Fence and barbed wire fencing: photos and installation diagrams. Barbed wire fence Barbed frame of a concrete fence zone

Barbed wire (in everyday life “thorn”) is a wire with sharp spikes located along the perimeter. It is used in the construction of the simplest and cheapest fences and helps improve existing ones. To erect a fence, you will only need supports and the wire itself, and installation will be possible even for inexperienced workers.

Excursion into history

First new method fencing areas, in which thin and flat hot-rolled steel wire should be used, was invented in France back in 1860. Just five years later, the diamond-toothed “spine” became a patented product. But then it was used extremely rarely.

Changes came in 1872 with the introduction of wire fencing by American Henry Rose, made from small boards to which pieces of sharp wire were screwed. The fence was shown to Illinois farmers. Many tried to improve the design shown, but Joseph Glidden and Isaac Elwood did it best. Their product gained popularity, and the company, founded by partners, produced approximately 270 tons of finished products in 1875.

By 1900, there were no longer any farms in the United States where animal pens were not protected by fencing of this type - the “thorn” reliably protected the cattle. In addition, fencing was cheap, which was also a huge boost to the development of American livestock farming.

Main types of barbed wire

Nowadays it is usually divided into three groups:

  • “thread” with thorns;
  • reinforced barbed tape (AKL);
  • reinforced twisted tape (ASKL).

The materials listed above are produced by many domestic enterprises. The most famous were the products of the brands “Egoza” and “Gyurza”. Sometimes it is called that - in accordance with the name of the manufacturing company.

The standard “thread” with one base is galvanized barbed wire, which is manufactured in our country in accordance with State standard 285−69. The diameter is 2.8 millimeters. The material is low priced and lightweight.

For installation work, you will need vertical pillars (supports), which are dug into the ground, and a “thorn-thread” is pulled between them. Allowable distance the distance between supports should not exceed three meters, otherwise the wires may sag. Experts recommend carrying out additional reinforcement by pulling another “thread” across the main one.

Installation can be done at an angle or vertically, but the essence remains the same:

  • the pillars are dug into the ground (if the length of the fences is insignificant, the supports do not need to be concreted);
  • By welding, sections of corners made of metal or reinforcement are attached to the pillars, and “Gyurza” or “Egoza” is attached to them.

It is worth noting that “threads” can be used as a decorative decoration for low hedges and flower beds. Small sections can be painted in different colors, creating an unusual landscape design.

Reinforced barbed tape

“Thread” is the most common type of “thorn”. It is used in areas with small area. On large objects use wires made from reinforced tapes . Fences made from such materials can be as follows:

  • flat barriers (security barrier) in the form of flat spirals;
  • grids with diamond-shaped cells;
  • mobile barriers made of volumetric spirals;
  • fences with volumetric spirals of different cross-sections;
  • thorny spikes mounted on fences.

Reinforced razor tape "Egoza" - also made of galvanized material, but covered with an additional layer of material. The two-component material costs more than conventional “threads” and is characterized by increased strength.

Installation is not possible without special devices and tools. In particular, you will need Sander corner view or grinder, as well as special reinforcement shears. Therefore it is advisable use tape as an additional reinforcing element.

Rolled tape helps protect top part fencing. You can use it to make barriers from animals by laying the ribbons in waves on the ground.

When laying and installing, you should adhere to safety rules: work in protective clothing and gloves, use suitable tools, since “Egoza” often springs at the most inopportune moments, which is fraught with injuries.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing method depends on the type of “thorn”. For example, razor tape is produced by stamping from rolled metal sheets, steel scraps, and leftover profiles. And the “threads” are made from galvanized wire. The spines for them are made from the same material, giving the pieces a pointed shape and winding them around the base.

The most effort and finances are spent on the production of stranded wires. The point is that on initial stage They make ordinary “threads”, then twist them using a special machine. This wire is distinguished by increased protective characteristics of future fences due to enhanced technical parameters.

Today, there are a huge number of fences that differ from each other in their set of basic functions, appearance and price category. If there is no need to erect expensive fences made of stone and brick, you can choose a more budget-friendly, but no less functional option - a wire fence.

Photo. Wire fence

Features and types

A wire fence is not limited to just chain link or other similar options. He may have more robust construction, different shapes and parameters, and also be manufactured in the form of already ready-made panels, the installation of which is much easier and faster.

