Indoor balsam - care tips for beginning florists. Garden balsam: growing from seeds How to pinch balsam tom tumb

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​ Not everyone has the opportunity, or even the desire, to grow garden balsam seedling method on the windowsill. You can, of course, sow the seeds directly into the ground, but in this case flowering will occur much later, but the balsam will require much less care.
​When picking, bury them down to the cotyledon leaves; sometimes the plants even have to be slightly twisted.​

​After the seedlings appear, do not rush to remove the film, let the seedlings get a little stronger. But the seedlings need to be ventilated several times every day. When the roses stretch out slightly, add a little soil to cover the exposed roots.

There are two ways to grow this plant from seeds:

​It’s good to plant in tablets, then when they sprout well, then in a glass, when the glass is filled with roots, then in a pot and don’t overcrowd; pinch the tops for bushiness. and what you pinch off can be immediately cut into a tablet.​

They love moisture very much, but it is not necessary to allow it to stagnate in the soil, otherwise the plants will not receive enough air and may rot. Grow the seedlings for another couple of months, and when it gets warmer, plant them in open ground and wait for flowering.​

​As the seedlings grow, they need additional feeding. Soluble fertilizers with a complete set of nutrition are diluted in small doses and fed with balsams. Seedlings are planted in the garden when the threat of freezing from spring cold snaps and frosts has passed.

Impatiens are considered unpretentious flowers to grow. But the seeds of this colorful crop require “respectful” treatment.​
For this purpose it is better to use balsam cuttings; it takes root well.

​Water. ​​ This plant is quite whimsical, so seeds are sown in greenhouses only in early May. If there is no shelter, then it is better to sow at the end of May or even the beginning of June.​ ​The picking was successful.​​ Gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air and eventually remove the film completely. Monitor the humidity; the soil should always be moist, but not flooded.​


  • ​When to start planting?​
  • ​Growing through seedlings.​​For primary growth, you need to grow it in small containers and only then plant it in a pot. Then it comes out beautiful and lush. You probably have a garden balsam. It’s okay that the seedlings have stretched out - they can be buried along the cotyledon.
  • ​Balms​
  • ​Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings​​ This flower is surprisingly easy to take cuttings and flower growers use this ability to preserve their favorite varieties in winter. To do this, in the fall, cut off several shoots and place them in water or immediately stick them in a pot of soil for cuttings. Cuttings take root equally well in water and in soil. Don’t forget to water, but water moderately. Excess moisture can cause root rot.​

Are you planting balsam seedlings? Any difficulties?

ღ M@rin@ ღ

​ ​
​ The plant tolerates picking well, but still keep the cups in the shade for several days, do not immediately expose them to the sun.​

Polina Shubina

Grown seedlings need to be sprinkled.

Lyudmila Krai

​ On average, three months pass from seed germination to the beginning of flowering. Considering that balsam is planted in the OG at the end of May or beginning of June (in different regions in different ways), it is most advisable to start planting in early or mid-March.​

Lelya Casanova

​Sowing seeds in open ground.​

Natalia Solovyova

Impatiens grow very quickly and stretch out. It's probably better to sow them in April. Then, in the flower garden you will need to pick off the leaves, otherwise the beauty of the flowers will not be visible.​
​In the garden they will grow up to be “giraffes” - the plant is quite tall. I prefer Waller's balsam (wet vanilla). Now there are so many interesting varieties and colors. Perfectly preserved at home winter period- by spring, you can cut a bush you like and plant it in an outdoor planter.​


- very beautiful, but capricious flowers. They are even called “touch-me-nots” because when you lightly touch the ripe seed pods, they burst and scatter tiny seeds far away. Therefore, balsams are most often propagated by cuttings. But if you have patience, you can try growing them from

Valentina Barzakovskaya

To sow seeds, you need to buy ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. It must be loose, moisture-absorbing and have neutral reaction(pH 6.2...6.5). When the soil is acidified, the seedlings will “lie down.”​

Tina Ezdakova

Rooting cuttings in water.

Elena the Wise

​ Take a closer look at your plants, they themselves give signals if they don’t like how you care for them:​

I want to sow balsams today. Do you need them through seedlings or directly into the pots?

