Simple painting of ceilings. What paint is better to paint the ceiling: choice according to the visual effect produced and the method of cleaning the surface from dirt, types of compositions. What paint is better for the ceiling in the bedroom?

When finishing the ceiling, we want to receive not only aesthetic pleasure from the result of our work - the quality of the work performed and its durability are no less important.

For everything to work out as it should, knowledge alone of how to paint a ceiling without streaks: drips and unevenness is not enough. No less important components of the painting process are the correctly selected materials, dye and available tools. And, of course, strict adherence to all technological stages.

When deciding whether to paint or whitewash the surface, you should take into account the specifics of the room in which the renovation is planned. From an economic point of view, whitewashing the ceilings is the cheapest and affordable way refresh the room.

However, this option is absolutely unacceptable in the kitchen and bathroom due to high humidity. For such rooms it is better to use water-based paint. The ceiling painted with it can be washed.

The only tools you will have to use during the work process are a brush (for small, hard-to-reach areas) and a roller.

To ensure that the final result of painting pleases you and that the dye applies correctly and evenly, avoid using a foam-based tool - when working with such a roller, you will get defects in the form of drips formed from excess water-based paint. But whitewashing a room with such a roller is very convenient. For painting, it is better to take a fluffy seamless roller - it will not leave seam marks on the surface of the ceiling.

And one last thing.

Professionals recommend buying dye “with a reserve”, that is, a little more than you plan to use - subsequently choosing the required shade will be very problematic. When all materials and tools have been purchased, you can begin to work.

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands so that it turns out smooth and neat? Experienced professionals recommend adhering to the following tips; their strict adherence is the key to a successful result.

Before you start painting the ceiling, you need to treat its outer surface layer.

If you plan to renovate the kitchen, it is better to first (before working with water-based paint) apply a layer starting putty, sanding cracks, irregularities and protruding areas. A day after the screed has dried, it is advisable to remove dust. This is done for a more even and durable setting of the coloring composition.

When working with water-based paint, it is better to first paint the ceiling with some kind of primer. This way the dye will not begin to crumble and crumble over time. Compliance with this rule is especially important when finishing the ceiling in the kitchen - under the influence external factors(soot, moisture, elevated temperature, coming from heating devices) the surface layer is destroyed, and the appearance of the ceiling will lose its attractiveness, no matter what paint you use.

When trying to paint the ceiling yourself, allow time for the primer to harden. If this is not done, then when you try to paint the surface with water-based paint, small grains of sand from the primer will mix with the coloring agent and the surface will lack shine and smoothness.

How to paint the surface correctly, from what angle to start, how to work with a roller: along or across the ceiling? These, at first glance, seeming little things, are not. When applying water-based paint with a roller, it is correct to start from the area located above the room door, applying stripes across the primer stripes.

Technology and principle of ceiling processing paint layer similar to the technique of applying primer: first, use a small brush to paint corners and places where it is inconvenient to work with a roller, then brush the dye over the entire surface.

How to use a roller professionally

When making renovations, both in the kitchen and in living rooms, you should not use a roller during the painting process that was used for preliminary priming. It's better to buy a new one.

To paint the surface evenly, you can dip it well with paint and let it soak.

This should be done regularly, before applying the next stroke with a roller to the surface of the ceiling. This way the layer of water-based paint will not be too thin, the coating will become smooth and shiny. You can use a container with a special mesh for squeezing out excess paint.

Do not make the stripes too wide, since it should not begin to dry out before the next one is applied. The marks formed along the edge of the roller movement can be rolled out perpendicular to the direction of painting. And in order to immediately see minor defects and unevenly painted areas, you can ask someone close to you to monitor the process from time to time.

Try to avoid drafts and excess sun - you can ventilate the room no earlier than after 24 hours. This is how long it will take for the ceiling to dry completely.

Finishing suspended ceilings

If you decide to update stretch ceilings or improve their appearance by painting, you should know that only stretch ceilings that do not have connecting seams are treated in this way. Otherwise, the result is unlikely to please you.

