What to do and why ficus benjamina sheds its leaves. What to do when the leaves of the ficus benjamina first turn yellow and then fall off Why does the ficus shed green leaves

When ficus trees begin to fall, not everyone realizes that there are some problems with the flower. Unfortunately, if you fail to notice the problem in time, then it is quite possible that you will no longer be able to save the ficus. True, there is also no need to panic ahead of time, since sometimes the leaf blades fall off due to the change of seasons.

Experienced gardeners note that a small shedding of leaves is allowed (no more than 10 pieces per month). If the process only intensifies, then in this case you need to think about why this is happening. It is especially important to find and determine the cause when not only leaf fall occurs, but also flower drying, leaves wrinkling, and the like.

Many gardeners, without understanding the root cause (there is far from one), start with all possible ways to revive the flower, unaware that sometimes they make things even worse, aggravating an already difficult situation. Under no circumstances should this be done. First you need to assess the condition of the sheet plates.

It is possible that the following points were noticed:

  • spots on leaves;
  • plaque on leaf plates;
  • a cobweb entangling the entire flower;
  • the appearance of larvae on greenery.

All these important nuances will lead to the fact that sooner or later the leaves will begin to turn yellow and then completely fall off.

Important! Another sign that something is wrong with the ficus is the fall of old leaf blades and the appearance of new ones, but of a different size and irregular shape.

Having noticed all this, you should first of all think about how the plant is cared for.

Natural causes of leaf blades falling off

Flowers, like people, tend to experience stress. Of course, plants will not say this, but they will show it by their appearance. If a flower has just been bought and brought home, then it is not surprising that the first thing it will begin to do is shed its leaf blades. In this case, there is no need to touch the ficus; after a while, the leaf fall will stop and the flower will begin to grow green mass.

Fall of foliage may also occur in the autumn winter period. In fact, ficuses are the same trees, but only small and they also tend to lose leaves before the approaching winter. Therefore, the flower does not need any resuscitation in this case.

Unnatural causes of leaf falling

In the case where the ficus tree has been growing at home for quite a long time, in spring or summer, then you need to carefully think about what caused and led to such a situation.

It could be:

  • frequent rearrangement of the flower pot;
  • unsuccessful transplant;
  • lighting problems;
  • drafts;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions;
  • low humidity;
  • improper watering;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • diseases and pests.

Having identified an error in care, salvation will come on its own when the gardener returns to proper care.

Frequently rearranging the flower pot

Ficus benjamina or any other species is not a plant that welcomes constant “moving”. If the tree is constantly moved or moved from place to place, then it will spend all its strength trying to adapt to new conditions. And if so, then the ficus will rapidly lose its green mass.

Failed transplant

After each transplant into a new substrate, ficus trees may lose leaf blades in small quantities. If after a while the flower dries out and heavy leaf fall is noticed, it means that the plant was transplanted into unsuitable soil. In cases where the ficus is replanted frequently, it may also begin to lose green mass in response to severe stress.

Lighting problems

Almost all types of ficus need bright lighting. True, you should not place a flowerpot with a flower so that the sun shines clearly on it. In this case, the leaves will become hard and dry, and after a while they will completely fall off. Therefore, it is better to shade the tree a little in strong sunshine, but not hide it in dark room, since in this case the plant will not dry out, but will fade due to lack of lighting.


When deciding to buy a ficus, you need to remember that there should be no drafts in the house. All of them are destructive to the flower. When growing a plant at home, it needs to create suitable conditions. By the way, putting the flowerpot in a place where the air conditioner blows is also not worth it.

Failure to comply with temperature conditions

Correct temperature conditions are the key good growth and plant condition. IN winter time the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C, and in summer – higher than +25 °C. If the flower is drying, but the room is not hot, then most likely the pot is located next to heating devices.

Low humidity

It is a mistake to think that ficus will grow in a room with low humidity. These plants react sharply to such a nuance. The leaves begin to quickly darken and disappear. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that the humidity in the room is kept at 50-70%.