Victoria Tchaikovskaya

​Where to plant. ​
​ ​

Natalya Sludnikova


​ If you really want to see flowering at the beginning of May or you are growing flower seedlings for sale, then you should start sowing at the end of January.​
​ This flower is heat-loving and afraid of frost, so it is most often grown through seedlings. Some gardeners consider balsam to be a capricious plant that is difficult to grow at home. Others claim that it is a flower, like a flower, and they do not have any problems with it. So what is the reason for the failures when growing impatiens from seeds?​


​I only grew mine from seeds for the first time, but now, in order to fuss less, I leave 2 plants in the house for the winter and propagate them in the spring.​


​Do you mean Balsam impatiens (garden)? It can be sown in the ground, and if you want earlier flowering, grow seedlings in a panic. But the giraffes can be buried, but now we need to add more light

Polina Shubina


Nina Ablalimova

​Before sowing seeds, the soil must be disinfected. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin, maxim. Small balsam seedlings are very sensitive to fungal infections (blackleg).

​ For propagation, it is not necessary to take large cuttings; cut them into 6-8 cm pieces. Remove the lower leaves and place them in water. To keep the cuttings in an environment with high humidity, place everything in a plastic bag and leave it like that for a week or two. When the roots appear, transplant the seedlings into pots with soil and place them on the windowsill.​

​Leaves drooping means it’s too hot and there’s not enough moisture.​

​This sissy doesn’t like drafts, doesn’t like heat, and doesn’t like too much of anything (water, fertilizer). He needs it to be quiet, warm and cozy. It will be good to grow in a place protected from the wind, so that the sun shines on it for several hours a day, but only in the morning or evening. Feels great in tree trunk circles trees, near the wall of a house or a fence (not on the south side).​

Growing garden balsam from seeds.

​Pinching balsam​

  1. ​Temperature for growing seedlings.​
  2. ​ But you will have to take much more care of early seedlings. Impatiens seedlings tend to stretch, so you can’t do without lighting + maintenance optimal temperature. When planting in the garden in May, you need to prepare a shelter in case of night frosts. So, from the beginning, think carefully about whether you need such additional troubles.​

​ As always, failures await newcomers initial stage growing. If your seedlings survived to the picking, you can assume that the hardest part is over and no further problems should arise.

Growing by seedlings

​If you want to sow now, you need to highlight it. Like all seeds, I sow it in well-cultivated soil (I bake it in an oven to prevent insects, mold, and bacteria); after sowing, I cover it with film, and when the little green faces appear, I open the film and maintain high humidity.​

I bought balsam seeds. The package says: Terry balsam Moth. I hoped it was a garden plant, but it turned out to have small seeds. It takes a long time to grow. I don’t know yet what will grow. It is written that it is for flower beds and borders.​

​The seeds are laid out on the surface of a medium-moist soil mixture and are not sprinkled, just pressed to the surface. The top of the crops is covered with glass (film) so that the seeds do not dry out. They sprout quickly, after a week, if the room temperature is about 22...24oC. At a lower temperature, 18...20°C, seedlings will appear in a few weeks.​ ​Rooted cuttings.​​The leaves turn yellow and fall off - it’s cold, there is too much moisture, check for pests.​

​Vanka is wet in the garden.​

​. After picking, young plants begin to grow quickly, but unfortunately, just as quickly they begin to stretch out again. At this time, they need to pinch the tops of their heads. As a result, we restrain the stretching and side shoots are formed, and a bushy, flowering ball is always better than a lonely, long shoot. Therefore, always pinch the shoots of balsams and form a bush.

​ To create favorable conditions To grow seedlings, the temperature must be maintained within the following limits:​ ​Seeds germinate in the light.​​ The whole point is that young seedlings are easily affected by fungal infections, such as gray rot. It is this disease that usually causes the death of balsam seedlings. To exclude the possibility of infection, it is necessary to approach the choice of soil in which the seeds will germinate with all responsibility. Namely, recommendations related to the quality of the soil are most often ignored and considered a trifle that does not deserve attention (the earth is the earth).​

​Last year I planted a camellia variety, the seedlings grow quickly, but they cannot be planted in the ground early, for permanent residence I planted them near a bathhouse with a wall 70 cm high, I had to shade it when transplanting, so this year I will sow it in a greenhouse in mid-May.​

​To the garden, where they will get stronger, you can pinch them. If you plant and shade, everything will be fine.​

