Gym layout. Basic equipment for the gym. Gym equipment

The popularity of sports in Russia has led to an increase in demand for gyms and fitness clubs in 2018. People want to be healthy, look beautiful, slim, and are willing to pay good money for it by purchasing memberships to gyms with numerous gym equipment. In this review, we will draw up a business plan together gym“from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

When opening a gym, it is worth considering that people want it to be close to home, well equipped, with a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for exercising.

Market analysis

First of all, you need to analyze your capabilities. On initial stage opening a large gym is quite difficult and expensive. It’s easier to organize a narrow-profile gym that will be in good demand and meet the needs of clients. Over time, you can open additional rooms and expand options.

For good, profitable operation of the gym, it is necessary to take into account and analyze the following in the business plan:

  1. Determine the gym class. This refers to the direct orientation of the hall. This could be a fitness center, a sports complex with a wellness focus, a professional sports club, or simply an opportunity to work out on exercise equipment.
  2. Conduct marketing analysis. You need to compare prices of gyms, study your area for similar places, etc.
  3. Conduct research on similar gyms in your area. If similar centers and sports complexes are located in your area, it is worth studying their specifics of operation, services provided, sports programs, opening hours, prices, etc.
  4. Create a project for a future training room. A specific floor plan is needed, taking into account the location of not only the hall itself, but also auxiliary premises (locker rooms, toilets, reception, etc.). You can contact design specialists with this question/

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to open a mid-range gym in a city with a population of up to 700,000 people. Target audience: people from 10 to 55 years old.

Income received from sales:

  1. Annual subscriptions - 30,000 rubles
  2. Single subscriptions - 1,500 rubles
  3. Sports programs - 1,000 rubles
  4. Lessons with a trainer - 800 rubles.

The premises of the hall and its area

Before starting the search, it is necessary to determine in the business plan the level of possible attendance of the hall. In small cities and towns it will be comparatively less than in a large center.

Sanitary standards Russian Federation It has been determined that there should be at least 5 m² per gym visitor.

It is necessary to provide:

  • changing rooms for men and women - 30 m2;
  • placement of showers, toilets - 20 m2:
  • reception - 10 m2;
  • group program hall - 45 m2;
  • gym, recreation areas - 300 m2.

You can save on rent only by owning your own premises. It is expensive to purchase, so most gyms rent space. You can find a suitable location online without spending money on realtors. It is worth paying attention to the residential areas of the city, since in the center everything is already almost occupied and quite expensive.

It is important to take into account the features of the building, because Not every room is suitable for a gym. Exercise machines, strength complexes and equipment have a significant weight, so the floors in the building must be stable. In addition, athletes constantly raise and lower heavy weight, suddenly throw barbells, weights and dumbbells, and in the fitness room people are constantly on the move - jumping, running, performing various exercises. Keep in mind.

It is best to be located on ground floor, or in the basement, in most cases this is the most appropriate option. There are many halls that are located on the second floor and above, but it is safe to say that the building was erected with such a business in mind (or in the past the building was of an industrial nature).

It is not uncommon for aspiring entrepreneurs to open a gym on high floors, but the building is clearly not suitable for this type of activity. As a result, there are constant complaints from companies from the lower floors: the ceiling is crumbling, cracks appear, constant noise. It’s worse when an entrepreneur has to repair the building at his own expense. Or even look for a new place.

The costs of the business plan for preparing the premises include:

  1. laying new suitable flooring;
  2. equipping training areas with exercise equipment and necessary equipment;
  3. installation of sufficient lighting for the entire hall;
  4. “personal area”: lockers for storing clothes, accessible and free showers, toilets;
  5. a reception area where staff will greet clients, as well as an office for negotiations and concluding contracts.

Purchase of equipment

For a gym to be in good demand, it must be fully equipped with high-quality sports equipment.

Gym Equipment

Please note in your business plan that it is better to purchase inventory from specialized enterprises, since the cost will be much cheaper than in retail outlets. At the same time, imported equipment will be more expensive.

To account for your business plan, use the following sample list:

EquipmentCost, rub.
Dumbbell row (5-45 kg)100 000
Set of urethane dumbbells with different weights (0.5-15 kg)140 000
Barbell bars (2-5 pieces, various lengths)10 000
w-shaped bars13 000
Barbell plates with different scales(in total up to 300 kg, so that 2-3 clients can train at the same time)50 000
Squat rack with barbell (2 pcs.)40 000
Bench for barbell (2-3 is enough)20 000
Abdominal bench (1-2 is enough)7 000
Traction belts10 000
Rugs (10 pcs.)12 000
Cardio equipment: treadmills, exercise bikes (5 pieces of each type)250 000
Strength training equipment500 000


1 152 000

Sports equipment for the gym costs quite a lot, especially exercise equipment. But this is the minimum from which it makes sense to start working.

A completely acceptable option may be to purchase ready-made used equipment in good condition, this way you can significantly save your budget. Among other things, sports equipment is abundantly available on the private market and is in stable demand. Even if the business ever has to be closed, there will be an opportunity to return a significant part of the investment.

The main thing is not to skimp on the simulators themselves, as this may scare off the target audience. In addition, high-quality equipment will help to avoid premature breakdowns and injuries to visitors, and will also extend their service life.

If we are talking about a ready-made fitness room that will operate on the basis of a gym, then you will need to purchase separate fitness equipment.