Manipulation should be carried out as needed. Many gardeners once read that this is done a couple of times a week, and so follow the erroneous recommendation. And then it turns out that the leaf plates become covered with brown spots and the flower dies. Such a moment signals rotting of the root system. If, on the contrary, the flower is completely dry, then they forgot to water it for many weeks.

No fertilizer

In the case when the substrate lacks useful substances, the ficus may begin to fade, the leaf plates will curl and crumble. This can also happen if there is an excess of fertilizing in the soil. This point must be monitored carefully.

Diseases and pests

What to do to save ficus

When deciding how to revive a ficus, you need to rely on the main reason. Having determined which care rules were violated, they will need to be corrected, then the flower will quickly gain green mass, and the problem will no longer bother the gardener.

As for pests and diseases, sometimes they arise due to errors in care, and sometimes they “come” into the house along with new plants. In this case, you can first treat the flower with a soap solution (it helps fight many pests), and then spray the ficus with insecticides. Some gardeners use traditional methods, which are effective when trouble has just made itself felt.

By carefully monitoring all the manipulations that occur with ficus trees, you won’t have to revive them, because it won’t come to that. Flowers react acutely to any changes and it is impossible not to notice appearance plants.

Ficus Benjamina is one of the indoor plants that is ideal not only for keeping at home, but will also perfectly enliven the interior of any office, since it does not require constant care.

And yet, when growing ficus, you need to know some nuances so that the plant always looks healthy and attractive. The article talks about ways to overcome the difficulties that arise when caring for Ficus Benjamin.

Natural causes of leaf falling

The most common maintenance problem is leaf falling. You should know that this phenomenon occurs both for natural reasons and as a result of violations of detention conditions. Therefore, in order to determine the true cause of the fall, all possible factors should be taken into account in a complex manner.

Plant age

If you notice that the leaves of a flower begin to fall, do not rush to panic. Perhaps this is caused by natural reasons, because their life expectancy is 2-3 years (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Ficus leaves falling

After this period, they begin to yellow and die. However, you should know that in this case only the lower leaves turn yellow, while massive yellowing is caused by other reasons, independent of age.

Ficus benjamina is shedding leaves, what to do?

Sudden leaf drop is the most common problem when growing crops. To identify and eliminate the most probable cause this phenomenon, it is necessary to take into account not only the symptoms, but also external conditions. For example, wilting and curling may indicate low air temperatures. A change in color of the tips most likely indicates insufficient humidity, and shredding indicates a lack of light and nutrients. When the soil is over-moistened, the foliage turns yellow.

Note: You should know that leaf fall most often occurs in the autumn-winter period, when several factors coincide in time. Thus, in winter the culture finds itself in conditions high temperature, insufficient humidity and short daylight hours. Therefore, it is necessary to try to eliminate such negative factors through additional illumination and spraying. It is also recommended to use special anti-stress drugs such as Epin or Zircon, which increase the resistance and resistance of the crop to adverse factors. environment.

Sometimes leaf fall can be caused by certain pests or diseases. In this case, it is necessary to treat the flower with special chemicals. Sometimes, despite all the efforts made, the disease progresses and the foliage continues to fall. In such conditions, it is recommended to check the condition of the root system. To do this, remove the flowerpot from the container and carefully inspect the roots. In this case, all soft, rotten, dried and wrinkled roots must be cut back to healthy tissue. The cut areas should be disinfected with powder charcoal(you can take an activated one), and transplant the plant into a smaller container with partial or complete replacement of the substrate.

A change of scenery

Ficus may shed its leaves due to a change in its usual environment. So, transporting a plant from a greenhouse to a store, and from there to home or office, is already stressful. It will take several months for the plant to acclimatize to new conditions (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Placing ficus in the house

In addition, even under normal conditions, a plant can react to transplantation or formative pruning procedures. For this reason, it is recommended to treat the plant with one of the anti-stress drugs before transportation to make adaptation faster and easier.

Insufficient lighting

Since ficus belongs to light-loving plants, then insufficient lighting can cause foliage to fall. Most often this happens in the autumn-winter period, when daylight hours are short. Lack of light leads to loss of beautiful varietal color and yellowing, leaf fall. In this regard, it is necessary to artificially continue the duration of daylight hours, using additional illumination with lamps.


