Glazing or glazing? How to properly glaze a loggia? Recommendations from experts Do it yourself

Some apartments have a balcony. Many people live with an open balcony, and some glaze the balcony.

What are the pros and cons, what options for glazing a balcony are possible, is it possible to save money on glazing a balcony, what should you consider when placing an order? Answers to all questions in our article.

Why do you need glazing for a balcony or loggia?

Some people live for years with an open balcony and don’t understand why it needs to be glazed? What does this give? And is it worth spending on it? cash? Let's consider all the points in detail.


If we are talking about an apartment, then the balcony is usually located in one room, or maybe in two rooms. Therefore, if you glaze the balcony, the room or two rooms will become much warmer.

Less dust and debris.

Some people may throw something from the balcony, such as cigarette butts, if it hits the balcony, there may be a black stain on the floor. People can also litter, throw candy wrappers, and feed bread to birds. To prevent debris from getting onto your balcony, it is better to glaze it. The likelihood of fire is reduced.

Protection from thieves.

If the balcony is glazed, then it is more difficult for robbers to enter the apartment. If the balcony is open, then getting into the apartment becomes much easier.

Weather conditions are not scary.

Snow or rain are not a problem when the balcony is glazed. If the balcony is open, there will be snow on the floor that will have to be removed.

Glazed balcony is protected from precipitation

Drying clothes.

Many people use the balcony to dry clothes. If the balcony is open, the laundry will take much longer to dry. And if the weather conditions are bad, your underwear and clothes may get wet.

Small room.

If you approach the glazing and insulation of the balcony responsibly, then the balcony can be used as a full-fledged room. This option is suitable for small apartments and large families.

Small room on a glassed balcony

Increasing room or kitchen space.

Due to the balcony you can increase kitchen space or space in a room. Many married couples make this decision and remove the interior wall, having naturally done this before special permission for similar work.

Increasing kitchen space with a balcony

Additional refrigerator.

Of course, progress has stepped forward and now refrigerators are on sale for any budget, any size and height, but if you have a balcony, then its additional meters can be used to store some food products, such as potatoes, onions, and canned foods.

Food storage system on the balcony

Additional meters of the balcony will help relieve space in the refrigerator. This is especially beneficial before the holidays, when the refrigerator is quite loaded.

Noise insulation.

If the room does not have a balcony, then the wall is in contact with the street, which means that many noises: a child crying, a dog barking will be very audible. This affects sleep, quality of sleep and proper rest. If there is a balcony and it is glazed, then sounds from the street will not be so audible.

Winter Garden.

Many flower lovers turn the balcony into a whole greenhouse and it is not surprising, because there is enough space and light on the balcony.
In winter, many flowers suffer from dryness in the apartment, because the heating season is in full swing. The best solution would be to put flowers on the balcony.

Winter garden on a glazed balcony

What is the best way to glaze a balcony or loggia?

  1. Wooden glazing.
  2. Aluminum glazing.
  3. Plastic glazing.

Before glazing the balcony, you need to decide on the glazing system: wooden, aluminum, plastic or folding frameless window glazing system. Each system has its own pros and cons; let’s look at each of them in detail.

Wooden glazing.

Previously, the wooden balcony glazing system was more popular among residents.

Pros: low cost compared to other types of glazing, dirt is not visible on the frames, environmentally friendly pure material.

Minuses: Over time, the wood loses its color and will need to be repainted approximately 2 times a year. If this is not done, microcracks will appear in the future, which will lead to larger cracks. The window will lose its seal. Wooden glazing has poor resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Susceptible to aging and drying out over time.

Wooden balcony glazing

Aluminum glazing.

The second most popular option when choosing balcony glazing is aluminum glazing.

Pros: saving balcony space, because the design resembles a wardrobe. The glass in the frames runs on rails. You can install a cornice and hang curtains.

Minuses: low thermal insulation; in severe frosts, the doors may freeze and they will not open. Windows can only be opened in one position.

Aluminum glazing of balconies

Plastic glazing.

The plastic balcony glazing system has become most popular among residents.

Pros: high thermal insulation, good tightness, durability, the window can be opened in 2 positions (when installing this design).

Minuses: high installation cost; it is impossible to install a cornice and hang curtains. When opened, windows take up additional space.

Plastic glazing of balconies

During installation, it is very difficult to open and close the windows because the system has just been installed and requires force. Over time, the handles may become a little loose and therefore not close tightly, which leads to the entry of air from outside. Therefore, the handles need to be checked periodically and the handles must be tightened.

Folding frameless glazing system.

This type is new in the world of glazing. The system consists of an upper and lower profile; the windows are not in frames. The tempered glass plates located in the frame move. When folding, one plate moves towards the other and they fold.

Frameless glazing of the balcony

More often this system used for verandas, country houses, cafes, restaurants, hotels, terraces, gazebos and dining rooms.

Pros: make the space aesthetically perfect, natural precipitation does not penetrate. Impact-resistant (vandal-proof) glass. Even if the glass breaks, it turns into small crumbs. Frameless lighting provides more light. Suitable for buildings that do not have a straight parapet. Convenient to wash the entire balcony.

Minuses: The glass is huge, it takes strength to move and move it. Low thermal insulation. The need for curtains (or blinds), because there is complete transparency and everything is visible. You cannot install a mosquito net.
Due to the fact that this system is opened by hand, small fingerprints remain, so you will have to wash the glass more often. There is no complete tightness, it is only a protective structure. Poor sound insulation.

How to save money on balcony glazing?


To understand what the price will be for glazing your balcony or loggia, you need to find a company closest to your home and call a consultant to your home. The surveyor’s visit is usually free, but this information always needs to be clarified.

On the appointed day, a consultant will arrive, draw a sketch, calculate all the work and announce the cost of glazing the balcony.

Call specialists to assess glazing work

Then call a specialist from other companies and compare prices. For the same work, different companies charge different prices. It depends on the fame of the company, its location, and experience in the market.

Usually the same price range will be in the same area, but it may vary slightly.

Discount coupons.

Currently, there is a wide selection of sites where there are discount coupons, including for balcony glazing. Why do companies do this? Is it beneficial for them? Let's figure it out.

The company has just opened, a company with the same services as other companies. How to attract clients and promote yourself? How to get people to talk about themselves? Discount coupons help companies with this. Of course, the company first develops a client base, who will tell their friends and acquaintances about the company’s services, write reviews on the Internet, and only after a while it will be possible to charge other prices for their services.

To save money you can use discount coupons

We select a site to provide a discount and register. In the search line we look for “glazing of balconies” and look at the offers of companies for today’s date in your city.

It doesn’t matter where exactly the company is located (within the city), because the consultant comes to your home at a time convenient for you. He takes measurements, details and deadlines are discussed. The price for balcony glazing and the discount that applies to the coupon are announced, and only then the final price for the balcony glazing is announced.

Frame and window sill color.

Currently, companies offer several color options for the frame and window sill. White is the most classic and at the same time the most inexpensive option. Its disadvantage is that white color is absolutely impractical. Over time, dirt will be visible on the white window sill and frames. If there are flowers in pots on the windowsill, then it is possible that a trace of them will remain.
If you choose brown or dark color, it will be more expensive, but more practical.

The color of the frame affects the cost of balcony glazing

Order glazing out of season.

Glazing of balconies and loggias is often ordered during the warm season. Because the entire old structure is removed, if there was one, and a new one is installed. In winter, no one orders glazing for windows, because it will be cold in the apartment. Thus, companies offer discounts during the off-season to attract customers to the service.

Glazing a balcony in winter will cost less

Joint glazing of the balcony.

Joint purchasing is gaining momentum now, so why not place a joint order with one company for several families or team up with neighbors? This is beneficial for the company, because there will be 2 orders at once, the company will make a profit, which means you can ask for a discount.

Keep track of promotions and discounts.

The decision to glaze the balcony is not made immediately. Therefore, you should not rush to make a decision. You can browse companies and see what conditions each of them offers. Some have discounts up to a certain date; discounts are possible on holidays, for example before the New Year, when people mainly think about gifts.

Interest-free installments.

If you are pressed for a solution to glazing your balcony, you can find information about companies that provide interest-free installments. This way, you won’t need to take out a loan or go into debt and pay the entire amount at once.

You can take advantage of interest-free installments for glazing

Balcony insulation.

Balcony glazing alone is not enough if the balcony is considered as a place to relax, sleep or a full-fledged room. It is necessary to take a number of measures to ensure that the balcony is warm, for example, installing heated floors on the floor, making insulation throughout the entire internal area of ​​the balcony.

