Nuances of French balcony glazing. French balconies in apartment buildings and private buildings Pros and cons of the French loggia

Modern housing should be multifunctional and well-planned. One way to rationalize space is to create a French balcony. Similar view glazing implies the presence of windows and doors and the absence of an impost.

In this case, the glass is installed from the ceiling to the floor. A French loggia can become a decoration for an apartment and a place where you can enjoy relaxation.

What is French glazing

This type of glazing is being chosen by an increasing number of people. French windows to the balcony are ceiling-to-floor structures and contribute to maximum illumination of the space. Thanks to such windows you can achieve visual expansion apartment space.

Especially often, doors to the loggia are installed by the owners of apartments on the top floors, as this allows them to observe the surroundings. If you want to install French windows, you don’t have to destroy them load-bearing wall, it is enough to install a similar structure on the balcony.

Benefits of glazing

As a result of this type of glazing, not only does the appearance of the balcony improve, but it also creates more comfortable conditions. The described products are created in plastic or wooden frame. Most often, such products are installed in private houses or on the loggias of apartments located on the top floors. It is worth remembering that French glazing of a balcony can be either cold or warm.

Moreover, such windows look harmonious almost everywhere. After installing the windows, the loggia turns into a more comfortable place to relax, which resembles a small terrace. This type of glazing refers to modern methods premises equipment.

To install the structures described, old windows and fences are first dismantled. Many apartment owners install the upper part of the loggia clear glass, and the lower one is equipped in one of several ways. An example is the matte French glazing of a balcony. Transparent double-glazed windows are also often installed.

By installing glass, you can make a French balcony more attractive on both sides. In addition, the described type of glazing has a number of advantages:

  1. Installing the described type of windows allows you to make the room more illuminated. Thanks to this, you can save on electricity. But more importantly, natural light is more comfortable for human eyes, so the likelihood of vision deterioration is reduced.
  2. Visual expansion of space. Thanks to this, the room becomes more comfortable.
  3. Increase usable area premises. This is due to the fact that during the installation of glass there is no upholstery and fastening of the thermal insulation material.
  4. Saving on finishing materials.

Disadvantages of glazing

By installing products from trusted manufacturers, you can make your French balcony not only more beautiful, but also comfortable, since, if desired, you can install insulated double-glazed windows. But, despite these advantages, this type of glazing has several disadvantages:

  1. The cost of installing windows is high. This is explained by the fact that the installation of such structures involves the implementation of complex installation work. It is also worth noting that the price of windows of the described design is quite high.
  2. Overheating in summer and hypothermia in winter. Because of large quantity Windows in the summer season on the loggia are quite hot. At the same time, in winter the temperature in the room drops. To protect yourself from the cold, you should only purchase quality products. If desired, you can purchase glass that does not allow some radiation to pass through, which helps maintain room temperature.
  3. Frequent cleaning. To keep your French balcony cozy, you need to wash it weekly on the outside. If this is not done, a lot of dust will accumulate on the glass.
  4. Restricting the installation of windows. The described type of product cannot be installed on some loggias, as they have heavy weight. Before purchasing windows, you should find out how much weight your balcony can support.

Installing french doors on the balcony you can be sure of their safety if you have children and pets at home. Reviews of the described products confirm that they look great on any loggia.

Warm and cold glazing

To choose specific option, it is worth deciding in advance exactly how the French balcony will be used. Cold option implies the use aluminum profile. Such products reliably protect against precipitation and provide some sound insulation. But it is worth remembering that when using such windows in winter time year the French balcony will be cold.

This option is chosen by people who want to spend less money on installing glass. Also, similar windows are installed by owners of apartments and houses in the southern regions.

Warm French glazing of a balcony involves the use of PVC double-glazed windows. Before purchasing such structures, it is worth accurately calculating the load on the loggia and determining whether it can withstand such an amount of glass. If necessary, the structure can be strengthened.

