A message on the topic of how a studio apartment is furnished. Design of a small studio apartment: optimal furnishings and zoning. Who is this apartment suitable for?

A studio apartment is a relatively new type of housing on the domestic real estate market. IN Lately they have become increasingly common among the proposals of development companies. Before purchasing such housing, you need to understand its nuances. So, what is a studio apartment? What are its disadvantages and advantages? Who is it suitable for? In this article you can find answers to these questions.

What is a studio apartment?

This is an apartment that involves a common living space, not separated by any partitions. The exception to this rule is the bathroom. In this apartment there are no clear boundaries between the living room, bedroom and kitchen. The division of space is carried out only through design solutions.

Basically, these apartments are elongated and have 1 window without a balcony or loggia. The kitchen area is located near the exit, and the bedroom is located near the window. Although, if you answer the question of what a studio apartment is, it is also worth noting that sometimes this is what real estate is called mixed type. There the kitchen is combined with the living room, and the bedroom is moved into another room.

Who is this apartment suitable for?

The studio apartment in our country has become fashionable relatively recently. In the West, such apartments have been popular among creative youth for many years. On the one hand, renting a studio apartment is often cheaper than a large, full-fledged home. In addition, it gives maximum light and a feeling of no boundaries and complete freedom. For some categories of our compatriots, a studio apartment in St. Petersburg, Moscow or another Russian city will be the best option. It is suitable for young couples and single people.

Mostly, such housing is bought by people who lead an active business lifestyle and rarely stay at home. It should be noted that in the economy class, studios are cheap, therefore, they are purchased by people who do not have the money for a large, full-fledged apartment. This property is also of interest to representatives of creative professions, for whom this is not just housing, but also a workshop.

When is such real estate justified?

The pursuit of space is not always the main component when deciding to create such an apartment, the layout and major renovation of which will require a large investment of effort and money - and this is so that the result is high-status, elite housing. It's great to have such an unconventional bohemian home, although it's not always justified.

Many designers and architects undertake to create a design for a studio apartment, but do not always inform the future client about the negative aspects of such renovations, since the order is always a monetary one, and no one wants to lose it. But there are also advantages that a unique apartment will have - the price for it in the future will directly depend on the professionalism of the specialists who participated in the project.

Design from professionals will allow the owner of a studio apartment to:

  • Partying.
  • Use the space differently, since the furniture can be arranged as you wish, and functionality will not suffer from this.
  • Make the entire apartment in the same style: minimalism, hi-tech, and ethnic style.
  • Creative people can have both a workshop and housing at the same time.
  • Spend less time moving around the space.
  • For lovers of home theaters and high-quality sound, arrange the equipment so that you get excellent acoustics.

When is it better to refuse such an apartment?

We must remember that we must not destroy load-bearing walls. Therefore, redevelopment small apartment under the studio will be almost impossible under such circumstances:

  • If a partition is demolished, then permissions from the chief architect and the housing office are needed, which will not be easy to obtain.
  • If the subject of the alteration is an apartment in a panel house, in which it will be technically impossible to destroy reinforced concrete load-bearing structures.
  • If there are no funds for such repairs, since all communications will have to be completely redone.
  • If it is not possible to properly insulate the apartment, since it is much colder there.
  • If you plan to increase the number of family members.
  • If food preparation is constant - even the most best system ventilation is unable to completely eliminate all odors.
  • If there is a dog that will be very difficult to control.

Studio Features

  1. The kitchen flows into the living room. This inconvenience can be solved with the help of zoning. For example, you can raise the kitchen onto a podium. But this solution will not save you from the smell of cooking food spreading from the kitchen.
  2. Lack of hallway. Dust and dirt from the street will constantly enter the room. This problem can be solved by arranging a hallway near the entrance to the apartment.
  3. The studio interior requires a special design solution. Each element of the apartment should be in harmony with the others.
  4. The bedroom will not be a separate room. Of course, the bed can be placed in the middle of the room, but there is a more romantic and simpler way - to fence it off with a curtain or veil.

Pros and cons of a studio apartment

Based on the above, it is worth highlighting the main pros and cons of the studio.