​Assemble carefully and carefully planting material- very small brown-brown balls. Usually the seeds ripen 20-30 days after the start of flowering, the boxes turn white at this time. Be careful - one awkward touch, and the seeds will “shoot” two meters, scattering in different directions, after which it will be impossible to collect them. But, if everything went well, the grains can be stored for up to 8 years - it is during this period that balsam seeds are viable and can sprout.​

​After the seedlings appear, the temperature in the room should not be lower than 18°C. Otherwise, if there is excess moisture in the soil (overwatering), the roots of the seedlings will rot and the cotyledon leaves will turn yellow. You can’t water the “babies” in the second half of the day. It is better to organize watering in the morning so that the soil has time to dry by night. Impatiens do not forgive drying out of the soil.​​ At this time, the main enemy of balsam is the spider mite; inspect the plants and at the first sign of a pest, spray with phytoverm. If there are still few ticks, then one treatment should be enough, but if it has already managed to breed, then you have to poison it according to the following scheme: fitoverm - aktara - fitoverm with weekly breaks. The bases of the stems rot - excess moisture, low temperature, lack of lighting.​

​ ​​When seeds germinate 22 - 24 degrees​​ ​

​ Another reason for failure is low-quality, expired seeds. It must be admitted that imported seeds most often turn out to be better than domestic ones.​

Balsam happens different types, tall and short. I grow a short one. terry. I sowed seeds for the first time, now I take one flower home and take cuttings in the spring. They take cuttings well. I plant it in the ground when the threat of frost has passed in a flowerpot or flowerbed.​

My balsams are also stretched out, I don’t even know why. There are a lot of flower seedlings on the window, a lot of sun, and warmth too. They are still dragging on. Sowing should be done in March so that the seedlings are ready by mid-June - at this time balsams, which love warmth, will feel comfortable in the open ground. Prepare or buy a peat-based substrate that is not very acidic. Regular garden soil will not work. Bacteria can grow in it. For the same reason, do not add manure to the soil, even if it is well rotted. Lighting is one of the necessary conditions in receiving strong seedlings, especially in the first 2...3 weeks. When shaded, seedlings stretch out and grow long internodes.​

  • ​Rooted plants.​
  • ​Few or no buds are formed - prolonged drought.​

​Growing in flowerpots, flower pots. ​ ​Mite on balsam.​​After picking 18 - 20 degrees​

​And what kind of balsams do YOU ​​have: if the balsam is balsam, it’s too early to sow, if Waller’s, sow, the seeds are small, it’s better to sow superficially or sprinkle just a little.​

​When I dive, I try to bury the cotyledons. Then everything is OK.​

​Balsams​​Balsam seedlings begin to be fed when 2...3 true leaves appear. It is better to use nitrogen-potassium fertilizers (potassium nitrate), nitrogen-calcium fertilizers (calcium nitrate) in low concentrations. In the early stages of infancy, phosphorus fertilizer may not be used. In February - March, you can start cutting again. Why is this necessary? In most cases, balsam shoots become very elongated over the winter and by spring the plant has no decorative look. And here there are two options left: either very short pruning or repeated cuttings. If you choose the second, then by June you will have neat, pretty bushes.​

​The leaves are pale, the stems are stretched - not enough nutrients in the soil, lack of lighting.​​This plant, like no other, is suitable for growing in hanging baskets and flowerpots. His root system easy to put up with cramped pots and lack of land. The main thing is that the soil is fertile and always moist; for this you need to add hydrogel to it. Caring for balsam in flowerpots is even easier than caring for petunia. While the seedlings are in the house, inspect them from time to time to see if mites have appeared on the leaves. Spider mites simply love balsam and appear almost always. As soon as you find this pest, immediately treat all seedlings with Fitoverm

Before sowing, level the soil in the container, moisten it and spread the seeds evenly. They germinate in the light, so there is no need to sprinkle them, just lightly press them to the ground. Anyone who has ever grown petunia from seeds knows how to do it. Spray your crops with dewdrops, place the container in a plastic bag and place it in a bright, warm place. Shoots appear in 5 - 15 days. What should the soil be like? ​

Planting balsam seeds in the ground

​I bought several varieties of balsams. Most are sown in April. There are certain varieties where sowing is written February-March (balsam golden jungle)