In some cases, it is necessary to move the glass a short distance so as not to reduce the area of ​​the room. A wrought iron French balcony can be a place where you can enjoy panoramic views.

Legal aspects of window installation

Before you begin French glazing of a loggia with the products described, you should contact the authorities that can approve the implementation of such work. An example is a situation in which the balcony is located on the front side. In this case, you must obtain permission.

If permission is not obtained, work is prohibited. Installation of the described products in some buildings may not be possible, since the dismantling of some concrete fences will not be possible.

Design reliability

When glazing a loggia, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the entire structure, since polyvinyl chloride, which is the main material when creating double-glazed windows, is strong enough to withstand heavy loads. In addition, such products are made from environmentally friendly materials.

A balcony is an integral part of any home, be it a high-rise building or a private one.

And if for a long time this corner in many houses was used as a closet, in which all sorts of rubbish could be collected for decades “just in case,” then today balconies are increasingly acting as bright and original way building decor.

One of the most popular types modern balconies- French. This is an elegant design that serves not so much for practical as for aesthetic purposes, so it is ideal for a private home.

French balcony differs from the one we are used to in that it does not have a wide balcony area, and it is, in fact, a large, beautiful window.

WITH outside Fencing and optional railings are installed.

The appearance of the fence can be anything you want, and this is its undoubted advantage, since with its help you can easily emphasize the advantages of the facade of the house and make it more interesting and brighter.

The French balcony serves more of a decorative function, decorating.

There are two types of traditional French balcony:

  • without a platform;
  • with a small platform.

In the first version, the balcony is, as already mentioned, a large window-door.

It does not allow you to go out onto the balcony in the usual sense due to the lack of a balcony platform, but you can simply open the door and stand at the railing.

A balcony without a platform is big beautiful window from floor to ceiling.

The second type of balcony is equipped with a narrow platform, the width of which is only slightly greater than the length of the foot.

Again, this is not a traditional balcony, but you can stand on this platform while enjoying a hot coffee in the morning or a cool drink on a hot day.

Openwork grilles serve as both decoration and protection for the home.

Sometimes such a platform below is decorated with decorative cornices - this is a type of French balcony in the Roman style.

There is another type of French balcony, which is a kind of modification.

It is built on the basis classic balcony when a concrete slab-platform is left, which is glassed from top to bottom.

From the outside of this box can be installed decorative fencing, however, most often they do without it.

A French balcony with a narrow platform only symbolically allows you to go out into the air.

This design can be classified as a modern French balcony, although it is far from the original and therefore may not appeal to lovers of the classics.

On the other hand, such a balcony is more practical, since it is a small room that can be turned into winter Garden or a cozy reading room.

But still, the main feature of a classic French balcony is that it is not glazed.

The fence is usually made of metal and is a unique work of art.

Depending on your preferences, as well as the characteristics of the facade of the house, it can be laconic and strict or elaborate, decorated with vignettes and patterns.

The shape and size of the fence is selected individually, which allows you to create a harmonious and beautiful picture.

The shape and size of the balcony can be any, which allows you to create a unique design.

The original fencing option for a French balcony is glass.

Unlike forged grilles, glass plates look more modern, giving the building an unusual look, which can be emphasized with the help of fasteners.

You can choose minimalistic bolts or go for massive ones metal structures, contrasting with the apparent fragility of glass.

But metal fencing still preferable.

It gives the balcony and the whole house a touching, cozy look, and in addition, it is easy to decorate.

Glass fencing looks original and modern.

A wrought iron French balcony is a wonderful decoration, but it will look completely different if you attach several beautiful pots with fresh flowers to the rods.

Metal fasteners contrast with the apparent fragility of glass, creating an unusual effect.

Some fences on French balconies are specially equipped with small baskets for flower pots.

The most popular are climbing flowers, entwining wrought iron rods, enlivening them and creating a cozy gazebo.

Fresh flowers entwining the fencing bars turn the balcony into a huge flower basket.

If you want to give your home a unique charm and personality not only inside but also outside, a French balcony will help with this.

