Glue the ceiling tiles yourself. How to properly glue ceiling tiles: different methods. Where to start gluing and how to apply glue to ceiling tiles? Which adhesive is best for ceiling tiles? How can you paint ceiling tiles made of p

Modern finishing ceiling surfaces is a fairly easy process. The construction market offers a huge selection of practical and durable materials. A variety of ceiling tiles are deservedly especially popular and in demand.

Pressed or stamped

The starting material is polystyrene foam. Manufactured by stamping. The thickness of the finishing material is 5-8 mm. The porous surface perfectly absorbs dust and dirt. Difficult to clean up. Initial view can be restored by painting acrylic paint. The dubious quality is compensated by the low price. Read good article about , maybe this will suit you better.

Possesses perfect flat surface, which can be painted or covered with a special film that protects the material from contamination.


The most expensive option ceiling tiles. The material for manufacturing is a polystyrene strip obtained during the pressing process. It has a perfectly flat surface, which can be painted or covered with a special film that protects the material from contamination. Easy to clean with a damp cloth. It is easily and evenly cut using a stationery knife or ordinary scissors, while the surface of the tile is not deformed. Mounted on the most flat and smooth surface possible.


The most expensive option for ceiling tiles. The thickness is 9-14 mm. Characterized by regular shape and clear pattern. The manufacturing process uses the sintering process of polystyrene sheets under the influence of high temperatures. Allows you to create high-quality seamless coating ceiling surfaces. It is non-flammable, environmentally friendly and completely non-hygroscopic.

The surface of such ceiling tiles is coated with a special film, which makes finishing material maximum moisture resistant and retains color brightness for a long time.

Mirror or laminated

The surface of such ceiling tiles is coated with a special film, which makes the finishing material as moisture-resistant as possible and retains its color brightness for a long time. The finish is almost seamless. The manufacturing material is plastic, on the surface of which it is applied mirror film. Visually increases the space of a small room.

Correct calculation of finishing material

The standard dimensions of any ceiling tile are 50 × 50 cm (this is larger than the size for the floor). Knowing the area of ​​the ceiling, calculate required amount ceiling tiles ok easy.

Ceiling tiles should be purchased with a reserve of 15-20% of the total quantity.

This reserve may be required if part of the material is damaged during the cutting or gluing process. Glue on a liquid “rubber” basis is more economical “ liquid nails».

Tools required for installation

  • construction level
  • stationery knife
  • standard ruler
  • special glue: “Titan”, “Liquid nails”, “KONIGDEKO” or “FORMAT”
  • ladder

Whitewash from the ceiling should be washed off until clean. concrete base using a warm soapy solution, a brush and a spatula, and then dry thoroughly.

Preliminary work

How to glue ceiling tiles to whitewash? The whitewash from the ceiling should be washed off to a clean concrete base using a warm soapy solution, a brush and a spatula, and then dried thoroughly. Oil paint do not remove (read the article about putty for painting, under wallpaper and more), but simply wash with soapy water, dry and degrease. All swelling is moistened with water and then removed with a spatula.

When choosing, you should pay attention Special attention on the density of the tiles, the correct geometry of the corners and side parts. Only smooth tiles will ensure a neat and correct connection.

When installing tiles diagonally, lines should be drawn from the central intersection point at an angle of 45°.

Markings on the ceiling are carried out based on the method of installing the ceiling tiles. You can stick this finishing material in the traditional way or horizontally. In both cases, the center should be noted ceiling surface . The easiest way to do this is to make marks in the middle of each wall, and then connect them with lines along the ceiling. The intersection point will be the center. These same lines will serve as a guide for traditional way installation or method " brickwork", when each subsequent row is shifted by half a tile from the junction of the previous one.

It can be taken as a central landmark ceiling lamp, which is located in the center of the ceiling. Any chandelier is dismantled before starting work.

When installing tiles diagonally, lines should be drawn from the central intersection point at an angle of 45°. In this case, the ceiling segment will be divided into two parts. The tile is glued in a diamond shape, and the center is located at the intersection of the axes (we talked about gluing sheets of drywall).

Installation of tiles on the ceiling

You can start gluing the ceiling tiles from the center to the edges, being sure to press the tiles tightly against one another, which will allow you to get smooth and invisible joints. There is a way to install ceiling tiles from the wall opposite the window. This method allows you to get a cut tile above the window, which will make it less noticeable.

Adhesive is applied to the corners and center of each ceiling tile. Then, the tile is pressed tightly against the ceiling surface and held in this position for several seconds.