Fitness equipment

Sets of small sports equipment, such as balls, step pads, dumbbells, etc., should be included in the number of expected visitors to the hall.

For fitness room equipment, consider the following costs:

Such a fitness room fully meets the demand of the audience, everything is basic and necessary equipment present. However, you need to understand that in a fitness room the equipment is not the main thing, what is more important are competent programs, as well as the professional instructors who create these programs.


Personnel selection should be given Special attention. He can be either with or without experience, but with good knowledge and skills, as well as a desire to work and help gym visitors.

For the vacancy of a coach, people who have any rank in sports (masters of sports) are recruited. Alternative option- extensive experience and knowledge of the matter in bodybuilding and fitness, the proof of which is complexion.

To clean the hall, you need to hire cleaning staff and additional reception staff.

Periodically monitor the level of wages, as well as the suitability of staff qualifications, their courtesy and proactive assistance in training.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (RUB) The number of employees Salary Total (RUB)
Administrator 15 000 2 30 000
Gym trainer 25 000 4 100 000
Group program trainer 15 000 2 30 000
Cleaner 10 000 4 40 000
Expenses forpayment of wages 12 200 000


Before opening, it is necessary to actively use advertising; this deserves a separate point in the business plan of the gym. The most acceptable are distributing flyers, posting advertisements on bulletin boards and publishing on the Internet. If you have the means, you can advertise in a local newspaper. If the gym is located within the city, then you can place more advertising near your gym to attract people living in the area.

When using flyers, you need to make them memorable and colorful. Please clearly indicate the cost of the subscription. This will help potential clients make a choice. You can distribute leaflets on the street yourself or hire other people (students), but then you will have to supervise the work. It is better to distribute flyers near shopping centers, educational institutions, offices.

The main thing is to attract your potential audience. It is worth drawing their attention to positive sides hall, as well as offer discounts and bonuses.

In connection with the opening of the gym, it is possible to hold a promotion to sell memberships at a reduced price. You need to constantly review your subscriptions, club cards and discounts. It's worth making premium cards for regular customers, develop standard programs for trainees no more than 2 times a week, etc. The more and more varied your offers are, the more clients you can attract. Everyone will definitely be able to find the appropriate conditions for themselves, suitable for price and capabilities.

Besides, good decision Flyers will be distributed to residential buildings in nearby areas. It is worth noting in the business plan that about 50% of clients live within 5 km from the gym. The distance from the house to the hall is a very important factor when choosing.

Costs and payback

Starting investment for opening a gym:

  1. Renting premises - 75,000 rub.;
  2. Gym equipment - 1 152 000 rub.;
  3. Fitness room equipment - 170,000 rub.;
  4. Advertising - 60,000 rub.

Total: 1,457,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in a business plan include:

  1. rent for premises + communal payments90,000 rub.;
  2. staff salaries - 200,000 rub.;
  3. tax and social contributions - 60,000 rub.;
  4. maintenance and repair of sports equipment - 5,000 rub.;
  5. advertising and promotion - 10,000 rub.;

Total: 365,000 rubles.

Income forecast for business plan (per month):

  1. Sale of annual subscriptions – 30 pcs. 20*30,000= RUB 900,000.
  2. Sale of one-time subscriptions – 15 pcs. 1,500*5 = 7,500 rub.
  3. Sale of sports programs – 5 pcs. 1,000*5= 5,000 rub.
  4. Personal training – 15 pcs. 800*15= 12,000 rub.

As a result, your monthly income will be: 924,500 rubles.

Monthly payment of income taxes - 138 675 rub.

Net profit (excluding taxes and monthly expenses) is 420,825 rubles.

Amount of revenue for the year will be: 11,094,000 rubles.

Sum net profit per month is equal to 420 825 rubles

Profitability: 420,825 /924,500 * 100=45.5%

Payback period, divide the initial costs by the amount of net profit: 1 457 000 /420 825 = 3.5 months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Impact force Response measure
Lack of clientsAverageHighRevision of prices for subscriptions

Promotional actionsRevision of territorial affiliation

Formation of a loyalty program

Inexperienced staffAverageAverageTraining

Continuous training of employees by experienced trainers in the sports industry

Staff turnoverAverageLowIntroduction of material motivation for personnel

We offer ready business fitness club plan Examples, tables, lists, videos.

Capital investment in a fitness club: 7,200,000 rubles
Fitness club profitability: 44.8%
Fitness club payback: 24 months

On this moment, the sports services market is extensive and actively developing. However, the niche for serving middle-income clients is still only partially filled. And growing demand stimulates the emergence of new establishments, despite the high level of competition.

A well-designed and ready-made business plan for a fitness club.

Purpose of the business plan: to open a fitness club for the middle-income category of the population.

Fitness club business plan: planning


This business plan for a fitness club describes the opening of a project for the middle-income category of the population.

The establishment will be located at: N, st. Gorky, 170. The premises located there will be rented and converted to meet the specific needs of the project.

To cover the costs of opening and developing a business, investments in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles will be attracted. The rest - 2,200,000 rubles - will be covered from the personal funds of the project owners.

Pursued goals:

  1. Receiving profit from activities.
  2. Satisfying the needs of the middle-income population to receive services.
  3. Open a fitness club with high level profitability.

Competitive advantages

The level of competition in the fitness club industry is very high.

