Organizing space in the apartment: ideas for proper storage. Original ideas for storing things in a small apartment: convenient storage systems, practical devices Interesting ideas for organizing space in an apartment

For the readers' attention there are even more fresh and frankly incredible ideas on how you can and should organize space in a small apartment. Each of these tips is good in its own way and, in fact, can be useful not only to residents of modest premises.

1. Disguise lessons

The main rule for arranging small spaces is minimalism and functionality. Therefore, the owners small hallways It is worth giving up too large cabinets, open shelves and hangers as they create a feeling of clutter and chaos. Nai the best solution for such spaces there will be a modern built-in wardrobe with a smooth front in the color of the finish or tall cabinet medium size with a mirror facade.

2. Let the light in

All owners of one-room apartments sooner or later face the issue of space planning and zoning. In such cases, the best solution would be translucent partitions made of plastic or glass, which will help divide the area of ​​the room without preventing the penetration of natural light.

3. Opening up space

A great idea for small apartments would be to partially demolish the wall and install sliding doors. IN open form Such doors will create the illusion of freedom and space. Sliding structures owners of now popular studio apartments can also use it to zone the available space as ergonomically as possible.

4. Invisible furniture

When choosing furniture for a small apartment, pay attention to items with glossy, metal and mirrored facades, as well as products made from clear glass and plastic. This trick will visually reduce the size of the selected item, making it almost invisible.

5. Shelving

When choosing shelving for a small apartment, pay attention to tall models that will take up the entire space from the floor to the ceiling. Otherwise, the rack will “cut up” the space and visually reduce the height of the ceiling. In addition, high shelving without walls can be used for zoning rooms.

6. Open dressing room

Save valuable square meters In a small bedroom, eliminating the wardrobe will help. Instead, it is better to pay attention to open closet organization ideas. It can be finished goods in the form of original floor hangers or simple designs, which are easy to implement with your own hands.

7. Functional furniture

The modern furniture production market is actively working for the benefit of society, offering consumers more and more new ideas for saving space. One example of such furniture is this bright and modern bed attic with shelf, chest of drawers, folding table and wardrobe at the bottom. Such a bed will become great solution for arrangement children's corner in a small apartment.

8. Bright details

Don't be afraid bright colors and turn the design of a small room into a “cult of minimalism in light colors" Professionals say that the presence of bright details in decoration and decor will have a beneficial effect on the interior small space, will make it interesting, lively and dynamic.

9. Closer to the floor

Using low furniture is another effective technique to create a stylish and comfortable environment in a small room with a low ceiling. Ideally, such furniture should also be slightly raised from the floor. This trick will allow you to create a comfortable atmosphere for living and not disturb the non-standard parameters of the room.

10. Heavy curtains

The owner of small apartments should not be afraid to use heavy curtains. On the contrary, long thick curtains of a contrasting color will draw attention to the window, which is a direct source of light, visually lift the ceiling and become a cozy detail of the room.

11. Light partitions

To the people who started major renovation, it’s worth thinking about partially demolishing the walls and replacing them with stylish lightweight partitions that will allow you to divide the area into zones, while maintaining lightness and a feeling of freedom.

12. Additional resources

In conditions of limited space, you need to think outside the box and use any resources. For example, the bottom of a sofa or bed can be used to create a spacious storage system for bed linen, seasonal clothes or books.

13. Transformable furniture

Stylish design with lift-up bed, shelves and cabinets will be a real find for owners studio apartment. Of course, such a bed will cost a little more than a regular one, but buying it will save a lot of space and make your home more functional.

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14. Lockers with secrets

Kitchen set with retractable tabletops will be a real find for owners of small kitchens. This hidden resource can be used as an additional work surface or instead of a massive dining table, for which there is no room in a small kitchen.

15. In the corners

Pay attention to the corner space of your apartment. Empty corners- this is a waste that only owners of huge mansions can afford. In a small apartment, corners need to be used wisely, for example, to build a large bookcase.

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If mountains of unnecessary things begin to literally evict you from your own bedroom, it’s time to put them in their places. Unorganized space in the bedroom is not just a nuisance. Clutter can have an impact significant influence on your mood, because it’s no secret that chaos is one of the main causes of stress, and sometimes even depression. Fortunately, the solution to this problem lies on the surface - organize the space of your bedroom and keep it, like the rest of the rooms, clean and tidy!


Part 1

Clean up your room

    Collect all the things that are lying on the floor. Try to sort them, focusing on clothes, books, fabrics, magazines, shoes, documents and anything else that is out of place. Remember that the first step towards properly organizing your bedroom space is to get rid of the clutter that you yourself created.