​I don’t have an answer to your question, but rather some advice. I don’t sow balsams, I think there is an easier way. At one time I grew several plants, and now I take cuttings from them every year in the spring. And before planting it in a flowerbed, I root it in water. This year, suffer, grow mother plants, and in next years just take them from cuttings. Seedlings in apartment conditions are always headache. I do the same with coleus and ever-flowering begonias.​

How to care for impatiens in the garden

- very delicate plants. ​Caring for seedlings​​ After the flowers fade, a seed capsule remains on the peduncle, in which the seeds are located. At first it is green, which means that the seeds have not yet ripened and cannot be collected. You need to wait until the seed pod turns white and only then start collecting seeds.​

​The cessation of flowering, the flowers flying around - a sharp cold snap, transplantation into a pot that is too large, severe drying of the soil.​

​ ​​ ​ ​Picking seedlings.​

​Place the container in a bag.​​The simplest and perhaps most correct solution is to buy peat-based soil in the store and add perlite or vermiculite. If you nevertheless decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself, then under no circumstances add compost or humus to it. Take ordinary garden soil, mix it with sand and be sure to sterilize it. In its beauty, balsam (also called Vanka wet and touchy) can compete with many garden flowers. You can grow it indoors in pots, in hanging pots and flowerpots outside, or simply in beds. Gardeners practice growing garden balsam both through seedlings and by sowing seeds in open ground. As you can see, this plant is beautiful, versatile and not at all difficult to care for. ​

​If garden balsam (not Vanka wet) grows already in the garden, think about a garter. It has a very thick trunk, but it is so juicy, alive and thick that the wind easily breaks right at the root. Sift the soil and place it in disinfected containers, moisten it with a spray bottle, level the surface and lightly compact it. Sprinkle the seeds on top and sprinkle them river sand, if it is not there, use the same substrate. Cover the containers with glass or transparent polyethylene and place them in a bright and warm place (the temperature should be at least +18°C). After 5-10 days, shoots will appear; now the film or glass must be removed and the sprouts should be watered regularly. For better growth they can be illuminated with a lamp daylight, increasing daylight hours for balsams.​ ​Compact seedlings - golden mean in the rules for growing balsams. Namely, maintaining moderate soil moisture and temperature without sharp fluctuations. Water only after the top layer of soil has dried. You must not be careless about watering and allow completely dry soil. This leads to yellowing and wilting of the seedlings. Such seedlings may not recover.

​ Everything would be fine, but when touched, these boxes immediately crack and the seeds scatter almost two meters. You have to work with great care, or first put some small bag on the box and only then tear it off. With this method, although the seeds are shot out, they do not scatter anywhere, but remain in the bag.

  • ​Caring for garden balsam.​
  • ​Feeding. ​
  • ​Planting in open ground​
  • ​ Approximately three to four weeks after germination, when the seedlings become cramped in the container, they need to be put into larger containers. Too much large containers You won’t need it for this; small plastic cups will do just fine.​
  • ​It is convenient to grow balsam in peat tablets.​

This is what garden balsam looks like.

He is the "patriarch" of everything indoor floriculture. In the philistine environment of the 19th – early 20th centuries, home balsam was a mandatory attribute of the interior. This indoor plant is so simple and unsophisticated that people gave it their own, more suitable names: « Vanka wet», « Vanka-Vstanka", for its beautiful, bright flowers it is also called " star».

A little about the plant

The genus to which indoor balsam belongs is called Impatiens, and if translated from Latin, it will turn out “ Impatient" Where does this name actually come from? And it’s all very simple - when the flower fades and the seed pod ripens, then the lightest touch is enough for the pod to suddenly open and “shoot out” the seeds. For this ability, people slightly modified the generic name, calling it “ Touch-me-not" The Balsam family is quite extensive. It is difficult to name the exact number of species, but they are numbered according to different sources from 400 to 500. Not all of them are tamed by flower growers of our latitudes. But those that have been domesticated grow both in flower beds and as indoor plants. Garden, outdoor balsam is an annual plant that is planted every year. Indoor balsam at home can live longer. The oldest type of balsam grown by gardeners is “ Waller's balsam", which was grown in the century before last. Nowadays there are much more of them. But caring for homemade balsam is exactly the same, regardless of the type. And most importantly, it is very simple.