Sometimes one of the reasons for leaf fall is ordinary drafts. In this case, you should pay attention not only to windows and doors, but also to air conditioners and fans as a source of drafts.

Cool air

Since the plant comes from the tropics, it reacts quite painfully to drops in ambient temperatures below +16+18 degrees and sudden temperature fluctuations. Therefore, even placing the container on a cold windowsill, bringing its leaves into contact with the glass in winter, or watering cold water may cause leaves to fall. Try to maintain a stable temperature in the room from +18 to +20 degrees.

Dry air

During the heating season or hot, dry summer, the plant may suffer from low air humidity, reacting by darkening and falling leaves. Spraying the plant will help increase humidity.

Improper watering

Ficus benjamina does not tolerate both stagnation of water and excessive amounts of moisture. In the first case, its leaves begin to dry out, curl and fly off, in the second, they darken and also fall off. Therefore, each time you water, pay attention to the condition of the earthen clod: if it is not dry enough, it is better to delay watering.

Soil depletion

Slow growth, pale color and leaf drop may indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil. This can happen either in the absence of the necessary fertilizing or when grown in soil that is poor in composition. Apply the necessary fertilizers in the spring summer period to provide the plant with a complex of nutrients.

Ficus disease

Ficus benjamina is exposed to various pests, as well as bacterial and fungal diseases. Among the insect pests that most often cause damage, scale insects, spider mites, aphids, thrips, mealybug, nematodes that can infect all parts of the plant.

To combat harmful insects, specific pesticides or systemic drugs. Treatment of fungal and bacterial infections is carried out using fungicides.

Spider mite

Danger of defeat spider mite The fact is that it is impossible to destroy this pest with just one treatment of the plant. Therefore, it is important to detect the pest in time in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible and not lose the plant (Figure 3).

Signs of a ficus being affected by spider mites are as follows:

  1. Thin whitish web on the trunk;
  2. Change in color of leaves to marble, their subsequent yellowing and falling off;
  3. Slow growth, loss of healthy appearance.

Figure 3. Signs of spider mite infestation

The fight against spider mites can be carried out using both folk and chemical means. Traditional methods include rubbing leaves with alcohol or soap suds, spraying with infusion onion peel, chamomile or garlic. Among chemicals You can name the drugs Actellik, Fitoverm, Neoron, etc.

Why do ficus benjamina leaves fall in winter?

Leaf loss most often occurs in winter. This is explained by the fact that it is during the cold season that a whole complex of factors unfavorable for the plant develops.

So, as a result of the work heating devices the air in the room becomes drier, the plant lacks moisture, so it is forced to shed its leaves. In addition, the duration of natural daylight hours is insufficient for the full development of ficus. And if you consider that the container with the plant can be placed on a cold floor or windowsill, another unfavorable condition appears. Therefore, it is so important to pay special attention to the flower in winter, because at this time of year it really has a hard time.

Plant prevention

It is well known that any problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate. This also applies to ficus. To avoid leaf falling, it is recommended to take the following preventive measures:

  • Maintain proper water regime;
  • Keep the plant in a bright place, if there is a lack of natural light apply artificial;
  • Maintain temperature within +18+20 degrees;
  • Protect ficus from drafts;
  • It is planned to replant the plant in a few years;
  • Be sure to fertilize in spring and summer;
  • If the situation changes (for example, when moving), pre-treat the plant with an anti-stress drug;
  • Periodically check the ficus to identify pests;
  • Take urgent measures to combat pests and diseases.

From the video you will learn how to properly care for the Benjamin ficus in the spring so that it does not shed its leaves.

