What is a Lego brick? Lego brick: building is as easy as playing. What is Lego brick made of?

The production of Lego bricks (the so-called new building material) is increasing every year. This type of building material for walls does not require firing, which means that its production can be started at home by purchasing necessary equipment and technology. According to experts in the construction market, Lego brick is confidently expanding its niche, attracting more and more new fans.

Why Lego?

The name of the wall material comes from the popular children's construction set. Brick, or block, although bigger size, looks very similar to the details of a designer from Lego.

Hyperpressing is used in the production of this material. ready mixture, consisting of screenings of limestone rocks, Portland cement and water. The main composition of Lego bricks comes in two types: cement-clay and cement-clay-sand.

Products made using this technology have special grooves, which speeds up the construction of building walls or fences.

On construction market Lego bricks are classified according to different parameters. According to the size of technological holes:

  • hollow model (holes occupy 25% or more of its area);
  • full-bodied model (it has a hole area of ​​less than 25%).

By type of lock connection:

  • limitation in 2 directions - horizontally and transversely;
  • limitation only in the transverse direction.

By appearance:

  • smooth front side;
  • textured.

Classification according to the type of connection of bricks in masonry:

  • T&G (groove and tongue);
  • P&D (protrusion and recess);
  • topological lock.

Most of the Lego products are produced with locks in the first two positions. When making Lego bricks used in high-rise housing construction, a sand-cement composition is used in a ratio of 1:10.

Production process and mixture composition

IN production process The following manufacturing technology is used:

  • crushing and sifting mixture components;
  • dosage and mixing of the components included in the solution;
  • molding;
  • high pressure pressing.

Enterprises producing Lego bricks use the following compositions for their production.

  1. Cement + clay. The percentage content is expressed as follows: 80-90% clay, 10% cement, 3% water.
  2. Cement + clay + sand. The components are mixed in the following quantities: 50-60% sand, 30-40% clay, 10% cement, 3% water.
  3. Elimination of sawing limestone - 75-80%, Portland cement - about 15% and water.

A mixture based on limestone is considered to be of the highest quality; products made from it are used for the construction load-bearing walls.

For Russian climatic conditions, mixtures of crushed stone screenings with dyes and cement in a proportion of 8-20% are more suitable. The mixture is pressed under high pressure to produce high quality blocks.

The mixture for Lego bricks also includes the following materials:

  • pigments;
  • plasticizers.

Pigments are used to give products different color shades which improves them appearance. To make Lego bricks used in the construction of buildings with increased requirements for moisture permeability, plasticizers are added.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The advantages of the material include:

  • production of bricks without firing;
  • increased productivity when laying walls;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • accuracy and ease of laying;
  • lighter weight of products, which reduces the load on the mason;
  • the ability to use through holes in the blocks for communications;
  • high frost resistance, the material tolerates 30 freezing cycles;
  • good wear resistance, absence of cracks and chips, which reduces the percentage of waste;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • using special glue when laying walls, which is much cheaper than cement-sand mortar;
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • a perfectly smooth surface of the material is the basis for equally smooth walls;
  • saving money by using glue as a binder.

With such an impressive list of advantages, Lego bricks also have disadvantages. The following can be distinguished:

  • relatively low heat saving coefficient;
  • the use of expensive dies made of high-quality steel;
  • high sorption humidity of the material.

To obtain high-quality Lego bricks, the composition of the mixture should be formed according to the pressure of the press available in the production. For soft limestone rocks, the minimum pressure should be at least 170 kg/cm².

Production equipment

The main equipment for the production of Lego bricks is special machines. They can be manual (for making bricks at home) and high-performance electric, the purchase of which allows you to open a medium-sized business.

Machine classification:

  1. Do-it-yourself Lego brick making machine. Capacity 1000 pcs. per shift. They are manual and electrically driven.
  2. Machines for individual production of the middle category. They produce 2,000 Lego bricks per shift.
  3. Mini-factories and machines for industrial production with a productivity of 750 pieces per hour.

High-quality machines for small businesses must withstand up to 500,000 operating cycles; industrial mini-factories can withstand an operating range of 600,000 - 1,000,000 cycles.

The average time to produce one product is 15-30 seconds. In one cycle, 6-8 units of goods can be produced, which speeds up the payback of the equipment. Lego blocks for partitions are formed under a pressure of 2 tons. If they are produced under a pressure of 30 tons or more, then this material is suitable for laying load-bearing walls.

