Standard profile length. What profile is needed for drywall: types, sizes and purpose. Advantages of metal structures

When constructing any structure made of plasterboard, you need a base - a frame, on which the gypsum board sheets are attached. This frame is assembled using technology from special products - profiles. About what a profile for plasterboard can be, its types and sizes, scope of application - in this article.

Materials: what are profiles for gypsum plasterboard made from?

Profiles for drywall of any type are made of steel and aluminum. Steel ones (regular or galvanized) are more common, since aluminum ones, although they have excellent characteristics, are very expensive.

Steel can be ordinary or with protective layer- galvanized. Conventional ones - made of black steel - have a lower cost and are suitable for rooms with normal operating conditions. With their help they do suspended ceiling, V living rooms, corridors. In rooms with high humidity- bathrooms, kitchens, etc. - it is better to use galvanized steel or aluminum.

Types and sizes of profiles for drywall

In any place that sells materials for gypsum boards, there are profiles different types and size. In order to choose and not make a mistake, you need to know how they differ.

To create wireframes

There are profiles for drywall of the following types:

  • Guide. Designated as PN (UD) (interpretation - guide profile). The cross-section is U-shaped, with smooth side walls. Used as a support base for racks and lintels. It is attached around the perimeter of the structure, and then all other elements of the system are installed into it. Dimensions:
  • Rack-mounted. Designated PS (CD) - rack profile. It is inserted into the guides, and gypsum boards are attached to it. Accordingly, it bears the main load and must have high rigidity. It has a U-shaped structure with additional shelves and stiffening ribs, which give it greater rigidity. Dimensions:
  • Ceiling. Designated PP and PPN. Accordingly, a guide and load-bearing ceiling profile. The ceiling guide has a cross-section in the shape of the letter “P” and has a smaller cross-section than the wall one. Ceiling support profile - has shelves and stiffeners, but is distinguished by shelves of lower height. The lower height means that it takes less height away from the room and that the ceiling plasterboard is thinner, creating less stress on the frame.
  • Arched. It has a complex structure - with cuts on the side edges for increased flexibility. Essential for creating curved surfaces.

These are all types of profiles for gypsum board that are used to construct the frame. A “frame” is assembled from the PN guides; PS racks are inserted into them, which are then connected by jumpers (usually from PN) for greater structural rigidity.

Additional profiles and accessories

There are several types of additional profiles that are used in finishing works ah, upon creation hanging frame for ceilings, for attaching rack profiles to walls, etc.

  • Angular. The cross section is a right angle with a slightly protruding central part. Used to decorate the corners of plasterboard structures. There are several types:
  • Perforated hangers. This fastener in the form of a tape 125*60 mm. It is divided into three parts. The middle one is used to fix the suspension to the ceiling/wall, the outer ones are perforated, bend at 90°, and profiles are attached to them.

  • Anchor hangers for PP ( ceiling profiles). There are several types. Used in the construction of suspended ceilings. Distinctive feature— it’s easy to adjust the height, which is necessary when setting the ceiling plane.

    Anchor suspension - for easy adjustment of suspended ceiling height

  • Single-level and two-level connector for PP (crab). Plate with fixing elements for fastening intersecting profiles. Used in constructing frames for suspended ceilings.

    Connectors - single-level and two-level

  • Profile extension. Small size bracket (110*58 mm) for splicing two sections of the same type and size.

You can do without most of these devices. For example, two profiles are joined using a piece of a guide profile of a suitable size. It is inserted inside, the shelves are pressed with pliers, and screwed with self-tapping screws. The connection is more rigid than with special devices.

When creating a frame located along the wall, it is secured not with perforated hangers, but with boots - sections of profiles bent in the shape of the letter “L” (called “boot” - after its characteristic shape).

Two ways to fix rack profiles to the wall - using a perforated hanger and a piece of profile

This is not so much a way to save money as an opportunity to get a more rigid fastening, since perforated hangers were originally developed for suspended ceilings and can hardly withstand the load from wall plasterboard, especially laid in two rows.

Profile length

The profile for each type of drywall may differ in length. Standard length- 2.4 and 2.8 meters. but there is up to 4 m.

Should I look for long profiles? This doesn't make much sense. Perhaps the assembly of the frame will speed up a little. Profiles for gypsum plasterboard fit perfectly together, the strength of the structure does not suffer. Only when assembling the frame should you make sure that the joints on adjacent racks are not at the same level. Usually joints are made alternately at the top, then at the bottom.

How to choose a profile for gypsum boards

In a more or less large hardware store or even on the market there are profiles for drywall of the same type and length, but with a significant difference in price. The cost may differ by two times, and sometimes more. Moreover, the most expensive are usually Knauf, the cheapest are unnamed China, the middle range is domestic manufacturers.

Metal thickness

The difference will become clear as soon as you pick up the profile. Some are strong, rigid, made of steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm, 0.55 mm, 0.6 mm and more. Others are made of such thin metal that they change their geometry even if the profile is lifted by one edge.

With this parameter everything is more or less simple and clear. The thicker the metal, the stronger and stiffer the profile, but the price is also higher. It is optimal to create partitions with standard wall heights to take profiles with a metal thickness of 0.5 or 0.55 mm. If possible, you can take 0.6 mm.