How to care for indoor balsam at home


For home balsam, light partial shade is preferable to bright light. In such a place, he will not only feel more comfortable, but, as personal observations show, the flowers will be brighter and more saturated. Impatiens will bloom better on a northern windowsill than on traditional windowsills for most people. indoor plants– eastern and western.


In spring, summer and early autumn, there is no need to create special temperature conditions for indoor balsam. The only thing he doesn’t like is sudden changes in temperature. But in the summer, take the balsam out into the fresh air, this will be the best place for it. Be sure to keep in mind that the plant is fragile. Choose a place for it so that the balsam is protected from wind and rain, which can damage it. Very often, some types of this flower are used in outdoor potted arrangements next to geraniums and other plants, both indoor and garden.

Balsam should overwinter in conditions low temperature: from +12 to +16 degrees. If you don’t have it on your windowsill, then put it there for the winter. There is exactly the same (or close to it) temperature.

Watering and air humidity

Indoor balsam is considered a very moisture-loving flower. The way it is. Those who love daily watering can relax their souls with balsam. But only in the summer, when it needs to be watered almost every day. In winter, be sure to reduce watering. Too wet soil combined with low temperatures can cause rotting of the roots and trunk. But you can’t stop them completely during this period. Winter for home balsam is not a period of rest, but rather a respite (not a floriculture term at all...). It continues to grow during this period.

Daily spraying in the summer is also a highly desirable measure. Moist air is good for balsam. At the same time, regular and frequent spraying will not allow the main enemy and pest to settle on it.


It is necessary to feed indoor balsam if you want to get beautiful plant and flowering. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with fertilizers. If you overfeed the plant, you can get the opposite effect. Impatiens will produce few flowers. Feed it throughout the year. BUT. From spring to autumn, when balsam has a period of active development, feed it no more than three times a month with fertilizers for flowering plants, and in winter, give potassium-phosphorus fertilizers once a month. In summer good result gives . That is, give balsam nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, alternating them. Nitrogen stimulates the development of green mass, and phosphorus stimulates flowering.


In most cases, balsam is not particularly needed. Already in the third year, the plant becomes ugly and unattractive. Therefore, most often it is kept for two years, after which a new one is grown. The balsam, which is included in the compositions, is completely renewed annually. But while the plant is still healthy and has not lost its decorative qualities, in the spring it must be transplanted into fresh soil and a pot. for balsam it is not particularly important. You should not make it very nutritious, otherwise you may end up with beautiful green leaves, but poor flowering. To prepare such soil, the following composition is often recommended: mix two parts of humus, turf soil, leaf (or garden) soil, sand and one part of peat . You can, of course, go to great lengths and create such a mixture, but from personal experience I note that in the regular mixture two parts of leaf (garden) soil and one part of sand, balsam grows no worse.

As for the dishes for replanting, when choosing it you must, first of all, be guided by the size of the plant’s root system. If the pot is too spacious, then until the roots cover the entire lump, the balsam will not bloom. For added beauty, you can plant several impatiens in a slightly larger pot. The tightness will only benefit them.


Indoor balsam can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings; in this it differs from its garden relative, which is propagated only by seeds. But having a mother plant in the house, it is not advisable to propagate balsam by seeds. Firstly, this is a more labor-intensive process. In fact - . And secondly, this method does not guarantee that the flower will grow exactly like the one from which the seeds were taken. Moreover, changes usually occur in the worst side. Therefore, I recommend propagation of balsam by cuttings for beginning gardeners. This is a very simple procedure.

  • Take a cutting from the mother plant that has at least 3 nodes. This is approximately 5-7 centimeters long.
  • Remove the lower leaves.
  • Place the cutting in a container with water.

All that remains is to wait for the roots to appear and plant the cuttings in the ground. That's it - simple and clear.

But if you don’t want to bother with growing roots, then the cuttings can be planted directly in the earthen mixture. But it should be light, peat-based. For example: one part peat, one part and two parts or sand . You can equally well root a balsam cutting in wet sand or perlite. After you see that the plant is strong and has begun to grow, you can transplant it into a permanent pot and a normal soil mixture.


For branching, and accordingly more abundant flowering, it is imperative to pinch indoor balsam. Both the central trunk and side shoots are pinched. During the flowering process, immediately remove faded flowers and withered leaves. This will not only make the bush neater and cleaner, but also stimulate further flowering.