Material manufacturing technology

The main advantage of producing Lego material for walls is that there is no need to fire bricks, which means there is no need to build a bulky oven and carry out a dangerous firing process. Often on the Internet you can come across a question about how to make a high-quality Lego block, or requests to describe in detail what the technology for producing Lego bricks is.

To conduct the technological process of producing wall material, in addition to machines, the following equipment is also used:

  • crushers and screening sieves connected into one common unit;
  • a working mixture preparation department, consisting of bins for mixing all those ingredients from which Lego products are made;
  • for various purposes conveyors and conveyor belts;
  • pallets and electric vehicles for packaging and transportation of finished products.

During the production process, shovels, containers for various purposes, brushes, propylene tapes and special clamps are used for packaging the finished material.

Each type of block is made using a separate matrix. The material for it is high quality steel grade 40 ХН. This is due to the fact that the matrix, along with its contents, is exposed to high pressure. It, like the mixture, goes through at least 500,000 working cycles. Low-quality material quickly fails under such loads.

When it comes to Lego bricks, it is very difficult to separate the seeds of popularization of a new product from its actual working qualities. Even the term itself, using the name of a famous toy company, does its best to simplify concepts, which is not always beneficial. Especially when it comes to professionals or advanced amateurs.

To slightly dispel the childish image of a wonderful construction product, let’s call a spade a spade.

So, the term brick-Lego, in literal translation from English it sounds more detailed and complete - interlocking brick, which means interlocking bricks, interlocking brick, that is, a brick with a lock.

Now, when discussing and searching for information regarding price, characteristics and application technologies, the possibilities are significantly expanding, especially for those who decide to make Lego bricks with their own hands.

Simplicity and financial benefit

What is so good about a house built from Lego bricks? Of course, with simplified installation technology. Indeed, if we touch on this very costly aspect of any construction project, then saving time, and with it, paid man-hours when building walls building structure differ significantly to a lesser extent. To this can be added the aspect that the number of highly paid professionals can be reduced to a minimum.

This does not mean that botanists will build your house in their free time; a professional mason is still needed. But the main work, such as lifting material, laying straight sections, mixing glue and applying it, can be easily handled by sane handymen or students. Their prices are several times lower than those of professionals, and the quality of work when laying Lego bricks will still be high.

Well, if the amount of work is small, or the construction time is not of fundamental importance, you can always try to do everything yourself. Here, in addition to reducing monetary costs, the pleasure from the work done and the result will also be added.

If we turn to the technology of making Lego bricks, and do not go into details of the composition and proportion of the mixture from which it is made, a very simple circuit. We have a filler - sand, screenings, shell rock and a binder, cement. All this is thoroughly mixed, water, plasticizers and other chemicals are added, after which, using a matrix and a press, this mass is formed according to the planned dimensions.

As a result, after a short drying, we obtain bricks of varying strength and appearance, which, depending on the technical and decorative indicators, we use for the construction of load-bearing walls, interior partitions, buried structures and so on. In principle, wherever ordinary brick is used, the only difference is that there are much more types of pressed Lego bricks.

Features of Lego brick laying, or a fast start-up for beginning builders

At the beginning of this article, it was no coincidence that we were ironic about botanist scientists. We in no way wanted to offend anyone, but events recent years Due to financial turmoil, people are increasingly being driven out of their familiar jobs, forcing them to look for themselves in new, more profitable and in-demand industries. One of these niches was and remains construction, in particular, the work of a mason.

It is difficult to imagine that upon waking up on a difficult Monday morning, a person decides to pick up a trowel and immediately begin producing highly paid volumes. To become a qualified mason, you need to turn out dozens of cubes under wise guidance, make and correct a bunch of “jambs,” and spend a lot of time and effort. Lego bricks will help a beginner save this resource and quickly graduate from the ranks to an honorary officer.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to lay interlocking bricks unevenly. You just need to master a small theoretical part, be careful and diligent. Everything else will happen almost without your participation.

Here is a short video that clearly explains the main aspects of laying Lego bricks.

So what do we see? In a short period of time, a nimble Malaysian worker laid 154 bricks to the sound of upbeat music. With standard dimensions of 250x125x65 of one piece, we have 0.3 cubic meters of masonry. Prices for masonry different in the territory of our huge country, but for the basic minimum you can charge, for example, 2000 rubles per 1 cubic meter. It turned out - about 600 rubles in earnings. Not bad?

