Help in writing a project on ecology kits. Sample topics for environmental projects

Sample Topics environmental projects. Study of the impact of phytoncides on pests of cultivated plants (agroecology). Study of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of zooplankton distribution in Lake Maloye (hydroecology). Immunotoxic effect of breakdown products of chemical compounds in surface waters Leonidovka district (chemical ocology). Study of the influence of anthropogenic load on the species composition of bioindicators of the floodplain meadow of the Yaya River (plant ecology). Environmental problems and public reaction to them in conditions of social and economic crisis (social ecology).

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“Theory of Ecology” - Soft Science Immature science Image: lawn. Department of General Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Introduction to general ecology. Competition. marsupial lion. Ecology: Introductory lecture. Synedra ulna. Population density. (2) Z is a power (allometric) function of body mass W. ? = ?? = e-?. M. 2005, p. 6).

“Using Indicators” - SOE Indicators. 1. Use of indicators in government status reports environment Turkmenistan.

“Projects on ecology” - Prize of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia “Best environmental project of the year”. Exhibition “Reserved Russia”. Official reception of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. Projects 2009. Ecology and Peace Foundation. Cooperation. "Russia is reserved." “Best environmental project of the year – 2009.” "Green Arrow". This is the first time such an event has been held in Russia.

"Environmental Conference" - The ratio of organizations - winners. By organization: 2 opening and closing areas, 8 sections, 4 leisure areas, Animation program. By section: Analysis of the distribution of topics. 2nd place. Conference. 43 general education uchr. 8 educational institutions of the Moscow region. 7 parole 5 educational associations 149 teachers, 19 are guests of the event.

“Pollution of the Chelyabinsk atmosphere” - EURT area in Chelyabinsk region about 23 thousand sq. km. Ai River. The areas of pollution are especially extensive (11-13 thousand sq. km) around Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk. Sak-Elga River. Nuclear pollution. Miass Tool Plant. Completed by: student of class 11 “A” of municipal educational institution “gymnasium No. 19” Kunkel Julia. Water pollution.

“Textbooks on ecology” - Applied ecology. Yu.V. Trofimenko. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 400 p., p. color ill. Ecology: Transport structure and environment. Ecology of populations and communities. For higher education students educational institutions. Ecology. Can be used by specialists conducting environmental research.

In which schoolchildren of grades 7-11 and their teachers can take part German language and subject teachers (biology, geography, chemistry, physics and ecology).

The competition is designed to draw students' attention to environmental problems that they face every day in their city or town. Schoolchildren explore the environmental situation in their city (village), on their street, in their school, for example: water and air quality, soil condition, energy consumption, plant and animal world, waste, health/nutrition. Based on the results of the study, schoolchildren propose specific ideas and carry out actions aimed at improving the environmental situation and attracting the attention of the general public to it.

Projects selected by the jury based on the results of the 2015 competition:

Project: O plastic bottles and toilet paper: eco-events at Goethe-Gymnasium No. 23 in Bishkek (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

Active traffic in the immediate vicinity of a school leads to increased levels of pollution with harmful substances that are equally dangerous to people and plants.

Project content: to assess the impact of transport on the environment, we took air samples for the content of dust particles, as well as samples of the soil near the school. We recorded significant air pollution in nearby streets, and soil samples had very low pH values. To improve the environmental situation and help nature, we planted new plants in the schoolyard and also contacted a processing plant. In addition, we launched separate waste collection at our school and tried to attract public attention to our environmental actions.

Goethe-Gymnasium No. 23

Project team: Diana Igolnikova, Ilyara Izupzhanova, Anastasia Sukhorukova, Chinara Bapyshova (German language teacher), Svetlana Paremskaya (chemistry teacher).

Project: Clean and green environment (Chambarak, Armenia)

A lack of environmental awareness resulted in the school grounds appearing abandoned.

Project content: As part of the project, we cleared the school yard, cleared the river of old tires and Orchard. Together with other schoolchildren, teachers, parents and village residents, we cultivated the soil of the school yard and planted a total of 27 fruit trees. Additionally, we made our contribution and decorated the school.
Chambarak High School

Project team: Karen Aramyan, Roza Aramyan, Smbat Gabrielyan, Alina Samsonyan (German teacher), Hakob Tizyan (geography teacher)

Project: fast food = almost food? (Gavrilov-Yam, Russia)

Fast food is increasingly becoming one of the main eating habits of people, while the health consequences are completely ignored.