Fence of their wire panels, for example, is widely used for fencing the territory of commercial enterprises, schools, kindergartens, parks, parking lots, etc. Such fencing is easy to use, durable and has an attractive appearance.

A fence made of barbed wire is also common, which, however, is not particularly decorative, but does an excellent job of its basic protective functions.

Depending on the design features and parameters of the fence, several types are distinguished:

  • without applying additional coating– today it is rarely used, since it is highly susceptible to corrosion;
  • galvanized– covered thin layer zinc, which gives the wire additional characteristics;
  • with polymer layer- coated with color polymer coating, most often green or blue;
  • galvanized and polymer coated– a universal option that is not afraid of corrosion and looks good.

Guardrail with ribs for added rigidity

The fence can also have different shapes. The cells of the structure can be rectangular or square and have different sizes. Some types also include ribs for added rigidity.


A fence made of welded wire and its other analogues have the following positive characteristics:

  • excellent light transmission;
  • strength, resistance to environmental factors;
  • wide choice of shapes, sizes and colors;
  • good decorative indicators;
  • low price of material;
  • good protective performance;
  • possibility of additional connection to modern security systems, in particular the use of live wire;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • ease of repair.

Live barbed wire fence

Carrying out installation work

Before you make a wire fence, you need to decide on its type, since installation in this case will be different. If we're talking about about panel wire fencing, then you need to do the following:

  • Pre-mark the area where the fence will be installed, using a regular rope.
  • Install support posts. To do this, first holes are dug about half a meter deep, into which the pillars are inserted and secured. After the supports are concreted, the sections themselves are conditioned. This is quite simple to do, since in such structures special fastening components are provided for these purposes - clamps or clips.
  • Additional security elements. Metal base design allows connection to the fence additional systems, in particular, use an energized fence.

Advice! This design does not require the use of a foundation. However, the presence of a base will not only make the fence more durable, but will also give it a more attractive appearance, as can be seen in the photo.

Installation work is performed a little differently when it comes to barbed wire. To do this, it is also necessary to first install support pillars - they can be driven into the ground or be concreted. There are also special poles that are designed specifically for these purposes. In any case, the distance between two supports should not be more than 2-2.5 meters.

As for how to make barbed wire, this is a rather labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time, perseverance and patience. It would be easier to buy already ready-made option, especially since it is quite inexpensive.

All posts must be firmly installed, since attaching the barbed wire to the fence will be accompanied by tension on the posts inward. Barbed wire is attached to the fence quickly enough; all work can be completed in a few hours.

Advice! Working with barbed wire is quite dangerous. Even minor wounds are very painful and take a long time to heal. To protect yourself, you need to take care of protective gloves and thick clothing.


Such fencing is widely used for a variety of purposes. They are durable, reliable, easy to install and unpretentious in operation. Building a wire fence with your own hands is quite simple. The process depends on the selected fencing. If we are talking about panels, then they are attached to the supports using specially prepared elements. In the case of barbed wire, it will need to be secured manually. This is also relatively simple to do and does not take much time.

Today, there are many different wire structures that are designed to perform the main function - fencing and isolating a territory or object from unwanted intrusion. Metal fence, made of barbed wire, is a lightweight and reliable structure with very sharp spikes. Such a wire fence is in great demand today and is therefore widely used to protect various properties. Its construction does not require any special qualifications, and barbed wire is one of the cheapest materials.

Barbed wire fencing: features and types of material

Today, a wire fence is not only a chain-link fence, but also many other options. Such a specific fence may have different designs and shapes, and is also made from different materials. One of the widely used ones is barbed wire. It is a thick wire with sharp spikes located at equal intervals, hence its name.

This type of wire appeared a long time ago, however, only since 1982 has it become popular. This happened thanks to the American farmer Henry Rose, he was the first to introduce a barbed wire fence, which created a sensation. Subsequently, the design of the wire was improved, and the cost was minimal, which encouraged its active use.

There are many options for the material from which barbed wire can be made. Rarely use wire that does not have protective coating, since it is highly susceptible to corrosion. Typically, galvanized steel with a thickness of 2.8 mm or reinforced tape is used to make barbed wire.