The dimensions are standard, but the weight of the same profile may be different - due to different thicknesses the metal from which it was made

It makes sense to take a greater thickness of metal only if the height of the partition is large - the load will be more significant and additional strength will not hurt. But in this case, you need to look at what will cost less - a profile for plasterboard made of thicker metal or more often installed racks and crossbars. You just need to keep in mind that racks are usually installed in increments of 60 cm - so that the joint of the gypsum board sheets falls in the middle of one of the rack profiles. When reducing the pitch, you need to achieve the same thing - the joint of the drywall sheets should not hang in the air. So it will be possible to install them only after 40 cm. So the seam will also be on the profile. But this is too much a large number of racks and is unlikely to cost less. In general, you do the math.

Manufacturer selection

Choosing a manufacturer of drywall guides is both simple and difficult at the same time. All experts unanimously say that the best are Knauf. They always correspond to the stated parameters and have an ideal geometry: the racks fit perfectly into the guides, do not dangle or push them apart. In general, working with Knauf drywall profiles is easy, simple, and work progresses quickly. But these are precisely the most expensive of the entire range. Despite this, the advice is this: if you have no experience working with drywall, it’s better to buy Knauf.

There are several in the mid-price range Russian companies. These are Giprok (Giprok) and Metalist. There are also regional little-known campaigns. It depends on your luck. Trust your feelings and feedback. It is not always possible to rely on the words of sellers. U domestic producers There are good games, and there are bad ones. In most cases, there is a problem such as a mismatch in the sizes of the rack-mount PS and the PN guide profiles. The posts must fit exactly inside the guide. In order for the stated width to be, for example, 50 mm, the actual width should be 1.5 mm less. Problems arise with the accuracy of observing this difference. In addition, the declared thickness of the metal must be checked (with a micrometer). In general, you will be able to save money, but you will waste a significant amount of your nerves and time.

Giprok has a profile with a corrugated surface. All sides of the profiles - both the back and the shelves - have extruded “pimples”. They increase the rigidity of the profile. This is true - the design is more rigid. But the connection of the racks and guides turns out to be more clumsy - due to the mismatch of the “pimples”, they do not attract closely like smooth metal walls. There is a second point - structures made from such profiles creak more. With all this, such profiles cost a little less than Knauf, but they are more difficult to work with. In general, it's up to you.

How to count the number of profiles

Knowing what type and type of drywall profiles there are, their dimensions are not enough. It is necessary to calculate the quantity of each type. It will be easier to calculate if you draw a frame plan on a piece of paper, sign the names of the profiles, and put down the dimensions. This will not take much time, but will help you determine the quantity more accurately.

Calculation of the number of guides for one wall

If the walls are very uneven, you can level them using drywall. A parallel wall is erected, but set strictly according to the level. In this case, the calculation of the number of profiles for drywall will be as follows:

If all the walls in a room are covered with plasterboard, a similar calculation is carried out for each wall, then the results are summed up.

Number of profiles for plasterboard for suspended ceilings - PP and PNP

The calculation here is a little simpler: the frame is assembled “in a cage”, so it’s easier to calculate it. Otherwise the approach is the same as described above. So we think:

In total, for a suspended ceiling in a room measuring 3*4 meters you will need 14 m + 20 m = 34 m of PP profile, 21 meter of PNP profile.

Installing lightweight and versatile plasterboard structures is very simple, even for a beginner in this matter. It is enough to study the sequence and technology of installing the frame, make accurate measurements and drawings, buy the necessary materials and equip yourself with the necessary tools.

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to make a prefabricated one, or a prefabricated one, the basis of any design will be metal profiles. It is from them that the frame is formed on which the sheets of drywall will be placed. Modern products are made from thin but durable metal plates. They have a wide range of applications, impart rigidity to plasterboard structures without weighing them down, and are also very convenient to use. Bent metal slats are indispensable in creating complex decorative elements for your home.

What types of profiles are there?

If this is your first time working with drywall, familiarize yourself with the main types of profiles for creating a rigid frame. A huge number of their types and fastening elements can confuse a novice master.

Six main types (markings) metal profiles:

  • Guides for frame assembly (PN) or (UW). Their standard depth is 40mm, width is 50mm, 75mm or 100mm, depending on the thickness of the wall. As the name suggests, this guide product is a kind of rail, the basis for the subsequent fastening of rack and ceiling guide profiles.
  • Ceiling guides (PNP) or (UD) have the same functions and are designed for mounting the base of ceilings under plasterboard sheathing. This type is indispensable for installing multi-level suspended ceilings.
  • Ceiling (PP) or (CD) is attached to the ceiling with direct hangers or anchor clamps. The ceiling frame itself is formed from this type of slats.
  • Rack-mount (PS) or (CW) are used for mounting the base of future plasterboard partitions and walls, it is fixed directly into the guide profile.
  • A beacon profile for leveling a wall (LM), it can be called a rail along which the rule runs. It is very convenient to use when plastering walls.
  • The corner profile is designed to level and strengthen corners (CP).

Fastening devices different types profiles are: “crab” connectors, creating their cross perpendicular fastenings in the frame, extensions for various combinations of metal pieces, anchor clamps, straight hangers, two-level CD connectors and others.