And most importantly, it will never turn into a closet and will always delight you with its cozy appearance.

The French balcony is perfect combination High Quality, reasonable cost and original design. Such a balcony does not require additional internal and external finishing of the parapet. The fact is that the main handrail of such a balcony is the frame plastic window, so you can save a lot not only on materials, but also on work.

Initially, the French balcony (also known as a portfolio in the 17th century) was something like a door or window with a slightly protruding lattice fence. The area of ​​such a balcony is very narrow, designed only to allow you to put your foot down.

The French balcony is mounted from the floor to the top of the balcony panel. Therefore, instead of massive and unaesthetic railings, you can use a transparent structure. For convenience, the bottom of the French balcony is covered with a sandwich panel. In some cases, tinted glass is used instead.

At the same time, such a balcony is not so lightweight design, so its frame needs to be further strengthened. But the most important thing is that a French balcony not only saves you money, but also significantly expands the space of the room and creates an unusual and stylish interior.

In our age, they not only preserve them in old buildings, but also make them in new ones: such balconies are very small, but their area is quite enough to go out, for example, for coffee time or just to be in the fresh air.

French balcony installation diagram

1. First of all, you should attach anchor plates to the balcony box. In this case, the step should not exceed 0.8 m.

3. After this, install the outer block on the sponge pads.

4. The adjacent block is installed, which is attached to the outer block with screws. In this case, the step should be about 0.4 m.

5. The structure is assembled according to the level.

7. If necessary, carefully foam the seams between the wall and the frame.

8. After this, you can begin installing the sashes and double-glazed windows.

9. Excess foam is carefully removed.

10. Handles and other fittings are installed.

11. And at the very end it is necessary to plaster the slopes.

Installing a French balcony takes little time and does not require special tools or expensive materials. Therefore, you can save your money and time, and also create a balcony that will fit perfectly into the design of your home.

IN bright room always creates the impression of spaciousness and lightness.

Options for French balconies

The French balcony is one of the most stylish types of glazing, which allows your home to visually look much lighter and more spacious. This is especially important if your balcony is on the north or west side, and there is not enough light into the space of the house.

And if you are the happy owner of a beautiful view from the window, then making a French balcony is simply necessary.

There are several options for decorating a French balcony, which should be chosen depending on your financial opportunities, the size of the balcony, as well as the interior of the room.

With the advent metal-plastic windows it became possible to install French glazing on the balcony; With such glazing, the size of the balcony area no longer matters.

1. One of the most popular types of French balcony design is the use of a frame for the surface. This creates a very cozy and stylish design, which can be used in almost any interior.

Using sprats on glass.

2. One more stylish option The design of a French balcony involves the use of interlocking bars, which are installed inside the glass. Shpros can be black, white or any other color that will match the interior of the room. In addition, you can use gold or silver-colored bars to make the design of the room more luxurious and rich.

Balcony using tinted glass.

3. Use of glazing various colors It will also give the room originality and novelty. In this case, you can use tinted or frosted glass any shade. Depending on the level natural light It is recommended to use glass of different densities. To tint glass, a special film is used, which is applied inside the glass unit. In addition, this method of application eliminates the appearance of scratches on the film, so it lasts for a very long time without losing its external qualities.

4. French balconies with sophisticated and elegant fittings look very beautiful and stylish. You can choose handles and other fittings to match the color of the balcony itself, or vice versa, so that the fittings are the most bright element design. The most popular are silver or gold pens. In addition, the hinge covers look very nice.

Artistic forging in itself is a wonderful decoration for the balcony.

5. B Lately the use of forged elements for decorating French balconies. You can use forged sheathing, which will make your balcony a real work of art. Such elements combine very well with classic interior Houses.

Advantages of French balconies

In addition to the fact that the French balcony has an elegant and stylish look, he has and technical advantages, which must be taken into account when choosing the type of glazing.

