Evergreen long-livers of the earth are coniferous trees. Coniferous plants: classes, types of coniferous trees Coniferous foliage

Conifers – different kinds trees and shrub forms, which are distinguished by needle-shaped foliage. They are mostly woody and are classified as evergreens. There are about four hundred species in the world, most of which are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of them are used as building materials, the basis for the furniture industry, as well as in medicine, and even in cooking - cedar nuts are incredibly tasty and healthy.

Characteristics of conifers

A summary of the most common coniferous crops:

      • Spruce is the most common type of coniferous tree. In addition to common spruce, blue spruce, prickly spruce, and Canadian spruce are the most valued. The culture is unpretentious in care, withstands frosts well, and is able to survive in conditions of urban gas pollution. Prefers sunny places, but can also grow in shaded areas. Due to their shearing ability, they are highly valued in landscape design, used as hedges and solitary plants.
      • Cedar is a large species of coniferous tree, which, due to its tall decorative properties widely used in landscape design in alley plantings and group plantings. The most popular are Himalayan, Atlas and Lebanese varieties. The culture is famous for its tasty, healthy and nutritious nuts.
      • Cypress – evergreen, exclusively decorative look coniferous crops. Thanks to its unusual pyramidal shape, the tree looks very impressive and is widely used in parklands, both to create alleys and in single and group plantings.

      • Larch - belongs to the deciduous coniferous crops; in our climate, only this coniferous tree sheds needles on winter period. Because of this feature, larch is used differently in landscape design, often planted in alleys and mixed compositions. The strength and durability of these trees is also known. These conifers have long been used not only for construction, but also for the manufacture of ships. Thanks to its strength and high resin content, larch products are able to retain their original properties for centuries, even under the influence of moisture. Thus, St. Petersburg still stands on stilts made of larch, driven into the river bottom under Peter the Great; the use of this wood in the construction of Venice has also been proven, where the material has also shown its effectiveness the best side. And in Moscow, durable and high-quality coating cycling track.
      • Microbiota - there is only one species in this genus, which naturally grows on Far East Russia, but thanks to its beauty it is widely used in landscaping throughout middle lane. The low-growing shrub has soft, drooping shoots and is similar in appearance to juniper. Due to its shape, it is used as a ground cover crop and looks very impressive in rock gardens, fences, along lawns and on steep slopes. The winter crop is stable, easy to care for and is not of interest to pests.

      • Juniper is a very popular coniferous shrub, which is not only perfect for creating picturesque groups and border plantings, but also has high pharmacological properties. The resins and volatile substances released by the culture perfectly cleanse the surrounding air of pathogenic bacteria and kill all infections. Since ancient times, juniper groves have been used to treat pulmonary patients. For this purpose, people with bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis were evicted to the landing area and food was regularly brought to them, not allowing them to leave until they had fully recovered. Surprisingly, only the air filled with juniper aroma healed even the most hopeless patients, without the use of antibiotics and other medicines. Therefore, by planting juniper on your site, you can not only decorate your green spaces with an unusual ground cover bush, but also improve your health. Depending on the variety, the shrub can have different shapes, from a gentle mound to a candle-shaped bush. easy to care for, resistant to external influences and decorative. Often used as a single planting and mixed groups.
      • Fir is a beautiful and majestic tree that requires special care and suitable conditions. Due to their large size, species varieties are grown only in parks and gardens large areas, but now it is possible to use small varieties of cultivars, ideal for group plantings. The most decorative varieties are blue and low-growing firs, characterized by large and abundant cones.
      • Pine is a familiar coniferous tree species, ubiquitous in our latitudes. The most common species is Scots pine, which covers mountains and endless forests. It is often used to create garden plantings, but more often more compact and decorative varieties are chosen - mountain, Crimean, cedar, Weymouth.
      • Yew - this genus includes many evergreen shrubs and trees. The most commonly used plant in landscaping is the yew berry, which has a dense, fluffy crown. Species varieties have the appearance of a spreading shrub, and those bred can be in the form of a candle, sphere, cone or ground cover bush. The crop tolerates shearing well, so it is used as a hedge and to create green compositions. But we must remember that most varieties of yew are very poisonous, especially the berry variety; its bright red fruits look attractive and can cause poisoning to children and animals.