To create structures from profiles, you will need pliers for fastening them without screws (clip profile), a cutter, a roughing plane (rasp), a bending tool, and wire cutters. When calculating the required number of products of each type, do not forget that their standard length is 3 or 4 meters.

Sheathing of external and internal surfaces various sheet materials is a fairly popular finishing method. Metallic profile various configurations used to create a strong frame onto which slabs, sheets or panels are attached. By creating flat and volumetric structures using metal profiles, the construction of walls, fences, roofs and ceilings is carried out.

Advantages of a metal profile

Although you can use wooden beam, plastic or profile pipe, specialists in repair and construction work prefer metal profiles.

This is due to the fact that the metal profile has the following positive properties:

  1. Immunity to changes in temperature and humidity. The metal does not change its size and configuration under the influence of these factors.
  2. High strength and reliability. The various profiles are thick enough to withstand pressure or tensile forces. The presence of stiffening ribs only enhances the reliability of the products.
  3. Corrosion resistance. As a rule, iron products are coated with zinc or polymer coating. This allows them not to rust even in a humid environment. Aluminum baguettes do not require additional finishing.
  4. Ecological cleanliness. Metal profiles do not stand out in environment harmful substances even under the influence high temperatures caused by an open flame.
  5. Easy to process. In order to cut or bend a profile, ordinary household tools that are found in every home are sufficient: drills, hacksaws, grinders or metal scissors.
  6. Durability. Quality products have a service life of decades.
  7. Affordable price. Metal profile is inexpensive building material, the cost of which has an insignificant share in the total estimate of repair and construction work.

Quite a lot of components have been created for metal profiles, with which you can create structures of any size and complexity.

Using steel and aluminum baguettes, you can install siding, stretched PVC fabric, plasterboard, plastic, MDF and other finishing materials.

High specifications metal profiles allow you to use it without restrictions, in almost any conditions.

Profile for drywall and siding

Drywall is one of the most popular finishing materials that can be used to cover both walls and ceilings. Certain brands of gypsum plasterboard are used for finishing fireplaces, showers and kitchens.

For this purpose, the following types of profiles are used:

  1. Guide. These products serve as the basis for attaching rack or ceiling profiles. The parts have a U-shaped section. The length of one section is 300 cm or 400 cm.
  2. Ceiling. These products are intended to create a sheathing on which to screw finishing material. Having a cross-section of 60x27 mm, they fit perfectly into the opening of the guide profile.
  3. Rack-mounted. The frame for walls and partitions is assembled from elements of this type. These products are fixed in guides that are attached to the floor, ceiling and walls.
  4. Angular. Such parts serve to strengthen the corners at the joints of plasterboard sheets after it is fixed to the frame.
  5. Mayachkovy. These products are used for leveling concrete and brick walls plaster mortar.

It is impossible to make a frame from steel baguettes without the components used to attach the profiles to the wall and to each other.

Assembled steel frame The following parts are used:

  • cross connectors;
  • longitudinal connectors;
  • corner connectors.

The individual parts are connected to each other using self-tapping screws. This ensures a strong and secure fit.

Baguettes for suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are the most presentable and practical option finishing of residential, utility and commercial premises. Baguettes for stretch fabrics are made of aluminum. This metal is strong enough to withstand the intense pressure exerted by the taut polyvinyl chloride film.

According to the method of fastening, baguettes for stretch ceilings are divided into the following categories:

  1. Wall. These products are the most popular. The canvas is fixed at a distance of 5 cm or more from the floor slab.
  2. Ceiling. These baguettes are fixed to the supporting slab in cases where the wall material is not strong enough to withstand the tension of the canvas. The use of such profiles allows you to fix the film at a distance of 4-5 cm from the main ceiling.
  3. Universal. These baguettes can be mounted both on the ceiling and on the walls.
  4. Structural. These are complex products that are used to create steps, protrusions and recesses in multi-level stretch ceilings.
  5. Connecting. Profiles of this type are used to connect several canvases when finishing large areas.

If it is necessary to create a curved structure, triangular cuts are made in the profiles.

Profiles for polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is used for finishing canopies, gazebos, office and residential premises.

To create polycarbonate structures, aluminum profiles are used, such as:

  1. Connective. Used for hermetically sealed vertical joining of sheets.
  2. Skate. Designed for connecting polycarbonate panels on a gable roof.
  3. Wall-mounted. It is used in cases where a polymer plastic roof is adjacent to a permanent structure.
  4. Tortsevoy. This profile covers the lower edges of the polycarbonate sheets, protecting them from damage and giving the structure a finished look.

Since the aluminum surface is visible, it can have different textures and colors created using a polymer coating.

To create structures from gypsum plasterboard that require “dry” leveling of the surface, and also perform a camouflage function for communications and wiring, a frame cladding system is used. The basis of the frame can be wooden blocks of suitable thickness, but it is much more advisable to use metal profiles for attaching drywall.

What is this article about?

What is a metal profile

Frame profiles are thin metal products that are made from galvanized sheet, cold rolled, aluminum or plastic.

They usually have a T-, L- or U-shape with cavities. There are profiles for drywall:

  • Angular;
  • Flat;
  • In the form of a channel.

