How to properly install plumbing corrugations on a toilet. Quick and correct installation of the corrugation on the toilet. Types of corrugations for toilet bowls

Just 20 years ago, installing or replacing a toilet was considered a difficult and difficult procedure, since it was necessary to adjust its outlet to the sewer outlet. Heavy cast iron pipes prevented from doing a quick one, it could drag on for the whole day. With the use of plastic plumbing fixtures, everything became noticeably easier. Corrugated universal connectors are used for it. But how do you replace a toilet bowl with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction and features of the work - further in our article.

Signs of replacement

When should this operation be performed? Do-it-yourself toilet corrugation replacement is done in several cases.

  • With axial displacement. Thus, the toilet is installed with an axial displacement relative to the socket. This usually happens if a new tile was laid on top of the old one (which caused the toilet to rise up).
  • If the toilet outlet does not fit. This happens if you don’t pay attention to the type of drain outlet when purchasing. For example, imported toilets may have a horizontal outlet. But Soviet apartments are designed for oblique release.

Experts advise that during repairs, immediately remove the pipes under specific type toilet release.


main feature Corrugations are its flexibility, due to which ease of installation is achieved. But do not forget about some rules when installing or replacing the corrugation on the toilet with your own hands. The release angle must always be taken into account. He can be:

  • oblique;
  • straight;
  • vertical.

If it is a straight or oblique outlet, installing the corrugation will not be difficult. In the case of a vertical slope, the neck of the toilet bowl must be rigidly connected to the vertical drainage system. Otherwise, it will not be possible to establish free drainage of water. Therefore, many people refuse vertical release. In other cases, it is quite possible to replace the corrugation on the toilet yourself.

Installation step by step

Let's look at the procedure for connecting a toilet using corrugation. this work quite simple, but there is no need to disrupt the order of actions. It is advisable to install the corrugation when the toilet is not yet connected in place. It is more comfortable. But in the case of installing corrugations on old toilet you will have to prepare it:

Otherwise, the tightness of the connection will be in question. Some people use sealant when installing corrugations. However, experts do not recommend using a cheap one, as it may break down over time.

  • The end of the pipe that will be connected to the sewer is treated with silicone. The end of the outlet is evenly blocked by a branch of 5-6 centimeters.
  • The tension is carried out without distortions, as evenly as possible.
  • To make tension easier, lubricate with soap rubber seal on the bell.
  • The corrugated pipe is installed in the inlet with one end, and the other is mounted to the toilet.
  • Pouring water into the toilet.
  • Check joints for leaks.
  • The toilet mounting points are marked on the floor. The corrugation is first disconnected.
  • The holes are drilled and coated with sealant.
  • The toilet is fixed to the floor. The fastening bolts are tightened until the structure stops wobbling and is perpendicular to the floor.
  • Then the adapter is reconnected.
  • The joints are treated with plumbing sealant.
  • The screed is poured.
  • Performed finishing floor surface.

Features of dismantling old corrugation

The dismantling process will be easier if the corrugated pipe (old) is stretched as much as possible. In this case, it is enough to pull the pipe from the toilet pipe, and then remove the other end from the sewer. Remaining water can be easily removed - they are easily drained into the sewer.

If the toilet is located in a corner, you need to apply the arc rule. In this case, the structure can be easily removed from the two pipes, but first the corrugation is removed from the toilet pipe.

Sometimes it happens that the corrugated pipe is not stretched at all. This happens if the toilet is located too close to the drain. To dismantle here you will have to remove the toilet itself. The corrugation is removed in the same sequence as described earlier: first, the end that is connected to the toilet, and then the one that goes to the sewer.

Replacing the corrugation on the toilet without removing the toilet

Over time, this element has to be replaced. You can do this with your own hands, even if the toilet is displaced relative to sewer outlet. But you need to know Exact size adapter He can be:

  • short;
  • average;
  • long.

The choice of adapter will affect its service life. So, how do you replace the corrugation on a toilet with your own hands without removing the toilet?

Plumbing parts are cleaned of old sealant. The edge of the pipe is inserted into the neck of the toilet until it stops. The second end is put on the outlet of the drain system. Poured a large number of water into the toilet. The tightness of the connections is checked.