The main advantage is that when installing a French balcony you can get the maximum level of room lighting. This is especially important if the room itself is quite dark. In addition, additional energy savings are created, because artificial lighting will require less time.

The design of such a balcony has glass that is used instead of walls. Thus, the space of the room visually expands.

If you decide to decorate your balcony french style, it’s worth adding balcony flower girls.

A very important advantage of French balconies is significant savings on its exterior decoration, because such a balcony is glazed from floor to ceiling.

The French balcony looks very light and airy, so it is not necessary to use curtains. But if you cannot imagine a room without this element of the interior, then you should choose curtains that will have a light and transparent texture.

Disadvantages of French balconies

Despite all the attractiveness of this type of glazing as a French balcony, one should not forget about its disadvantages.

French balconies are much more difficult to clean than regular ones. The fact is that french window has a larger number of blind elements, which are much more difficult to reach.

If you want a French balcony with forged elements, tinted glass and elegant fittings, then it will cost you much more than regular balcony. In addition, to glaze such a balcony, as a rule, double-glazed windows are used, which, although performance characteristics balcony, but also costs significantly more than a single one.

The French balcony has a maximum glass area, so in the summer it will be hot in the room, and in the winter it can be cool. Therefore, you should install such a balcony only if your home has a well-thought-out system for ventilation, cooling and heating.

Minimalism - unbreakable fencing for a French balcony.

Calculation of a French balcony

When installing a French balcony, its surface is glazed from floor to ceiling. A feature of the French balcony is its almost complete transparency. Depending on the size of the balcony, its calculation is made.

The standard dimensions of such a balcony are a meter wide, 3 meters long and 2.6 meters standard height ceilings. However, in reality, you almost always have to deviate from these standards for one reason or another.

Therefore, before calculating a French balcony, you should choose a balcony design option that is interesting to you, the main materials and elements that will be used for its manufacture, as well as the type of double-glazed windows, the cost of which is not the least important in the overall balcony estimate.

When calculating a French balcony, you should choose one of the methods of glazing it. The first method is to install windows in a single frame, which is mounted from ceiling to floor. After this, the frame is installed in a sandwich of tiles, which are located at the bottom of the window. The second glazing method is that window frame It is attached using polystyrene foam, which is located under the plastic panels.

In addition, you should decide on the need for additional forged or welded elements that will give the balcony a finished look, as well as make it safer for your family.

Installing a French balcony is a very important undertaking, because the slightest mistake can ruin its final appearance. At the same time, taking the dimensions of the future balcony should only be done by professionals. At the same time, do not forget two rules: first, the width of the window should be no less than half the width interior space, and secondly, the glazing area of ​​the room surface should not be more than a tenth of the total area.

In addition, the glazing of French balconies is a very bulky structure, so a plan should be developed in advance for raising them to the upper floors. It is recommended to first break it into parts so as not to damage it during transportation on ropes.

Price of material and cost of installation work

The advantage of a French balcony is that it can be installed in houses that do not have upper balcony slabs, that is, in the old Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. At the same time, the price of materials for glazing a balcony in this way will be much lower than when installing a classic balcony. The main reason is that the French balcony does not need additional insulation, nor does it require external and internal finishing.

Wrought iron balcony(blown-radius).

Installation of a French balcony occurs in three stages

First of all, this is welding work. At this stage, the old balcony is completely dismantled, the slab is expanded and restored. In addition, it is necessary to install the roof of the balcony if the balcony is located in a cottage or on top floor multi-storey building. Do not forget about the need to cover the balcony slab, as well as preparatory work in order to properly install a French balcony.

At the first stage, work and materials will cost about 30 thousand rubles

The second stage is the main one. It consists directly in glazing the balcony. For this purpose, metal-plastic structures are made and installed on the balcony. In addition, if necessary, glass tinting, manufacturing and installation of forged elements and additional fittings are performed.

This stage is the most expensive and, together with materials, the cost of work can be from 50 thousand rubles. The cost of this stage of installing a French balcony depends on the quality of the metal-plastic structure, the presence of forged and welded elements, as well as on the quality of the film with which the glass is tinted.