Used as load-bearing elements for gypsum boards at:

  1. Creation of level ceilings;
  2. strengthening plasterboard edges;
  3. formation of the “skeleton” of curved structures, arches;
  4. installation of partitions;
  5. covering walls and ceilings with significant differences in the surface;
  6. internal wall or ceiling insulation, sound insulation

The quality of all types of profiles for plasterboard is established by GOST and TU standards.

A huge number of companies are engaged in the production of long lengths, in particular such well-known ones as Knauf and Giprok.

There are many varieties of metal profiles, which are very important to understand and be able to choose them correctly, otherwise, when installing “from whatever,” you end up with an uneven, fragile surface, or, on the contrary, an unreasonably hard and excessively expensive surface.

Main types of profiles

Products are classified into the following types:

  • Guides or starting ones;
  • Ceiling racks;
  • Rack wall/partition;
  • Reinforced;
  • Arched;
  • Beacons;
  • Corner - protective and plastering;
  • Guides.


Guides are types of profiles for drywall that form the perimeter of the frame frame. They are attached directly to the base covering and serve as a fixing base for rack-mounted wall and ceiling lengths. Can be made of steel or aluminum.

Starting ceiling guides for plasterboard - PPN or in the European marking UD. CD profiles for drywall are inserted into their grooves. They have smooth backs and a profiled shelf. May have factory-made holes for fasteners.

Basic parameters of the YuD profile:

  • Length - 3 m
  • Shelf width - 27 mm
  • The length of each back is 28 mm
  • Thickness - 0.4-0.55 mm

UW (PN) - wall, partition guides for drywall. Their purpose is to support CW. UW are available in a wide range of sizes:.

  • 50×40 mm
  • 75×40 mm - used as a lintel in frames
  • 100×40 mm

The backs often have holes for 8 mm dowels.

Length - 2.75 m, 3 m, 4 m, 4.5 m and 6 m

SE profile for plasterboard, sometimes also used to create multi-level ceiling structures.

Ceiling racks

Ceiling - used for the manufacture of horizontal parts of ceiling frames. Each end shelf has 3 stiffening ribs. They are mounted on U-shaped hangers and fit into UD grooves, to which they are fixed, after which they are aligned using thread hangers.

Labeled as CD.

The standard size of the CD is width 6 cm, height of the backs - 2.5 cm. Running length - 3 - 4 m, but they also come in 2.75 m and 4.5 m. Steel thickness - 0.4-0.55 mm.

Rack wall/partition

Rack-mount carriers are the name given to channels whose upper edge is C-shaped. They are mounted in the gypsum plasterboard subsystem, as racks, the main “skeletal” elements of a vertical or bridge type, and also serve as a cavity area for laying heat and sound insulating materials and laying communications. European marking is CW, Russian marking is PS.

The PS is fixed along the length after 40-60 cm to the U-shaped hangers using self-tapping screws and to the guides with dowels.

Standard dimensions of a rack profile for plasterboard:

  • Shelf length - 5 cm
  • Back width - 50 mm, 65 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm
  • Total length - 2.75 m, 3.5 m, 3 m, 4 m, 4.5 m, 6 m

But at the same time, the actual dimensions of the backrest may differ from those indicated by 1.5-2 mm.

As a rule, the racks have three longitudinal grooved sections along the entire length - the one in the middle is at the junction of the gypsum board sheets, on both sides of it - indicate self-tapping alignment.


Reinforced - UA, are used as racks of door frame systems, as well as when forming a frame for significant load-bearing loads, so the technical characteristics of the profile for reinforced plasterboard allow fixing with dowels, things with significant weight - shelves, cabinets, televisions, etc. Further. They have a significant thickness of 2 mm and increased resistance to corrosion.

The main dimensions of the reinforced profile for plasterboard:

  • Length - 3 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters
  • Shelf height - 4 cm
  • Back width - 5 cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm


Corner - PU, mounted on the corner parts of structures and are divided into:

  • protective, 3 meters long and sections - 25×25, 31×31 with a thickness of 0.4 mm and 31×31 with a thickness of 0.5 mm
  • plastering corner profiles for plasterboard with mesh, plastic, 3 meters long and section 35×35

The corner elements simultaneously perform a protective role and facilitate plastering, due to the perforated coating, as well as the mesh as in the second option.


Beacon profiles - PM, types of profiles for drywall, used as a level guide when plastering surfaces. They are made of galvanized metal - steel or plastic, and have high anti-corrosion properties. The length of the PM is 3 meters, their standard sections are 22×6, 23×10, and also 62×6.6.

This element is practically indispensable in places where perfectly smooth gypsum board plastering is required.


Arched profiles for plasterboard are flexible galvanized elements made of PP 60×27. Their sphere is the creation of curved elements, arches, columns and so on. They can have a concave shape (with a length of 3 meters, a bending radius of 0.5 m) or a convex shape (with a length of 6 meters, a bending radius of 1 m).

Instead of them, they often take ordinary PP, supplying them with cutting, using metal scissors, along the entire length to facilitate bending. However, it is better for beginners to start with specialized elements.

From what was said earlier, it is clear that for each part of the frame, there is different kinds profiles for drywall, which also have a wide range of sizes. But which profile should you choose from those that seem to be completely identical in size and purpose?