Now it’s clear how to replace the corrugation on a toilet. Please note that if the outlet of the sewer pipe is in the floor, you need to choose a corrugated pipe with a socket bent at a right angle. For plumbing with a horizontal outlet, a pipe with a socket rotated 90 degrees is used.

Need to know

Thanks to the corrugation, it is possible to compensate for a very significant displacement, up to 20 centimeters. The pipe can also be rotated to any angle. For this purpose, a series connection of two pipes is used. But you need to understand that with a large pinch, high-quality drainage will not be ensured. In addition, the pipe may crack at the point where it is pinched. It may not be noticeable right away, but the smell will not be pleasant. This must be taken into account when replacing the corrugation on the toilet. Also, before use, the toilet is always filled to the top with water to check for leaks.

What are the possible disadvantages of corrugation?

Before installing such an element, you need to understand that there are also disadvantages. Corrugation has several disadvantages:

  • The wall is too thin. It can be easily damaged from the inside and outside. If you accidentally flush a piece of glass into the toilet, you can break through the corrugation. Yes, the material may be in aggressive environment, but it is unstable to mechanical damage.
  • Aesthetics. Externally, a corrugated pipe does not look as neat as a plastic one. In addition, on many models the wall may be visible (and deposits inside will be visible).
  • Corrugation sagging. If the distance between sewer pipe and the toilet outlet will be large, the structure will inevitably sag. Due to the unevenness of the walls, deposits are constantly deposited, which pull the pipe down. In addition, water accumulates in these sags during operation.

What type of corrugation should I use?

On this moment On sale you can find the following options for corrugated pipes:

  • Reinforced. This is the toughest option among others. When purchasing such a pipe, you need to consider design features toilet. The reinforced structure contains wire, thanks to which the walls become rigid. The price of such a pipe will be higher, but it will also last longer.
  • Combined. Suitable for non-standard installations(for example, if it is decided that the toilet will lag behind the wall by a certain distance).
  • Drain. This is a universal option. Such a pipe will connect to any communications, be they plastic or cast iron. In addition, the cost of a corrugated drain pipe is quite affordable.

Also, when choosing, you need to ensure that the product does not have defects. In most cases, this is a fragile material that is easily damaged during transportation. Therefore, the condition of the goods must be inspected before purchase.

Let's sum it up

So, we found out how to replace the corrugation on a toilet. As you can see, this operation can be performed with your own hands. But you need to understand that this design is not the most durable, and sometimes it is worth giving preference to more reliable analogues.

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Replacing the corrugation on the toilet

Thanks to the increasing introduction of new technologies into our lives, the technologies for conducting various communications are also changing. Until recently, it was considered a big problem not only to replace the toilet, but also to change cistern or hermetically connect this same toilet to the sewerage system. For most citizens, installing new plumbing or replacing old ones caused a headache. And not by chance. When choosing a new toilet, it was necessary first of all to take into account that the cast iron sewer outlet exactly coincided with the toilet outlet. Otherwise, great difficulties arose; it was necessary to either replace or replace a section of the sewer pipe.

Plastic corrugated pipes greatly facilitate their replacement, repair and installation.

With the advent of various plastic products replacement and regular place significantly simplified. In order to fix the flush tank, there is no longer any need to seek help from specialist plumbers, and now replacing the toilet bowl’s corrugation is not a problem.

Toilet corrugations and their purpose

A flexible plastic corrugation (or simply a bend) came to the owner’s aid, which allows him to independently install a cistern in the toilet without special knowledge and qualifications. This miracle part can take the desired shape and stretch significantly, while having durability and, importantly, low cost.

Corrugations are produced various diameters: for toilet, bathtub, washbasin or sink.

The only difference is the diameter of the corrugation.

Schematic representation of a corrugated pipe with dimensions.

Currently, manufacturers offer various bends, both in price and quality. When choosing corrugation, you need to focus on quality, since this is not the most expensive part, and savings in this matter can come at a cost, starting from unpleasant odors in the toilet and ending with flooding of neighbors. Domestic manufacturers they don't always answer necessary conditions, preference is usually given to imported analogues. Best option– installation of a bend reinforced with stainless steel.