A gardener's favorite, it is represented by almost every indoor plant collector. They love it for its ease of care, excellent decorative properties and the ability to shape both the trunk and the crown. But improper care leads to the fact that the plant completely sheds its foliage and is in danger of moving to the nearest trash heap. But there is no need to rush into this, as there are many ways to help the flower regain its former radiant appearance.

quite a lot, but the structural features of ficus Benjamin are as follows:
  • it has a straight shoot, but the stem is round
  • crown, branched
  • The leaf blades are smooth, slight bending is allowed. The skin is thin, the leaf is oblong and oval, ending in a pointed tip. The dimensions of the plate are approximately from 5 to 14 cm, its width is from 3 to 7 cm.
  • the arrangement of plates on the branches is regular
  • petiole from 0.5 to 2 cm.
  • well developed
  • gray bark

If you initially create a plant good conditions, then there will be no problems with the plant:

  1. The ambient temperature must correspond to the climatic season. In winter, ficus is kept at a temperature of 15 to 22 C, in summer 24-29 C.
  2. Watering must be done as the top soil crust dries. Water from the pan must be removed. The water must be at least 14 C, otherwise the soil will become supercooled and all processes will begin to slow down
  3. Variegated varieties especially need a good light source
  4. spraying is carried out only in the absence of drafts and with soft, settled water. You can add special sugar for plants or sometimes

Despite the fact that the ficus is not as capricious as many pets that need similar conditions, if not properly cared for, the ficus sheds its leaves and it is quite difficult to restore rich hair later.

There are some factors that directly affect the fact that a plant sheds its leaves:

  1. The first reason is drafts. Ficus benjamina categorically does not tolerate even the slightest sudden fluctuations in temperature. Although airing the room where the flowers are located is welcome. There is a big difference between when the room is deliberately ventilated or when the flower is placed in places where sudden changes in temperature constantly occur. That is, a large area of ​​the plant and its roots are in the same temperature regime, and some part is cooled. Of course, in such places the consumption of nutrients slows down, when, like in the rest of the plant, nutrition is consumed at the same level. The flower’s immune system receives a signal that a disease is developing in some area and potentially diseased branches begin to die. The ficus forms new branches, and the area facing the draft wind begins to die. So if the ficus leaves fall only on a few branches, then the reason is drafts.
  2. Lack of nutrition also has a detrimental effect on foliage and general condition plants. Ficus needs to be fed starting from early spring and until late autumn. Ficus benjamina plant is large and favorable conditions developing well, therefore, the lack of necessary microelements and substances that are needed for the further growth of the tree leads to depletion. The leaves first become faded and limp, and then weaken and fall off.
  3. Mandatory spraying. Excessive dryness of the air affects the ficus not only by the fact that abundant leaf fall begins, but also by the fact that scale insects attach without any special obstacles, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. comes from humid tropical places, and the water consumption system is designed in such a way that the plant also receives water through the leaves, in larger volume than everyone else. Therefore, if you deprive it of a humid environment, the ficus will begin to lose leaves to a much greater extent than is intended by nature.

There are also other reasons why this problem occurs:

  • insufficient, but this is easy to fix if you periodically add additional lighting
  • must be checked for diseases and pests
  • this can happen if the ficus has changed its place of residence or when transplanted into another pot

But do not confuse abundant leaf fall with natural leaf fall, since each leaf lives for about three years, and then dies off. Old leaf plates are tougher and darker than young ones, so if from time to time a gardener finds them on the floor, it’s not a big deal.

How to help a ficus if the leaves have fallen?

Help for the plant should be reasonable. Because if you take active measures during the period of biological hibernation, then you can seriously harm the ficus. Therefore, if such a nuisance began to occur in the autumn-winter period, when the feeding season had already ended, then the following measures can be taken:

  1. add some fresh soil, but not fertilizer
  2. spray the plant several times a day
  3. put additional source Sveta
  4. eliminate all access to through wind

Such precautions will help slow down the process of oppression of the vital functions of the ficus, and prepare it for intensive therapy in the spring and summer.