  1. By coverage. The most popular channels are galvanized. If you look at what the coating consists of in the manufacturer’s technical data sheet or extract for the product, you will notice that some of them consist of zinc even less than 30%, although in reality quality profile contains up to 99% of this substance.
  2. Painted. Painted lengths are very popular in construction. It would seem that paint enhances protection metal product, however, it is worth taking a closer look at what it is actually intended for. Perhaps it was applied to disguise defects. Poor quality coating usually peels off during installation.
  3. By thickness. The metal thickness for a standard design can be 0.5 mm. However, for frames that require greater foundation strength, it is recommended to choose larger parameters. To do this, initially determine what function the frame will perform and how much payload it assumes.
  4. By perforation. Perforated knurling is often performed by unscrupulous manufacturers, only to make it difficult to visually determine the thickness of the profile.
  5. In terms of hardness. In high-quality, durable products, stiffeners are located along the entire length.

If the channel bends when squeezed in your hand, it is better to take a stiffer one.

Knowing how to choose the right frame components is half the success in creating a reliable, durable structure.

Modern construction cannot do without drywall. Cheapness, durability, and ease of installation brought it to the same level as the most common materials. But using drywall requires a certain level of awareness about the installation and materials used in this area of ​​​​construction.


Drywall allows you to create the most various designs. Curly walls, arches, niches, suspended ceilings and much more can be constructed using this material. For example, when creating a partition in a room, plasterboard has many advantages - its relatively light weight, lower installation costs and material compared to brick or gypsum blocks make it almost irreplaceable. Also drywall when correct installation and operation is not inferior in strength to many materials.

Exist alternative ways installation of drywall - such as, for example, gluing to walls. But the most common is attaching gypsum boards to a profile structure. It is from the profile that all kinds of structures are formed - from the simplest to the complex, which are more reminiscent of a work of art.

Construction stores offer a wide range of profiles. Each element is intended only for a specific function in the framework. If they are not used for their intended purpose, the entire structure will not be strong and durable. Knowledge of the features and dimensions of metal profiles allows you to create projects and drawings for the design of an apartment or any other room in advance.


The main stage of creation plasterboard construction is the construction of the frame. Based on what exactly is being installed (arch, partition, etc.), certain requirements are imposed on the frame. For example, for suspended ceilings the profile frame must withstand heavy weight loads. When installing the partition, the frame must be resistant to deflection.

Before erecting the frame, you need to decide on the type of planned structure. If this figured design, then profiles designed for bending are used. Here it is also necessary to take into account how resistant the structure should be to accidental impacts or large weight loads from external influences. The location of arches and ceilings is inaccessible during normal movement of people around the room. There is no need for additional strength in the frame of such products profile assembly. In contrast to these products, a curved wall must withstand occasional overloads.

To meet specific design requirements, we produce different shapes profiles. Taking into account the purpose of the product, the material is selected. The reliability, durability and functionality of interior parts greatly depends on correct selection profile according to its purpose. An important role is played by the selection of fasteners and connecting elements. They, just like profiles, have their own purpose. The connecting elements of profile structures cannot be neglected. This will affect the stability and evenness of the surface. Additional design details, like the profile, have a strictly defined purpose.

Each type of self-tapping screws plays its role in the design. You should also pay attention to this. Using self-tapping screws for purposes other than their intended purpose can lead to structural instability and even danger to human life, since the mounted product may fall. In the selection of screws and other fasteners, their length plays a role. For example, using self-tapping screws longer than the required length will cause unnecessary costs. Self-tapping screws with a shorter length will affect the strength of the frame and its stability.

Types and sizes

When making the profile, cold-rolled sheet metal is used. The top is treated with zinc. This manufacturing makes the metal profile reliable and durable. The galvanized surface protects against corrosion, which allows the profile to be used for a long time.

Designing a frame for a plasterboard product is not a very difficult task. The design contains perpendicularly directed parts located in a horizontal or vertical wall plane. These elements are called load-bearing and rack elements. In addition, there are guides and starting parts of the structure, which are located perpendicular to the load-bearing ones. Choosing the right material is also not a difficult task. Familiarization with all its possible types helps with this.

The rack profile is the most popular in great demand. In the marking adopted by Knauf, it is designated as “CD”. The “Giprok” profile is marked “PP”. The dimensions of these elements are chosen so that there is almost no waste when using them. In addition, their size allows for optimal use of space on the elements being constructed. This profile can be from 2.5 to 4 m long. Width – 60 mm. The shelf protrusion is 2.7-2.8 cm.

The guide profile “UD” or “PPN” is intended for fastening the load-bearing parts of the frame. When assembling suspended ceilings or wall cladding, guides are mounted around the entire perimeter. It is more convenient when they are perforated with holes. Due to the fact that during installation they drill through the profile, this process will be easier. They are produced in length of 3 m. Metal thickness is 0.55 mm, height – 2.8 cm, width – 2.7 cm.

“UW” ​​or “PN” profiles refer to guides and are used for installing partitions. Their purpose is to make it possible to make different thicknesses of the partition if necessary. These items are produced different widths. Dimensions: length - from 2 to 4 m, shelf protrusion - from 3.4 to 4 cm, width - 4.2, 5, 6.5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 cm.