The most difficult and responsible thing is to lay the first row; this requires precise leveling and correction of each brick. When constructing the building box, this place will be the corners of the future building. If you have no experience, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional. But then you just need to follow the laying scheme, don’t forget about the reinforcement and embedded elements - things will go much faster.

Of course, it is impossible to grasp all the details of wall construction on the fly, but with the desire and due perseverance, the learning process, and with it the paid or saved result, will come much faster.

Comparison of technical characteristics. Lego brick vs classic

On the Internet you can find many opponents of Lego technology who leave negative reviews. But take a closer look - basically all the shortcomings of Lego bricks are far-fetched and have nothing to do with practice. Most likely, these are the same professionals who are terribly upset about the reduction in prices and the arrival of new people in their business. Let's compare a Lego brick with its regular fired counterpart in terms of basic technical indicators.

Data taken from open sources. As starting point we took the strength of brick. It may vary depending on the production technology. M150 is the recommended minimum strength for the construction of load-bearing structures.

What conclusion can be drawn from this blitz analysis?

  1. With the same strength, the weight of Lego bricks is less. This means that the cost of lifting material to the work site will fall, and the structure itself will be lighter. This, in turn, reduces the requirements for overall bearing capacity design, which will ultimately affect the reduction in the cost of the project as a whole.
  2. The water absorption of pressed Lego brick is 2.5 times less than usual. This means that its service life in unstable winter climates middle zone will be higher, and the humidity in the room with the same ventilation schemes will be lower.

Otherwise, everything is the same, which means there are no special obstacles to the use of Lego bricks.

Now a few words about the price at which you can actually buy both materials. At the factory it will be approximately the same and will range from 10 to 15 rubles per piece. But it would be incorrect to talk about the cost without taking into account transportation costs and the costs of unloading and loading operations. These are integral associated expenses that must be calculated based on the conditions in which construction takes place.

Therefore, it is difficult to analyze here, but all other things being equal, Lego brick has one undeniable advantage - it can be manufactured directly on site, thereby significantly reducing all associated costs and time. Yes, this is not a reservation, during the season there is a queue at the factories for bricks, and this is simple and wasteful in terms of timing.

DIY Lego brick. Brief overview of equipment and manufacturing technology

Before you think about organizing production, you need to accurately weigh the pros and cons, including cost and cost data in the analysis. The first and main thing you need to understand is the scale and organization of the technological process. Brick making is not a garage-sized job. This process is large-scale, requires large production areas and precise logistics for the supply of materials and delivery of finished products. This is if we are talking about business.

If you make Lego bricks for yourself, you need to calculate the profitability of this idea based on the volume of your construction and the cost of production at the construction site.

According to standard technology for making Lego bricks, the following composition and proportions of the mixture are recommended:

  1. Sand – 10%
  2. Crushed stone screening – 70%
  3. Cement M500 – 20%

Cost of materials:

  1. Sand – 520 rub/t
  2. Elimination – 185 rub/t
  3. Cement – ​​175 rub/bag

Consumption and estimated cost for 1 ton of mixture

  1. Sand – 52 rub.
  2. Elimination – 130 rub.
  3. Cement – ​​700 rub.

1 ton of mixture produces 285 bricks. Costs for purchasing materials – 882 rubles. The cost of one unit is 3 rubles 09 kopecks. The number of finished Lego bricks per shift is from 900 to 4000 pieces in 8 hours (depending on the power of the machine).

The price does not take into account:

  1. Possibility of purchasing unpackaged cement, which is significantly cheaper
  2. The cost of plasticizer, they vary in consumption and efficiency. This needs to be analyzed separately.
  3. Price transport services for delivery of materials
  4. Workers' salaries
  5. Equipment depreciation and maintenance
  6. Cost of electricity if the press is not manual

Equipment for the production of Lego bricks at Russian market presented in a wide range. The simplest and cheapest solution to the problem is hand press for molding and a small concrete mixer. The cost of this device will be around 45-65 thousand rubles. Of course, you can’t count on significant production volumes in manual mode, here we're talking about about 500-800 pieces per shift when working intensively with a partner.