Main types of thorns:

  • “Thread” with spines that are located along its entire length;
  • Straight reinforced tape (ARL);
  • Reinforced twisted tape (ASKL).

The first type of wire has the most simple design and is used for fencing rural buildings: dachas, personal plots, farms The other two options are more reliable; they are used to protect both private and industrial or government facilities. Reinforced tape has its own subspecies. It can be in the form of a grid, diamond-shaped or volumetric spiral with different diameters. There are also flat fences or simply spikes that can be installed on a ready-made fence. The reinforced spiral tape is called Bruno and has a cylindrical shape. The diameter of such a structure can reach one meter, but the length finished product– 25 m. Bruno spiral is usually used for fencing secret facilities, military installations and prisons.

Wire fence: areas of its use

Today, most private property owners have switched to barbed wire fencing. This type of material is more reliable and at the same time lightweight, and it is not at all expensive. Barbed wire is a reliable protection for your property from unwanted guests and various animals. You will feel comfortable and safe with him.

On the modern market you can find a wide variety of barbed wire, as well as finished sections, For quick installation. You can install a thorn fence very easily, without the appropriate skills.

A barbed wire fence can be either an independent structure or in the form of a regular fence installed on a ready-made fence. safety fence. This barbed wire fence can be used for reliable protection any private or city property.

Applicable this type fence for fencing:

  • Industrial and warehouse enterprises;
  • Private areas;
  • Sports and children's playgrounds;
  • Strategic objects;
  • Construction sites;
  • Territories where dogs are walked and trained;
  • Security facilities;
  • Pastures

Such fencing is distinguished by its simplicity and efficiency. This type of fence construction is distinguished by its installation work; it does not require a foundation. However, any base will make the razor fence more attractive and reliable.

Barbed wire fence: its advantages and disadvantages

Barbed wire today is manufactured by many manufacturers. To make it, it is best to use only galvanized wire with springy properties. If the wire is not galvanized, its service life will be reduced to a minimum, since all structures made from this material are constantly exposed to weather conditions and are therefore prone to corrosion.

The two brands that are currently most popular are Gyurza and Egoza. These two types are used for fencing important territories or objects, and as decorative decoration. You can use small thorns to create interesting and original landscapes by painting them in different colors.

Fences and other structures made from any type of barbed wire have a number of positive advantages that distinguish them from other wire products.

Advantages of barbed wire fencing:

  • Affordable price;
  • High degree of protection;
  • The product quality is very high;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Simple and easy construction;
  • Speed ​​of repair;
  • Availability of decorative qualities;
  • Possibility of connecting to voltage;
  • Excellent light transmission;
  • Variety of species.

Another positive quality of this material is the ability to build very high barriers, different forms and sizes. Having such positive qualities, like durability, strength and reliability, yet the thorn has one drawback - it is very light. Therefore, when erecting a fence from this material, it is necessary good fastening. For this purpose, special fasteners are used.

Making a barbed wire fence with your own hands

You need to start making a barbed wire fence by choosing its type, since the installation itself will depend on this. Then we decide what the structure will be: independent or installed on a ready-made fence. For self-collection you must have support pillars, between which the barbed wire will be attached.

Support posts or pillars are selected from metal, wood, concrete and are installed by driving them into the ground at a certain distance or concreted in holes dug for this purpose. The distance between the pillars should not exceed 2 - 2.5 m.

To fasten the wire, special brackets are used, which are attached directly to the support posts with bolts or simply welded. Brackets can be different sizes and type: straight brackets, L-shaped, which are attached at an angle, as well as Y or U shapes, which allow you to attach wire different ways. To do everything installation work you can do it yourself using necessary tools, protective gloves and thick clothing to avoid dangerous injuries and injuries.

Installation procedure:

  • Using a rope, we mark the territory;
  • We install support posts;
  • We fasten the brackets using welding or special fasteners;
  • The barbed spiral is installed on the brackets on top and secured with staples;
  • A double string is stretched across the entire length of the spiral; for reliability, they must be perfectly tensioned;
  • The spirals of the tape itself are aligned along the strings and secured with twists;
  • Between the pillars, at a distance of 10 - 20 cm, stretch a wire with barbs;
  • Using mounting brackets, connect the wires together with an overlap.