Profiles “CW” or “PS” are used for partitions as a rack when forming partitions. Their width should match the starting one. In profile good quality There are holes for laying communications. Giprok produces this element with a stiffening rib, which creates a curved edge. Length - from 3 to 4 m, shelf protrusion - 5 cm for Knauf, 4 cm for Giprok.

The arched profile is made curved. The surface may have different curves. When making surfaces of a specific shape, these flexible types of profiles are used. In places of bends and curvature of the plane, the installation of frames is carried out with these elements. If necessary, they can be replaced with other profiles. In this case, cuts are made at small intervals. Such a replacement complicates the installation process and can only be an exception in unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to profiles, other parts are used when mounting the frame. Components and auxiliary parts for plasterboard products come in a wide variety. But there are much fewer of them for free sale, since the assembly of the structure can be carried out using a small quantity from the entire assortment, the remaining parts remain unclaimed.

A two-level connector for a CD profile is used to connect two profiles at different levels. The need to use this element is determined by the perpendicularity of the profiles. Such connectors are sold flat, but must be bent into a U shape before installation.

A single-level connector for a CD profile, or “crabs” is a fastening that is necessary when profiles are installed at the same level. Just as in the case described before, the profiles are installed perpendicular to each other. Fastening them with self-tapping screws is necessary only if the load per square meter is more than 20 kg. For a smaller load, a self-tapping screw on both sides will be sufficient.

Direct suspension for CD profiles is used for the manufacture of plasterboard ceilings. It is attached directly to the supporting surface. Just like a two-level connector, the suspension is sold straight, and during installation it is necessary to form the letter “P”. The standard length of the suspension is 12.5 cm. Suspensions are also produced in other lengths - from 7.5 to 30 cm. The suspension is designed to hold a weight of up to 40 kg.

An anchor suspension is also called a suspension with traction. It is used in the same way as a straight one to attach a CD profile to the load-bearing surface of the ceiling. The production of such a suspension is due to the fact that the suspended ceiling can be a level much lower than the length of the suspensions provided. During assembly, the anchor suspension is installed inside the profile, then the rod is inserted into the hole made in the spring. The rod has a length of 25, 50 and 100 cm. The weight that such a mount can withstand is 25 kg.

An extension for a CD profile, in other words a longitudinal connector, is necessary if the length of the profile is less than the required one and it needs to be increased by connecting an additional profile. The connector is inserted at the end of the profile, taking into account that its protrusions should be directed in the same way as the protrusions of the profile. After joining the two profiles at the location, in order to stiffen the connection, a self-tapping screw is screwed in on each side.

The corner connector for the CD profile is designed for connecting profiles located T-shaped in the same plane. It completely replaces the crab type connector. Also, various types of screws are used to assemble the frame and attach drywall to it.

Self-tapping screw TN 25 for metal, which is necessary when attaching drywall to a profile structure. They come in different lengths with small thread pitches. Self-tapping screws of type TN 25 (length 25 mm) are used and in cases where several sheets are fastened, self-tapping screws 35-40 mm long are used. If for some reason drywall is attached to wood, self-tapping screws with a large thread pitch are used. They are called wood screws. For one layer of drywall, parts 35 mm long are taken.

Self-tapping screws LB 9, 11, 16 and LN 9, 11, 16 are drilling screws that are used when attaching profiles to connectors. The numbers in the marking indicate the length of the screw in millimeters. The shortest length of these screws is 9 mm. But they have disadvantages when installing drywall products. For example, a short length is inconvenient when twisting. The high cap prevents a tight connection of the drywall with the profile.

Self-tapping screws with a press washer are more practical when attaching profiles to each other and to additional elements. Such screws are used on all surfaces. There are, like the previous ones, piercing and drilling types. They have a wide range of lengths - 9-100 mm; if necessary, you can purchase even longer ones. The most popular screws are 16 and 14 mm. They are used in almost all structures made of plasterboard and profiles.

Self-tapping screws with plastic dowels used when installing “UW” or “UD” type profiles on walls. Nylon dowels are optimal when using such fastenings.

The wedge anchor is used to attach hangers to the supporting structure to achieve High Quality connections. This fastening has a very long service life, is not subject to drying out over time, and is resistant to corrosion. When installing a suspended ceiling, saving on these elements is not practical, since strength and reliability are the conditions necessary for any fastening. Instead, you can use a ceiling dowel.

The dowel-nail is used when attaching a profile structure to a load-bearing surface, such as brickwork, concrete wall or blocks. Select such fasteners with heads in the form of mushrooms. A diameter of 6 mm and a length of 40-60 mm is sufficient. If necessary, when the structure needs a more durable connection with the load-bearing surface, use a larger diameter or length. The convenience is that they are driven in with a hammer, there is no need to screw them in.

The best way to get started is by purchasing the most various types fasteners This will allow you to connect all possible elements that are used in the work. Facing non-standard situations, for example, a void in the supporting structure or additional fastening to other parts of the structure, it is often necessary to resort to the most unexpected methods, complementing the already existing schemes fastenings The presence of self-tapping screws or anchors of greater or lesser length helps with this. Also, when using rods or extension elements instead of hangers, it is easier and more reliable to use anchors and their analogues.

How to calculate the required quantity?

