Heating in the village without gas. How can you arrange heating for a private house without gas? Alternative energy sources

Gasification of “rural” areas, unfortunately, lags behind the pace suburban construction. And even for residents of the suburbs of administrative centers, the question of what kind of heating in a private house is the most economical if there is no gas sounds relevant. Taking into account energy prices on the domestic market, the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy looks like this: second place is solid fuel, third is liquefied gas, fourth is liquid fuel, and last is electricity. But even in this hierarchy, not everything is so simple. How do you heat a house if there is no gas?

Heating a house without gas should ideally be combined - using traditional and alternative energy sources

Eat different variants heating country house without gas, each of them is worth special attention.

Solid fuel

Not so long ago, solid fuel had no competitors. At first, firewood, and then coal, were the main types. Of course, they also burned peat, straw and even dung, but, as now, it was “local” fuel that was not widely used.

The primitive hearth in the cave is very reminiscent of a classic fireplace

With the beginning of the “gas era,” heating, firewood and coal faded into the background, but still remain in demand. Moreover, their prospects are “rosy”, since there are much more proven reserves of coal than gas, and firewood and “wood” fuel are renewable energy sources. Modern difference The only problem is that previously only stoves or fireplaces were used to heat a house, but now the main source of heat is a boiler. Although there are exceptions.


They still meet now, especially if we're talking about about a small country house or dacha. The main advantage is absolute energy independence. Therefore, they are used when it is necessary to provide heating for a private home without gas or electricity.

Depending on their purpose, stoves can be either heating or heating-cooking. The first option includes a Russian stove and a Swedish stove, the second - a Dutch oven and a classic fireplace.

Their effectiveness largely depends on the design of the chimney system, of which there are three types:

    Straight-through. The chimney has a minimum number of bends in the direction from the firebox to the pipe. This category includes classic open-hearth fireplaces and Russian stoves. The radiator of heat is the body and part of the chimney that runs indoors or inside the wall. By the way, thanks to its special design and massiveness, the Russian stove is considered one of the most efficient. And a traditional fireplace has the lowest efficiency. And he's in modern realities more of a decoration or a means of relaxation while contemplating an open flame than a full-fledged heater.

    Duct. Combustion products are removed using a system of channels passing inside the furnace body, which not only emits, but also accumulates heat. The “Dutch” belongs to this type. It, like a Russian stove, takes a long time to warm up, but also takes a long time to cool down.

    Bell bells. Hot gases first rise into the “hood”, where they give up some of the heat, cool, fall along the walls of the hood and are drawn out into the chimney through the “hood”.

In addition to non-volatility, the advantage of classic stoves is their “omnivorousness” in relation to solid fuel. Firewood, coal, peat, briquettes - everything that can be put in the firebox with your hands and set on fire. Moreover, unpretentiousness extends to the ash content of coal and the moisture content of firewood.

The Russian stove is still relevant and can heat several rooms on two levels

The disadvantages are no less significant than the advantages:

    radiation type of transfer of thermal energy - one stove heats a house where the entire living area is contained in one or two adjacent rooms;

    labor-intensive maintenance - frequent refilling of fuel and cleaning;

    low efficiency (efficiency on average about 20%) - the fuel does not burn out completely and most of the heat “flies down the chimney” along with the smoke;

    complex design“handmade” production, which can only be performed by an experienced craftsman.

Modern solid fuel boilers and factory fireplace inserts do not have these disadvantages.

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Solid fuel boilers

Another not the worst option than heating the house. Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of 80-95%. That is, the best examples of operating efficiency are at the level of gas boilers, and only three economic factors “throw them back” into second place:

    higher cost of coolant per kilowatt of thermal energy;

    higher price of equipment;

    “there are” maintenance costs (costs of transport, fuel storage and disposal of solid residues).

If we talk about cost, then in the Moscow region, heating with wood is approximately one and a half times more expensive than gas - about 90 kopecks. per kilowatt versus 53 kopecks. (at tariffs for natural gas for the second half of 2017, subject to the availability of metering devices).