For painting, it is preferable to take compositions based on acrylic base, and use a spray bottle when working. Professionals recommend not to carry out this procedure too often, since stretch ceilings increase in weight with each subsequent layer and will sag over time. Therefore, paint tension ceiling structures no more than 4–5 times.

Experienced craftsmen consider it inappropriate to try to paint suspended ceilings on their own, since even a good professional It is impossible to maintain the gloss and gloss that they had before processing with dye. After all, it is this fact that makes them original and stylish. Having lost their former luster and gloss, tension surfaces attract dust and dirt more strongly, in addition, it becomes more noticeable.

And finally, when exposed to temperature changes and the use of electric heating devices, stretch ceiling structures “updated” by self-painting will inevitably begin to crack after some time - such a ceiling will no longer look perfectly even and smooth. You can, of course, update it again, but the effect will be short-lived.

If, for some reason, the tension coverings have lost their presentability and need urgent restoration, an excellent alternative to painting would be to partially decorate it using airbrushing (applying ornaments, drawings, etc.). An artificially created, for example, imitation of the sky and clouds looks very stylish and creates a feeling of peace and comfort. Such suspended ceilings will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

Now, knowing in general outline, how to paint the ceiling correctly, what materials to prefer, what they “love” and what they don’t, stretch ceiling structures, you can safely begin to embody your wildest ideas and design solutions. Remember, only a combination of knowledge of painting technology, the ability to choose the right paints, primers and working tools will become beautiful, high-quality and reliable finish your ceilings.

A major renovation of an apartment is not complete without repair work on the ceiling. Step-by-step instructions Read below about how to paint a ceiling quickly and efficiently.

The first thing you need to do is find out what material the ceiling is made of. There are some peculiarities in how to paint a plasterboard ceiling or paint a concrete ceiling area covered with a layer of plaster.

Preliminary diagnostics of the ceiling

Examine carefully external condition ceiling covering before painting the ceiling in the room. Painting will make ceiling defects, unevenness, cracks, chips more noticeable. old paint or chalk. Even the slightest peeling of plaster and swelling threaten to fall to the floor after applying a heavy layer of fresh paint on top, and this will significantly complicate and prolong repair work.

Experienced craftsmen use the light method to preliminary diagnose the condition of ceiling plaster.

To do this, direct a light beam using a conventional table lamp or spotlights along the ceiling and notice all the resulting shadows in order to then eliminate them. You can thoroughly level the ceiling using a wide spatula or a hard grater. This is a really important point in the process of construction and repair work, and especially in the task of properly painting the ceiling with your own hands in order to maintain its impeccable appearance for a long time.

Ceiling painting technology

Do-it-yourself whitewashing of the ceiling and baseboards

The next question concerns the ceiling painting technology itself. You should seriously think about which construction tool to choose for painting and what paint to paint the ceiling with.

As construction tools When it is better to paint the ceiling, you need to use a rectangular brush and a seamless polyacrylic roller with a pile thickness of 11 mm.

Using a brush, carefully trace the perimeter of the ceiling to a line width of at least 5 cm and paint the corners. To paint the ceiling without streaks, you should apply at least two layers of paint. The first layer is applied very carefully with a roller over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, drawing continuous stripes from wall to wall in one direction.

Each subsequent strip begins from the middle of the previous one, but does not allow excessive paint to flow. In this case, the formed sagging should be rubbed with a roller extremely carefully, because...

plaster saturated with paint becomes loose and may even fall away from the ceiling. Secrets of the craft and a description of the work process on how to paint a ceiling with a roller are offered on our website. For a better understanding, there are also photos of ceiling painting that will help you cope with this task perfectly.

After treating the entire ceiling, you should take a break of at least 4 hours to completely dry paints. And only after that, proceed to applying a second layer. This is an excellent way to achieve a glossy finish when painting the ceiling with water-based paint or any other type of paint.

The process of painting a ceiling with your own hands involves a lot of different questions. It is for non-professional repairmen that our website has prepared a special video on how to paint a ceiling, which will help cope with such a difficult task.