At the moment, there are already more than 2,500 thousand companies in Russia and their number is gradually growing. Moreover, about 30% of their number belongs to networks with a proven name, which is even more difficult to compete with.

To stimulate sales growth and create competitive advantages over other companies, we introduce the following techniques into the business plan of a fitness club:

  1. Possibility of paying for services by non-cash method.
  2. Discounts for corporate clients (in order to attract companies to order services for their employees).
  3. Loyalty program for regular customers.
  4. Holding themed parties for visitors.
  5. Original interior design of a fitness club.
  6. Convenient parking location near the entrance to the building.
  7. Attracting trainers with a high level of professionalism and experience to the team.

Range of services

Another competitive advantage that is worth using is the variety of services that will be provided in the fitness club. Among them can be both standard and original options that need to be listed in the business plan:

  • a room with exercise machines and equipment for cardio training;
  • personal training with a trainer;
  • activity programs for children;
  • aerobics programs;
  • fitness bar;
  • bath;
  • solarium;
  • and equipment.

The target audience

As we see, the age range of the target audience of fitness clubs is changing.

Previously, these were young people 25-30 years old, now among the visitors you can see many representatives of the 40+ category.

At the moment, the distribution looks like this: 44% of visitors are men, 56% are women. Of these, 70% are representatives of the age category 20-45 years.

Sports activities are used not only to radically correct the figure or lose weight excess weight. First of all, it is a way to keep yourself in good shape and improve your health.


  • outdoor advertising on busy roads near the establishment;
  • distributing leaflets in places with a large flow of people;
  • open and promote a fitness club website;
  • printing and distribution of business cards in thematic places (sporting goods and food stores, beauty salons, parking lots - to reach audiences based on territory).

According to statistics, after just a year of operation, 80% of clients are regular visitors. Therefore, the primary task is not just to attract a client, but to create for him all the conditions for a comfortable pastime.


One of the main factors for the success of a fitness club is the presence of highly qualified trainers. There must always be at least one person in the room to provide assistance. free consultations clients. Personnel must have special education and periodically undergo advanced training courses.

The staff must also include an administrator, a cleaner and security guards.

All personnel must be neat, qualified and punctual.

For personal needs, a separate room must be provided in the clubhouse.

P.S. It is necessary to consider the possibility of delivering home to employees who stay at the workplace until night time.

Quantity (rub) Salary (rub) Total (RUB)
Total:132,000 rub.
Administrator2 20 000 40 000
Trainer2 25 000 50 000
Security guard2 15 000 30 000
Cleaning woman1 12 000 12 000

…in the future it is possible to increase wages, which is indicated when calculating the financial indicators of the business plan. To open a full-fledged fitness club, get ready to spend at least 132,000 rubles monthly on salaries.
Also, we must not forget about the additional costs of providing employees comfortable conditions work.


The list of equipment for fitness clubs is approximately the same and will vary depending on the budget and services provided:

  • treadmills and exercise bikes for the cardio zone;
  • benches;
  • bars and sets of pancakes;
  • dumbbells of different weights;
  • racks;
  • equipment for children and adults for classes (aerobics, fitness, swimming, yoga, Pilates);
  • office equipment (computers, printer, router, etc.);
  • equipment for a fitness bar.

A separate application of the business plan indicates specifications for each item, cost, service features, supplier.

Fitness club business plan: implementation

Calendar plan

Fitness club business plan is compiled taking into account and analyzing the implementation of the project on a monthly basis.
After 1 year of operation, the breakdown is reduced to quarterly.
Subsequently, the plan is outlined for a one-year period.

Stages of opening a fitness club

To open a fitness club on time, the entire process is divided into separate stages.

Enterprise registration
Renting premises for a fitness club
Installation of necessary systems
Indoor renovation
Purchase and installation of equipment
Obtaining the necessary permits
Launch advertising campaign
Start of operation of the company

The process of organizing a fitness club until the start of work takes 7 months.

In the section describing the implementation of the plan, it is also worth indicating who is in charge of this or that stage and what specific actions will be taken.

Example: Indoor renovation.
Performed by a hired team of workers from the MasterOk organization.
Allocated budget: RUB 4,000,000.
The water supply system will be replaced, a ventilation system will be installed, Finishing work etc. Time allotted for implementation: 4 months.

Startup Cost Table

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 7,200,000
Registration of an enterprise, purchase of a seal20 000
Repair and refurbishment of premises4 000 000
Obtaining permits and bringing the premises into compliance with standards50 000
Purchase of equipment for the hall and office2 800 000
Advertising campaign120 000
Additional expenses210 000

Thus, 7,200,000 rubles will be required.

The most important expense items will be renovations to the premises and the purchase of quality equipment.

Literally everything depends on the level of fulfillment of these indicators in a fitness club: prices for services, their list, the reputation of the establishment.

Fitness club business plan: financial section

Financial section fitness club business plan contains information with calculations of current costs for maintaining and developing a business, the amount of revenue and the payback period.
For convenience, the information is also presented in tables.

Calculation of revenue and profit

To conclude about the payback of a fitness club, it is necessary to calculate the potential profit margin. Of course, all numbers in a business plan must be justified. Where to get them from if the project still exists only on paper? You can estimate your income as accurately as possible thanks to two indicators:

  • the planned cost of the services you are going to provide;
  • information about the sales level and the most popular positions of the nearest competitive fitness clubs (by territorial or budgetary principle).