The obvious advantages of manual equipment are low cost, compactness, mobility and the possibility of simultaneous use. For example, having on the farm manual machine for the production of Lego bricks, you can provide yourself with briquettes for heating from wood sawdust.

The cost of the equipment directly depends on the force produced by the press and the amount of automation that speeds up the production process. Also, the higher this indicator, the better the quality of the products. The cost of such equipment starts from 200 thousand rubles for the simplest Hydraulic Press with a productivity of 1,500 pieces per shift and reaches 7-8 million for complete lines with an output of up to 10,000 products per shift.

Semi-automatic machine

Serious manufacturers offer services for calculating and drawing up a business plan for such production, develop mixture recipes based on local conditions, and provide technical support to the manufacturer at all stages of operation.

Automatic equipment with high productivity

The point of this article is not limited to advertising of individual manufacturers and does not provide a 100% solution to get rich quick. Here we tried to formalize an idea, a dream direction for a person with an active life position. Reviews on numerous forums are also not the ultimate truth; here you can easily fall into advertising techniques that sometimes do not provide real information.

The main thing is to be persistent common sense and determination, and the rest will follow and will definitely work out.

We made children's Lego construction sets and Lego building bricks - these are truly “close relatives.” But light-hearted discussions on the topic of how to quickly and easily put together this material, not a toy, but quite a real home, are inappropriate. After all, we are talking about serious things, which means we need answers to important questions: what are the properties of such a brick, how to work with it, how good and reliable will a building made from it be?

Unlike ceramic bricks, Lego bricks are made using the hyperpressing method. The mixture contains filler in a volume of 80-90% (clay, clay-sand mixture, sand in combination with fine screening of crushed stone or shell rock, limestone grains), cement binder (8-15%), water, as well as plasticizing additives and pigments . For the construction of capital walls and partitions, solid products with a strength of at least M150 are used. In comparison with ceramic bricks of the same brand, the material has a density comparable to it (1550 kg/m³ versus 1600-1900 kg/m³ for “ceramics”), a similar frost resistance indicator (35-40 cycles; with the help of additives, their number is increased to 200) and almost the same weight - from 3.2 to 4 kg. But at the same time it has much lower water absorption - not 14%, but only 5.5-6%, which makes it more resistant to atmospheric influences and significantly extends service life. The thermal conductivity coefficient of Lego brick is 0.4-0.56 W/m‧K, ordinary red brick is 0.5-0.8 W/m‧K, that is, the former holds heat better.

Lego brick size

The standard size of products is 250 (240) × 125 (120) × 65 mm. In addition to single bars, one-and-a-half and double bars are also produced. Characteristic feature, which, in fact, turns a simple brick into “Lego” is the presence of a system for pairing elements based on grooves and protrusions. Both may have different shapes, but the most practiced option is two centered holes Ø 65 mm: on the upper side of the block there are sides raised by 5 mm around them, and when installing the brick next row as if it is mounted on these “rings”, lying perfectly flat and making it impossible for the masonry to move. ( For your information: According to the type of parts from the Lego constructor, not only pressed bricks are made, but also building blocks made of polystyrene concrete, gas and foam concrete.) Mounting holes perform another important function- the channels they form in the walls serve for hidden gasket communications.

Due to the low water absorption of Lego bricks, facades made from it do not become covered with dark water stains, do not absorb dirt and do not lose their original appearance over time

Lego brick production, prices

Lego bricks are available in various modifications

When producing Lego bricks, manufacturers are guided by the requirements of GOST 7025-91 “Ceramic and silicate bricks and stones” and GOST 6133-99 “Concrete wall stones”. The fillers are crushed and combined with other components of the mass into the required proportion, after which the mixture is placed in special matrices and pressed. No firing required. The finished forms are sent for 72-hour curing until they reach full strength. This technology allows you to provide the material with the calculated density and obtain output products with perfectly accurate geometry, which determines the correct joining of bricks without any adjustment and guaranteed evenness and stability of the masonry. In addition to the usual smooth ones, they also produce bars with a textured front surface (in particular, under a natural stone), and thanks to pigments they can be given different colors, even spotted. And the composition of the mixture itself affects the color of the products: for example, the addition of ash makes them gray, while kaolin and limestone “lighten” them.