The last stage is final works for landscaping the balcony. It includes cladding and insulation of the balcony (if necessary), supplying electricity to the balcony, lining the balcony with bitumen and others interior work.

The cost of this stage, including materials, is about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, to save money, you can carry out some internal work yourself.

French balconies are usually installed in private houses and country cottages. However, this type of glazing has recently been increasingly used for balconies of ordinary apartments in multi-storey buildings. Thanks to French balconies, the room becomes brighter and more spacious. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape that opens outside the window of your home.

Sketches and prices of French balconies

French balcony FB-1: Price: 4000 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-2: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-3: Price: 4900 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-4: Price: 5600 rub./m.2.

French balcony FB-5: Price: 4200 rub./m.2.

French balcony FB-6: Price: 6800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-7: Price: 3800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-8: Price: 4200 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-9: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-10: Price: 4100 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-11: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-12: Price: 4600 rub./m2.

Initially, the name French balcony was used for small space, where only one person could fit - without its own balcony area. Today, such balconies are often called panoramic because they are windows that extend from floor to ceiling and may have a projection. The fence is made of lattice - for a romantic touch, so to speak.

Design Features

Our glazing technique is rightfully considered one of the most sophisticated in terms of balcony improvement. Transparent design, which does not have a parapet, is fenced around the perimeter with window systems from floor to ceiling. Thanks to high windows a balcony or loggia takes on an elegant, stylish look. “Glass” from floor to ceiling is beautiful and practical, because more light enters the room and a wonderful panoramic view opens from the window.

However, the practicality is low: in good weather you cannot install a chair on it to enjoy reading; You won’t leave things that are rarely used in everyday life. The design also looks like some kind of bent basket, which does not satisfy the aesthetic taste of everyone.

Read more about the advantages and disadvantages

The design is extremely popular in big cities, although it is not without a number of disadvantages, which, of course, need to be familiarized with first. How have you decided to transform your living space?.

The advantages of a French balcony are:

As you can see, the arguments “For” are weighty. Now let's list the disadvantages:

Comparison of regular and French balconies

Imagine an ordinary site in a Khrushchev building: fences, sometimes slate outside. You can complain about the following:

  • Unaesthetic view from the street.
  • Fences prevent the amount of light from entering the room.
  • There are often cracks through which cold air passes.
  • Lack of sound insulation.

That’s why the residents of Khrushchevkas are thinking about building French version, considering this solution elegant and noting that modern materials will significantly improve the appearance of their home from the street.

Facts from history

A French balcony appeared due to the peculiarities of traditional French architecture. In large cities of this country, in houses on narrow streets, balconies were so small that there was only enough space for flowers. climbing plants rose to the ceiling of the upper floor, and at the same time a “closed” space was formed. The French also made windows and exits to the balcony as large as possible in order to let maximum light into the home.

Balconies of this type not uncommon in Spain and Italy. Occasionally, this architectural technique was resorted to in the USSR. In our modern new buildings it can be found if they belong to the “comfort” class or higher.

When it comes about home exterior decor, every detail matters: the shape of the windows, the color of the walls, other elements of the exterior. What can we say about such a noticeable structure like ours. This is one of the best ways giving your home an elegant look and increasing the amount of natural light entering the interior. In France, this architectural solution has been familiar since the 7th century, and today it finds many admirers among our citizens.

A French balcony will serve you well for decades, and you will only need to spend money on it once. If you divide the cost of the structure by the number of years it will last without repair, you will see that the price is quite low.

What is a French balcony? If you start to understand this issue, it becomes clear that this concept means several different types designs that differ in both appearance, and in terms of performance characteristics.