Balcony insulation process

Information on how to insulate a balcony can be found on specialized forums, websites, books and magazines. There are a variety of insulation materials on sale to suit any budget. But it is best to entrust this work to professionals.

What information should I consider when ordering?

Number of doors to open.

There is no need to skimp on the number of doors to open. The more there are, the easier it will be to clean the entire balcony, and the more fresh air will flow in.

Don't skimp on the number of sashes

Window length and width.

Long and wide windows are difficult to open for people with low weight, and this also puts a load on the lower profile.

Sunny side or not.

If the balcony faces the sunny side, then the best solution will make as few windows as possible, with large frames. Because in summer time Sunlight comes through the windows and it is very hot on the balcony. The second option is to install reflective glass or tint the window.

On sunny side install reflective glass

Time and timing of order execution.

This point must be stated in the contract; if the company violates it, then a penalty can be demanded from it.

Types of jobs.

Carefully study the contract for balcony glazing


Leaving the balcony open or glazing the balcony is your choice. Most people prefer the second option; the balcony becomes warmer, more practical and can be used.


Some people live for years with an open balcony and don’t understand why it needs to be glazed? What does this give? And is it worth spending money on this? Let's consider all the points in detail.

If we are talking about an apartment, then the balcony is usually located in one room, or maybe in two rooms. Therefore, if you glaze the balcony, the room or two rooms will become much warmer.

Less dust and debris.

Some people may throw something from the balcony, such as cigarette butts, if it hits the balcony, there may be a black stain on the floor. People can also litter, throw candy wrappers, and feed bread to birds. To prevent debris from getting onto your balcony, it is better to glaze it. The likelihood of fire is reduced.

Protection from thieves.

If the balcony is glazed, then it is more difficult for robbers to enter the apartment. If the balcony is open, then getting into the apartment becomes much easier.

Weather conditions are not scary.

Snow or rain are not a problem when the balcony is glazed. If the balcony is open, there will be snow on the floor that will have to be removed.

Glazed balcony is protected from precipitation

Drying clothes.

Many people use the balcony to dry clothes. If the balcony is open, the laundry will take much longer to dry. And if the weather conditions are bad, your underwear and clothes may get wet.

Small room.

If you approach the glazing and insulation of the balcony responsibly, then the balcony can be used as a full-fledged room. This option is suitable for small apartments and large families.

Small room on a glassed balcony

Increasing room or kitchen space.

Due to the balcony, you can increase the kitchen space or space in the room. Many married couples make this decision and remove the interior wall, naturally having previously obtained a special permit for such work.

Increasing kitchen space with a balcony

Additional refrigerator.

Of course, progress has stepped forward and now refrigerators are on sale for any budget, any size and height, but if you have a balcony, then its additional meters can be used to store some food products, such as potatoes, onions, and canned foods.

Food storage system on the balcony

Additional meters of the balcony will help relieve space in the refrigerator. This is especially beneficial before the holidays, when the refrigerator is quite loaded.

Noise insulation.

If the room does not have a balcony, then the wall is in contact with the street, which means that many noises: a child crying, a dog barking will be very audible. This affects sleep, quality of sleep and proper rest. If there is a balcony and it is glazed, then sounds from the street will not be so audible.

Winter Garden.

Many flower lovers turn the balcony into a whole greenhouse and it is not surprising, because there is enough space and light on the balcony.
In winter, many flowers suffer from dryness in the apartment, because the heating season is in full swing. The best solution would be to put flowers on the balcony.

Winter garden on a glazed balcony

What is the best way to glaze a balcony or loggia?

  1. Wooden glazing.
  2. Aluminum glazing.
  3. Plastic glazing.
  4. Folding frameless glazing system.

Before glazing the balcony, you need to decide on the glazing system: wooden, aluminum, plastic or folding frameless window glazing system. Each system has its own pros and cons; let’s look at each of them in detail.

Wooden glazing.

Previously, the wooden balcony glazing system was more popular among residents.

Pros: low cost compared to other types of glazing, dirt is not visible on the frames, environmentally friendly material.

Cons: over time, the wood loses its color and will need to be repainted approximately 2 times a year. If this is not done, microcracks will appear in the future, which will lead to larger cracks. The window will lose its seal. Wooden glazing has poor resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Susceptible to aging and drying out over time.

Wooden balcony glazing

Aluminum glazing.

The second most popular option when choosing balcony glazing is aluminum glazing.

Pros: savings on balcony space, as the design resembles a wardrobe. The glass in the frames runs on rails. You can install a cornice and hang curtains.

Cons: low thermal insulation; in severe frosts, the sashes may freeze and they will not open. Windows can only be opened in one position.

Aluminum glazing of balconies

Plastic glazing.

The plastic balcony glazing system has become most popular among residents.

Pros: high thermal insulation, good tightness, durability, the window can be opened in 2 positions (when installing this design).

Cons: high installation cost, you cannot install a cornice and hang curtains. When opened, windows take up additional space.

Plastic glazing of balconies

During installation, it is very difficult to open and close the windows because the system has just been installed and requires force. Over time, the handles may become a little loose and therefore not close tightly, which leads to the entry of air from outside. Therefore, the handles need to be checked periodically and the handles must be tightened.

Folding frameless glazing system.

This type is new in the world of glazing. The system consists of an upper and lower profile; the windows are not in frames. The tempered glass plates located in the frame move. When folding, one plate moves towards the other and they fold.

Frameless glazing of the balcony

Most often, this system is used for verandas, country houses, cafes, restaurants, hotels, terraces, gazebos and dining rooms.

Pros: make the space aesthetically perfect; natural precipitation does not penetrate. Impact-resistant (vandal-proof) glass. Even if the glass breaks, it turns into small crumbs. Frameless lighting provides more light. Suitable for buildings that do not have a straight parapet. Convenient to wash the entire balcony.

Cons: the glass is huge and requires strength to move and move it. Low thermal insulation. The need for curtains (or blinds), because there is complete transparency and everything is visible. You cannot install a mosquito net.
Due to the fact that this system is opened by hand, small fingerprints remain, so you will have to wash the glass more often. There is no complete tightness, it is only a protective structure. Poor sound insulation.

How to save money on balcony glazing?


To understand what the price will be for glazing your balcony or loggia, you need to find a company closest to your home and call a consultant to your home. The surveyor’s visit is usually free, but this information always needs to be clarified.

On the appointed day, a consultant will arrive, draw a sketch, calculate all the work and announce the cost of glazing the balcony.

Call specialists to assess glazing work

Then call a specialist from other companies and compare prices. For the same work, different companies charge different prices. It depends on the fame of the company, its location, and experience in the market.

Usually the same price range will be in the same area, but it may vary slightly.

Discount coupons.

Currently, there is a wide selection of sites where there are discount coupons, including for balcony glazing. Why do companies do this? Is it beneficial for them? Let's figure it out.

The company has just opened, a company with the same services as other companies. How to attract clients and promote yourself? How to get people to talk about themselves? Discount coupons help companies with this. Of course, the company first develops a client base, who will tell their friends and acquaintances about the company’s services, write reviews on the Internet, and only after a while it will be possible to charge other prices for their services.

To save money you can use discount coupons

We select a site to provide a discount and register. In the search line we look for “glazing of balconies” and look at the offers of companies for today’s date in your city.

It doesn’t matter where exactly the company is located (within the city), because the consultant comes to your home at a time convenient for you. He takes measurements, details and deadlines are discussed. The price for balcony glazing and the discount that applies to the coupon are announced, and only then the final price for the balcony glazing is announced.

Frame and window sill color.

Currently, companies offer several color options for the frame and window sill. White is the most classic and at the same time the most inexpensive option. Its disadvantage is that white color is absolutely impractical. Over time, dirt will be visible on the white window sill and frames. If there are flowers in pots on the windowsill, then it is possible that a trace of them will remain.
If you choose brown or dark color, it will be more expensive, but more practical.

The color of the frame affects the cost of balcony glazing

Order glazing out of season.

Glazing of balconies and loggias is often ordered during the warm season. Because the entire old structure is removed, if there was one, and a new one is installed. In winter, no one orders glazing for windows, because it will be cold in the apartment. Thus, companies offer discounts during the off-season to attract customers to the service.

Glazing a balcony in winter will cost less

Joint glazing of the balcony.