Pyrolysis boilers have the highest efficiency - the wood in them burns almost completely, with a minimal “solid” residue

The use of fuel pellets increases the cost per kilowatt to 1.3-1.4 rubles. and almost comparable in price when used coal, but still 15-20% cheaper than heating with anthracite. But there are nuances here.

If the task is how to heat a house cheaply without gas, then wood boilers long burning or pyrolysis (gas generator) models best meet this condition. The only drawback is that laying firewood is done manually and it is impossible to automate this process. Although this should be done infrequently - 1-2 times a day.

Pellet or coal boilers are available with automatic loading of fuel from the bunker. And although the bunker also needs to be loaded manually, it is much larger than the volume of the firebox. A regular boiler model with a standard hopper with a capacity of 1 m3 can operate continuously from three days to a week, and with an enlarged hopper - up to 12 days (taking into account high-quality insulation of the house and low heat loss). And when it is not possible to frequently load fuel, then these boilers are the best option (if you do not take into account higher prices for equipment).

Long-burning solid fuel boilers with a large-capacity hopper do not require daily maintenance from the owners

Note. There are even automatic modular coal boilers with a bunker volume of up to 14 m3, their own crusher, auger fuel supply to the firebox and automatic soot removal into their own bunker - practically a mini-boiler room for a private home. Moreover, this is a domestic development and the cost of the equipment is also “domestic”.

Fireplace inserts

Modern fireplace inserts, fireplace stoves and stoves do not differ in operating principle from solid fuel boilers. They also have the function of long burning and secondary combustion. Their efficiency differs from gas generator boilers by only 5-10%, which is at least four times higher than that of classic fireplaces with an open firebox.

Demonstration model of a fireplace insert closed type with water circuit

The intraspecific differences between such devices are that fireplace inserts require additional installation of a decorative portal and are used only for heating, fireplace stoves have a complete design and some models belong to the heating-cooking class (there are even models with a built-in grill), and all stoves have two functions - cooking and heating.

Fireplace stoves and stoves have a limited power range - a maximum of 25 kW. This, of course, is less than that of boilers, but they can heat a house up to 250 m2.

Heating and cooking stove-fireplace - the best option for a small country house

The power of the fireplace insert can reach 40 kW, which allows you to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 400 m2.

Stoves and fireplace inserts can heat a home in three ways:

    heat radiation in the common space with a free layout of the entire level (studio type);

    in a water heating system, if the firebox has an appropriate heat exchanger with pipework;

    in system air heating.

Note. Air heating is the first system known in history, which appeared several thousand years earlier than water heating. And now it is successfully used, but only in modern design– application forced submission warm air V adjoining rooms or to the second floor via air ducts.

Video description

To see how to heat a house without gas using air heating, watch the video:

Liquefied gas

In terms of cost per kilowatt of energy, liquefied gas ranks third.

Eat different ways its delivery and storage, but the smaller the volume, the more expensive the final price. Therefore for home permanent residence a gas tank is needed, and for a small dacha, which is rarely visited in cold weather, you can get by with several 50-liter cylinders. When using a gas holder, the price of a kilowatt of heat from burning liquefied gas is 2.3-2.5 rubles, the use of cylinders raises the bar by 50 kopecks.

You can also heat yourself in different ways.

Most simple system– direct combustion of gas to produce heat without heating intermediate coolant, piping and radiators. For this purpose they use gas convectors and infrared heaters. Their operating principle and design are different, but they have one thing in common - availability of equipment, compactness and operation from bottled gas. The disadvantage is the power limitation and heating of only one room. For example, in infrared and catalytic gas heaters AYGAZ company maximum power 6.2 kW.

