Projects of bathhouses with a terrace. Projects of one-story baths. Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, barbecue and terrace

A visit to the bathhouse is often perceived as one of the mandatory procedures when staying outside the city. These buildings help you take a break from the bustle of the city, relieve stress, and get an energy boost. If the bathhouse has a plunge pool or a small pool, this will significantly increase the positive health effects.

The bathhouse can stand alone or be part of residential building.

Terraces, as a rule, are attached to one of the walls of a bathhouse building, usually where the entrance to the building is located. The entire complex has a common foundation and a single roof structure.

Installation of the terrace allows you to use this extension both separately and in combination with bath procedures:

  • on the terrace you can recover after visiting the steam room;
  • it is possible, subject to the placement of appropriate equipment, to prepare food;
  • at the table on the terrace it will be convenient to spend time with family or friends over a cup of tea (on summer days it is much more pleasant to be in nature than in a stuffy room);
  • in warm weather you can not only relax, but also sleep in the open air;
  • a beautiful terrace also serves as a decoration for the bathhouse.

Can be installed in buildings of any configuration. It is an excellent replacement for a free-standing gazebo. What is important is that you do not have to allocate a plot of land for the construction of a separate building. In addition, by installing a terrace near the bathhouse, you can easily maintain a unified architectural style of the entire building.

What a bathhouse could be like

Construction of a bathhouse is a responsible and costly undertaking. This building is installed on solid foundation In addition, it is important to think through the arrangement of the necessary communications, take into account sanitary and environmental standards, and pay attention to the fire safety of the building. When starting to build a building, you must:

  • choose a suitable location;
  • select the appropriate material;
  • make drawings;
  • decide on the performers;
  • buy everything you need.

When choosing a location, you must be guided by current regulations regulating minimum distances from various objects.

Table. Requirements for the location of the bathhouse.

In addition, you cannot build a structure for collecting wastewater from a bathhouse complex closer than 4 meters from the border with neighbors.

Prices for various types of timber

  • lowlands and areas of flooding during spring floods - not The best decision to select a location for a building;
  • The best place to build a bathhouse is in an area where groundwater lies as deep as possible;
  • the building should not be visible to strangers, it should also be protected from drafts;
  • the construction of the foundation should not be interfered with by utilities.

Important! A frivolous attitude to choosing a place to install a bath complex is fraught not only with your own inconveniences, but also with troubles with neighbors, as well as with inspection organizations. If the standards are not followed, the building may be required to be demolished, and penalties are also possible.

Before starting construction, it is recommended to conduct geological exploration in order to select the correct foundation design. It depends both on the type of soil and on the type of building itself. In some situations, you can limit yourself to a columnar foundation; more often you have to pour a strip foundation. If you want to start construction immediately, without waiting for the concrete to gain strength, it is best to choose a pile structure.

Having decided on the location of the building, you can begin to think about its structure. It is important to pay attention to all the nuances:

  • dimensions of the building;
  • appearance;
  • planning;
  • types of equipment, furniture, etc.

A few points that have great importance during the construction of a bathhouse.

  1. Ceiling height, comfortable for staying in the bathhouse - at least 200 cm, size doorways: 180 x 80 cm.
  2. It is best to orient the entrance to the south side, where there will be less snowdrifts in winter (if the bathhouse is not used in winter, this does not matter), and the windows are to the west.
  3. Wood that is highly resinous cannot be used for interior cladding. Aspen, poplar or alder are suitable. They conduct heat poorly and have decent moisture resistance.

It is good if there is a sewerage system on the site. Otherwise, you will have to prepare a structure for collecting wastewater and filtering it. The ventilation of the room and the chimney damper system must be thought out.

It is important that the erected building fits harmoniously into the existing landscape design.

What is usually placed in the bathhouse

The functionality of the bath complex may be different. The standard layout of a bathhouse includes a steam room, shower, toilet and relaxation room.

The size of the steam room for comfortable accommodation of several people is 6 square meters. m. Shelves must be of such a size and placement that you can sit or lie on them without experiencing inconvenience.

It can be brick, which is the best option for producing light steam, or metal, which does not require much time to warm up, but the steam from it is characterized by increased hardness. Install electric or traditional, wood-burning models.

Important! Coal or other hydrocarbons should not be used to light the stove, as the smell from them will not bring pleasure to those present.

If the size of the building allows, good decision will be the installation of a compact pool. Taking a dip in cool water after a steam room is very good for your health.

To expand the possibilities for organizing leisure time, a good option is to place a billiard room. This opportunity usually arises when a second floor, or at least an attic, is installed above the bathhouse complex. In this case, you can use the territory more competently suburban area without taking up useful free space.

