DIY wooden wall shelf. How to make wall shelves with your own hands: original solutions. DIY hanging shelf-shelf

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

To give your home more individuality and creativity, you can make furniture yourself. And if you can’t make all the furniture, then any man can make shelves on the wall with his own hands. In this case, you will be able to make all your desires come true as much as possible. Moreover, it will be possible to make beautiful shelves on the wall a certain shape, colors and sizes.

Types of Wall Shelves

If you want to diversify your interior, you can make bookshelves on the wall yourself and hang them in your office or living room. Of course, you don’t need to do a lot of them in the living room, but in this case you will definitely be able to diversify the interior. If you look at a photo of shelves on the wall, made by yourself, you can have an idea of ​​what shape they can be, as well as where in the room it is better to hang them.

Such shelves are very functional, because if you hang one or two in the living room, then in addition to books you can place photographs, boxes or other small items in them. One such shelf can be placed in the bathroom to store both detergents, and cosmetics. You can make decorative shelves for the wall and place them in the hallway: use one for hats, and make the second corner for keys, gloves and various small items. If you watch the video of making a wall shelf with your own hands, you can get visual instructions.

The easiest and most convenient way to make a shelf on the wall with your own hands is from wood, since this material can be easily processed and is affordable. The most common are classic designs, as in the photo; They are convenient not only to make, but also to install. And the word "classic" does not mean that they must have two longer boards and two short ones; if there is a flight of fancy, then in addition to simple rectangular ones, you can make creative shelves of asymmetrical shapes.

Corner shelves look especially beautiful. In addition to the hallway of the room, such original shelves on the wall can also be used in the bathroom. Quite often these rooms are small in size and in order not to clutter up the space too much, a corner shelf is more suitable here. It can also be placed on the balcony if it is insulated. You can also make shelves for flowers on the wall of an original look.

The hanging shelves also look original. They do not need to be nailed to the wall, since a cable attached to the corner of the ceiling is used as fastening, or vertical racks. Most of all beautiful shelves suitable for a children's room. All these products can be either open or closed, where folding or hinged doors are used. But if one of the closed shelves is placed in small room, then in this case it is better to use a sliding door. It is best to use glass for such doors.

But it should be remembered that such structures must be securely attached to the wall so that they do not fall. The most reliable means of fastening for concrete or brick walls- these are dowels or anchors. In this case, the shelves can withstand heavy weight. But such fastening has one significant drawback: if it becomes necessary to remove the shelf in order to move it to another place, it will be difficult to do. In addition to wood, shelves can be made from plywood, chipboard and MDF - these are the most common furniture materials.

In principle, making shelves from plywood with your own hands is not so difficult. You just need to know the characteristics of the material, how best to work with it and remember some of the nuances of the technology.

In this article we will take a closer look at how to assemble such a structure and what design options there may be.

But first, it’s probably worth figuring out whether plywood is even suitable for making shelves.

The feasibility of using plywood for assembling shelves

The material is essentially layers of veneer pressed together. The original wood can be from birch or some other coniferous species– that is, for use as shelves, in principle, not bad.

However, several factors must be taken into account here.

  1. There are several materials which vary from the first to the fourth. The higher the number, the worse quality and accordingly the strength of plywood.
  2. The composition of the impregnation varies greatly. The impregnation marking tells you what kind of glue the veneer layers are connected to each other. Depending on this, the properties of the sheets are determined - they can be fire-resistant, not afraid of moisture, or vice versa - they can deteriorate under its influence.
  3. There are also differences in the type of surface treatment. Plywood can be sanded on one or both sides, or left untreated altogether. For shelves, of course, it is better and more aesthetically pleasing to choose products with the abbreviation “Ш2” (double-sided sanding).

Please also note that sheets may also consist of different quantities layers of veneer. And since the strength of plywood directly depends on this, it is natural that choosing minimal three-layer products for shelves is undesirable.
Therefore, it is better not to save money and purchase five-layer sheets - their price, of course, is higher, but there will be no problems during the operation of the structure.

In general, it turns out that making a plywood shelf with your own hands is quite feasible and worthwhile. Because the material is quite durable, made from environmentally friendly components and visually pleasing.

By the way, the sheets can also be laminated - that is, with a beautiful glossy surface. Think you might be attracted this type products - in this case, the shelves will look as if they were opened with varnish, but at the same time you will not perform this stage of work.