Joint purchasing is gaining momentum now, so why not place a joint order with one company for several families or team up with neighbors? This is beneficial for the company, because there will be 2 orders at once, the company will make a profit, which means you can ask for a discount.

Keep track of promotions and discounts.

The decision to glaze the balcony is not made immediately. Therefore, you should not rush to make a decision. You can browse companies and see what conditions each of them offers. Some have discounts up to a certain date; discounts are possible on holidays, for example before the New Year, when people mainly think about gifts.

Interest-free installments.

If you are pressed for a solution to glazing your balcony, you can find information about companies that provide interest-free installments. This way, you won’t need to take out a loan or go into debt and pay the entire amount at once.

You can take advantage of interest-free installments for glazing

What information should I consider when ordering?

Number of doors to open.

There is no need to skimp on the number of doors to open. The more there are, the easier it will be to clean the entire balcony, and the more fresh air will flow in.

Don't skimp on the number of sashes

Window length and width.

Long and wide windows are difficult to open for people with low weight, and this also puts a load on the lower profile.

Sunny side or not.

If the balcony faces the sunny side, then the best solution would be to make as few windows as possible, with large frames. Because in the summer, sunlight penetrates through the windows and it is very hot on the balcony. The second option is to install reflective glass or tint the window.

Install reflective glass on the sunny side

Time and timing of order execution.

This point must be stated in the contract; if the company violates it, then a penalty can be demanded from it.

Carefully study the contract for balcony glazing

Leaving the balcony open or glazing the balcony is your choice. Most people prefer the second option; the balcony becomes warmer, more practical and can be used.


There are many ways to make a balcony or loggia more comfortable. Often, developers already offer houses with fully glazed loggias, however, apartment owners do not always have such conditions, and they have to glaze these areas themselves. There is plenty to choose from: glazing can be cold or warm, the frame can be wooden, plastic, aluminum or completely absent.

What glazing material to choose?

In every city there are quite a lot of companies offering services or manufacturing windows for these purposes. The buyer may have difficulty making a choice, since each material differs in physical properties, price, service life, and other indicators.

Before you build a loggia, you need to decide how the glazed space will be used. If you do not need an insulated extension of the room, which will expand the living space, there is no point in overpaying and installing warm glazing. In order to dry clothes, smoke or use the balcony in the summer, you can use a cold type of glazing. But if you plan to turn the balcony into an office or warm storage, you will have to choose an insulated frame.

Cold glazing

What types of double-glazed windows are there?

Whatever profile material you decide on, you will have to choose a double-glazed window. They are also different: how thick the double-glazed window is will determine whether the room will really be quiet and warm.

Warm and cold windows differ in chambers. When warm they are filled with gas. It prevents glass from fogging and prevents air from the street from entering the room. This allows you to make the room warmer in winter and cooler in summer. If the loggia will be rarely used, you can get by with a single-chamber cold double-glazed window. The difference is that such glazing does not retain heat well, and in winter it will not be much warmer on the balcony than on the street.

Glazing of the loggia with metal-plastic

This also includes frameless structures. They are made entirely of glass and have no frame. Glazing a balcony (or loggia) in this way is interesting from a design point of view, but it is not airtight, so it can only partially protect from winds and precipitation. It is useless against cold and noise.

If you want to glaze a balcony or loggia so that it becomes an extension of the living space, you need to choose. For suspended structures, you cannot use double-glazed windows that are too heavy, so you will have to limit yourself to a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window. A larger number of chambers will better insulate heat and make the room quiet, but the weight of the double-glazed window will become noticeably larger. Double-glazed windows are quite enough if you do not live in the northern regions of the country, where frosts can be especially severe.

If you want to make additional sound insulation and save significantly on heating, then it makes sense to install winter double-glazed windows. Their fundamental difference from common species consists in the fact that the chambers are filled with gas having a high density. The gas is reliably isolated and cannot escape from the sealed structure. This type of glazing is well suited for those apartments whose windows overlook the highway or a noisy courtyard.

Before you find out the maximum load it can withstand. Glass units that are too heavy can lead to structural collapse and serious legal consequences.

There are various ways to strengthen a slab and increase its ability to withstand heavy weight, however, in this case the possibilities of the balcony are also not unlimited.

Balcony with panoramic glazing

Which system should you choose?

Depending on the opening method, there are hinged ones and those used for glazing a balcony or loggia. They can be either framed or frameless. The type of construction affects the comfort of using windows; sometimes there is nowhere to open a swing model or an original design solution is needed. Let us consider the selected types of structures in more detail.

Classic casement window for a balcony

This type of construction is considered the most common; it is used both for all types of premises and for glazing balconies. This opening mechanism is familiar to most people and is the easiest to arrange. It is reliable in operation, lasts a long time, rarely breaks, and is capable of providing the most airtight closing of windows.

Hinged windows can open vertically or horizontal plane depending on the availability of space and the desire of the owner. Often the design has a window or a winter ventilation function. In this case, the window does not open completely, but forms a small gap. The sashes may sag when long-term operation, this is especially true for those windows whose sizes are too large. To prevent this from happening, the hinges need to be tightened regularly, and it is advisable to purchase a reinforced structure itself.

Sliding structures for loggias

Glazing a loggia using a variety of sliding structures takes second place in popularity. This type of glazing can be either warm or cold, depending on whether a frame will be installed or not. The opening of the mechanism occurs by moving the sash to the side. This process is controlled by a special guide. It is important that the windows are installed perfectly level, otherwise they will not open easily.

The joints of the structure can be sealed. It is especially convenient for small rooms where there is no room for a swing door, and for some reason you do not want to open it towards the street. Sliding structures weigh quite a lot. To reduce their weight and make windows cheaper, aluminum profiles are often used. It reduces the weight of the balcony glazing, makes it resistant to corrosion, but also has a significant drawback: such frames do not insulate heat well.

More often sliding design used with single-chamber double-glazed windows. It is most profitable to use it if it does not matter to you whether it will be warm on the balcony or not.

Application of frameless glazing

It is worth glazing the balcony frameless, if you want to achieve a spectacular look, you have the funds for it, and you do not plan to use the structure in winter. The main disadvantage of this type of glazing is that it is not able to retain heat, therefore, even if you install heating devices on the balcony, you will only be wasting your money.

The advantages of this design include the following:

  • Minimal weight and the absence of partitions visible to the eye make it light and airy.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Lets in a lot of light.

The last point, however, also has some disadvantages. The design is completely transparent, which provides a good view not only for you. The problem can only be solved by tinting the windows, which will reduce their light transmittance. It is impossible to secure anything to such glazing, so you won’t be able to use curtains or a mosquito net either.

You can glaze the loggia in this way if you use the room quite rarely, and it serves you for drying clothes or other purposes that do not require arranging a warm room.

If you have small children living with you, it is better to equip the windows with special locks that the child cannot open. Such devices can be placed on a window of any design: it will protect your baby from accidental falls from a height.

Most popular materials

Frames can be made from different materials. Today, most often clients prefer PVC windows for glazing balconies or loggias, but frames made of wood and aluminum are also available.

  • Wooden frames: this material is not the leader in strength, but is able to retain heat well. Modern production conditions make it possible to insert double or triple glazing into a wooden frame, which significantly increases the tightness of the structure. However, over time, the wood still dries out; in addition, it does not withstand moisture well, and condensation can form. The weight of the wooden frame significantly exceeds any analogues. Such a window will be an order of magnitude heavier than any of its plastic counterparts.
  • Frame made of PVC profile. PVC is a fairly durable material for glazing loggias and balconies, which is not affected by temperature changes, humidity, or other weather conditions. Plastic can last more than 50 years and does not require additional processing. It is highly durable and does not emit harmful substances, retains heat well, the frame from it closes as tightly as possible.

If you decide exactly why you need a balcony, you can accurately choose the most convenient and inexpensive way glaze it.

the main thing is not glazing... but I only heard glazing. I only came across glazing in “professional” sources. Maybe this is slang? Wow, what subtleties... but if I use two options in one text - in relation to balconies and loggias - very smart readers will cut off my phones... but still, thank you, I did not try to draw a substantive analogy. You need to pay attention to the semantics of prefixes. agree that “to block” is on one side, and “to protect” is from several.

p.s. and also, it seems to me, there is no need to contrast such things as a fence and an obstacle. Isn't a fence an obstacle? one is a variation of the other. a fence may well serve as a barrier, but a fence can be made by installing rows of barbed wire, which is not a fence.

and if it’s just “glazing”? then there will be no discrepancies and no room for understanding - the process concerns balconies or loggias :) Glazing. Super!

how to make glazing correctly, photo

The loggia can be a full continuation of the apartment or the room connected to it, provided that room temperature is maintained there and it is closed.