About 2/3 of revenue comes from selling club cards to customers. And only 1/3 is for other additional services.

Expenses for maintaining and developing a fitness club

According to the calculations of the business plan, in addition to the contribution to the launch of the fitness club, at least 550,000 rubles will need to be spent monthly on its development and maintenance.

The most extensive categories of expenses are paying the cost of renting premises and salaries to employees. Also, a large amount is spent on an advertising campaign. However, as the fitness club reaches break-even level, these costs will decrease significantly.

Download a ready-made business plan for a Fitness Club with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Calculation of project payback

  • Project start date: January, * years.
  • Opening of the fitness club: July, *year.
  • Date of full payback of the project: January, *+2 years.
  • Payback period for a fitness club: 24 months.

Based on the available data, we can conclude that the creation of such an institution is, although risky, but very profitable business.

An interesting video about

how I opened my first fitness club

Director of the network of sports clubs "HOLLYWOOD" - Andrey Popov

The main thing that is necessary for a successful start and development is to receive investment, which means developing a high-quality business plan for a fitness club.

If you have a sufficient budget, you can choose the best premises for rent and carefully develop a concept, including features unique to you.

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Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 958,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 341,105 rubles
  • Initial costs – 1,921,200 rubles.
  • Payback period is from six months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will talk about this type of business as a fitness club and try to write detailed business plan fitness club with calculations.

Market analysis

Institutions in the fitness industry are becoming increasingly popular today. This is due to people’s desire to be healthy. And if at the time of the appearance of the first such clubs these were premium-class establishments, today almost any person has access to such services.

In Russia, classes in fitness clubs appeared only 20 years ago. At the same time, people are more willing to go to Russian establishments than international ones, the share of which is only 1% in total mass fitness centers.

Every year the number of clubs increases by 20%. This is due to the desire to be like their European neighbors. Today, there is an increased demand for the services of fitness clubs. Because being healthy is fashionable.

According to the results of research conducted by analysts, it turned out that most often people go to such establishments to become even more beautiful and well-groomed. The next factor of motivation – psychological tone – lags behind almost twice. But in third and fourth places are improving physical fitness and spending free time, respectively.

As it turned out, most often women visit fitness clubs. Their total share is 70%, that is, more than 2 times more than men.

If speak about age characteristics, then more than 50% of visitors are young people aged 18 to 24 years.

Most often, fitness clubs are visited by people with average incomes, less often by wealthy people. It is also interesting that people with no income make up a quarter of all visitors.

It is also noteworthy that most often people with higher education go to such institutions.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to draw up portrait of a potential buyer: for the most part, these will be young women (18-34 years old) with average income, having some kind of education; their main goal There will be an aesthetic component. Also, these will be men of approximately the same age who are interested in their health and increasing their physical capabilities. Thus, we can conclude that when developing a business plan, you need to pay most attention to people with an average level of income.

If we talk about competitors, these will primarily be well-known chains of fitness clubs. To a lesser extent, competition will come from single establishments. Firstly, they will not be able to serve a large number of population, and secondly, hardly anyone knows about them either. Therefore, the main competitor will be the well-known branded places that have already captured part of the market. You will have to fight with more low prices, qualifications of workers, as well as the quality of services provided.

I would like to note that Russian market fitness services have huge potential, because not so many people go to clubs today - there could be a lot more of them.

The most profitable niche would be family fitness. Firstly, this industry is not yet so developed. Secondly, several family members will be immediately involved. The main income will presumably come from gym users. This type of service is in the highest demand among consumers today.

SWOT analysis


Usage modern concepts,techniques.

Good location of the club.

High quality equipment.

Relatively low level costs.

Weak sides:

Narrow range of services provided.

The need for large financial investments in opening and advertising.


Offering lower prices than competitors.

Finding your regular customers by attracting them.

Further development, which will allow opening a network of fitness centers.

Attracting those trainers who already have their own client base.


Rapid growth in the number of competitors.

Economic instability.

Low level of attendance.

The emergence of serious network fitness clubs that are already known to consumers.

Opportunity Assessment

The fitness center's operating hours will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours per week.

Seasonality of demand for this type There are basically no services, except in summer time the number of visitors is slightly decreasing.

In the future, you can increase demand and attract new customers by expanding the range of services, providing related services (sales sports nutrition, branded sportswear, opening a bar).

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. You need to start with a choice. For the first time, you can limit yourself to registration or LLC. The first option is the most attractive due to the simple registration procedure and loyal taxation methods. In addition, opening an individual entrepreneur most often involves working with individuals, not legal ones. The OKVED codes, most likely, in cases of opening fitness centers will be as follows:
  • 04 – Health and physical education activities.
  • 61 – Operation of sports facilities.
  • 62 – Other activities related to sports.

Special attention should be paid to this point. All types of activities must be reflected in an extract from the ERGIP (for private entrepreneurs) or from (for LLCs).

  1. Passing an inspection at Rospotrebnadzor (permission is not required to start work). They check the existing documents for ventilation, air conditioning, housing office documents (if necessary), as well as medical records of workers in contact with visitors.
  2. Passing a fire inspection. Here you also need to prepare for their arrival. There must be emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
  3. You don't need to obtain any licenses either. This can be done to create a more trusting relationship on the part of clients.
  4. Choice of taxation system. As a rule, they choose. The tax is paid either 6% of total income, or 5-15% of the difference between income and expenses (the percentage is set separately for each region, but most often it is 15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our clients by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.