Installation of gypsum boards is carried out in two ways:

  • fastening to the mounted frame;
  • gluing to the bearing surface with adhesive solutions.

The first method is the most common, despite the large costs of financial resources and usable area. The reason for this is that the voids remaining behind the drywall make it possible to place what they are trying to remove from view (sewerage, water supply pipes, electrical wiring and the like). But the main task before starting work in this case is to calculate required quantity material.

Calculation of the guide profile comes down to dividing the entire perimeter where it will be located by the length. This number is then rounded up so that there is some margin left.

In this calculation, you should adhere to 2 recommendations:

  • Calculate based on the size of the room, trying to choose the length of the profile guides to minimize the length of the trim.
  • Calculate the quantity and add 7-20% of the total material. This increase makes it possible to compensate for small scraps that would have to be attached in separate pieces instead of the whole.

Calculation load-bearing profile- the most difficult of all calculations in plasterboard construction. In this calculation, it is necessary to take into account the entire frame design. For ceilings, the profile is calculated from the ratio X = (A/W+1) * (H/3) *K. The load-bearing profile for the wall cladding frame is calculated using the following formula: X= (R/W+4) *K. If the wall height exceeds 3 meters, this formula is converted into another form: X = ((R: W+4) * H/3) + R * K.

The letters in these formulas stand for:

  • X – number of profiles 3 m long;
  • A – plane length (m);
  • B – plane width (m);
  • P – perimeter (m);
  • H – wall height (m);
  • TO - correction factor(for an area of ​​10 square meters and less corresponds to 1.275; for an area of ​​10 to 20 square meters it has a coefficient of 1.175; more than 20 square meters area has a coefficient of 1.075);
  • W is the step through which the load-bearing profiles are installed; it is equal to 0.4 or 0.6 m and depends on how much the structure will be exposed to the pressure of the weight of the drywall. For a sheet laid in one layer, it has a pitch of 0.6 m. For two layers, the profile pitch is 0.4 m. The structure in which moisture-resistant plasterboard is used has a pitch of 0.4 m.

Calculate the number of hangers simple action, based on the number of supporting profiles. Here they take into account that they are located on the profile at a distance of 0.6 m. If the length of the profile is not divided by 0.6 m, then the number of hangers is reduced in order to position it evenly along the entire plane and length of the profile. The approximate number of hangers is calculated based on the total length of all profiles. Using the same principle, a suspension is attached every 0.6 m.

To do this, you need to take into account certain points:

  • The calculation must be made based on the fact that standard sizes plasterboard sheets are 1.2 by 2.5 m or 1.2 by 3 m.
  • Before finishing the room, it is best to make a sketch from which to determine the required surface area of ​​plasterboard. You also need to distribute the sheets of drywall over it so as to optimally use the material and reduce the amount of waste.
  • For finishing surfaces that are complex shapes, the total area of ​​all planes and bends is calculated, taking into account the recesses and protrusions. 10-15% is added to this area. It is then divided by the area of ​​one sheet of the selected size and rounded to the nearest whole amount.

Calculating the required number of fasteners is a simple task, which is done from the already calculated material. The number of self-tapping screws for attaching drywall is calculated based on the fact that about 100 pieces are needed for each sheet. “Crabs” are required 1 piece for each connection of metal structure profiles. Screws with dowels are calculated based on the fact that 1 piece is needed for the guide profile for every 0.4 m, and for attaching hangers to the supporting structure, 2 pieces are required per hanger.

In conclusion, you can add to the calculation that the purchase of materials should be done with a reserve. This is due to the fact that during installation, damage to materials or loss of screws is possible. There may be small errors or unaccounted points in the calculations. A product purchased in a store may have an imperceptible deviation from the quality presented. For example, drywall may have cracks that are not visible under a sheet of paper. Some of the screws may be curved, which makes it impossible to screw them in with a screwdriver. Self-tapping screws may be found with blunt ends or with a missing slot in the head. These and many other nuances can cause a lack of material and, as a result, time-consuming installation of the structure.

How to install?

To install a plasterboard structure, you will need the following tools: screwdriver, drill, building level, fasteners (dowel-nails, screws), scissors for metal and for cutting profiles, tape measure, screwdriver, knife for cutting drywall sheets. At facing works the loss of usable space must be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to design, for example, wall cladding as close as possible to the load-bearing surface. This rule is used in all possible cases when working with drywall. They begin work by marking the walls adjacent to the cladding area. Make markings using a level.

Installation of the profile is very simple. Guides are installed according to the markings where the supporting profile will be attached. Next, the hangers are attached along the line of the planned installation of the profile pre-drawn on the wall or ceiling. When performing this operation on the sheathing, the profile pitch cannot be neglected. Otherwise, the docking location plasterboard sheets will not be located on the profile area, which is a gross violation of installation technology.

The distance between the hangers varies from 0.5 to 1 meter. It depends on the desired strength of the structure. If this is provided for by the project, then after collection in profile structures and the box is laid engineering Communication, thermal insulation and sound insulation.

When installing drywall to the assembled frame, a screwdriver is used, thanks to which the entire the work will pass faster and easier. The sheathing process is nothing more than leveling the wall. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the plasterboard on the profile quite tightly. Much attention should be paid to the edges of the gypsum board cut, which should be made as even as possible. In those places where the cut sheets are joined, it is necessary to make a chamfer, the angle of which is 45 degrees. When puttying, a chamfer makes it possible to make joints invisible. The drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws at a distance of 20 to 25 cm. Where windows or doors are installed, the profile is placed along the opening. This makes it possible to easily fix the drywall. It is advisable not to use a wooden beam as an auxiliary element, since it can damage the drywall when drying.

To build arches, use curved drywall or make it yourself from a straight sheet. A flat sheet can be soaked, creating a temporarily damp environment, and placed on a template, according to which the bend can be repeated. Another option for folding sheets is to make cuts on the facing paper. In this case, take into account the radius along which the drywall will go. The steeper the bend, the more slits are needed on the sheet.

These recommendations are sufficient for the construction of plasterboard structures of any shape and complexity. When creating a project, it is important to think carefully about the shape and dimensions of the desired product and calculate the required material as accurately as possible.

When installing gypsum boards for the first time, you should not neglect technology. It is necessary to strictly observe the distance between the profiles, especially when many entire sheets are mounted. You must always remember that deviation from straight lines when installing the frame will lead to the appearance of convexity or concavity. Much attention should be paid to the strength of the fastening. Floor slabs have voids, so anchors are used for strong fastening. Foam concrete walls are not able to hold fasteners. Such connections should be avoided or additional measures should be taken to securely fasten the hangers.

To fasten any interior parts, special types of fasteners are used. This allows you to securely attach household appliances or other elements such as Wall lights, TVs, hangers, mirrors and so on. Under no circumstances should they be attached to drywall using self-tapping screws. This will not provide a reliable connection, unless the self-tapping screw passes through the sheet into the profile.

You can also pay attention to the fact that suspensions do not always satisfy the required deflection rigidity. In this case, additional structures are used. These could be suspension reinforcements self-made or purchasing any additional parts from the store’s assortment. You can make your own fastening from a supporting profile or guide. It all depends on your ingenuity.

It must be remembered that at the joints the drywall must be on the supporting profile. If this is neglected, then with a small force the sheets can move relative to each other, which will cause a crack. finishing putty. In places where greater deflection strength is required, additional profiles are installed. Alternatively, you can use a double layer of plasterboard or moisture-resistant plasterboard, which is more durable than ceiling plasterboard.

In order to use the minimum usable area of ​​the room, place the sheets closer to the load-bearing surface. You can resort to installing grooves in the places where the profile is attached. This option is possible, but has disadvantages, such as longer installation time and more effort required from specialists. As a rule, in these cases they resort to adhesives, which will not cause the mentioned disadvantages.

It should be noted that drywall is sensitive to the humidity of the room in which it is stored. To avoid bending of the sheets, they must be laid on a flat floor and stored only in this position.

In raw and damp rooms When installing drywall, you need to remember that it must be well protected from moisture. For example, in the bathroom, plasterboard protects tile. In this case Special attention Care should be taken to ensure that no water gets into the space between the load-bearing surface and the drywall. When performing finishing work on drywall, it is necessary to prime the entire surface well. This will promote good adhesion of the putty and increase moisture resistance. When filling, you should also not neglect laying construction mesh, or in other words, serpyanka, on the seams. This will give greater strength to the putty joints.

When installing drywall on a profile, you must check for protrusions or protruding parts. This can cause drywall failure. It is not recommended to use drywall in places where the temperature changes frequently (streets, loggias, balconies, etc.).

The supporting guide profile does not have to be completely cut in those places where an angle is needed. In order to form it, it is enough to trim the edges of the profile to a corner and bend it to the desired shape. It also helps in forming a stable angle if you fasten the cut edges of the profile together with self-tapping screws. If the profile needs to be bent at an angle less than 90 degrees, and the edges of the profile do not allow this, their excess parts are trimmed.

IN complex structures, if necessary high accuracy corners of drywall, sheet milling technology is used. For this, a shaped router is used. Using such a tool, you can cut out grooves of any shape and holes (oval, circle, rhombus, and so on). Using shaped cutters, not only the installation of drywall itself, but also puttying work is accelerated. Milling technology requires large financial costs for equipment, but is very profitable for large volumes of work.

For convenience when installing drywall, it is better to use a magnetized screwdriver head, since the screwdriver takes different positions and the self-tapping screw falls without support. In some situations, it is impossible to hold the screw with the other hand. In some cases, plasterboard products are attached close to the wall, so it is not possible to secure the sheet. In order to solve the problem, the profile frame is assembled without fastening to a load-bearing surface. Then drywall is attached to it and later installed in the assembly on the load-bearing surface where its location was planned.

If wiring runs through the voids of the drywall and comes out on top of the sheet, then it must be secured to it. This will avoid many difficulties after assembling the entire product due to the wire falling back into the cavity of the plasterboard structure. Drywall sheets are sold in different thicknesses. Sheets of 9.5 mm intended for ceiling cladding are highly not recommended for use on partitions. If you increase the length between the profiles on the ceiling, the 9.5 mm sheets may bend downward.

Drywall has poor sound insulation, so if you want to make it reinforced, damper tape is placed under the guides before attaching the load-bearing surfaces.