Spot application of glue helps reduce its consumption and makes it possible, if necessary, to easily dismantle any element of the tiled ceiling. Excess glue that appears is removed immediately.

If necessary, carefully trim the tiles using a utility knife. If gaps have formed between the joints, they are sealed with acrylic sealant. You can paint the ceiling after a day.

Options for gluing ceiling tiles

Cost of work and materials in 2015

Depending on the manufacturer, the price of standard pressed ceiling tiles varies from 20 to 200 rubles per sq. m. meter. High quality tiles extruded ceiling VTM will cost 73 rubles per piece, and the average price category of such finishing material starts from 200 rubles per sq. m. meter. Injection ceiling tiles are the most expensive option of all ceiling tiles, but also the highest quality. The cost starts from 250 rubles per sq. m. meter. An interesting finishing solution would be to use laminated ceiling tiles, the price of which is approximately 1000 rubles per sq. m. meter.

Glue TITAN 0.25 for ceiling tiles costs about 40 rubles. The price for KONIGDEKO glue is 220 rubles per 600 grams, and FORMAT glue will cost 170 rubles per 400 grams. The cost of “KONIGDEKO LIQUID NAILS” is 220 rubles.

Glue consumption: 600 grams “KONIGDEKO” - 13 sq. meters, and 400 grams “FORMAT” - 9 sq. meters.

Pasting the ceiling surface in a room of 20 sq. meters takes no more than three hours.

Professional laying of polystyrene foam ceiling tiles depends on the degree of complexity and volume of work. Average prices for installation of ceiling tiles:

Video instruction

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Today there are many ways to update the ceiling, which involve the use of a wide variety of types of coatings. One of the least expensive and therefore very common solutions is gluing with polystyrene ceiling tiles. Its cost is low, and the decoration method itself is easy and simple to perform. And so much so that even a beginner who knows how to glue ceiling tiles only theoretically, it can independently create a very interesting coating.

Sticker stages

The process of finishing the ceiling with decorative ceiling tiles includes:

  • Selection of materials: decorative tiles, glue
  • Preparation of the base surface
  • Stream marking
  • Gluing tiles.

We select materials

The most popular is the traditional foam tiles made of polystyrene. It is produced in the form of squares 50x50 cm and rectangles 100x16.5 cm. There are three types of polystyrene foam boards on the market for installing the so-called “glued” (“glued”, “glued over”) ceiling:

  • Stamped tiles up to 8 mm thick - with a loose porous surface, fragile, low strength, but the cheapest. It is not recommended to wash it.
  • Extruded (laminated) tiles with an absolutely smooth surface protected by a waterproof, dust-repellent film are elastic, the most durable and durable. Happens different colors, with drawings, structured like wood, fabric, marble slab.
  • Injection (cast) tiles - thick (9–14 mm) products of regular shape exclusively white with a relief pattern or with a smooth surface, allowing you to create a “seamless” ceiling. The imitation stucco molding looks especially rich. Can be painted.

When choosing one or another type of decorative slabs for the ceiling, you should take into account the category of the room. You can use laminate flooring for the kitchen.

Attention! For rooms with high humidity, only extruded tiles with a water-repellent coating are suitable.

Now about the glue. So how to glue ceiling tiles allowed on any durable absorbent surface, you can use one of special adhesives, presented for sale in a huge assortment. Preference should be given to installation polymer compositions recommended in the instructions for the material. Liquid Nails glue and other fast-drying adhesives that adhere well to various base surfaces are also suitable.

Expert tip: To prevent adhesive stains from showing through thin colored ceiling tiles, use transparent adhesive, such as Titanium.

Surface preparation

High-quality finishing is possible only if the surface is relatively flat (holes/bumps no more than 5 mm), well prepared. First of all, you should wash off or otherwise remove the whitewash, clean the ceiling of old finishing materials (wallpaper, tiles), peeling plaster, fill deep cavities and places of significant differences between floor slabs.

It is important! To strengthen a loose ceiling and improve grip quality, base surface It is advisable to treat it with a primer.

Ceiling tile placement

From existing options The arrangement of slabs on the ceiling is most often parallel and diagonal laying. You can glue plain, colored ceiling tiles, or combinations thereof. For the combined option, more complex gluing methods are better suited: snake, “checkerboard”, alternating/intersecting diagonals, along the perimeter, in the center, etc.

