for example, in a separately rented conference room away from the company’s office. The order of its implementation in its full form consists of the following steps.

  1. Introduction of participants (if necessary). The presenter outlines the problem, goal, and objectives of the event. Sometimes one of the event participants gives a short report on an issue to better orient those present.
  2. A “warm-up” event that increases the psycho-emotional activity of participants (microtraining, psychoheuristic stimulation technique). Performed by hired HR or a specialized trainer.
  3. Generating ideas in a round-robin manner with brief recording on a whiteboard or flipchart.

When conducting a brainstorming session, a change of several stages naturally occurs: “warm-up”, moments of exhaustion of creativity, bursts, fading of creative potential, and the final stage of generation. Brainstorming at this stage must be given a smooth flow; a “ragged mode” of the meeting should not be allowed. Many inexperienced presenters are in a hurry, artificially speeding up the pace of the event, this is a mistake. top scores achieved through a measured course of events and a calm discussion of ideas.

The second stage of the event is carried out by another group of expert analysts and follows the task of analyzing the selection of valuable ideas from the list developed by the generation group. The main stages of this stage are presented in the diagram below.

Stages of the stage of examination of the developed ideas during brainstorming

Classification of types of brainstorming

The technique we are considering gradually develops and undergoes modifications over time, and currently the number of varieties of the method is quite large. This is due to attempts to level out the shortcomings present in it and enhance the advantages. Its main advantage is its accessibility and high involving power, which manifests itself in most cases of a competent approach to technology. The main pros and cons of the method are presented in a separate table presented below.

(click to enlarge)

What types of brainstorming can be distinguished? The most widespread is the traditional or classical method. His distinctive features are quick collection, short duration, combining the stages of generating and selecting ideas into one session. IN last years The following types of brainstorming have also been developed.

  1. Reverse MS. Most suitable for innovation activity in the field of product innovation and development of new types of products. It uses defect analysis techniques, which first identify the most complete list of defects in manufactured products and the technical and marketing ideas embedded in them. It also identifies potential problems with the product that are already ideologically embedded in it. All this serves as a serious basis for creativity in generating breakthrough innovative solutions.
  2. Shadow MS. Idea generators are divided into two subgroups instead of one. The first of them operates under conditions of direct (classical) brain attack. The second subgroup overtly or covertly observes the progress of the meeting of the active subgroup, and each “shadow” participant silently writes down his ideas arising from the observed discussion.
  3. Combined brain attack. This brainstorming method involves a combination or repetition of classic brainstorming or the two previous methods. For example, the activity can be carried out as a double-forward brainstorming or a reverse-forward brainstorming. In the first case, the meeting is repeated after a significant break (2-3 days), which significantly activates the creativity of the generator participants. In the second case, the reverse mechanism triggers the identification of all shortcomings and problems; in the direct MS, it is much easier to solve them through the found antipodal ideas.
  4. Individual MS, unlike a collective event, involves self-assessment of the ideas put forward. However, assessment activities are carried out after a while - after a week or more.
  5. Other methods to complement the variety of brainstorming tools. These include: shuttle MS, brainwriting, whiteboard brainstorming, Solo style brainstorming, visual MS and brainstorming in Japanese style. This list does not exhaust the complete list of modifications of the method.

Essentially, the method discussed in this article is universal remedy finding critical points and finding solutions for management research in innovative projects, in prognosis, in identification and factor analysis of risks. Moreover, he is one of the most useful tools project practice in general, when the PM needs to quickly and productively mobilize the team for an original solution to the situation. When mastering the method, I recommend starting its use with the classical (direct) form. As you achieve success in basic modification, you can boldly resort to using advanced methods, which will certainly bring new, more significant effects.

The brainstorming method (brainstorming, brainstorming, English brainstorming) is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity.

This method can be used at the stages of identifying and formulating problems, developing management solutions. It is also widely used at certain stages when implementing other decision-making methods

Brainstorming method - a method of psychological activation in which discussion participants are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice. It is a method of expert assessment and is widely used in many organizations to find unconventional solutions to a wide variety of problems.

Brainstorming was developed by Alex Osborne in 1953. The method is based on the assumption that one of the main obstacles to the birth of new ideas is “fear of evaluation”: people often do not express interesting, innovative ideas out loud for fear of encountering a skeptical or even hostile attitude towards them from managers and colleagues. The purpose of brainstorming is to eliminate the evaluative component in the initial stages of idea creation. The classic brainstorming technique proposed by Osborne is based on two basic principles - “delaying judgment on an idea” and “from quantity comes quality.” This approach involves the application of several rules.