It is worth remembering that for each visitor to the gym there is 6 m2, and for fitness or aerobics - 2 m2.

Rented premises:

This will be a commercial space. It is best to choose one of two options:

  • city ​​center (plus the number of visitors, minus the high cost of rent);
  • residential area (plus an affordable price, but the level of visitors will be lower than in the first option).

There must be room in the locker rooms for shower equipment.

Calculation of room area:

  • halls for fitness and aerobics – 2 m2 *15 people = 30 m2;
  • gym – 6 m2 *15 people = 90 m2;
  • locker rooms - 2 pcs * 25 m 2 = 50 m 2;
  • reception, corridors = 50 m2.

Total: 200 m2.

Made based on an average attendance of 15 people.

Description of service

In the fitness center you can visit:

  • gym (continuous work, that is, 80 hours a week);
  • aerobics (20 hours per week);
  • step aerobics (10 hours per week);
  • yoga (15 hours per week);
  • dance classes (20 hours per week);
  • strength training in the fitness room (15 hours per week).

Registration can be made by phone or directly on the fitness center website. In addition, visitors can take advantage of free Wi-Fi and bottled water.

In the future it is planned to expand the range of services. These could be not only new types of group activities, but also other activities.

The gym also offers personal training sessions.

To attract more clients, it is worth choosing experienced people when hiring. It is desirable that they have their own customer base, which will provide part of the flow of visitors.

Marketing plan

It is worth thinking about the cost of the services provided. It should be a competitive price, but not too low. You need to pay attention appearance halls and the entire fitness center, as well as the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the working trainers.

Ideas for later opening a herbal bar or massage parlor would be interesting.

  • distribution of leaflets, flyers;
  • advertising on the Internet ( social media, contextual advertising, etc.) and media;
  • signs;
  • SMS mailings;
  • advertisements on radio and television (if finances allow);

You can also attract with various promotions - for example, free admission on holidays or on a birthday. In short, tools to influence potential clients a huge variety.

In general, it’s worth thinking about prices in advance, calculating the cost of club cards, and ways to promote them.

It will be important to create your own website before opening. And at the same time make it not only beautiful, but also informative and convenient for the client. You can add forms feedback, surveys, the possibility of discussions, online purchases, reservations, viewing the completion of a particular lesson by visitors.

You definitely need to choose your own strategy. After attracting part of the population, it is worth thinking about marketing moves that can bring other segments of the population to the fitness center.

Calculation of planned revenue

Price per lesson (1 hour, unlimited gym) Number of classes per month Occupancy (maximum 15 people) Total income
Gym 200 rub. 160 10 320,000 rub.
Aerobics 250 rub. 80 9 180,000 rub.
Step aerobics 300 rub. 40 9 108,000 rub.
Yoga 250 rub. 60 8 120,000 rub.
Dance classes 250 rub. 80 7 140,000 rub.
Power training 250 rub. 60 6 90,000 rub.
Total RUB 958,000

Monthly income will be 958,000 rubles.

Production plan

To begin work, it will be necessary to carry out repairs and installation of equipment. The renovation will include bringing the premises into proper shape, installing shower stalls, mirrors in the halls, installing lighting fixtures, air conditioners, fire extinguishers and more. The total cost will be 1,000,000 rubles.

Equipment will be needed mainly for the gym. This also includes equipment for exercising in the fitness room, including mats, special balls, step platforms, and weights. The total cost will be 600,000 rubles.

You will also have to buy furniture:

  • table (1 piece);
  • chair (10pcs);
  • benches (33pcs);
  • lockers (30pcs);
  • reception desk (1 piece);
  • chairs (2 pieces).

The total cost will be: 65,800 rubles.

You will also need to purchase the following equipment:

  • laptop (1pc);
  • music center (2 pieces);
  • printer (1pc);
  • refrigerator (1 piece).

Total: 55,000 rubles.

Job title Number of staff units Payment method Salary (including insurance contributions and taxes) General payroll
Administrator 2 Salary 25,000 rub. 50,000 rub.
Trainer at the gym 4 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32,000 rub. 128,000 rubles
Aerobics and dance trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32,000 rub. 32,000 rub.
Yoga trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) 18,000 rub. 18,000 rub.
Step aerobics and strength trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) RUR 29,700 RUR 29,700
Cleaning woman 2 Salary 15,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
Total: RUR 287,700

Trainers in the gym work in teams of two. They help visitors.

Administrators and cleaners work in shifts.

All trainers must have qualifications and experience. It is desirable that they be known to a wide range of people in the city. It is also possible to combine work with other types of employment.

Classes may vary in schedule from month to month.

Salaries are paid twice a month - in the middle and at the end of the month.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving phone calls, processing applications from the site, filling it out, processing documents and accepting funds.