Like traditional bricks, “Lego” can be solid or hollow (up to 60% “air”). Naturally, such a material is cheaper to produce, has less weight, but also a smaller margin of safety, but has high thermal insulation abilities. It is perfect for cladding external walls and fireplaces, laying non-load-bearing partitions, for constructing gazebos, fences, etc.


Machine for the production of Lego bricks with two dies

Companies producing construction equipment, offer manual and electrical machines For custom made Lego bricks. At the same time, in order to obtain products suitable for the construction of permanent buildings (that is, the appropriate strength grade), it is necessary that the press provide a pressure of at least 30 tons.

Small mechanical units with one matrix are capable of producing up to 500-800 bricks per shift and cost about 60 thousand rubles; The productivity of semi-automatic lines is up to 2000 pieces, the price is from 200 thousand rubles. But automated complexes equipped with a full range of functions (dosing ingredients, grinding filler, kneading the mass, molding, pressing and steaming products) allow the production of up to 10 thousand bricks per shift and cost about 7-8 million rubles. And here the question of profitability comes to the fore. It is clear that the use of powerful, expensive machines is justified only if the process is put on a commercial footing.

Due to the emergence of semi-handicraft “garage production”, for which GOSTs and SNiPs are not a decree, when purchasing material you should be careful and require the presentation of quality and safety certificates for raw materials and final products, as well as their technical test reports. Reputable enterprises that guarantee that their products comply with all declared characteristics always have such documentation in stock.

The price of Lego bricks depends on many factors - the brand of material, the type of filler, the shape of the joining lock, the size and color of the product, the volume of the batch, as well as the region and even the season of purchase. On average, standard bars with strength M150-200 with two mounting holes cost from 16 to 20 rubles/piece. for samples of neutral gray and from 20 to 38 rubles/piece. for colored ones (red, beige, yellow, blue, black). The cost of models with an original marbled finish can reach up to 45-57 rubles. for a unit.

Subjected to hyper-pressing with a force of more than 30 tons, Lego brick acquires high strength, wear resistance, and crack resistance, which the firing technology cannot provide.

Advantages of use and masonry features

In addition to high technical and aesthetic characteristics, Lego brick has other advantages that directly relate to its installation.

First of all, such bars significantly simplify the laying process. Only the first row of bricks requires careful adjustment and constant level monitoring. Due to the rigid mating system and precise geometry, in subsequent rows the elements will fall strictly in place, forming an absolutely smooth structure, which does not allow any distortions or “blockages” along the axes. The result is a reduction in time masonry work, no need to hire highly qualified, and therefore highly paid, masons (their services will only be required for initial stage construction and during the construction of particularly critical sections of masonry, since it is ideal to bring the wall crookedly on top due first series is impossible, even if you try) and naturally follows from here saving money.

A house built from Lego bricks does not require plastering of the facade

Since Lego bricks are placed on special glue (moisture- and frost-resistant compounds for facade works), there is no need for preparation cement mortar and all the difficulties associated with its use: first of all, strict maintenance of the layer thickness. At the same time, the glue consumption is relatively small (a 25 kg package is enough to lay 500 bricks, which is half the price than using regular construction mixture), and the seams filled subsequently tile grout, turn out to be minimal. Thus, the elements acquire double fixation - locking and adhesive (this increases the strength of Lego masonry by more than 1.5 times compared to traditional ones), but most importantly, there are no cold bridges in the wall structure, which significantly improves its heat-shielding properties.

Walls made of Lego bricks have smooth surfaces, and therefore do not need plastering, which is another savings item.

The presence of voids in walls made of Lego bricks should be taken into account when attaching heavy hanging objects to them, such as heating radiators. If you foresee their location in advance, the problem can be solved using embedded parts in the masonry

Layout of Lego brick walls

The masonry is carried out with through vertical and horizontal reinforcement. The first is realized through metal or basalt-plastic rods installed as stiffeners at the corners of the building, at the junction of walls, at the edges of openings, etc. The bricks are simply strung on them, making a mandatory ligation.

For horizontal gain The masonry is served by reinforced belts, which are cast after concreting the vertical reinforcement. They are performed on bars with a formwork profile through the designed number of rows. Free channels formed by mounting holes can also be filled with concrete before installing reinforced belts for additional strengthening of the structure.

If according to thermal engineering calculation the enclosing walls are laid out in two layers, the space between them is filled with a heat insulator, such as expanded clay or stone wool.