Project content: As part of the project, we researched the consequences of unhealthy eating, conducted a survey in our school about eating habits and organized educational work talking about healthy foods. In addition, we prepared interactive activities for schoolchildren, wrote an article for a regional newspaper, and produced a variety of educational videos about healthy eating.

School № 1
Project team: Polina Machina, Daria Zamarenkova, Nadezhda Charkova, Irina Sorokina (German language teacher), Evgenia Melkova (biology teacher)

In the photo, a schoolgirl is experimenting with fast food type food.

Project: Cars and soil on the roadside: plants in danger (Grodno, Belarus)

The growing number of cars increases the already critical content harmful substances and contributes to environmental pollution.

Project content: Based on various soil samples, we analyzed the results of traffic intensity for the environment. At the same time, we did a phytotest and compared the sprouts of white mustard seeds with each other. To have a positive impact on the environment, we held eco-actions at school, told passersby about the problem, and also planted shrubs and trees in our yards.

Secondary school No. 28

Project team: Alyaksey Karpeichuk, Ilona Minko, Alena Ttsyalak, Tatyana Smolka (German language teacher), Alena Kostsikava (biology teacher)

In the photo: schoolchildren study the condition of plants on the roadside area.

Project: Is Magnitogorsk really clean and green? (Magnitogorsk, Russia)

Domestic and industrial waste and massive air pollution pose a threat to the environment.

Project content: Environmental pollution is a very multifaceted topic, so we analyzed two the most pressing problems– lack of separate waste collection and industrial air pollution. Thanks to visits to waste disposal plants, we were able to verify the great potential of waste recycling. After conducting experiments, we established the harm to the environment from burning garbage. Also, as part of the project, we held a large event to separate waste collection, as well as an action to collect old things, and planted spruce trees in the schoolyard.

Secondary school No. 6

Project team: Vasilina Varyukha, Dmitry Babushkin, Regina Galimova, Svetlana Shamshurina (German teacher), Tatyana Yemets (biology teacher)

Project: Preventing the desertification process, reconstructing degraded landscapes and creating a “green oasis” on our school territory (Shashubai, Kazakhstan)

Unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions in the North Balkhash region lead to soil erosion and the formation of a desert.

Project content: We studied the influence of harsh climate on vegetable world our region and were looking for ways to prevent desertification. Together with the school and the entire village, we conducted project activities and conversations to convey to all residents the importance of the problem. In collaboration with various sponsors, village residents and numerous local government representatives, we developed a large beautification project " Green oasis” and successfully implemented it together. We planted 550 seedlings of trees resistant to the local climate.

School-kindergarten complex

Project team: Kristina Dylgina, Valeria Burdman, Yana Dylgina, Dametken Tasbulatova (German language teacher), Yulia Kogai (ecology teacher)

In the photo, schoolchildren are studying the composition of soil from the school grounds.

Project: This is how the Curonian Spit begins (Zelenogradsk/Kaliningrad region, Russia)

City residents lack understanding of the exceptional value of the Curonian Spit nature reserve, so the protection it needs is lacking; and pollution natural area threatens the extinction of many species.

Project content: First of all, we studied the ecological significance of the wet habitat of plants and animals in the territory of " Curonian Spit" We also determined the possibility of a threat to this natural reserve from the nearby rapidly developing city of Zelenogradsk. We assumed that all residents are ready to protect the environment, but they lack information about the importance and uniqueness of the protected area. Therefore, we developed a themed nature trail, and materials about our plans and results were published in local newspapers. We believe that an ecological trail can introduce local residents to a unique natural area without interfering with nature.

Progymnasium "Vector"

Project team: Vlada Karelina, Daria Mezhuy, Nazar Lukashev, Valeria Wall (German teacher), Maxim Napreenko (biology teacher)

Project: Water and synthetic cleaning products (Chelyabinsk, Russia)

Water is at significant risk from the chemicals contained in synthetic cleaning products.

Project content: First, we conducted a survey among schoolchildren and found out what cleaning products they most often use. Then, based on the frequency of their use, all cleaning products were categorized. Through two different experiments, we found out how bad synthetic cleaning products and natural soaps are for the environment - and reported on it in the school newspaper. In addition, we were engaged in the production of natural soap and discovered an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional chemical cleaning products. In the future, we want to conduct master classes on this topic, as well as inform schoolchildren about the dangers of synthetic cleaning products using posters.