Classic French balcony

This term usually refers to a wrought-iron French balcony. He has several characteristic features. Firstly, the size of such a structure is small - a maximum of two people can fit on the site, and this is still a good option. Most often, the ledge is equal to the width of the foot, so you won’t be able to step out onto it. Such French balconies are intended for something completely different - it is assumed that a person will simply open the window wider and stand in the opening, enjoying fresh air And beautiful view. Second distinguishing feature such a structure is a floor-to-ceiling window, namely a window, not a door. Of course, in modern versions provided
doorway, because customers insist on this. But the classic French balcony is still big window, fenced with an elegant forged lattice,
sometimes with a slight protrusion. Similar structures can be found on old buildings built in 1950-1960, when they were extremely fashionable. However, they were included in the architecture of many houses built in the style of Soviet classics.

Modern style

However, today, when a customer talks about a French balcony, he most often means French balcony glazing. This term usually means finishing with transparent panels over the entire height of the structure and decorating the entire structure with a beautiful forged lattice. Availability of elegant iron or brass
curlicues distinguish this style from conventional panoramic glazing. It should be noted that this design is much closer to us than classic French balconies.
It turns out both beautiful and practical, because there is much more space on a regular loggia. Of course, today many people are no longer storing old items on their balconies.
things, skis and bicycles, but this space will not be superfluous. Here you can set up a small tea room, beautiful flower garden or smoking room.
The main disadvantage of such glazing is that the entire space will be clearly visible to passers-by. However, the most shy ones can order tinted windows.

French balcony as a decorative decoration

The third and final option is decorative decoration in French style. It represents a beautiful wrought iron fence installed on one or all windows of the building. This design does not carry any functional load, and is used as part of the exterior. Such decoration, especially if it
quite large, often difficult to distinguish from a classic French balcony. The main feature by which they are distinguished is the size of the window. If it starts
from the floor, then we are dealing with a balcony; if it is a standard size, then the iron grille is just decoration. Such decorations are often hung or
they install vases with flowers, the main thing here is not to overdo it and not to hide all the elegant curls behind the greenery.

Where can I install a French balcony?

The main misconception of ordinary people is that they believe that a forged grille can only be installed on certain type building made
in a classic style, with graceful curved shapes. In fact, a French balcony in a Khrushchev building will look as harmonious as on any house
with simple rectangular shapes. Of course, it will stand out against the background of standard buildings, but only in better side. Classic French
balconies will look out of place only on high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete, but no one tries to hang them there, since such an architectural
Few people will like the mess.

But in construction country houses and large mansions there is an increased interest in French architecture, more precisely to the design of building facades. And in
Recently, it has been customary to decorate balconies and loggias in a special style - they turn out to be large and functional in Russian and light and light in French

Design Features

French balconies have a row design features. Firstly, the door or window must clear the entire opening from the floor, which makes it possible
increase the room by the amount of the ledge. That is why they are most often used for doors. sliding structures, as well as “books” or “accordions”. The last two options do not provide thermal insulation, which is simply a crime in the Russian climate, so I use them quite rarely. well and swing doors They don’t fit into the idea of ​​a French balcony at all, so they are used only where styles are mixed.

Secondly, in some cases it is necessary to take care of additional heating, for example, install a wall heating system.

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is that French balconies are designed to let in as much light as possible into the room, and sometimes it
turns out to be too much. On a hot summer day, the room behind the panoramic glazing can heat up to incredible temperatures, so you need
think over a system of protection from the bright sun.

French balcony: price issue

The cost can vary very widely, everything will depend on the size of the structure, the price of decorative elements and customer requirements. For example, French glazing of a balcony is essentially the usual finishing with transparent panels and the installation of a wrought-iron grille. If you add it up, you get at least 15 thousand rubles. for glazing (for a standard balcony in an ordinary nine-story building) plus from 8 thousand rubles per linear meter iron structure. In addition, you need to add the cost of work to the final amount, so the price will be quite impressive. On the other hand, small forged decorative elements will cost only 1.5-2 thousand rubles per window, and you can install them yourself.

It is worth noting that French balconies of all types are worth the money spent on their installation: they add light and space to the room, making a home
much more luxurious than it was before.