      • Hemlock is an evergreen species common in North America and the Asian part of the continent. It is especially valued in landscaping for its weeping, flexible branches that form a dense canopy. Thanks to slow growth Hemlock is suitable for small gardens; moreover, it is unpretentious and resistant to frost, shade and disease.
      • Pseudosuga is a species of evergreen tree brought from the north of the American continent. The plant looks similar from a distance to blue spruce, but upon closer inspection it stands out with its unusual cones. There are varieties with flexible weeping branches and miniature types of pseudosugi, which are widely used for decorating rock gardens and single plantings.
      • Thuja – has a strong aroma and a characteristic needle shape. Of all the varieties, only thuja occidentalis is suitable for our climate, characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Breeders have developed many ornamental species that differ in tree shape, height and even foliage color - the most common are thujas with lush green needles, but there are also varieties with bright sunny needles.


These crops have long been used not only for landscaping gardens, courtyards and park areas, but also for building houses, ships, making furniture and others household items. After all, the forests in our latitudes are huge and there has never been a shortage of material. Strong hardwoods were often used, but conifers were also held in high esteem, for example, pine and larch were used as piles and ship rigging.

The popularity of coniferous wood still exists, and there are many explanations for this:

      • Spruce and pine have a high resin content, which protects the wood from the harmful effects of moisture, fungi and insects that cause irreparable damage to more delicate ones. deciduous trees boards
      • They lend themselves well to grinding, which makes working with them easier and speeds up the cutting process.
      • Due to the malleability of wood, such species are easy to process, which is why pine and spruce wood are often chosen for creating small and complex structures, for example, railings, stairs, balconies.

      • The low density allows the boards and bars to be well impregnated with protective substances, which increases the durability, strength and beauty of the wood.
      • Even sawdust from coniferous trees is useful, for example, technical hydrolytic alcohol is made from it, and in compressed form it is used to make cheap furniture; they are often used for heating.
      • A house built from pine and spruce is guaranteed to last up to 50 years, but more noble types of wood, for example, cedar, will last for centuries. In addition, cedar is used to make not only building materials, but also musical instruments.
      • Wood is also valued for its low thermal conductivity, because wooden wall 10 centimeters thick retains heat as well as brickwork half a meter.

As in every industry, there are certain standards for wood harvesting and woodworking enterprises so that the resulting boards and beams meet state and international requirements. For this purpose, special GOSTs have been developed that consider various characteristics wood

For coniferous trees, GOST 8486-86 and GOST 24454-80 are used, according to which all sawn wood is divided according to technical requirements by grade - 5 for boards and timber (selected, 1, 2, 3 and 4 grades) and 4 for beams (grades 1, 2, 3, 4).

Note that GOST 8486-86 is used to evaluate wood that is subsequently intended for use in our country and for sale for export, but more stringent GOSTs are used for aviation wooden building materials.

All lumber can be divided into bars, beams, edged and not edged boards, these definitions and features of types are regulated by GOST 18288.

According to GOST 8486-86, the following indicators are clearly stated:

      • - types of wood (according to GOST, pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar are used for the production of lumber)
      • - lengths and permissible deviations from them, depending on the further purpose (for containers, beams, domestic market, export);
      • — humidity – depending on the customer’s requirements, they produce dry (humidity up to 20%), raw (22% and above) and impregnated with antiseptics (antiseptic treatment is carried out according to GOST 10950);
      • - width and permissible deviations;
      • - number and type of knots;
      • — presence and type of cracks;
      • — presence and size of the core;
      • — the presence and size of fungal infections, mold, rot, wormholes, etc.

Thus, GOST ensures that lumber complies with all well-thought-out standards and requirements, which ensures long service life of products made from coniferous species trees. In addition, checking that products comply with prescribed standards protects the buyer from purchasing low-quality wood at inflated prices.

Coniferous species of bushes and others have long been highly valued and widely used both as green spaces and for construction, furniture making, musical instruments and even treatment. Various varieties species become chic decorations for garden plots, while others become indispensable elements in any construction, which is why coniferous trees are so popular and widespread.

Everyone's favorite beautiful coniferous trees are spruce, pine, fir, cypress and others.

There are so many of them and they all look great in the garden, on a summer cottage and are generally used in landscape design.

Coniferous trees have many different names, so let’s take a closer look to determine and decide what exactly you want to plant.

All trees are beautiful in their own way, and their smell attracts and relaxes. These are irreplaceable parts of every garden.