Gymnasium No. 96

Project team: Irina Zhukova, Marina Belozerova, Anastasia Dron, Olga Bannikova (German teacher), Ekaterina Gorvat (chemistry teacher)

Project: Eco-cleaning products (Tula, Russia)

Chemicals contained in cleaning products and detergents end up in wastewater, cannot be completely filtered out and pose a risk to our health.

Project content: To reduce environmental pollution, in our project we are considering alternative cleaning and detergents for home. After we analyzed the chemicals in cleaning products and found them to be harmful to the environment, we focused on producing an environmentally friendly enzyme that could replace traditional cleaning products. After receiving positive results using eco-cleaning products we talked about this idea.

Project team: Egor Turkov, Daria Anufrieva, Arina Lifanova, Svetlana Lifanova (German teacher), Marina Starina (chemistry teacher)

Project: New life water source (Zugdidi, Georgia)

The village of Akhalsopeli suffers from a lack of water, as the water from its only source is constantly disappearing.

Project content: We set ourselves the task of stopping the mass disappearance of spring water in our village, as well as holding an action in support of the relaunch of the only open-air swimming pool. Thanks to the economical handling of water, the outdoor pool could be filled with spring water. Therefore, to begin with, we cleaned the source itself and the area around it, installed a protective structure made of bamboo, and then carried out educational work with the population of the village.
Akhalsopeli secondary school

Team: Mariam Jojua, Tamta Jojua, Mariam Sherozia, Kobalia Tzitsino (German teacher), Kitia Ketevan (ecology teacher)

Project: When the trees were green... (Moscow, Russia)

The growing number of parking spaces threatens the few trees that still grace the city.

Project content: The goal of our project was to establish a causal relationship between the emergence of new parking spaces and the extinction of trees. We conducted an interdisciplinary study: we not only took soil samples and collected information about trees, but also learned about the rules for handling plants when carrying out road works. The following problem was identified: the city does not have the necessary irrigation system. We developed numerous recommendations and also talked about our project in school and on the Internet.

School No. 1179
Project team: Alina Anosova, Alina Pogosyan, Daniil Sidorov, Anna Tsukanova (German language teacher), Natalya Kislyak (biology teacher)

In the photo, schoolchildren examine the condition of the leaves using a microscope.

Project: Consequences of birds feeding in water. Research schoolchildren on the Mirosha River
(Pskov, Russia)

Environmental pollution and mass feeding of birds threaten the water quality and diversity of wildlife in the Mirosha River.

Project content: The project of our initiative group is dedicated to studying the impact of bird feeding in water bodies on the environment. By becoming interested in our local ecosystem, we were able to make connections between bird feeding and deteriorating water quality. To draw the attention of Pskov residents to the consequences of their actions, we installed an information board in the park “Feeding birds is prohibited” and talked about it on the Internet.

School No. 11
Project team: Olga Stepanova, Sergey Solovyov, Elizaveta Terentyeva, Yulia Mikhailova (German language teacher), Anastasia Frolova (geography teacher)

Project: Start saving energy yourself! (Rivne, Ukraine)

Growing demand for energy around the world is causing whole line environmental problems– increased emissions of harmful substances and environmental pollution.

Project content: Although we realize that we will not be able to implement environmentally friendly energy processing technologies throughout the world, we still decided to take the initiative for responsible energy consumption in our city. To achieve this, we have developed detailed information brochures on saving energy, held educational lessons and a drawing competition on the relevant topic at our school. In addition, we have prepared recommendations for saving energy and tested them in practice.

Lyceum No. 12
Project team: Anastasia Vavryk, Oksana Melnichuk, Oleksandra Trush, Olga Moroz (German language teacher), Lyudmila Bondaruk (physics teacher)

Project: Determining the concentration of carbon dioxide in the premises of a gymnasium using a homemade gas analyzer (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Increased levels of carbon dioxide indoors are a serious factor causing headaches, fatigue and cardiovascular diseases, as well as affecting Negative influence on other health indicators.

Project content: Since we know the consequences of increased carbon dioxide levels, as part of our project we measured the concentration of carbon dioxide in the premises of our school and compared them with normal values. We independently developed the design of the gas analyzer and learned about the technique of chemical measurements. Fortunately, all carbon dioxide emissions are within normal limits, but we still recommend keeping your premises ventilated at all times.