Construction of a building

Building a bathhouse is not a long process. Therefore, this structure can be installed first and live there while the construction of the main residential building is underway. In addition, everything necessary for living can be provided immediately: small kitchen, sleeping places and a bathroom.

The terrace is usually made open, limiting the perimeter with only a small fence. However, you can completely isolate it by installing, for example, glazing. Interesting solution when installing a terrace, a sliding glass wall allows you to combine the living room with the terrace.

A barbecue on the terrace will allow you to concentrate all the necessary elements comfortable rest In one place.

Stages of work

Step 1. Site preparation.

Step 2. Construction of a foundation (its type is determined by the type of soil, load, time allotted for the work and financial capabilities), which can be monolithic, columnar, strip or pile.

Step 3. Construction of a bathhouse frame with a terrace.

Step 4. Installation of roof structure.

Step 5. Cladding of the building and its insulation.

Step 6. Floor installation.

Step 7 Installation of the stove and chimney (it is not needed for the electric model).

Step 8 Interior decoration premises.

Step 9 Conducting communications.

The most important question that needs to be resolved when starting work is what to build the bathhouse from, as well as the terrace for it. In addition, the purpose of the building imposes some additional requirements for both construction and finishing.

Materials from which a bathhouse and terrace can be made

The extension must fit harmoniously into the overall architectural ensemble. Often it is made from the same building material as the bathhouse itself. Or from a design that matches it. The choice may be influenced by: the dimensions of the future building, the place intended for its installation, the material aspect.

The material must provide a good microclimate in the premises. It requires high resistance to temperature changes and high humidity levels. The environmental aspect must also be taken into account. No harmful substances should be released into the atmosphere under the influence of steam.

Most often, baths are built from wood. These can be logs or timber; frame structures in which wood is combined with other types of materials are also popular. But when using wood, it is necessary to pay attention to its treatment against the influence of climatic factors, and also, using special impregnations, to increase the resistance of the structure to fire.

Ceramic brick remains popular.

Not so long ago, products from various types concrete: gas, expanded clay, slag, and foam blocks are also actively used today in the construction of bathhouse complexes. All of them have both advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

If you want to build a bath complex on your site, you can make a construction project yourself or use the ready-made solutions offered.

One-story bathhouse with terrace

A fairly simple project, but it takes into account all the moments necessary for relaxation in this building.

The bathhouse has dimensions of 4 x 6 square meters. m, the ceiling height is 2.2 m, it has a spacious recreation room with two windows. The entrance to the steam room is from the shower room. Usable areas both rooms - 3.52 sq. m. Two-level shelves can be installed in the steam room.

Bathhouse made of profiled timber 4×6 meters with a relaxation room and a terrace

Profiled timber is offered as a material for the construction of a bathhouse.

A bathhouse can be not only self-construction, but also located inside a residential building. This building can also be used as a guest house.

The entrance to the building, built from rounded logs with a diameter of 180 mm, is from both the porch and the terrace. The building has two bathrooms, a large hall with a living room, a steam room with an area of ​​almost 9 square meters, two bedrooms and a kitchen. On the spacious terrace you can spend your leisure time with your family or friends. The entrance to the second floor is via a spiral staircase.

This building has everything you need for living outside the city.

The bath house measuring 8.2 x 11.8 m is intended for year-round living outside the city and receiving guests. It provides everything you need:

  • steam room;
  • 2 shower rooms with toilet;
  • spacious living room;
  • 4 bedrooms;
  • Utility room;
  • a large terrace under a canopy, which can be glazed if desired.

A convenient entrance leads to the second attic floor. staircase design made of wood.

The one-story frame structure on a pile foundation has a total area of ​​43 square meters. m. and a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The design of the bathhouse is both simple and stylish. There is nothing superfluous inside - a small bathroom, a steam room and a relaxation room.

Such an architectural structure will not only provide vacationers with everything they need, but will also decorate any area. If everything necessary for bathing procedures, cooking and gatherings is located on the first floor, then on the second floor you can allocate space for a bedroom and a small billiard room.

In such a brick building, lined with plaster, it is possible to place a kitchen-living room, a bathroom, a shower room, a steam room, a compartment for firewood, and even a small font, in cold water which is incredibly useful to plunge into after visiting the steam room.

The open terrace is located at an angle - along the facade and end of the building. The open extension has a common roof with the bathhouse. The presence of an attic allows you to use it as a bedroom and leave space for storing household belongings. The windows of this room are located in the roof structure.

The total area of ​​the building is 91 sq. m. m, residential - 36 sq. m.

Block building

A small building, which can be erected in a short time, accommodates two living rooms, a bathroom with a shower and a not too spacious but functional steam room.

The small but cozy terrace can accommodate several people.