So compact infrared heater can heat up to 40 m2

The gas holder allows you to build a complete autonomous system water heating, and the frequency of refueling depends on the volume of the container, heating area and operating mode. In terms of ease of use and maintenance, the system ranks second after electric heating. But it requires significant initial investments for the purchase of a gas tank, its installation (usually underground) and the laying of communications (pipes for connecting to the boiler and electric cable for the tank heating system).

Another difficulty for a gas tank is choosing a location. It should be located close enough to the house and be accessible for gas refilling

Liquid fuel

This is probably the last option that should be considered when solving the problem of how to heat a house if there is no gas. It's not even about the price of energy resources - they can be different. Most expensive diesel fuel allows you to receive thermal energy with the same cost as using liquefied gas from cylinders. The price of heat when burning fuel oil is the same as that of coal-fired boilers, and “working off” practically compares heating costs to the level natural gas. But…

In terms of equipment cost, this is one of the most expensive fuel-using systems. In addition, these boilers are “capricious”, requiring regular maintenance and the same complexity of maintenance as the fuel supply and injection systems of a diesel car. There are also disadvantages such as air pollution from combustion products liquid fuel, and high level noise from work fuel pump and burners.

Maintenance of an oil-fuel boiler is much more difficult than any other

Electric boilers

Electric boilers have the highest efficiency - up to 98%. Moreover, it does not depend on the type of boiler. heating elements, electrode and induction boilers they differ only in the method of heating the coolant, and they have no losses from incomplete combustion fuel - electricity is converted into heat almost completely. In principle, it would be correct to talk not about the heating system (there is no fuel and combustion chamber), but about the heating method.

In terms of equipment cost, simplicity of the device, completeness of automation and ease of maintenance electric boilers have no competitors. But their cost per kilowatt of thermal energy is the highest. Although there are loopholes here.

Video description

In addition, you can use modern geothermal pumps, which are clearly explained in the video:

Since July of this year in the Moscow region for settlements And rural areas With electric stoves and heating appliances, the one-rate tariff is 3.53 rubles. per kWh Taking into account the efficiency, a kilowatt of thermal energy will cost 3.6-3.7 rubles. But there are two- and three-part tariffs that allow you to save money. To do this, you need to install a heat accumulator, which allows you to accumulate warm water for a heating system at night, when the tariff is 1.46 rubles. per kWh If the house is small and the capacity of the heat accumulator is sufficient, then the night supply (from 23-00 to 7-00) may be enough for the rest of the time or for most of it. This compares the cost of heating with electricity to solid fuel coal boilers. And significantly cheaper than burning liquefied gas. And the battery capacity is no more expensive than a gas holder or a coal bunker with a screw feed system.

The heat accumulator can optimize the operation of any heating system

But the main disadvantage of heating with electricity is poor quality networks and power limit.


There are several other ways to heat a house if there is no gas. For example, alternative ways heating a house without gas - solar panels and heat pumps. But wide application the first option is limited by the insufficient level of insolation of our latitudes precisely in winter time. And the only stable and effective type heat pump"ground-water" the cost of equipment and installation is such that without government support (as in some European countries) makes it unprofitable compared to traditional systems heating.

It doesn’t matter how to heat a house in cold weather - it is important to cover its heat loss.

So, the weather is cold outside and the temperature in the house begins to drop. To ensure that the temperature in the house is comfortable in cold weather, every home must have a heat generator. What acts as a heat generator - a boiler, furnace or heat pump - is not so important. It is important that its power is enough to cover the heat loss of the house in winter.

Well, when the “overboard” temperature drops to -30C and -40C, it’s time to “turn up the pot” to the fullest. How to heat a house in cold weather is a question that every owner of a private home asks himself. We will look at it from a practical point of view.

What is the best way to heat a house in terms of convenience?

What is the best way to heat a house? It doesn’t matter what, as long as this fuel is available to you and within your means. What is the point of giving advice or gas to those people for whom neither one nor the other resource is available.

Of course, it is better to heat the house with natural gas (main gas), which enters your house through a pipe. This is the most convenient and most cheap look fuel for this moment. And even after the government introduces social norms on gas, this type of fuel will still remain the most affordable for people.