Glazed loggia

What materials can you order windows from?

Metal-plastic windows

Plastic window

  • For the manufacture of metal-plastic windows, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) multi-chamber profiles made by extrusion are used.
  • The cost of PVC profiles directly depends on the indicators PVC materials at the chemical and physical level, as well as on the quality of the raw materials. The composition of the finished PVC profile includes more than 10 components.
  • For the entire cost window design quality also affects window fittings and double-glazed windows.
  • The cost of a double-glazed window depends on the number of chambers (1 chamber - 2 glasses, 2 chambers - 3 glasses), the thickness of the glass and the gas with which the hermetically sealed structure is filled.
  • The cost of fittings directly depends on its rigidity, and therefore on the quality and thickness of the metal.

Single-chamber PVC window in section

Glazing of loggias with PVC profile windows is the most common and this is natural, since such windows, especially with double glazing, have excellent sound insulation and, despite the large glazing area, retain heat well in the room.

When caring for such windows, almost any household detergents can be used, as well as warm water.

Sometimes you can hear complaints about wear and tear on seals, but most often this is due to improper care (or complete lack thereof) of them. It is necessary to wipe the seals with a damp cloth and lubricate them with glycerin once a year.

Glazing of the loggia, especially when installed there heating devices, can cause excessive fogging of windows. Remember that the quality of the windows has virtually no effect on this phenomenon, on the contrary, since the tightness of the new windows does not allow air convection to occur when there is a noticeable difference in temperature from the side of the loggia and from the street.

To prevent windows from fogging up, the room should be ventilated periodically by opening the window for 5-10 minutes. Also, wide window sills contribute to fogging of windows if they block the radiator located under the window, since warm air prevents condensation from collecting.

Aluminum windows

The loggia is glazed with aluminum windows

Modifications of aluminum windows

Combination of aluminum and wood

  • For loggias where the installation of heating devices is not planned and they will not be combined with the room, so-called “cold” aluminum windows are applicable. For such windows, profiles without thermal inserts are usually used, and single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed on such structures.
  • “Warm” aluminum windows on the loggia are equipped with a thermal insert or thermal bridge, which is located inside the profile, between the inner and outer shells. The thickness of the profile is at least 12 cm. Due to its width, double-glazed windows with a width of up to 32 mm can be installed on windows made of a warm profile.
  • An aluminum profile can also be combined with wood, thanks to which the rigidity of a metal structure can be combined with the ability of wood to “breathe”, which does not allow condensation to accumulate in such quantities. Wood is also a good thermal insulator and is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Aluminum windows are durable and strong, and also have a low specific weight. Aluminum profile windows are not subject to corrosion.
  • The aluminum profile makes it possible to glaze balconies and loggias with large stained glass windows, and windows from such a profile can have different systems openings, such as swing and sliding systems, which windows made of metal cannot afford.
  • Aluminum windows are highly resistant to fire.

First of all, a glazed loggia provides protection from dust and wind coming from the street, and the effect of sound insulation and heat conservation will depend on the characteristics of the window.

So if you just want to get rid of wind and dust, and you are not interested in insulating a loggia or balcony, then an aluminum window without a double-glazed window, that is, with single glass, is perfect for you.

It would be wrong to remain silent about the possibility aluminum window save space, since the sliding method of opening the doors will not interfere with either you or the furniture located on the loggia, which is very important for rooms with limited space.

What will affect the cost of the window?

The cost of a window will, first of all, be affected by its size, then by the number of lintels in the window frame, that is, the greater the number of double-glazed windows, the more expensive the window will be. It also matters how many fixed windows there will be in the window and how many sashes and the mode of their opening.

The price of a window also includes the number of double-glazed windows, since more or less glass is consumed. The gas with which the double-glazed windows are filled also affects the cost. In addition, along with the window, you can order blinds and mosquito nets, for which you will have to pay extra, and the cost will increase depending on the width of the window sill and the presence of ebb tides.

Advice. If you have never encountered the installation of windows, and do not know which window to choose, aluminum or plastic, and how to glaze the loggia correctly, then it is better to get advice from a specialist in this matter or even resort to their services when glazing.

Advice. If you are able to install a window on the loggia yourself, then try to negotiate with the manufacturer - if all the requirements for window installation are met, the manufacturer usually gives a guarantee for the operation of the profiles and glass, and therefore the entire window.


Which windows to choose and how best to install them, of course, you will have to decide for yourself, but you should not forget that the loggia is part of your apartment and the quality of its glazing will directly affect your living conditions. You might want to have warm loggia, in this case the window will play a primary role, since it occupies a significant part of the street wall.

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How to choose the right balcony glazing?

The balcony in the apartment is a very useful part of it, which can be used as an additional room. But to do this, you first need to glaze it. And here some people have difficulties, because they have no idea how to choose the right balcony glazing. Indeed, today there are several options for such finishing and each has its own pros and cons.

How to choose the right balcony glazing?

In order not to make a mistake and do optimal choice, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the purposes of the glazing and the parameters of the balcony and the apartment itself. For example, if you are simply bothered by precipitation flooding your balcony and you want to protect yourself from it, then this is one option. If you need additional space, and even with a panoramic view, then another one. But this will be impossible to do on a small balcony in a standard “Khrushchev”; something simpler and more practical would be appropriate here. Therefore, it would be useful to take additional measurements in order to finally determine the possibility of using one or another type of glazing.

Methods of glazing balconies

Those who do not know how to choose glazing for balconies should, first of all, decide on the method - “cold” or “warm”. The first is suitable for owners of apartments with small balconies that cannot be used except as a utility room or storage room. Cold glazing protects well from noise, atmospheric moisture, and dust. Moreover, it is suitable for balconies of any configuration - frames with glass are simply installed on open areas, carefully adjusted, and all cracks are sealed. Installation of such structures is quite simple, quick and they are inexpensive. In the second way, from a large balcony or loggia you can make a full-fledged warm room or even a real greenhouse. In this case, not only the frames are installed, but also the installation of heated floors and, if necessary, a local heating system. Instead of ordinary glass, they install double-glazed windows, use additional insulating insulation, etc. The cost of warm glazing is correspondingly much higher.

Balcony glazing options

You can choose the best glazing for balconies based only on your personal preferences. There are quite a few options here, but each has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, using wooden frames- these are environmentally friendly and fashionable, but they are short-lived and can deteriorate from excessive humidity or severe frosts. Aluminum frames are only suitable for cold glazing, but not for warm glazing. The most common type of glazing today is plastic glazing, and for large loggias it is appropriate to use frameless glazing, which allows you to create the effect of a panoramic view.


When visiting the Internet, getting acquainted with various types of business, sometimes you find interesting articles. Not so long ago, feeling the need to put things in order on the loggia country house and protecting it and the room that faces it from precipitation (rain and wind), I asked a Yandex query for “balcony glazing” and discovered several additional technologies, namely “balcony glazing” and “balcony glazing.” Yes, you were not mistaken, dear reader, “glazing of balconies”, as if they want to turn them completely into glass using some unknown technologies. But “glazing of balconies” is almost “glazing of the eyes”, when they become cloudy, almost lifeless, then such sentences: “glazing of balconies” can either immediately or over time become as “lifeless” as the eyes that were subjected to “ glazing." A customer who is not familiar with new technologies may prefer a site where the spelling of this phrase is correct, so as not to spend his hard earned money on unforeseen work and services. There are not many such sites, but the incorrect use of the expression does occur, although, probably, it also has its admirers.

Now about the next service to consumers, or “glazing”. It would seem that even when typing text in Word, where there is an automatic spelling check, the word “glazing” is not underlined with a red line, which reminds of doubt about the correct spelling. Yes, the word “glazing” has a right to exist, but in combination with completely different words that define objects, namely, for example, paintings.

“Glassing” is somewhat close to the concept of “closing, wrapping,” which suggests that it should express a once and for all completed action with an object on the surface of which glass is applied. So “glazing a picture”, “glazing a surface”, “glazing a table” are examples of correct phrases. Thus, “glazing of balconies”, although closer in essence to the actions being performed, also cannot be the correct spelling.