  • no problem with a small kitchen;
  • maximum opportunity to use the occupied space effectively;
  • the absence of partitions creates a feeling of expanded space;
  • excellent acoustics;
  • suitable for receiving guests and holding parties;
  • the ability to implement interesting design solutions;
  • low price for economy class.


  • sounds and smells spread throughout the entire territory;
  • inability to be alone;
  • drafts;
  • requires costly and complex design solutions;
  • no balcony.

So, we found out what a studio apartment is. Despite the presence of restrictions, it refers to housing for which there will always be demand. If desired, such an apartment can be sold very quickly, as well as rented out. In this case, the income is comparable to that which can be obtained from renting a one-room full-fledged apartment.

The high cost of apartments in modern urban new buildings has led to the popularity of the “studio” format. This small living space is positioned as a budget option for childless families or single people. However, design possibilities can turn a small space into a cozy home. An original studio design project is valued just as highly as an exclusive renovation of an ordinary apartment. Let's look at the layout of studio apartments in more detail.


The etymology of the name originates in North America. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a large influx of immigrants to the United States. There was a serious shortage of housing for poor people. The newly minted Americans wanted to enjoy all the benefits of civilization for a reasonable price. Therefore, a compromise was found in the form of compact studio apartments. The small area included everything necessary for a normal life: a room, a kitchen space, a shower room with a toilet. Young families willingly chose this budget option.

Attention! The concept of partitions between functional areas was absent. Doorways Only the entrance to the room and the bathroom were equipped.

Over time, this type of housing conditions ceased to be considered budgetary. Design developments have made it possible to remove studio apartments from an unpresentable segment.

The idea of ​​combining kitchen and living space into one whole did not find a response for a long time. Russian Federation. Soviet Union disowned capitalist fashion trends, building inconvenient Khrushchev buildings. The studio architectural solution became popular only in the late 90s. At the same time, you often have to do the redevelopment yourself: remove interior partitions and walls. This is largely due to the difference in views between designers and architects. There is still no official standard for such a layout in the Russian Federation.

There are options for arranging studios from one-room and multi-room apartments. Therefore, price categories may differ significantly. The location of the property also matters. Big square in the elite sector will belong to the prestigious segment. The original zoning and popularity of the loft style make studio design expensive.

Advantages of housing layout without partitions

Contrary to popular belief, the removal of partitions or walls is not only done to save usable space. Combining functional areas can be done to make the home stylish. The fashionable layout allows a person with good imagination demonstrate your refined taste and make a pleasant impression on your guests. The studios are furnished by talented designers. Their design projects are popular in the architectural environment because they are distinguished by their individuality. Many designs are made to order. Redevelopment of housing implies ample opportunities to realize your imagination. In the studio space, experiments are allowed to create any style.

If you get down to earth and consider the everyday advantages of studio apartments, they will be as follows:

  1. The lack of useful square footage is compensated by the elimination of partitions and interior walls. Open space gives owners the opportunity to arrange the attributes of a furniture set as efficiently as possible;
  2. The space without restrictions is perfect for single people or a childless family. A bachelor can organize great parties to meet people of the opposite sex;
  3. The absence of many rooms allows you to arrange the interior of the entire apartment in one specific style. Architectural eclecticism is also allowed: when several styles are successfully harmonized, dividing the space into zones;
  4. Freedom of movement is complemented by fewer steps to necessary elements. You can quickly get from the chair to the refrigerator, without the need to open/close interior doors;
  5. The studio's great advantage is its ideal acoustics. Music lovers use this with pleasure, placing their favorite audio equipment. The same can be said about home theaters.

People are often inclined to purchase studio apartments creative personalities. The possibility of redevelopment to suit their needs inspires them to create a workshop in their living space.

Disadvantages of layout

Like any other design project, the studio option for furnishing an apartment has its drawbacks. Before you begin major repairs and redevelopment of the apartment, you should carefully weigh everything. Opponents of the demolition of partitions cite the following reasons:

  • Not all houses offer the possibility of redevelopment. Reinforced concrete structure It is strictly not recommended to change some panel buildings, because interior walls may turn out to be load-bearing. Therefore, it is important to study the layout of the building before taking destructive actions towards it.
  • But even if the building plan allows for demolition interior walls, the apartment owner will still need permission from the local housing office. This authority rarely agrees to major changes in the house, since no one wants to take responsibility for the strength of the building's structure. This is especially true for old houses that are in poor condition. Solving the issue in a new building is a little easier. Monolithic houses do not require permits at all.
  • The economic issue is of no small importance. Expensive repairs include not only the dismantling of internal structures, but also complete replacement electrical wiring. A new lighting arrangement will be required. Masters will have to adapt to existing engineering Communication. Therefore, the issue of finance often comes first.

