Laying foam concrete blocks with your own hands. Guide to self-laying foam concrete blocks. Laying foam blocks on cement mortars

From the author: Greetings, dear readers. Today I will talk about how to lay foam blocks on the foundation yourself. For many self-taught builders this process becomes incredibly difficult, because building walls is not just making brick or stone masonry.

You will need to observe a lot of subtleties, without which the entire structure may collapse. You should also take into account the peculiarity of the foam blocks themselves, which we will also discuss now.

I would like to draw maximum attention to the fact that foam blocks are unique only to this material. Usage classical schemes work can lead to local disasters in the form of a loose stone or the collapse of an entire wall.

Technical characteristics and production features

Modern technologies for the production of building materials are reaching an unimaginable level. It involves the use of specialized chemical additives that give a particular product special properties that were previously unavailable.

Four ingredients are used to make foam blocks. Cement, sand and water are the standard three, to which a unique foaming agent is added. Its composition allows the formation of closed air cavities in the solution, giving the resulting material the necessary characteristics.

Nowadays, there are two ways to make this type of stone:

  • bulk or casting. This type involves filling a huge number of small cells. Quite a convenient method if viewed from any angle. The prepared solution is used in full. Known exact amount each sample and there is confidence that they will be the same size. Great way in order to make foam blocks with your own hands, since it is also possible to prepare them at home;
  • split. Involves the production of one large dried piece of material, which is then cut into pieces required sizes. It has disadvantages in the form of residual material, which only has to be disposed of, since it cannot be recycled. To do this you need to have expensive equipment and the necessary volume starting materials. There is no point in making a piece that will later be cut into four bricks. The method is recommended to be used exclusively for industrial purposes.

Now I would like to help you understand the advantages of this type of stone over others by determining its technical characteristics:

  • education inside finished sample air pores makes it surprisingly light, while maintaining strength at the proper level. Low weight will simplify the work and also facilitate transportation both to the construction site and around the site itself;
  • non-standard internal structure reduces thermal conductivity, thereby avoiding loss internal heat premises. Installation of additional, passive insulation means - such as polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool- will reduce the indicator to almost zero;
  • foam blocks have a very low hygroscopicity. This means that they practically do not absorb moisture. environment which manifests itself in the form of rain, fog or other precipitation;
  • The affordable price allows anyone who decides to start a small construction project to purchase it. However, global projects won’t particularly bother your wallet;
  • the material is environmentally friendly, since all elements are of exclusively natural origin;
  • all of the above indicators contribute for a long time operation, and install high level frost resistance.

I am sure that after all the above, you will have no doubts about your choice.

Selection of materials and tools

Before starting any work, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools. Let's start with the first one. Considering that we will be making a solution, we will need its components:

  • cement directly;
  • sand. I recommend using river water, as it has the best price-quality ratio;
  • water. Some people recommend using distilled or rain water, but this is not necessarily the case.

Naturally, you also need the foam block itself. In order to make a choice, it is worth considering the height of your building and the climatic conditions in which the work will be carried out. construction works. The difference lies in the density of foam concrete, which affects both its strength and ability to absorb moisture and conduct heat. A sales consultant from a construction hypermarket will help you in your choice, since this issue is best resolved locally, rather than talking about standard concepts.

The third stage becomes waterproofing material. Both I and all my colleagues recommend using rubemast and moving away from traditional roofing material. It is better, of higher quality and will perform its functions longer. It is best to immediately buy the width of the sheet according to the size of the stone, so that there are fewer scraps left and so that you save your money.

You can’t go anywhere without an entrenching tool. Tools like shovels and buckets should immediately appear in your arsenal. An advantage that will allow you to complete the work faster and better will be laser level. If you don’t have it, you can use the usual and already familiar thread and two stakes.

In addition, take a spare trowel and concrete mixer. If you don’t have the latter, I advise you to look better. It will significantly speed up the process. If you can't get it anywhere, arm yourself with a drill and a special mixing attachment, but don't be surprised if the equipment doesn't survive until the end of construction.

The process of laying walls from foam blocks

The masonry process should begin with the installation of waterproofing. It is installed correctly directly on the foundation. Considering that foam blocks tolerate precipitation well, but do not adequately survive constant exposure to liquid, it is worth raising it above ground level.

To do this, we lay out a sheet of rubemast in such a way that it reaches from one edge of the future wall to the corner. At the corner, you should immediately make an overlap, and in such a way that the insulation of the next side is under the first sheet. This way we will achieve maximum grip. It should be laid on a mortar, the thickness of which should not exceed two centimeters, otherwise the entire building may sag significantly.

You need to approach the laying of the first row with special responsibility. Remember that you need to start exclusively from the corner, since part of the stone on the first level can lead to damage to the building. I also don’t recommend finishing near the wall; it’s better to create a seam somewhere in the center.

If you do not have proper experience as a mason, then this will come in handy special device. You can buy it anywhere, and it doesn't cost as much as you might imagine. It is a small piece of plastic that allows you to apply the solution evenly and make the seam between the layers as pleasant as possible for external perception.

Remember that the level is your best friend, and without it you will achieve absolutely nothing!

Features and lifehacks

My friends, the first and main negative feature of foam blocks is their lack of strength. A huge number of experts, including myself, do not recommend using them during the construction of tall buildings. Alas, my colleagues do not know which floor to limit themselves to. I can say with confidence that I would not go higher than the first. Maximum - two-story building. The rest is done!

When I was about twenty, my father took me to help at a site where walls were being built using foam blocks. Considering that this was at the beginning of the two thousandth, find quality material it wasn't that easy. Then the foreman showed me a secret that I still use to this day.

He carried out the reinforcement of the masonry. The house had two floors, so it was extremely necessary. By placing reinforcement every four bricks horizontally and every seven bricks vertically, my father achieved phenomenal adhesion, and this house is still standing.

A great feature of the foam block is that it lends itself to any type. I still prefer to do external insulation, and then lay it with decorative gypsum bricks. Someone will say that it is expensive, but not when you know how to do it.

Another secret: having acquired a silicone mold of the desired stone, you can make hundreds of such slabs at home using an ordinary bag of plaster. How exactly this is done can be seen in the video below:

Friends, I am sure that this article has opened your eyes to some points, and soon your construction will progress full swing! All the best!

When constructing buildings, foam block masonry is most often used.

This is due not only to the relatively low price of this building material, but also to the ease of its use, which cannot be said about brick.

To build a house or partitions from large block material, you do not need to have special knowledge in construction.

What tools and mixtures will be needed?

Due to its strength, foam block is considered a very good building material. But despite this, it is a particularly fragile material.

To process it carefully, you need to equip yourself with the following tools:

  • rubber mallet and building level which will be needed to level each block after installation;
  • a hacksaw and a corner for cutting foam blocks;
  • a drill with an attachment that stirs adhesive or cement mortar for soldering blocks;
  • various auxiliary devices, that is, an electric mill, a wall chaser, a grater, brushes and a plane that grinds foam blocks.

In addition to tools, it is necessary to prepare a cement mortar to reliably connect the building material.

Typically, foam blocks are soldered together using a mixture of cement and sand diluted with water. The proportions of these solution components should be as follows: 1x3x1/2.

In addition to sand, cement and water, a little plasticizer should be added to the mixture. It will smooth out all the irregularities on the edges of the foam blocks, which are often more than 2 mm.

You can combine and mix all the mentioned components yourself. But if it’s difficult to figure out how to prepare cement mortar, then it’s better to just buy it at the store.

When deciding to use ready-made cement mortar, it is advisable to give preference to the one that was produced in the factory.

True, such a mixture is stored for no more than 3 hours, since after that it loses its properties. Therefore, it is worth resorting to ready-made cement mortar if you have had to use it more than once, and no difficulties have arisen.

There is one significant disadvantage in using a mixture of cement and sand to connect foam blocks.

Cement mortar leads to thickening of the joints between building materials, which often causes a large loss of heat from the walls of the house.

Therefore, instead of a cement-sand mixture, it is better to use tile adhesive suitable for processing high-quality foam blocks.

If you use tile adhesive to solder foam blocks, then thin and neat seams will form between them.

This composition will require several times less than conventional cement mortar. In addition, anyone can prepare tile adhesive.

How to lay foam blocks on the solution?

Before you begin laying the first row of foam blocks, you need to prepare the base according to all the rules.

Laying should only be carried out on a platform whose levelness has been confirmed using a building level.

Also, all construction materials used must be cleaned of dust.

Only after all of the above steps can the cement mortar be stirred and applied to areas where errors are detected in the base.

Then the platform needs to be covered with a waterproofing layer, which can be bikrost. This material, necessary to protect foam blocks from moisture seeping through the basement, should be treated with a layer of cement mortar after installation.

The next thing to do is to install the first row of foam concrete blocks. To solder them, only cement mortar should be used.

You should know one thing about how to lay foam blocks: first, you need to create the corners of the house from this building material.

The remaining blocks should be laid towards the center of the row. The outermost pieces of foam concrete need to be moistened with water.

If there is a need to insert a cut block into a row, then it must be covered with mortar on each side.

Once the entire chain of large pieces of foam concrete has been laid out, you will need to evaluate its horizontalness using a level.

Any block located slightly higher than the rest should be tapped with a rubber hammer. Immediately after completing this task, you should take a grater and use it to remove small irregularities.

The technology for constructing walls or partitions from foam blocks is quite simple and assumes that all subsequent rows of building material are laid according to the same pattern.

It is important to do this using tile adhesive and a notched trowel. All seams must be filled with an adhesive mixture so that there are no holes left there.

During the work process, as any builder who knows how to lay foam blocks will tell you, you must periodically check the horizontalness of the layer. The resulting defects must be eliminated without delay, using a grinding tool.

To prevent heat from escaping from the future structure, it is recommended to make walls two rows thick of foam concrete pieces. How to correctly lay a foam block using cement mortar is shown in the video in the article.

How to install foam concrete with glue?

Starting from the second row, foam concrete blocks can be processed from all sides tile adhesive. It must be applied thin layer, equal in thickness to 3 mm.

In this case, first of all, the glue is spread along the butt seam, and then along the horizontal one. The technology of laying blocks using an adhesive composition requires that the builder constantly make adjustments through rubber mallet and level.

Laying walls from foam blocks and constructing partitions in the house will not seem challenging task, if you set the order.

It can even be made from a wooden strip with a cross-section of 50x50 mm and a length of about 2 m. It is supposed to create serifs on it that reflect such a parameter as the thickness of the masonry layer.

The finished order needs to be pulled with a cord onto the desired height and move it when needed.

It must be said that the technology used to create partitions from foam concrete blocks is slightly different from that used in the construction of walls.

When it is necessary to make partitions, another construction raw material is taken - pieces of foam concrete no more than 15 cm thick.

The first layer of such blocks should be placed on tile adhesive. The sections of foam concrete that are on the edge must be attached to the walls using a metal corner.

Laying foam concrete blocks to create partitions cannot be done without reinforcement, even though this building material is considered durable.

It is important to make the structure reliable, since in the future cracks may appear on it, which will soon ruin the wall.

Reinforcement technology assumes that metal carcass hides in grooves cut and treated with mortar.

To form holes for the reinforcement, you can use a manual wall chaser. After use it should be removed construction dust using a brush.

All this work can be simplified if you use a hair dryer and an electric cutter. The areas where reinforcing bars will be laid should be designated during the design of the construction of partitions.

Reinforcement, according to builders who know how to lay foam blocks, should be carried out in the first row and repeated every 4 layers.

So, laying foam blocks with your own hands is a very responsible matter.

To make walls or partitions strong, you need to use the right mortar, carefully coat the seams and constantly check the horizontality of the layers.

Laying foam blocks is a very responsible task. Improperly laid material loses its quality over time and may crumble. In particular, in conditions high humidity The foam block loses its shape, so the walls must be properly waterproofed.

Such masonry does not tolerate any foundation deformations, so many experts recommend creating a foundation in the form monolithic slab, which can be either continuous reinforced concrete structure, and laid out from concrete blocks. In this article we will look at how to correctly lay foam blocks and what is the best place to lay foam blocks on in order to avoid harmful deformations.

About foam concrete blocks

This material can be produced in two ways:

  1. Molding method. The foam mixture is poured into special molds, where it hardens to form a durable block. Laying of such material is carried out exclusively on cement-sand mortar.
  2. Cutting method. Formed from foam big block, which is dried in an oven and cut into products required sizes. In this case, specialized adhesive mixtures can be used for installation. This manufacturing method is characterized high accuracy, and the error in the production of each block is no more than 1 mm, while the material produced by the injection molding method may have a slightly larger discrepancy.

Characteristics of foam concrete blocks

The building material has the following characteristics:

  1. Reliability and durability. Properly laid foam concrete block is a practically ageless material.
  2. Heat. The high thermal resistance of such walls allows you to reduce heating costs by 30%.
  3. Excellent sound insulation.
  4. Easy to use. Any home craftsman who has worked with brick or cinder block can lay out masonry from foam blocks with his own hands. There are only a few nuances here, which will be discussed below.
    Since they don’t even know how to lay a cinder block or brick correctly professional builders, then you won’t have any special problems with this material.
  5. Environmental friendliness. During the entire period of operation, the material does not release into the air harmful substances, second only to wood in environmental friendliness.
  6. Foam blocks and gas blocks are produced various sizes and forms.

  1. Relatively light weight allows you to significantly save building materials by laying the foundation at a shallower depth.
  2. Fire safety. According to test results, the material has the first degree of fire resistance.
  3. Wide range of applications.
    Today there are the following types of foam blocks:
    • Structural. Which are used to create loaded structures that carry additional load in addition to their weight.
    • Thermal insulation, used for insulation purposes.
    • Thermal insulation and structural, combining the properties of the two previous types.

Many home craftsmen are interested in the following question: “Is it possible to lay floor slabs on a foam block?” Of course, you should build load-bearing walls yourself using foam concrete blocks of grade 600 (and higher) only.

Foundation for masonry made of foam concrete blocks

As mentioned above, for foam blocks you need reliable foundation, which would minimize any deformations and pressure from the soil. AND monolithic base is an excellent choice.

However, it has several significant disadvantages:

  1. The price of such a foundation is quite high; moreover, its construction is unjustified due to the relatively low weight of the foam block structure.
  2. With such a foundation, you will not be able to equip a basement, which in some cases significantly expands the usable space of the house.

Considering these factors, many home craftsmen prefer columnar or strip bases, which, when the right approach, can also become reliable basis for such a house.

When a builder asks whether it is possible to lay floor slabs on foam blocks, this means constructing a two-story structure. And if columnar foundation is aimed at light buildings, then the strip one may be quite suitable for two-storey house, so we will consider the features of working with this material.

The instructions are:

  1. We mark the territory using pegs and a fishing line that is stretched between them.

When marking, you should take into account the allowances for arranging the formwork, which amount to a total of 15 cm.

  1. We dig a trench according to the markings. Its depth should be about one and a half meters. In the event that you are planning to arrange basement– the depth should be increased to at least two meters.
  2. We make the base for the formwork, which is made from wooden beams. TO internal parties boards are nailed onto the beams, forming the formwork.
  3. Pour a layer of sand (about 15 cm) into the formwork, which must be watered and compacted tightly. Water generously and evenly.

In order to check how well the sand layer is compacted, you just need to step on it. If no trace remains, then everything was done correctly.

  1. Using construction stapler, attach plastic film to the formwork.

Use film in winter period it is impossible, because it will lose its elasticity, which will lead to poor quality foundation.

  1. Take steel rods and wire and tie the reinforced frame together. The design of such a frame is not of fundamental importance; the main criterion here is strength.
  2. Now you should start pouring concrete. For this, a mixer machine or a specialized pump is used.
  3. We distribute the concrete evenly over the formwork using wooden slats. Make sure there are no particles on the surface empty seats or protrusions.
  4. After a month, you can start laying walls.

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How to lay foam blocks

It’s not for nothing that home craftsmen are interested in how to lay foam blocks correctly. Once you figure out how to lay a cinder block on a foundation, you can easily handle foam concrete blocks.

And in order to carry out the work correctly, you should consider several recommendations from professionals:

  1. You should start laying foam blocks with your own hands from the corner.
  2. Experts recommend laying the material in two rows of 20 cm each. If you take into account the facing layer of half a brick, the thickness of such walls will be 52 cm, and if you add mortar joints - 55 cm.

  1. In order to efficiently install foam concrete blocks, you should control the remaining voids at the seams. Vertical, horizontal and inter-row seams should be filled with glue or cement so that no cavities remain. Remaining composition should be removed as soon as possible.
  2. In order to achieve maximum strength, the masonry is reinforced with a thin metal mesh.
  3. To apply the composition evenly, use a notched trowel.
  4. Is it possible to lay foam blocks in winter? It is possible, but it is still better to carry out the work during the season (spring-autumn).

Carrying out work

Now let's figure out how to properly lay masonry from foam blocks.

Since laying a foam block on glue is as simple as laying it on concrete, we will consider both options in one instruction:

  1. First, the material must be cleaned of dust, dirt, snow, etc.

If there are chips on the blocks, it is necessary to remove chamfers and sharp corners.

  1. We start laying from the corners. The first row should be laid on waterproofing layer. Roofing felt laid in 1 or 2 layers can be used as a waterproofing material.

  1. Laying is carried out on sand-cement mortar in a component ratio of 1:3. The thickness of the seam does not exceed 30 mm. If the masonry is carried out in dry and hot weather, the material should be moistened before work.
  2. Having laid the first row, we check its horizontalness with a level. When found minor irregularities they can be removed using a grinding tool.

  1. Subsequent rows should be laid out on a light solution.
    Stick to the following seam thickness:
    • Vertical – 8-15 mm.
    • Horizontal – 10-15 mm.

Using adhesive composition The thickness of the seam is indicated on its packaging.
Usually it is 1-2 mm.

  1. The solution should be applied along the entire length of the block, and then leveled using the notched side of a spatula or trowel.
  2. The foam block should be lowered from above onto the solution, and it should not be moved more than 5 mm.
  3. You can place the blocks with light blows of a rubber hammer, while shaking them.

  4. Do not forget about the dressing - it must be correct. Vertical joints should be offset by no more than 0.4 block heights.


Foam concrete blocks - excellent construction material. And in order for a building built from it to serve you for many years, you need to adhere to all the rules described above in your work. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Unlike brick, foam block has low strength. Therefore, when laying it, it must be supported using a special reinforcing mesh, which can be purchased at any hardware store. To better understand the laying of foam blocks, we recommend that you watch the video lesson, which explains in detail all the subtleties and nuances of working with this material.

How to place the first row correctly:

  • prepare a solution of cement and sand;
  • apply to the surface with a thickness of 1-2 cm;
  • we install waterproofing on the layer: roofing felt, waterproofing or rubemast;
  • laying foam blocks.

If the foam concrete block correct form and without chipping, it can be placed on glue. What are the advantages of such masonry:

  • the uniformity of the wall and the absence of cold bridges are ensured;
  • glue is consumed less than mortar;
  • laying foam blocks with your own hands on glue is faster;
  • The surface of the wall turns out to be more even, in contrast to masonry with mortar.

Which adhesive is more suitable for laying foam blocks? There is no clear answer here, because this building material is produced by many companies. If you cannot buy it, you can use special tile adhesive that is frost-resistant.

And remember that when laying foam blocks you cannot leave voids in the seams. Use a notched trowel to apply construction adhesive. If the question is how to lay foam blocks on the foundation in two rows, then the interrow surface must also be covered with glue. Installation is carried out carefully and slowly.

Laying foam blocks with your own hands and video help with their reinforcement

Every 3-4 rows of foam blocks should be reinforced with special masonry welded mesh. It is laid directly into fresh seams. It will prevent the appearance of cracks and increase the stability of the wall. It is necessary to reinforce the walls before making a partition. A video instruction will also help you on how to correctly lay a foam block with a reinforcing mesh.

Standard reinforcing mesh is made of wire 3-5 mm wide. It is difficult to lay foam blocks on it with your own hands using glue. Therefore, it is possible to perform reinforcement using reinforcement that fits into the grooves made on the foam block.

It is also necessary to take care of correct installation floor slabs. They cannot be laid directly on foam blocks, as there is a possibility of creating a point load. Therefore, first a concrete reinforced belt is installed. However, it violates the thermal insulation and will need to be insulated.

Foam blocks have many advantages - they have good heat and sound insulating properties, and affordable price, and a large range of sizes and characteristics for use in load-bearing walls or partitions. There are other advantages (small specific gravity, stable geometric dimensions of each block, ease of processing, ease of installation), thanks to which the technology of laying foam blocks allows you to do the work yourself, without resorting to hired labor. We will tell you how to build a house with your own hands, what you need for this, how many and what tools and materials you will need.

There are only two options for laying foam blocks:

  1. Cement mortar. The technology of work is practically no different from that when laying bricks. The choice of this particular installation method may be influenced by the type of foam blocks used. They are either cast or cut. The first type is characterized by less accurate geometric dimensions, and laying foam blocks on cement mortar allows you to compensate for some unevenness. The width of the seam between the blocks is several millimeters.
  2. Glue. This option is simpler. It is easier to prepare the glue, it is easier to apply it, the seam is 1-2 mm thick, and this improves the thermal insulation properties of the entire structure as a whole. Cost of ingredients included in cement mixture, below, but given that the consumption of special glue for laying foam blocks is small, the total price of the glue may be less. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to this method. Moreover, the glue does not contain sand, which has high thermal conductivity, but instead perlites, vermiculites, etc., which have much higher heat-insulating properties, are used.

The advantages of laying on glue also include greater strength of the seams, and their small thickness not only reduces the consumption of the glue itself, but also simplifies subsequent Finishing work for plastering walls.

If we talk about material consumption, then to lay 1 m 3 of foam blocks based on a seam thickness of 6-8 mm, you will need a solution in a volume of approximately 0.1 cubic meters, but this size of seams will require additional thermal insulation. When using glue, laying the same cube of foam blocks requires 15-20 kg glue mixture. A seam thickness of 1-2 mm significantly reduces heat loss.

If necessary, you can determine how much glue will be needed to lay a cube of foam blocks yourself, knowing the size of the blocks and the thickness of the layer. Consumption can be further reduced if you choose foam blocks responsibly. The better they are made, the more accurately the geometric dimensions are maintained, the tighter they fit to each other, the thinner the seams will be, the glue consumption will be reduced, and heat loss will be reduced. Considering that all the work is done independently, with your own hands, this will reduce labor costs for fitting and Aligning the blocks will reduce construction time.


To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • trowels corresponding to the size of the block, with the help of which the cement-sand mixture selected for laying foam blocks will be applied, or dispensing carriages in the case of using glue;
  • wall chaser for cutting grooves. It could be hand tool, or specialized wall chasers, you can also use a grinder;
  • a hacksaw with large teeth for cutting blocks;
  • rubber hammer;
  • spatulas, sanding boards, cord, laser level (optional).

No expensive tools are required; how many and what additional tools may be required will depend on the specific construction conditions. In any case, laying the foam block and processing it yourself is not a difficult job.


Before starting work, you should not forget about the reinforcement of the walls. This is necessary to strengthen the masonry, since this material is inferior in strength to brick. For reinforcement use:

  1. fittings with a diameter of 5-10 mm;
  2. reinforcing mesh with a diameter of 4-5 mm.

The first option is used if the foam block is laid using glue. On the surface of the laid row, grooves are cut with a wall chaser into which the rods are laid. In this way, not only reinforcement is provided, but the thickness of the seam does not increase. Considering that the foam block is easy to process, it is not at all difficult to do the work yourself.

The mesh is placed in the interblock mortar, and its dimensions will not allow reducing its thickness and mixture consumption.

The first row must be reinforced, and then every 3-4th row. Openings for windows and doors should also be strengthened.

The masonry of the wall is completed with a monolithic concrete-reinforced belt, which serves to strengthen the entire structure and uniformly transfer the load from the floors. You can make this belt yourself by installing formwork, a reinforcement frame, and filling it all with concrete. You can make life a little easier if you use U-blocks, into which a reinforcing frame is also mounted and concrete is poured. This is especially true if the floors are concrete. If you plan to use wood for the floors, then this distribution belt can be made of solid brick.

Stages of work

So, all the materials and tools are prepared, the foundation for the house is ready, it is leveled, cleaned, and now everything is ready to start laying the walls.

Before you start laying out the first row, you need to lay waterproofing, which can be used as roofing felt, waterproofing or some other modern remedy. Even if glue is used for subsequent laying of foam blocks, the first row is always laid on a sand-cement mixture.

Work begins from the corner of the building. Having laid the first block, you need to tighten the cord, securing one end to the laid block, and stretching it to the adjacent corner of the building. Having leveled it, you also need to lay a block there. In this way they go around the entire perimeter. After the cord is tensioned, you can begin laying the first row of blocks. It is worth carefully leveling the bottom row, since the accuracy of laying subsequent rows will depend on this. Each laid block must be checked with a level and adjusted in place using a rubber hammer.

If you lay foam blocks using glue or mortar yourself, then use a trowel or dispenser to apply them to all edges of the foam block. This will optimize material consumption. There should be no voids, and it is advisable to clean all surfaces from dust or other contaminants before installation. If necessary, the foam block can be cut with a hacksaw.

When laying the second and subsequent rows, one point should be taken into account. The vertical seams of blocks of adjacent rows should not coincide. It is necessary to observe the correct dressing, in which the displacement of these seams should be 0.4 of the height of the block. It is also worth paying attention to the location of the seams if laying is carried out in two rows. They also should not match, and the mixture or glue should be applied to all mating surfaces, including internal ones.


How much it costs in your area to lay foam blocks can be found on the websites of organizations offering such services. It is unlikely that the price will be low. Having understood the technology of laying foam blocks, taking into account the ease of working with this material, taking into account how much it costs to hire craftsmen, and focusing on your own capabilities, you will be surprised, but if you lay the foam blocks yourself, the price of the work will be small. It will consist mainly of the cost of materials and time spent. I think anyone home handyman It is possible to build your own house on your own, with your own hands.

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