The loggia is not an object, it is rather an object or part of an object in relation to which actions known to us will be carried out, namely, metal-plastic frames are installed on the balcony, which will be glazed, and, accordingly, their glazing will be carried out. Thus, the entire complex of works that protect the building, as well as part of it in the form of a loggia or balcony, from precipitation, dust, noise or wind will be called nothing else, namely “glazing of balconies.” Dear consumers and producers of construction services, maintain cleanliness and reveal the beauty of the Russian language, avoiding various deviations from the correct use of phrases; When describing your services and offering them, it is better to say: “glazing of balconies.”

Remember what you name the ship - that’s how it will sail for you.

How to properly glaze a balcony or loggia

You have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to glaze the balcony, but before you start glazing, decide how you are going to use the balcony, because this determines whether it should be glazed cold or warm.

By glazing a balcony or loggia, you will not only protect them from adverse influences and precipitation, but also increase the temperature in the new glazed room. The method of glazing will depend on how warmer you want the new room to be. Consider all your options before deciding which method is most convenient for you.

Ordinary glasses You can glaze your balcony in wooden or metal frames if you do not intend to significantly increase the temperature in the new glazed room. If an increase in temperature is part of your plans, double-glazed glazing is ideal; in addition, it will help reduce the level of noise coming from outside. Frames and frames of balconies are made of wood, aluminum or plastic.

Wooden frames and wooden frames are considered the least expensive, but do not forget that they require careful treatment of seams and joints during installation, and then during operation you will need to constantly treat them with moisture-resistant products.

Aluminum profile compared to wooden frame more durable, although it can be used mainly in the warm season. However, glazing of loggias aluminum profile enjoys deserved popularity. To save space, you can consider using sliding openings for aluminum doors.

Plastic and double-glazed windows are rightfully considered the most comfortable. To reduce or increase heat loss in a new room, it is enough to vary the number of chambers in double-glazed windows. After such glazing, the new room may well be considered extra room.

To make the loggia as bright as possible, it is possible to use so-called frameless glazing, which involves the use of durable tempered glass. This may come in handy if you are breeding plants that require large quantity Sveta.

photos, glazing options, materials and technology

A balcony or loggia in an apartment is not just useless space. With the right approach, you can use this area quite effectively, which is especially important when we're talking about about urban high-rise buildings. Today, already at the planning stage of private and high-rise buildings, glazing of balconies and loggias is provided. There is a general trend in the design. The glazed loggia can be used as a separate room.

Is it possible to glaze a balcony with your own hands?

So what do you need to know about it? Glazing of a loggia or balcony involves the installation of an enclosing structure consisting of glass or window frames. Its main function is to protect the room from bad weather and cold. The glazing procedure itself is quite simple. Professionals usually spend several hours on it. And they do it very well. For a non-specialist, this process can take several days. As for the costs of glazing, installation work accounts for only 10-15% of the total cost. If we are talking about glazing a balcony or loggia on a fairly high floor, then it is impossible to do without the involvement of industrial climbers.

In this review we will try to describe how to properly glaze a loggia. Let's consider the main parameters of glazing, and also analyze a detailed description of all the work. This information should be considered solely as material for general understanding and not as a guide to action.

Glazing options

Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The type of glazing of a loggia or balcony will depend on several factors:

  • balcony designs;
  • type of glazing - warm or cold;
  • presence or absence of a frame;
  • varieties: classic or French;
  • type of material used: wood, aluminum or PVC profile, fiberglass composite.

Let's take a closer look at the main design options:

  1. Glazing without extension: standard option, which is performed on a supporting frame. In this case, it is in the same plane as the parapet of the balcony or loggia. The advantage of this approach is that the parapet takes on most of the load.
  2. Glazing with extension or extension: a fairly popular option. It allows you to increase the internal area of ​​the room. This approach is often chosen when they want to place a greenhouse on the balcony. When designing an external structure, it is extremely important to correctly determine the load on the frame. It is important to redistribute it to the load-bearing slab and parapet. External glazing also requires the construction of a window sill and a canopy. This option necessarily requires protection from the adverse effects of external factors. The extended balcony must be sheathed from the inside.

Warm and cold glazing

Which option should I choose? What do you need to know if you want to glaze a loggia in a panel house? There are two main types of glazing: cold and warm. Many of us have been familiar with the first option since Soviet times. Then there were simply no other ways. Cold glazing consisted of installing wooden frames with one or two panes of glass between them. This system can be used if you do not intend to use the balcony as a living space. Cold glazing is also chosen in case of a limited budget and unsatisfactory condition of supporting structures.

What is the best way to glaze a loggia? Reviews from city apartment owners in most cases recommend the use of warm glazing. This will significantly expand the area of ​​use of the balcony and loggia. Good level thermal insulation can be achieved through multi-chamber profiles. After glazing, the room will be protected from external factors such as noise and cold, and this already allows the loggia to be used as a separate room. Besides? it can be equipped with additional sleeping area, Gym or a greenhouse. Keep in mind that warm glazing alone will not make your balcony warm. You will additionally need to insulate the floor, ceiling and walls, and also consider installing heating systems.

Before installing warm glazing of the loggia, it is necessary to make good heat and moisture insulation of the walls and parapet. It is also recommended to calculate the dew point. It should not move towards the room. Otherwise, condensation will form on the glass. Consider in advance a system for opening the doors to ensure high-quality ventilation.

Frame and frameless glazing

What makes them special? What other types of glazed loggias can there be? Photo ready-made structures will help you make your choice. Today there are such types of glazing as framed and frameless. The first option allows you to securely fasten the double-glazed window to a rigid frame. The disadvantage of this option is the lack of lighting. Also, many are confused by the presence of a huge number of jumpers.

In frameless glazing, the role of the frame is played by heavy-duty tempered or laminated glass. The edges of this design are carefully processed, so the likelihood of injury will be minimal. Frameless glazing allows you to significantly increase the illumination of the room and create the effect of no boundaries. Since this type of glazing does not have frames on which the sashes are usually attached, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the opening mechanisms. As a rule, folding and sliding systems are used here. The first option works on the principle of a book or accordion. Sliding systems represent complex designs, consisting of rail guides. They allow you to move the double-glazed windows in different sides. Frameless glazing is usually used to achieve panoramic glazing. This option allows you to significantly improve visibility and increase the amount of sunlight in the room.

The most popular materials for glazing loggias

Today there are many of them. So, what is the best way to glaze a 6 m2 loggia? The most common option is PVC. This state of affairs is due to many positive characteristics material. While ensuring the reliability of the base, PVC profiles have no restrictions on installation. There are a huge number of options on sale with varying degrees of thermal insulation. You can also choose the number of glasses in a double-glazed unit and the presence of additional insulation. Plastic is resistant to almost all negative factors environment. Thus, when correct use plastic windows will serve you for many years. As for the disadvantages of PVC glazing, these include high weight and low environmental friendliness.

Aluminum structures

Why are they often used? Many experts today recommend glazing the loggia with an aluminum profile. However, it is worth remembering that this option is only suitable for those who require a cold glazing system. If you are going to use an aluminum profile for warm system glazing. Be sure to make sure it has a thermal bridge.

The main advantages of aluminum profiles are:

  • light weight;
  • wide selection of colors and textures;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength.

The main disadvantage of this type of structure is its high cost: it is 1.5-2 times higher than that of a PVC profile.

Use of wooden profiles

One of the most inexpensive methods. For many years, glazing a balcony using wooden frames remained the only possible option. There are still people who recognize only this material. The market responds to demand accordingly.

Modern wooden frames are very different from their predecessors. They surpass them both in quality and in terms of sound and heat insulation. Thanks to the use of new technologies, wood passes additional processing, increasing its service life. The production of laminated veneer lumber makes it possible to neutralize the tendency of wood to twist and crack. They're standing wooden windows approximately 2-3 times more than structures made of metal profile. It must be taken into account that wooden glazing not suitable for sliding systems.

Do I need to coordinate the glazing?

This question interests many. When you decide what type of glazed loggia suits you, you shouldn’t immediately rush to buy materials and prepare tools. Please note that any change in the design of the balcony requires obtaining permission from the relevant regulatory authorities.

Classic glazing can be implemented independently. But in order to arrange french balcony or with removal, you will need to obtain permission to carry out work. Also consider installing an air conditioner on a glassed-in loggia. It may require equipment in a special box.

How to ensure work safety?