Attention! The costs of converting a home into a studio space often exceed the owners' expectations. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a two-room apartment than to try to save money usable area.

  • The studio is ideal for a childless couple or a single person. However, it is not intended for those guys who want to have a baby. Since open space does not imply the presence of a children's room. And the presence of several people of different genders and ages in one place is fraught with irritation. Most of us require occasional solitude. But in a room with a studio layout, this is hardly possible.
  • Redevelopment implies serious attitude to the issue of air ventilation. The absence of a balcony forces you to give up cigarettes, and the combination of a kitchen and a room makes you think about a powerful hood. Air convection also plays a big role in the bathroom, since all the aromas will flow directly into the room. A new heating circuit will also be required, since drafts are common guests in open spaces. The best option seems to be a heated floor with good thermal insulation of the window opening.
  • We will have to give up large representatives of the animal world. For a pet there will simply be nowhere to hide if guests arrive. Not to mention the fact that he a priori needs his own corner.

Rectangular studio apartment

New buildings often suffer from the fact that for furnishing a studio apartment they offer inconvenient rectangular shape. The narrow and cramped space is distinguished by its large length. Therefore, competent interior design is extremely necessary to provide residents with comfort. The key issue is the insolation of the room, sufficient quantity Sveta. Experienced designers know how to deal with this. They use the features of a rectangular studio apartment as follows:

  • Functional areas are placed as close to the walls as possible;
  • The living room is located near the window;
  • The kitchen unit occupies one wall;
  • The bathroom is separated from the sleeping area as much as possible. It is installed near the front door;
  • To visually expand the space, reflective surfaces are used. These can be either kitchen items or various partitions made of impact-resistant glass. In the hallway area, mirrors installed opposite each other are welcome.

Since there is only one window opening in such rooms, the illumination of most functional areas leaves much to be desired. Therefore the organization good lighting must be complemented by the correct selection finishing materials. The classic option is to use white in all its shades. The predominance of light colors also creates the illusion of more space. This effect can be enhanced using combined system lamps. The intensity of their light should increase as they move away from the window with daylight.

As for the style of the elongated space, there are no strict restrictions. Is it worth abandoning the pompous classics in the rococo style, since it involves many elaborate interior elements. Preference should be given to minimalist styles: high-tech, Provence, Scandinavian country. A furniture set must be characterized by mobility and functionality in order to occupy as much space as possible. less space. It is necessary to abandon everything that clutters the living space. Heavy curtains are also inappropriate in a narrow rectangular space. The amount of decor should be kept to a minimum.

Advice. Before ordering a design project from an architectural bureau, you should look existing options in the Internet. This will allow you to decide in advance on your own vision of the future interior.

Studio design with one window

One window opening in a studio home imposes a certain responsibility on the designer. His project should arrange all decorative items so that the interior does not seem dark and cluttered. Because even the absence interior partitions does not save you from the feeling of crampedness when there is a lack of light. A functional furniture set should be placed in the most compact way possible.

The design project of apartments with one window opening often contains an indication of the abundant use of mirrors. Various planes are covered with reflective surfaces. The glossy texture of the furniture set is welcome, various elements kitchen utensils. The mirror itself is located opposite the light source. This significantly brightens the space.

Zoning of studio apartments with one window is carried out according to the principle of importance. The most significant areas are located closer to the light source. Usually this is a living room or study. To save usable space and financial resources, instead of desk a wide window sill is used. The guest area is separated from kitchen space bar counter or oblong table. Kitchen island used only when there is a sufficient number of square meters.

Attention! A small apartment means combining a guest and sleeping area.

Since there is no space for a hallway in a studio apartment, its functions are performed by a universal wardrobe. Its device hides both clothes and shoes. This giant is located right at the entrance.