    • Once you've finished cleaning, the only things touching the floor in your bedroom should be furniture. This step is extremely important - by removing all things from the floor, you will spend much less time and effort cleaning the room.
  1. Find boxes for the items you need as well as those you plan to throw away. Once you've completely cleared the floor, try to decide which of the collected items you'd like to keep and which you wouldn't mind throwing away.

  2. Part 2

    Organize your bedroom space

      Divide your storage areas into organized sections. Sort things on the shelves and in the closet, putting them in neat piles. This way, you will not only prevent clutter, but also be able to use it more efficiently. limited space on shelves or in a closet.

      • Take care of space for storing shoes. This can be a separate shelf, drawer or shoe organizer, which is convenient because it can be hung on the wall.
      • Think about additional places to store clothes. For example, excellent choice There will be plastic containers, wicker baskets and even food boxes in which it is very convenient to put off-season items or small items such as socks, scarves and underwear.
      • Nail pretty hooks on the walls to hang bags and belts from, so they don't end up in piles on the floor.


      Organization Specialist

      Organization Specialist

      Get rid of clothes you don't wear. Remove everything you don't use from your closet and put the rest of your items where they belong. Instead of throwing clothes around, give them a place in your closet or dresser.”

      To keep your drawers organized, use special dividers for things. If you choose this way of storing socks, ties, underwear and T-shirts, you will no longer have to panic through a bunch of things trying to find what you need.

      Try not to place large electronic equipment on the floor, such as a computer, printer, or network antenna. Due to the presence of many cables and wires, you expose yourself to danger, increasing the risk of fire. In addition, such objects greatly clutter the space, and you can very easily trip.

      • A desk will also help you make efficient use of space - drawers Perfect for storing your keyboard and printer. And by hanging a small shelf above your computer, you can keep your files and documents in order.
      • To hide your power cords from prying eyes, you can hide them in a drawer by drilling small holes.
      • Tie the cords together using Velcro or electrical tape. Always mark them with a piece of tape so you can tell where each cord goes without untying all the others.
    1. Designate a place to charge all electronics. Place all small electronics (phone, camera, tablet) in a designated area along with their chargers.

      Create tags to mark storage areas. If you still forget where to put things after cleaning, or the habit of maintaining order has not yet been fully developed, such labels will come to your aid at any time.

      • This way, not only will it be easier for you to remember where you need to put things, but the labels will also become an additional incentive to maintain order.
      • There is no need to spend money on expensive labels - ordinary stickers or adhesive tape are quite suitable for this purpose.
      • If you use shipping boxes to store electronics or odds and ends, make sure each one has a label. This way you won't have to constantly look inside if you forget what's in which box.
    2. Use non-standard places for storing things. To keep your room clean, it's not enough to just stuff everything in the closet! There are many other ways to keep your room organized and everything in its place without the help of a closet, for example:

      • Pull-out baskets or drawers under the bed that can store towels, linens and blankets.
      • Space on bookshelves can be used for photo frames or figurines.
      • If you hang a small coat rack near your door, you'll no longer be tempted to throw your coat on the bed at the end of the day.
      • By placing small interesting things between the books on the bookshelf, you will add some “zest” to the interior, as well as ensure order on the bookshelf.


      Organization Specialist

      Christelle Ferguson is the owner of Space to Love, a space organization and tidying service that has been operating for over 5 years. She is certified in Feng Shui and is a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organization Professionals.

      Organization Specialist

      Your bedroom is primarily for sleeping. Remove everything that is not related to sleep - computers, books, notepads, pens - mostly work supplies. When your bedroom becomes clearer, tidy up what's left. Buy bedside table with drawers to hide all your distractions.”

      Get rid of furniture that takes up too much space, as well as furniture that you don't use at all. Stand in the middle of a cleaned room and look at all the furniture. Perhaps you have bedside tables or chairs that have been hopelessly waiting for their “finest hour” for a long time, taking up most of the free space. Or perhaps you will realize that your bed is too small or too large for you. Think, maybe other pieces of furniture will be much more useful.

Here are 10 secrets for organizing the space of small apartments that will help you manage the space of your apartment more rationally and create harmony.

Small apartments have their positive aspects, such as lower maintenance and rent costs. You can buy an apartment inexpensively and even in a good area, but you can’t do without high-quality organization of space.

Often - a convenient location and a certain irreplaceable comfort and charm, but this is only if you know how to properly organize and equip it.

One of the main misconceptions that people are exposed to when decorating your small apartments, is that they only pay full attention functionality, completely forgetting about design.

But you shouldn’t do that, because you have to live there. Main find the right one balance between these concepts, and create a space that will not only help your daily needs, but also delight the eye with its beauty.