Of course, the most convenient type of fuel is natural gas.

How to heat a house in winter if there is no gas near your site or the cost of connecting to gas pipe goes beyond 1,000,000 rubles? The next most convenient, but not cheapest, option is electricity. The most hassle-free energy carrier, you don’t need a lot of money to install equipment. But a lot of money will be required to pay your electricity sellers - the energy company in your area.

What is the best way to heat a house if there is no gas and the allocated electricity for your household does not exceed 5 kilowatts? Next option from a convenience point of view, this is . Before the start of the season, they bring you a tank of diesel fuel and fill your container with 3-5-10 tons of diesel fuel, depending on the power of your boiler and the heated area.

If this is not the case and you go to the gas station yourself with cans, then this option can be compared to heating with waste oil. The same process for assembling shareware fuel. Only the exhaust burner costs a little more than the diesel fuel burner. Price diesel burner– 15-25 thousand rubles, the cost of a burner for waste oil is from 60 thousand rubles. But fuel costs you almost nothing.

Next in terms of ease of use are pellets. A pellet boiler will require a one-time loading of fuel before the season if you have a large pellet bunker with a volume of 10-20 cubic meters with pneumatic supply.
If this is not the case, then you will have to regularly load pellets into the hopper. It’s good if you have an extended pellet bunker for 600-800 kilograms. If the standard one is 200 kilograms (usually they are installed on the basic configurations of pellet boilers), then you will have to approach the boiler with bags of pellets every day). And believe the practice, loading pellets every day to a level above your head and pouring pellets into the bunker is not an activity for weaklings.

Next in terms of ease of use are firewood and coal. Do you want to be a fireman or stoker in own home? Then this option is for you.
There are, of course, coal-fired boilers such as Carborobot and wood-burning convection boilers, which allow you to approach boilers and stoves less often.
However, calibrated washed coal for Carborobot must not only be specially prepared, but also be obtained somewhere in your area.
But pyrolysis ovens are not as good as oven sellers say in advertising brochures.

Why didn’t I mention gas tanks and other conditionally autonomous sources of gas heating? Because for the cost of installing the equipment, it is easier to pay the entrance fee to connect to the main gas and generally forget about the problems of refilling the gas container.

The cheaper way to heat a house in winter

We looked at the best way to heat a house in terms of convenience. Now let's see how cheaper it is to heat a house in winter, starting from small subzero temperatures and ending with real frosts.

The cheapest type of fuel is free fuel. Of course, there is no such thing as completely free fuel. You spend money and your personal time on fuel delivery. However, if we ignore the cost of delivery, we can call it.

Sawdust, lumber trimmings, used packaging cardboard, paper and pulp production waste, straw, cake, waste oil - all this fuel costs nothing. You just need to find its sources and arrange delivery. If you succeed, you can heat your house in winter for free (conditionally, of course).

If your stove allows you to burn anything in it, then your option is free fuel.

How to heat a house without gas

How to heat a house in winter if the “pipe with blue fuel” does not fit your site and is unlikely to do so in the near future? You won’t have to hang your head and decide how to heat your house without gas in the winter.

Let's go in order (according to the degree of price increase):

  • firewood/coal,
  • used oil,
  • pellets,
  • ground heat (heat pump),
  • diesel fuel,
  • electricity.

Here’s a “gentleman’s set” in case Gazprom has forgotten about you and doesn’t want to remember.

Heated area of ​​the house during the cold period

There is one option that will reduce your home heating costs. The effective heated area of ​​the house is the area of ​​​​those rooms in which you will maintain comfortable temperature from +18C to +22C.
An effective heated area of ​​the house can include bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room. In other parts of the house - pantries, boiler rooms - you can keep the temperature at a level from +8C to +12C. In the vestibules and fuel storage, the temperature can be kept from +5C to +8C.

Thus, you can greatly reduce the cost of heating your home as a whole by simply lowering the constant temperature in those rooms where you are not constantly present.