Spruce from the Pine Family. They love temperate climates and grow up to 35 centimeters in height. Their leaves are sharp green needles that look like a spiral. They stay on the tree for many years.

There are cones on the tree that grow after ten years of spruce life. We ate a lot different types With in different forms, different heights etc.

They are loved for their smell and decorativeness. Here are the species that most often grow in Russia:

  • Glena spruce

A large tree with considerable height. The lower branches hang downwards, and the upper branches are located upward, as if reaching towards the sun. Cones of purple color. Loves moist soil.

  • Canadian spruce (white, blue)

Thick trunk, cone-shaped crown. The needles are very long, the cones are the size of an egg. Grows in the forests of America. An unpretentious spruce, it even gets used to drought and grows quietly.

The color is yellow-green, massive spruce, small cones, red. The fruits ripen late, towards the end of spring. Often used as a decorative spruce.

  • Blue spiny

35 meters high. It is a meter thick and can be divided into several trunks. The bark is thick, young - gray, older - turns brown. The needles are sharp, needles, and have a beautiful blue color.

  • Norway spruce

Common type. They are usually planted near the fence as protection from the sun, to create shade in the dacha for relaxation or for some plants. The needles are long, large, thick, shiny and dark green color. Grows up to 500 years. It is a known fact that at the beginning of ripening it grows little by little, then very quickly.

  • Serbian spruce

Rare, grows in Serbia. Small, has a dwarf shape. The needles are small and have a color from dark blue to light blue mixed with green. Tolerates any soil, climate and conditions.

  • Siberian spruce

The spruce itself is large, its needles are small and very sharp, and its cones are also small. Mainly grows in Europe and Siberia. It loves moist soil very much, so it is less common than other spruce trees.

  • Sitka spruce

Alaska state symbol. Large massive spruce, mainly used as decorative. Loves moist, cool climates.

  • Inversa spruce

Height up to seven meters, width up to two.

  • Nidiformis

A small spruce tree almost a meter tall, one and a half meters wide.

  • Glauka

It has blue needles and is used as decorative in landscape design.

Fir. Kinds

Pine family, powerful tree. Cone shape. In the shape of an oval or cylinder - cones. When young, the tree does not like sunlight. Does not like dirty, dusty places.

Here are the types of fir:

  • Caucasian fir

The plant is considered heroic and powerful; its species was found in 1835 in Georgia. Otherwise called Nordmann Fir, in honor of the person who found its species. 50 meters high. Crown in the shape of a pyramid.

There is an opinion that when they built Trojan horse, used the bark of this fir. That's why it has this name. It is used at Christmas and decorated in Europe.

She lives for 700 years. She has a rich green color and shines.

  • Fir one color

It is distinguished by its unusualness and grace, growing mainly in the north of America. Branches and needles in the form of a skeleton, sharp, prickly. Withstands winds calmly. Loves almost any soil and can tolerate any conditions. It grows for a long time, up to 350 years, and is unpretentious. He is going through the transplant calmly.

  • Subalpine fir

Slender fir, low, has the shape of a column. It has a silver-blue tint. It has a strong powerful bud smell. Does not like moisture, grows quietly mainly in shady areas. Loves rich soil, does not grow well in urban environments.

  • Sakhalin fir

Slender, low, pointed fir. The color of young bark is gray, the older it is, the darker it is. It does not like to grow in the city due to heavy air pollution, but it is frost-resistant.

  • Argenta

The needles are unusual blue-gray, white tips. In spring, luminescent shoots ripen. This unusual phenomenon occurs within a month and looks great in the garden.

Cedar. Kinds

These plants have amazing beautiful view. Widely used by the British in gardens and parks. At the same time, they enrich and make the landscape so cozy and pleasant.

Bonsai is made from dwarf forms of this plant. These are all trees grown by people.

Real wild ones grow up to 3 thousand meters in height, above the clouds.


Those nuts that we buy in the store and eat (pine nuts) do not actually grow on cedar trees, they are fruits from cedar pine. Real cedar fruits cannot be eaten.

Types of cedars:

  • Strict;
  • Pendula;
  • Tortuosa;
  • Nana (dwarf);
  • Nana pyramidata.

Cypress. Kinds

Conical or pyramidal shaped evergreens. The foliage is pressed closely to the bark.