Gymnasium No. 116 of Primorsky district

Project team: Roman Gubenko, Alina Ivanova, Mikhail Mezentsev, Tatyana Khorunzhaya (German language teacher), Tatyana Puzikova (chemistry teacher)

Project: Ecological laboratory. Along the forest protection paths of Mordovia. (Saransk, Russia)

Tree cutting, environmental pollution and other problems caused by human activity threaten the forests of Mordovia.

Project content: Since approximately a third of the Republic of Mordovia is covered with forests, these gifts of nature are not sufficiently appreciated by many local residents. To attract the attention of schoolchildren and residents of Saransk to the beauty of forests, we prepared an interactive environmental laboratory, hung posters, held a garbage collection campaign and developed an ecological trail.

Gymnasium No. 20
Project team: Maria Dolgaeva, Alexander Patkin, Anastasia Shibaeva, Tatyana Sharashkina (German teacher), Yulia Vardanyan (geography teacher)

Municipal general educational institution

"Kuvshinovskaya secondary school No. 2"

Educational and research environmental project

Ecology of school space

Project type: creative, exploratory

Project hypothesis : conducting environmental monitoring, analyzing their results, environmental educationof all participants in the educational process will help maintain their health and improve learning conditions.

Objective of the project: maintaining the health of students, creating favorable conditions training.



expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the role of nature in human life;

introduce students to diversity, living conditions indoor plants, their importance for human health.


develop the ability to analyze, reason, prove your opinion;


ensure the relationship between educational and educational processes;

cultivate a caring attitude towards indoor plants, a sense of belonging, and personal responsibility for what is happening around.

develop research skills, the ability to work with various types information sources;

develop the ability to analyze, select, and classify the information received;

develop skills creative application acquired knowledge

Predicted results:

The student will know:

names of indoor plants and living conditions of these plants in their homeland;

rules for caring for indoor plants;

actions natural factors(light, heat, moisture, soil composition) on the vital activity of indoor plants;

The student will be able to:

to Work with additional literature;

observe and care for indoor plants;

work in a group;

document the results of your activities according to the plan.

The student will cultivate in himself:





Formulation of the problem :

Insufficient or improper landscaping in school classrooms contributes to the creation of unfavorable learning conditions.

Design :

formation of groups, distribution of tasks, definition of tasks.

Search for information:

studying reference, popular science literature, conducting


Intermediate product: consultations, preparation of presentations, preparation of speeches.

Project presentation.

School ecology - is an activity in space school life, consistent with human nature.

School is the place where children spend most of their time, and therefore it must meet certain requirements. If we talk about the ecology of the school, the main requirement here is maintaining health.

What benefits do indoor plants bring, and are they just benefits, or do they bloom within the walls of our school solely for beauty?

Taking into account the trend of a sharp decline in population, the problem of creating and maintaining a healthy society is being raised. This increases the responsibility of the education system not only for the spiritual, but also for the physical development of the new generation, strengthening the health of students, introducing them to the value healthy image life. The state of health of children, adolescents and young people causes reasonable concern for the entire society as a whole. In this regard, such an area of ​​work as health protection and the introduction of health-saving teaching technologies becomes the most important for the school and all participants in the educational process.

Houseplants came to us from distant countries. By decorating our interior, they invite us to break out of the routine whirlwind. The most amazing of them take us on journeys, making us forget about banal everyday life.

When choosing “green friends,” we focus on our own aesthetic taste and listen to the advice of family and friends. As a rule, everything is limited to this, but in vain, because plants have a number of wonderful properties, the existence of which we do not even suspect! Having settled in our house, “green tenants” contribute tosound absorption, humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen and cleanse it of harmful impurities. Special nutrients released by plants increase performance, normalize sleep, and increase a person’s adaptive abilities

“Green friends” bring harmony and tranquility into our lives; next to them we feel a surge of energy and at the same time relax. When choosing plants, many of us do not think about the effect they will have on our health, both physical and psychological. Plants affect us with their aroma, the color of leaves and flowers, and the shape of the crown.

Indoor plants are an essential component of a school classroom. They decorate the room and create comfort. Plants perform various functions, provide aesthetic, psychological impact, improve the air environment. Behind last years another one is emerging more and more clearly important function plants - cleaning the environment from various pollutants. Like a filter, they clean the air from dust and harmful gases.