1) Criticism is excluded : at the stage of generating ideas, expressing any criticism of the authors of ideas (both our own and others) is not allowed. Those working in interactive groups should be free from the fear of being judged on the ideas they propose.

2) Free flight of imagination is welcome : People should try to unleash their imagination as much as possible. It is allowed to express any, even the most absurd or fantastic ideas. There are no ideas so awkward or impractical that they cannot be expressed out loud.

3)There must be a lot of ideas : Each session participant is asked to submit as many ideas as possible.

4) Combining and improving proposed ideas : In the next stage, participants are asked to develop ideas proposed by others, for example by combining elements of two or three proposed ideas.

At the final stage, the best solution is selected based on expert assessments.

Numerous experimental studies have been conducted to compare the quantity and quality of ideas generated by groups brainstorming with those generated by individuals working individually. The results suggest that when this technique is used correctly, interactive groups often generate more quantity meaningful ideas than individuals. However, to date there is no evidence in favor of a higher quality ideas generated by groups.

In recent years, " electronic brainstorming"(online brainstorming), using Internet technologies. It allows you to almost completely eliminate the “fear of evaluation”, because... ensures the anonymity of participants, and also makes it possible to solve a number of problems of traditional brainstorming.

Brainstorming makes it possible to bring together very different people in the process of finding solutions; and if the group manages to find a solution, its members usually become staunch supporters of its implementation. Nowadays, brainstorming can be effectively used by organizations to improve the quality of work in teams.

Principles of the brainstorming method:

1) Clear statement of purpose and/or objectives and limitations.

2) Ensuring maximum freedom for participants

Giving the floor to everyone (encouraging the shy, “holding back” the most active and authoritative);

Complete freedom of opinion, encouragement of “crazy” ideas, analogies (literary, musical, biological, etc.);

3) Careful formation of the composition of participants

Determination of numbers;

By specialization, designed to fully cover the required area, and in some cases, beyond its limits, as well as the possibility of partial mutual replacement);

Psychological (absence of malignant conflicts, obvious leaders);

By qualification (high and approximately equal level)

Sometimes the introduction of "red";

4) Hierarchical conduct of discussions: first - in maximum breadth, then assessment of the prospects of options and selection of the best, then again “in breadth”;

5) The huge role of the “leader” and democratic leadership style:

Creating a creative, focused and conflict-free atmosphere;

The ability to “identify” proposals and direct the course of discussion (Greek method).

Stages and rules of brainstorming:

A properly organized brainstorming includes three mandatory stages. The stages differ in organization and rules for their implementation:

Stage 1. Formulation of the problem . Preliminary stage. At the beginning of this stage, the problem must be clearly formulated. The participants in the assault are selected, the leader is determined, and other roles of the participants are distributed depending on the problem posed and the chosen method of conducting the assault.

Stage 2. Generation of ideas . The main stage on which the success (see below) of the entire brainstorm largely depends. Therefore, it is very important to follow the rules for this stage:

The main thing is the number of ideas. (Don't make any restrictions!),

A complete ban on criticism and any (including positive) evaluation of the ideas expressed, since evaluation distracts from the main task and disrupts the creative spirit;

Unusual and even absurd ideas are welcome!

Combine and improve any ideas.

Stage 3. Grouping, selecting and evaluating ideas . This stage is often forgotten, but it is what allows you to highlight the most valuable ideas and give the final result of brainstorming. At this stage, unlike the second, evaluation is not limited, but, on the contrary, is encouraged. Methods for analyzing and evaluating ideas can be very different. The success of this stage directly depends on how “equally” the participants understand the criteria for selecting and evaluating ideas.

Modifications to the brainstorming procedure:

Individual brainstorming method . All roles (facilitator, fixer, generator and evaluator of ideas) are performed by one person.

Facilitator(from Latin facilis - “light, convenient”) - a person who ensures successful group communication. By ensuring compliance with the rules of the meeting, its procedures and regulations, the facilitator allows its participants to concentrate on the goals and content of the meeting.

Session duration is 3-10 minutes.

Fixation using a pen, a PC or (the most effective) a voice recorder.

Evaluating ideas should be put on hold. Warm-up helps.

The disadvantage is the lack of a synergistic effect (a synergistic effect is the summative effect of the interaction of two or more factors, characterized by the fact that their combined effect significantly exceeds the effect of each individual component).

The advantage is efficiency and savings on people.