Close some of the rooms in your home for the winter and your home heating costs will decrease.

Today, heating a private house without gas and electricity is quite affordable for every owner. It is not always possible to connect gas inexpensively. And electricity is not that cheap, considering that in winter the costs for it will be high.

Eat different types heating systems if there is no gas in the house.

Different heating options will help answer questions about how to heat water and warm up the room at the same time.

Solar collectors

Great alternative gas heating- solar collectors. Such installations operate smoothly and economically. Collectors are ways to maintain heat in a room for a long time. But the main thing is that when good conditions they can generate electricity. Such installations have both their advantages and disadvantages.

So, solar collectors are absolutely safe. Installing such installations is quite simple and quick. Collectors are installed somewhere on the façade of a building. The installation will fit perfectly into the design of the house, since among a wide range you can choose the most suitable option for yourself. But most importantly, collectors provide significant savings in utility costs. Therefore, this type of installation is perfect even for low-income families.

The only drawback of such collectors is that they operate exclusively on solar energy. This determines the specifics of the installation of collectors. In regions where practically all year round sunny (usually the south of the country), installation of collectors is completely justified. But in northern latitudes these installations will be completely useless.

Heat pumps

How to heat big house? Heating system a country house without gas can also be organized using a heat pump. Thanks to this installation, it will be possible not only to heat the room, but also, if necessary, to heat water for domestic needs. What are the features of such installations for summer cottages without gas?

The main sources that generate heat when using pumps of this type are the bowels of the earth, soil or water. And this already suggests that the operation of the pump will also not cause any harm. environment. Alternative heating of a country house without gas using a heat pump has many advantages. So, the pumps are also environmentally safe. Moreover, the use of such installations completely eliminates fires or explosions.

Heat pumps heat efficiently and better than many other installations, but at the same time they are quite economical. This installation is very easy to adjust even for an inexperienced user. This makes it possible to set the desired air temperature in the room. Heat pumps also have an automatic regulator, which can turn the installation on or off if necessary.

The only significant drawback of a heat pump is its high cost. Of course, today there are many models of pumps, among which you can find both expensive and cheaper options. And the point here is not at all about quality. Just different settings can be aimed at heating large or small rooms. But still, practice shows that even the use of the most expensive heat pumps completely pays for itself during operation. After all, utility costs are significantly reduced.

Solid fuel boilers and stoves

How to heat a house inexpensively? The most accessible and initially cheapest option for heating a country house today is the use of ordinary firewood. This is an old and proven safe type of fuel. But if in a simple village small house people have enough firewood and small oven, then for a modern country house this will not be enough. And here special boilers that run on solid fuel will come to the rescue.

As a rule, firewood is provided a large number of heat. Therefore, using them you can also heat the room, cook food and heat water if necessary. When it comes to heating big house with several rooms, then one boiler or stove will not be enough. Here special batteries or radiators will come to the rescue, which will distribute heat throughout all rooms from the main source installed in a certain place. Heat will circulate throughout the heating system. If desired, you can make such a system adjustable, which will allow you to heat some rooms and leave others cold.

Today, there are 3 main types of solid fuel boilers. These are pyrolysis units, classic devices and gas generator boilers. Each model has both its undeniable advantages and disadvantages. The most inexpensive and popular are considered classic installations. They are not that expensive, they work almost uninterruptedly and without serious breakdowns.

But still the cheapest for country house will acquire a regular wood stove. Such economical heating will help solve several problems at once. You can cook food and heat water on it. At the same time, the stove will perfectly warm the air in the room. And in regions with a particularly harsh climate, such a stove is convenient because you can also sleep on it.

Figure 1. Wood-burning stove in a private house.

You can either build a stove in the house yourself, or invite a specialist who will assemble it according to finished project. It all depends on financial resources homeowner. If you approach this issue wisely, you can make a wood-burning stove that will not only be highly functional, but will also fit perfectly into the interior. An example of such an installation is shown in the photo (Figure 1).

But when choosing this heating option, some disadvantages should be taken into account. So, you will have to constantly load firewood into the oven. If coal is used, then this can be done a little less often. When using the stove, you will need to strictly monitor compliance with safety rules. Another significant disadvantage for many homeowners is that when using the stove you will need to constantly remove debris and ash. And this can only be done mechanically. Therefore, you will have to give up carpets in a room with a stove in advance.

How to heat a house without using electricity and gas has now become clear. Is it cheaper to do this? Such a question cannot be answered immediately. Here a lot will depend on related factors. But still, now there are many options for alternative heating. Therefore, you can always find the most suitable solution for yourself.

Traditionally a private house heated by a gas boiler. But what to do if the site is not connected to the gas main? Or there are interruptions in the gas supply and you want to have insurance in this case? Or you just want to reduce your dependence on gas and the state.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the option of alternative heating of the house. And then we will look at what can be used. What devices will serve as a complete replacement? gas boiler And provide heating without gas, and which can only be used as a supplement.

What is an alternative heat source

Since traditionally the house is heated with a gas boiler, by alternative home heating we mean any heating device that does not run on gas.

When is it relevant?

  1. You are unable to connect to the gas network or it is too expensive;
  2. Do you want to reduce your dependence on gas and have insurance in case severe frosts or interruptions in its supply;
  3. To save on heating costs. Combining and properly managing heat sources will reduce your heating costs.

Types of Alternative Energy Sources

Conventionally, alternative heat sources are divided into two types:

  1. Which work in addition to the boiler. For various reasons, they are not able to fully provide the building with heat. The main heating power is provided by the gas boiler, and other sources support its operation during peak loads or off-season.
  2. Which replacing a gas boiler. These are the heat sources that are capable of producing sufficient heating power to warm the building.

Let's consider what devices can be used in each case.

Heat pump

The collectors are ideal for heating water for domestic hot water supply in summer, spring and autumn. And in winter they can only be used to support heating.

Fireplace with water circuit

This fireplace is a combination of a traditional fireplace and a solid fuel boiler: it is installed indoors and connected to common system heating. There is a container of water installed inside the fireplace, which heats up when the wood burns. Due to this, you not only heat the air in the room, but also heat the water in the heating system, which then goes to the radiators, heated floor or storage tank.

Theoretically, it can become an alternative to gas heating. But since it does not have automatic fuel supply and new firewood needs to be added every 2-4 hours, you shouldn’t count on it too much. If you don't add wood in time, the fire will go out and the house will cool down.

Therefore, such a fireplace should be considered as an addition to the main heat source.

Conventional air fireplaces

Conventional fireplaces are cheaper and easier to install. It does not require connecting a pipe in advance, installing a storage tank or providing thermal protection. It is enough just to allocate a place and build a chimney.

The fireplace only heats the air around it. And to increase its efficiency, you can run air channels from the fireplace to each room. Due to this, the fireplace will heat not only the room in which it is installed, but also other rooms where air ducts are installed.

The difficulties with a regular fireplace are the same: it will not replace a gas boiler, and you will also have to regularly add firewood and monitor the combustion. This is a great additional alternative heat source, but not more.

Pellet fireplace

A pellet fireplace also only heats the air around it. But it has two important advantages:

  • It is not necessary to have a chimney in advance. For such a fireplace, you need a small diameter pipe, which is led into the wall, and not through all the floors of the building.
  • There is automatic fuel supply. That is, you do not need to constantly monitor combustion. It is enough just to maintain the stock fuel pellets in the bunker. Therefore, a pellet fireplace will do just fine alternative heating without gas. But from a practical point of view, this is inconvenient: the fireplace is locally effective and only heats the room in which it is installed. It is impossible to use heat throughout the entire house.


  • You need access to high-quality pellets that will not clog the burner with soot and burn well.

Air conditioners

Air conditioning is the most affordable and simplest alternative source of home heating. You can install one powerful one on the entire floor or one in each room.

The best option for using an air conditioner is late spring or early autumn, when it is not too cold outside and you don’t have to start the gas boiler for now. This will reduce gas consumption due to electricity and not exceed the monthly gas consumption rate.

Important points:

  • The boiler and air conditioner must be linked to each other to work as a pair. That is, the boiler must see that the air conditioner is working and not start working while the room is warm. A wall thermostat is indispensable here.
  • Heating with electricity is not cheaper than gas. Therefore, you should not completely switch to heating with air conditioners.
  • Not all air conditioners can be used in freezing temperatures.

Hidden heat leaks in a private home

To become less dependent on gas, you need to work on the energy efficiency of your building. Read about possible hidden heat leaks in a private home.

  1. , which you may not be aware of.
  2. that make your home colder.

Personal experience

I use four heat sources to heat my house: a gas boiler (main), a fireplace with a water circuit, six flat-plate solar collectors and an inverter air conditioner.

Why is this necessary?

  1. Have a second (backup) heat source if the gas boiler fails or its power becomes insufficient (severe frosts).
  2. Save on heating. Due to different sources heat, you can control the monthly and annual gas consumption rates so as not to switch to a more expensive tariff.

Some statistics

The average gas consumption in January 2016 was 12 cubic meters per day. With a heated area of ​​200m2 and an additional basement.

Fluctuations in consumption by day during the month are associated with different outside temperature and the presence of the sun: on sunny days the collectors work and gas consumption decreases.


Heating without gas Maybe. Some heat sources serve as a complete replacement for a gas boiler, while others can only be used as a supplement. For convenience, let's combine everything into a table:

There are other alternative ways to heat a building that are not included in the list: stoves, boilers, electric boilers and other heating devices.

And, of course, it is important to remember that installing other heat sources is not the only way to save gas and reduce dependence on it. It is necessary to work to improve the overall energy efficiency of the building: identify and eliminate all heat leaks, use heat more efficiently and minimize heat loss in the building.

Heating without gas: 7 alternative heat sources for a private home

Unfortunately, even in long-established and completely “civilized” regions, it is not always possible to connect to a centralized gas main, and therefore the question of how to organize heating without gas in a private house is quite relevant for many developers. Let's look at the most popular options, their strengths and weaknesses.

Stoves and fireplaces - a tribute to tradition

Stoves are one of the most ancient ways to heat a house; they are still successfully used today where there is no gas, but there is an opportunity to get hold of inexpensive firewood and coal.

Their closest relative, the fireplace, increasingly performs a decorative function, but the stove as a heating device has not lost its relevance, especially if heating is planned without gas or electricity. Here are the advantages of this system:

  • The costs of constructing a furnace and its maintenance are not too high.
  • Affordable fuel is available in abundance larger territory countries.
  • The stove and fireplace fit perfectly into the “traditional” design, feel organically in a country interior, and add coziness to the room.

The disadvantages include difficulties in operation: the stove must be fired every day in the cold season (sometimes more than once), the chimney requires periodic cleaning. Unpleasant aspects include the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, high fire hazard and large dimensions of this structure, soot and fumes that settle on the walls and furniture over time, as well as uneven heating of the room.

In our next material presented step-by-step instruction on masonry brick oven: .

Solid fuel boilers: wood, coal, pellets

Firewood and coal are used as fuel not only in stoves, but also in solid fuel boilers various types. In addition to them, wood chips, sawdust, straw, and pellets are used. The latter type of “fuel”, due to its environmental friendliness, is becoming increasingly popular both abroad and here and is in the form of granules (capsules) made from compressed wood residues.

A solid fuel boiler is currently the best replacement for main gas

As a result of fuel combustion, water is heated, which circulates in the heating system, due to this the rooms are heated. Such a system is quite safe and effective, but labor-intensive operation negates this advantage: repeated loading of fuel, regular cleaning of the combustion chamber, etc. – all these are unpleasant and tedious procedures.

Nowadays, solid fuel boilers are becoming more and more convenient: many people choose boilers with automatic feeding fuels that are loaded once every few days, or at pyrolysis boilers, having unusually high efficiency.

Solid fuel boilers with automatic fuel supply, according to experts, are one of the best options“arrange” heating of a private house without gas.

Liquid fuel boilers: efficient and reliable

By performance and characteristics liquid fuel boilers very close to gas ones, the only significant difference is in the cost and type of fuel that is used for them: fuel oil, diesel fuel (diesel fuel or kerosene), less often rapeseed oil. Here are their most important features:

  • Difficulties often arise during the delivery and storage of fuel, which is high in cost and flammable.
  • When using these boilers, there is a need for an additional room - a boiler room.
  • Diesel boilers “outperformed” all others in terms of emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere, in addition, they need high-quality protective automation.
  • Liquid fuel boilers have excellent efficiency.

With a power of up to 10 kW, for example, they can easily heat a house of up to 100 m2, so they are suitable even for large buildings. There are hot water and steam boilers, most of them are compact and easy to install.

You will find a review of boilers with a description of the operating principle, models and characteristics in our article:.

Electricity is a worthy alternative to gas

Electric boilers can be used both as the main and as a backup heat source. The second option is preferable, since the high cost of electricity makes this type of heating one of the most expensive. Their advantages:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe and can be installed directly in a residential area.
  • They are small in size and quite light.
  • They are easy to install and not difficult to use.

The use of an electric boiler is only possible with reliable, modern electrical networks and a sufficiently large dedicated electrical power in the house. So, to heat a modest cottage of 100 m2, a power of 10 kW will be required, which is less than larger size buildings, the higher the power requirements. Installation of a powerful boiler will require approval from energy authorities.

Compact and lightweight electric boiler can be installed in a residential area

Modern electric boilers allow you to set up efficient heating wooden house without gas. Houses made of other materials require more “solid” equipment.

Increasingly popular as heating devices Compact, economical, durable and unpretentious modern electric convectors are used. Another option for additional heating is electric underfloor heating.

Autonomous gasification: an expensive pleasure

Heating liquefied gas- just the option that needs to be considered in special, exceptional cases: not only is the fuel itself quite expensive, but it will also be necessary to install a massive gas tank, the cost of which depends on its volume, in total costs for gasification can be quite significant.

Heating with liquefied gas will require the installation of a gas holder

You can, of course, use small cylinders for heating, but this is inconvenient for a number of reasons, especially in big houses, in which they live permanently, and not from time to time. Thus, autonomous gas systems cannot be called a popular way of organizing heating.

Solar energy is one of the available alternatives

As a complement to traditional ways To set up heating without gas and firewood, solar collectors are increasingly being used, which are a device for converting solar energy into heat and serving to transfer it to the coolant.

The solar collector is used to convert solar energy into thermal energy

While solar systems are still very dependent on natural factors, and therefore are not always effective; they also have other disadvantages:

  • high cost of system installation and maintenance;
  • high-quality and expensive insulation of the building will be required to reduce possible heat loss.

And yet, solar energy is one of the available and most promising alternatives, which is no longer perceived as exotic.

Our next article provides assembly recommendations solar collector with your own hands: .

Geothermal heating - "ecological" heat

One of the “fashionable” alternatives to traditional heating is the use of heat accumulated deep in the earth’s surface. The system consists of a heat pump and a collector, which is located in the ground or under water.

Geothermal heating- quite expensive pleasure

This “design” does not pay off quickly, but it has a number of important advantages:

  • geothermal energy is renewable and environmentally friendly;
  • the system is different high efficiency and durability.

This technology is already being widely implemented abroad, but in our country, due to its high cost, it is rarely used.

Of course, main gas today is the best option for organizing heating of a private home, but we are convinced that there are many others interesting options, which can be used both in combination and independently of each other.