Due to the relative novelty of the technology, there are not yet many examples of permanent houses made of Lego bricks. But the characteristics of the material declared by reputable manufacturers give every reason to believe that in terms of reliability and durability, such buildings are at least not inferior to traditional stone buildings

Lego brick is an innovative building material with a specific shape. It is this that is its main advantage and allows for quick laying. Due to its properties, this building material is quickly gaining popularity.

Lego brick is an improved version of regular brick. It is used for rapid construction various buildings.

Lego brick is an advanced building stone that can be used to quickly and efficiently build a variety of objects. Thanks to the presence of voids and recesses, building with it is easy and simple.

The wall is laid according to the type of assembly of a designer, so any owner can cope with this task. This will allow you to significantly save on services professional builders. You can master the masonry process by building a Lego fence yourself.

  • length 25 cm;
  • width 12.5 cm;
  • height 4.5-8 cm;
  • weight depends on the type of mixture used and ranges from 3-4 kg;
  • strength 100-200 kg/cm²;
  • frost resistance of at least 200 freeze-thaw cycles;
  • density 1550 kg/m³;
  • strength grade M100-M200.

These construction products suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions; the strength of masonry is superior to ceramic analogues. A house made of Lego bricks has high seismic resistance.

The only drawback of this material is that it has not yet stood the test of time. However, its composition and manufacturing method suggest that it will withstand it with dignity.

Organization of Lego brick production

In order to start producing Lego bricks, you will need special equipment. The market offers several types of small-sized machines that allow you to start your own business.

This type of activity will not require substantial initial investments in renting premises and purchasing equipment. Production ceramic bricks can be organized in the garage or at the dacha.

Manufacturers offer the following models of machines for making bricks:

  1. UGP 410 "Lego 4". This equipment makes it possible to produce Lego bricks using the pressing method. The machine is small-sized. Its dimensions (LxWxH): 100x60x160 cm. Therefore, large premises are not required for work. The production time for 1 brick is 20 seconds. One product can be made in one production cycle. 1-2 people can handle servicing the machine.

  2. UGP 525 "Lego 5 Auto". Auto line machines are equipped with a set of control equipment: a cycle counter, a press operation sensor, a mixture control sensor in the hopper, temperature and pressure sensors. This brick making machine works on the principle of vibration pressing. Equipment dimensions (LxWxH): 110x90x190 cm. Despite the simplicity of this machine, it is capable of producing products whose quality and shape meet all requirements.
  3. Lego 120. This manual machine is the most inexpensive, as it does not belong to the category of automated equipment. The production of building stones is carried out on it mechanically using a lever drive. This machine for Lego bricks weighs 90 kg, dimensions - 160x50x110 cm. Capacity - 120 pcs. at one o'clock. 1-3 people are needed for maintenance.

In addition to the machine it is necessary auxiliary equipment: vibrating sieve and belt conveyor. They will help significantly reduce the need manual labor, facilitate and speed up the process of manufacturing and storing manufactured products.

However, it is desirable to have this equipment for brick production, but not required. If we consider brick production as a business, then the automation process is extremely important. But at first, you can get by with buying one machine.

If you decide to start a highly profitable business, it is recommended to purchase a complex such as a brick production line. This is a real mini-factory, equipped with all the necessary equipment for automation and control. Thus, the “Standard” production line of the ZiegelMasch company allows the production of up to 3.5 thousand products per shift.

Such equipment for brick production is quite expensive, but it also pays off quickly: the demand for these Construction Materials is growing every day.

The package includes a press with a capacity of 60 tons, which allows the production of high quality products. Therefore, there will be no problems with product certification.

Composition of mixtures for Lego bricks

The technical characteristics of any building stone depend 80-90% on the type and quality of the mixture from which it is made.

No matter how good the machine for producing Lego bricks is, it will not be able to fully provide the product with the necessary strength and durability. These indicators directly depend on the complex of materials that will be placed in the bunker. The press will only form them into a product of the required dimensions.

The composition of the mixture for making Lego bricks includes:

  1. Portland cement grade not lower than M400.
  2. Sand.
  3. Water.
  4. Aggregate.

The choice of the latter is very wide. You can use the material that is easiest to obtain. You can set the following:

  • marble screening;
  • limestone;
  • lime screenings or grits;
  • shell rock;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel.

Let's look at mixtures for Lego bricks.