The cones ripen in the 2nd year of plant growth. It is believed that there are about 25 types of cypress in total, but only 10 species are used as decorative ones.

Here are the most common types that everyone uses in landscape design:

Larch. Kinds

Diameter – meter, height – 50m. The branches grow in a chaotic order. Soft needles. Scientists have identified 15 species of larch plants. Widely used:

  • Viminalis;
  • Rapens;
  • Corley;
  • Kornik (in the form of a ball);
  • Diana (spiral-shaped branches, ash-colored needles);

Thuja. Kinds

Cypress family. She is very loved in Ukraine as ornamental plant.

Unpretentious, able to get used to and get along in any conditions: frost, drought, poor soil.

Strong rhizome, branches growing upward, columnar or pyramidal tree shape, cones ripen in the first year of growth.

  • Arbor vitae

Highlights special essential oils, this has a great effect on human health. Therefore, the presence of a person and the opportunity to breathe thuja air has a beneficial effect on a person. Frost-resistant, drought-resistant, heat-loving, fastidious to the soil.

  • Eastern yellow

Grows quickly and thickly. The plant loves light, does not tolerate shade, and is not drought-resistant; it loves abundant watering.

  • Western Danica


Pine. Kinds

There are only about 12 species, but only 11 are particularly common. The breed is distinguished by the number of needles on the branches. By the way, pine trees are distinguished by the fragrant smell of needles.


It is not advisable to plant in open ground - they dry out. It is better to plant pine trees from July to September.

There are several types of pine trees, some are large, grow in parks, for example, by themselves and decorate with their size and power, and specially grown dwarfs decorate personal plots.

Mountain pine is especially common, growing in Western Europe up to 12 meters high:

  • Dwarf. Height – 2 meters, needles – 4 meters;
  • Columnaris is a shrub with dense needles;
  • Pug – spherical shape of branches;
  • Mini Pug;
  • Globosa Viridis – ovoid shape, long needles.

Coniferous plants often become the basis landscape compositions, as they remain decorative throughout the year. The garden, where coniferous trees grow, is distinguished by fresh, healthy air. The variety of forms allows you to choose plants to suit your taste and fit them into the overall landscape. Individually planted large specimens and picturesque multi-colored groups of conifers are also admirable.

Coniferous trees

Coniferous trees look spectacular both in spacious parks and on small areas. Almost all representatives of this species do not shed bright green needles even in the most cold period, and instead of flowers they are decorated with cones, adding decorativeness to coniferous trees. Names of plants most often used in landscape design:

  • Fir;
  • Pine;
  • Cypress.

Long-lived fir plant

Almost all firs resemble the growth form of spruce. The branches extending from a straight trunk form a regular cone. Oval cones form on the upper branches of mature trees. Some fir specimens live up to 700 years, and begin to form cones at about 30 years of age. Almost all types of this plant are large; they are well suited for decorating large spaces. For a medium-sized garden, dwarf, slow-growing species are selected.

An example of such a compact plant is balsam fir, variety Hudsonia. A tree with fragrant needles, no more than a meter tall. The direct opposite of Hudson is the great fir, whose height exceeds 30 m.

Symbol of the New Year - spruce

Slender spruce trees with a conical crown and hanging cones are perhaps the most common coniferous plant in our latitudes and, of course, the most beloved. Undemanding to growing conditions evergreen trees decorate parks and city streets, and under New Year become guests in our homes. Range decorative varieties replenished regularly. Suitable for garden decoration:

For the New Year, decorating compact varieties of spruce in pots rather than cut trees is becoming increasingly popular. After the holidays, such a Christmas tree can be planted in the garden or outside.

Unpretentious pine

A distinctive feature of pine is its fragrant long needles, arranged in bunches of up to 5 pieces each. The oils secreted by this tree are used to treat the respiratory system, so the design of sanatoriums is characterized by the presence of various types of pine. On small areas Low-growing varieties are appropriate, while powerful specimens predominate in forested areas. Pine prefers a sunny location and well-drained soil, but will grow in a shady forest or on a rocky mountain slope.

The refined beauty of thuja

The evergreen openwork beauty thuja comes from North America, where it is called the tree of life. This plant has many varieties, different sizes and shades. In addition, thuja is very plastic, which allows it to be given a wide variety of shapes. Of course, this plant is widely used in landscaping.