Organizational plan

1 month 2 month 3 month
Individual entrepreneur registration 6,800 rub.
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Competitiveness analysis + + +
Advertising 100,000 rub.
Website creation 15,000 rub.
Repair and refurbishment 1,000,000 rub.
Furniture RUB 65,800
Purchasing the necessary equipment 600,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 55,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 15,000 rub.
Internet connection 600 rub.
Installation of furniture and equipment
Personnel search, training
Ordering clothing with company logos 45,000 rub.
Purchasing water supplies 3,000 rub.
CCTV installation 15,000 rub.
Total RUB 1,921,200

The lease agreement should not be concluded for a year; the money invested may not pay off. It is best to negotiate a job for the long term. Preferably 5 years. Finding such a tenant will not be easy, but it is still possible. It is worth considering the option of a small increase in the rental price, as a last resort.

Financial plan

Income (monthly) – 958,000 rubles.

Initial costs – 1,921,200 rubles.

Periodic costs (calculated per month):

Profit before tax will thus be equal to – 958,000 – 556,700 = 401,300 rubles.

We calculate taxes using the formula 0.15*(Income - Expenses) – 0.15*401,300 = 60,195 rubles.

Net profit will be - 401,300 - 60,195 = 341,105 rubles.

Payback period – 1,921,200/341,105 = 5.63. Consequently, the project will pay for itself in six months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Possible threats
Crisis, economic instability, rising inflation Average Insurance, purchase of necessary supplies Decrease in profits, possible losses
Changes in legislation Low Detailed compilation constituent documents, including the charter The need for re-registration, paperwork, suspension of activities
Changing the ideology associated with a healthy lifestyle Low Developing a client base, massive advertising Declining demand
Increased competition High Development of new methods, improving the quality of services Declining profits
Equipment breakdown High Timely inspection, purchase of additional units Decrease in the quality and quantity of services provided
Incompetence of workers Average Completing training, obtaining certificates, constantly attending seminars and master classes Decrease in quality of service, number of clients
Obsolescence of equipment Average Purchase of new equipment, replacing it with the most technologically advanced Decreased quality of services provided, lack of competitiveness
Bad placement High Conducting marketing and geomarketing research Profit is less than expected, decreased profitability and payback

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot skimp on repairs and equipment - these are one of the most important components of success.

According to marketers, any fitness center pays for itself in less than 2 years. If, of course, the work was done correctly.

Don't stop there - expand, open another fitness center, add new services (swimming pool, sauna, massage, beauty services, etc.). Popularity among consumers will be free advertising. People will want to come to you because they are already convinced of the quality of services provided in the fitness center.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Don't judge harshly if this business-the plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

From year to year, youth and the adult generation direct their gaze towards healthy image life. Going to gyms has become fashionable. When choosing a gym, amateur athletes pay attention to factors such as:

  • walking distance,
  • style and decoration of the room,
  • professionalism service personnel,
  • a variety of sports equipment and much more.

A preliminary analysis of this area of ​​activity shows that the sports services market is very developed in our country and has high competition. However, not every potential competitor uses all the opportunities available to them and focuses on the long term.

There is still room in the market for entrepreneurs who want to provide the population with quality economy class services.

Many middle-income people would be happy to go to fitness clubs and gyms if they had sufficient financial resources to do so.

The right approach to organizing business and rational use available financial resources will allow you to carry out your activities in such a way that even if you provide high-quality services using advanced equipment, the cost of visiting the gym will be very attractive for all segments of the population.

In order to avoid possible errors and to most effectively begin the implementation of your project, any activity should begin with the process of drawing up a business plan. It is the map of your business, the intentions laid out on paper.

Only after forming a complete picture of the future business and determining an action plan should you take on the active part of the project.

How to Write a Gym Business Plan

There are a number of key issues, without solving which you shouldn’t even think about starting a business. This:

  • Marketing
    Market and competitor analysis. Determining the list of services provided and your competitive advantages.
  • Investment
    Selection of premises and its design. Purchase of necessary equipment.
  • Operating
    Determination of operating mode, selection of service personnel.
  • Financial
    Definitions of constants and variable expenses. Profit planning and project payback.

An in-depth analysis and the decisions made as a result will result in ready plan your future project. Only this approach guarantees risk minimization and a speedy return on investment.

Competitor analysis

Having decided on the location of your future hall, you should first of all embark on “espionage”. Visit the halls of your “colleagues” in the industry and conduct a comparative analysis.

During such an “operation” you will need to clarify:

  • average price per hour of visiting the gym,
  • quality of equipment and premises,
  • operating hours and availability of other related services.

Such research will help you decide on development priorities, draw up a rough picture and plan of action.

Range of services provided

To attract customers you need to implement marketing plan.

For customer retention it is necessary to provide him with the maximum possible range of services at the lowest prices.

Some of the gym service add-ons you can offer your clients include:

  • Massage room;
  • Pool;
  • Sauna and separate showers;
  • Small sporting goods store, non-alcoholic bar;

The services of the gym itself are usually provided in different forms:

  • Independent studies

Clients can only come to keep in shape. For this category, it is necessary to provide the opportunity to visit the hall once.
Some visitors will want to come periodically, but practice without a trainer. For such visitors, you can introduce subscriptions, the purchase of which will help them save money.

  • Lessons with a trainer

Typically, this form is preferred by a certain category of people - beginners who want to change their lifestyle, so they need a person who will constantly motivate them and push them forward.
For them, subscriptions to systematic classes with a trainer will also be attractive, as they will force them to “earn back” the money invested.

Choosing and equipping a room for the hall

There are no special requirements limiting the choice of premises. The service is in high demand among the population and over time, with a responsible attitude towards business, good results can be achieved.