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First, you need to remove the old corrugation on the toilet and clean the joints both on the toilet itself and on the sewer pipe. After preliminary preparation Place the corrugation directly onto the toilet outlet, if possible without stretching it unnecessarily. After this, we install the toilet in a comfortable position and, stretching the corrugation, insert the end with the external seal until it stops into the sewer hole. We will install the drain tank after we are convinced that the replacement was successful. That's all. It couldn't be simpler!

Of course, as in any business, there are some tricks and subtleties. For example, for greater reliability and tightness, you can use a sealant. To do this, it must be applied to the contact surfaces of the corrugation in advance and allowed to dry.

Step-by-step installation of corrugation to the toilet and general sewer system.

It must be remembered that plastic is not cast iron, and it is easy to deform or tear if, for example, you install it with great force or put a heavy weight on it. It is not recommended to completely stretch the plastic corrugation; the walls become much thinner and, as a result, the strength decreases and sagging occurs.

One more thing. It is advisable to carry out installation the first time, as subsequent attempts may cause the seal to be compromised. rubber seals. First of all, this concerns cheap and, as a rule, low-quality corrugation.

A toilet corrugation is a hose that may have different sizes and which is used to connect the riser pipe and the toilet.

Problems with corrugation can lead to many unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if a pipe is leaking, you need to know in advance what to do and how to quickly replace the damaged hose.

The basic rule for long-term use is to prohibit throwing any garbage into the toilet.

Types and purpose of corrugations

As a rule, malfunctions of this particular category of equipment bring the greatest discomfort.

Do not forget that residents apartment buildings not only do they themselves suffer damage, but they also risk causing significant harm to neighbors living in the apartments below.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of one of the essential elements sanitary equipment - corrugations.

To understand why a toilet corrugation is needed, you need to think about where the water moves next after the flush has occurred.

The toilet itself is located at some distance from the riser pipe, and a plastic tube is stretched between them.

This tube is called corrugated because it has a characteristic corrugated surface.

Thanks to this feature, the distance between the toilet and the pipe can vary and be set independently, depending on the needs of the owners.

It should be noted that corrugation is used not only when installing a toilet, but also for any other sanitary equipment, for example, kitchen sink, bathtubs and some other elements to connect them to the sewer.

Modern corrugation for toilet bowls appeared in the CIS countries relatively recently. Before this, builders and plumbers used more massive structures when installing toilets.

The old type of cutting is still found in houses built during the Soviet era.

Of such kind engineering design, of course, is not without significant advantages, the main one of which is a fairly long period of operation.

Old style pipes can allow almost any type of debris to pass through without causing blockages.

In the past, after completing the installation of pipes, some builders deliberately passed relatively large debris through them, which was most often a piece of cloth or an ordinary floor rag.

If after such a test there was no blockage in the riser, then all plumbing work was considered completed.

For long-term operation hose, it is important to know what not to do. Corrugation modern look, unfortunately, cannot boast of resistance to external adverse factors.

Just a few decades ago, most people in the country would have been surprised by the fact that, for example, used toilet paper It is not flushed down the toilet, but is collected and thrown away with regular trash.

At the moment, almost everyone is forced to resort to this method of disposal of waste, since even the thinnest toilet paper, thrown out and flushed down the toilet, can cause serious damage to the entire complex of sanitary equipment.

Modern corrugation not only will not allow a floor cloth to pass through, but can also be seriously damaged by any solid debris that can penetrate the surface of the corrugated hose - in this case, the pipe leaks and needs to be replaced.

If handled incorrectly, there are situations when the hose leaks only a few drops at a time - for a non-specialist this damage is not noticeable from the outside.

Even microcracks on the surface of the corrugation can cause many unpleasant consequences, since a small amount of water regularly flows through them for quite a long time.

If the pipe is leaking, damage will be caused to the rooms located below, and the true causes of the problems may not be immediately established.

In the toilet room itself, the humidity will inevitably increase, which, in turn, can bring a lot of troubles, including the formation of fungus.

But this does not mean that corrugation is an unsuccessful modern invention. At correct operation it will bring great benefits to the owners of the house.

The hose varies in diameter, so before installing the corrugation on the toilet, it is advisable to measure the pipe holes (it is best to use a caliper, but a simple ruler or soft meter will also work).

Corrugated hose can be sold in various lengths. It should be remembered that, due to the peculiarities of its structure, the corrugation can be longer than it might seem at first glance.