Arborvitae belong to unpretentious plants, grow well both in the sun and in the shade, on almost any soil. However, the most comfortable place for them will be a place protected from the wind with sufficient moisture. The plant especially needs water when planting. Thujas can be planted at any age from containers or open ground; the survival rate is high.

The most common is the thuja occidentalis, which has about 30 varieties. It is distinguished by its frost resistance, variety of shapes - pyramidal, spherical, weeping, and needle colors (green, yellow, with white tips). The height range is also large - from 0.6 to 20 meters.

The most popular varieties of western thuja:

Both pyramidal and spherical thujas are well suited for creating hedges different heights. Since thujas lend themselves well to pruning, they can be used to form various topiary shapes, up to such as a spiral or even garden sculpture. The variety of colors and shapes of the crown allows you to create interesting compositions from thujas alone.

Variety of cypress trees

Thuja and cypress belong to the same family - Cypressaceae, and their maintenance conditions are similar. In appearance, this purely ornamental plant also resembles a thuja. Among the cypress trees there are tall trees for a tall green screen, compact plants for a mixed border, and dwarfs for a rock garden.

The most common varieties:

It is easy to shape the cypress crown the required form using formative pruning.

Coniferous shrubs in the landscape

Coniferous shrubs are also widely used in landscape design. Names of popular representatives of this species:

Due to the abundance of varieties and the inherent decorativeness of all of them, it can be difficult to decide which coniferous trees or shrubs to decorate the space with.

All coniferous plants are successfully used in mixed compositions together with decorative leaves and flowering shrubs. At the same time, large conifers should be planted at an optimal distance from other plants in order to preserve the decorative appearance of the plant ensemble. They look great against the background of green pine needles blooming roses and bright tulips.

Miniature specimens decorate rockeries, regular flower beds and Japanese-style gardens.

Dwarf forms are often used in container compositions, combined with flowering and decorative perennials and annuals.

: They are called so because of the modified leaves called needles, or needles. These plants are not as diverse as angiosperms, but they deserve attention if only because of their ancient history, the enormous role they play in nature and the economy, as well as their amazing ability to survive.

Coniferous plants are an order of about 600 species that belong to the class of cone-bearing plants of the gymnosperm department.

This includes exclusively plants with woody trunks - trees or bushes. Inside such trunks there are numerous tubules filled with resin; They are also characterized by significant severity tree rings growth. Their leaves have the shape of needles and sometimes scales.

Conifers can be monoecious or dioecious. Female flowers consist of scales: seed and covering. The scales are collected in inflorescences called cones or spikelets. In the structure of the needles one can observe many xeromorphic features - those that ensure survival in conditions when periods of normal humidity are replaced by long droughts - and the most important of them is the leaf shape itself.

At the needle small area surface, which limits evaporation, as well as water and heat loss. The leaves of conifers are usually found on short branches of the trunk or branch called stubble shoots. The needles do not fall off (except for larch) with the arrival of winter, but live for several years, and only after that are replaced. Since the replacement occurs gradually, these plants remain green throughout the year. The roots of coniferous trees go deep into the soil, which allows the aboveground part to grow to significant sizes; A prime example of this is the sequoia tree.

There are two types of structure of the root system of conifers. The first type is taproot: with a thick, long, vertically located main root, which serves as a support, and branched lateral roots growing from it, designed to supply the plant with water and give it additional stability.

In turn, the main root of spruce quickly stops growing, and only widely spread lateral roots remain - this is the second type. Similar system does not provide great resistance to wind, but allows it to grow even on a shallow layer of soil. Being xerophytes, plants of dry habitats that can easily tolerate overheating and dehydration, conifers dominate in dry and cold areas - in the vast expanses of Siberia or in high mountains, where angiosperms have difficulty surviving. Their ability to grow quickly also helps them win in such conditions.

Conifers - fast growing

At the top of the shoot in conifers there is a growth tip with an apical bud. Since the trunk, the growth of which is determined by the apex, grows faster than the lateral shoots associated with the lateral buds, the entire plant takes on the shape of a cone. This shape makes it possible to optimally use the light, ensuring its access to each branch. In some conifers - for example, pine - the growth rate of the apex decreases over time, and the cone-shaped shape disappears. In addition, branches grow only under the influence of light, therefore in a dense forest Pine needles are concentrated in the upper part of the trunk.