A variety of design projects suggests the possibility of arranging a sleeping area if the window opening is not located in the center of the wall. In this case, the bed is placed in the corner that is darker. It is separated from the rest of the space by lightweight, opaque textiles. You can also use a durable window sill as a seating area.

Studio design with two windows

Two windows allow the designer to roam around. With their help, zoning is carried out:

  • Near the first window there is a kitchen area;
  • Near the second there is a guest room;
  • The sleeping area comes after the dining room.

This functional interior option is possible if there are two windows on wide wall. To differentiate the guest area and the work area, they are separated by small glass partitions. These partitions are used as racks for storing decorative accessories or books.

However, partitions are not the only decor option. Some designers do without them altogether. They use two sources daylight for proper arrangement of furniture. On the contrary, one window is grouped kitchen set, and opposite the other - pieces of furniture for the sleeping area. The hallway area remains at the entrance.

You can often find the TV located between the windows, and the sleeping area opposite. This allows you to create a home theater with starry sky. Functional areas are located on the sides, near the walls.


Zoning of a studio apartment should begin with the bathroom. An open plan means that utilities have already been installed in the bathroom and toilet. Therefore, they are fenced off from the rest of the room. After this, they begin to arrange the interior of the studio.

Since an open plan implies the arrangement of zones at your own discretion, you must be guided common sense. For example, you should not place a sleeping area near the bathroom. The same can be said about the work area. It is better to provide a kitchen area in this place. And move the sleeping area away from the toilet and entrance. It is also recommended to cover it with a piece of furniture or a thick partition to create the illusion of another room.

The dining area is decorated last. Original layout can fit it anywhere. However, the area near the wall opposite the windows is considered suitable.

In addition to standard partitions, you can use more interesting zoning methods. These include glass aquariums, differences in flooring heights or ceiling surface, local lamps, decorative elements. With the right level of imagination it is possible to envisage even play area for a child.

Studio design from 14 to 25 sq. m.

A very small area accommodated a living room, a mini-dressing room and a kitchen. Entrance area separated from the rest of the room by a curtain and a wardrobe. A corner of the living room is also covered by a refrigerator. Dinner table in the room it performs several functions at once: it can be folded and turned into a couch for guests. The chairs on both sides are hollow inside for storage. The sofa bed is also equipped with a pull-out shelf. All parts of the headset are from natural wood. They go perfectly with the achromatic decoration of the studio. Designer splashes of turquoise and lemon color enliven the decor. And the mirror surface of the cabinet visually expands the tiny space of the apartment.

Studio design from 25 to 30 sq. m.

A rectangular layout with one window poses certain difficulties. However, the designer found suitable solution. Key element The design project was a translucent partition between the guest and sleeping areas. Insolation softened the achromatic interior decor. There was a place for a sofa in the living room area, dressing table and TV panels. In the sleeping area there are a large bed and an ottoman. The kitchen area is separated by a compact bar counter. The bathroom is located right next to the entrance, and the closet is located along the wall of the hallway and kitchen. Pastel shades mask built-in household appliances.

Working on the design of small apartments allows you to fully express your individuality and imagination. Here you will have to abandon standard techniques; you need to design something original, special in order to create comfortable and cozy housing in a small space. As an example, we present 14 projects with the interiors of small apartments, some of them already have owners, while others are just planned for implementation.

Design of small apartments up to 20 sq.m. m.

Interior design of a small apartment of 18 sq. m.

With an area of ​​18 sq. m. it is necessary to save every centimeter and use every opportunity to enlarge a small space. For this purpose, the designers insulated the loggia and combined it with the living room - for this they had to remove balcony block. An office for working with a corner table top and open shelves for books was installed on the former loggia.

A bench was placed at the entrance, a mirror and clothes hangers were placed above it. You can comfortably change your shoes on the bench, and store your shoes under it. The main storage system of variable width is also located here, part of it is given over to clothes, part to household appliances.

The living room is divided into functional zones. Immediately behind the entrance area there is a kitchen equipped with all modern appliances. Behind it there is a living room - a sofa with a small table, above it open shelves for decorative items and books, and opposite there is a TV zone.