Ceiling markings

The prepared dry surface must be marked. To do this, you need to determine the point from which installation will begin. Typically, this is the geometric center of the area. It is very simple to calculate: just use two ropes stretched in opposite corners to break off the diagonals. The point of their intersection corresponds to the desired center. Usually there is a chandelier hanging there. If the location of the lamp does not coincide with the center, it is better to take it as the starting point for work.

Features of gluing ceiling tiles

In the case of parallel laying, two lines are drawn at right angles through the center parallel to the walls. It is along them that the first and three other central tiles are aligned, joining at the corners at the starting point. If there is an electrical wire installed there, their corners will need to be cut off a little. Then they will be hidden under a lamp or glass of a chandelier rod, or under a ceiling rosette.

It is very important to properly align the first rows, since they determine how even the subsequent rows will be.

Before how to glue ceiling tiles, it must be kept for some time (up to 15 minutes) in accordance with the instructions for using the glue. In order not to waste time waiting, it is better to apply glue to several tiles at once. Depending on the composition, the mastic is placed in the center and corners of the tile (in most cases) or on specially designed ledges in full or in spots, and also, possibly, on the ceiling. When gluing the tile, you need to hold it for several seconds, pressing it tightly against the ceiling and at the same time preventing its deformation.

While working, do not forget that only strict adherence to the symmetry of the drawing will allow you to create a beautiful, holistic picture. Before gluing the tiles, it is advisable to cut off the flashings located along the edges. This will allow you to form a continuous array of the ceiling, without prominent seams. To prevent moisture and dirt from getting into the cracks, they are filled silicone sealant, level it with a trowel (you can even use your fingers), and remove the excess with a damp cloth. Thanks to this procedure, they achieve a monolithic coating and block the path of moisture, thereby preventing the appearance of streaks and stains.

If it's not entirely clear how to glue ceiling tiles from the central point or you don’t want to bother with calculations, you can start installation from the corner. Many people do this, laying tiles row by row along one of the walls: it’s both easier and faster.

With any laying method, the last rows, as a rule, have to be trimmed and the gaps closed ceiling molding or baseboard.

A little trick: if you don’t want the fragments of the slabs of the last row to catch your eye, lay the first row against the wall opposite the doors or window.

The finishing is completed by gluing the ceiling rosette with a cut hole and installing skirting boards around the perimeter of the ceiling. They are fixed with the same glue that was used for the ceiling tiles. To avoid drafts, keep doors and windows closed until the glue dries.

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Lightweight foam tiles are the most popular ceiling covering. With its help, they transform space in kitchens, hallways, bedrooms and even in reception rooms. First of all, people choose this finishing material because, in comparison with stretch ceilings it costs mere pennies.

And, of course, everyone, without exception, likes the fact that even a person who is making repairs with his own hands for the first time in his life can handle such sticking. For such beginners, we will tell you how to properly glue tiles to the ceiling and what methods can be used to do this.

How to properly and beautifully glue foam ceiling tiles: different methods

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

For those who don’t know, ceiling tiles are squares with perfectly straight sides that have a front and back side. In view of this, when carrying out finishing work, you must carefully check whether you are fixing them correctly on the ceiling.

After all, if you glue tiles without paying attention to this nuance, then in the end you will not be able to fold perfect drawing. Also, when planning such work, it is extremely important to decide in advance which method you will glue the tiles. This needs to be done in order to understand exactly how much material you may need.

Methods for gluing foam plastic to the ceiling:

  • Parallel to the wall. This method finishing suggests that Finishing work will begin to be carried out at the wall that is opposite the window or doorways. The first tile will need to be smeared with glue and laid exactly parallel to the wall, stepping back a little from it.
  • Diagonally. If you choose this particular method, then you will need to start finishing the ceiling exactly from the center of the room. In order to determine this place, you will need to stretch the thread through the corners located opposite each other. The place where they intersect will be the center of the room.
  • Diamonds. I would like to say right away that this method is considered the most difficult, so it is better for beginners not to try it. In this case, you will also need to find the center of the room, set aside several squares from it, and then glue tiles diagonally from them. If you do everything correctly, the corner of the tile will point exactly to the center, and one side will coincide with the diagonal on the ceiling.

How to mark the ceiling for ceiling tiles?

Recommendations for marking

As mentioned a little above, in order for the ceiling tiles to look perfect, preliminary markings must be carried out before attaching them. Remember, if you don’t want to redo all your work from the very beginning, you must do it.

After all, only correctly applied markings on the ceiling will help you place the first tile as needed, and subsequently create the perfect pattern. If you attach the tiles to the ceiling in diamonds or diagonally, the markings will help you mask the seams as well as possible, thereby making the canvas visually even.

  • To begin, use a measuring tape to measure the approximate distance (diagonally) from one corner of the room to the other.
  • Next, cut two pieces of rope (their length should correspond to the data obtained)
  • On next stage you will need to stretch these two blanks from corner to corner so that they intersect in the center of the ceiling
  • Next, take, for example, a level and a simple pencil and draw the resulting diagonals on the ceiling space, and be sure to mark the central point of the room
  • Remove the ropes and draw a square near the center point that the ceiling tile will easily fit into. From this place you will continue finishing everything ceiling covering.

Where to start gluing ceiling tiles?

You need to start finishing the flow from the central point

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that you can start gluing the slab to the ceiling from two places. If you are doing this for the first time, it will be better if you give preference to the method in which the tiles are glued parallel to the wall. In this case, you will not need to carry out any preliminary measurements, and you can literally immediately proceed to the main stage of work. All you have to do is find perfect place on the ceiling covering and fix the first slab on it.

After fixing it, you will need to check whether you have placed it correctly, and you can proceed to fixing the rest decorative material. If you want to create more on the ceiling covering complex drawing, then you will need to mark it (we told you how to do this correctly above) and after that you can begin transforming the living space. In this case, the first tile will need to be placed in the center of the room being repaired.

How to apply adhesive to ceiling tiles?

Glue application diagram

Most people who are making repairs for the first time in their lives think that applying glue to finishing material does not require any special knowledge. But as practice shows, even such a seemingly simple process must be carried out correctly. If you apply the glue chaotically, then in the end the tile will not fix as it should and, what is most unpleasant, the resulting seams will not fit perfectly to the ceiling covering.

So, first, apply a small amount of glue to the very center of the tile, then place droplets diagonally from this point, and at the very end, apply a line along the entire perimeter of the finishing material. When applying glue to the tiles, make sure that the droplets are not very large. If there is a lot of glue, then when you press the tiles against the ceiling, it will begin to come out and, as a result, you will have to remove the excess, and this can damage the structure of the finishing material.

Yes, and remember, if you want the adhesive to fix the tiles on the ceiling as well as possible, you will need to hold them in the air for 1-3 minutes before fixing them. During this time, the glue will react with air and this will cause the substances responsible for adhesion to become more active.

Which adhesive is best for ceiling tiles?

Ceiling tile adhesive

As a rule, people think that the more expensive the glue, the better quality it is. Of course, in most cases, an expensive product is much better than a cheap one. But still, in the case of ceiling tiles, you need to pay attention to other factors. The most important indicator of glue quality is adhesion strength. The higher this indicator, the more securely the decorative material will be fixed on the ceiling covering.

In addition, you should pay attention to how quickly the glue dries. The faster this happens, the better it will be for you. After all, if it sets not for 30 seconds, but for 2-3 minutes, then you will simply get tired of holding the tile for such a long time and, most importantly, you will definitely not be able to fix it correctly. Also, when purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the viscosity of the adhesive.

If the glue you choose is very liquid, then try to choose another option for finishing work. As practice shows, an adhesive base that is too thin will not allow you to securely fix the tiles to the ceiling and it is likely that after a while you will have to redo everything from the very beginning.

Types of adhesive for fixing ceiling tiles:

  • Universal
  • Titanium
  • Adhesive compound (silicone based)
  • Acrylic putty
  • Liquid Nails
  • Polyvinyl acetate glue

How to beautifully and correctly glue ceiling tiles diagonally, in a diamond shape: description, video

Before you start fixing the tiles, you must prepare the ceiling space. If you do not do this, then in the end, no matter how much you want, you will not be able to properly fix the finishing material. For this reason, it will be better if you first carefully inspect the ceiling and repair all defects.

But keep in mind that in order for the tiles to lay perfectly, it is not enough to seal all the cracks and holes. If you want adhesion between the ceiling and decorative coating was the maximum, then you will definitely need to grind the surface and then carefully prime it.