About the pine family

More than a dozen families are classified as conifers. Nowadays globe you can meet representatives of eight of them; other families - Lebachiaceae, Voltciaceae - now exist only in fossil form. Pine trees appeared on Earth about 130 million years ago. This family includes approximately 240 species, most of them conifers.

The most important distinguishing feature of representatives of the pine family is their leaves, which always take the form of sharp needles. The latter grow from shortened shoots, most often several from one shoot. Pine trees are monoecious plants: male and female flowers grow on the same individual.

Female inflorescences have the shape of cones consisting of many scales; Each seed scale contains two ovules. The cones develop on short shoots and mature over the course of two years, after which the scales become woody, open and release seeds. The male flowers grow and mature within one year and each bears two anthers.

Plants of the pine family are pollinated by the wind, so each grain of pollen is equipped with two air sacs that help it glide. The seeds are very light, so even a weak wind can easily carry them. Forest pines “grow up” very slowly - usually it takes 30 - 40 years. The dispersal of seeds and the growth of pine trees are greatly interfered with by many animals - for example, squirrels that feed on their seeds, or deer that eat pine bark. Fortunately, thanks to resin, tree wounds heal quickly.

Mountain pine is also interesting - a creeping bush, rarely a small tree; It is found in the mountains and differs from Scots pine only in size. The dwarf form of this plant arises from the fact that it has adapted to the mountain climate with its strong cold winds.

We should also mention the Crimean pine, or Pallas pine, which has perfectly adapted to the conditions of the rocky areas of the Southern Coast of Crimea and the Crimean Mountains.

Another well-known tree of the pine family is spruce, which appeared in the Pliocene, about 3 million years ago. The tree is distinguished by its height and unusually regular, cone-shaped, dense crown. Needles up to 2 cm long grow directly from the branch. The cones are very long - up to 15 cm. It blooms in May, and the seeds ripen in October. A variety of common spruce is also the beautiful Carpathian smereka, but blue spruce- This is a purely decorative species and is found only in parks and on city streets with other coniferous trees.


    In gardens and personal plots, you can choose a warmer place for planting grapes, for example, on the sunny side of the house, garden pavilion, or veranda. It is recommended to plant grapes along the border of the site. The vines formed in one line will not take up much space and at the same time will be well lit from all sides. Near buildings, grapes must be placed so that they are not exposed to water flowing from the roofs. On level ground you need to make ridges with good drain due to drainage furrows. Some gardeners, following the experience of their colleagues from the western regions of the country, dig deep planting holes and fill them with organic fertilizers and fertilized soil. The holes, dug in waterproof clay, are a kind of closed vessel that is filled with water during the monsoon rains. In fertile land root system The grapes develop well at first, but as soon as waterlogging begins, they suffocate. Deep holes can play a positive role on soils where good natural drainage, permeable subsoil is provided, or reclamation artificial drainage is possible. Planting grapes

    You can quickly restore an outdated grape bush using the layering method (“katavlak”). For this purpose, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are placed in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and covered with earth. The top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in the spring, and green ones - in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. A frozen or very old bush can be restored by short pruning to healthy above-ground parts or by pruning to the “black head” of an underground trunk. In the latter case, the underground trunk is freed from the ground and completely cut down. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Neglected and severely frost-damaged grape bushes are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part of the old wood and the removal of weakened sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, a replacement is formed. Grape care

    A gardener starting to grow grapes needs to thoroughly study the structure of the grapevine and the biology of this interesting plant. Grapes are vine (climbing) plants and require support. But it can spread along the ground and take root, as is observed with Amur grapes in a wild state. Roots and aboveground part The stems grow quickly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. IN natural conditions without human intervention, a branched grape bush grows with many vines of different orders, which begins to bear fruit late and produces crops irregularly. In cultivation, grapes are shaped and the bushes are given a shape that is easy to care for, ensuring a high yield of high-quality bunches. Grapevine Planting Schisandra

    Schisandra chinensis, or schisandra, has several names - lemon tree, red grapes, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kozyanta (Nanai), kolchita (Ulch), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing in common with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude the aroma of lemon, hence the name Schisandra. Schisandra vine clinging or entwining around a support along with Amur grapes, three species of actinidia, is an original plant of the Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemons, are too sour for fresh consumption, but they have medicinal properties, pleasant aroma, and this brought him a lot of attention. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries improves somewhat after frost. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, invigorate the body and improve vision. The consolidated Chinese Pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, states: “the fruit of Chinese lemongrass has five tastes, classified as the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of lemongrass is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter and astringent, and in general the taste of the fruit is salty. Thus, All five tastes are present in it." Grow lemongrass

Ornamental and coniferous shrubs are widely used in landscape design. They are distinguished by their endurance and beautiful appearance.