In the evening, the living room turns into a bedroom - the sofa folds out and becomes comfortable bed. Between the kitchen and living area there is a folding dinner Zone: the table rises and becomes one of the sections of the storage system, and the chairs are folded and taken out onto the loggia.

Project “Compact studio interior 18 sq. m." from Lyudmila Ermolaeva.

Design project for a small studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

In order to create a concise and functional interior, the designers decided to use an open floor plan and removed all the walls that were not load-bearing. The resulting space was divided into two zones: technical and residential. A small hallway and a plumbing unit were located in the technical area, and a kitchen-dining room was installed in the living area, which also served as a living room.

At night, a bed appears in the room, which is put away in the closet during the day and does not interfere with free movement around the apartment. Near the window there was a place for a desktop: a small tabletop with table lamp, above it are open shelves, next to it is a comfortable chair.

The main color of the design is white, with the addition of gray tones. Black was selected as contrast. The interior is complemented with wooden elements - light wood brings warmth and comfort, and its texture enriches the decorative palette of the project.

For such a limited area, the best stylistic solution for interior design is minimalism. White walls and ceiling white furniture laconic form, merging with the background - all this visually increases the size of the room. Colored accents and designer lamps are used as decorative elements.

Transformable furniture is another key to successfully solving the problem of placing in a small area everything that is necessary for comfort and coziness to modern man. In this case, the sofa in the living area folds out and the living room turns into a bedroom. The mini-office table easily turns into a large dining table.

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Design of small apartments from 20 to 25 square meters. m.

Small studio 25 sq. m.

The apartment is equipped taking into account all the requirements for comfort. The hallway has a spacious storage system; in addition, additional systems storage is arranged in the bedroom - there is a mezzanine where you can place suitcases or boxes with things, and a chest of drawers in the television area located in the bedroom.

The large double bed's headboard is adjacent to a wall decorated with a geometric pattern. In the small bathroom there was room for washing machine. A kitchen with a sofa can easily serve as a guest space.

The studio measures 24 square meters and is decorated in Scandinavian style. White color of walls, doors and light wooden surfaces blend harmoniously with accent colors, characteristic of northern interiors. White is responsible for visual extension space, bright accent colors add a joyful mood.

A wide ceiling cornice is a decorative detail that adds charm to the interior. A play of textures is also used as decor: one of the walls is lined brickwork, the floors are wooden and the main walls are plaster, all painted white.

Design project for a small apartment of 25 sq. m.

An interesting example of space zoning is provided by the DesignRush studio, whose masters transformed an ordinary small-sized apartment into a very comfortable and modern living space. Bright hues help expand the volume, while using milky shades that add warmth. The feeling of warmth and comfort is enhanced by wooden interior elements.

In order to separate functional areas from each other, designers use multi-level ceiling and different floor coverings. Zoning is supported by well-planned lighting: in the center of the sofa area under the ceiling there is a suspension in the shape of a luminous ring, along the sofa and TV area there are lamps on metal bars arranged in a line.

The hallway and kitchen are illuminated using built-in ceiling spots. Three black tube lights mounted on the ceiling above the dining area visually draw the line between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of small apartments from 26 to 30 square meters. m.

Beautiful small apartment with an unusual layout

Studio apartment 30 sq. m. is designed in a minimalist style with elements Scandinavian style– this is indicated by the combination of white walls with the texture of natural wood, bright blue accent in the form of a carpet on the living room floor, as well as the use of tiles with ornaments to decorate the bathroom.

The main highlight of the interior is its unusual layout. In the center there is a huge wooden cube in which the sleeping area is hidden. From the living room side, the cube is open, and from the kitchen side there is a deep niche in it, into which a work surface with a sink and stove, as well as a refrigerator and kitchen cabinets are built.

In each zone of the apartment there are others wooden parts, therefore the central cube serves not only as a dividing element, but also as a uniting element of the interior.

Small one-room studio 29 sq. m. was divided into two zones, in one of which, farthest from the window, there was a bedroom, and in the other, a living room. They are separated from each other by decorative fabric curtains. In addition, we managed to find space not only for the kitchen and bathroom, but also for a dressing room.