Written brainstorming . It is used primarily when the participants are geographically isolated, hence the opportunity to recruit top-class specialists. Disadvantages - lack of synergistic effect, duration of the process.

Direct brainstorming method . Unlike the classic brainstorming method, the process of formulating a problem (goals, limitations, etc.) also takes place using the brainstorming method, and with the same composition of participants.

Mass brainstorming method . Used to solve global problems. Stages:

    a competent group is created that breaks the original task into parts,

    then a brainstorming method is carried out separately for each block,

Double (pair) brainstorming method . Introduction to the critique of ideas. Stages:

    direct brainstorming,


    continuing to come up with ideas.

Brainstorming method with idea evaluation . This is a combination of double, individual and reverse methods. Used to solve extremely urgent problems.

High requirements for participants:

qualifications, composure,

ability to participate in brainstorming.

    generation of ideas,

    familiarization of all participants with variants of ideas and comments and independent assessment of variants,

    selection of several (3-5) best options indicating their advantages and disadvantages,

    discussion with mini-assaults,

    narrowing the list of the best options, clarifying the advantages and disadvantages,

    individual presentations of the best options and their collective ranking.

Disadvantages: workload, conflict.


    removing the “single brain” effect,

    the opportunity to provide constructive criticism.

Reverse brainstorming . Used when implementing projects consisting of many stages (elements). If one stage fails, the entire process is disrupted. Therefore, the most important thing is to make sure that each element is correct. The purpose of brainstorming is to identify all the shortcomings as much as possible. The process of finding solutions or business ideas is divided into three stages:

Stage 1: all existing, potential and possible future shortcomings of the object or phenomenon under consideration are identified, a list is compiled; they are ranked;

Stages 2 and 3 are the stages of regular brainstorming.

By reflecting more fully the shortcomings of the object, it is possible to find larger number solutions and business ideas for its improvement.

Reverse brainstorming technology:

    form a group of specialists who know the subject of discussion,

    familiarize participants with the rules,

    draw up as much as possible full list shortcomings,

    select criteria for assessing deficiencies,

    carry out analysis and assessment of shortcomings,

    formulate tasks (problems),

    put forward ideas for solving problems and select the best ones according to the rules of “brainstorming”.

Idea conference method . This is the method brainy vogo assault, but in a more relaxed atmosphere, for example, a round table. It is used to collect ideas on a specific topic and to find approaches to solving complex problems.

Purpose of the method: o free the thoughts and imagination of participants from limiting factors and direct them to discussion and search for an optimal solution to the problem.

The essence of the method is x A well-organized meeting with a goal that coincides with a brainstorming session:

    Only friendly criticism is allowed,

    Avoid inviting skeptics and know-it-alls

    it is possible to use various methods and techniques of collective creative work,

    the process is managed by the chairman - an equal among equals, but who is obliged to ensure progress towards the goal, maintaining a relaxed atmosphere.

Stage 1 Preparation. Includes:

    selection of participants,

    preliminary selection of factual material,

    determining the time and place of work,

    clearly formulating the problem and presenting it in a form most convenient for the participants,

    preliminary study of the issues under consideration;

Stage 2 – holding a conference. Includes:

    familiarizing participants with the rules of collaboration,

    ensuring the work of the conference,

    all ideas put forward are recorded,

    suppression of discussions,

    support for original ideas;

Stage 3 – summarizing. Includes:

    after the end of the conference, each participant refines the ideas received (nothing can be crossed out, you can only add),

    the received materials are transferred for examination to specialists,

    evaluation and ranking of results by experts,

The method produces the greatest effect when the number of participants is 8-12 people. and duration no more than 30-45 minutes.

The meeting chairperson should remember that:

    everyone’s participation in the search for ideas is equally necessary,

    unconstructive criticism and ridicule inhibit the development of ideas,

    a well-formulated problem is halfway to success,

    in 20 minutes. conference participants are tired,

    disputes and discussions are unacceptable,

    solving a problem is a job for which it is useful to use special methods,

    there should be no pauses in the flow of ideas,

Each participant must know that:

    he is needed at this meeting,

    he does not bear any responsibility for choosing the best solution,

    he will not implement the proposals,

    all ideas will be carefully studied by specialists and experts,

    he has the same rights as everyone else,

    During the conference he should offer as many different ideas as possible,

    The best form of objection is your own proposal.

Advantages of the method:

    ease of learning and ease of use,

    the effectiveness is higher than when using direct brainstorming.

Flaw: no guarantee of finding strong ideas.