But ordinary plywood also looks very good, take this into account too.

Well, we’ve figured out the features of the material, now let’s look at how to make a shelf out of plywood.

Assembling shelves

Before starting the review, it is worth noting that as illustrative examples we'll take a few of the most popular solutions. That is, we will put into practice those drawings of plywood shelves that are most often assembled.

These will be “through” shelves with racks made of timber, a structure with closed side walls and horizontal planks on ropes.

First, let's look at what equipment we need.

Required tools and materials

For fast and comfortable work except for the plywood sheets you need this:

  1. Jigsaw, hammer drill, drill and screwdriver.
  2. Various screws and dowels.
  3. Beam 50 by 50 mm. for pole supports or a skein of strong and thick rope (what to buy depends on which assembly method you choose).

  1. Tape measure, pencil, plumb line and upholstery cord.
  2. Level rule.
  3. Hammer and drills of various diameters.
  4. Metal furniture corners that will “hold” the shelves.

If you have all this, then you can safely begin working with your own hands.

Advice: if you plan to make only shelves, and will not deal with all the other interior elements yourself, then, in this case, it is probably pointless to spend money on the specified power tool.
But you can’t refuse it either - otherwise it will be harder to work.
Therefore, we recommend doing something extremely simple - take necessary tool for rent.
This will be cheap, since the equipment will only be needed for a couple of days at most.

Let's get to work.

Installation step by step

The first method, the sequence of which we will analyze, is attaching the shelves to ropes. The point here is that the end result is interesting design design, due to the stylization of the racks “like a rope”.

It is only important to understand that the shelves cannot be hung 100% on a rope, because in this case the system will wobble at the slightest touch.

This technology is implemented approximately like this:

  1. Using a jigsaw, the shelves themselves are cut - essentially, these are rectangles of a certain size.
  2. Several corners are attached to the back of the shelf - they will be adjacent to the plane of the wall and thereby, as it were, fix the structure “in place.” Due to this fixation, the moment of swaying is eliminated.

  1. In the corners outside Holes are drilled into rectangles, which should be the same diameter as the purchased rope.
  2. The optimal distance that should be between the shelves is calculated. In accordance with the obtained numbers, drawings are drawn on the wall. horizontal lines- this will be a guideline for screwing, that very fixation of plywood.
  3. The shelves are attached to the wall at the corners.
  4. A rope is suspended from the ceiling using a hammer drill on some beautiful hook - it should be clearly above the holes drilled in the shelves.

  1. A rope is threaded into the hole of each shelf, and knots are made at the corners of the plywood - they prevent the tree from falling below the planned level. “Knitting” knots and moving in general – you need to do it from top to bottom, naturally.

It turns out that the assembly is completed after the prepared plywood is attached to the wall and “picked up” with knots. If you do not paint the plane, then the design can be used.

Please note that before you put into practice such drawings of plywood shelves with your own hands, you need to invite an assistant.
Because at the moment when you have attached the tree to the wall, and have not yet “picked up” it with ropes, the shelves will begin to slope down from the outside and will break where the corners are fixed.
If there is no one to help, then you need to come up with some kind of “safety” temporary supports.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the installation technology on timber.

This also turns out to be through shelves (that is, without closed side walls), as in the previous case, but the assembly method here is slightly different, in some sense simpler and easier.

  1. Plywood being cut the right size.
  2. The height of the ceilings is calculated and, in accordance with the data obtained, two long beams are cut - these will be our corner external posts.
  3. The depth of the structure is determined, and after that the beam is attached vertically to the ceiling and floor.
  4. Now you need to calculate the optimal distance you want to make between the shelves themselves. Let's say the boards will be located every half a meter. We “lower” the first point from the ceiling down and place it on one of the racks. Then, using a level, we transfer the points to the adjacent beam and, of course, to the walls.

  1. Next, we “put aside” the marks down from each point, every 50 cm. These will be the corners of our shelves.
  2. Focusing on the corner marks made, we attach the furniture corners to the beam and to the plane of the wall.
  3. We place plywood on the corners and firmly fix the wood with short self-tapping screws.

Rack with wooden stands ready!