Plants with phytoncidal properties: increase the amount of oxygen, increase the content of negative light ions. They have a positive effect on respiratory processes, reduce arterial pressure, increase muscle strength and endurance: tachycardia and arrhythmia decrease; serve as a means of prevention for dystonia and hypertension. - Reduces the number of microorganisms in the air by 70-80%.

Conifers - cryptomeria, cypress, Olsander cypress, laurel, fortuneella, prickly pear cactus. Citrus cactus - prickly pear - reduces the number of mold fungi by 6-7 times, has healing properties(heals wounds). Euphorbia, citruses. Microbes (staphylococcus) are dealt with by Cissus Hibiscus, Cissus, Ficus, Akalifa, Aglaonema. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to place one plant specimen per 1 m3 of room.

Plants that can relieve stress. If possible, it would be a good idea to set up a relaxation room at school. It is best to plant in it: pelargonium, oregano, myrtle, lemon balm, fragrant geranium (take into account the tendency to allergic reaction) Plants clean the air not only of bacteria, but also of dust. More than 300 species have these properties. In addition, another 160 species are intended for open ground. These are mainly coniferous plant species. In addition to dust retention, some of them are also capable of absorbing sound; it is useful to plant them in schoolyards located near roads, and this is important due to the increasing number of vehicles. Air environment contains toxins coming from synthetic materials used in finishing works.

Within the framework of the program of continuous environmental education and training, it is possible to implement independent project to study the species composition of school indoor plants. this work accessible and interesting to students.

The goal of the project is to determine the name of each plant, its family, and homeland from reference books; study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants; landscaping of school classrooms.

The project is intended for students in grades 5-9. Depending on the age of the students, the “Indoor Plants at School” project can be divided into several stages, each of which includes both theoretical and practical parts.

5-6 grades

- Studying the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms.

- School gardening club.

- Messages in biology lessons.

7th grade

- Creating a map “Map of the world on the windowsills of a school (classroom).”

-"Travelling with Houseplants."

8-9 grades

- Study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants.

- Landscaping of school classrooms taking into account air and thermal conditions.

- Speech at an environmental scientific and practical conference.

The work to determine the species composition of plants was divided into two stages.

At the first stage ( 5th grade ) students identify and describe plants base cabinet. For these purposes, special reference literature is used. The most successful in this regard is Hessayon’s reference book “Everything about indoor plants” (M.: Kladez, 1996).

At the second stage ( 6th grade ), working in groups, students identify and describe the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms. It should be noted that working in groups, where students complete tasks together, helps improve communication skills, better assimilation of knowledge and intellectual development children.

Data on the species composition of plants is placed in the classroom corner or on a separate stand. In addition, a plate is placed in the container with plants, indicating the name, species, and homeland of the plant. You can also hold a meeting of school gardeners, at which you can give recommendations on working with reference books, indicate which plants, depending on window exposures, are advisable to grow in a particular office. Also important is the connection between students’ experimental activities and the educational process, which is established through subjects natural cycle. For example, in a 6th grade biology course, students study the morphology of plants, and the knowledge about plants acquired in the process of working on a project not only serves as a good addition, but can also be applied in a geography course, in particular, when studying continents. Based on knowledge about the species composition of indoor plants, the school creates a map of the world's vegetation, which indicates the homeland of each plant.

In this case, it is carried outanticipatory education. To prepare such a lesson, the children study a fairly large amount of literature, both reference and scientific, suggested by the teacher or found on their own. Such lessons are undoubtedly more interesting both for the children preparing the material and for the entire class as a whole.

While working on a vegetation map, students learn that most of the school's houseplants are native to the rainforests of America and Africa, as humidity and temperature regime in school classrooms are quite consistent natural conditions given natural area(monitoring of the environmental condition of school classrooms is carried out under the guidance of a chemistry teacher). It becomes obvious to students that in central Russia at the latitude of Moscow, these plants require certain maintenance conditions. This concerns moderate watering in winter and abundant in summer, shading of plants in the hot season and backlighting in the cold, “wintering” for cacti, etc. The results of the work can be presented in the form of mini abstracts or shown on a stand in the classroom.

The final stage second stage The project is a presentation of the results of research and practical work. For students in grades 5-7, it is better to do this in the form of a “Travel with Houseplants” holiday. Student presenters, using a map of the world's vegetation, talk about the living conditions of plants found at school.