Option #1:

  • cement M500 9%;
  • screening of fine limestone (0-5 mm) 85%;
  • limestone grains 30%;
  • pigments 10%;
  • ash 30%.

Option #2:

  • cement M400 315 kg;
  • crushed stone of small or medium fraction 690 kg;
  • sand 825 kg;
  • water 92 l.

Option #3:

  • clay 80-90% of the total composition;
  • cement 10-20%;
  • water.

Option #4:

  • sand 35%;
  • clay 55%;
  • cement 10%;
  • water.

Learning to prepare a high-quality mixture is not easy. Most manufacturers goes the way trial and error, since a lot depends on the quality of the cement and the type of filler. More experienced entrepreneurs share their best practices, which help newcomers quickly master production. The recommendations are as follows:

  • machines with a press pressure of less than 30 tons cannot provide high-quality appearance and shape of the brick, which is based a large number of fireclay clay;
  • products of the highest possible strength are obtained from mixtures that include crushed stone;
  • To ensure the product has high frost resistance and moisture resistance, the mixture should contain as little clay as possible.

What else is required to produce Lego bricks?

An important piece of equipment is the matrix. It is a metal fixture that is the heart of the press. It is she who provides the product the required form and directly affects the characteristics of the product. The Lego matrix can be purchased along with the machine or purchased separately. Without a matrix, the technology for producing Lego bricks cannot be followed.

Matrices are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards. For single bricks, the dimensions of the equipment are 250x120x65 mm, for one-and-a-half bricks - 250x120x88 mm, for double bricks - 250x120x140 mm. Each of these matrices has holes and protrusions, which are a feature of Lego bricks.


Despite the apparent complexity of manufacturing these products, setting them up is quite simple. Maintenance of the machines does not require a large team of workers. The cost of production is very low, which allows you to get high profits.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A modern building material called “Lego brick” is visually similar to the parts of a children’s LEGO construction set. The presence of protrusions on one side of the product and rounded recesses and recesses on the other ensures quick laying and high quality connections. We will use the material for the construction of load-bearing walls, partitions, cladding, laying support pillars and decorative columns.

Design and manufacturing features

Building materials are produced using a special machine. The composition of Lego bricks includes screenings of limestone rocks, binding material (usually Portland cement), water, and dyes. Standard sizes Lego bricks can be 250x125x65 mm or 300x150x100 mm. Manufactured using hyperpressing method. The quality and reliability of building materials is affected by the limestone fractions or sand used: what smaller size components, the higher the strength finished product. The approximate weight of a Lego brick is 3-3.5 kg.

Technical characteristics of Lego bricks

Widespread use of building materials is justified high density and wear resistance of products. Lego bricks are suitable for holding finishing works, as well as for the construction of load-bearing walls. Possesses this group bricks with the following characteristics depending on the manufacturer:

  • frost resistance: at least 200 cycles;
  • water absorption: about 5-6% (suitable for use in regions with high humidity air and large amounts of precipitation);
  • density: 1550 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity 0.4-0.45 W/(m K);
  • strength grade: M100-200 (suitable for the construction of multi-storey private houses or commercial buildings).

Lego bricks are 1.5 times more durable than their ceramic counterparts. Educated design minimally susceptible to mechanical influences and reliable during periods of seismological influences.


The positive properties of the material are not its only advantage. The unique shape ensures ease of laying walls or partitions, quality connection elements. The most important advantages of using a new type of brick include:

  1. Possibility of simple installation of communications inside voids.
  2. Low cost of products.
  3. Wide range of colors (from light gray to rich red, dark blue, pink or yellow).
  4. There is no need for subsequent finishing of walls and structures made of Lego bricks (it has a smooth surface or has edges with a slight texture).
  5. The low weight of the bricks does not require the preparation of a buried foundation (for buildings of 1-3 floors).

The material is also attractive due to its versatility of use. Suitable for both finishing buildings and laying out decorative indentations and stoves. Can be used for the construction of gazebos and fences.


The disadvantages of Lego bricks include the fact that this moment there are no branded manufacturers of this building material, unlike aerated concrete and others wall materials. Those. These are mainly garage manufacturers, most of which cannot provide quality certificates. Perhaps the most important drawback is that due to its relative novelty, this building material has not stood the test of time and it is not clear how it will last in 30-50 years.