We invite you to find out what are the most common coniferous trees and shrubs that can be grown in different climatic conditions.

Coniferous trees: names and photos

Next you see the names of what types of coniferous trees there are, which can grow in many regions of our country. There are many photos of coniferous trees from different angles. We hope that the names and photos of coniferous trees will help you make the right choice of seedlings for your garden.


Flat needles are usually white or gray from the bottom side. Most species grow too tall for the average garden. The exceptions are the blue-gray Arizona Fir (A. arizonica) 'Compacta' - 2 m and the dwarf variety Balsam Fir (A. balsamea) 'Hudsonia' - 30 cm.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Cedar of Lebanon (C. libani) is too large for the average garden, but there are dwarf and weeping varieties such as ‘Nana’ and ‘Sargentii’. Atlas cedar (C. atlantica) ‘Glauca’, 3 m high, has blue-green needles, and Himalayan cedar (C. deodara), also 3 m high, has hanging shoots of the lower variety ‘Golden Horizon’.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

A very popular genus. Eat dwarf varieties for rock gardens and tall trees for a large garden. Lawson's cypress (C. lawsoniana) is the most popular species; has many varieties - ‘Elwoodii’ (turns blue in winter time), ‘Minima Aurea’ (golden, dwarf variety) and ‘Lane’ (golden, columnar).


  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Cupressociparis has replaced Lawson's cypress in a coniferous hedge. It can withstand heavy pruning. C. leylandii reaches a height of 10 m if pruned and a height of 20 m if left unpruned. Trim the hedge 3 times from late spring to early autumn.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Stake young trees to stakes and do not prune. There are columnar K. evergreen (C. sempervirens) 3 m high, and K. large-fruited (C. macrocarpa), also 3 m high, with a conical crown shape. Its popular yellow variety is 'Goldcrest'.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

This tree can grow in a country estate, but not in the average garden. This is one of the few deciduous coniferous trees. In winter it stands with bare branches, and in spring bunches of needle-like leaves appear on them. European larch (L. decidua) in adulthood reaches a height of 25 m or more.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Norway spruce (P. abies) is a traditional tree. Serbian spruce (P. omorika) has a narrow conical crown; the Norway spruce variety ‘Nidiformis’ is a dwarf 30 cm high with a flat top. There are also other colors - Prickly Spruce (P. pungens) is blue, and Eastern Spruce (P. orientalis) ‘Aurea’ is 3.5 m high with yellow needles.


  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Most pines are too tall, but there are slow-growing and dwarf varieties. Scots pine (P. sylvestris) has a number of cultivars, and black pine (P. nigra) is good tree for single landing. Dwarf varieties include Mountain Pine (P mugo) 60cm tall and Weymouth Pine (P. strobus) ‘Nana’.

Coniferous shrubs: names and photos

Now get acquainted with such a magnificent group of plants as coniferous shrubs. On this page you see names and photos coniferous shrubs for landscape design. The photo of coniferous shrubs shows various types of plot design. The names of coniferous shrubs are given in generally accepted usage.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Cryptomeria japonica (C. japonica). The green leaves turn reddish-brown in winter. K. japonica has a height of 6 m, but at maturity can reach 25 m. ‘Elegans’, 3 m tall, has feathery foliage; ‘Vilmoriniana’ is popular dwarf variety for a rocky garden.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

There are many types - creeping ones, such as Juniperus horizontalis (J.horizontalis); medium-sized shrubs like M. media (J. media) ‘Pfitzerana’; and tall trees such as J. virginiana ‘Skyrocket’. You can find junipers with green, gray, blue or yellow leaves.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Slow growing coniferous plants. Yew berry (T. baccata), 2 m tall, is a popular species for hedges. The ‘Fastigiata’ variety has a narrow columnar crown shape; ‘Repandens’ is a dwarf with a height of 60cm. Medium yew (T. media) ‘Hicksii’ forms rounded bushes.