For students in grades 8-9, the study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants is of particular interest. From reference and popular science literature we learned that at school there are plants that determine the sanitary state of the air in the classrooms, i.e. acting as bioindicators. These include tradescantia, begonia, asparagus, and violet. In addition, the rooms have detoxifying plants that can neutralize toxic substances contained in the air. These are chlorophytum fasciculata, common myrtle, fern, geranium, Chinese hibiscus, coleus, royal begonia, dracaena, ivy, dieffenbachia, succulent cacti.

As part of the school's gardening program, students selected plants for each classroom based on environmental factors.

In addition, we carried out work to identify plants with medicinal properties. At school, such plants include: agave, aloe, aspidistra, aucuba, hibiscus, zephyranthes, kalanchoe, saxifrage, passionflower, pelargonium, ivy, sanseviera, thuja, fatsia, ficus. We presented the results in the form of a catalog “ Medicinal plants at school”, indicating the species composition, the use of plants in their homeland, and pharmacological properties. For each plant of the doctor, an annotation of the medicinal effect and methods of use have been compiled.

results project work students presented at a school scientific and practical conference, which was attended by representatives of all classes of middle and high school. Thus, the achievements of individual groups of schoolchildren become known to almost the entire school and can be in demand by everyone.

The most interesting works were presented at the environmental scientific and practical conference.

I have an idea creating a cabinet of indoor plants. The idea to create it came about because the school collected a large number of indoor plants.

Houseplants are used in lessons and extracurricular activities as demonstration and handout material when conducting observations and performing simple experiments. Living objects must be unpretentious in maintenance and care. Sanitary and hygienic requirements, lighting standards, and safety regulations must be observed. Plants that do not cause allergic reactions are selected.

When selecting plants in the office, it is possible to take into account their use in lessons and extracurricular activities, taking into account their role in the design of the office. Plants are placed on racks, mounted in walls or on stands. Two three large plants create a unique interior.

Working in project mode becomes the source of creating the necessary equipment for the office. It is necessary to highlight those tasks in which schoolchildren can take part. Creative in its essence, including research, search, problem situations, project activities fill the life of each office with interesting things.

Analyzing the available resources and capabilities of children, we gave preference to the following types of project activities:




Research The project requires a certain algorithm of work:

Identification and formulation of the problem;
- formulation of a hypothesis;
- setting goals and objectives;
- action planning;
- data collection, analysis and synthesis, comparison with known information;
- preparation and writing of the project, its effectiveness;
- defense, presentation of the project.

Applied From the very beginning, the project clearly indicates the result of the activities of its participants.

Informational The project is aimed at analyzing and summarizing any information for a wide audience.

“Ecology and phytodesign of the school classroom”

Target: get acquainted with the laws of arranging indoor plants, with the profession of florist and decorator.


1.Study the species composition of indoor plants in the office

2. Establish which indoor plants are most popular in landscaping school premises

3.What requirements are taken into account when growing plants at school?




Practical work

Expected results: acquisition of knowledge, flowers in the school office

We decided to equip our school office and do phytodesign of the office:

Landscape it so that it is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for work; and the conditions for maintaining the plants were met.

Using literature on indoor floriculture, we have established that plants belonging to 5 groups are used in indoor landscaping:

1 group - decorative deciduous (palms, ferns, dracaena)

Group 2 - beautifully flowering (begonias, cacti, roses)

Group 3 - hanging (chlorophytum, tradescantia)

Group 4 - climbing or clinging (ivy, monstera, asparagus)

Group 5 - bulbous or tuberous (cyclomen, gloxinia)

In schools, it is best to grow simple, undemanding plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum), which bloom easily and abundantly, and which can be cared for by children. Plants that cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes or have brightly colored fruits are completely excluded.

To make people's lives more beautiful and cleaner, we use plants. But you also need to take care of the flowers. Before breeding plants, you need to know the basic requirements of each of them for




Plants need light for normal development. According to light requirements, all plants can be divided into three groups:

Group 1 - light-loving

Group 2 - shade-loving

Group 3 - shade-tolerant

The air temperature in the room is of no small importance for the development of plants, especially in winter.

Sufficient moisture is necessary for normal plant development.