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One of the most common house flowers is indoor balsam, care for which at home requires certain subtleties. In fact, this plant can be called unusual and even capricious; it has its own characteristics and specific differences from other flowers. Balsam is not the only name for this plant; due to its unusual properties, it has several names that are used by the common people.

For example, in England this flower was nicknamed “Diligent Lisa”; it earned this name for its ability to bloom. all year round. Most species of this plant proper care And suitable conditions capable of long-term and lush flowering. On English language it is also called Impatines, which means “impatiens”, due to the fact that at the moment the seeds ripen, if you touch the box, it will suddenly open and all the contents will fly out.

The flower has another interesting nickname - Vanka wet. After the flower is watered, droplets of dew appear on its leaves, and the bush seems completely wet. It is believed that the birthplace of this plant is Africa and Asia; the flower eventually spread widely throughout Europe. Its beauty and grace appealed to many; breeders worked to develop new varieties, and their work was crowned with success.

Today, in the world of cultivated varieties of balsam, there are more than 400 species of this plant. Each of them has its own characteristics, which are manifested in appearance and require compliance with the rules of cultivation.

There are varieties that are intended for open ground, and there are exclusively indoor flowers. All balsam plants are divided into several genera: impatiens and hydroceras.

Description of balsam

This plant can be either annual or perennial. Its stems, as a rule, reach a length of 20 to 50 cm. The foliage, depending on the type of flower, can be dark or light green in color, and in some cases even purple.

Externally, the flower resembles a neat and compact bush, in which the flowers are located on elongated cuttings and are densely framed in the lower part by foliage. The leaf has an elongated oval shape with a pointed end, its length is 10-15 cm. The flowers have a beautiful wide-open shape, consist of 5 petals, which are arranged like a fan in a circle, the color can be varied, from white to dark red, there are beautiful and sophisticated flowers with a combined color.

Each variety has a different appearance and root system structure, and care requirements can vary greatly.

Varieties of Impatiens

Exists big choice Balsam varieties that can be grown indoors. The following types are considered the most common and not too demanding to care for:

  1. New Guinea balsam (Impatines New Guinea). This flower is distinguished by its impressive size, it has a very large flowers, which have a variety of colors. The stem is straight and reaches a height of half a meter. It has a powerful root system that is actively developing, so it is customary to use more spacious flowerpots.
  2. Balsam Valerian (Impatines Walleriana). Most often found in home cultivation. It is considered the result of a combination of many varieties; this hybrid has properties inherent in other types of balsam. It has tall stems, more massive leaves and bright, large flowers. It can bloom almost all year round. There is one difference in this variety: leaves with brown.
  3. Balsam Peterson (Impatines Petersiana). Its main difference is its tall stems and wide oval-shaped leaves. This variety is considered one of the largest indoor species. Due to their length, the stems and petioles have a slight slope, as if slightly lowered. But main feature Impatines Petersiana has an unusually beautiful bronze color of foliage and stems.

These are the most common plants of this species, which are adapted to home growing. In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, it is necessary to follow the rules of caring for it.

It is worth finding out in advance what kind of care for balsam at home is required and how to properly transplant and pinch this shrub so as not to harm the flower.

Rules of care

When purchasing a flower in a special store, you need to ask what conditions it is used to, how it was watered, and what and when it was fertilized the last time. This information will allow you to properly prepare the environment for optimal adaptation of the new plant.

Many gardeners say that this type The plants are actually unpretentious and require only regular attention and properly selected conditions for growth. And the first thing to start with is choosing a place for a flowerpot.

Selecting a location

This plant loves sunlight and warmth, so wet Vanka will feel great on the windowsills of the eastern side of the house. But with all his love for light, direct sunlight can harm him; to avoid burns, it is worth slightly shading the windows in the hot summer season. But in winter and cloudy periods, these flowers require additional lighting. If desired, you can use fluorescent lamps, they imitate perfectly daylight. The fact is that the regime of extending daylight hours is necessary for this plant, good lighting allows it to bloom throughout the year. It is important to periodically rotate the flowerpot different sides to sunlight, this will provide a uniform shape to the bush.