Advice: if you are assembling not in an apartment, but, for example, in a garage, then be sure to take into account such a point as the presence high humidity in premises of this type. This means that you need to buy moisture-resistant plywood, and protect the timber from rotting - this can be done with a regular wood preservative.

And let's look at how to make a plywood shelf with your own hands with closed side walls.

What closed side walls are needed for in terms of functionality is, for example, for storing books, so that items do not fall out, etc. And if you only need to place a vase or, for example, a figurine on such shelves, then in principle it is better to make an “open” type of design. Because it will be more visually logical and pleasing.

You need to do the job like this:

  1. We make a frame from wood. To do this, measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling and cut off four beams required length.
  2. We attach two beams to the plane of the wall vertically. In this case, the horizontal distance between them should coincide with the width of the shelves.
  3. Next, we determine the depth of the rack and place two points on the ceiling, which will be like the outer corners of the shelves. Using a plumb line, transfer the marks to the floor.
  1. We install the external shelf posts - that is, we fasten the timber vertically between the ceiling and the floor, focusing on the previously made points.
  2. We retreat 50 centimeters from the ceiling and put a mark on one of the bars. Then, using the rule with a level, we transfer (horizontally) the marks to the remaining racks. These will be the corners of the top shelf.
  3. Similarly, we determine the level of all remaining shelves and screw the corners to the racks. Then we put shelves on them and fix them. And on the side we “sew up” everything with plywood or boards.

Such a simple technology.

This concludes our review, let's summarize.


We have looked at how various plywood shelves are made with our own hands and what is important to consider during such work. We hope that you will put the acquired knowledge into practice and make truly durable and beautiful shelves! By the way, in the additional video in this article you can find a little more useful information on this topic.

Similar materials

Unusual design plywood shelves. No glue, nails or other fastening materials were needed to assemble it. Assembly of the shelf into working condition is carried out only due to the grooves made in the structure of the shelf itself. Therefore, it is perfect for those who like to move often, or simply as a seasonal shelf that can be quickly taken out, assembled and used, and then just as easily disassembled and stored in the pantry.

Materials and tools:
- plywood sheet 6 mm thick
-laser machine
-varnish and paint
-several bolts and nuts.
-metal fastenings

Description of making an easily dismountable plywood shelf:

Step one. Choice of design.
The author needed shelves for use in his temporary residence. Therefore, the shelves had to be fairly cheap and easy to assemble and disassemble. Therefore, 6 mm plywood was chosen as the main material.
After determining the material, a small sketch was made in CorelDraw.

(downloads: 175)

Step two. Cutting parts.

After creating the schema for laser machine. Plywood was laid in it and parts were cut. In principle, the design of the shelf is quite simple and can be cut just as well using a regular saw or jigsaw, so having an installation for laser cutting not at all necessary when assembling a shelf of a similar design.

Step three. External processing of the product.

After necessary details were received, the author began processing them. To give the product a more pleasant appearance, its parts were varnished. After that, the grooves for joining the shelves were additionally processed with a file, as problems arose with the assembly.

Step four. Assembling the shelf.
After the file solved the problems of joining the grooves, the author began assembling the shelf. This did not require any glue or nails. The entire structure is assembled and supported by its own weight through the grooves made, while being quite reliable and stable.

The only fastening elements that the author needed were several metal corners and bolts with nuts in order to secure the shelf to the wall.

The end result was shelves like these. Simplicity of design, lack of fastenings, resulting in easy assembly and disassembly, and all this for a minimal price equal to several sheets of plywood.

Wooden shelves are The best way occupy space in a house, apartment and decorate its decoration. They are distinguished by convenience, functionality, and original forms. Wooden shelves and racks help make the room cozy. In addition to wood, you can make unusual shelves yourself from plywood, tin, glass, and fiberboard. But wooden shelves made by hand are the most popular, because wood is comfortable and easy to process.

Selection of wood and necessary tools

A good craftsman knows how to make wooden shelves of various fancy and simplest shapes: closed, open, horizontal, vertical, corner. A reference version is taken as a sample of any such product, which is supplemented with other parts and takes on a fantastic look. Every craftsman wants his product to last as long as possible. The choice of wood in this case plays a significant role. For work, smooth, dry boards that do not have cracks, mold, or voids are selected. To process wood you will need the following equipment:

  • The first assistant is a hacksaw.
  • You can't do without a drill.
  • For accuracy you will need a building level.
  • Boards 16 mm thick are considered ideal for work.
  • A sander will give the wood a smooth finish.
  • You can fasten the boards with self-tapping screws, dowels, and brackets.
  • A jigsaw will help add originality to the shelf.
  • The final touch will be applied with stain and wood varnish.