  • First, measure the area of ​​the ceiling and estimate how many tiles you might need. Please note that if you fix it with a diamond, you may need more of it than if you glue it diagonally.
  • At the next stage, you will need to mark and mark the central point of the ceiling, as well as diagonal lines, aligned with which you will lay out diagonals and rhombuses.
  • Once the markings are made, you will need to apply adhesive to the entire tile and fix it to the center point. If you want it to set instantly, do not forget that it must be kept for at least 1 minute.
  • In order for the tile to fix, it must be pressed against the ceiling covering and held in this position for 30 seconds. Once you are sure that it does not move, you can begin to apply glue to the remaining decorative material.
  • Initially, you will need to lay out the tiles along the diagonals that were drawn during marking, and when this is done, you can move on to filling the empty space.
  • It is necessary to fix the tiles on the ceiling, moving from the central point to the corners, while trying to ensure that visually they form a perfectly straight line.

How to properly glue ceiling tiles without seams?

Seamless tile installation

In principle, seamless tiles are glued in the same way that we introduced you to a little higher. Therefore, in this case, you will need to initially measure the area of ​​the ceiling in the room being renovated, apply markings on it, determine the central point, and only after that proceed to gluing the decorative material. But still, if you want to end up with a perfect ceiling covering, then glue the tiles either diagonally or parallel to the wall.

Yes, if you prefer the latter method of finishing the ceiling, then start fixing the tiles on the wall opposite the window. This little trick will help you make the gaps that form when finishing with such material less noticeable. And finally, I would like to say that, although some sources claim that in the case of seamless ceiling tiles, it is not necessary to apply glue along its entire perimeter, it still needs to be done.

As practice shows, if this is not done, then after drying the gap formed during installation is quite noticeable. And, of course, do not forget that ceiling tiles are made from very soft material, so you need to hold and smooth it not with your hands, but with a foam sponge or soft rag.

How to properly glue ceiling tiles to an uneven ceiling?

Gluing ceiling tiles to uneven ceiling

As a rule, in old houses and apartments, ceilings are far from ideal. Most often they are covered with cracks and small depressions that are very noticeable. If you live in a house with the same ceiling covering, then, if you wish, you can improve the appearance of your home with the help of ceiling tiles.

If you don't want to bother with leveling and sanding the ceiling, then just buy foam tiles and glue them parallel to the wall. True, you must remember that you can do this only if the defects on the ceiling are minimal. If they are too large, then you will need to either decide to completely tear out the surface or install a special frame.

Usually it is installed slightly below the ceiling itself and this makes it possible to hide even very prominent defects. True, in this case you will have to fix more expensive tiles on it, for example, wood, metal or ceramic.

How to seal the seams between ceiling tiles?

Recommendations for sealing the seams of ceiling tiles

As mentioned a little above, even so-called seamless tiles require additional processing gaps that form after the ceiling canvas has completely dried. In view of this, when planning such finishing work, immediately include in their cost special means, which will help you make the surface being repaired as smooth as possible.

As for what to do, in this case it is best to give preference acrylic sealant. If you want to seal the seams without any problems, then invest in a tube of sealant and a gun that will help you distribute it evenly.

  • Secure the gun to the sealant tube
  • Using scissors, cut the tip at a 45 degree angle
  • Press the resulting hole to the beginning of the seam
  • Gently press the gun handle and move it exactly along the seam
  • After filling the seam, carefully move the gun away from the ceiling and allow the sealant time to cement.

Can ceiling tiles be painted?

You can paint ceiling tiles

Sooner or later, the desire to paint a tiled ceiling appears in all people. But as practice shows, only a small part of novice repairmen decide to take this step. Most of these people believe that the paint will simply ruin the ceiling tiles and they will have to spend money on expensive repairs again. In fact, not all tiles can be painted.

For example, seamless tiles In no case should you treat with dyes in such a way as this will definitely make the seams darker and, as a result, they will stand out quite strongly against the general background of the room space. All other tiles can be painted easily, although keep in mind that in order for the color of the updated ceiling to be as saturated as possible, you will need to apply the paint in at least two layers.

How can I paint foam ceiling tiles?

Ceiling painting scheme

As for the choice of paint to renew the ceiling, when purchasing it you need to pay attention not only to the color. If you want the ceiling to remain in perfect condition for a long time, you must choose the right colorant.

This means that it must prevent the growth of mold, be moisture resistant and have dust-repellent properties. In addition, it must have a moderate level of glossy effect. In view of all this, we can definitely say that it is best to paint ceiling tiles with water-based or acrylic paint.

Video: K How to quickly glue CEILING TILES?

Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles are the most common, affordable way to update the ceiling. Everyone tries to approach this responsibly and individually. Before gluing the ceiling tiles, you need to carry out preparatory work for a beautiful ceiling covering, with original finish for many years it was pleasing to the eye. When choosing a finishing option, everyone tries to approach it responsibly and individually. He tries to familiarize himself with the varieties of this material, the rules for calculating the required quantity, what kind of glue to use, as well as some of the nuances of combining tiles with the interior of the room.

Types of Ceiling Tiles

On construction market Ceiling tiles come in the following varieties, differing in their production methods:

  1. Pressed ceiling tiles are made using the stamping method from polystyrene blocks. Thickness finished product min – 6 mm, max – 8 mm.
  2. Extruded blocks are made from polystyrene strip by pressing. They have a shiny smooth surface. The plates can be structured to resemble a marble slab, a section of a tree trunk and other natural materials.
  3. To produce injected ceiling tiles, a method is used in which the raw materials are sintered. As a result, the product correct form with a deep pattern. Its thickness is from 9, but not more than 14 mm.

Selecting ceiling tiles based on physical parameters

In order to properly glue ceiling tiles, when purchasing, you need to pay special attention to the geometry of the product. If a tile is selected in squares, then all its angles must meet the required parameters, that is, equal 90º. The slightest deviation will lead to the formation of uneven seams in the future. The corners of ceiling tiles must not be rounded or folded.

Another indicator when choosing ceiling tiles is the material from which they are made. When buying polystyrene tiles, you need to make sure that the edges do not crumble and that all grains are the same size. The one with a particularly fine grain size is considered to be of higher quality. Polystyrene foam plates should not break under their own weight if it is held by any of the corners in weight. The selected ceiling tile should have a clear pattern. No flaws are allowed; any minor inaccuracy or dent will immediately attract attention.

Calculation of the required amount of material and choice of glue

After selecting the type of ceiling tile based on its physical parameters and external design, you need to determine how many tiles will be needed for the entire ceiling area. More experienced owners immediately buy 10-15% more, in case of rejection due to broken corners or mistakes during pruning. In general, the calculation is not difficult. You need to know the ceiling area and the size of each element. Typically, ceiling tiles are produced with side edges of 50-50 cm. If the dimensions of the ceiling are not a multiple of the side length of the tile, then during finishing there will be gaps along the edges of the ceiling. Therefore, when calculating this nuance must be taken into account.

Advice from an experienced professional: if you want to save on glue, instead of liquid nails it is better to use transparent glue with a more liquid “rubber” base. Its consumption is significantly lower. But for a strong fixation, be sure to slightly dry the adhesive already applied to the tiles.

Having calculated the required number of tiles, you need to decide what glue to use. Many people use “Titan”, “Econaset”, “Liquid Nails”, “Moment”. They adhere well to any surface and dry quickly. After gluing, the tile holds tightly. Only for this you need to press it to the ceiling for a few seconds.

Work order

Many owners of apartments and private houses prefer to glue ceiling tiles with their own hands. Therefore, it is important for them to know that work must begin by marking the center of the finishing area. To do this, you need to stretch two threads from diagonally located corners. Their intersection is the desired center. If there is a chandelier hanging in the room, then you can start work from this point. In this case, the joining angles of the lamp wire are slightly cut off. As a result, they will be covered with the figured glass of the chandelier rod.

Many people start working from one of the walls and lay tiles row by row. This option is the simplest and fastest. But there is a small nuance here too. It is better to lay the first row from the wall opposite the window or front door. Then the gaps that are closed by partial fragments will not be so noticeable.

Before you start gluing, the castings along the edges of the product must be carefully cut off. In this case, the surface of the ceiling will be perfectly smooth, without seams. It is also necessary to strictly observe the symmetry of the pattern at the joints of the tiles. The slightest deviation violates the entire integrity and beauty of the finish.

There are relatively many options for the location of ceiling tiles relative to the walls of the room. The most common are parallel and diagonal relative to the intersection of walls and ceiling. You can choose plain, colored or combined tiles. From combined options The most commonly practiced installations are:

  • alternating or intersecting diagonals,
  • in a checkerboard pattern
  • like a snake
  • along the perimeter of the ceiling or in its center, etc.

At the end of the work, skirting boards are installed around the entire perimeter. They are glued with the same glue as the tile itself.