The material for the manufacture of this building in a minimalist style is tongue-and-groove blocks made of aerated concrete. The area of ​​the building is 6 x 6 m, the terrace occupies 19 sq. m. m.

The building contains a bathroom and rooms where you can wash, steam and relax. Outside, in addition to the open terrace, there is a place to store firewood. The roof is gable, the external walls are finished with plaster.

This building looks very modern and will decorate any suburban area.

Prices for gas blocks

Gas block

There are many ready-made solutions for installing a bathhouse with a terrace. Based on their needs and capabilities, everyone can choose for themselves suitable option. If you wish, you can come up with a construction project yourself.

Video - Bathhouse 3 x 4 with terrace and utility room. block

The bathhouse in the Russian tradition is not only water procedures, but also a form of leisure time loved by many of our compatriots. In the bathhouse it is pleasant to sit with friends after a busy work week, relax with the whole family, fully cleanse the pores of the body and relieve accumulated psychological fatigue. In addition to relaxing together with tea parties and barbecues, the bathhouse often hosts get-togethers for men and women based on their interests. For example, a group of men will be interested in discussing their affairs, while women arrange whole cosmetic rituals in the bathhouse that are not inferior to spa salons.

To conduct such versatile leisure activities, it is necessary that the bathhouse, in addition to a steam room, washing room and changing room, also have a spacious place for relaxation. Such a place could be a functional veranda located under the same roof as the bathhouse building.

Advantages of baths with a veranda

One of the main advantages is saving square meters of land. With a veranda attached to the bathhouse, you can eliminate additional buildings on the site, freeing up space for flower beds or garden crops. Can sit on the veranda summer cuisine, gazebo, barbecue area or small pool.

Combining several functional objects under one roof will significantly reduce construction costs and materials. A roofing sheet for a combined building will cost less than for several structures. In addition, the construction of a bathhouse with a veranda will allow you to withstand uniform design for the entire mini-complex.

From the point of view of convenience, such a mini-sauna complex will allow you to spend full-fledged leisure time in one place, without moving from building to building.

Building options

What the veranda attached to the bathhouse will look like depends on the taste of the customer, his financial capabilities and the availability of free space on the site. Architectural agencies offer many finished projects for every taste, and will also help you develop a computer version upon individual request.

Even if you are going to build a bathhouse with a veranda with your own hands, viewing such a visual project will not be superfluous.

Let's look at the most common types of projects.

  • Bathhouse as a separate building. In this case, the veranda can be located on any side of the bathhouse building or even along it. It all depends on the location of the bathhouse itself and the intended functions of the veranda.

If the extension is located on the side of the building, then a small open or closed passage can lead to it. In the case of two-story buildings, the veranda can be located on the second floor, which will significantly save space on the site.

  • Corner bathhouse with veranda- an example of compactness and spaciousness of the structure. It can occupy the darkest corner of the site, not used for planting plants. Thanks to the angular shape, there will be enough space inside the room to accommodate both the bathhouse itself and the adjacent recreation area.

In addition, the corner location of a bathhouse with a veranda can give a complete look to the architectural composition of the entire site.

  • Bathhouse attached to the house. This method of planning allows you to increase the area of ​​the house, while reducing the development of the site itself. The veranda in this construction option serves as an excellent resting place for two buildings at once - a house and a bathhouse. But it is worth remembering that this option requires additional costs for waterproofing and ventilation in order to avoid dampness in the house.

The standard and most successful parameters for verandas are 3x6, 5x6, 4x8, 5x4 meters.

Types and shapes of verandas

A veranda is a covered summer extension to a house, in a classic design, having walls, window openings, a foundation and a roof. Verandas can be either open or closed.

Open verandas are different in that they can have only one wall on the side of the house and a roof. They are simpler in design and represent a spacious porch with railings and supporting pillars. Enclosed veranda- This is a summer unheated recreation room, protected by walls and windows from precipitation and wind.

When designing, it would not be superfluous to consider various forms of verandas. Instead of the traditional rectangular or square shape, you can choose semicircular, oval or even triangular structures original design. Such a building will become an architectural highlight in the landscape design of the site and non-standard place for gathering guests.

Project options

  • Classic bathhouse with veranda. A separate bathhouse will become a leisure center for the whole family if you include a spacious veranda in the construction project in advance. Here you can organize family celebrations, place sofas or wicker furniture, organize a barbecue or billiards area.

  • Two-story bathhouse. In this embodiment, the veranda can be a narrow room, intended only for climbing to the second floor to the rest room. If a bathhouse of this type is intended primarily for leisure, then a glazed veranda with a staircase leading to the second floor will decorate the area. For a recreation room it is not necessary to add a full second floor; you can get by with a spacious attic under pitched roof and one attached wall above the bathhouse.