You have to concentrate on filling your home items that fit your needs. Wherein they should emphasize your personal aesthetics and individual taste.

Here are some tips to help you organize your small apartment.

1 . Use proper zoning

Do your best to determine Every item in your home has its own function.. Use sections to store things in the hallway in a certain order, hang shelves.

Place the buffet between your kitchen and dining room For additional storage area. Use items that have dual purposes, such as an ottoman with an opening storage section.

2. Invest in transformable furniture

When you're dealing With small space , every centimeter matters. Transformable furniture can make your apartment at least twice as spacious.

Folding sofa bed, transformable dinner table, various sections and drawers can make your life easier and free up space.

3. Rethinking unused spaces

After living in one and same space for a significant period period of time, you can easily get stuck in a rut of how you use it. Have you ever thought that maybe you don't use your space in the most efficient way?

Challenge yourself, look around your apartment and identify all the “dead zones” or gaps that not currently serve useful purpose. Think about unused corners and blank walls. Then try brainstorm in order to fill interior spaces in your best interests.

Turn a large window sill into a work area. Buy a corner shelving unit to create storage space essentials. Place a few baskets on top part your his refrigerator and use them, to hide they don't contain frequently used items.

4 . Go vertical storage methods

When planning, The best way Using space means thinking both vertically and horizontally. Tall, narrow storage systems are best choice in order to get maximum space for storage at least use space.

Place two identical ones bookshelves on both sides of doorway or use entertaining center as partitions between yours bedroom and living room.

If you really want to withdraw storing items in your home on new level , That consider using available wall space as a hiding place for folding furniture.

5 . Find systematic organization of space

Use various niches, sections and organizers to properly organize your space and you will understand that your apartment is not so small.

6 . Choose a light color palette

When choosing a palette, focus on use lungs pastel shades that can decorate most spaces. Then add one dark accent color to make the interior more contrasting and interesting.

7. Add curved lines in furniture and decor

Since the majority small apartments are usually square shape, use curved lines in your furniture and decor to add some scale and play to the space.

8 . Add depth

Creation contrast with unusual finishing materials, use of textures and patterns will add depth to your space. For example, for a plain sofa you can safely throw a few patterned pillows.

9 . Variable design

Large, bulky pieces of furniture can make small apartment closed. Include items that create variable design and this will not happen.

Try using sectional shelves instead of bulky bookcase. Take a closer look at the variety paintings, photographs, sculptures and accessories to fill the space.

10 . Clean up regularly

If you clean more often, you will notice that there are fewer and fewer unnecessary items in the house.

And small rearrangements will help you easier to part with unused items.

Lifehacks for organizing space in a one-room apartment

10 SUPER IDEAS for a small apartment/LIFE HACKS for a STUDIO APARTMENT

One of the most important and difficult moments when creating interiors in apartments, especially small ones, is proper organization space in general and storage systems in particular.

But if you adopt a few working ideas, you can achieve amazing results even in a small area. At the same time, the apartment will not only have an atmosphere home comfort, but also a feeling of spaciousness.

1. Choosing a closet

An excellent option would be a built-in wardrobe that spans the entire height of the wall: from the floor to the ceiling. This will allow you to use absolutely all the unoccupied space, which is usually lost and idle.

Moreover, it is very convenient to store rarely used and seasonal items at the top, and store everyday clothes and accessories at the bottom.

2. Use the window sill

Although we do not need it itself, but the free space located under it. A small shelving unit or even a cabinet will fit perfectly here, especially if you extend the window sill.

Many will say that this requires moving the radiator, and they will be partly right. But some houses have other types of heating, and there are also alternative options To realize this idea, the main thing is to show imagination.

3. Furniture with secret compartments

Children's beds, large corner sofas, coffee tables– all this furniture can have hidden compartments in which a lot of things can fit, which will undoubtedly be a useful bonus in conditions of an acute shortage of square meters.

4. We equip the window

As a rule, the space around the window is unoccupied and represents bare walls. Use these places to your advantage: you can build shelving on both one and the other side of the window opening, which will be very useful. And nothing prevents you from taking a place above the window, hanging cabinets there and thus creating something like a portal.

5. Two-in-one podium

IN Lately Designers especially often began to use podiums for the purpose of zoning space. And this is true not only for adults, but also for children's bedrooms.

Therefore, if your sleeping area is located on such an elevation, do not miss the opportunity to equip it with drawers in which you can place quite a lot of things.

6. Looking up

The problem of not using space under the ceiling is one of the most common when arranging an apartment or house. Moreover, shelves or racks can be neatly and elegantly placed around the perimeter of almost any room, and the interior will only benefit from this - not only from a practical, but also from an aesthetic point of view.