The interior is designed in Art Deco style in its American version. Stylish combination of light glossy surfaces with dark wenge wood in the background beige walls complemented by glass and chrome details. The kitchen space is separated from the living area by a high bar table.

Apartment design 30 sq. m.

Small apartment general style which can be defined as modern, has a sufficient number of storage spaces. This is a large closet in the hallway, space under sofa cushions, a chest of drawers and a TV stand in the living room, two rows of cabinets in the kitchen, a drawer under the bed in the bedroom.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a gray concrete wall. It does not reach the ceiling, and an LED backlight strip is attached to the top - this solution visually lightens the design, making it “weightless”.

The living room is separated from the bedroom by a thick curtain gray. Using a natural palette and natural materials gives the interior solidity. The main design colors are gray, white, brown. Contrasting details are made in black.

Design of small apartments from 31 to 35 square meters. m.

Studio project 35 sq. m.

The best small apartments are decorated using natural materials - this brings the required solidity to their furnishings, and allows you to do without decorative elements cluttering up the space, since the color and texture of the materials themselves are used as decor.

Parquet boards laid in a herringbone pattern, porcelain tiles with a “marble” surface, veneered MDF – these are the main finishing materials in the apartment. In addition, white and black paint were used. Wooden elements interior in combination with marble surfaces allow you to saturate it interesting drawing, while keeping the main volume free.

The living room is combined with the kitchen and dining room, and the sleeping area is separated by a partition made of metal and glass. During the day, you can fold it and lean it against the wall, so it won’t take up much space. The entrance area and bathroom are isolated from the main volume of the apartment. In addition, there is a laundry room.

Project “Design from Geometrium: studio 35 sq. m. in the residential complex "Filigrad"

Apartment with a separate bedroom of 35 sq. m.

Beautiful interiors of small apartments, as a rule, have a common feature: they take the minimalism style as a basis, and add an interesting decorative idea. The stripe became such an idea in the 35-meter one-room apartment.

A small place for night rest is highlighted by a wall with horizontal lines. They make a tiny bedroom seem larger and add rhythm. The wall in which the storage system is hidden is also “striped.” Track lights in the interior support the idea horizontal stripes, repeated both in furniture and in the decoration of the bathroom.

The main color of the interior is white, with black used as a contrast. Textile elements and panels in the living room bring gentle color accents and soften the situation.

Project “Design of a one-room apartment of 35 sq. m. with sleeping place"

This is a real masculine interior with strong character, reflecting the views of its owner. The studio layout makes it possible to maintain the maximum possible volume, while highlighting the necessary areas for work and relaxation.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a brick bar counter, typical of a loft-style interior. Between the living room and home office we placed a chest of drawers with an adjoining desk.

The interior is full of rich decorative details, many of which are made by hand. In their production, old, already discarded things were used. So, the coffee table is a former suitcase, the seats of bar stools were once bicycle seats, the leg of a floor lamp is a photo tripod.

The owner of a small apartment cannot significantly increase its area, but it is always possible to create cozy and functional housing in it. After redevelopment of such a room, a compact studio apartment is obtained. How to furnish a modest-sized home?

This modern popular accommodation is ideal option for singles or married couples. In a small space, it is important to maintain order and cleanliness, so you should not saturate it with an excessive amount of decor and interior items.

  • Do not allow dark colors to predominate.
  • Be careful, or avoid using massive furniture and heavy classic curtains.
  • Decorative elements such as floor vases, figurines, flowers in pots are best left for large spaces.
  • Mainly use finishing materials and furniture in light colors.
  • Install exclusively mobile and multifunctional furniture.
  • Feel free to use glass or mirror surfaces.

Organization of space

How to zone space:

  • Give space to the kitchen.
  • Decide on a living room, for which most of the apartment is allocated.
  • Find a corner for the bedroom.

They visually divide the room thanks to the use of:

  • Various finishing materials (color, texture, etc.).
  • Multi-level ceiling and floor.
  • Suitable furniture (compact cabinet, shelving or bar counter).

Installing sliding doors (partitions) made of frosted glass is also a way to decorate the interior. A studio apartment cannot always accommodate all the required areas.

To really increase the space, you can use an insulated balcony or loggia, where you can equip:

  • Study.
  • Small gym.
  • Continuation of the kitchen.