A bathhouse with a narrow veranda and attic significantly saves square meters of land.

  • Bathhouse with summer kitchen. An excellent option for small plots of land or for owners who have not yet completed construction of the main house. This bath is suitable for permanent residence V summer period and will contain all the necessary household items.

The summer kitchen is used for cooking and eating, bath room with steam room - for water procedures. In the veranda-kitchen you can organize a place to relax and sleep.

  • Bathhouse with swimming pool. Shower or dousing cold water do not bring as much joy as the opportunity to plunge into the water immediately after the steam room. If there is no body of water nearby, even the simplest container of water can provide this opportunity. A small pool can be installed directly in the recess of the veranda. Construction of a full-fledged pool from foam blocks is a technically complex task, requiring compliance with many nuances and the development of a separate project. You can simplify the task by choosing a purchased plastic font for 10-20 square meters. meters.

Available for sale plastic containers the most different forms and sizes that can fit into any room. As a rule, they come with all the necessary accessories - shelves, ladders, rugs.

Veranda layout

Considering various projects baths with a veranda should be given Special attention the location of the extension, its orientation to the cardinal points. The comfort and functionality of this room will depend on this. Decide on the main purpose of the veranda as a space for leisure. Please note that there will be too much sun on the veranda on the south and south-west side, and this may be inconvenient for a comfortable stay. At the same time, the southern side for the veranda and the entrance to the bathhouse will become a salvation from northern winds and snow drifts into winter time of the year.

Veranda windows facing west will provide longer solar lighting in the summer, because the bath is most often started in the evening.

To install a barbecue, determine the main wind direction in your area. It is advisable that the veranda be protected from gusts of wind by the structure of the bathhouse.

Another important detail when choosing the location of the veranda is aesthetic perception. When relaxing on the veranda, it is better to admire the picturesque landscape than the view of a fence or utility structures.

Construction of a building

As a rule, a veranda under the same roof as a bathhouse is planned at the project stage, and the materials chosen for it are the same as for the bathhouse. But it is not required condition- one is enough common roof and foundation, but the veranda itself can be, for example, wooden against the background of a brick bathhouse building.

It should be remembered that the addition of a veranda from a different material is only possible during the transition from heavy to light materials. You can attach a light wooden structure to a brick bathhouse, but not vice versa.

Another option is an extension to an already finished bathhouse., for example, in a situation where the roof of a bathhouse requires repair and replacement. When planning to change the roof, you can at the same time expand the bath space by adding the construction of a veranda to the project.

Foundation for the veranda to the bathhouse

Laying the foundation is the most critical moment of construction, on which the durability of the structure depends. Foundation laying work begins with determining the level groundwater and the degree of soil heaving.

This is especially important if the veranda is built after the construction of the bathhouse, with a separate foundation. It happens that a few meters from the main foundation the soil has a different structure and a close flow of water, and this can lead to erosion of the base and cracks in the walls.

The foundation for a veranda and bathhouse can be of several types.

  • Tape- most economical option, suitable for stable soil, withstands heavy structures well. The installation process consists of creating a trench around the perimeter of the proposed structure, installing simple formwork from scrap materials, laying a reinforcing frame and pouring concrete mixture. After the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin building the walls.
  • Columnar. Ready-made concrete blocks or pillars of bricks are dug into the pit prepared in advance. A “cushion” of crushed stone and sand is lined at the bottom of the pit, the pillars are compacted tightly, and the lower part of the pillars is filled with bitumen mastic. The pillars must be at the same height and stand no further than 2 meters from each other. The space between the pillars is filled with crushed stone. Next, as in the first case, concrete is poured.

  • Pile. This method is suitable for problematic soils with high groundwater levels. Wells are drilled at the points planned by the project, waterproofing is laid in the form of a roofing felt cone, and concrete is poured. On the surface, the piles are connected to each other by a grillage - a reinforced concrete frame.
  • Pile-screw. Another simple method involves screwing metal pipes with screw threads on the tips into the soil. It is important that the pipes are coated with an anti-corrosion compound.


The subfloor is laid on a completely dry concrete base. It is best to use wood with a deformation gap, since this material tends to expand due to temperature changes.

The tree must be treated with an antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. Usually, construction market offers many options for already impregnated and treated subfloor boards.

When choosing a finishing flooring attention should be paid to wear-resistant, frost-resistant and non-slip materials. The bathhouse is heated only during certain periods, and in the winter season it is subject to freezing. Ordinary wood can crack in cold weather, and tiles are not always suitable for baths due to increased slipperiness. The best option there will be a choice of lining or decking boards from a certain type of wood, already treated with special compounds.