In addition, in offices it is necessary to increase the number of medicinal indoor plants, such as aloe and Kalanchoe. These plants enhance immunity and have bactericidal properties. The most popular plant in school is chlorophytum. It is said about him: the worse the air is for us, the better for him. For landscaping, we recommend light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

When composing compositions, it is necessary to take into account following rules and methods of plant placement. There are several basic techniques for placing indoor plants indoors.

1.A free-standing plant can be evergreen or flowering.

A successfully composed composition of several plants pleases the eye and turns the room into an oasis, where beauty and comfort reign, where the harmony of nature and man reigns.

2.Very effective in the interior climbing plants, suspended in a specially made flowerpot.

3. Small gardens on rocks are very beautiful

4. Groups of plants planted together are very effective.

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eye, give people joy, soften morals, bring peace and relaxation. Giving flowers means expressing feelings of love, respect, affection, respect. (See presentation).

Additional Information on career guidance.

Creating green interiors is a special area of ​​architecture that requires versatile knowledge and great artistic taste. Therefore, to create the most complex modern projects florist and decorator works.

The florist-decorator is an indispensable consultant who will give advice on indoor floriculture in various rooms, in a large and small apartment, in a study room, in great hall, in recreation. At the same time, he will take into account the influence of plants on human health. In addition, he can make a bouquet or flower arrangement. People of this profession know how to make bouquets not only of fresh flowers, but also of dried or artificial ones. Flower growers work in greenhouses, greenhouses, nurseries and open ground, in experimental areas, in parks, squares. Flower growers and decorators reveal the beauty of nature to people. Florists implement landscaping projects. They participate in the planning of green spaces, make ridges, loosen the soil, and apply fertilizers. To maintain a clear pattern of flower beds and lawns, they are trimmed, thinned, faded inflorescences are cut off, and fragile plants are tied to stakes. Choose this profession better for people, nature lovers and having good aesthetic taste. Aesthetically designed parks, squares, sidewalks are pleasing to the eye and create a festive mood in people. In addition, green spaces play a hygienic and protective role, delay the spread of dust, soften noise, and help restore the normal composition of the surrounding air.

Nature is rich in amazing colors. We will definitely meet them at our school.

Goal: expand the area of ​​knowledge of the environment natural world our area. Objectives: -To foster an environmental culture junior schoolchildren; -Expand your knowledge of environmental issues native land and attract the attention of the younger generation to them. -Develop the ability to work with received information: process, classify and present it.

Ecology is a fashionable word, Nature did not know this before, Banks and bottles were not thrown into the bushes, Waste and oil were not poured into the river. Our planet is still alive, but without protection it will die! If you want the world to become green, don't cut down the birch and maple trees!

Research apron Forests of Zelenograd - influence the entire ecosystem of the city Properties of the forest: health, recreation of people. Source of various raw materials (berries, mushrooms, wood) The influence of the forest on all types of the biosphere (people, animals, plants) Types of forests: coniferous, birch, pine, aspen, spruce forests Function of the forest: main source oxygen, it regulates water and soil balance

There was a picturesque pond where local residents loved to relax, on the banks of which rare birds of our area (lapwings) built their nests, but now it is gone, because... the banks are littered with garbage, it is not cleaned, the pond has turned into a large dirty puddle. The same story happened with the river in the village of Kamenka.

Riddle I'm wearing a bright red beret, In a gray satin jacket, I'm a friend to all the trees, And everyone calls me... beetles a day Where have the woodpeckers, the forest orderlies, gone?

Survey among the population We conducted a survey of 50 people of different ages. The question was: Who saw and heard woodpeckers in the wild and when? People aged 40 years and older are well acquainted with this bird and know what it looks like. People from 27 to 40 years old were less likely to encounter it, and some people did not encounter woodpeckers in the forest. But the lowest percentage of respondents was among students primary school, more than half of the children had never seen or heard the sound of woodpeckers. The number of woodpeckers has decreased and this also affected the spread of pest beetles.

We see that birds can no longer fully cope with this problem. Therefore, man comes to the aid of nature. Only cutting down diseased trees can stop the massive spread of these beetles. We learned that this year 6,500 trees were cut down and 4,500 were planted, many of which did not take root. This means that more trees are being cut down than are being planted.

17 Conclusions: 1. We learned to collect, classify and analyze the information received, as well as present the product of our work. 2. As a result of our work, we came to the understanding that nothing in nature is superfluous and everything is interconnected; 3. We want to attract as many people as possible more people to solve environmental problems of our region;