For small apartments you need to choose compact and multifunctional furniture:

  • As a sleeping place, you can install a vertically reclining bed, or one that can easily be transformed into a closet.
  • Exist various models transformable furniture (assembly instructions are included in the kit).

Workplace and kitchen area

It is advisable to place the kitchen area in a fairly compact area, ensuring maximum convenience:

  • Save work surface It is possible if the microwave is attached to the wall.
  • In order not to overload the space, you need to choose compact built-in appliances (2-burner stove with a small oven).
  • To ensure that household appliances do not take up much space, it is recommended to purchase multifunctional, modern technology(multi-cooker instead of double boiler).

Choose the most compact (folding) dining table or opt for a bar counter. If the kitchen is located near the window, then the window sill can be used as a continuation of the countertop and additional work zone for cooking.

Visual expansion

Expert advice can help answer the question of how to equip a small studio apartment.

At the same time they help a lot classic methods increasing space:

  • Disassemble the walls and create one room.
  • Use curved partitions.
  • Install sliding doors.
  • The spacious living room is combined with the dining room.
  • The arrangement of the studio apartment should be completed with one or more mirrored walls.
  • Choose a ceiling finish that is lighter than the walls, which visually makes it 5-10 cm higher.

Decorate a room with photo wallpaper or painting, for example, you can paint a niche on the wall, a window with a landscape, this approach perfectly visually expands the boundaries of the apartment.

Storage places for things

There are several suitable options :

  • At the end of a narrow, rectangular room, you can install a wardrobe equipped with a mirrored facade; this approach also visually expands the room.
  • Order a bed with drawers below, the price will be higher than the regular one. But you can put bed linen there.
  • Provide mezzanines where it is convenient to store clothes.
  • Consider closed shelves in the bathroom for household chemicals.

Use ottomans, where you can also put some things.

Studio apartment, the design will be perfect if you use the recommendations.

Recently, the real estate market is increasingly offering unusual solutions- studio apartments. In order to understand how a studio apartment is arranged, the technology is simple: the studio assumes an open space, without any partitions. The only exceptions are rooms such as the bathroom and toilet.

In this case, there are no boundaries between rooms as such. In the room, only separate zones are distinguished using various design means, each of which performs its own function. The number of these zones depends on the area of ​​the room, but even in a small studio there is always a cooking and eating area and a relaxation area. In more spacious studios, a work area, a dining room and a bedroom are additionally allocated. The kitchen area is usually located closer to the entrance, and the living room - to the windows.

In the room, individual zones are only distinguished using various design means, each of which performs its own function.

Most often, such apartments have elongated shape, without a balcony or loggia. Less commonly, a studio apartment refers to rooms in which the bedroom is placed in a separate room, and the kitchen is combined with a dining room and living room.

Most often, such apartments have an elongated shape, without a balcony or loggia.

Studio apartments are most often chosen by single people or married couples who have not had children and do not plan to add to their family in the near future. In any case, these are most often young people who are not alien to creativity and are not afraid of experiments. This is explained by the fact that purchasing such non-standard living space requires a certain courage, since in order to ensure comfortable living, you need to approach the arrangement correctly.

A space devoid of any boundaries creates a feeling of freedom and visually expands

Rooms with open space have undeniable advantages over conventional apartments separated by partitions. A space devoid of any boundaries creates a feeling of freedom and visually expands. And due to the absence of any walls functional area it really gets bigger.

Studio is more modern version living space, allowing you to realize the most interesting design ideas. Due to the absence of walls, it is easier to rearrange and radically change the interior.

On a note! A studio can be created in almost any apartment and even a country house.

To do this, you must first invite an architect, and, if he gives the go-ahead, demolish the walls. As a result, the area will appear visually larger, and the room itself will be filled with natural light.

In addition, studio apartments are often cheaper than standard living space. Therefore, they become a haven for those who cannot yet afford a regular apartment.

The disadvantages of open space are directly related to the lack of walls. In the studio, kitchen smells and fumes will fly freely throughout the apartment. The housewife cannot hide from the TV working in the living room or the gathered friends behind the saving kitchen door, since there is simply no door, as well as walls. There is also usually no hallway as such in a studio apartment, so dirt and street dust will fly throughout the apartment. For a family with children, a studio apartment would also not be the best option.