For open terraces Larch or pine wood is usually used. Thanks to its resinous properties, it does not rot or lose strength, which significantly extends the life of the floor. Also on sale are combined options based on wood and polymers.

If you are planning a place for a barbecue on the veranda, you must make a base for the barbecue in advance, observing all fire safety rules, as when installing a stove in a bathhouse.


The frame of the veranda is erected on a finished foundation and may consist of various materials: prefabricated metal profiles, timber beams, foam blocks, building bricks. The choice of material largely depends on the type of veranda itself. For open type A light wooden frame is sufficient, but a closed, warm structure will require solid walls and insulation.

Verandas are often glazed to the maximum or protected from the wind. and drafts with transparent polycarbonate. Window openings can completely replace walls in the manner of " French windows» from floor to ceiling, or built partially, for example, starting from the railing at waist level. An interesting option is to glaze part of the openings with stained glass mosaics. This gives the veranda original look and protects from the direct rays of the summer sun.

Bathhouse projects with a loggia and barbecue are an excellent method to compensate for the lack of free space on a suburban area. This combination allows you to create a functional entertainment area, which can additionally be used as a summer kitchen.

In addition, this solution has other advantages:

  • organization of a complete relaxation - after steaming and relaxing after the bath, you can immediately cook barbecue or snacks on the fire on the veranda;
  • integrated construction can help accurately transfer the overall building style for all buildings on the site;
  • if a bathhouse in a country house is planned to be used exclusively during the season, then an extensive loggia with a barbecue can completely replace the entertainment room, which will help to save significantly on the construction of a bathhouse;
  • there is no need to connect separate objects with paths, thanks to which you can additionally save the required area and reduce costs;
  • combining several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, since in such a situation, for example, the wall of a bathhouse will also become the wall of a loggia.

Material selection

Complex including swimming pools, sauna and extensive entertainment area

A very well-known and economically viable material for building a bathhouse with a loggia is wood beams. On the one hand, it retains heat well, so the bathhouse will not require auxiliary insulation. In addition, wood itself is a common material for a Russian bath; it allows you to create an exclusive “bath” atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathable” material, independently regulates humidity, although at the same time it requires additional safety from mold and fire.
Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire protection, although they take longer to heat up and require the greatest amount of fuel. In addition, brick baths will require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the formation of mold and microbes.

More famous modifications - baths made of timber

Standard Russian bath from timber

Laying the foundation

Despite the often common roof, different foundations are laid under the loggia and the bathhouse. A bathhouse, of course, is heavier than a loggia, which is why the largest and tallest buildings require a solid strip foundation, and for small bathhouses it is possible to get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bathhouse, then it must be poured strip foundation- others simply cannot withstand the weight of construction.

For wooden loggia A pile foundation will be quite enough. In those episodes when the loggia is placed on difficult soil, prone to freezing or crumbling, on slopes, then to increase stability it is more original to lay helical piles. At the same time, for wooden buildings it is important to create waterproofing between the wood and the foundation in order to avoid rotting of the wood.

A significant period of construction of the bathhouse - laying the foundation

Loggia and barbecue: counting correctly

When planning a loggia, first of all you need to take into account what purpose of the wind is considered the main one, so that the purpose of the bathhouse covers the loggia. In addition, this will allow the barbecue to be positioned correctly so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the visitors. If the loggia will serve as a refuge from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then there is no need to place it in the southern direction. Or, on the contrary, a loggia with a sun lounger will most likely become a wonderful space for sunbathing - here it entirely depends on the desires and tastes of the owner. In addition, the selection of the location of the loggia is greatly influenced by the view around it - contemplation of the fence is unlikely to add to the mood on vacation, it is much more pleasant to enjoy a forest, a lake or a landscaped exterior.

The loggia can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it has the opportunity to have a corner location (along 2 adjacent walls) or encircling (along 3 walls, sometimes entirely around the bathhouse, if the territory allows).

Rice. 1. Plan of a bathhouse with a frontal location of the loggia

Frontal arrangement of the terrace

Plan of an elegant and laconic bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue

If you do not expect to invite a large number of people, then taking into account the introduction of a barbecue (barbecue), the smallest suggested loggia area is 7-8 m². Although it is best to start with 9-10 m², then in addition to tables and chairs on the loggia it will be possible to install a sun lounger, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space for activities, and vacationers will not get bored with the heat from the stove and smoke.

Although a loggia in the traditional sense is an open area, for greatest convenience it contains a roof for safety from rain and sun. This may well be a continuation of the roof of the bathhouse and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can serve the loggia with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bathhouse itself, so you will need to connect the light earlier.

Recommendation! Polycarbonate coating It is especially justified for large loggias - there is no need to build a powerful base, the lightweight iron system will not clutter up the space, remaining virtually invisible.

For the floor on the loggia, it is preferable to use a wooden board or decking. Naturally, you can lay paving or ceramic tiles, although wood will look more comfortable. Natural stone is used in the form of spraying on a large loggia.

Natural stone will be a striking treatment for the loggia

To install a barbecue, you need to lay the foundation separately, and special fire-resistant bricks are used for construction, and the base is made at a height of about 70 centimeters from the floor.

Recommendation! To improve fire safety, it is more original to place stone (tile) tiles near the barbecue instead of wood coating - even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to store a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke from a barbecue, a certain chimney is made, which in height must guarantee effective removal of smoke from the bathhouse.

On the loggia you need to allocate space for firewood

An extensive relaxation complex, including entertainment rooms, a bathhouse, a loggia with a barbecue

Planning a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue oven

The plan of a bathhouse, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish), must provide for the presence of at least 3 rooms:

  • locker room - dressing room with the smallest volume of 1.2-3 m2, although along with this it is necessary to take into account that according to the standards per person there should be 1.3 m²;
  • shower room - smallest volume 2x2 m;
  • steam room - its volume is a compromise between the comfort of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low fuel (electricity) consumption. The smallest size of a steam room for 2-3 persons will be 1.3-1.8 m.

If there is a predominance of a spacious loggia for a seasonal bath, you can abandon the entertainment room. The planning of the remaining premises, of course, depends on the aspirations and probabilities of the future owner.

Longitudinal plan of a bathhouse with a loggia, connected from each other by a polycarbonate roof

In this regard, everything you need for fun in the bathhouse fits under one roof

Let's take a closer look at the individual plans.

A corner bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue (Fig. 2) makes excellent use of the site area if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bathhouse with loggia and barbecue

The space is used too constructively - the spacious shower room has a plunge pool with cool water. The steam room is quite large - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it; at the same time, it is moved closer to the corner, away from the front door - this is safer, since after the flashy lighting of the shower room, the eyes would like to get used to the subdued light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bathhouse, then the stove can be embedded into the walls. If you arrange the steam room a little more insignificantly, then with this location of the stove it can be heated from the shower. There are 2 entrances to the common vestibule - one from the street, the second from the loggia.

Plan of a bathhouse-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and barbecue, quite large area- 98 m2. Therefore, if its year-round implementation is expected, installation of a heating system is required. Inside is an extensive entertainment room and some kitchen area. The loggia is located on the side, in area it is almost half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the loggia.

Rice. 3 Bathhouse - guest house with barbecue and loggia

In Fig. 4 and 5 show 2 more plans for a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. Plan of a bathhouse-guest house with a terrace and barbecue

Rice. 5. Bathhouse with loggia and barbecue

In Fig. 6 is a drawing of a bathhouse with a loggia and a barbecue, in which you need to pay attention to the entrance door to the entertainment room - it is placed at the greatest distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the building.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue

It is worth noting such an important fact that brick buildings can be finished with porcelain stoneware or tiles. This will give them a certain originality in appearance. Besides, exterior finishing walls can be very interestingly combined with one or another type of roofing materials.

The bathhouse is usually covered with pliable roofing materials, and it is possible that tiles, slate or metal profiles will be used. Along with this, you can build like an ordinary gable roof, and the attic. The attic is good because it allows you to combine buildings with a bathhouse for visitors to live in; in addition, you can equip an office or a room for summer recreation there.

The final step in choosing a project for building a bathhouse is to develop it either in three-dimensional form or in paper form. This is how you will have the opportunity to see the bathhouse with your own eyes long before it is built. This will allow you to make the necessary corrections during construction, and it will become much easier to build a room according to a plan created in advance.

The design of a bathhouse with a terrace is suitable for people who like to sit on the fresh air and spend time with friends. This rational use free space on the site, since the open veranda replaces the gazebo and does not have to be built separately. Perfect place for relaxation, protected from direct sun or rain.

What material is best to build a sauna with a terrace from?

Today, wooden baths are at the peak of popularity. From affordable options, you can choose timber or logs. This material has many advantages over others:

  • environmental friendliness - wood for the manufacture of timber or logs is mined in the northern regions of the country;
  • good thermal insulation- at proper insulation the steam room will keep the heat inside for up to several hours;
  • long service life – after coating protective composition the material is not afraid of moisture from pests;
  • low price - cheaper than brick.

In any project on our website, a bathhouse with a terrace has a carefully thought-out layout. But if necessary, the size and purpose of the rooms can be changed to suit the client’s requirements. In the catalog we offer only verified project plans saunas and houses that are completely ready for sale.

In the understanding of any Russian, a bathhouse is something more than a place where you can wash yourself. This is relaxation, communication in a warm family and friendly company. It is no coincidence that the construction of such a facility is the first thing people think about when developing a suburban plot of land.

Often, a bathhouse turns out to be a complex complex, which may include a relaxation room, a food preparation area, and a terrace where people gather after washing.


Modern baths can be timber, brick, frame prefabricated buildings. There are other options for choosing materials and construction methods.

A bathhouse is often built with a veranda or terrace. The terrace can be equipped with a barbecue oven. But even in the very simple version Such an extension will add comfort when spending a holiday outside the city.

Best options suburban planning land plot This is exactly what happens when creating complexes of this kind. Along with the bathhouse, a platform appears on the site, protected from the sun and precipitation by a roof.

The terrace can be enclosed glass walls . This will allow you, without literally shutting yourself off from nature, to experience the effects of adverse weather conditions such as wind and slanting rain.

Combining a bathhouse with a terrace will also significantly simplify the construction issue. After all separate sauna and gazebos not only take up more space on the territory, but also require a much more significant investment of money, effort and time during the construction of each independent object.

Location of the building

To locate the bathhouse, you need to choose the right place, taking into account a number of factors:

  • It would be more correct that, taking into account the prevailing wind direction, the bathhouse should be the last in the line of buildings. If it suddenly catches fire, in this case there will be a high probability that the fire will not spread to other buildings.
  • If the bathhouse and the residential building are built as separate objects, the distance between them must be at least eight meters. The reasons here are the same as in the previous case.
  • It is advisable to locate the bathhouse away from the road. Even according to the requirements of the Land Code, this distance should not be less than five meters.

The terrace in its structure is an extension to the main building. In addition to the roof combined with the bathhouse, it can be protected from the wind to a certain extent, since it has one common wall with the main building and conditional partitions around the perimeter.

A solid floor is installed near the summer terrace. It can be made of wood, sometimes it is laid out with tiles or some other finishing materials. Furniture on this site includes benches, chairs, rocking chairs, and a dining table.

The terrace can be large or small. With a reasonable approach, it can always be made as convenient and functional as possible.

Selection of materials for construction

Wood is the material traditionally used for the construction of baths. It is usually used to make a log frame. The tree has many advantages:

  • it retains heat well - no need to think about additional insulation measures;
  • V wooden building the special smell and atmosphere that are characteristic of a traditional Russian bath;
  • since wood breathes, the humidity inside the bathhouse is regulated;
  • from this material you can create buildings of a wide variety of shapes, embodying original architectural solutions;
  • There is no doubt about its environmental friendliness, since wood is safe for humans, and in a bathhouse it creates an additional healing effect.

Disadvantage wooden bath there may only be susceptibility of this material to mold, rot, as well as a significant likelihood of fire in case of careless handling of fire. In a brick bath fire danger much less. But the room itself takes longer to warm up, which means you will have to spend more wood to wash and steam.

Brick structures for this purpose must have excellent ventilation., since condensate that appears during operation causes the appearance and spread of fungus.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the environmental friendliness of brick and the fact that it can be used to build a building of any configuration. The long service life of such baths is also not the last argument in favor of choosing a brick building. Its construction can be cheaper than wooden. In addition, there is no need for special finishing. The brick looks good on its own.

Sometimes it makes sense not to limit yourself to traditional materials, but choose something more modern for the bath complex. For example, gas silicate blocks. Gas silicate belongs to the category of products modern technologies. It has its own advantages that force you to make a choice in its favor when it comes to building a bathhouse.

They differ:

  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • environmental safety;
  • fire resistance;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • by the fact that it does not rot;
  • ease of installation;
  • at a small price.

Important question during the construction of a bathhouse - the construction of a foundation. More often than others, a strip foundation is made for such a structure using reinforced concrete, rubble or brick.

For a screw foundation, special piles are used, on which the structure will rest. Columnar foundation is one of the most economical. Using pillars you can build a base for a small bathhouse with a terrace.


In order to get exactly what you need when designing a bath, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • how many people should a washing complex with an open seating area be designed for?
  • whether it will be used only in summer or can also be used in winter;
  • what layout will be most suitable;
  • what material to build it from;
  • what is the acceptable construction cost?

If the bathhouse is to be used only in warm weather, you don’t have to think too much about insulating the dressing room. If the bathhouse is used year-round, the location of the entrance to it becomes especially important.

Proper planning allows you to reduce construction costs. So, if you make a comfortable outdoor barbecue area that can easily accommodate many people, a guest room may not be needed.

Sometimes it is enough to attach a terrace to an existing bathhouse, if it is new enough. If the bathhouse old building, it is better to place a rest area under the roof between the washing building and the house. It is important to choose a place for it so as not to violate the existing architectural and stylistic idea.

The area of ​​the bathhouse can be different - from small to impressive, for example, 6x4, 3 by 9 meters and so on. On a large plot there is room for a structure measuring 6 by 9 meters. It is suitable for big family and a large company. Such a space can easily accommodate not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a kitchen, a bathroom, a recreation room, a billiard room, and so on. The bathhouse can be two-story. On the second floor it makes sense to do spacious room for guests. The terrace can be equipped with a stove that looks like a fireplace.

Such a health complex can be made, for example, from rounded logs. Layout variations are possible. For example, if you arrange a living room on the ground floor, separating it from the terrace glass wall, there will always be a lot of light in this room, and the terrace itself will be able to look larger. When the weather changes, guests will be able to conveniently move from the open area to the living room and back.

Some designs of bathhouses with attics provide an external staircase to the second floor from the terrace. This way you can win additional space in the house itself. Although many may think so design solution controversial.

Sometimes it is easier to attach a bathhouse to an existing house, including one with a garage. In this case, a 5x6 meter extension with a terrace will be sufficient.. The functionality of the housing will expand, and in the heat it will be possible to spend time pleasantly in the fresh air in a place protected from the sun.

You can adopt the project corner bath with a terrace. With this approach to planning, it can take up little space on the site, while remaining roomy inside. Such the project will be especially interesting when the bathhouse is placed very close to a residential building. There are also projects for corner terraces that make sense to apply in this case.

If you approach the matter thoroughly, you can aim for a real bath cottage. In addition to the bathhouse, it can serve as a variety of recreational functions. Here you can find guest rooms, an area for children to play, dance and barbecue. In summer, such a complex makes it possible to live in the fresh air most of the time.

When developing a bathhouse project, you need to take into account a number of nuances related to the location and arrangement of the terrace. A place for it must be allocated taking into account the direction of the wind. The bathhouse building should obscure the site, and at the same time the fireplace, so that vacationers definitely do not have to breathe smoke.

If the purpose of the terrace is to shelter people from the hot sun, you should not build it on the south side. This will only be good if the owners like to sunbathe.

Of course, one cannot ignore the surrounding landscape. It would be strange to have a terrace overlooking outdoor toilet or a fence. It is much more pleasant to see a forest, river or lake from this site. From a planning point of view, the terrace can be located frontally, that is, along the facade of the main building, on the side, as well as at an angle and along the entire perimeter of the bathhouse.

For a small company, an area of ​​7-8 square meters will be sufficient. But if the territory allows, it is better to make it at least 9-10 squares. In this case, among other things, a couple of sun loungers or armchairs can easily be placed here. And the person preparing the barbecue will have enough space to turn around. At the same time, the heat of the stove will not disturb others.

The easiest way to lay the floor is with wooden boards. Although paving slabs will do too. On large terraces, natural stone is used for such covering.

Typical projects There are a lot of bathhouses with terraces. When creating variants of these objects, architectural bureaus take into account the requirements for the use of certain building materials and installation methods. Although no one will prohibit you from carrying out an individual project.

Design options

To have a pleasant time in a bathhouse with a terrace, you should carefully approach the design of the interior and outdoor area. Often the inside of the room is lined with clapboard of a certain tone. It's better to choose soft shades, which will set you up for relaxation.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no large protrusions or sharp corners in the rooms. Even if there is enough space in the washroom, steam room or relaxation room, a person in a relaxed state can accidentally touch the ledge and get injured. For the same reason care must be taken to ensure that the floors are not slippery.

It is better to use for interior decoration natural materials . Modern ones, such as plastic, are not friendly with the bathhouse, as they can melt or begin to emit unpleasant odors. Even if they do not poison, the holiday experience will be ruined.

In the bathhouse you need to provide all the necessary accessories: brooms, hats, aromatic oils, shampoos, soap, washcloths. It is good to allocate a convenient shelf under them, which is always easy to reach.

It is better not to use for lighting bright lamps, which do not allow you to tune in to relaxation. It is better to let the light be yellow and soft.

The design of the outdoor area is also of great importance. It may have thick curtains that isolate the terrace space from the hot sun or cold. Can be used here sliding elements glass or polycarbonate. Thanks to this, the terrace can be used almost all year round.

The important part is the oven on the terrace. The overall impression of a bathhouse with a terrace largely depends on its structure and design. For a barbecue they lay separate foundation. The oven is made of refractory bricks on a high base. When building it, it is better to provide a niche for storing a small supply of firewood.

As for the occurrence of smoke, a separate chimney with a high pipe is created to remove it, so that the unpleasant smell and fumes do not spread throughout the terrace and bathhouse.