But we must not forget that the more the corrugated hose is stretched, the greater the likelihood that its service life will end much earlier, so it is not recommended to buy too short a corrugation if the toilet is located at a relatively long distance from the pipe.

DIY toilet corrugation installation

Installing corrugation on a toilet, as a rule, is not associated with great difficulties - almost any person can cope with this task. This is its main advantage compared to other, earlier engineering designs.

To correctly install the corrugation or replace it, you should know exactly the dimensions of the required hose. First, determine the diameter of the hole of the pipe that needs to be connected to the toilet.

The diameter of the corrugated hose, the end of which must be connected to the toilet, is the same on all models, since it is determined by special production and construction standards, installations and instructions.

The diameter of the riser pipe varies, since it depends on the material from which the pipes were made.

Despite the fact that there are models of corrugated hoses that less pipe in diameter, now experts recommend not resorting to this option when installing equipment.

After completing the preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to installing or replacing the corrugated hose if it is leaking.

First of all, it is necessary to completely remove the old diverter installation, and it is necessary to ensure that not a single element remains from it.

When disposing of an old drainage installation, there may be a small amount of water on the floor, especially if old pipe leaks.

The next stage of installation is the direct installation of a new corrugated hose.

Connecting the toilet to the sewer is not difficult, and in no case should you confuse the ends of the corrugation, although this is difficult, because the diameters of the toilet hole and the riser pipe differ significantly from each other.

When installing a corrugated hose, all its ends should be pressed as tightly as possible to the openings of the toilet bowl and riser pipe, respectively. This is the main stage of installation.

After the corrugation has been installed, it is necessary to check how securely and correctly it is mounted. To do this, you just need to flush the toilet.

If the pipe does not flow and does not leak even a few drops, then we can say with confidence that the installation was carried out well and the dimensions were chosen correctly.

With proper use, corrugation can last for many years. The most important thing is to remember that you should not throw any garbage into the toilet.

If previously, to carry out work related to replacing the corrugation for the toilet, you had to wait an incredibly long time for specialists, now you can do it yourself.

Modern toilet corrugation has replaced the once cumbersome outlets and now the work has been simplified significantly. All the nuances of installing corrugation on a toilet should be described in more detail.

What is corrugation needed for?

This material is usually made of plastic. This way the corrugation turns out to be quite strong, but remains flexible, which allows it to be changed by people who are not professionals. The plastic outlet is intended to connect the toilet to the sewer and is used not only for the toilet, but also for bathtubs and.

The corrugation is very versatile, as it can be stretched as much as needed

The corrugation can serve for a long time, but if you need to replace it, it is better to choose a material made by a foreign manufacturer. Domestic ones do not yet differ in the quality that is important in this case.

Now often used fan pipe immediately along with the corrugation

Corrugation installation

Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the corrugated pipe is the right size and whether it has any cracks. If you intend to replace it along with the toilet, then it is most convenient to put on the corrugation before installation, which will subsequently save you from many inconveniences. But if the plumbing is old, then it is important to follow all stages of work:

When putting it on, you need to press very hard on the corrugated pipe, since only then will the seal be able to stretch and fit tightly. It is very important not to forget about the sealant during the work process. Of course, due to the membranes, the pipe usually fits very tightly, but sometimes leaks can still be unavoidable. Moreover, it is worth noting that the application of sealant is required not only from the entrance side, but also from the side where the corrugation will connect to the sewer hole. But it should be lubricated inside, not outside.

Installation nuances

Once the pipe is connected to the sewer, the job is largely finished. It is worth noting that additional lubrication with sealant of the external parts of the pipe is usually not required. In order to check how good this indicator is, after the solution has hardened, you need to pour a certain amount of water into the toilet. If all places remain dry, then a puddle will not form. If drops were noticeable, in the place where they formed, it will be necessary to additionally apply a layer of sealant. Then after some time you will need to repeat the procedure.

A sanitary device such as a toilet is connected to sewer pipes using a special pipe with a cuff, a straight coupling or a corrugation. The first types of connections were used in the recent past, but now they are unpopular due to the significant complexity of installation. In our article we will describe how to install corrugation on a toilet.