Already at the end of March, the ficus must be transplanted into new land, according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare a soil mixture, but not a universal one peat soil from the store, but a complete diet for your pet. If not garden plot and the land has not been harvested since the fall, then the land can be bought in nurseries.
  • Prepare a biofungicide solution in a bucket.
  • Remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the soil as possible without damaging the roots.
  • Soak root system for several hours in the solution, and then laying it out on a perforated surface to allow excess liquid to drain.
  • Transplant the plant into new soil.
  • Sanitize unnecessary branches and cover the cut areas.
  • Moisten the trunk and crown generously with a biofungid solution.
  • After several days, the ficus needs to be fed.
  • From the moment of transplantation, it is necessary to either illuminate the plant daily, or it should stand on the sunny side.

Such resuscitation can work wonders, since in about a month the ficus will be covered with new young foliage.

In order to indoor plant grew healthy and beautiful, it needs to be properly looked after:

  • It is definitely worth updating the soil. Even if the plant is large, this all the more indicates that the soil is basically depleted, and changing the top layer will not help good result. But if you carefully and gradually remove the old soil and replace it with new one, while fertilizing the ficus, then in about 2 months the soil will recover
  • it is necessary to feed the plant
  • crown formation is not so much a tribute to design thinking as it is the need to refresh the crown
  • once a month, and if possible once a week, a useful procedure for ficus is a shower
  • The plant should definitely be shaded if it is located near a south or southeast window
  • If the plant is affected by scale insects, then if its accumulation is small, you can collect it with your hands, and then wash each leaf with soapy water. At large cluster ficus should be placed in plastic bag and spray pest control inside it
  • For irrigation, only warm and filtered water should be used.

It is worth remembering that initially healthy plant cannot “languish” in a tub for no reason. There is always either a pathogen or the conditions of containment are violated. Ficus Benjamin can delight you with its appearance for many years, but only if you take at least a little care of it.

More information can be found in the video:

Why ficus leaves fall off - reasons and ways to eliminate them

Ficus is a chic indoor plant of the Mulberry family, which is very popular among many gardeners. This plant has more than 10 varieties. One of its most widespread species grown at home is Ficus Benjamin. Owners often encounter problems when growing, and most frequently asked question sounds like this: “Why do ficus leaves fall?”

Proper care of ficus
Caring for this plant is quite simple and requires compliance with several conditions:

This flower requires a moderate temperature within the range of 20-25 degrees in summer, and about 16 degrees in winter. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. At a temperature of 10 degrees, humidification stops.
Ficus benjamina grows very successfully in a well-lit place. Direct exposure to sunlight is contraindicated. A window sill on the eastern side, where the sun is in the morning and evening time days.
Since the plant does not respond well to waterlogged soil, it requires moderate watering. Moreover, before each moistening, the soil should dry out well. Excessive moisture causes Ficus Benjamin to shed its leaves. The leaves lose their natural color and become pale. Water the flower with water at room temperature.
The leaves must be constantly refreshed by spraying. IN heating season The flower requires abundant watering and frequent moistening. To ensure that water is absorbed evenly and there is no stagnation, the soil should be loosened regularly. Before each watering, the liquid must settle.
Young Benjamin plants are replanted annually in the spring. Mature plants need to be replanted once every three years. But it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with fertile soil. For full growth, ficus requires loose and fertile soil.
Ficus Benjamin does not need feeding, especially if it was planted in good soil. But, if you still want to feed your “pet,” then this should be done during its active growth phase – from May to September. Universal fertilizers are ideal for this. You need to feed once a week. So that its foliage becomes rich green color, it can be sprayed with a weak solution of the same fertilizer.

How to propagate ficus

The best time for propagation of Ficus Benjamin, and all other varieties of this plant, is spring or summer. It is during this period that the active formation of the root system and leaves occurs. Ficus trees reproduce very successfully from cuttings. To do this, cut off the apical shoots with leaves and place them in water in a sunny place. It is very important to change the water regularly. Very soon the cuttings will take their first roots. There is a practice of rooting cuttings in sand. After cutting, the shoots are wiped of milky juice, dried and planted in small containers with wet sand.

To speed up rooting, the planted branches are covered with a transparent jar, thus creating a greenhouse effect. For propagation, it is necessary to take small cuttings, since shoots that are too large cannot be accepted due to increased evaporation of moisture. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the care and propagation process of ficus. But many gardeners are concerned about a common problem - why do ficus leaves fall off?

Causes of ficus leaves falling

Unfortunately, this flower, like many other plants, is susceptible to various diseases and pests. As a result, its leaves turn yellow and fall off, and also become covered with spots. It is necessary to understand in detail why this happens.

In addition to pests, there are other reasons:

Drastic changes room conditions for a plant. If we talk about ficus Benjamin, then it reacts very negatively to sudden changes in temperature and decreased lighting. These factors lead to massive shedding of leaves. To avoid this, the flower should be placed in a permanent place.
Natural shedding of leaves. It happens that in autumn and winter the flower sheds the lower part of its leaves. Why does this happen? If leaf fall began at this time of year, this is a natural process. But why do ficus leaves fall off en masse and turn yellow in spring or summer? Here you should think about whether you are properly moisturizing the plant.

Daily loss of leaves from a ficus tree may also indicate insufficient lighting.

Ficus is very sensitive to cold air, especially its root system. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a pot with a plant on a cold floor or tile. Leaves and crowns should not be allowed to come into contact with window glass in winter. Moreover, hypothermia and frostbite are contraindicated for ficus. For keeping varieties with dark green leaves, a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is very suitable. Variegated species can grow in conditions of elevated temperatures.
Adverse Impact external factors. If the ficus leaves are dry and wrinkled, this indicates that the climate in the room is too dry or there is too much light. Often, this happens with hanging species. Sunburn can even occur here. Excessive watering is another reason why ficus leaves fall off. Therefore, watering must be reduced.
Lack of micro- and macroelements. Often, mature plants with large root systems do not have enough space in the pot, as well as nutrients. And this can also cause the ficus leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Replanting and regular feeding can be a salvation in this situation. Only a month after transplantation can you feed the ficus. Since the new soil is enriched with nutritional components, and fertilizers applied immediately after planting can burn the root system.

Other reasons

Why do the leaves of the flower develop spots of different colors, damage, and deformation? Why do they later turn yellow and fall off? The reason for this may be fungal diseases and pests. To combat them, chemicals are used according to established instructions.

Even if the last leaves of the ficus fall off and you just have a bare tree, don’t panic, it can still be saved. You just need to take the necessary measures and give the flower proper care.

The condition of the plant can be determined by two signs: a healthy flower has a flexible stem, and milky juice always appears on the stem cut.

There are some other problems associated with the fact that ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Droopy and brown foliage, darkened stem and the presence unpleasant odor from the soil indicates excess moisture, unbalanced soil composition, as well as improper fertilizing.

To increase stability and resistance to various unfavorable factors, anti-stress drugs Zircon and Epin are used. The solution must be prepared according to the instructions indicated. When air humidity is low, frequent spraying, trays of water, and air humidifiers help a lot. The lack of light is made up for with artificial lighting.

If the plant is very badly damaged, it is dug up and the root system is inspected. Rotten roots are cut off, then sprinkled with charcoal powder. Such a flower is transplanted into new soil. Well, if the plant cannot be saved, then the procedure for rooting the cut apical shoots follows.

If there is a lack of nutrients, it is recommended to feed the plant with preparations for ornamental foliage plants.

The nitrogen contained in such fertilizers promotes the growth of young leaves, and the presence of magnesium provides protection against yellowing of old leaves. This is why the plant needs these substances. The drug Emerald, which contains these components, is very effective. Iron deficiency may be indicated by yellowed and withered leaves. To do this, it is recommended to feed the flower with iron chelate or ferrovit.

Before fertilizing, the soil must be moistened so as not to burn the plant. A weakened plant should be given only part of the feeding. At the first feeding, it is recommended to give only half of the substance.
It should also be remembered that frequent transplants have a very bad effect on the full growth of the flower and can cause foliage to fall.

Many amateur gardeners are faced with the problem that Benjamin's ficus drops its leaves. In such cases, it is worth understanding the cause. Then, having eliminated it, you can forget about the problem forever.