In order to strengthen protective function barriers, additional more applies modern technology, namely, a voltage line is supplied to the structure. Absolutely, then this needs to be indicated with a special sign.

Barbed wire fence (video)

An unusual fence made of barbed wire takes first place in protecting property; it is a reliable fence that does not require extra effort and high costs. This is an excellent fencing option to protect your property from unwanted intruders and curious passersby.

There are several options for making a barbed wire fence with your own hands, and each of them has its own distinctive features. Studded tape has many advantages, but when choosing this material for a fence, you should pay attention to a number of nuances. Before proceeding with the installation of the fence, it is necessary to decide on the choice of brackets with which the entire barbed wire structure will be attached, as well as take into account many other factors.

Photo of a thorn fence.

Appearance of the “barbed” fence

There are several types of them. They differ in texture and structure. Below we will consider each option in detail.

Types of models

A thread

Distinctive features of this version of the “thorn”:

  1. Thread is a traditional and popular option among consumers.
  2. The wire has a galvanized base with a specific cross-section of 2.5–2.8 mm.
  3. The twists are evenly spaced along the entire length. Their appearance resembles thorns.
  4. According to GOST, a steel spiral without additional protection from corrosion. This option can be purchased for more affordable price, but its service life is shorter. A photo of the thread is presented below in the article.
  5. The spikes can be wound from either one or two pieces of steel.
  6. The thread is divided into two types: uniform and corrugated. It is preferable to choose the initial type of barbed wire fencing, as it is more practical.
  7. Also, the elasticity of the thread is divided into two types: soft and elastic. The first type has high bending properties; it will be convenient to work with when installing the fence. But if the fence with barbed wire is long, it may sag over time. It is best used for a small fence. The second type is durable and thin in cross-section. He is able to withstand both changes temperature regime, and mechanical influences.

Elastic thread is best used for long fences.

The photo shows a thread of wire.

Central core with installed protective element


Comparative characteristics:

  1. It belongs to the category of barbed-cutting spiral.
  2. Strip iron, which has sharp segments, is used as spikes.
  3. The winding can be either around the thread or the core.

Tape version of barrier material

Reinforced twist

Distinctive features:

  • this type resembles a thin steel strip, the profile of which varies along its entire length;
  • The edges of the reinforced twist are quite sharp, they are often compared to the edge of a razor.

Scheme of the main dimensions and scope of application of the one-piece variety

Features of barbed wire

Like any material, studded thread has its own characteristics. There are several of them:

  1. The spikes on the spiral are evenly spaced along the entire length.
  2. It is divided into several separate sections, which may differ from each other in the configuration of the spikes.
  3. Using a studded spiral, they are most often installed inexpensive fences with your own hands, which will protect the territory from unauthorized entry.
  4. The effectiveness of such fences is much higher than that of standard fences.
  5. Barbed wire fencing can also be installed on an existing fence.
  6. It first appeared in the USA in the 19th century. It was installed on large pastures to prevent cattle from being stolen from the farmer's territory.
  7. Even at that time, a barbed spiral fence was cheaper than, for example, installing a wooden fence.
  8. There is nothing complicated in installing the structure, so you can install it yourself.
  9. Supports for a barbed wire fence can be either wooden or metal. If you treat the second option with special anti-corrosion compounds, it will last much longer than the first.
  10. It is almost impossible to overcome this obstacle without getting injured.

Both the house and the area around it need protection, so they choose a thorny spiral for fencing.

Brick fence with barbed wire

Advantages of barbed wire

Studded metal thread has a number of advantages of use:

  • the design has excellent strength characteristics and will withstand any mechanical stress;
  • The barbed spiral has a long service life, which is more than 20 years;
  • it is manufactured in accordance with all GOST requirements;
  • there is an opportunity to choose various options For self-installation tapes. The fence can consist entirely of a barbed spiral, or it can be installed on top of an existing fence;
  • the razor tape will allow sunlight to enter the area;
  • installation of fencing will be inexpensive;
  • Many people wonder whether installation can be done in a short time. It will only take 2-3 days;
  • razor tape will protect country cottage area from unauthorized entry of uninvited guests;
  • To enhance safety, current is passed through the wire. But this method is used extremely rarely. In this case, it is worth putting a warning on the fence;
  • Since the material can cause injury, the installation of the fence must be done in protective clothing. It could just be a tight suit. Special attention It is worth paying attention to protecting your hands and wrists, as the tape can also cut veins.