How significant these shortcomings are depends largely on how the studio apartment is equipped, and the technology for arranging the apartment is usually chosen by the designer. Future buyers are not always warned about the features of studio apartments and the inconveniences associated with them. But, knowing some of the nuances of the arrangement, these problems can be avoided.

The disadvantages of open space are directly related to the lack of walls

Arrangement of functional areas of the studio

The living area should account for the bulk of the space. This area should be the largest to ensure a comfortable pastime. It is better to choose furniture for the recreation area that is compact and multifunctional. For example, replace the bed with a folding sofa. Other options for transformable furniture are also possible.

Transformable table for studio room

Curtains should not be too heavy. For the studio best option- blinds, roller blinds or curtains made of light flowing material. They will not weigh down the room; on the contrary, they will give it lightness.

For a studio, the best option is blinds, roller blinds or curtains made of light flowing material.

The kitchen, even if it is the center of the overall “composition” of the room, should not be too large - this will create the effect that you are visiting kitchen sofa, and not in your home. It is better to purchase built-in, bulky appliances for the kitchen, such as a stove, and replace them with more compact ones. A good solution would be to use a multifunctional household appliances. For example, a multicooker successfully combines the functions of a bread maker, a steamer and several other devices. If the kitchen has a window sill, it can be used as an additional work surface.

Important! The dining table should be compact and preferably folding.

How to arrange a small studio apartment?

A small area causes difficulties in arranging not only ordinary apartments, but, unfortunately, also studios.

A small area causes difficulties in arranging not only ordinary apartments, but, unfortunately, also studios

When planning rooms with open space, you need to consider the following requirements:

  • all zones must be combined in style;
  • each zone should be as functional as possible;
  • you need to carefully select the number of interior items, otherwise there is a high risk of turning the apartment into a “furniture warehouse”;
  • advantage - light colors.

Let's start with the design of the walls. For small studios you need to choose light or white wallpaper or paint. This will visually expand the boundaries of the room and fill natural light. But don't forget about bright accents. If there are no bright spots in the interior, then the result will be monotonous light walls the rooms will begin to evoke memories of the hospital and cause a depressing feeling. Bright accents can be added to the kitchen or living area; It is permissible to use a variety of colors in the bedroom area.

If the apartment has a balcony, to save space it can also be connected to the main interior

If the apartment has a balcony, it can also be connected to the main interior to save space. Due to this, you will be able to gain additional space. First, the balcony needs to be well insulated. You can move the recreation area to the space vacated as a result, or make an additional one.

Bright accents can be added to the kitchen or living area; It is permissible to use a variety of colors in the bedroom area.

Further, the entire technology of how the studio apartment is equipped will depend on the areas required by the apartment owner. For some, a standard kitchen-living room-bedroom set may be enough. Others may need a separate workplace or even a greenhouse. This needs to be taken into account when planning the interior of the studio and think about how best to arrange the functional areas.

Each zone should have a minimum of furniture: only the essentials, so as not to clutter up the already small space. It’s good if the interior items are multifunctional: a pull-out sofa, a bed with drawers for things, etc. To save space, you will have to give up floor lamps, floor vases, statues and flower pots. They are more suitable for a more spacious studio. Concerning styling, then it is preferable to maintain the interior in modern styles: minimalism, hi-tech, or in the now fashionable Scandinavian style.

Conventional chandeliers are not suitable for small rooms

Conventional chandeliers are not suitable for small rooms. It is better to use them instead Spotlights. They can be placed around the perimeter and mounted into furniture - this will visually make the room more spacious.

When settling in spacious premises with open space, it is worth following the same principles as for tighter ones. But the technology itself of how the studio apartment is equipped will be somewhat different.

There is no need to save space, so you can easily arrange all the necessary zones without combining them with each other

First of all, there is no need to save space, so you can easily arrange all the necessary zones without combining them with each other. But even in this case, order is necessary. Firstly, and spacious room It is very easy to clutter with too much furniture. Secondly, each area should be functional, have its own “zest”, but at the same time be combined according to appearance with others so that a complete composition is obtained.