It should be noted that the Benjamin species sheds its leaves more often than others. This is due to the fact that he is a typical inhabitant of tropical rainforests, where it is always warm, light and plenty of water. Finding yourself in a drier climate, even in wildlife, this ficus may lose its green mass. What can we say about home conditions, and even with improper care?

Ficus trees generally lose their leaves in autumn or winter. Here are the main reasons why ficus benjamina leaves fall:

  • A change of scenery.
  • Improper watering (lack or excess of water with stagnation in the pan).
  • Lack of lighting.
  • The air humidity in the apartment is too low.
  • Low temperature or sudden fluctuations.
  • Drafts
  • Incorrect balance of nutrients in the soil (not enough fertilizer or too much).
  • Diseases and various pests.
  • Root burns when applying dry fertilizer substrate.
  • Soil that is too alkaline or too acidic.
  • Application of excessive doses of pesticides when controlling pests.

Due to a change in environment, Benjamin's ficus may shed its leaves at the very beginning of its residence in the apartment. The fact is that in a store or in a greenhouse the humidity and temperature are slightly higher than at home. Therefore, a few days after purchase, the leaves turn yellow, become dull and fall off. The same thing can happen if the tree is replanted or the pot is simply rearranged.

When overwatered, the leaves darken and fall off over time, the shoots become dull, and the smell of rot emanates from the soil. If there is not enough water, then the tips, and behind them all the leaves, become yellow, dry out and fly off. If a plant does not have enough light, its shoots grow thin and its leaves become small. After this, Benjamin's ficus may shed its leaves.

Lack of fertilizer also leads to changes in the color and structure of the leaves. This becomes especially noticeable between March and September. Although an excess of feeding harms the plant no less. If ficuses are not cared for properly, they get sick and may be affected. various kinds pests. Black or white dots and plaque appear on the leaves, they become sticky or change pigmentation, and the shoots dry out. Sometimes pests are easy to see through a magnifying glass.

How to reduce the negative impact of a change of environment

After the tree is brought from the store, it needs to be provided with appropriate conditions. It is necessary to monitor the temperature; it should be no lower than 18 degrees, and preferably the same as it was in the greenhouse. To ensure normal air humidity, you need to spray the leaves from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.

In the first month, it is not recommended to move the plant from place to place. To increase resistance to stress, it is recommended to use special drugs: “Epin” or “Zircon”. They are diluted according to the instructions or as shown in the video, and the crown is sprayed with the solution. Ficus is also treated with anti-stress drugs after transplantation.

To prevent ficus benjamina from shedding its leaves, you should take care of the lighting. He loves bright but diffused light. It is best to place the pot near a south window, avoiding direct rays. You should hang translucent tulle on the window. In winter, it is recommended to use backlighting.

Proper care

What should you do to avoid overdoing it with fertilizers? They must be added strictly according to the instructions. Under no circumstances should dry fertilizer be poured into the pot, otherwise the plant will get burnt to the roots, which will cause it to fall off. It is useful to use fertilizers only during the period of active growth from early spring to early autumn.

Sometimes the leaves of ficus benjamina fall off due to incorrect soil pH. Therefore, to plant a plant, it is better to buy special soil in the store intended for this type of plant. To prevent the leaves from falling in winter, place the tub with the plant away from the radiator, which dries out the air.

If white spots appear on the leaves, the problem is most likely due to a disease. You can determine which disease has affected the tree using the photo in the directory. Perhaps the problems are not only in the crown, but also in the root system. You can check it by lightly pulling the ficus out of the tub. If the roots are too wet, with signs of rotting, they are trimmed.

What to do if leaves are completely lost

When the leaves have completely fallen, there is no need to worry. Living plant can be saved, and its crown will turn green again. A sign that the tree has not died is its flexible trunk. If you make a small cut on it, milky juice appears.

Proper care of your ficus will not only help preserve the leaves immediately after purchasing it, but also prevent them from falling off in the future. The main thing is to place the pot with the plant in right place, adhere to the rules of watering and fertilizing. A strong and healthy tree that grows in favorable conditions and is resistant to pests and diseases.