Since balcony glazing is a dangerous job, it must be performed by specialists. You should not engage in this type of activity on your own. If you nevertheless decide to glaze the loggia with finishing yourself, then you should think about safety measures in advance. The use of a safety rope is mandatory. This element should have a working length of 2.5-3 meters. A cable that is too short will create certain difficulties in work, and a long one will not protect you from injury. The carabiner that secures the rope must withstand a load of four times the worker's weight. The cable is attached to separate place. For this purpose in load-bearing wall it is necessary to tighten the metal anchor. When the glazing work on the loggia is completed, the tip can be removed using a grinder.

Preparatory work

Since today the repair of a glazed loggia most often involves the installation of a PVC structure, let’s look at how it is carried out.

The first step is to dismantle the old glazing. You should also evaluate bearing capacity parapet and floor slabs. If necessary, they can be strengthened by creating metal frame. Part of such a system is installed directly into the apartment.

When all the preparatory work is completed, you can begin ordering frames and double-glazed windows. Prepare your tools and Consumables. Installation begins from the upper ebb. The canopy is mounted before the frames are installed. It is attached to the top floor slab using dowels. The place where the canopy adjoins the wall is filled with sealant. If you glass your balcony top floor, it is also worth thinking about the roof structure. It can be either an independent element or part of the glazing.

Frame preparation

What does this process involve? How to prepare a window frame for installation? All sashes must be removed, and double-glazed windows must be removed from the blind ones. The frame without them will weigh much less, and it will be easier to secure it. To remove a double-glazed window, you simply need to pry off the fixing element - the glazing bead - using a knife or spatula. To avoid problems during subsequent installation, it is better to sign all components. When glazing a balcony, the central frame is installed first, and then the side frames. All gaps and cracks around the perimeter of the frames must be filled with foam.

Installation of double-glazed windows

Once the frames are in place, you can begin installing double-glazed windows. To do this, you need to return the glazing beads to their place. To ensure tightness and accuracy, it is recommended to install the long fasteners first and then the short ones. During installation window sashes be sure to check how tightly they fit to the frame.

It is also important to install a low tide on the outside of the balcony block. Its configuration must be such that it ensures water drainage and protects the polyurethane foam from negative environmental factors.


Today, many people prefer to install glazed loggias in houses and apartments. Photos of such solutions highlight their advantages. However, self-glazing can only be done if you have sufficient construction skills.

As for the cost, a glazed loggia is not a cheap pleasure. The price will depend on the type of construction, type of glazing, materials used, type of opening, availability of fittings and manufacturer.

glaze the loggia yourself with an aluminum profile

Home page » Publications » How to measure a balcony for glazing correctly: glaze the loggia yourself with an aluminum profile

Glazing of balconies for convenience of living and insulation is a popular type of renovation in apartment buildings. At the same time, most homeowners turn to window companies specializing in the installation of windows and balcony glazing, the lowest cost of which is about 50 USD. behind square meter. The overwhelming majority of companies, before installing windows or balcony frames, practice a free visit of a specialist to the customer’s home, who measures the balcony for glazing, draws up a design diagram and calculates the costs of materials and work.

Rice. 1 How a professional window measurer measures a balcony for glazing

If you wish, you can save a significant amount if you glaze your balcony yourself. Many window installation companies sell standard size balcony frames at a discount without installation, but before purchasing them, you must independently measure the installation dimensions of the future glazing.

The influence of installation technology on the dimensions of balcony glazing

When determining how to correctly measure a balcony, you first need to decide whether a window sill will be installed, which has become a popular attribute in modern balcony frames. The fact is that the window sill is usually placed under the bottom of the balcony frame - in this case it will have to be raised to a height from the parapet equal to or greater than the thickness of the window sill. The height of the frame in this case will be less than that of a structure without a window sill, where it is easier to lower the lower side of the frame onto the parapet.

In addition, when installing a balcony frame, it is necessary to install an upper and lower ebb. The top ebb is usually attached to the ceiling using self-tapping screws on dowels separately from the frame, or it is mounted during the installation of the glazing, screwed to the ceiling along with the frame (in this case, perforated plates are attached to the frame frame before installation).

Rice. 2 The main tool for measuring your balcony yourself

Depending on the qualifications of the installers and the technology with which they perform the work, the lower ebb is installed in different ways. Often, a balcony frame is first installed, and then the ebb is screwed to its lower vertical part. Other experts first attach a horizontal block or board to the top of the parapet, attach the lower ebb to it with self-tapping screws, and then place the balcony frame on top. This method is convenient when installing a window sill if the board or block is of sufficient height for its installation.

From the above it follows that the height of the balcony frame depends on the method of its fastening, the presence of additional accessories and the method of their installation; when installing a window sill, a 50 mm thick block is usually placed. - accordingly, the height of the balcony glazing frame, which will be measured before installation, must be higher than the parapet by this distance.

Rice. 3 Glazing of a loggia using polyurethane foam and PSUL

Attaching the balcony frame to vertical walls and insulation of side slots can also be carried out various methods, affecting the length of the frame during measurements. In the vast majority of cases, the side gaps are covered with polyurethane foam, which, when hardened outside and inside, looks unaesthetic and requires trimming and finishing with decorative materials. Better and more aesthetically pleasing sealing of side gaps can be achieved by using pre-compressed PSUL sealing tape. It is made of polyurethane foam impregnated with modified acrylic and has different sizes and is mounted by gluing its glued side to the insulated surface. When installing the frame, PSUL is glued to the sides of the frame and the frame is inserted into the opening, secured to anchors or mounting plates, after which the tape expands 5 times, reliably and tightly insulating the side gaps.

When installing glazing with aluminum or plastic on mounting foam, a distance of about 30 mm is usually left to the walls. for ease of work and obtaining a high-quality seam. When using sealing tape, this distance can be reduced to 10 mm. - this will affect the choice of the length of the balcony glazing frame.

Rice. 4 Preparing the loggia for glazing with dismantling the frame of the old frame

Before taking accurate measurements, you must independently remove the old glazing, which is often covered by the finishing of walls and ceilings with decorative materials.

Although measuring a balcony opening with your own hands to install glazing seems quite simple, the task is complicated by the curvature of the balcony, which can reach 50 mm. in large and long structures. Therefore, measurements must be taken in several places using a building level.

The easiest way to correctly and accurately measure the height is to place a straight board or beam along the entire length of the parapet and level it horizontally using a building level. Then, using a tape measure, measure the distance from the bottom of the beam to the ceiling along the entire length in several places in increments of 1 m. The smallest size should be taken as the basis, which will be the height of the glazing frame without a window sill. If you intend to install a window sill, then a similar measurement operation can be carried out by applying a tape measure to the upper side of the leveled beam.

Rice. 5 Balconies not prepared for glazing with heavy frames

To determine the length of the balcony frame frame, you should also use building level. For measurements, apply it to one of the sides and align it exactly vertically; on the balcony parapet, make a mark of the standing level at the point closest to the wall. Then they transfer the level to another wall, set it exactly vertically, put a similar mark on the parapet. The distance between the two marks measured with a tape measure will be the length of the new balcony frames. The length of the frame is measured using the above method without taking into account the thickness of the side seams when mounted on foam or sealing tape the measured distance is reduced by the thickness of the seams.

In some cases, the condition of the balcony parapet should also be taken into account. If the balcony is old or has a too weak structure, then installing heavy, warm multi-chamber frames can cause destruction of the parapet or deformation of the independent glazing. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the parapet of a loggia or balcony for glazing with your own hands, or you can glaze the balcony with a lighter, cold aluminum profile with single sheet glass.

Rice. 6 Glazing of the loggia with an aluminum profile structure

When choosing glazing of a complex shape, its measurements and installation are quite difficult for a non-specialist - in this case it is better to use the services of professionals from window companies.

To install balcony glazing with your own hands, you must accurately measure all dimensions window frame. Its dimensions depend on additional accessories, installation method and materials used. When choosing the type of balcony glazing (frame material, profile manufacturer and number of chambers in double-glazed windows), you should take into account the condition of the balcony and, in particular, its parapet.

The balcony in the apartment is a very useful part of it, which can be used as an additional room. But to do this, you first need to glaze it. And here some people have difficulties, because they have no idea how to choose the right balcony glazing. Indeed, today there are several options for such finishing and each has its own pros and cons.

How to choose the right balcony glazing?

In order not to make a mistake and make the best choice, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the purposes of the glazing and the parameters of the balcony and the apartment itself. For example, if you are simply bothered by precipitation flooding your balcony and you want to protect yourself from it, then this is one option. If you need additional space, and even with a panoramic view, then another one. But this will be impossible to do on a small balcony in a standard “Khrushchev”; something simpler and more practical would be appropriate here. Therefore, it would be useful to take additional measurements in order to finally determine the possibility of using one or another type of glazing.

Methods of glazing balconies

Those who do not know how to choose glazing for balconies should, first of all, decide on the method - “cold” or “warm”. The first is suitable for owners of apartments with small balconies that cannot be used except as a utility room or storage room. Cold glazing protects well from noise, atmospheric moisture, and dust. Moreover, it is suitable for balconies of any configuration - frames with glass are simply installed on open areas, carefully adjusted, and all cracks are sealed. Installation of such structures is quite simple, quick and they are inexpensive. In the second way, from a large balcony or loggia you can make a full-fledged warm room or even a real greenhouse. In this case, not only the frames are installed, but also the installation of heated floors and, if necessary, a local heating system. Instead of ordinary glass, they install double-glazed windows, use additional insulating insulation, etc. The cost of warm glazing is correspondingly much higher.

Balcony glazing options

You can choose the best glazing for balconies based only on your personal preferences. There are quite a few options here, but each has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, using wooden frames is environmentally friendly and fashionable, but they are short-lived and can be damaged by excessive humidity or severe frosts. Aluminum frames are only suitable for cold glazing, but not for warm glazing. The most common type of glazing today is plastic glazing, and for large loggias it is appropriate to use frameless glazing, which allows you to create the effect of a panoramic view.

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Floor on an unglazed balcony

Forum / Floors / Floor on an unglazed balcony

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April 26, 2015
at 13:26 The balcony faces the main street and the main administrative building of the city, so residents of our building are prohibited from glassing their balconies or making any changes to it.

But the concrete floor of our balcony, due to the passage of time, began to crumble and took on an unsightly appearance. Please advise which floor is best to lay on the open balcony so that it is practical and looks aesthetically pleasing, because balcony door We plan to install completely glass from top to bottom.

April 26, 2015
at 17:20 On a balcony of this type, unfortunately, there is only 1/3 mortar screed. Unfortunately, so far it is the screed that copes better with natural influences.

Ceramic tiles on an unglazed balcony will bounce off after each winter. If you make wooden floors, they will naturally rot, but they will last for five or even 7 years if they are well covered with adhesive and paint. In terms of aesthetics, of course, wood is better than concrete floors. You know, I built my parents’ balcony with a floorboard; the board has been standing for 10 years, although every year I paint it with good paint.

Short logs across the balcony. Then regular floor slats. Naturally painting. Replacing the floor slats after 10 years with regular painting (about once every 3 years, but generally depends on the violation paint coating, see for yourself).

April 27, 2015
at 9:45 We have tiles on the floor and have been there all our lives, even when the balcony was not glazed.

I can’t imagine a concrete floor at all, it doesn’t look like anything, and when it cracked, especially since there are doubts about a wooden one, the balcony is not glazed, as if it would quickly fall into disrepair.

April 27, 2015
at 10:08 Fill the screed on the balcony (with reinforcement - this is a must), after hardening and drying, sand and polish the floor using special attachments of different fractions, so you will have a beautiful floor that is easy to care for.

You write about the behavior of the floor in a glass balcony. In a glazed balcony, the floor will last for a very long time. Initially we were talking about an unglazed balcony, a balcony more susceptible to atmospheric influences. I still think a wooden one would be better. Easier to maintain in good condition. An iron-reinforced floor will still deteriorate under atmospheric influence and will require more physical effort to restore.

April 29, 2015
at 5:12 I had the same situation (concrete erosion) with a balcony slab.

How to choose the right balcony glazing?

Without hesitation I went to hardware store and bought floor tiles, which I used to decorate the balcony slab. Now there is no erosion.

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3 most common mistakes when glazing balconies and loggias

Glazing a balcony is a simple and complex process at the same time. It should be understood that no one is immune from mistakes. To eliminate most mistakes, you can turn to professionals.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that not all companies are qualified and honest. That's why it's important to know possible mistakes glazing of balconies, which they can do.

And in general, you need to be able to choose the right glazing company, since nowadays there are a lot of them.

  1. Inappropriate telephone conversation
  2. Inability to distinguish professionals from amateurs
  3. Inattention when checking work

Inappropriate telephone conversation

The choice of a particular company begins with a telephone call regarding the advertisement.

Many people don't pay attention to this of great importance, but in vain. Just over the phone you can weed out a lot of mediocre companies. You just need to structure the conversation correctly and ask the right questions.

Choosing a glazing company

List of topics you can talk about with a specialist:

  • Tightness;
  • Window frame material;
  • Fastening methods;
  • Dimensions and number of sashes;
  • Ease of use;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Opening and closing variations;
  • Resistance to external factors.

It is not necessary to understand these topics yourself.

A true professional can be identified immediately: he will not shy away from answering, but will explain all the features of glazing very clearly.

Inability to distinguish professionals from amateurs

Before starting work, the company sends its employee to the site. The specialist takes a number of necessary measurements.

It is very important to discuss with him issues that directly relate to balcony glazing. The process itself depends on many factors, so the approach in each apartment should be individual.

Initially, the specialist checks the condition of the balcony and determines the maximum load.

This indicator depends on the location of the balcony slab and the age of the house itself. If the building is more than forty years old, then the initial maximum load is 400 kg/sq. m.

Russian language for us

at the moment it is already an order of magnitude less. In this case, some restrictions will be introduced into the glazing process, which you better know about in advance.

This is what a gauge looks like

It is not always the case that a real professional comes to take measurements. Very often you can find unscrupulous workers who cope with the task assigned to them in five minutes.

This may be one of the reasons for errors when glazing a balcony. In this case, it is worth thinking about the qualifications of the specialist and the company as a whole.

In addition, pay attention to measuring instruments and the tools that the company employee has with him. If he carries only a tape measure or wooden meter, you should also think about it.

Such devices are not suitable for measuring glass. This will subsequently lead to poor quality work and operational problems.

Qualitative measurements are carried out using a measuring tape, levels and templates.

In addition, the employee must consult with the owners about the preferences for glazing the balcony. On average, the measurement procedure will take about one or two hours.

One of the mistakes when glazing a balcony

Quite often, measurers carry out exclusively the measuring procedure.

In fact, this is not enough. It is also important to discuss issues related to the choice of insulation, finishing and covering materials. Often the company takes on the work not only of glazing, but also of the subsequent cladding of the balcony room.

If a specialist is not going to discuss with you a number of mandatory issues that interest you, this should already cause you to doubt his professionalism.

If some nuances are not discussed in advance, the result may not live up to expectations.

Inattention when checking work

The installation itself may also be carried out incorrectly. This is especially true for sealing seams. The main material for this is polyurethane foam, but it also requires further processing.

Foam is susceptible to external factors and temperature changes. As a result, it can turn yellow, crack and lose its properties, which leads to depressurization of the seams.

What high-quality glazing should look like

All such shortcomings of workers will lead to a violation of thermal insulation and the integrity of the entire balcony design. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the work.

The master must use special flashings that will help ensure the sealing and reliability of the seams.

The problem may also arise with the visor. Very often, owners leave the old version, although this is a mistake. Often, such a design no longer meets the stated standards and requirements, and also has an unattractive appearance.

The installer must point out to the customer any possible nuances and shortcomings. It is very important to discuss all issues with him, as well as clarify your own preferences. In order for the balcony glazing to be carried out at the highest level, you need to approach this process with all seriousness. You should familiarize yourself in advance with the professionalism of the workers, as well as the guarantees that they are willing to provide for their work.

Many owners of city apartments and country houses ask the question: “How to glaze a balcony with plastic windows?” All because the modern balcony, succumbing general trend beautification and creation of coziness, has turned into a full-fledged part of an apartment or house, which is used not so much as a warehouse for things, but as a platform for a pleasant holiday, regardless of the season.

High-quality glazing will help create comfortable microclimate conditions on the balcony. In this article we will look at the glazing of balconies with plastic windows.

Advantages of PVC window structures

Apartment owners are increasingly choosing this type of glazing as glazing for their loggia or balcony. Their choice is dictated by the presence of the following advantages in plastic window structures:

  • A combination of excellent quality and affordable costs for purchase and installation.
  • Excellent noise, heat and waterproofing properties of structures, which allow you to create reliable protection from bad weather and precipitation, as well as organize comfortable parameters air environment for a person indoors.

    It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the same temperature on the balcony and in the adjacent room using plastic glazing alone, but it is easy to provide a kind of buffer zone that will prevent heat loss.

  • The multifunctionality of window structures, thanks to which windows can be installed for several degrees of ventilation depending on the tasks.
  • Excellent aesthetic characteristics that give the entire balcony structure a presentable appearance.
  • Easy to maintain, because it’s quite easy to remove dirt from plastic.
  • Plastic balconies are durable and have excellent reliability indicators.
  • A wide range of sizes, colors and designs to suit almost any need.
  • Relative simplicity installation work, which, if desired, the homeowners themselves can master.

What nuances need to be taken into account

In order to ensure the expected result, it is important to approach the choice of windows for the balcony responsibly.

The thing is that the market for plastic window structures is diverse. Nuances are important in the choice. Thus, the fundamental criterion for reliability is the quality of the profile used for the manufacture of windows.

There is no need to save on this, since only a high-quality profile system can provide the entire balcony glazing structure with the required level of stability, resistance to mechanical damage and tightness.

For glazing balconies with plastic, it is better to use a five-chamber profile. There are also a number of requirements for metal for the manufacture of windows.

Tip: Choose windows for glazing a balcony, the profile of which both for the sash and in the frame has a closed reinforcing belt of square section made of metal with a thickness of 1.2 to 1.5 mm.

The tightness and thermal conductivity of the entire structure depends on the quality of the double-glazed windows.

You can create economical windows by using energy-saving double-glazed windows. Improve thermal insulation for your balcony, you can use argon to fill your double-glazed windows.

It is worth paying special attention to fittings and accessories.

If everything is clear with the first one - it must meet reliability considerations, then it’s worth talking about accessories in more detail. The most necessary thing, in our opinion, is a ventilator. It is this that can prevent hypothermia in the room and ensure the supply of fresh air. In addition, it is important to check the quality of the connecting parts: bay window profile (if required) and square connector, which act as stiffeners for balcony structures.

If you are interested in how to make panoramic glazing for a balcony, then we have a separate article on this topic.

It covers all the important points, from project approval to room insulation.

And in this material you can learn more about the characteristics of window profiles, their design and popular manufacturers.

Read about sliding balcony windows here. They are especially relevant for small spaces.

Preparatory stage: measurement rules and necessary tools

Measure seven times, cut once - this is the saying that should be followed when deciding to glaze a loggia with plastic windows yourself.

But before this, you should free the balcony from the old glazing (if any), carefully gradually dismantling the sashes, frames and connecting bars, as well as fastenings. So, the balcony is ready, careful measurements should be taken, which will be the key to successful glazing.

The following data must be taken:

The length of the parapet from one wall to another,

Distance from the upper floor slab to the parapet (preferably at several points),

Determining the presence of a slope of the parapet and slab using a level. If deviations from the horizon exceed 25 mm, it is worth leveling the surfaces.

If necessary, the parapet is strengthened or a new one made of foam blocks is installed.

Advice: It’s worth protecting yourself by reducing the size of the frame on each side by half a centimeter.

In this case, it will definitely fit into the existing opening.

So, the necessary data has been transferred to the manufacturing company, the balcony glazing structure has been ordered, manufactured and delivered. You can begin preparatory installation work.

To do this, you should prepare the following tools:

Building level,

Polyurethane foam,



Pobedite drill,

Self-tapping screws,


Construction knife.

Now let's move on to the most basic thing: step-by-step instructions by which you can independently install plastic glazing for balconies in your apartment.

Step-by-step instruction

So, the window structures are already in your apartment, and you are ready to install them.

Let's say right away that This serious installation should be done by two people, or better yet, by three people. The scheme will be like this:

Important: Self-tapping screws for fastening the frame should be screwed in, avoiding clogging them!

Often it is also necessary to install a balcony block.

Read about the nuances of this process on our website.

This article will help you with this.

Remote window structures: features

It is worth special mentioning the balcony glazing structures, which are supposed to be installed remotely.

How to choose the right profile for glazing a loggia to get the best result

It must be said right away that when glazing a balcony with PVC windows, it is recommended to use the lightest possible window profiles with a single-chamber double-glazed window and carefully calculate the load on the parapet and brackets.

To install such glazing, you should first consider the following points:

  1. Calculate the optimal offset amount.

    A glazing extension of 400 mm is considered safe and reliable, while the internal window sill can reach a width of 700 mm.

  2. Create reference metal structure for removal from triangular brackets. The parameters of this design will depend on the size of the offset and the weight of the windows.
  3. Provide for the organization of a canopy or roof, not forgetting to ensure high-quality tightness of connections with balcony slab top floor. The most common option is to create a canopy from a metal profile, which is characterized by ease of installation and ease of mating of sheets.
  4. The skeleton of the window structure of a balcony glazing with extension must be made of metal to ensure the reliability of the structure and successfully compensate for wind loads.

Installation prices when ordering from a specialized company

Prices for glazing a balcony with plastic windows may vary depending on many factors, ranging from the type of profile to the region of residence.

You need to focus on the minimum cost of 19,000 rubles.

A video on how to glaze a balcony with your own hands may be useful for you to decide whether to carry out the work yourself or with the help of hired workers.

Glazing of a balcony with plastic windows photo

And here you can see photos on the topic of our article.

All photos are clickable.

A high quality balcony can be used in winter and summer. In summer, tea parties can be organized between wonderful indoor plants, and in winter, research can be organized on a heated balcony. Many are interested: is it legal to glaze balconies? It seems that an ordinary resident here did not violate any law, but the Moshilin Inspectorate has a different opinion on this issue.

Laws for glazing balconies

About ten years ago glass balcony was considered "indulgent to her instincts" and a violation common facade building.

Therefore, it was strictly forbidden to carry out such work. But even now, with massage glazing of balconies, the law still does not look at it positively. And it's all about the controversy, which includes the law on glazing balconies. For example, the law “On the procedure for reorganizing premises in residential buildings in the Moscow region,” which was adopted in September 1999, states that construction works that affect the architectural appearance of the house are prohibited.

And the document signed by the mayor of Moscow in 2000 allows for such rehabilitation. In addition, the new SNIP 01/31/2003 even recommends balcony glazing in new buildings, as well as for reconstruction of buildings. Consequently, the existing contradictions give authority to the official tasked with overseeing the matter. And, as he says, even so.

Where should I go to get a permit?

However, restoration of the balcony should be allowed.

In such cases, you must obtain permission:

— District Ministry of State Department of Internal Affairs. This organization considers issues related to the implementation of fire safety standards during construction and takes into account all the nuances related to safety.

He can inform you at this establishment that glazing of balconies dedicated to evacuation in case of fire is not allowed. Such balconies are equipped with stairs and pockets. Balconies located above the ninth floor are also not permitted;

— Center for state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the region.

It addresses issues related to compliance with sanitary standards during construction. The organization takes care of maintaining balance in the room when transforming, and if you turn the balcony into a kitchen or a bathroom, it can be prohibited. It is also unacceptable to install mirrors and glass in glazing shades that would affect the flow of natural light onto the balcony;

This is the former housing and public sector. You can resist if you want to move along the glazing of the balconies, gas appliances and others utilities, and if management believes that glass will prevent the building from being used;

— Architecture and planning management. He checks the project's compliance with SNIP standards.

Such an institution does not particularly encourage the removal of balconies, and if this is done, it is considered a change in the architectural appearance of the house. All of them can be returned to their original form;

— Housing management in the area. All of the above organizations have documents.

Check everything that is guaranteed, and you can legalize the glazing of the balcony or return all the documents back. They can also force them to obtain the consent of neighboring property owners.

The Interdepartmental Commission of the Territorial Administration of the District is the highest authority, here you will receive the final license for balcony glazing.

What should I do?


The first is simplified. First, it's worth checking to see if your neighbors haven't done all the work for you. To do this, go to your county architectural department and ask if anyone in your home has received a glazing license. If so, you can mirror your balcony with the already approved design.

The contract design does not necessarily refer only to the documents, the certificate of the organization of the administrative order, issued by the glazing, corresponds to the entire concept, which has been approved by the district architect.

2. Another option is to organize a glazing project.

If none of your neighbors have done this, you will need to commission the project and then bring it into architectural management.

3. Remember responsibility. Everyone decides whether to obtain a glazing license or not. But you need to know that unauthorized reconstruction is considered an administrative offense, for which a fine of two to two and a half rubles can be imposed, and it can return the balcony to its original state.