At the end of the last century, installing a toilet or replacing it involved the difficult work of fitting the socket to the sewer outlet. The fact is that most toilets of those times had limited space, and the sewer pipes were made of cast iron, which complicated the work. Now cast iron with pipes made from the same material has been replaced by simple and practical fasteners.

Advantages and disadvantages of corrugation

After appearing on the domestic market plastic pipes heavy cast iron connections were quickly replaced by analogues, corrugated connectors. The advantages of corrugation are:

  • quick replacement of toilet bowl corrugations if necessary;
  • the ability to connect a toilet and sewer pipes, even if they are made of different materials;
  • The toilet outlet and the sewer pipe inlet may have different diameters.

The described type of tap also has disadvantages:

  • the possibility of damage to the corrugation when hit by glass or any other sharp object;
  • sagging of the product at a considerable distance from the toilet to the sewer inlet;
  • ugly appearance products in relation to the pipe connection;
  • bends of the structure can lead to the settling of dirt on its walls and stagnation of liquid.

How to choose corrugation

If it is necessary to install corrugation on a toilet, it is not always advisable to call and call a plumber, because such work can be done independently. It starts with going to the store and buying a quality connector. Many may be confused by significant price fluctuations for plumbing products, but when selecting corrugations, it is better to pay once and purchase the product good quality. Moreover, its cost is not too high.

Particular attention should be paid to the manufacturer of plumbing fixtures. Experts note that domestic products technical specifications concede foreign analogues. To ensure that the connector lasts as long as possible, give preference to materials whose walls are reinforced with metal wire or special rings, which will ultimately increase strength and durability. To prevent sagging or excessive stretching of the corrugation, before going to the store, measure the distance from the toilet outlet to the sewer inlet. Look carefully at the product, choose models with thick, hard walls. The corrugation should be as short as possible and correspond to the measurements, which will prevent it from sagging and further damage.

How the corrugation is installed

New plumbing does not require additional preparatory work by cleaning the surface of connecting areas. If the corrugation of a toilet bowl that was installed earlier is being replaced, then preparatory stage work, you need to shut off the water flowing into the tank. After this, you need to thoroughly clean the outlet from accumulated contaminants. This could be mucus, residual mortar or sealant. Note that some types of blockage are quite difficult to remove, for example, the remaining solution is most easily knocked off with a chisel, the sealant is cut off with a knife, and other debris is removed with sandpaper. After pre-cleaning working surface wipe with a soft cloth.

To prevent future leakage of liquid at the joints, you must carefully remove all deposits not only on the toilet, but also in the mouth of the socket sewer system. Now that the preparation is complete outer part a small layer of sealant is applied to the outlet neck. Next, you need to tighten the corrugated tube so that it fits tightly to the neck of the toilet and hides the hardening silicone. Installation is carried out in the hole on which the inner membrane is located. The wide end of the connector must extend beyond the edges of the outlet neck in a sanitary manner technical device at least 5 centimeters. As we have already noted, the length of the corrugation (the distance from the toilet flush hole to the socket) should be minimal. This will prevent the connector from sagging and increase its service life.

On next stage During work, the plumber straightens the product with circular movements of his hands, which will prevent the formation of distortions between the walls, made in the form of an accordion, and the inner membrane. Note that when selecting a connector high density its installation may be difficult. In this case, force is required when joining the components.

The sealant must dry completely. After this, install the toilet in its previous place, check the position of the components, and fix the device using special screws. When tightening the nuts, it is important not to overdo it; they are tightened until the device stops wobbling. Further application of force may result in cracks appearing on the bottom of the toilet. When installing a new toilet, holes in the floor are made using an impact drill equipped with a Pobedit drill bit. After this, plastic dowels are hammered and screwed in.

When the sealant is completely dry and the corrugation is installed on the plumbing, you can check the tightness of the connection. To do this, lift the protruding end of the connector up, pour a bucket of water into the toilet and look at the joint. If the liquid does not seep through, there are no smudges, then the work was done correctly. All we have to do is install the free end of the pipe to the sewer inlet.

Now we know how to change the corrugation on a toilet without calling a technician. The type of connector described also has its own service life. It decreases if the elbow is too stretched, resulting in thin walls. In this regard, when going to the store, you need to select the corrugation of the right size.