Humidity and temperature mode

Vanka wet fully corresponds tropical plant, he feels great at a temperature of +20...+25ºС, but at the same time he must be provided fresh air and regular watering. Ventilation is one of the most important rules in care. It requires moderate humidity, but with a significant increase in temperature, it is worth additionally humidifying the air. To do this, you can use containers of water or a special humidifier; the humidity level should not exceed 45-50 units. Spraying is allowed, but it should be done very carefully so as not to get on the flowers and their buds.

In winter and cool periods, it is worth monitoring the air temperature; it should not be allowed to drop below +10...+15ºС. It is worth remembering that close proximity to heaters can lead to withering of the plant.

Balsam care at home requires careful and attentive care, since even the wrong level of moisture in the room can harm the flower.

Rules for watering and feeding

Watering requires Vanka wet, regular and timely. The main indicator for this is upper layer soil in the flowerpot, as soon as it dries, it is worth watering. Do not let cracks appear and earthen crusts form on the top layer of soil; this can harm the root system. Water with settled and soft water, it is important not to get it on the stem and foliage; it is best if you use a watering can with a thin and narrow spout when watering, this will allow you to carefully pour water along the edge of the pot and not touch the plant. It can go without watering for some time, but this will still affect its growth and flowering duration. Flowers are the first to react to drought; they wither and fall off without sufficient quantity moisture in the soil.

It is worth feeding the flower in spring and summer, approximately once every 14 days, the fact is that Vanka wet does not have a pronounced rest period, it produces young buds even in the cold season. But it still needs fertilizer, since it spends a lot of energy on constant flowering. Therefore, after the buds appear, it is worth adding mineral fertilizers. It is better to provide complementary feeding after watering, when the penetration of liquid or dry preparations is optimal. It is better to use complex fertilizers; they are purchased in special stores or flower salons.

It is important for this plant to periodically loosen the top layer of soil; this will allow oxygen to penetrate to the root system and prevent the occurrence of dampness.

Impatiens transplant

Every year this shrub needs to be replanted, this is due to the active growth of the root system. Therefore, in spring or summer it is worth transplanting the flower into new pot. It is worth noting that over time, this plant may lose its appearance, so experts recommend resorting to rooting cuttings from the apical part after 3-4 years. This will help renew the plant and restore the splendor of the crown.

The choice of pot should be made based on the size of the roots; in fact, it should be no more than 2-3 cm higher and wider than the previous one. The root system quickly and actively fills minor voids and after that gives the flower enough strength for long-term flowering, but in a large and spacious flowerpot it will spend time and effort on root growth, and the period and type of flowering will suffer significantly.

The substrate can be purchased ready-made at a specialized store, or if desired, you can prepare it yourself. For this you will need equal parts the following components:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

Second option for preparing soil:

  • turf land;
  • perlite;
  • compost;
  • humus.

It is important not to forget about drainage during transplantation; you can use small pebbles or expanded clay for it.

During transplantation, you can also prune the plant. During the winter, the stems may grow too much and need to be shortened by half. To form beautiful bush you need to pinch the balsam. Pinching the upper stems will help the bush to give rise to young lateral branches, thus achieving fullness and volume for the bush. You should not forget about regular hygienic cleaning; it involves removing dried branches, foliage and faded flowers.

Breeding rules

These flowers reproduce in two ways - by cuttings and sowing seeds. The most common and effective is cuttings. Experts say that balsam cuttings take root very easily and tolerate adaptation. The main thing is to prepare them correctly, and for this you need to cut off a branch 7-10 cm long from the mother stem, with at least two internodes. The cuttings are placed in moist soil or water. After rooting, they are planted in small pots; peat pots with a diameter of 10 cm can be used. Often, after planting in the spring, a young plant can bloom in the same year.

Sowing seeds is a more labor-intensive task and requires certain knowledge. Growing these flowers from seeds can lead to unexpected results, because maternal characteristics when this method reproduction is significantly lost.

Wet Roly, like all plants, is susceptible to some diseases, but all of them can only arise if the rules for caring for it are violated. Too much heat, lack of moisture, lack of fertilizers - all this can lead to slow growth and wilting, as well as the appearance of harmful insects.

Get rid of spider mite, aphids and whiteflies can be done using special drugs and compliance with the rules of care.

In general, these points show how to properly care for balsam at home. By observing all the requirements, you can grow extraordinary beauty. flowering shrub, which will delight you with its brightness and grace all year round.