It is best to use thick leggings for these purposes, which are used for welding work.

Below is a photo of a fence in the countryside

Installed fencing on the periphery

Fence using direct fastening elements

Installing barbed wire on a fence

Installation must be carried out in stages:

  1. It is necessary to choose the type of wire that will be attached to the finished fence.
  2. Materials and tools for work are being purchased.
  3. Initially, brackets must be installed on the fence. They are either welded to the post or screwed to them using anchor bolts.
  4. The broach is being installed. Between the installed brackets you need to pull a simple or galvanized spiral. It will be used as a support for the spiral structure, and the wire will also protect it from sagging. You need to make sure that the broach is pulled tight. Therefore, it is necessary to use a winch in the work. The number of rows will depend on the diameter of the spiral.
  5. The SBB is stretched - this is done extremely carefully. The stretch is carried out for one meter. It is recommended to leave 5-6 turns per square meter.
  6. It is necessary to secure the barbed wire using specialized pliers or staples.

The photo shows an installed fence.

Commissioned version with Y-fasteners

A spiral safety barrier (“Egoza”) is installed on the fence to protect against climbing. This article will focus on a type of barbed wire called "Egoza". You will receive answers to the following important questions:

  • What kind of fences are barbed wire attached to?
  • What types of protective barriers are installed on corrugated fences and other fences?
  • What are the benefits of installing barbed wire?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • How to install razor tape on a fence?

What kind of fences are installed on?

"Egoza" can be installed on any structure, but, for example, fences made of wooden picket fence and other easily damaged structures are rarely topped with barbed wire. In such cases it is often attached to external parties fences or placed on the ground.

From above, a safety barrier is most often installed on fences, which are easier to climb over than to break. It is especially important to mount the Egoza on a concrete fence or other permanent structure.

Note! There are a large number of ways to protect a fence made of corrugated sheets or other material using Egoza barbed wire. In the diagram below you will find the most popular installation options.

Types of Egoza used to protect fences

To protect fences from climbing over, the following varieties of Egoza are used.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing Egoza on a fence

Installation of "Egoza" on the fence - great way protect the territory from intruders. Dismantling a correctly and securely fastened “thorn” requires serious time investment.

In addition, the following advantages of installing a barrier structure on a fence are highlighted.

  • Possibility to make an energized fence. This will significantly increase security.
  • Reliability. "Egoza" is resistant to corrosion. The service life of the “thorn” manufactured according to GOST is more than 25 years.
  • Availability. Anyone can afford to buy a spiral or flat safety barrier.
  • Easy to install. Installing Egoza on the fence is quick.
  • A large number of installation options and application purposes. For example, for additional protection of the territory and fencing from animals and intruders, you can stretch the Egoza along the ground on one or both sides of the fence.

The disadvantages of installing Egoza include only deterioration appearance fencing.

Installation of "Egoza" on the fence

Necessary tools and additional materials

In addition to the brackets and the “thorn” itself, to install a protective barrier on top of the fence you will need:

  • drill;
  • stepladder or sawhorses;
  • fasteners for brackets;
  • thick steel wire broach;
  • mounting brackets and pliers for them.

Stages of work

Installation of a protective barrier on a fence takes place in four stages.

  1. Fixing the brackets. Attach them to the fence posts.
  2. Installation of wire broach. Secure it between the brackets (top and bottom).
  3. Installation of "Egoza". Gently stretch it along the broach.
  4. Fixation. Attach the “barb” to the brackets and broach using staples and pliers.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

Work results

As a result, you will receive a reliably protected fence.

How to properly install Egoza on a fence
(useful tips)

Correctly installing the Egoza on the fence is half the battle; it is also important not to get hurt during the work. Therefore, safety precautions should be observed.

  • Installation must be carried out in thick protective clothing, as you can seriously cut yourself. Particular care should be taken to protect your hands and wrists. Thick gauntlets designed for welding work are best.
  • The support (stepladder or sawhorse) should be as reliable as possible. If you fall from it directly onto the wire, there is a high risk of serious injury.
  • If possible, use the help of one or two partners.
  • When installing a protective barrier on a metal fence, the brackets can be welded to the posts. It will be more reliable this way.