But to increase your profit potential and customers, you should consider that:

  • It is better to open in areas with a large population (dormitory areas). People are more willing to go to the gym if it is located near their home.
  • The absence of other halls nearby will allow you to save on marketing and promotions.
  • A premise located near the road with wide access roads and parking space will be another plus in your favor.
  • There is a high probability that you will remodel the premises. It is necessary to agree on this with the owner in advance.

Room size and the possibility of redevelopment will play a key role in determining its value.

When renting premises, please note that established standards in the gym you need to allocate 2 square meters per person. m. area.

If we take as a unit of calculation 100 clients who can be in the hall at the same time, then its minimum required area should be equal to 200 square meters. m.

At the design stage, you should consider that gym visitors can be both men and women.

In order for both parties to feel comfortable in your room, it is worth separating the male half from the female half. At a minimum, there should be 2 changing rooms and 2 showers in the room. The area of ​​the hall will also need to be divided into two parts.

Now you need to decide on the remaining premises:

  • Area 40 sq.m. need to be allocated for men's and women's locker rooms.
  • 100 sq.m. - for a swimming pool (which will become a competitive advantage).
  • The reception area can be placed on an area of ​​20 sq.m.
  • The premises for sauna and massage will occupy 40 square meters. m.
  • In addition, a pantry, toilet and director's office will be needed. Another 50 sq. m. will have to be allocated for these purposes. m. area.

Thus, rented premises for a gym for 100 people must be at least 450 sq.m.

Plan for the future sports complex and make an estimate for the renovation of the premises. Maybe, the best option will be the construction of your own building. Once the project pays for itself, you will have your own space and more gross profit than if you rented.

Purchase of equipment

It's no secret that the main thing in the gym are the machines themselves. The wider and more varied their selection, the greater customer satisfaction.

We will focus on middle-class clients, so we will not have the opportunity to buy expensive equipment. After all, in this case, the project will take too long to pay off.

Elite clubs are constantly updating their equipment, as they provide services to the most demanding clients who want to exercise exclusively on new and modern equipment. For this reason, you can always easily find high-quality and durable used exercise equipment on the market. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to purchase a wide variety of and relatively new equipment for your fleet at a residual depreciation price.

Thus, investment in equipment for the amount of 750,000 rubles. will be more than enough.

Minimum a set of necessary equipment and training equipment(number of units is approximate and may vary):

  • Treadmill (stationary) – 6 pcs.
  • Exercise bike – 6 pcs.
  • Wall bars - 6 pcs.
  • Power complex projectiles – 3 pcs.
  • Complex simulators for gymnastic exercises – 3 pcs.
  • Rowing simulator - 4 pcs.
  • Abdominal trainers – 6 pcs.
  • Small sports equipment and equipment: dumbbells, exercise balls, step pads and other fitness equipment

You also need to purchase sports furniture, which is also needed for other premises:

  • Sofas, tables and chairs for the reception area, administrative area and benches for the gym.
  • Wardrobes for staff clothing and other furniture for the administrative premises and the director's office.
  • Lockers and benches for changing rooms.
  • Other interior items for the room and room decoration (mirrors, hangers, etc.).
  • Equipment and furniture for swimming pool, sauna and massage room.
  • Office equipment, TV and music installation.

To provide a gym necessary furniture and equipment will need to be spent, according to average estimates, 200,000 rubles.

Calculation of working hours and selection of service personnel

Strict work schedule maximum use time of day will become another attractive factor for customers. The hall should be open seven days a week from 7-00 to 24-00. For a working day of 14 hours, the work process must be organized in two shifts. When distributing shifts and drawing up schedules, employees' days off should be taken into account.

In many ways, gym attendance will depend on the staff. Therefore, when hiring, you should pay attention not only to the professional merits of candidates, but also to their politeness and sociability.

The number of workers and their workload will depend on the number of shifts and work schedule. Female trainers are more suitable for fitness, while male trainers are more suitable for the gym.

It should be remembered that visitors will see their mentors as a standard to which to strive. Ensure that trainers meet the required external criteria. It is better to hire a girl who has a superficial understanding of sports to work as a receptionist.

For the gym to fully operate, it is necessary to create a staff of several groups of employees.


Service personnel:

  • Trainers and instructors – 8 people;
  • Massage therapists – 2 people;

Support staff:

  • Technicians – 2 people
  • Reception – 2 people

Calculations for project organization

Perhaps the largest expense item will be salary. In general, the salary will be considered individually, depending on the level of professionalism and value of the employee.

Below are approximate figures based on positions occupied:

  • The manager and accountant should receive a salary of 45,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Instructors and massage therapists – 20,000 rub.
  • Reception — 15,000 rub.
  • Cleaning lady – 10,000 rub.

For staff motivation working directly with clients, it is best to implement a bonus system.

The bonus can be calculated based on the income received from the sale of subscriptions to classes with trainers.

To quickly replace worn-out shells always requires a lot of money. Since the quality of the simulators directly determines the result of your activities, it is worth organizing a special sinking fund and make contributions to it in the amount of 10% of profits. This will help to collect certain funds for a rainy day and get through it painlessly.

Renting premises

Although we talked about the greater efficiency of building your own building, we will draw up a financial plan based on rental costs.