Options for gluing ceiling tiles to whitewash

We will glue directly onto the whitewash, so you should choose one of two methods:

  • The first is to apply a primer over the old whitewash. It is absorbed into the layer of old coating and adheres to the main surface of the ceiling. Then you need to wait completely dry primer and begin finishing.
  • The second method involves partially scraping off the falling off whitened layer with a spatula. Subsequently, a thicker layer of glue is applied to the back surface of the tile, and it is pressed against the gluing site for several minutes. The glue is absorbed through thin layer whitewash remaining on the ceiling and adheres to the ceiling.

How to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands: video instructions

Renewing the ceiling covering is labor-intensive and costly. In addition to tiles, you can arrange tension and suspended structures, mirror panels various configurations and sizes. Everything is decided here financial opportunities and the owner's imagination.

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    Andrey said:

    I simply cleaned off the whitewash from the areas where the glue will be applied. I bought superglue (the putty glue sold by sellers has proven to be very reliable in use). I only smeared it on the sticker areas at five points, pressed it to the ceiling and that’s it. The tile is holding. I did not seal the seams - there was no great need. After ceiling plinth- that’s all. The ceiling is pleasing to the eye. Better than any whitewash. And faster and cheaper than suspended and suspended ceilings.

    Svetlana said:

    My husband and I glued tiles to the ceiling in the living room ourselves. Now I already know what to pay attention to. Important Note– it is important to treat the seams the right material. We should have taken silicone right away, but we got confused and took white glue. As a result, our seams turned yellow after drying, and the ceiling looked terrible. The only solution I started painting the ceiling with paint to cover the seams.

A beautifully decorated ceiling attracts the attention of visitors, making the room interesting and unique. One way to achieve this effect is to use ceiling tiles. Using minimal resources, you can quickly transform any room. But before you start gluing tiles, you need to carefully prepare for this.

Preparing the ceiling surface

Preparing the ceiling surface will save you from possible difficulties related to the installation of tiles. To ensure high-quality work and a long-lasting result, follow the following instructions:

  1. If there is a ceiling old whitewash, paint, cladding, plaster that is crumbling, wallpaper, etc. - remove so that nothing interferes with the tiles.
  2. After cleaning the ceiling surface, cracks, depressions, unevenness, etc. may appear. To correct defects, use putty. It is ideal for leveling the ceiling, as well as for repairing damage of any complexity.
  3. When the putty is completely dry (after 12 hours), prime the ceiling. Apply several coats at intervals to dry. The primer improves adhesion and the tiles adhere tightly.

In some cases, the ceiling is not cleaned of whitewash, but immediately proceeds to priming. So, they do it under one condition - the lime layer is in fairly good condition. This method does not guarantee a long-lasting result, but as a quick option cosmetic repairs can be applied.

Determining the ceiling area

  1. The ceiling area is very easy to determine. To do this, measure its length and width using a tape measure, and then multiply the resulting numbers. This method is applicable if the room is in the form of an even rectangle.
  2. But there are rooms that have cut corners or an L-shape. To measure the area of ​​a non-standard ceiling, draw a plan on a piece of paper, indicating the dimensions of all sides. Then divide the drawing into even rectangular sections. Determine the area of ​​each rectangle and add the data. As a result, you will get the total ceiling area.

You made necessary measurements ceiling and received the following data: width = 4 m, length = 5 m. Multiply these numbers: 4x5 = 20 m2. Thus, the ceiling area is 20 m2.

Calculation of material quantity

  1. To understand how much material you need to buy, first determine the area of ​​one tile. This is done in exactly the same way as in the case of the ceiling. Most tiles have standard size– 50x50. Multiply these data: 0.50x0.50=0.25 m2. As a result, the area of ​​one tile is 0.25 m2.
  2. Now you have the following data: 20 m2 - ceiling area and 0.25 m2 - tile area. Divide these numbers: 20 m2/0.25 m2 = 80 pcs. As a result, it turns out that you need to buy 80 tiles for a room of 20 m2.

But don’t rush to go to the store and buy exactly that amount of material. The fact is that during work, errors may occur that will lead to the breakage of a certain number of tiles. Taking into account possible losses, buy material with a reserve - 10% more.

There are many ways to lay ceiling tiles. For example, you can arrange tile squares in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally, combine various colors, creating simple geometric figures. There are a lot of options, but any method requires precise marking.

Tiles are most often laid from the middle (the exception is rooms with a small area, where installation is carried out from the corners), so first determine central part ceiling. To do this, draw diagonals using threads. Then make perpendicular lines through the center. This marking is universal and will help you position the tiles using any convenient method.

Basic methods of laying tiles:

  1. Diagonal. This option is often used and is suitable for any room. The drawn lines allow you to control the laying of tiles in a diagonal direction. The result is smooth and beautiful.
  2. Chess order. To create a checkerboard effect, tiles of two colors are used. They begin to be glued from the central point of the ceiling, so that the edges are parallel to the walls. Tiles arranged in a checkerboard pattern hide imperfections in the ceiling surface well.
  3. Snake. In this option, two compatible or contrasting shades of tiles are used. They start gluing from the center, creating graphic image snake twisted into a spiral. If you were unable to find the material suitable color, use water-based paint.

Rules for laying ceiling tiles

  1. You cannot glue tiles to whitewash. This will cause the lime layers to peel off over time, and the tiles along with them. Before installation, you need to clean the ceiling from chalk and prime it.
  2. The tiles are glued starting from the center of the ceiling or the location of the chandelier. It is necessary to ensure that the rows close to the walls have the same width.
  3. Buy tiles with a reserve. For ceilings with projections different heights, you will need additional material. It is also easy to damage or damage the tiles during the installation process.

Tile installation

After painstaking preparation it begins new stage renovations - installation of tiles. Quality depends on work done correctly appearance ceiling. Follow the instructions below and you will succeed.

  1. Select several tiles and look at each one carefully. They should not have burrs on the edges. If you see these, cut them off, otherwise they will interfere with making the joints minimal.
  2. Apply adhesive composition on the material. Distribute it around the perimeter, stepping back one centimeter from the edge, and also make several stripes in the center. Allow 1-2 minutes for the glue to thicken.
  3. Place the first tile against the ceiling, aligning it with the diagonal and horizontal marks. Use a cloth to smooth it out for better adhesion.
  4. Glue the next tiles side by side in the same way, creating a central square.
  5. Use the laid tiles as a guide to stick the rest. Do not forget about the markings, periodically leveling the material.
  6. Approaching the edge of the ceiling, you need to trim the tiles. First try it on and then cut it. Try to cut so that the gap between the edge of the tile and the wall is minimal. The baseboard will then cover it.
  7. After completing the installation, give the glue time to dry thoroughly.

Caulking seams

  1. While performing the work, it was possible that the seams were not made properly. As a result, the ceiling is visible between the joints of the tiles. Defects can be corrected using white sealant. It is sold in cans and is equipped with a special elongated nozzle, with which it is easy to penetrate into crevices. To work with sealant you will need a gun.
  2. All you need to do is gently squeeze an even layer of white compound between the joints. The sealant closes the gaps and at the same time strengthens the tiles on the ceiling.

Painting ceiling tiles

  1. Once you have completed correcting the defects with the seams, you can leave everything as is. But, if you want to decorate the surface, complement it with various shades, then the most in an accessible way is painting the tiles.
  2. Can be used as a coloring agent water-based compositions based on acrylic or latex. They do not emit a strong odor and are resistant to wet cleaning. But first, prepare the surface of the tiles by applying a coat of primer.
  3. For painting, it is better to use a roller with a foam surface. This will help to apply an even layer of paint. The principle of operation is the same as when painting wallpaper. To ensure that the coloring composition adheres well, apply at least two layers. Thus, you will be able to create a unique geometric design that will surprise any visitor.

Any housewife knows that it is important not only to be able to glue tiles beautifully, but to maintain them in proper condition. The tiled ceiling needs regular maintenance, this will extend its service life and maintain its original newness.

During operation, dust gradually accumulates on the tiles. The result is a blackened surface that is unpleasant to look at. You may be flooded by your neighbors from above, if you do not take timely action, rust stains will appear on the tiles that cannot be removed.

To avoid all these problems and not re-glue the tiles, follow a few simple tips:

  1. Dry clean once a month using a vacuum cleaner or fluffy brush.
  2. Carry out wet cleaning once every two months using a special mop.
  3. Do not use solutions that contain caustic substances. Safe to use for cleaning detergents for dishes.
  4. Clean areas with patterns using a sponge or soft rag soaked in the solution.

After each wet cleaning Moisture remains on the surface of the tiles (especially in hard-to-reach recesses) and must be wiped off. It is convenient to use paper napkins for this. Wipe the surface and patterns thoroughly so that no wet marks remain.

Ceiling tiles are easy to glue, so anyone can handle this task with minimal experience. The main thing is to prepare the surface well and make the markings correctly. The result is not long in coming. You will get a room with unique ceiling, which no one has. Remember to maintain it by cleaning it regularly from dust. And you can admire the result for many years!