Impatiens is an attractive flowering crop that can decorate personal plot or a window sill in the house. This depends on the plant variety chosen. Caring for a flower is not difficult, but it is necessary to take into account some of its features. So, the plant must be pinched. How to do this correctly?

What to do if the shoots of the crop have already stretched?

Why pinch balsam?

Pinching balsams is a serious step in growing a flower. The procedure is needed for:

  • ensuring active growth of the bush;
  • lush flowering;
  • maintaining an aesthetically attractive, neat appearance culture.

Attention! No need to pinch dwarf varieties culture.

Impatiens need to be pinched so that they do not stretch and bloom profusely.

As a result of a simple procedure, the plant becomes branched and neat. Many buds appear on it. While pinching, many gardeners also remove faded flowers and leaves.

It's right. Due to this procedure, the balsam releases more new color. In addition, such a move is a good prevention of many pests and diseases.

It is on this basis that you should pinch the tops of the plant.

If you suppress the process of active growth and elongation by carrying out such a simple manipulation, it is possible to launch a new mechanism. This is the formation of side shoots. Thanks to them, the balsam looks like a voluminous, bushy ball.

Such a plant looks more attractive and aesthetically pleasing than a fragile, lonely shoot of a painful type.

Scheme for pinching balsam

What to do when pulling balsam stems?

Forming a balsam bush by pinching is a responsible rule for growing the crop. But in some cases, skilled flower growers also fail to seize the right moment in time and pinch the tops of the shoots in time. What to do in this situation?

Advice. It is optimal to plant the plant in open ground at a time when it has received little sunlight.

If the temperature level in the room where the balsams are located is excessively high, this can also lead to stretching of the crop. In order for the seedlings to be low and strong, they need:

  1. Sunlight.
  2. Unnatural lighting.
  3. Temperature within 15-18 degrees.

If the seedlings are stretched, they need to be pricked, this will slow down growth

If the flower seedlings have already spread out, then good decision there will be cutting of seedlings. It is recommended to move the containers with the plant in the direction where it is cool and there is good lighting. This procedure and the current conditions will slow down the stretching of stems and the process of plant growth, since the balsam will spend all its resources and energy on rooting in a new container.

Thanks to him, the balsam will begin to develop side shoots.

In addition, it is possible to stop the stretching of stems with special ready-made compounds.

Taking into account the above tips, pinching balsam will not pose any particular difficulties.

Balsam care - video

Growing balsam - photo

Impatiens: care and cultivation

Balsam (Touch-me-not, Ogonyok, Vanka Mokryi). Abundantly Flowering Houseplants

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Indoor balsam is very beautiful flower. There are more than 20 varieties of this plant. Indoor balsam flowers can be red, pink or white. There are also varieties with two-color buds. The peculiarity of an adult balsam is that its root system does not have a central root, although the seedling has such a root. It dies off as the flower grows, decomposes and fertilizes the soil. Thanks to this, all balsam roots develop equally well, and aboveground part The flower forms a tall stem, which hardens over time.

The central shoot of the plant develops more slowly than its lateral growths. As the side shoots grow, they descend to the ground, like the branches of a weeping willow, so a small tree can be formed from a flower planted in a flowerpot. If you start forming a flower at the seedling stage, then balsam is ideal for planting in hanging planter. After formation, the central shoot will stop its growth, so the lateral growths will begin to grow faster.

If you do not form the balsam, then its buds will bloom earlier, while the flower will spend a lot of energy and nutrients on the growth of the central shoot, and therefore will form fewer peduncles.

Formation of balsam

The first shaping of balsam can be done within three weeks after planting the seed in the ground. By this time, the seedling will throw out four seven-lobed leaves. If you want to form from a flower perfect plant to plant in a hanging pot, the top of the central shoot must be pinched as early as possible. After this formation, the side shoots will actively begin to grow.

To form a balsam tree, you need to wait another two weeks until the plant stem hardens. Then cut off all the lower leaves of the balsam and pinch the central shoot of the flower. All sections are treated with crushed coal and wrapped with electrical tape. After some time, lateral growths will appear from the top of the central balsam shoot. About two weeks after formation, the flower will look like a small willow, and after a few more days it will bloom.

After the balsam is formed, the plant must be fertilized with vermicompost. You can also use chemical fertilizers, for example, urea in combination with potassium fertilizer. It is necessary to fertilize warm solution fertilizers