Types of wooden shelves

The most popular are wall shelves. Mounted products, especially those made in the Art Nouveau style, are not inferior to them in operation. Floor shelves are used for children's rooms or for shoes. It is very convenient for children to place their toys on them. In small rooms, wooden shelves are sometimes used under the ceiling. Books are often stored in them. For indoor flowers are very convenient hanging models. The most in a simple way making the shelf will be invisible. Quite a lot of things can be stored in shelves and shelves. A great space-saving device would be a hidden shelf.

What are the shelves attached to?

Shelf holders for wooden shelves can be different. Wall-mounted products are often secured with pins, ropes, and perforated guides. Hidden cabinets or doors are secured with hinges or hinged pins. An inverted bookshelf can be mounted on brackets. Wooden shelves on the wall for books or flowers can be secured with belts, strong threads, or clips.

Very suitable for floor shelves original method fastenings using ordinary glass bottles. In libraries, sometimes wooden shelves are placed on posts made of decorative brick. Very often, wooden shelves are inserted into the structure metal parts, for example, pipes.

Example of a simple rectangular shelf

A novice craftsman should first learn how to make ordinary rectangular product. How to make a wooden shelf that looks like a box? First you need to make a drawing. To do this, take into account the height of the side walls and the thickness of the boards. After precise markings, you should begin sawing the boards. A jigsaw does this beautifully and smoothly. For such a creation you will need 4 blanks: 2 short and 2 long.

Before assembling the craft, each part can be sanded, then covered with stain and varnish. If the master decides to paint his masterpiece, then the workpiece must first be coated with an antiseptic primer. This product will last longer and the paint will lie evenly.

Assembling a simple shelf

You need to start assembling from the bottom plank. To begin with, it is placed on flat surface. At the ends of this workpiece, retreat a few centimeters on each side and draw a parallel line. Then on these two strips mark 2 points for self-tapping screws for attaching the side blanks. The same is done with the top board. At the marked places, drill holes for self-tapping screws.

When the holes are made, the side parts are placed on the lower workpiece and secured with self-tapping screws. Then the top board is fixed to the side walls. Brackets are attached to the walls from the end. If you wish, you can cover the shelf at the back with plywood, and insert glass at the front.

All that remains is to hang this craft. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall for the dowels. Self-tapping screws from dowels should protrude 5 mm. Everything is ready, all that remains is to attach the brackets.

An extraordinary solution

Such a shelf can be given more original look, if one of the sides is replaced with a branch stump (you can use birch along with the bark). The log should be 8-10 cm in diameter. You just need to measure the log of the required length, cut it, treat it with a primer, dry it and varnish it. When the workpiece has dried, it is inserted between two boards and screwed using self-tapping screws.

Original shelves for books of non-standard shapes

Do-it-yourself wooden shelves can be non-standard forms. Such models are used in great demand. An example is a bookshelf in the form of a labyrinth. To make such a shelf, you need to prepare next material: edged board, miter box, hacksaw, grinding machine, level. Also, when assembling such a product, you will need wood glue, self-tapping screws, furniture screws, and special shelf holders.

First you need to make markings on the board of the required sizes for the cuts. Blanks for the end must be cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. In this case, it is better to use a miter box. After the ends are cut at an angle, you need to smear them with glue, compress them and secure them with furniture screws (1-2 pieces). Using a level, mark the points on the wall where the shelf will be attached. After the brackets are screwed to it, you can safely hang it on the wall. Pelican designs are excellent shelf supports.

Such a non-standard, but easy-to-use shelf can serve not only for storing books. You can beautifully arrange framed photographs, boxes, CDs and other decorative items on it.

Wooden shoe shelves

In a furniture store, shoe racks are not cheap. In order to save your budget, wooden shoe shelves can be made at home. No special carpentry skills are required for this. It's never too late to take on your hallway and build an original shoe rack. For such work, the master uses the following devices: a chisel, an electric drill, a hacksaw, grinder, screwdriver. To make a drawing or marks on wood, you will need a ruler and a pencil.

Before starting work, you need to take into account the design of the future craft, its dimensions and functionality. Corner and round designs are the most popular. Most often, ready-made elements purchased in a store are used; “raw” wood is used less and less. In addition to the above tools, you will also need wood glue, metal corners, sandpaper, varnish or paint, screws.

First, the side walls are cut out of the boards required height, for verticals. Then the bars for supports and transverse blanks are prepared. Immediately cut out four shoe shelves (elements). All workpieces are processed using sandpaper. The bars are attached to the side walls with self-tapping screws. Metal corners are attached to the end of the product. Each shelf is placed on these bars in turn. When the product is assembled, it is coated with varnish or paint of the desired color.

A wooden shoe rack can also serve as a comfortable ottoman. For this top part the shelves are covered with a layer of foam rubber, which is fixed thick fabric or dermatin.

Racks for every taste

A wooden rack is suitable for a garage, store, or home. You can put books, flowers, unnecessary things, and decorative items on it. A shelving unit with light, clean lines and modern design. Such useful cabinet is the credo of many outstanding architects, as it has beautiful shape and excellent functionality.

To properly secure the shelves of such a product, you need strong racks. No special decorations are required for the racks, but you can cover the back if desired. The design of shelving shelves is quite simple, so don’t be afraid to start this kind of work.

For strength, the racks are tied internally using long threaded rods. The convenience of making such a product is that you do not need to cut any corners or grooves. It is better to process each part before assembly. Both hardwood and laminated plywood are suitable for making shelving.

For work you will need: a plane, a jointer, a drill, drilling machine. Each master sets the dimensions of the rack himself. All work begins with measurements and drawings. This design can be made on the entire wall. Some even manage to make a shelving around the window to place the entire library there. Shelves of any size are suitable for such a cabinet. It can be small, medium and very large. There are a lot of drawings from which you can assemble a structure of any size.

We store spices beautifully

A spice rack (wooden) will greatly decorate your kitchen interior. To prevent various jars, cups, and cones from spoiling the beauty and neatness of the kitchen, their storage needs to be given an orderly appearance. The most convenient and functional option is a special shelf. To securely fix it on the wall, there are special limiters.

A wooden shelf for spices will radiate special energy in the kitchen and create coziness and tranquility. In addition to wood, you can use chipboard or drywall. A wonderful neat shelf for jars can be made from narrow boards. For back wall you should use a piece of plywood. To give this product aesthetically pleasing it can be painted in desired color and use neat labels to indicate this or that seasoning on the jars.

Making wooden wall shelves (for spices) is very easy. First you need to decide on the location of the future product. Then the master makes a drawing. For an open shelf, you need to take into account the presence of a small border so that the containers do not fall out. After the measurements, the elements of the craft are cut out with a jigsaw and their ends are sanded. It is advisable to use furniture edges to seal the cuts. For fastening elements The necessary markings are made on the wall. All that remains is to secure the structure.

Corner products

To save space, corner shelves are sometimes used in a room. They can be fixed both internally and externally. external corner. A corner shelf (wall-mounted, wooden) is made as follows. After measuring and cutting the boards to the required length, the ends of the upper workpiece are coated with glue and clamped with clamps. The same is done with the bottom board.

After the glue has dried, the halves must be primed and covered with stain. Attachment points are marked on the bottom and top boards and holes are drilled. Next, the sides are inserted, which are fixed with self-tapping screws. Now brackets are screwed to the adjacent walls, onto which the shelf is fixed.

Hinged structure with straps

Shelf holders for wooden shelves can be different. Small items can be placed on a decorative shelf. It is attached to belts. The simplest option is a regular board suspended on straps. To make such a structure you will need 2 small boards, 4 belts of the required length, 4 dowels and a self-tapping screw, and a drill.

First, prepare the belts: fold them in half and, stepping back 2-3 cm from the edge, drill a hole in them on which the shelf will be attached. The straps, folded in half, are fixed to the wall with screws. So there should be four large loops hanging on the wall: two on top, two below them. Sanded boards are inserted into these loops and leveled horizontally.

On such a shelf you can put a vase of flowers, indoor plant, a box or folded disks for a computer. Simple and fast!

Every housewife tries to transform her room with the help of bright violets, geraniums or begonias. This gives an aesthetic and fresh look. It is best to place pots on spectacular shelves. You can make shelves in several tiers from wood. They can be both floor and wall. Wooden parts shelves can be painted, varnished or covered with a special film. You can use your imagination and make the products multi-colored or round the corners.

Wall shelves are a great way to organize space and decorate your home. Of course, there is now a large selection of furniture in stores, and you can simply buy them. However, if you make a shelf on the wall with your own hands, you will receive not only a useful, but also an exclusive piece of furniture that will ideally suit your needs.

Don't know where to start? Our article will show you the basics self-creation beautiful and practical shelves for every taste with minimal costs effort.

Selecting materials for production

To create the structure, you can use almost any sufficiently durable material. Let's look at the most popular of them.


Tree - classic material for shelves

Wooden shelves are the most common, classic version. Most people choose it for its practicality, solid appearance and ease of maintenance. In addition, wood, compared to other materials, is easy to process. It can be easily given various shapes and colors, and with the creation of a simple wooden shelf Even a person without special skills can handle it.

The costs for them, depending on the type of wood, may vary. From the most modest, for example, for the production of pine products, to quite impressive ones for oak or maple.


Plastic shelves are practical and inexpensive solution. Plastic washes well, is not susceptible to mold and has a wide color palette, however, it cannot fit organically into any room. Such shelves will look most appropriate in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the kitchen or on the balcony, but for the bedroom and especially those decorated in classic style, plastic is unlikely to work.

Homemade design from plastic pipes

More often, such products are purchased in a store, but if you have some skills and desire, you can make plastic wall shelves with your own hands. They are based on scraps of plastic pipes or bottles and similar materials.


Metal is not the most common material for this type of furniture, but sometimes it is quite appropriate. For example, a shelf or rack made of metal may look good in an interior decorated, and forged products will fit well into a room in the Empire or Baroque style. Disadvantages of metal shelves: they are heavy and difficult to implement independently, because in this matter you cannot do without experience in welding, or even forging.

Exquisite wrought iron shelf

MDF or chipboard

These abbreviations hide cheaper analogues of wood. Because a real tree, especially if we're talking about about noble varieties, not everyone can afford it; substitutes can come to the rescue, allowing you to imitate its structure.

Chipboard is a material with laminated top layer, inside of which there are compressed chips and a binder. It is very easy to process, although it will require additional decoration of the cuts. Typically melamine film is used for this.

Laminated particle boards

MDF is short for English version, which in translation stands for fibreboards with medium hardness. For their manufacture, an adhesive substance and finely ground wood fibers are used, which are pressed into one whole under pressure and high temperatures. The material has excellent strength, lends itself well to processing and subsequent finishing (painting, varnishing).

Substitutes for appearance almost as good as natural wood

In general, chipboard and MDF are suitable raw materials for making shelves on a limited budget. This is confirmed by the experience of many furniture factories that regularly use these materials to create their products.

Choice of design. What to look for?

In addition to choosing the material to make a shelf with your own hands, you will also need to decide on its shape, design features and type of fastening. Based on the type of fastening, shelves are divided into wall-mounted and hanging. The former are attached directly to the wall using nails, screws, brackets and the like, while the latter are secured with various cords, hummocks or chains.

Suspended two-tier structure

The shape of the shelves can be very diverse, and they can have several tiers or consist of one element, be closed or open. Corner structures look original when the shelf is placed at the junction formed by the walls.

It is important to consider the purpose of the shelf. Whether it will be only decorative or intended to store a significant amount of things affects its size, design features and often determines the most suitable material for its manufacture.

Do you want to decorate a beautiful room or balcony? flower arrangement, but don’t know how to make a flower shelf with your own hands? In this case, you will need a moisture-resistant material that can withstand significant weight, and the structure itself should be well secured. If you plan to store books on it, then it is better to opt for a fairly wide variety of shelves and take care of the reliability of the fasteners, because they will bear a considerable load.

Original kitchen shelf made from a pallet

For a kitchen shelf on which you plan to store all sorts of necessary little things (seasonings, various utensils, etc.), it would be useful to take care of doors or some kind of partition that can prevent fragile things from falling. But as for decorative shelves intended to decorate a home, here the imagination is practically unlimited. Below are a few examples of how you can diversify your interior with an original homemade shelf.

Making a decorative shelf: examples of interesting models

So, option one. It can become convenient, but at the same time unusual corner shelf from wood or its substitutes. To make this design you will need:

  • boards of sufficient width;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Sander;
  • drill;
  • wood glue;
  • ruler and pencil for marking the wall;
  • level;
  • varnish or stain to add color (optional);
  • fastening elements (screws, dowels, brackets).

Corner bookshelf

First, you should draw a plan for the future shelf, transfer the parameters to the materials and cut out the parts of the required size. It is better to use a jigsaw for cutting - it gives the most even cut. For a simple single-tier shelf, 6 parts are cut out, and the upper and lower ones should have ends with an angle that follows the bend of the wall.

Next, the parts are sanded and joined using glue. After drying, the structure is opened with varnish or other selected coating; for reliability, the side walls are fixed with self-tapping screws. Places for fasteners are marked on the wall and shelf according to the level. Then brackets are attached to the shelf, and holes are drilled in the wall into which dowels are inserted. Now all that remains is to hang the structure on the wall - and the shelf is ready.

Method two. Let's look at how to make a shelf on the wall with your own hands at minimal cost, using materials that are found in almost any home, namely, several belts and a board. For this you will need:

  • edged board 20-30 cm wide, 75 cm long and about 3 cm thick (you can take several boards if the shelf is multi-tiered);
  • leather straps (2 pieces for a single shelf);
  • required number of dowels - one for each fastener;
  • self-tapping screws (long and short);
  • ruler and level;
  • stationery knife;
  • drill.

Shelf with straps

First you need to prepare the belts. They should be uniform and perfectly level, so they may need to be trimmed. Next, the belts are bent in half and holes are drilled 2 cm before the edges - this will be the place for the fasteners.

On the wall, at a distance of 60 cm, holes are marked and drilled, then dowels are inserted into them. After this, belts are applied to them with prepared holes and secured with long self-tapping screws.

The board should be sanded, treated with compounds (varnish, stain or paint) and inserted into the resulting loops. Then the base of the shelf is leveled, and for greater stability, parts of the belts near the board are additionally screwed with short self-tapping screws. A beautiful and quite affordable shelf is ready!

And finally, we’ll tell you how to make a glass shelf with your own hands. These shelves look neat and fit well into any interior. However, their self-production will require some effort and skill. Necessary materials for glass structure:

  • tempered glass;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • transparent adhesive tape;
  • special aluminum profile;
  • dowels and screws.

Glass shelves in the interior

For safety reasons, as well as to obtain a high-quality cut, it is not recommended to cut glass at home without experience in such work. It is better to order this service with simultaneous grinding of sharp edges in a special workshop.

Having glass blanks in hand, further work can be done on your own. First, you need to mark, checking the level, places for fasteners, drill holes and insert dowels into them. Then it is attached to them with screws metallic profile, and it is important not to forget to level it before final fastening.

Next, the edge of the glass that will come into contact with the metal needs to be covered with tape, insert the glass part into the aluminum profile and cover its edges with protective caps. Instead of a profile, special holders for glass shelves can be used. Buy all necessary fittings possible in the store. At this point, the assembly of the shelf is considered complete.

Photo of shelves on the wall. New life for old things

If you have the opportunity and desire to experiment, you don’t have to limit yourself to standard materials and designs. The role of non-standard wall shelves can be pipe scraps, old suitcases, used bedside tables, etc. Do you think that this will not look good? Perhaps the photos below will convince you. Watch and be inspired!

Shelves made from vintage suitcases are a great addition to the interior of an avid traveler. On them you can place all the souvenirs you brought from your trips and other trinkets dear to your heart.

If after repair you still have an unnecessary door, do not rush to throw it away. You just need to put in a little effort and imagination, and it will again become appropriate in your home, but as a nice wall shelf.

Here's an example of how old boxes can decorate your hallway. Such shelves, painted in bright colors, will not only enliven the interior, but also solve the problem of storing shoes in a large family.

Drawers from an old chest of drawers can also find a second life, becoming both photo frames and stands for various small items.

Got an unnecessary staircase? So you have an almost finished bookshelf! You just need to hang it in the corner and decorate it to your taste or leave it in its original form.