7. Shelving

This is a great way to organize a storage system in a children's room. An open shelving will allow you to easily and quickly access things or toys, as well as quickly find the necessary item. And drawers or baskets will give the child the opportunity to sort independently and without unnecessary hassle put your “property” in order.

8. Place under the bath

If you are not an ardent fan of tiles and are ready not to decorate the entire bathroom space with them, then you may like the idea of ​​installing hinged doors under the bathtub - a wonderful option for those who are tired of looking for a place to store powders. detergents and other cleaning supplies.

9. Wicker baskets

It is not only functional, but also stylish accessory, in which it is convenient to store all kinds of small things. And wicker baskets will fit perfectly into any room, making the interior more original and original.

A little advice for those who want their laundry to smell fresh and pleasant aromas, – throw several sachets with lavender or other fragrant herbs into the basket.

Many of us go on vacation once or twice a year, while travel suitcases and bags sit idle and take up precious space. Therefore, if you still do not use them as a container for seasonal clothes and shoes, it’s time to change the situation and start storing such things there.

It can easily replace all the closets and chests of drawers in a one-room apartment, because the space is used rationally, and besides, you can also choose the filling of the dressing room yourself - depending on the number and type of things in your family.

2 Combine the living room and bedroom using zoning

Don’t give up, on 20 meters it is quite possible to distribute the space and select several zones: both the bedroom and the living room. There are several ways to conditionally divide a room.

1. Partitions

They can be made from the most different materials: drywall, wooden slats, glass (frosted or transparent). Original - if the partition is also in the bedroom area.

If there is only one window in the room and you want natural light to penetrate both zones, make a non-solid partition or decorate it with a false window.

Tip: it is better to decorate the sleeping area in the part of the room that is closer to the window. Natural light and Fresh air much more important for healthy sleep and have a pleasant awakening.

2. Curtains

Using a cloth you can separate functional areas. The advantage of this method is visual ease and quick transformation. If you need to visually divide a room, close the curtain. If you want more space, open it.

3. Screen

This is a budget and simple way. Screens can be made of wooden slats, with a pattern or plain. If necessary, they can be easily folded and stored in a closet or moved to a corner of the room.

4. Open shelving

Light shelving with open shelves will not create a feeling of bulkiness and is perfect for zoning. Moreover, it is easy to use as extra bed storage: books, useful little things (just put them in beautiful boxes- and they will not create visual noise in the room).

5. Color

Different shades in two rooms can be used in flooring, furniture selection. It is better not to combine contrasting opposite colors, but to choose shades from the same palette.

6. Podium

Most often, a bed is placed on the podium - thus, it is visually separated from the entire room. Build a podium 10-20 cm above floor level.

The easiest way is to divide the room into several parts using light. For each zone, choose your own lighting scenarios: for example, in the bedroom there are sconces above the bed or desk lamp on the nightstand, and in the living room - a floor lamp next to the sofa. But don’t forget to think about general lighting, you will need it.

3 Leave room for your desk

Be sure to leave it with your laptop. It will definitely fit at 20 meters, and carries a considerable functional load. Firstly, you may find your workplace at home - who knows, maybe you decide to go freelance. Secondly, desk can be transformed into a dressing table.

Where is the best place to put the table? Closer to the window.

4 Use functional furniture

Placing furniture “for beauty” in a one-room apartment is a dubious idea. Even with a fairly large 20-meter room. Let every subject do functional role. For example, a pouf will have a folding mechanism and storage space, and there will be storage drawers under the bed.

5 Give preference to transformative solutions

It's better to spend a little more money, but buy a sofa with folding mechanism or extendable table. You may want to have guests stay overnight or have parents visiting. pay attention to folding tables- this way the workplace can be easily folded and will not take up space. The most popular transformer is a bed in the closet, but if you have already installed a full-fledged bed, there is no need for it.

6 Make a children's area

If you are planning a replenishment, most likely you will have to give up some area. It’s better to make the room a full-fledged bedroom with a dressing room and put a crib with all the necessary accessories (chest of drawers and changing table, shelves for baby clothes and hygiene products). Where then to organize the living room? In modern one-room apartments it will fit in the kitchen. Even the hallway can be used for this purpose.

7 Engage the window sill

Don't underestimate this functional space. In a 20-meter room, using a window sill you can save space for your desk, dressing table, and also arrange a place to relax there. In you will find a few more useful ideas.

8 Use storage systems

If a family of three lives in a one-room apartment, one wardrobe is definitely not enough. How to place all your things and still leave room to “live”? Make custom storage systems - for example, decorate the window with racks and shelves, install cabinets around the sofa in the living area, remember what mezzanines are - storage space above the door.