Except technological aspects, Special attention given here design solutions. For example, what color to paint the ceiling in order to advantageously present your own style and achieve perfect harmony in the room. These are exactly the moments that will allow you to live brightly and comfortably!

DIY ceiling painting video

How to paint a ceiling

Video diagram of leveling and painting the ceiling:

How to level and paint a ceiling with your own hands.

It would seem a simple matter to paint the ceiling

I've been renovating for several months now.

Alone without any help, and without any special training. Before that, I did a little repair work, not professionally, mostly finishing works. Before I started painting the ceiling, I didn’t read a single line on this topic on the Internet.

Apparently in vain. There are some things I could have done better. It would seem such a simple matter to paint the ceiling.

To tell the truth, I was hoping to finish this process in a few hours. In the end, it took several days to do everything about everything (about 24 hours in total), because I didn’t know the most basic things and figured everything out on my own. Knowing the simple points, I could have done it much faster.

Because My ceiling required quite serious repair work, so I didn’t start right away with painting. In fact, the painting process itself is the simplest thing about painting a ceiling :).

In my case, the scope of work, from start to finish, was: cutting the groove (for wiring), laying and fixing the cable, sealing the groove, leveling the ceiling, priming, painting and touch-up. Each of these types of work brought me many “pleasant” surprises. In our case, we will assume that you have hidden wiring and you don’t need to cut the grooves and lay the cable, this is a separate topic for “conversation”.

Tools you'll need

Let's start with the tools.

So, we need a roller. I painted with a roller long pile. The seller recommended it to me (I think for good reason), and later I found confirmation of this.

Foam and velor rollers are not suitable. We will also need a paint tray and a brush. It doesn’t matter what kind of brush, the main thing is a bigger one :).

I’ll go into a little more detail about paint.

I used water-based paint, of course you can use oil paint, but then it will be difficult to peel it off the ceiling in the future. I would also NOT recommend using glossy paint; it perfectly conveys any unevenness in the ceiling and looks somehow too glamorous. You will also need a rag and, oddly enough, construction glasses :).

Can you guess why? That's all. Let's move on to the actual painting process, or rather preparation for painting.

Ceiling leveling

Now even small child It is known that in order to paint the ceiling it must be leveled beforehand.

Most often the problem uneven ceiling happens at joints ceilings. They either stick out or, on the contrary, have gaps. For example, I have ceiling joints stuck out.

I solved this by using a sander. I walked along the joints, removed a layer of paint, concrete and old putty, the sander removes all this perfectly. When processing joints, the main thing is not to get carried away and not to remove too much.

If gaps appear in the slabs, they can be eliminated using putty.

The difference in height in the slabs can also be leveled with putty. It allows for leveling in layers up to 1 cm, which is quite enough for a ceiling. Important point! When leveling the ceiling, do not use oil putty, it is expensive and cracks on large surfaces, this has been proven through bitter experience.

It’s a good idea to use oil putty to eliminate small gaps and depressions, no more than 1 cm wide. For example, I putty the grooves quite well with it. If desired, you can putty the same joints in the slabs.

Prime the ceiling, this is important!

Before leveling the ceiling, prime it and remove upper layer paints.

I screwed up on this. In places where leveling was not needed, the old paint peeled off and appeared in clumps mixed with the new one, I had to literally pick out the old layers of paint with my fingers. The solution in this case may be this.

Take a spatula or sandpaper and scrape it off old layer paints, quickly and efficiently. As a last resort, when painting, just take more paint so that the roller does not stick to the surface. If your ceiling is painted with oil paint, I would recommend going over the surface with sandpaper, IMHO this is more effective and the paint will adhere better.

We smoothly move on to the painting process itself.

When the surface is leveled and primed, you can begin painting. There is no wisdom here. The main thing is to make sure that the primer and putty are completely dry.

According to the instructions, the primer should dry for 1 hour, and the putty for 12 hours (time varies depending on the manufacturer). I waited a day in both cases, which is a lot. In your case, everything depends on your patience.

One more thing. There is no need to apply a primer over the putty; the paint will adhere perfectly. Especially if it is white paint, it will match the putty.

Some points and tricks that are worth paying attention to

  1. You can use a table as a stepladder, the main thing is that it is stable. You can easily get carried away with the painting process and play the game. If the table is wobbly, put some paper on it.
  2. Wear construction glasses. Believe me, even water-based paint brings very unpleasant sensations to the surface of the eye. There was experience, it was verified.
  3. Paint the ceiling first. If you paint or lay the floor first, paint splatters will leave an unpleasant memory on the floor surface. Ideally, the order of finishing the room should be as follows: ceiling, walls, floor, everything else.
  4. Stir the paint in the jar without opening the jar. You just need to shake it harder. If you are a woman, ask a nearby or standing man to do this for you. Or, without lifting the can, roll it on the floor.
  5. Use a brush to touch up uneven areas, as well as those places where the roller is “missing”.
  6. When touching up, arm yourself with a rag so you can immediately wipe off the paint if it unexpectedly drips onto the floor or walls.
  7. Paint the ceiling in two layers, this will hide stains and unevenness. You can paint it a third time, only the most problem areas. Don’t thin the paint, it’s a scam.
  8. Don’t forget to immerse the roller and brushes in water after painting to prevent them from hardening. For example, after the second painting I lost my roller.
  9. Before leveling and painting, remove all lighting, insulate the wires, or better yet, turn off the electricity altogether.
  10. Clothes should be old, which you don’t mind, preferably with long sleeves and a collar.

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Paint is the most common material for finishing the ceiling, especially in small apartments, where every centimeter of space counts, and the height of the walls does not allow mounting tension covering. In addition, this finishing method is considered the most budget-friendly: if you do the finishing yourself, you can limit yourself only to the cost of materials.

Step #1: select materials

To paint the ceiling yourself, you will need a scraper to remove the old coating, sanding paper or metal brush, masking tape to protect the top of the walls from paint, brushes, a roller and a plastic tray with a ribbed bottom. To choose materials wisely, consider several subtleties.

For water-dispersion, acrylic, latex and silicone paints, rollers made of sheepskin, goat hair or foam rubber are equally suitable - these materials absorb and hold paint well. The situation with brushes is somewhat more complicated: for paints that contain a solvent, brushes with natural bristles are suitable. But with the colors on water based They cannot be used: the bristles will quickly lose their shape, so you should prefer a brush with synthetic hairs.

It is important to know: The optimal roller size depends on the size of the surface. For large-scale work, rollers with a diameter of 38–55 mm and a length of 140–250 mm are used. Rollers with a base diameter of 15 mm are suitable for painting corners.

Step #2: decide on coverage

Best suited for painting the ceiling in a residential apartment water-dispersion paints and thixotropic coatings: they do not flow from the brush and do not form streaks, but are evenly distributed over the ceiling. For bathroom and kitchen ceilings, choose paints that are resistant to mold and mildew.

White has many shades, so you don’t have to stop at the color of chalk: experiment with tones of pearl, baked milk or mother-of-pearl. By the way, paints with a glossy texture visually increase the height of the ceiling and are suitable for small apartments.

It is important to know: under glossy paints, coating unevenness is much more noticeable than under matte paints. In well-lit spaces, glossy paints can only be used on a perfectly flat ceiling, or you can choose water-based paints with special additives that reduce light reflection.

Step #3: Remove Old Paint

You can get rid of the old coating mechanically– using sandpaper and a wire brush – or use chemical composition to remove paint. If the coating is difficult to remove, do not try to perfect the process: just sand the ceiling and prime it well.

It is important to know: water-based compositions cannot be applied over slaked lime and chalk: under such a coating there is vitriol or adhesive putty. Because of chemical reactions Green spots may appear on the ceiling, so the lime must be removed by washing it off with water.

Step #4: Prime the Surface

Primer of the ceiling is required so that the paint adheres more firmly to the base of the ceiling, and choosing this material is quite simple. Primer deep penetration Suitable for strengthening crumbling and loose surfaces and protecting the ceiling from fungus. For durable surfaces primer will come in handy general purpose– it will reduce the number of paint layers required and your costs. Special impregnation primers are suitable for wooden surfaces.

When starting work, pour the prepared primer mixture into a tray that is the same size as the width of the roller. Then attach the roller to the extension handle (this is useful for working on the floor, rather than moving the stepladder) and treat the ceiling in two layers.

It is important to know: To check how well the surface is primed, try gluing a piece of tape to it. It will not stick to a poorly treated ceiling, but it will stick to a well-primed surface.

Step #5: Level the Ceiling

Most likely, after cleaning and priming, cracks and unevenness remained on the ceiling. To begin, mask off the seams between ceiling tiles layer of putty. Then, when the first level is dry, sand down any uneven areas and apply putty again. Repeat this process several times until you are sure that the surface is sufficiently smooth. After the final layer has dried, remove dust from the surface with a soft sponge.

It is important to know: If you rush the process and do not allow each layer to dry properly, the coating will quickly delaminate.

Step #6: Apply Coating

The ceiling also needs to be painted in several layers. To ensure that the paint goes on evenly, roll the roller over a tray with a ribbed bottom - this will remove excess paint.

To begin, apply the first coat of thinned paint and let it dry (the drying time of the paint should be indicated on the packaging). Then apply two more layers of undiluted substance, pausing to dry. Apply the paint with a wide roller in the direction from the window: the first layer should lie perpendicular to the direction of light, the second – parallel.

It is important to know: If we're talking about about renovations in a new building, choose elastic paints and varnishes. Usually, during the shrinkage of a house, the surfaces “diverge”, forming small cracks; Elastic paints provide better adhesion, cover small cracks and adapt to changes in the structure of the ceiling.

The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based paint. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint at first glance seems simple, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or streaks. We will tell you further how to avoid such troubles.

Preparing for painting

To DIY painting ceiling water-based paint was of high quality and uniform needed preliminary preparation ceiling. Uniform coloring can only be achieved on a flat, puttied surface. Therefore, before starting work, you need to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of water-based emulsion, which holds up very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water and remove the coating with a spatula. They clean everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to scrape small areas with a spatula; it is easier to do this with a wet cloth.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling must be washed with water detergent. After complete drying, prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty until smooth, which is also called “egg-like.”

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with water-based emulsion, you won’t be able to simply remove it. The procedure depends on how the paint adheres to the ceiling. If it just changed color and you need to renew the ceiling, there are no swelling, cracks or other similar problems, you can get by with a little blood. First, remove the dust (with a cloth and water), dry it, then prime it. After the primer has dried, you can paint it. But once again we draw attention to the fact that this procedure is used only if the water-based emulsion holds well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof emulsion from the ceiling is still a pleasure

If there are cracks or swellings on the surface of the water-based emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry means cleaning with sandpaper (manually or using an angle grinder), wet means rinsing off. This method must be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to remove such paint. If the water-based paint holds up well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is needed, take sandpaper with a coarse grain and make the surface rough. After this you can putty. Next - according to technology: we prime and then paint.

Wash off the ceiling painted with water-based emulsion by wetting it generously twice. hot water. The water should be almost boiling water - about 70°C. After wetting part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then wet the same area again with hot water. After about five minutes you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing loose paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be sanded off, and then the ceiling can be washed, dried and primed. You can putty and sand over the primer, smoothing out imperfections.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion that contains polymer particles undissolved in water. The composition also includes pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, active evaporation of water occurs and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with choosing the composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. Water based emulsion acrylic resins allows you to get a smooth surface, has good hiding power, hides small surface defects, up to cracks up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is its high price, but it is easier to work with. IN pure form acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used in dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic water-based emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such compositions can be used in damp areas.

    Acrylic-based water emulsion - a smart choice

  • Silicates. This type of water-based paint is based on liquid glass. The coating is resistant to precipitation and does not interfere with the release of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-tight

  • Minerals - lime or cement. Mineral water-based emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. As a result, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based water emulsions are the latest achievement in the industry. These compositions are good because they “tighten” cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation It turns out even and smooth. The film turns out dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water-based emulsion can be used to paint ceilings in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is its high price.

Latex can be added to any of the compositions. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture and can be used in damp rooms.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose for yourself best type water-based paint. Each case requires its own properties and “ best water emulsion“—it’s different every time.

What primer to use

A primer is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the surface being painted. It allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks and blisters after the paint dries. If there is no primer, this can happen. You'll have to clean everything off and putty again. Because in order for painting the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality, the surface must be well primed.

The base of the primer should match the base paint. Under acrylic paint A water-based emulsion requires the same primer; a silicone primer needs one based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition determines how smoothly the water-based emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

Eat economical way primers: the base paint is diluted with water (1 to 2) and the surfaces are painted with this mixture a couple of times. It's certainly better than nothing, but the primer gives a better grip.

How to paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints has instructions for use on the can. The operating procedure is described there. Some compositions just need to be stirred well before use: undissolved polymers may settle at the bottom of the jar. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of water added is also specified in the instructions and depends on the application method. For spray guns, the dilution is stronger; when using a roller, thicker formulations are required.

When diluting the emulsion with water, add it in small portions. Stir thoroughly and try on a surface area. If the paint goes on evenly and almost completely covers the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into a special container with a tray and a ribbed platform. You can use a regular basin and a clean piece of oilcloth spread nearby. It's not as convenient, but less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion is needed with dense short pile. You need to examine him carefully. The pile should “sit” tightly and under no circumstances should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then inspect how the seam is made. Under no circumstances should he stand out. It must be difficult to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Pay maximum attention to choosing a roller: the quality of painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good a tool you have chosen. It is more convenient to whiten the ceiling with water-based emulsion not from a stepladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is placed on a long handle and secured well.

How to paint without streaks

To avoid streaks on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should be completed no later than in 20 minutes. Immediately after application, water begins to actively absorb/evaporate and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and “fresh” paint. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap up) the heating radiators and prevent a draft. It is also advisable to wash the floor immediately before whitewashing; even if you work during the day, turn on the lighting, this will allow you to better control the quality of the paint. Afterwards you can start working.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then rolled well over the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a uniform color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted first with a brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it out well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicular.

You need to stand so that you look at the area to be painted at an angle. This will give you a good look at how evenly the paint has spread, as well as where you have already painted and where you haven't. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Quickly roll the paint in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste a lot of time: you don't have much of it. On average, the water emulsion dries in 10-20 seconds. If you didn’t have time to apply the strip next to it before, the border will be clearly visible, which you won’t get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly over the strip, dip the roller into the paint and roll it out again from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, go beyond the already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stops and smoke breaks. The edges of the painted strip should not dry out. In general, these are all the rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some areas may not be painted as well. You need to wait for it to dry completely and paint it a second time. This should already be enough to get flat surface. If even after the third layer of water-based paint you still have streaks and stains on the ceiling, you will have to redo it again. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime it again and paint again.

What color

The easiest way to achieve perfect evenness is to use “snow-white” paint. All pigments clearly highlight even small irregularities, so you need to pay maximum attention to the process or use an acrylic or silicone-based water emulsion.

Repairs are usually started from the ceiling. If you do it in last resort, there may be a need to re-glue the wallpaper and install the floor. The most economical way to give it an attractive appearance, like in the photo, is to simply paint it. But there are many nuances in this matter, so you definitely need to know how to paint the ceiling correctly.

Today, painting it is more popular than traditional whitewashing. Such repairs can hide minor defects surfaces. In addition, applying paint is much easier than chalk whitewash. Despite the fact that it seems that painting a ceiling does not require special knowledge and skills, it is not superfluous to know the basic rules - illiterate use of paint can ruin its appearance. The following tips will help you on how to paint the ceiling evenly.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Painting begins by clearing the room of furniture. You can simply cover it with film, but it is better to free up the room so that the stepladder can be placed in any place - this will make it much more convenient to work.

For this you will need:

  • ladder;
  • large and small roller;
  • wide paint brush;
  • paint container;
  • dye;
  • adhesive tape, protecting surfaces that do not need painting.

First, the ceiling is cleaned (remove old whitewash, wallpaper), plastering, priming the surface (read: ""). The primer needs to be deeply penetrating. It is applied with a roller and brush. Cracks, slab joints, and porous corners between the ceiling and walls are treated especially carefully. This is important to do so that you don’t have to think about how to paint the ceiling without stripes.

Putty and primer are selected specifically for the selected paint. These materials must be combined with each other and intended for the type of room in which the ceiling will be painted. The surface is carefully puttied so that there are no unevenness or cracks left at the joints of the slabs. Before applying the next layer of putty, the previous one must dry thoroughly. Prime it until the ceiling is smooth and even.

Before you start painting, you need to install the elements that will serve as interior decorative elements. They can be ready-made baguettes, rosettes, borders, etc.

Painting the ceiling

What color to paint the ceiling, everyone decides for themselves - it depends on personal taste and the interior of the room. As for the type of paint, several options are suitable.

For this, water-soluble acrylic enamels are often used. If you are interested in how to carefully paint a ceiling, then you should choose this type of paint. Acrylic enamel easy to apply, resistant to water and light, dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is economical in use.

There are paints that can be used instead of primer. They are diluted immediately before application, following the instructions on the package. Then the surface is primed with a roller and allowed to dry.

Correct painting is nothing complicated. You just need to walk over the surface with a fleecy or foam roller. Usually two or three layers of paint are applied. Angles and hard to reach places processed with a brush. Paint for ceiling surface should be liquid. To prevent it from thickening, it must be applied quickly, but carefully. You can watch the video to understand how to properly paint a ceiling.

Work begins from the window. The first layer is applied parallel to the wall on which the windows are located, and the second layer is applied perpendicular to it. One layer of paint should be applied in one motion, and the next strip should only slightly overlap the adjacent one. Then there will be no areas of different colors on the ceiling.

Before repainting, it is necessary to identify poorly painted areas and treat them first. Then you should go over the entire ceiling with a roller. Areas that have already been painted twice can be painted with a third layer, but with a semi-dry roller (read: " "). Will help you learn how to paint a ceiling - video.

How to paint a ceiling correctly, see the video for more details:

Paint consumption depends on its quality, such as hiding power. When purchasing, it is recommended to look not at its volume, but at how much it is needed to paint one “square” of surface.

To make the ceiling look beautiful, it is better to make not one thick layer of paint, but several thin ones, covering all the gaps. You should not speed up drying with fans or electric heaters - it should dry in natural conditions. Then the ceiling is yours appearance will delight you for many years.

In the process of carrying out repair and construction work in interior spaces, a solution to one of the most important problems is always required. Namely, it is correct to adopt such a method of finishing the ceiling so that it is the most economical, and the ceiling itself is in satisfactory condition for as long as possible. The simplest option that meets such conditions is its coloring. At first glance, it may seem that applying a paint coating is a very simple process, but in fact, not everyone knows how to paint a ceiling correctly.

What paint to paint the ceiling

What is the best way to paint the ceiling? For painting internal vertical and horizontal planes various rooms Mostly so-called water-based paints are used. This is an aqueous dispersion of special polymer resins or latexes with the introduction of special additives - emulsifiers, plasticizers, thickeners and others.

Typically, paints are produced in white color, which is ensured by the zinc or titanium white they contain. White color With the introduction of special pigments, it allows you to obtain paints of various colors and shades. Pigments are mixed with the base paint either during its purchase using a mechanism specially designed for this purpose, or immediately before use, using an electric drill with a mixing attachment. The amount of one-time prepared pigmented paint should be sufficient for application to a surface limited by corners - the entire ceiling or one of the walls.

Important: when you mix the composition with a drill, before painting the ceiling in your apartment, you should first test it on small area, since it may happen that it will differ in color from what was planned, then make the appropriate adjustments.

The most common paints for interior decoration- This:

  • acrylic;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • silicone.

The best way to paint the ceiling depends to a large extent on the purpose of the room.

For example, for painting areas with high humidity such as kitchens, boiler rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms, you need to use moisture-resistant emulsion paints. And yet, the right to choose which paint is best to paint remains entirely with the owner of the premises, as well as with the author of the design project, if, of course, such a project exists.

Not recommended for continuous painting of ceilings and walls interior spaces use oil paints based on natural or synthetic drying oil, as well as a variety of quick-drying nitro enamels. As a result of low vapor permeability, a network of cracks and further detachment of its fragments will soon appear on such a coating. This coating is very difficult to remove and may sometimes need to be complete replacement prepared base - plaster, plasterboard sheets and other.

Preparing the surface to be painted

Painted ceilings can be of the following types:

  • wooden;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • plastered;
  • plasterboard;
  • hanging of different types.

Before you start painting the ceiling, its surface must be carefully leveled and smoothed.

If the base is in satisfactory condition and has already been painted with water-based paint in the recent past to tint the ceilings in the apartment, as preparatory work They just need to remove dust and wipe with a damp cloth. If the base has defects - unevenness, drops, swelling and peeling of old paint or plaster, traces of chalk whitewash, it should be carefully prepared before painting.

Preparing the substrate for painting:

Before painting the ceiling in a room, it is better to free the room from furniture and other bulky things, and if this is not possible, wrap it up plastic film.

To prevent contamination of the walls, they are also covered with plastic film, hung on them in the form of trellises and secured at the level of the eaves with double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The floors are also protected with plastic film, on top of which so-called kraft paper is laid (packing of large cardboard boxes unfolded flat), protecting the floor from splashes of paint, as well as from the mechanical impact of scaffolding, stepladders and ladders.

Tools and equipment

To paint the ceiling you need to stock up in advance necessary tools and inventory, which include:

  • wide and narrow flat paint brushes;
  • seamless fleecy roller;
  • tray or cuvette for paint;
  • a bucket of 8...10 l in which the paint will be mixed;
  • sanding mesh and medium-grit sandpaper;
  • spatulas – wide, medium, narrow;
  • pick-hammer;
  • plaster trowel;
  • container for preparing mortar (for restoring plaster);
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • scaffolding or stepladder;
  • eye protection glasses;
  • a cape that protects the hair of the head from dye;
  • latex gloves;
  • rags.

Ceiling painting technology

Before painting, you should carefully read the information on the label of the paint can and follow all its recommendations. Sometimes the manufacturer advises diluting the paint with water before work, bringing it to the desired consistency; in this case, this operation should be performed using a drill with a mixing attachment.

The painting sequence is as follows:
using flute brushes different widths areas around the bushings that are difficult to reach with a roller are painted central heating, water supply, sewerage, eaves areas and corners;

wetting the roller with paint and rolling it on the flat surface of the tray for better saturation and filling; the operation must be repeated each time the roller is dipped into the tray, otherwise stains, stripes and imperfections may appear;

uniform, streak-free application of paint on work surface a layer of the same thickness with direct and reverse translational movements in one direction;
regularly descending to the floor from a scaffold or stepladder to inspect the painted surface from below and identify unpainted areas and other defects;

in a direction perpendicular to the first layer, apply a second layer of paint;
painting with a third layer (if necessary) is allowed after the first two have completely dried (in about a day).

After completing the work, you need to thoroughly wash the tools and equipment, and it is recommended to strain the remaining paint through a fine sieve and pour it back into the jar.

If, after the paint has dried, unevenness or stains appear on the ceiling, their nature should be determined. This can happen due to an incorrectly selected primer, poorly leveled surface, or unsuitable putty. You can try to eliminate such defects by applying another layer of thinly diluted paint. If this does not help, the entire job will need to be redone, starting with putty, sanding the surface and applying primer.