On average the price is per 1 sq.m. in the “dormitory” area it varies at the level of 1,000 rubles. for 1 sq.m. Based on this, monthly rent will be 450,000 rubles.

Communal payments— electricity, water, heating – 60,000 rub.

Other expenses - stationery, telephone payment and advertising - 10,000 rubles.

Example of a business plan for opening a gym

Expenditure part

D To determine total number investments are traditionally calculated first. The calculation is made for the period of the first working year.

Initial investment costs – 7,350,000 rubles.

  • Rent of premises – 5,400,000 rub. (advance payment for the year).
  • Repair and reconstruction - (based on the estimate) up to RUB 1,000,000.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​RUB 750,000.
  • Purchase of furniture and equipment – ​​200,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses – 415,000 rub.

  • Salary – 345,000 rub.
  • Utility costs – 60,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Depreciation charges— 10% of net profit for the reporting period (in this case, the project will not pay off in the first year).

Total expenses in the first year are 7,765,000 rubles.

Revenue part

The daily work schedule provides for a 14-hour working day for the hall. The complex can serve up to 100 clients simultaneously. The gym can serve up to 500 people per day.

However, when analyzing competitors who have been on the market for a long time, it turned out that on average, about 80% of its capacity is visited per day by the hall. Considering the conditions of great competition and the likelihood of difficulties in attracting clients, we assume that during the first year the hall will be visited by approximately 20% of clients from the daily potential. The average cost of visiting the hall with a subscription is 250 rubles.

Planned income = 100 people*250 rub. * 350 working days = 8,750,000 rub. in year.

Project payback = 7,765,000 rub. / 8,750,000 rub. ≈ 10-11 months.

The idea of ​​creating your own gym is very good prospects. However, the key factor for its implementation is the correct organizational policy aimed at attracting and retaining customers.

The most effective way is creation of a subscription system, under which clients pay for their visiting rights in advance.

Analysis of markets and competitors confirms the popularity of gyms among the population, so the provision of comprehensive and high-quality services should be your main guideline in your desire to make a profit from the business you are creating.

Investing free funds in opening a gym club is a good opportunity to receive consistently high profits. There are a number of reasons/prerequisites for this. Firstly, every year the population’s interest in an active lifestyle increases. Secondly, for many people this is the only way to gain beautiful figure. Thirdly, the state Lately actively encourages people to lead a healthy and active life, which increases the demand for these services. Also, the sports/gym club market has been on the rise lately. Thus, opening a gym club is a promising investment with a payback period of 15 months.

To open a club, 17 employees are needed, as well as a premises with an area of ​​1,500 m2. You can rent premises in shopping centers, business centers and in free-standing buildings with high traffic.

The average number of season ticket buyers per month is 160 people. The club's opening hours are from 6:00 to 22:00. Currently, due to changes in the culture and perception of fitness clubs, this business has ceased to have a sharp seasonality. A slight decline is observed in summer period. The cost of 1 subscription per year is 19,000 rubles. Considering the high and constantly increasing demand, the project has positive financial indicators:

Initial investment amount 4 146 000 rub.

Average monthly profit 339 000 rub.

Payback period 15 months

The break-even point is reached at 7 month

Return on sales - 22%

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, an increasing number of both young and more mature men and women want to engage in sports clubs, as they want to be healthy and happy. For some, the main task is the desire to gain a beautiful figure, for others to bring their physical state back to normal. It should be noted that the demand for these services is constantly growing.

It is necessary to open a gym in a city with a population of 200 thousand people. The total area is 1,500 m2.

The main service is the provision of sports and fitness services, as well as individual lessons with a trainer.

To open, you will need specialized training equipment:

From the training equipment for the club you will need:

  • Treadmills
  • Exercise bikes
  • Rowing machine
  • Strength trainer
  • Benches
  • Group simulator
  • Dumbbell set
  • Rugs

From household equipment you will need:

  • Cooler
  • Acoustic system
  • Sports bar equipment
  • Electric kettle
  • TV
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Cash machine

Also be sure to take care of installing a ventilation and air conditioning system. Don't forget to purchase fire extinguishers as well. To prevent theft, install an alarm.

If possible, purchase new equipment to reduce the number of sudden breakdowns.

For the bar you need to purchase:

  • Juicer
  • Coffee machine
  • Bar utensils (plates, glasses, etc.)
  • Sports nutrition (snacks, bars, nuts, etc.)
  • Tables and chairs

Thus, this equipment will allow you to receive high profits and delight customers with high-quality service and products.

3. Description of the sales market

The most important factor in the success of a gym is its proper location. Therefore, it is necessary to locate the club near or inside large business centers, shopping centers, and streets with high traffic. This will help you reach the payback period faster and get constant profits faster.

Basic target audience are:

  • Young people (women and men) aged 16 to 35 years
  • People aged 35 to 60 years

The price segment of the gym is average and is accessible to most citizens. As your gym club develops, you can add children's clubs and sections to attract families to your club, women's programs, bath complex, cosmetic services.

Elderly people may also use the services of your club, but their share will be small.

Currently, the demand for gyms is constantly increasing, but often many clubs cannot provide quality service. Therefore, a free market share is formed in the market, which can be taken.

To increase interest in your club, develop a loyalty system for customers, including corporate programs.

When sales decline during the summer and pre-New Year period, hold promotions and organize internal competitions among club members.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

A full calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan